COVERING TOWNH'IIIPS OP HOt.MUeL, MAl>t8ON UARbBUBO. HATAtVAN 0OIIOUOB Monmoulb , N. J.; THURSDAY, JULY 18, 19S7 Momtwr Copy T«sr» Cents IcElvaine g Order Don't Cash Th&m Janitor's Tenure " Capt. J. Kdaur Wilkinson. Miktawnn Township X*oll<-^o. Resisted Bitterly nsks thui anyone prcKcutcd Baffling To Board xvltli u. ohcek for on^lilnR Friedlaender Blasts drawn In tlio »ume of t li «> Would Hire Four, Holmdel Regulation Kuaieru Foundry Oej. on tho Fidelity Union Trust Oo.. Fear More Law Suits - William Fvledlapndcr, own- NowarW. ucch Co rotnln (lie Mnttuvnn i;owaaUlu Board of er of a SOO-fooL front inopcrty poriion i>roK«-ntijm tho draft I3ci ucntlon mombers Monday pn the south side of I3othany and liumcdlntrly «i»ll t lie found tlio »ccinlni^iy s 1 m p t e ltd.. Hoi in del Township, retus- township pollen or Kcypurt mnttcr of tilrtliEr Janitors for1. ed to —omply Thursday with a State Poltoc. tlit* school system otic of barf- iDcommentlfttloii fc»y OVls Bea- Capt. Wllklusoii K t u t o s llntr leftLXl cntitiiBlcincnt. *T h © mnn. LOUB Ilrnncli. township the foundry oumimny It n a present board decided not to engineer, that l\o - put curblna l>rrn rnorBanicod under a renew • the contraot tho prior In front of his property na pnrt now nitinn and that suiurmie board had with a. Janitorial* of mi overall cnx-UImjc prost'ttin h«» Ktolt'U tomv at lt» old service company, Uivt to hire for Old Manor Estiitcs. The blank vlirrks, for wlilelt no Its owii Individual Janitors. developers h a v o put down »«oount now exlNtn. curbs In their subdivision mid I chocks m-o HIKIUMI In t It c Roy S. Malt Views recom- mended five for employment; four owners on Tclpgrnph II11I • ilitnn of u flrtlttouH as JautUiiH. A ti\ o s (Smith. lid. recently Joined voluntarily a. "James Mol'lieraaii." No Mutuwiiis. lieiidcd the lint. Tho In tho proBvnm to put. down l>Rr.ion l»y tltttt ttdme o v o r board WUN advised ,l»y Its. at- curbs at their own expense wan oonnnvtRil ivlth tlto foun- torney, Wtlllttm I^loyd, ECeans- Air, F'rlcdlncudor refuse'd to dry, orfldlnlft Of till! HIIIH'UKH- burur. Hint Mr. Hmltli hnd inlor tio to. He did not see^whorc or company note. ilBht to oitiplnyntcnt untior tlier tlio urndo on Dcthany rtti, in I^lte namrH^ of pRrNoitN In Janitor's tenure net. lie w a, t% flout of his pvovjovty rociulred TMii.twwi*i» Towiislilp arc used cllsmlasocl when tlio Janitorial It. lie snld it would not help nt* payees, forjtml oiiilorniv service was ootitr uotoct, henoo the appcaruncc h,o ttc»tx'cd lov •ucntB rtMiultlnR, I'uoHtlt&y lintt first cull to bo iconuiloy- Ills plnce. He saw no need for T«WIIHII1]I Muiliitratfi t.uthnr oct. lie ouvroiilly la snlttic tlio, It us 1 on if AS Lhoie was no ourb- A. Foslvr ntot with prrHanii taoivvd for buck P»v, •>'iviivili^K tiiK' across tho street, on tlio niutlo Hiiltjcot to oliiluVM for tlio tmbstitutltiar of a Juitltorlul rtiiiltiiii Township Ride of Dcth- theso worthlcNH rhnnkK l»e- service* for tits, work wan t\ vi- ony rtd. And, most of all. he <UIUN« of tlin fontliiir of tliclr olation of hit* lenuro rltrlits. IIo denounced tt as action tor Only one ohook IIUM wan urlven a £3000 salary on which ho was lie-Ing: slnnlcd oitHlicil no f«r In t li a bolnv i'«-eini>!oyocl, iv aubtau- . out. Ho vowed ho would never llics btlirrx belnir ttal inoronsu over what l*e pre- i down cur-blns unless every roturncd (ram X»«rlh Amboy vIotlHly wftt ufild, ^ other property In tlio township, and T her diftlculties over Mr. leco^atcd on Memorial Day l»y tho nvUcularly those on BoU»- Smith's onHfl led Walter I*. ilted ,8tu(cli. Pant Nullonal Ladles nny Rd., enst of Old Manor BwniiHoi), a board mombor, to A-wo II at tho lime. Is shown above Eatatos, were curbed, Tho Inqulvo whnt would happen It flowerg on tho Bra commlttcrmcn chtded him Pazicnza Named . any of tho new mon proved o photoKranh, wrote to M6Elvatn<5« | bout tho fotlr ovvnera on Tclo- itvooiiiv^ottttit. atvtl tUo -.. l> o » t A o A r w»« a. perreot oho •with the »un 1Krn r>h Hill Rd., to deny h»* was Vice-Principal wAnted tb dlnchm-BO thorn,' £&r.~ prlato prnyorn were «ald by our|n ione tnritet, Uoyd ex.v>la.U\«ct Uia J«nUov'« outfitted, stood solemnly throuuh- tenure not wna dltforont frotix" Mr. Bon. m a n : told him o> Assumes /Post At grndc of ns s in o. 1 1 us three tonolicrn In that a janitor hna : inches In, loo laet, not visible Jefferson High lonuro from the first day of to tlie eye, could onuso a b hln employinnnt: Ke can ,onl/. ICeansiiurg Games surlace water condition if not Loulg N. Pactonxa, aa<l Ma(t) be discharged, tlio attorney , »r cu'rbVd", Tho"enBnVeer"was" o'er- Is *-- Matawan, a noolal studloQ pointeitdd .out,t , if thth o boarbordd dedo- c— Kegin Operation twivi tl\c avixdo in ti-on~ t- of- Ui- o )' totvchoi- ' tvt Joltorson Hiih cides to roduo« ' UB woiklnii n fvledltvcndor land was at loant]sci)0oi, XQMseabotli. Thuraday (continued on pnito llilitcoli) l. Owners Agree To that. Mayov JmnoB H. Aokcr- night wait nppolnted aotlnu d son told Mr. Prlodlocndor tholv|co principal of tho school by Largest Trucking >r New Court Plan commlttco would nccopt tlio I tUo IQll^tvUotU Uoard ot I&dueu- it cnglncer'fl rccommendntlon as I tloti. lie will receive »OOO Firm Incurs Fine Tlio t>lB wheels alonn t li e 1 a, basis for action. Committees- I above his youvly «uV«vv Qt s- bonrdwnlk In Keansbura went I min John S. VanMater and \ *O7ao In tho now notation trnd Tlio world'* largest triicit*' tnu firm, tho "United to back Into operation over tho John fc3. Holmes nmcca. Mr.l W1U B«IVO for tho tlvirivtloit ot y , weekend n.s -vaea.*ior.eva took 1 Frledlaendov rotortcd lie \ doutilo taeiBialoxiN nl tho h i h odvantase of tx modified mcr- 1 would hava none of It. Tlio I ooliool. iv " * tlio court ot Mttttlwtrate Jaintsi Hd tt> » tho 1 <m»yoyv«>r nhit t <XVect)l AVto ^!*! *V*»«VV\\\ istiqmsvistiiqm«sv»"ii ' UU» " «\>\>r t Mteot iti ((*- turn -»3Ct«r- -.t that- could be usedI hs rJUctdfe Alr^.t that could be usedI hs » basis COtltJtXUft; Ufltll 3ErWtto . aatil ttio - courtt fl''^i^h'f-lo'r'-^ii-^-ordlhn'ficf B '' tto—lovy would "How a. modified gAmolcurblnff ossoasinnnt in tlio Old ootnplated, 'JT'iio solioal hun v, dctoctorf by Motet- Velilol«» after declarlitcr ilieeail l anotheth r I Manor EHtnteEt s area. atlmlnlatcntlvo at it tr of a j*rtn- plan hooked up with a rtter- Hire IIovntiinCJaiiH Inspector lUt(wiirrt afi'WJIfe,' olpnl find two aajtlstant pi-luol Kjit, Juno SO, wlibn tiio vo« chandlsInK proeram. An oidluniico wns pasucd on pals. finn I rcndltiK to hire Mutilct- Ivlc-lc was innkliiK a delivery to .L. Jutlso Waugh, In a day-loner Mr, I'nKicnda, rocolvetl for an out-of-town fir in to session In Mercer County pal Revaluations, ~ Inc. to make a "true value" reas- Duclidor of Aria Dcitrco 'iom tin- llnniioi] VmiWIiiklo M LI n- Court. Prldny said tlio scheme Uuuknell University, IJ O W 1 s- Cir. plant In MalAWnn, was pninbllnB, and Bnmbllnn csKinent of tlio towtislili and (continued on fiasco twelve) Ui lo:JD. Ito wan A. ltodi-tsriie*!,. 37Afc tit Is banned by tho IO47 constitu- awarded iv Maalcr's DeBi-eo 111 luntlo Ave, Matawnn, paid $1O tion. nl Huttfovn Univer- nncltn costs for Hlrtklnn n polo I£e refused lo declare the sity in 2O.1t). and Btuulod at lit station Plar.it and Main St. wheel ] o a a 1, as asked by Drilling Starts Columbia. UntvovRlty b a f o f o on June 1U, wivs fin«n Keansburs operators Richard complotlns work toward Ills sntrto amount for not Imvlrtflfll ' m Snuor and Martin Kasmlr, At Water Plant doctorate u.t New York (Jnlvef- driver's license tor lOfli In tUt« 9 ana 13 others, but lelt tho door slty in 1OO3. Ito bcunn tonoli- atnto. open for an alternate plan un- West Keansburg In In Mntawnn In 1D3O. and John MoCUll«r«, ft etlllwell ffi- der which the men would al- etayott tliero IB yearn prior to Ht., Mntnwtxn, wan ulvon u »lx-> vn- most give merchandise away.. Outlay $300,000 olnlntr tho lyslotn month aunpennnd sentciioo by 12 d w a r d V, Juska, Long tic IDt-llUim operations w e r *j n IO4B. Miitrlstrn to Martin, for strlk- Urnncli, represented tho can- M:r. PnislenKa lian lorvod as liin Ills wifo about tlio head In- cession at res. started, tlits week by the Layne Co.. Now V€>rle. at tho W o « t president of tho New Jersey with- a shoe on July 19. dtirlnsr at- Banned All Wheel*, Kcnnaburs Water Co.- proper- 'roHbytorlan Mon'a Club n n ct a ramlly nmuniDiit, Tlio com- Fob. 18, looa. the State Sup- ty on Union Ave.. no*»r Middle in a, former president of the l>lnlnt waa ilgnod toy Mrs. MLc- 7O. remo Court In a sworplng de- lid. Tills firm and the Pitts- Motawnn Pnrcnt-Tcnohoi' As- Cilllorn, cision banned all wheels, sociation, lie alno served as Etc.
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