36100 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 123 / Monday, June 28, 2004 / Notices Cara Cowan .................................. YEA recommend actions to correct numerous FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Buel Anglen ................................. YEA safety hazards, provide continued safe Superintendent Chas Cartwright at 970– William G. Johnson ..................... YEA access for employees and visitors, 374–3001 or e-mail: Charles ‘‘Chuck’’ Hoskin ............. YEA accommodate special needs for
[email protected]. accessibility, and if feasible, maintain [FR Doc. 04–14558 Filed 6–25–04; 8:45 am] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: You may the integrity of the National Historic BILLING CODE 4310–4J–P mail comments to: Superintendent’s Landmark. Office, Dinosaur National Monument, This project poses the possibility of 4545 E. Highway 40, Dinosaur, CO DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR significant adverse impacts on the 81610–9724. You may also hand-deliver Quarry Visitor Center. The probability National Park Service comments to the Superintendent’s of significant adverse impacts on a Office, Dinosaur National Monument, Quarry Visitor Center, Environmental national historic landmark and possible Dinosaur, CO. (Attn: Quarry Visitor Impact Statement, Dinosaur National significant adverse impact on currently Center Environmental Impact Monument, CO and UT undiscovered buried fossil resources Statement). Our practice is to make requires the preparation of an comments, including names and home AGENCY: National Park Service, environmental impact statement and an addresses of respondents, available for Department of the Interior extensive public involvement process public review during regular business ACTION: Notice of Intent to prepare an throughout the project. hours. Individual respondents may environmental impact statement for the The park superintendent will initiate request that we withhold their home Quarry Visitor Center, Dinosaur consultation with congressional address from the record, which we will National Monument.