Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 38 Trends of Technologies and Innovations in Economic and Social Studies (TTIESS 2017) Express-evaluation as tool of investment solution in telecommunication industry Larisa Zubkova Sergey Dyachkov Department of Finance, money and credit Department of Finance, money and credit Tyumen state University Tyumen state University Tyumen, Russia Tyumen, Russia
[email protected] Abstract— Currently, one of the key global trends in subsequent automation and computerization of the business the world of progress is the intensive development of the processes permits solution of many complex problems. information and communication technologies, ensuring Wide spreading and rapid development of information stable economic growth, raising living standards and technologies become a global driving force of the world creating a knowledge economy. The rapid growth of the progress in recent decades. Nowadays, information and Telecom industry and development of methodology of computing technologies (ICT) influence the economic investment analysis in this industry has led to the progress. ICT promotes investment attraction, creates new advanced contribution and development of this article. jobs, introduces progressive technologies in the production The paper proposes a scheme of the part of investment and management, and ultimately creates innovative economy, analysis that includes two important, complementary provides stable economic growth and rises standards of living. components of macroeconomic and microeconomic. It Formation of neo-industrial society with its features of provides the calculation of the indicator for the assessment knowledge economy, intellectual labor, the automation and of companies within the telecommunications industry. The computerization of production, brought Russian article presents a comparative analysis by the calculation telecommunication industry to the growth.