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Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1975-02-13 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1975). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 379. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/379 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,. l •• VO~. 60 NO~ 14 THURSDAY, FEB. 13, 1975 NEWS POTPOURRI SPORTS Applications do.wn 0 0 0 page 2 RQTC 0 0 0page 5 Intramural results 0 0_;page 4 tou d & loose Maya II 0pag ~- 3~-~F~i-=-n=-e'Al-:::r:Lts::--:fillo~u:-:-:r:::-;-:is:a:h::--o-0 0-:p::-:a=-=g=-=e=-7;;;---------.S"'-p=-o~t"'li--=-gi::-h t.--o-n----.-F.---o.--1 e_y_o_o::_o~p=.:a~·g=--e....:..4~- Senate rejects Dybicz as VP By GORDON BARTELL clause in the rules for student elec Xnler New• St•H Writer tions which prohibits the candidacy The main business of Student of students on disciplinary or No Senate when it met last Thursday academic probation. Rod Shearer stopping concerned the nomination of Marty recommended that the Senators also Dybicz as vice-president. The post seek through the Board of Un them has been vacant since early .dergraduate Studies to change a December when Dave Ellerbrock similar rule in the Student Hand resigned. Student Body President, book. Mike McCaffrey had endorsed Dybicz' nominaticm was There was -no end Dybicz as a person easy to work scheduled for reconsideration at the to the fun these " with. · Wednesday, February 12, meeting of kids were having .,.. : shooting ·hoops After lengthy debate, vote was Senate, as of the Xavier News' press beside Brockman __ , cast by secret ballot and counted by time. Vice Presicent for Student Develop Halllastweek.lfthe ·· · The Senate failed to approve the ment Rod Shearer. The results were court was for "the Mardi Gras Weekend budgetassub use of Xavier 6 for, 8 against and I abstention, mitted by Social Chairman Doug students only," , , with Senator Beth Younger absent. they certainly Dybicz' defeat was apparently based McGrath. The price of the band was in question, along with the low cost didn't know about on the idea that he would use his new it. position as a springboard to the of-beer compared to the higher cost presidency. He indicated this was not of pop. Several Senators voiced con necessarily the case. cern that the weekend would become DropPed by the Senate was the Senate to· page 8 • One of the r'nore interesting aspects ,...,_.,,.,,~ Jesuit COmmunity of dormitory life concerns the... se~k-s sap- Games people play arate incorporation By JERRY COX By JOYCE SCHREIBER for their marathon games of"Risk". on the fourth floor of Kuhlman. would be altered. He added that the Xnter Newa Stefl Wrller When.some of these people ventured Memories of games that started at Xavier New• St•lf Writer change is now being brought to dis cussion because of any need f<ir "Do you want to come down and forth to other parts of the campus 3:00 A.M. when some members of Discussion is presently under way financial securtiy for the Jesuits play "Hearts" later on? 'Cause they dared to ask, "Can I bring the wing came in last year were concerning the possiblity of incor there's really nothing to do. "Risk" along'!",And they. were very revitalized the other day upon dis porating the Jesuits of Xavier U n upon retirement. Everybody's just sitting around ... " seldom denied. So, many of us learn covering that Kuhlman's 4th floor iversity. This process has already The incorporation process would Perhaps you've heard this· or ed the techniques of this battle game. has virtually the best established taken place in other Jesuit in establish the Jesuits as a runctioning something like it walking·down the Brockman's basement, devoid of floating "Hearts" game in the dorm. stitutions in the United States, corporation and would simplity their ability to conduct the busine~:' hall of your favorite dorm. Students R.A. supervision this year, has Accompanying conversations go among them, Fordham University in of the Jesuit community. ln pa; all caught-up with studies have dis become a floor of gin-rummy and something like this: New York. · covered (or perhaps rediscovered) poker experts. These aren't your un The incorporation would be ticular, the process would aid them in utilizing tax breaks for donations the pastimes of card or board games. dercover high-stakes gambling "We'll see you in my room about designed to make the Jesuits a to the Jesuit community. One might even be able to predict the operations, but some interesting 10, OK? separate legal entity. As a corpora Reverend RichardT. Deters, S ..J ., nature of a floor or wing by the contests do develop. "How come? We played in my tion, they would more clearly define Rector of the Jesuit Community, at games they play. Speaking of card games did you room last night". their social position in the eyes of the first refused comment to the Last year's (and some of this realize that "Hearts" is becoming "Yeah, but your room's too cold. law. one of the most popular games in Fr. Leo Klein, S.J. stated that, un News.Later, he indicated that he year's) Brockman third floor in Games to page 8 habitants were notoriously known this country? It certainly is popular der the change, neither the structure Jesuit to page 2 nor the policies of the University Xavier, as a privat.e university, is . regulations. According ·to Dr. not subject to regular scrutiny by Roman Schweikert, head of Xavier's government agencies in most of its Education Department, previous academic departments. Among the state reviews of the education few cases where there . is such department were very informal-"a scrutiny, the evaluation of the one afternoon sort of thing." Education Department by the Ohio The upcoming study, in contrast, Department of Education is perhaps will be much more thorough. The the most extensive-and most im Education Department is required, Education portant. first of all, to submit a lengthy report Xavier's elementary and secon to the state by late March. The Department dary teacher education programs report is divided into seven sections, must meet with state approval before each corresponding to a particular the university is allowed to grant section in the state's own guidelines prepares it Ohio certification to its education governing Education curricula. graduates. Under the revised Then, on April 14-16, ap regulations of 1972, each Ohio proximately fifteen state appointed. self for college or. university offering teacher evaluators will visit the campus for a certification is subject to review by . first-hand inspection of the the state every five years. Evaluation program. According to Schweikert, evaluation of the Education program at the Un this group will be divided into seven · By JOHN LECHLEITER iversity of Cincinnati under this new "teams" and will be in contact with EdHar·ln-CIIIel procedure led to its being put on one all groups associated with the year probation in the early fall of . Education Department, including 1973. More recently, Wilmington students majoring in Education. College suf(ered a similar fate. Schweikert told the News in an in IIIII pfloloiiW .1111 TALUIADGI Xavier's evaluation 18ter in the terview that he feels the department's Or. Roman Schweickert is currently ch~lrman of Xavier's E.ducation .spring will be its first under the new · Education to IHIII 8 Department. Jesuit Application rate down from page 1 this· week froltllast yeafs figure feared that the incorporation would be viewed by students as harmful. ..What I'm afraid of is that this might in the news By RICH LAGNIESS The Admissions and Recruiting X... N.W.1181tWrllir be understood as our incorporating . Office expresses an ail-out appeal to co...... _,PAUL RANIERI the university to be a positive in against the Universi~y. which iswhat Slower than usual: the economy, other Jesuit communities have done, the times, and Xavier freshman stu fluence in recruiting students. A Lenten talk series befllns tonlgftt greater participation on behalf of and i~ not the way it should be done," dent applications for next fall ... but he siud. Campus ministry will. sponsor a Lenten talk series for the Xavier · the attitude of Xavier's Recruiting Xavier students is needed. community and the general public. The series, entitled "The Quest for He added that he was "not in a and Admissions OffK:e remains op "Personally contacting qualif~ed pOsition to talk of this atthistime." the Historical Jesus: A Modem Approach," consists of six lectures timistic about a healthy enrollment high school prospectives in the taking place on the Thursday evenings of Lent by Reinhard The University President, Fr. for September, ·1975, calling on · student's old high school for Xavier Robert Mulligan, wasvactioning in Neudecker. SJ. , every university resource to assist in is one area where the students can Florida'and couJd.not be reached for · Neudecker. a member of the Faculty of the ~ontifical Biblical In recruiting students . who meet really help," says Buschmann. The comment. stitute in Rome, received his doctorate in Tbeology (New Testament) Xavier's qualifiCations. Admissions and Recruiting Office from lnnsbruck, and is currently working on a Ph.D.