JCIT *Awarded by Institut Antoine BECHAMP*


[email protected] 47 ème Congrès Mondial de la Société Internationale de Médecine Orthomoléculaire

ISSN 2170-1539 BN 2777-2011 ONDA 048-2015 C5S1 25 - 26 Mars 2016 C6S1 15 -16 Dec.. 2017 C5S2 30 Sept.-1 Oct. 2016 C6S2 30–31 Mars 2018 C5S3 25 - 26 Nov. 2016 C6S3 2-3 Nov. 2018 C5S4 27 - 28 Janv. 2017 C6S4 28-29 Dec 2018 24 - 25 Fev. 2017 C5S5 C6S5 C5S6 12 - 13 Mai 2017 C6S6

ORTHO 33 1الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي


Linus PAULING (1901-1994) La Médecine Orthomoléculaire est la préservation de la santé et le traitement de toutes les ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّن َهذه ال ّصنَا َعةَ أَ َح ُّق صنَا َعة يَ ْنِزُل maladies, par la modification الوهم ِ ِ ِ de la concentration des َيا َِ ااُُ ِو ااُْز َّة َ ا أَْ َ َ . substances, qui نصف الداء sont normalement présentes AVERROES ابن رشد dans l'organisme et qui sont واالطمئنبن 520-595 هـ/م nécessaires pour la santé. 1198-1126 نصف الدواء والصبر بداية الشفبء AVICENNE ابن سينا 370-428هـ/م1037-980 Abram HOFFER, M.D., Ph.D. ISOM Founding President (1917-2009) "Orthomolecular treatment does not lend itself to rapid drug-like control of symptoms, but patients get well to a degree not seen by tranquilizer therapists who believe orthomolecular therapists are prone to exaggeration. Those who've seen the results are astonished."

ORTHO 33 2الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي



Dr. Itahar NAILI La maison SANMO a depuis sa création militée inlassablement pour l‘édification des espaces

d‘échange à travers des rencontres pédagogiques ―SAMNO is a great success model of sur des thèmes aussi variés que pertinents en orthomolecular medicine ‖ rapport avec ce qui pourrait être la médecine de Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa 30/09/2013 demain à savoir la médecine orthomoléculaire. Atsuo De nombreux sacrifices ont été dès lors consentis YANAGISAWA Chef de file de la thérapie intraveineuse par la depuis quelques années enfin d‘atteindre les vitamine C au JAPON Président de l’ISOM objectifs fixés par une équipe dynamique et convaincue . ―We are very happy to La recherche de l‘excellence a toujours été notre forward a great step of orthomolecular medicine principal idéal s‘il vous plaît .Ceci n‘a pas été vain

together with you. ” car cette année 2018 fut celle de la consécration 23 Janvier 2015 “ Ilyes! ultime pour la SANMO . le Dr Ilyes Baghli président You should to know that de la Société Algerienne de Nutrition et de "Algeria is the great education model of orthomolecular medicine". Médecine Orthomoléclaire a été intromis dans le Algeria is the good model of orthomolecular education to the healthcare professionals cercle privilégié du Hall of Fame décerné par and the public. So everybody should learn from SANMO l‘ISOM à Tokyo au Japon, à l‘occasion de la 47e Atsuo Yanagisawa President ISOM. Conférence internationale de la médecine 20 Juillet 2017 orthomoléculaire . Ceci représente incontestablement une fierté pour notre association, pour notre pays et par conséquent pour l‘ensemble [email protected] de la corporation médicale algerienne. Bonne lecture à tous. [email protected] Dr. Tahar NAILI.

Vice-Président de la Société Algérienne de Nutrition et de Médecine Orthomoléculaire 3 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Récépissé d’enregistrement SOCIETE ALGERIENNE DE NUTRITION ET DE CYCLE I N°15/DGLPA/DVA/SDA/10 MEDECINE ORTHOMOLÉCULAIRE C1S1 27-28Oct. 2011 C1S2-S3 26-27-28Avril 2012 du 04/01/2011 de Déclaration de 7 Rue des Frères Khanouche – Kouba- ALGER ALGERIE C1S4 01-02Juin 2012 C1S5 12-13 Oct. 2012 Création d’une Association Nationale Dépôt légal : ISSN 2170-1539 25-26 Janv. 2013 dénommée: BN 2777-2011 C1S6 Tous droits réservés par CYCLE II الجمعية الجشائزية للتّغذّي وال ّط ّب الجشيئي Société Algérienne de Nutrition et de Médecine ' Société Algérienne de Nutrition et de 22-23 Mars 2013 24-25 Mai 2013 Orthomoléculaire C2S1 C2S2 Médecine Orthomoléculaire' C2S3 28-29 Juin 2013 C2S4 20-21 Sept. 2013 du 13/10/ 2010 LA SOCIETE ALGERIENNE DE NUTRITION ET C2S5 25-26 Oct. 2013 C2S6 24-25 Janv. 2014 DE MEDECINE ORTHOMOLECULAIRE ORGANISE CYCLE III وصل استالم التبل غ ابملطابقة القان ن ة DES CYCLES DE FORMATION CONTINUE C3S1 28-29 Mars 2014 C3S2 30-31 Mai 2014 ع القان ن12-06 املتعلق ابامع ات Chaque CYCLE de formation se déroulera sous C3S3 10-11 Oct. 2014 C3S4 21-22 Nov. 2014 forme de séminaires repartis sur 06 modules et C3S5 26-27 Déc. 2014 C3S6 23-24 Janv. 2015 totalisant un volume horaire de 96 heures طبقا اح ام املاّدة70 القان ن وقم-12 06 Pour avoir la certification SANMO-ISOM, il CYCLE IV faudra participer à six séminaires de formation املؤوخ يف 18 صفر 1433 امل ا ق 12 يناير 2012 C4S1 13-14 Mars 2015 C4S2 14-15 Mai 2015 en nutrition et en médecine orthomoléculaire organisés par la SANMO et publié un article C4S3 11-12 Sept. 2015 C4S4 23-24 Oct.. 2015 املتعلق ابامع ات، متّ هذا ال م 08 أكت بر 2014 sur le bulletin Ortho avec biographie multiple, C4S5 27-28 Nov.. 2015 C4S6 22-23 Janv. 2016 استالم ذكرة املطابقة القان ن ة املؤوخة يف -01-11 2014 un résumé en français, arabe, anglais, allemand et tamazight et un lexique de dix CYCLE V mots clefs à partir de l'article à traduire en واليت أدخلت على القان ن ااساسي للجمع ة ال طن ة arabe, anglais, allemand et tamazight. C5S1 25-26 Mars 2016 C5S2 30 Sept.-1 Oct. 2016 املسماة-اامع ة اازا رية للتغذي والطّب اازيئي- Au delà du sixième séminaire, le participant C5S3 25 - 26 Nov. 2016 C5S4 27- 28 Janv. 2017 ّ est considéré en phase de perfectionnement C5S5 24 - 25 Mars 2017 C5S6 12 -13 Mai 2017 املسجلة حتت وقم 15 بتاويخ 13 أكت بر 2010 en nutrition et en médecine orthomoléculaire. A chaque séminaire le participant obtient une CYCLE VI واملق مة ب 7 شاوع اإلخ ة كن ش-القبة-اازا ر attestation de participation au séminaire quo- C6S1 15 -16 Déc. . 2017 C6S2 31Mars-1 Avril 2018 Ojectifs principaux. signée par tous les conférenciers et par moi- C6S3 2-3 Nov 2018 C6S4 27-28 Dec. 2018 - Recherche.- Formation médicale continue.- même. La certification SANMO-ISOM est quo- C6S6 28–29 Fev 2019 C6S6 28–29 Mars Information et sensibilisation.- Participation à signée par le Pr Atsuo Yanagisawa, Président 2019

des activités de prévention. de l'ISOM: Société Internationale de Médecine Orthomoléculaire et par moi-même Objectifs secondaires. en ma qualité de Président de la SANMO et Les objectifs de la S.A.N.M.O : - Formation post-universitaire pour tout de membre de l'ISOM.. . Recherche. médecin. L'espace SANMO, c'est pour la vie, c'est pas - Promouvoir le bien-être physique et mental des . Formation médicale continue. juste une formation, c'est aussi un perfection . Information et sensibilisation. patients. nement continu et surtout un espace - Amélioration de l'état de santé des patients d’échanges et de rencontres pédagogique et . Participation à des activités de présentant des carences scientifique national et international. prévention. en vitamines, micro-nutriments Respectueusement. . Formation post-universitaire pour tout et oligo-éléments, Dr Ilyes Baghli. médecin. - Amélioration de la performance sportive. Président de la SANMO. . Promouvoir le bien-être physique et CONDITION D'INSCRIPTION: ETRE MEDECIN / mental des patients. BIOLOGISTE / MICROBIOLOGISTE / . Amélioration de l’état de santé des PHARMACIEN / AGRONOME / VETERINAIRE / patients présentant des carences en BIOCHIMISTE/ CHIMISTE/ vitamines, micro-nutritiments et oligo- DENTISTE / DIETETICIEN. éléments. DOSSIER D'INSCRIPTION : . Amélioration de la performance sportive. COPIE DU DIPLOME - COPIE D’UNE PIECE D'IDENTITE - PHOTO D'IDENTITE A ADRESSER PAR MAIL : [email protected] FORMATION ET PERFECTIONNEMENT EN DKnews du 14/12/2014 p.19 NUTRITION ET EN MEDECINE ORTHOMOLEUCLAIRE Il est possible de s'inscrire directement au إشهبر ديكبنيىس 2014/12/07 Pour toute correspondance avec la Société prochain séminaire, car il s'agit d'un cycle de Algérienne de Nutrition et de Médecine Orthomoléculaire formation médicale continue. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 4


à leur service. A tous les membres de l‘ISOM qui ont voté pour moi à l‘unanimité. A tous les membres de la Sanmo qui me soutiennent dans ce challenge de promouvoir un enseignement des nouvelles approches Prix Hall of Fame de la thérapeutiques innovatives au service de l‘intérêt Médecine orthomoléculaire des patients sans effets secondaires. Hommage Le Dr Ilyes Baghli primé à Tokyo à ma famille, surtout mon épouse, qui me soutient au prix de sacrifices. C’est une nouvelle consécration des Hommage à ma ville, Ras El Ma, dans la wilaya compétences des médecins algériens qui de Sidi Bel Abbès, et bien sûr à l‘Algérie qui, vient de se faire à Tokyo. grâce à ses martyrs, je suis consacré aujourd‘hui Il s‘agit cette fois-ci du Dr Ilyes Baghli, président à Tokyo», a déclaré le Dr Baghli, premier lauréat de la Société algérienne de nutrition et de algérien du prix Hall of Fame. Ce jeune médecin médecine orthomoléculaire (Sanmo), dont le espère également introduire ce modèle de nom a été introduit dans le cercle très restreint médecine dans tous les hôpitaux du pays. des médecins pionniers dans le développement Elle repose sur une approche naturelle qui vise à de la médecine orthomoléculaire à travers le soigner les personnes par l‘apport optimal de monde. substances naturellement connues de Le prix Hall of Fame, ou le Temple de la l‘organisme, telles que la vitamine C, par renommée de la médecine orthomoléculaire, opposition à l‘utilisation de molécules à effets compte aujourd‘hui 50 noms de médecins à thérapeutiques créées par l‘homme, qui causent travers le monde, dont Ilyes Baghli, dont le souvent des effets secondaires. «La trophée lui a été remis ce samedi à Tokyo, au généralisation de la médecine orthomoléculaire Japon, à l‘occasion de la 47e Conférence permettra de réduire les dépenses de santé de internationale de la médecine orthomoléculaire 70% et d‘améliorer les résultats thérapeutiques organisée chaque année par la Société de 70%. internationale de la médecine orthomoléculaire Ma conférence à Tokyo a attiré d‘ailleurs une (ISOM). attention particulière du ministre de l‘Economie «Avec ce prix, je tiens à rendre hommage à mes et de l‘Industrie japonais», ajoute Dr. Baghli. professeurs qui m‘ont enseigné les nouvelles Cette consécration est, encore une fois, une techniques de différentes parties du monde, à grande reconnaissance des capacités et savoir l‘Autriche, le Japon, la Russie et les Etats- compétences de l‘élite algérienne souvent Unis. Un hommage à tous mes patients qui marginalisée dans notre pays. Asma Bersali le m‘ont fait confiance et qui me motivent pour être 30.04.18 5 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


(optimum) doses of niacin and vitamin C in 1954. Dr. Linus Pauling was the first who described the theory behind orthomolecular medicine in Science in 1968. Dr. Pauling: 'Dr. Hoffer has made an important contribution to the health of human beings and the decrease of their suffering through the study of the effects of large doses of vitamin C and other nutrients � I believe that a really great improvement in The ISOM is the only international health can be achieved through the ingestion professional medical organization, which of the optimum amounts of vitamins and maintains and protects the tenets of the nutrients.' founders of orthomolecular medicine, dr. Abram Hoffer and two-time Nobel price Laureate prof. dr. Linus Pauling. Dr. Abram Hoffer was the first physician who treated schizophrenic patients with high ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 6


Volume 32, Number 3, 2017 JOM Volume 32, Number 3 ISSN 0317-0209 Review Article Towards a Multi-Micronutrient Anti-Suicide Strategy Introduction: This issue contains an original Jonathan E. Prousky, ND, review article entitled: MSc, MA, RP (Qualifying) Conference Report Towards a Multi-Micronutrient Anti-Suicide Strategy - Highlights of the 46th submitted by Jonathan E. Prousky, ND, MSc, MA, Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference. Paul RP. Demeda, CNP ISOM News Highlights of the 46th Orthomolecular Medicine In Memoriam: Catherine and Sophie Gontard 14th Today Conference, a Annual Orthomolecular report prepared by Paul Demeda, CNP, outlines Medicine Hall of Fame Inductees Orthomolecular the key information Restaurant Opens in presented at the Annual International Conference Japan ISOM in Philippines -© 2017 International Society for in Toronto, April 28-30. Congratulations to the Orthomolecular Medicine International Society for 14th Ortho-molecular Medicine Hall of Fame Orthomolecular inductees, and the opening of an Orthomolecular Medicine | PO Box 99517 O'Connor PO, Toronto, Restaurant in Ontario M4B 3M9 Canada Tokyo, Japan, are featured in the latest edition of Unsubscribe [email protected] the ISOM News. Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by [email protected] in collaboration with Try it free today

Celebrating 50 Years of Orthomolecular Medicine Fifty years ago today, the term 'Orthomolecular' was first used by two-time Nobel laureate Linus Pauling in 7 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


his seminal article, Orthomolecular Over the past 50 years, international researchers and Psychiatry, published in Science, Volume 160, Issue clinicians have contributed to the development of 3825, April 19, 1968. safe and effective Orthomolecular treatments for AIDS, cancer, cardiovascular disease, psychiatric "Orthomolecular therapy is the treatment of ... illness and many other conditions. As a result, disease by the provision of the optimal molecular countless people have restored their health with the environment ..., especially the optimal concentrations use of non-patentable molecules. of substances normally present in the human body." On this most significant day in Orthomolecular Orthomolecular medicine, as conceptualized by history, we celebrate the genius and commitment of Pauling and established through the pioneering Linus Pauling, Abram Hoffer, and all of those who leadership of Abram Hoffer, aims to restore the have worked with compassion and integrity to optimum environment of the body by correcting improve health care outcomes with Orthomolecular molecular imbalances on the basis of individual medicine. biochemistry. This incontrovertible scientific concept is a basis for the modern applications of nutrigenomics, metabolic correction, and functional medicine. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 8



Atsuo YANAGISAWA President of Japanese College of intravenous Therapy and International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine. Graduate and post-graduate of Kyotin University, doctor of medicine, former professor of emergency department in health science faculty of Kyorin University(1999-2008). Aùerican College for Advancement in Medicine certified chelation therapy specialist (CCT). Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC), head director of

International Education Center for integrated Medicine,

director of SPIC Salon Medical Clinic.

High-Dose IV Vitamin C Therapy shows efficacy in QOL One more benefit from high-dose IV vitamin C therapy is the efficacy it shows in restoring quality of life (QOL). For instance, even though the progression of the illness is being held back, if the pain caused by cancer (carcinomatous pain) is severe, it alone will act as a massive obstacle to daily activitie. And, high-dose IV vitamin C therapy has shown that it also is effective in relieving pain. 9 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Clinical Research ―A considerable number of patients say that pain has on High-Dose IV Vitamin C been greatly reduced just by comparing their pain level Therapy pre and post IV infusion. One person having trouble *Papers already published ** The hospital group of Cancer Treatment for America breathing due ti lung cancer found that their coughing ■ Lung Cancer subsided after IV infusion, which surprised both the Iowa University (USA, 2015) Clifford Hospital (China; 2016) patient and their family. This is because high-dose ■ Colorectal Cancer vitamin C is considered to have an acute antioxydative Jefferson University (USA, 2011) effect.‖ ■ Pancreatic Cancer Dr. YANAGISAWA says that he and his research group Thomas Jefferson University are clinically testing how the high-dose IV vitamin C (USA, 2011)* therapy improves QOL and that they have confirmed Kansas University (USA,2011) Eastern Regional Medical its superb effectiveness. Center (Philadelphia) (USA, 2012)* ―In cases where the aim is to treat the cancer and Iowa University (USA, 2014) improve QOL, we have confirmed efficacies from using ■ Liver Cancer Thomas Jefferson University (USA, 2012) IV infusions two or three months. Many patients ■ Breast Cancer experience improvements in their QOL, such as CTA** (Chicago) (USA, recovery of appetite, disappearance of washed-out scheduled for 2016) feeling and subsidence of pain compared to before the ■ Ovarian Cancer treatment started. These efficacies com from an Kansas University (USA, approach that combines dietary care, nutritional care 2005)* ■ Prostatic Cancer and mental care, so that the obstacles to daily living Copenhagen University can be reduced even for patients with progressive or (Denmark, 2010) metastatic cancer.‖ Johns Hopkins University Yet, although high-dose IV vitamin C therapy is (USA, 2015) excellent in terms of effectiveness and safety, there are ■ Malignant Lymphoma Tokal University School of points where care should be taken. Medicine (Japan, 2008)* ―For instance, using high-dose IV vitamin C therapy ■ Chemotherapy together with other treatments, such as velcade used Resistant Cancer for chronic leukemia, leads to a risk of serious side Jewish General Hospital effects, so such combinations must be avoided. (Canada, 2010)* ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 10


■ Brain Tumor (Glioma) Also, for pharmaceutical preparations, at the Japanese Iowa University (USA, 2014, College of Intravenous Therapy, we get our 650 2016)* nationwide member clinics to avoid domestically Nebraska University (USA, 2014) produced pharmaceutical preparations that contain ■ Safety Test preservatives and instead have hem use preservative- McGill University (Canada, free ones imported from abroad.‖ 2008) As a highly talked about minimally invasive treatment ■ Cancer Patient QOL for cancer, high-dose IV vitamin C therapy is being Japan College of Intravenous introduced as a clinical treatment in more and more Therapy (Japan, 2010)* medical onstitutes in Japan. As an increasing number ■ Therapy Resistant Cancer of cancer patients seek alternative ―minimally McGill University (Canada, 2010)* invasive‖ treatments, we expect high-dose IV vitamine Otago University (NZ, 2014)* C therapy to be one of the most popular options. End-Stage Solid Cancer ■ Newsweek –2016 9-6 – English Version-pp.52-53 CTA** (Chicago) (USA, 2006)* 11 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Orthomolecules are primary in medical diagnosis and treatment. The safe and effective use of nutrients, enzymes, hormones and other naturally occurring molecules is essential to assure a reasonable standard of care in medical practice. Founded on the science of molecular biochemistry, orthomolecular medicine establishes that genetic factors affect not only the physical characteristics of individuals, but also their biochemical environment. The metabolic pathways of the body have significant genetic variability and diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, schizophrenia and depression are associated with specific biochemical abnormalities which are causal or contributing factors. Orthomolecular medicine, as conceptualized by double-Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, aims to restore the optimum environment of the body by correcting molecular imbalances on the basis of individual biochemistry. The term ‗orthomolecular‘ meaning ‗correct molecule‘ was first used by Linus Pauling in his seminal article, Orthomolecular Psychiatry, published in the journal Science in 1968. The purpose of the Society is to further the advancement of orthomolecular medicine, to raise awareness of this ethical, cost effective practice of health care and to unite those dedicated to the practice of orthomolecular medicine. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 12

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE 13 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Medicine Address: 3-11-2 1-202, Kamiosaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021 Japan. [email protected] © 2018 International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine | PO Box 99517 O'Connor PO, Toronto, Ontario M4B 3M9 Canada our service provider Sent by [email protected] in collaboration with Try it free today

Q u ' e s t - ce que la médecine orthomoléculaire? Qu'est-ce que la médecine orthomoléculaire La Médecine Ortho Moleculaire est un traitement médical qui prévient et traite les maladies en incorporant correctement les nutriments tels que les vitamines et les minéraux, et s'est développé principalement en Europe et aux États-Unis. En plus de prendre la nutrition à partir du bon régime, les suppléments et la nutrition à haute concentration sont complétés au besoin avec des suppléments ou des infusions goutte à goutte. Parce que le type et la quantité de nutriments nécessaires sont différents en fonction de la constitution individuelle et de la condition physique, il s'agit essentiellement de faire sous la direction de professionnels de la santé ayant des connaissances spécialisées. En outre, éviter les substances ayant une mauvaise influence sur le corps et décharger de telles substances du corps est également nécessaire pour le traitement et la prévention des maladies. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 14


Orthomolecular Hall Of Fame information has been provided Dr. Andrew W. Saul and by the Journal Of Orthomolecular Medicine. Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame

"Orthomolecular therapy consists in the prevention and treatment of disease by varying the concentrations in the human body of substances that are normally present." — Linus Pauling, 1968 15 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Orthomolecular medicine will become the norm and ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 16


the major diseases which plague us today will disappear. –Abram Hoffer, 2005 17 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 18


Hall Of Fame Inductees 2004 – 2018

Linus PAULING, Ph.D. disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body. Two-time Nobel Prize winner, and 1901-1994 molecular biologist, Linus Pauling, Ph.D., coined the term Hall of Fame 2004 "Orthomolecular" in his 1968 article "Orthomolecular Psychiatry" in the journal "Science". Pauling described "Orthomolecular Psychiatry" as the treatment of mental disease by the provision of the optimum molecular environment for the mind, especially the optimum concentrations of substances normally present in the body. It was a natural progression for Pauling, who had identified sickle-cell anemia as the first molecular disease and subsequently laid the foundation for molecular biology, to then develop a theory that explained the molecular basis of vitamin therapy. Orthomolecular is a term made up of ortho, which is Greek for "correct" or "right" and molecule which is the simplest structure that displays the characteristics of a compound. So it literally means the "right molecule". Pauling later broadened his definition to include orthomolecular medicine, which he defined as "the preservation of good health and "Linus Pauling was the treatment of disease by varying the concentration in the human right." — Associated body of substances that are normally present in the body". He Press stressed the adjective orthomolecular is used to express the idea of the right molecules in the right concentration. Pauling firmly believed that daily supplementation of vitamins in optimum amounts, in addition to following a healthy diet, was the most important step that anyone could take to live a long and healthy life, and by following his own advice, he lived productively for 93 years. "Professor Pauling as always is ahead of his time. The latest research on vitamin C substantiates his twenty-five years of advocacy and investigation on the benefits of vitamin C." J. Daniel Kanofsky, MD, MPH, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Orthomolecular medicine describes the practice of preventing and treating 19 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Over 50 years ago, it was Toronto physician William J. McCormick, M.D., who pioneered the idea that poor collagen formation, due to vitamin C deficiency, was a principal cause of diverse conditions ranging from stretch marks to cardiovascular disease and cancer. This theory would become the foundation for Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron's decision to employ large doses of vitamin C to fight cancer. William J McCORMICK, M.D. 1880-1968 Over twenty years before Pauling, McCormick had Hall of Fame 2004 already reviewed the nutritional causes of heart disease and noted that four out of five coronary "Vitamin C is a cases in hospital show vitamin C deficiency. specific antagonist of McCormick also early proposed vitamin C chemical and bacterial toxins." deficiency as the essential cause of, and effective cure for, numerous communicable illnesses, becoming an early advocate of using vitamin C as an antiviral and an antibiotic. Modern writers often pass by the fact that McCormick actually advocated vitamin C to prevent and cure the formation of some kidney stones as far back as 1946. And fifty years ago, McCormick "found, in clinical and laboratory research, that the smoking of one cigarette neutralizes in the body approximately 25 mg of ascorbic acid." His early use of gram-sized doses to combat what then and now are usually regarded as non-deficiency-related illnesses set the stage for today's 100,000 mg/day antiviral/ anticancer vitamin C IV's. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 20


Another pioneer in the concept of orthomolecular nutrition was Roger Williams, Professor of Chemistry, discoverer of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5 ), and founder and

director of the Clayton Foundation

"When in doubt, try nutrition first." Biochemical Institute at the University

Roger J. WILLIAMS, of Texas which, under the Ph.D. 1893-1988 directorship of Dr. Williams, was Hall of Fame 2004 responsible for more vitamin related

discoveries than any other laboratory

in the world. He also developed the

concept of Genetotrophic disease.

According to Williams, the following

thesis formed the basis of this new

approach to nutrition: "the nutritional

microenvironment of our body cells is

crucially important to our health, and

deficiencies in this environment

constitute a major cause of disease." 21 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


In 1933 Drs. Wilfred and Evan Shute were some of the first doctors to use large doses of vitamin E to treat heart disease. At that time, antioxidants and free radicals were rather obscure concepts in the chemistry of oxidation, far removed from issues of health and disease. Also at that time, using vitamins to treat serious diseases such as heart disease and diabetes was considered by the medical establishment as misguided at best and outright fraud at worst. Yet

thanks to the observant practitioners such as the Shutes who were Drs. Wilfred and Evan more interested in what helped their patients most, medical researchers became motivated to study it scientifically. The results SHUTE would speak for themselves.

For decades, vitamin E was lampooned as a "cure in search of a disease." In 1985, Linus Pauling wrote: "The failure of the medical establishment during the last forty years to recognize the value of

vitamin E in controlling heart disease is responsible for a tremendous amount of unnecessary suffering and for many early deaths. The interesting story of the efforts to suppress the Shute discoveries about vitamin E illustrates the shocking bias of organized medicine against nutritional measures for achieving improved health." Dr. Pauling would most likely have appreciated this comment from a recent Harvard Health Letter: "A consistent body of research indicates that vitamin E may protect people against heart disease...The data generally indicate that taking doses ranging from 100 to 800IU per day may lower the risk of heart disease by 30%- 40%." Over half a century ago, the Shute brothers and colleagues showed that, with even higher doses than those, and with an insistence on the use of natural vitamin E, the results are better still.

Today's growing appreciation of the role of d-alpha tocopherol in preventing and reversing cardiovascular disease is due primarily to the Shute brothers.

"We didn't make vitamin E so versatile. God did. Ignore its mercy at your peril." — Dr. Evan Shute ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 22


Humanity can thank biochemist Irwin Stone for introducing Linus Pauling to vitamin C. Pauling spoke of this highly influential first contact, when Stone sent him "copies of some papers that he had just published, with the general title 'Hypoascorbemia, a Genetic Disease'. . . The 3,000 milligrams per day that he recommended is 50 times the RDA. My wife and I began taking this amount of the vitamin ... (and) the severe colds that I had suffered from several times a year all of my life no longer occurred. After a few years Irwin STONE, Ph.D. I increased my intake of vitamin C to 100 times; then 1907-1984 200 times, and then 300 times the RDA (now 18,000 Hall of Fame 2004 mg per day).

"Among the several arguments Irwin Stone presented to support his thesis that the proper physiological intake of vitamin C is 50 or more times the RDA were two that especially impressed me. . . Almost all animal species — dogs, cats, cows, horses, elephants, and so on — have continued to synthesize ascorbate. . . The second fact that impressed me is that animals manufacture very large amounts of ascorbate. The amount manufactured is approximately proportional to the body weight, and, converted to the weight of a human being, ranges from about 2,000 to 20,000 milligrams per day. Irwin Stone concluded that human beings with an average diet are accordingly all suffering from hypoascorbemia, a deficiency of ascorbate in the blood and tissues." (Linus Pauling in His Own Words : Selections from his Writings, Speeches and Interviews, edited by Barbara Marinacci. NY: Simon and Shuster, 1995). There could be no finer tribute to Irwin Stone than this. In Memoriam: Irin Stone, Ph.D. 23 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Carl C. Pfeiffer made his first contribution in 1974, contributing 22 papers by the time he died in 1988. He made major contributions to the understanding of trace element and mineral metabolism in the schizophrenias; made a rational division of the schizophrenias into three biochemical groups, and discussed amino acids in medicine. His contributions were of the greatest value. Carl Pfeiffer was one of the original members of the Committee on Therapy of the American Schizophrenia Association. "If there's a drug that can alter the brain's biochemistry, there's usually a combination of nutrients that can achieve the same thing Carl C. PFEIFFER, without side-effects," said Dr. Pfeiffer, founding director of the Brain M.D., Ph.D. 1908-1988 Bio Center in Princeton, New Jersey (1973). Dr. Pfeiffer spent most Hall of Fame 2004 of his life researching for the causes and cure of mental illness. He found that biochemical imbalances in the body were the blame for "For every drug that many psychological problems. His study on more than 20,000 benefits a patient, schizophrenic patients enabled him to divide schizophrenia into 3 there is a natural biochemical groupings called histapenia, histadelia and pyroluric 2, 3. substance that can Lendon Smith, MD, a supporter of the Pfeiffer approach, wrote: "Carl achieve the same C. Pfeiffer, in his book, Nutrition and Mental Illness, listed well-known effect." — Pfeiffer's causes of schizophrenia. . . He said, 'All of these are chemically- Law induced metabolic disorders, which suggests the strong possibility that the "true" schizophrenias left in the "wastebasket" might also be due to biochemical abnormalities.'" Dr. Pfeiffers other books include Mental and Elemental Nutrients, The

Healing Nutrients, Dr. Pfeiffers Total Nutrition, Nutritional Science and Cookery, and Neurobiology of the Trace Metals Zinc and Copper. His contributions to orthomolecular medicine live on through his writings, the clinics he inspired, and the annual Society of Ortho- molecular Medicine lecture that bears his name. A bibliography of Dr.

Pfeiffers work is posted at ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 24


"I know of one patient who turned to Gerson Therapy having been told she was suffering from terminal cancer and would not survive another course of chemotherapy. Happily, seven years later, she is alive and well. So it is vital that, rather than dismissing such experiences, we should further investigate the beneficial nature of these treatments." — H.R.H. Charles, Prince of Wales

In the lace 1920s, Max Gerson, M.D., began observing that cancer Max GERSON, MD could be cured with nutrition in tandem with systemic detoxification. 1881-1959 Charlotte Gerson writes: "Dr. Gerson found that the underlying Hall of Fame 2005 problems of all cancer patients are toxicity and deficiency. One of the important features of his therapy was the hourly administration of

fresh vegetable juices. These supply ample nutrients, as well as fluids to help flush out the kidneys. When the high levels of nutrients re-enter tissues, toxins accumulated over many years are forced into the blood stream. The toxins are then filtered out by the liver. The liver is easily overburdened by the continuous release of toxins and is unable to release the load... Dr. Gerson found that he could provide help to the liver by the caffeine in coffee, absorbed from the colon via the hemorrhoidal vein, which carries the caffeine to the portal system and then to the liver. The caffeine stimulates the liver/bile ducts to open, releasing the poisons into the intestinal tract for excretion."

The Gerson Therapy is not specifically a cancer treatment but rather a metabolic treatment, one that cleanses while strengthening the body's ability to heal itself. Not surprisingly, the program is effective against a wide variety of serious illnesses. Dr. Gerson's approach

has been shown, for over seven decades, to greatly improve both quality and length of life in the sickest of patients.

There is no higher compliment possible than this summation by the great Albert Schweitzer, M.D., Nobel Prize laureate: "I see in Dr. Max Gerson one of the most eminent geniuses in medical history." 25 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Dr. Szent-Györgyi depended on thought, as did Pauling, rather than on equipment." wrote Abram Hoffer. Albert Szent Györgyi was born in Hungary and spent the First World War in the Austrian army. After the war, he studied at Groningen and with Hopkins at Cambridge. C. It was here that he became interested in a chemical agent, present in plant juices, which had the effect of delaying oxidation, such as the browning of a sliced apple exposed to the air. He suggested that this agent, which was also present in cabbages and oranges, was the mysterious Vitamin. By 1933, he had isolated the substance in kilogram lots and named it "ascorbic acid" which means "the acid which prevents scurvy." "During World War II, Szent Györgyi was in Albert von SZENT- constant danger from the Nazis and finally took refuge in the Swedish GYÖRGYI, Ph.D. legation in Budapest. The Gestapo raided the legation but he 1893-1986 escaped and remained in hiding for the rest of the war. He was rescued by the Russian armies and taken to Moscow on the direct Hall of Fame 2005 orders of Molotov. He was well treated by the Russians but, knowing he could not work in their system, he went to the United States in "Discovery consists of 1947 where he settled at the Marine Biological Laboratories at seeing what everybody Woods Hole, Massachusetts." (Excerpted from Albert Szent-Györgyi has seen, and thinking and Vitamin C, by Nigel Bunce and Jim Hunt, University of Guelph, what nobody has 1987) "Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, PhD, won the 1937 Nobel Prize for his thought." discovery of vitamin C. In fact, it was he who named the vitamin ascorbic acid and first predicted its use in cancer. When Szent- — Albert Szent-Györgyi Györgyi was on his deathbed, at the age of 93, Linus Pauling flew from California to Szent-Györgyi's home at Woods Hole, Mass., to say goodbye. Holding his hand, Linus said wistfully, "You know, Albert, I always thought that someday we two would work together." Szent-Györgyi looked up and said, humorously, "Well, if not in this life, then maybe in the next." Pauling himself died a few years later, also at age 93. They were two of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century. "(Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D., Cancer Decisions Newsletter, July 18, 2004) ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 26


The best word to describe the Dutch physician, Cornelis Moerman, would be "steadfast." He withstood the strongest opposition of his colleagues during his entire professional life. Even today in the , his name remains symbolic, forever connected to nutritional therapy, especially of cancer. Prior to World War II, Dr. Moerman published his view that cancer is not a local disease, but the tumor is the end stage of the deterioration of the total body. Strengthening the immune system, he said, is the answer to this disease, and nutrition plays the central role.

Moerman, a passionate pigeon-fancier, observed that healthy birds did not develop cancer, whereas the weak and malnourished ones Cornelis MOERMAN, did. He argued, based on his own experiments with his pigeons, that M.D. 1893-1988 cancer was a derangement of metabolism, a deficiency of iodine, Hall of Fame 2005 citric acid, B-vitamins, iron, sulphur, and the vitamins A, D, E and later C. A strictly proper diet, supplemented with these substances, forms the basis of the Moerman therapy.

Cutting-edge nutritional science has now caught up with Dr. Moerman's viewpoint. His principles for the treatment of cancer were, at the time, revolutionary. In September, 1976, Moerman was invited by Linus Pauling to the conference of the International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends in Los Angeles. As the guest of honour,

Moerman received an award for his valuable work with cancer patients and for his original approach to the treatment of cancer. Meeting Moerman, Dr. Linus Pauling praised him and considered him to be one of his peers in the fight for the acceptance of nutritional medicine.

Cornelis Moerman's work lives on today in the "Moermanvereniging," an ever-growing Dutch association of patients who advocate nutritional therapy for cancer.

Submitted by Dr. Gert Schuitemaker, President, ISOM 27 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Born in Pennsylvania, Dr. Klenner received his medical degree from Duke University in 1936. After three years post-graduate training to specialize in diseases of the chest, Dr. Klenner continued his general practice. "His patients were as enthusiastic as he in playing guinea pigs to study the action of ascorbic acid. The first massive doses of ascorbic acid he gave to himself. Each time something new appeared on the horizon he took the same amount of ascorbic acid to study its effects so as to come up with the answers' (Journal of Applied Nutrition, 23: 3 & 4, 1971). Frederick KLENNER, Abram Hoffer writes: "In the early 1950s, Dr. Fredrick Klenner began M.D. 1907-1984 his work with megadoses of vitamin C. He used doses up to 100 Hall of Fame 2005 grams per day orally or intravenously. In clinical reports he recorded the excellent response he saw when it was given in large doses. For "Vitamin C is the safest example, polio patients given vitamin C suffered no residual defects substance available to the from their polio. A controlled study in England on 70 children, half physician." given vitamin C and half given placebo, confirmed that none of the — Frederick Klenner, M.D. ascorbatetreated cases developed any paralysis while up to 20 percent of the untreated group did. This study was not published because the Salk Vaccine had just been developed and no one was interested in vitamins. Dr. Klenner's work was ignored."

Dr. Klenner was the first physician to emphasize that small amounts of ascorbate do not work. He said, "If you want results, use adequate ascorbic acid." As a result of seeing consistent cures of a great variety of viral and bacterial diseases with huge doses of vitamin C, he published over twenty medical reports. Orthodox medicine's rejection of his lifesaving work stands as a reminder to all medical

mavericks practising today. "Some physicians," Klenner wrote, "would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid because, in their finite minds, it exists only as a vitamin." ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 28


Dr. Josef Issels' roots were in the German tradition of 'Naturheilverfahren' (natural practice). Because of his well-known professional skills, his kindness, and relatively high rate of survivors, many cancer patients in the terminal stage came to consult him. In 1951, one wealthy and grateful patient funded his private clinic, the Ringbergklinik in Rottach-Egern (Bavaria) with 36 beds. Issels' successful work continued until 1960, when he was arrested by the German 'Kriminalpolizei' on the instigation of his medical opponents. He had to close down his clinic for years, in spite of a report from an independent scientist who had concluded that, of 252 terminal cancer Josef ISSELS, M.D. patients with histologically proved metastases, 42 had survived for at 1907-1998 least five years (17%) with the Issels therapy. For terminal patients, Hall of Fame 2005 such a score is disproportionately high.

"Dr. Issels is an intelligent Issels believed that cancer was the end stage, the ultimate symptom, and profound clinician, of a lifetime of immune system damage which had created an with principles and environment for the tumor to grow. Issels argued that conventional applications of medical therapy just looked at the tumor without recognizing this longtime treatment which 1 preconditioning period. Just cutting out or irradiating the tumor "mit admire." Stahl und Strahl" ("with scalpel and radiation") was not eradicating — Professor J. Anderson, cancer. Instead, Dr. Issels saw the body as having great potential to King's College Hospital, heal itself. Good nutrition and a clean environment were central to his London therapy. Like Dr. Max Gerson, he recognized the importance of detoxification.

In the end, Issels was proven to be right. From 1967 to 1970, Professor J. Anderson of King's College Hospital and member of the World Health Organization inspected Issels' reopened clinic. He confirmed the highly significant survival rate of Issels' terminal cancer patients. His legacy is continued by the work of his wife, Ilsa and his son Christian.

Submitted by Dr. Gert Schuitemaker, President, 1S0M 29 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Emanuel Cheraskin, born in Philadelphia, received his M.D. from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He was awarded his D.M.D in the first graduating class of University of Alabama School of Dentistry, where he would stay on for several decades as Chairman of the Department of Oral Medicine. Dr. Cheraskin was among the very first to recognize and demonstrate that oral health indicates total body health. He wrote over 700 scientific articles and authored or coauthored 17 textbooks, plus eight more books for the public, including the bestseller "Psychodietetics: Food as the Key to Emanuel CHERASKIN, Emotional Health." His last two books, Vitamin C: Who Needs M.D., D.M.D. It? and Human Health and Homeostasis were published when he 1916-2001 was past eighty. In addition to being a professor, physician and Hall of Fame 2005 prolific author, Dr. Cheraskin was a singularly popular speaker. "Health is the fastest growing failing business in western civilization," "Man is a food-dependent he said. "Why is it so many of us are 40 going on 70, and so few 70 creature. If you don't feed going on 40?" The answer, he said, was our neglect of the him, he will die. If you paramount value of nutrition, an educational deficiency that Dr. feed him improperly, part Cheraskin devoted a lifetime to eradicating. Longtime friend Dr. of him will die." Abram Hoffer writes: "Emanuel Cheraskin was a great scientist, — Emanuel Cheraskin investigator and physician. His papers are models of brevity, scientific clarity and productivity."

Dr. Cheraskin's educational legacy continues through the Cheraskin Archive in upstate New York, which contains the doctors lecture slides and copies of his papers in the care of Andrew Saul. His complete bibliography of books and papers is posted online

"Cherri," a regular speaker at the Nutritional Medicine Today Conferences, was always informative and entertaining. He last presented in for our 25th conference in 1996, where he received the Orthom ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 30


David Horrobin was one of the most original scientific minds of his generation. His study of human physiology lead him to investigate the role of fatty acids and their derivatives in human disease. He applied his vast knowledge of lipids to investigate their therapeutic potential in medicine. David was a scholar of Balliol College, Oxford, where he obtained a First Class Honours medical degree. To this he added a clinical medical degree and a doctorate in neuroscience. He was a fellow of Magdalen College where he taught medicine alongside Dr. Hugh Sinclair, one of the pioneers in the field of essential fatty acids. After further research on EFAs at the universities of Newcastle and

Montreal, he became increasingly fascinated in lipid biochemistry and David HORROBIN, its application to human disease. M.D., Ph.D. 1939-2003 Throughout his travels in East Africa and work in Kenya, he Hall of Fame 2005 developed the kernel of thought about fatty acids, schizophrenia and its role in evolution. He later elaborated this idea in his 2001 book, The Madness of Adam and Eve, which was short-listed in 2002 for the Aventis Science Book of the Year. Abram Hoffer wrote: "This is a remarkable book. I agree with his interpretation that schizophrenia is an evolutionary advantage and that its genes are slowly moving into the general population."

David was the founder and Editor of Medical Hypotheses, a forum for the dissemination of new ideas in medicine. He was also the founder and Editor of the journal Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids. He was a prolific writer who authored and edited numerous books on a wide range of subjects, as well as contributing to over 800 scientific publications. He served as Medical Adviser and President for the Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain. He also served on the board of the International Schizophrenia Foundation from 1998-2003.

Dr. Horrobin was a favourite speaker at the annual Nutritional Medicine Today Conference, where his presentations were models of clarity and logic. 31 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Of all the medical mavericks, Hugh Riordan was one of the most knowledgeable, both as a maverick par excellence and as an historian of mavericks. Hugh was an orthomolecular fighter, who fought hard and consistently on behalf of orthomolecular concepts. He was challenged legally when he wanted to treat his patients with high dose vitamins in the hospital. He won. He was the first to demonstrate how large doses of vitamin C are chemotherapeutic for cancer patients. He was a pioneer in establishing the new vitamins- as-treatment paradigm.

Hugh Desaix RIORDAN, "We worked together on the editorial board of the Journal of M.D. 1932-2005 Orthomolecular Medicine, and on the board of the International Hall of Fame 2005 Schizophrenia Foundation. Hugh joined the editorial board of JOM in 1991, then became Associate Editor in 2000. He published several "Hugh Riordan was an books, including three volumes of Medical Mavericks, and about 70 amazing influence on my clinical and research reports. His main work had to do with the family and on all who schizophrenic syndrome and with the treatment of cancer using knew him." nontoxic vitamin C chemotherapy. Hugh was the leader in making — Julie Hilton, The Hilton available to cancer patients a treatment that is effective, safe, Family Foundation economical and very tolerable. Few oncologists have ever seen these advantages unless they visited Hugh's clinic. The vitamin C intravenous chemotherapy studies established so well by Dr. Riordan are being continued at the University of Kansas and McGill University, Montreal. In 2002, Hugh was honored by International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine with the "Orthomolecular Physician of the Year" award. He worked tirelessly, founding and developing the Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning International Inc. as a superb treatment center." This year, the Center celebrates its 30th anniversary. Hugh's dedicated staff of more than 70 like-minded medical mavericks continue their founder's pioneering work. (

Submitted by Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 32


e man who would co-found Alcoholics Anonymous was born to a hard-drinking household in rural Vermont. When he was ten, his parents split up and Bill was raised by his maternal grandparents. He served in the Army in WW I, and although not seeing combat, Bill had more than ample opportunities to drink. In the 1920's, Wilson achieved considerable success as an inside trader on Wall Street, but a combination of drunkenness and the stock market crash drained what was left of his fortune and his capability to enjoy life. Hard knocks, religious experience, and a growing sense that by helping other alcoholics he could William GRIFFIN WILSON best help himself led Bill to create one of the world's most 1895 - 1971 famous introductions: "My name is Bill W., and I'm an Hall of Fame 2006 alcoholic." Even as Alcoholics Anonymous slowly grew, "Bill Wilson is the many of Bill's financial and personal problems endured, greatest social architect of the 20th century." most notably depression. Abram Hoffer writes: "I met Bill in —Aldous Huxley New York in 1960. Humphry Osmond and I introduced him to the concept of megavitamin therapy. Bill was very curious about it and began to take niacin, 3,000 mg daily. Within a few weeks fatigue and depression which had plagued him for years were gone. He gave it to 30 of his close friends in AA. Of the thirty, 10 were free of anxiety, tension and depression in one month. Another 10 were well in two months. Bill then wrote "The Vitamin B3Therapy." and thousands of copies of this extraordinary pamphlet were distributed. Bill became unpopular with the members of the board of AA International. The medical members, who had been appointed by Bill, "knew" vitamin B3 could not be therapeutic as Bill had found it to be. I found it very useful in treating patients who were both alcoholic and schizophrenic. 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


The start of the second World War was breaking news when Ruth Flinn Harrell conducted her first investigations into what she called "superfeeding." Her 1942 Columbia University doctoral thesis, "Effect of Added Thiamine on Learning," was published by the university in 1943 and would be followed by "Further Effects of Added Thiamine on Learning and Other Processes" in 1947. Her research was not about enriched or fortified foods; "added" meant "provided by supplement tablets." In a 1946 Journal of Nutrition article, Dr. Harrell stated that "a

Ruth FLINN HARRELL, liberal thiamine intake improved a number of mental and Ph.D. 1900 - 1991 physical skills of orphanage children." One reporter wrote, "An Hall of Fame 2006 experiment was conducted by Dr. Ruth Flinn Harrell which "Nobody knows anything involved 104 children from nine to nineteen years of age. Half of about the area of dietary the children were given a vitamin B1(thiamine) pill each day, and supplementation, but the National Institutes of the other half received a placebo. The test lasted 6 weeks. It Health knows for sure it's was found by a series of tests that the group that was given the impossible." vitamin gained one-fourth more in learning ability than did the —Ruth F. Harrell, Medical other group." By 1956, Harrell had investigated "The Effect of Tribune, 1981 Mothers' Diets on the Intelligence of Offspring," finding that

"supplementation of the pregnant and lactating mothers' diet by

vitamins increased the intelligence quotients of their offspring at

three and four years of age."

Early in 1981, Harrell and colleagues published a study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showing that high doses of vitamins improved intelligence and

educational performance in learning disabled children, including

those with Down syndrome. Dr. Harrell, who had been investigating vitamin effects on learning for forty years, had at last succeeded in focusing much-needed public attention on the role of nutrition in learning disabilities. —Saul AW. The Pioneering Work of Ruth Flinn Harrell, Champion of Children. J Orthomolecular Med, 2004. Vol 19, No 1, p 21-26. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 34


rooklyn-born Arthur Sackler was educated at New York University. He worked at Lincoln Hospital in New York City as intern and house physician, and then completed his residency in psychiatry at Creedmoor State Hospital. His National Academies of Sciences biography states that "there, in the 1940s, he started research that resulted in more than 150 papers in neuroendocrinology, psychiatry, and experimental medicine. He considered his scientific research into the metabolic basis of schizophrenia his most significant contribution to science, and served as editor of the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychopathology from 1950 to 1962." Arthur M. SACKLER, It was in this very journal that Dr. Sackler introduced the world M.D. 1913 - 1987 to the Hoffer-Osmond high dose niacin therapy for mental Hall of Fame 2006 illness. In his memoirs, Abram Hoffer writes: "I wonder if our first "Arthur M. Sackler was paper on schizophrenia treatment with niacin would even have one of the few 20th been published, had Arthur Sackler not been both my century renaissance professional colleague and friend." Back in 1951, Hoffer had figures." met the Sackler brothers, "who were doing groundbreaking —Solomon H. Snyder, research on histamine as a schizophrenia treatment. Their work Johns Hopkins School of would inspire some of our initial biochemical research." Medicine Dr. Sackler would continue to publish and to inspire physicians worldwide. He started the highly-respected Medical Tribune newspaper in 1960, which would grow to an international readership of over one million, with Sackler himself contributing over 500 articles on a wide variety of health issues. In 1981, Sackler ran a page-one story on Ruth Harrell's study showing that high doses of vitamins improve IQ in Down syndrome children. In one 1982 column, he personally declared his support for bowel-tolerance doses of ascorbate, including with his comments the text of "a letter we just received from Robert Cathcart III, M.D." whom Sackler described as "brilliant."

Many physicians first saw these words in the Tribune: "Ascorbic

acid administered orally to bowel tolerance (just short of producing diarrhea) has a definite antipyretic effect (and) administered IM to small infants will usually have a dramatic effect on elevated temperatures." 35 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


ax Vogel was the first family physician to embrace the practice of orthomolecular medicine in 1960 and became one of its most successful physicians who continued against the usual odds facing those who practice outside the box. During WWII, Max became a physician in the accelerated course at Queens University, following pre-clinical years at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, 1939 to 1942. He served as Captain with Canadian armed forces in England, then volunteered for duty in the Pacific, specializing in tropical medicine at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, DC. In 1955, after obtaining more training in Obstetrics and Max J. VOGEL, Gynecology in New York, he began practice in Calgary, where M.D. 1915 - 2002 he retired in 1997. Max fought tirelessly for causes in which he Hall of Fame 2006 believed and when he became convinced of the value of using large doses of vitamins for treatment of the schizophrenias and "Max Vogel was among the first general other diseases he became involved in trying to educate the orthomolecular profession, the public and the government. practitioners in Canada." Years ago, the government of Alberta announced that patients —Abram Hoffer, M.D., receiving vitamins would not be covered by Medicare. With his Ph.D. family and friends, Max organized a massive effort to petition the government and after thousands of names had been submitted the government reversed its decision. When Max was on the associate staff of the department of psychiatry at Calgary

Hospital, a new Director tried to get him fired because of his

controversial (orthomolecular) practices. Again, Max circulated a petition which was signed by 200 staff members. At the conclusion of this debate the Director left the hospital. One of his colleagues wrote "Apart from Max's tremendous intellectual capacity and his enthusiasm for life and challenges, I must admit I respected him as a rebel. His reputation was of a person who constantly challenged the status quo." Max was a long standing member the Board of Directors of the Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation and served on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. He was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Society of Orthomolecular Medicine in 2002. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 36


In the documentary film, Masks of Madness: Science of Healing, Abram Hoffer says: "Mental illness is usually biochemical illness. Schizophrenia is niacin dependency." Plain-spoken statements such as these have ignited a revolution in psychiatry. The person who would forever change the course of medicine was born on a Saskatchewan farm and educated in a one-room schoolhouse. In 1952, just completing his residency, he had demonstrated, with the first double-blind, placebo- controlled studies in the history of psychiatry, that vitamin Abram HOFFER, M.D., B3 could cure schizophrenia. But in a medical profession Ph.D. 1917-2009 that "knows" vitamins do not cure "real" diseases, the Hall of Fame 2006 young director of psychiatric research was a dissenter. For "Abram Hoffer has made over half a century Dr. Hoffer has dissented. Harold Foster, an important contribution PhD writes: "Fathering a new paradigm does not promote to the health of human popularity. Fortunately, Dr. Hoffer is not just highly beings...through the study intelligent; he has consistently proven to be able to stand of the effects of large doses of vitamin C and up for the truth, regardless of personal cost." other nutrients.." "If patients look up 'schizophrenia' in the old textbooks," —Linus Pauling, Ph.D. says Dr. Hoffer, "they'll die of frustration and fear. That is why I wrote my first book, How to Live with Schizophrenia. Linus Pauling was 65 and planning to retire. He chanced to see this book on a friend'l;s coffee table. Pauling did not go to bed the first night he read this book. He decided not to retire because of it." Dr. Hoffer has written two dozen books and over 500 papers. He created the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine and has been editor-in-chief for four decades. Having treated thousands of patients, he has only just retired at 88, wryly saying that "Everyone should have a career change every 55 years." He has seen therapeutic fads come and go. What he sees now is what he's always seen: that very sick people get well on vitamin B3. 37 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


The man who would become nationally known as "The Children's Doctor" received his M.D. in 1946 from the University of Oregon Medical School. He served as Captain in the U. S. Army Medical Corps from 1947-1949, went on to a pediatric residency at St. Louis Children's Hospital, and completed it at Portland's Doernbecker Memorial Hospital in 1951. In 1955, Smith became Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Oregon Medical Hospital. He would practice pediatrics for 35 years before retiring in 1987 to lecture, to write, and to continue to help make Lendon SMITH, M.D. "megavitamin" a household word. And yet it was not until 1921 - 2001 over 20 years of medical practice that Dr. Smith first began Hall of Fame 2006 to use megavitamin therapy. It is a remarkable transformation. As he learned about nutritional prevention "ADHD is not a disease; it is a nutritional and megavitamin therapy, he began to discuss it. In Feed deficiency." Your Kids Right (1979), Smith recommends up to 10,000 —Lendon H. Smith milligrams of vitamin C during illness. In Foods for Healthy Kids (1981), he now recommends bowel tolerance levels of ascorbate. These are long evolutionary steps for a pediatrician who, 22 years earlier, wrote of vitamin C: "Excess is a waste and will not prevent colds." (The Children's Doctor, p. 217) Had he held to such politically safe beliefs, Smith might have avoided being compelled to stop practicing medicine in 1987, under pressure from insurance companies and his state's Board of Medical Examiners. Nonetheless, for fourteen more years, he would speak out in favour of megavitamin therapy. In this, he did the job second to none. He appeared on The Tonight Show sixty-two times, an exposure such as orthomolecular medicine has rarely seen. Even Dr. Pauling never won an Emmy award. Dr. Smith did. —From: Saul AW. In Memoriam: Lendon H. Smith, M.D. J Orthomol Med 2000, Vol 16, No 4, p 248-250. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 38


David Ramon Hawkins grew up in rural Wisconsin and served aboard a US Navy minesweeper during the closing months of WW II. He earned his BA from Marquette University in 1950 and his MD from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 1953. Hawkins interned at Columbia Hospital in 1954, was awarded a fellowship in psychiatry at Mt. Sinai Hospital in 1956, and then became Supervising Psychiatrist for the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene. From 1956-1980, he was medical director of North Nassau Mental Health Center in Manhasset, New York, one of the David R. HAWKINS, largest psychiatric practices in New York with 50 M.D., Ph.D. b.1927 employees and 1,000 new patients each year. He was also Hall of Fame 2006 director of research at Brunswick Hospital in Long Island "David Hawkins was from 1968-1979, and a guest on TV shows among the first including McNeal-Lehrer and Today. psychiatrists to show In 1973, along with Nobel-prizewinner Linus Pauling, Dr. that both Hawkins co-edited Orthomolecular Psychiatry: Treatment schizophrenic and of Schizophrenia, the first psychiatric textbook of its kind. alcoholic patients Among other honours, Hawkins received the Huxley Award could be treated in 1979 and, interestingly enough, a Physicians successfully with Recognition Award from the American Medical Association in 1992. He served on the Journal of Orthomolecular vitamin B3" Psychiatry editorial board and was founding president of —Abram Hoffer, M.D., the Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry. The Journal of Ph.D. Orthomolecular Psychiatry/Medicine has published book

reviews and 7 papers by Dr. Hawkins. Two of these, on the

prevention and nutritional treatment of tardive dyskinesia,

are posted online at During

retirement, he developed an especially keen interest in

spirituality and consciousness, resulting in his writing a

best-selling trilogy, Power vs. Force, The Eye of the I and I: Reality and Subjectivity. 39 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Born in northern Saskatchewan, the fifth of twelve children, Theresa attended multi-grade classrooms and St. Angela's Academy, a residential high school, where she entered the community of Ursuline Sisters and began a 17 year teaching career. In 1970 she became severely depressed and suicidal. She was later diagnosed with schizophrenia and was referred to Dr. Abram Hoffer.

On a sugar-free diet and niacin, she had a remarkable, rapid recovery. How to Live with Schizophrenia by Hoffer and Sister Theresa FEIST Osmond became the precious book that gave her insight into b.1942 her illness. Moved to share her story with others, in 1979 Hall of Fame 2006 Theresa wrote Schizophrenia Cured, a valuable case history "I'd like the whole and source of hope and inspiration. Theresa also wished to world to know establish a place to provide shelter and orthomolecular support schizophrenia is an for the mentally ill. illness as physical as a broken leg." She shared her dream with George Morris (1904 - 1989), a Saskatchewan businessman and a director of the CSF, whom —Sister Theresa Feist she met at a CSF Conference; he financed the first Morris Centre which opened in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in 1981. Here Theresa and another devoted lady, Mabel Fowler, carried on

the ministry of teaching and accompanying all who came to

learn a new lifestyle for good health. Eighteen years later, with

the help of Frank Flaman, the centre was moved to Lebret, Saskatchewan and renamed the Flaman-Morris Home. This lovely residence, employing three full-time and two part-time staff, can house up to eight people seeking guidance and nutritional care. In the foreword to her book, Schizophrenia Cured, Dr. Hoffer wrote: "All of us in the field of orthomolecular psychiatry, including doctors, patients and families, depend upon the hard work of the Sister Theresas of the world, the people who move mankind." ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 40

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE 41 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Vitamin therapy in Down syndrome began in 1940, when Henry Turkel, M.D., of Detroit became interested in treating the metabolic disorders of Down syndrome with a mixture of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, digestive enzymes, lipotropic nutrients, glutamic acid, thyroid hormone, antihistamines, nasal decongestants, and a diuretic. By the 1950s he had devoted his practice almost entirely to Down syndrome patients, of whom he kept exceptionally detailed records, including Henry TURKEL, M.D. serial photographs of their progress. Conventional 1903 - 1992 medicine ignored Dr. Turkel and he eventually retired Hall of Fame 2007 "Dr. Turkel had the nerve to and moved to Israel. Turkel clearly demonstrated that make his claims when one of the 'worst' genetic defects-trisomy, leading to everyone 'knew' that Down syndrome-could be modified through what is children with genetic defects largely a nutritional program with moderately high-dose could not possibly be treated successfully". supplements. The program never corrected the basic -Abram Hoffer genetic defects in Down syndrome, of course, but it did "I know Dr. Turkel, and I can correct much of the collateral biochemical testify to his sincerity and consequences, leading to improvements in cognition, conviction. The results that he reports are striking. physical health, and appearance. Turkel was probably There is evidence that the first to show that nutrition could improve genetic patients would receive program- ming, and that genetic predeterminism was significant benefit." limited. (Jack Challem) Turkel contributed four -Linus Pauling important articles to the Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, including "Medical Amelioration of Down's Syndrome Incorporating the Orthomolecular Approach (1975), and "Intellectual Improvement of a Retarded Patient Treated with the 'U' Series" (1984). Dr. Turkel¹s bibliography is posted at turkel.html ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 42


Masatoshi Kaneko, PhD, started his career in the pharmaceutical industry, where his research involved studying the development of mono- clonal antibodies and other molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Kaneko came to believe that there must be a better approach to the treatment of cancer. He recalls, "I came to realize that there was no single chemotherapeutic substance - no single magic bullet." In the early 1970s, during a fellowship in the United States, Kaneko met Dr. Rei Kitahara, from Kumamoto University Medical School, which ultimately led him to orthomolecular medicine

Masatoshi KANEKO, and meeting Linus Pauling. This, Kaneko says, was "a major turning point of my life." Ph.D. b.1935 With iatrogenic (doctor-caused) disease on the rise, Dr. Kaneko Hall of Fame 2007 "Orthomolecular nutritional realized that an understanding of nutritional medicine was medicine pioneers such as absent among Japan¹s medical establishment. Wishing to spare Dr. Kaneko look beneath the public from the dangers of invasive and often unnecessary the surface, and search for medical procedures, he began educating the people of his answers that may remain homeland in the art and science of managing their own health. hidden to the superficial The Kaneko School and the Know Your Body Club (KYB) were observer." formed, and a new movement in Japan¹s modern health care -Hugh D. Riordan, M.D. system was born. (Condensed from Riordan HD: Medical Mavericks Volume III, p 93-107.) Since 1984, the vision of Dr. Masatoshi Kaneko has nurtured the growth of the KYB Club in Japan. His goal is to provide the public with valid scientific information on the proper use of nutritional supplements and to promote a healthier nation. Affiliated with orthomolecular pioneers Linus Pauling and Abram Hoffer, the KYB Club today now represents over 30,000 professional clinicians, registered dietitians and orthomolecular medical nutritionists all over Japan, and encompasses the Orthomolecular Nutrition Laboratory, the KYB Medical Services and Clinic, and the non-profit Orthomolecular Medical Nutrition and Associates. 43 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


In the early 1960s, Bernard Rimland, PhD, was the man who made the then-revolutionary discovery that autism is a biological disorder. He outlined the evidence in his 1964 book, Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior. Based on reports from parents of autistic children, Rimland investigated high-dose vitamin B6 therapy. While other authorities in the autism field considered the idea that a vitamin could correct a brain disorder to be preposterous, to date, 22 studies (including 13 double-blind studies) show that vitamin B6, Bernard RIMLAND, typically combined with magnesium, benefits a large Ph.D. percentage of autistic children. 1928 - 2006 When Dr. Rimland learned that most childhood vaccines Hall of Fame 2007 contained thimerosal-a preservative that is nearly 50% "Bernard Rimland calls mercury, a powerful neurotoxin- he realized that the drugs 'toximolecular escalating numbers of vaccines given to children could be medicines,' meaning the culprit behind skyrocketing rates of autism. The medical involving toxic establishment, not surprisingly, expressed great molecules instead of the antagonism toward this theory. To overcome such "correct" molecules of resistance, Rimland created the Autism Society of America, the Autism Research Institute, and the Defeat Autism Now! orthomolecular (DAN) project, which grew from a small first meeting into a medicine. I agree with worldwide movement.He also served on the JOM Board for his choice of words." many years. -Linus Pauling, Ph.D. Writes Woody R. McGinnis, MD: "Any mechanistic hypothesis for autism should accommodate the successful application of high-dose vitamin B6 pioneered by Bernard Rimland." Excerpted in part from ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 44


Fannie Hoffer Kahan was born in 1922 on a farm in southern Saskatchewan, the youngest of Israel and Clara Hoffer's six children. A gifted writer from a young age, she graduated from the University of Minnesota with a journalism degree. Newspapers and magazines throughout North America published her articles on a variety of topics and she authored a number of books. From the beginning of her writing career up until her death, Fannie fought passionately for better understanding and treatment of schizophrenia. A true pioneer in recognizing and promoting a holistic orthomolecular approach to health, she was one of the first journalists to write about the early research on schizophrenia conducted by Abram Hoffer, her brother, and Humphry Osmond. She continued through the years with a large number of articles and Fannie H. KAHAN pamphlets which provided the public with much needed information 1922 - 1978 about schizophrenia and its treatment. In conjunction with Drs. Hoffer Hall of Fame 2007 and Osmond she wrote How to Live with Schizophrenia, using her talent for clear language to explain to lay people the basics of schizophrenia from an orthomolecular medicine perspective. Also with Drs. Hoffer and Osmond, Fannie wrote the companion book New Hope for Alcoholics. Another key publication was her book

Brains and Bricks, a history of the Yorkton Psychiatric Centre, designed to take into account schizo- phrenics¹ experiences of different architectural features. Throughout her writing career Fannie was strongly supported by another orthomolecular pioneer, her husband Irwin Kahan, who among other activities worked tirelessly to establish the Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation. In turn, Fannie supported Irwin in his

efforts to improve the quality of life for schizo- phrenics and their families. In 1972 Fannie became managing editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry and editor of the Huxley/CSF Newsletter. During her last illness, with the dedication and selflessness that was so characteristic of her, she worked on the Journal up until a few days before her death in 1978. She left behind Irwin, their three children Barbara, Meldon and Sharon, and an important body of work

related to orthomolecular medicine.

- Barbara Kahan 45 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Dr. Ewan Cameron was born in Glasgow, Scotland July 31, 1922. He received his medical degree from the University of Glasgow in 1944, and immediately joined the British Army, where he served as a medical officer in Burma for three years. A gifted surgeon, Cameron worked as a Consultant Surgeon at Vale of Leven Hospital in Dunbartonshire, Scotland, from 1956 to 1982, becoming the Senior Consultant Surgeon in 1973. He received the Queen¹s Coronation Medal in Britain in 1977, as well as fellowships from the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow. In 1966, Cameron published his first Ewan CAMERON, book, Hyaluronidase and Cancer. In 1971, Cameron began M.B. Ch.B corresponding with Dr. Linus Pauling of the Linus Pauling 1922 - 1991 Institute of Science and Medicine. He completed many scientific Hall of Fame 2007 studies in conjunction with the institute, and published Cancer

and Vitamin C with Pauling in 1979. After retirement from Vale It has been known for of Leven Hospital in 1982, Cameron was invited to become many years that cancer Medical Director and Senior Research Professor at the Linus patients have depressed Pauling Institute, where he worked closely with Pauling on circulating, cellular, and many important research topics. Cameron had a son and a tissue ascorbate daughter with his first wife, Phemie. After her death in 1985, reserves, and ascorbate Cameron married Connie, who survived him after his death on is involved in many March 21, 1991." (Courtesy Oregon State University Libraries aspects of host resistance Special Collections). to cancer. While best known today for his pioneering use of intravenous -Ewan Cameron, MB, ascorbate against cancer, Cameron also made additional, ChB remarkable discoveries. One was that high doses of vitamin C provided profound pain relief. Another was that such doses, in Cameron¹s own words, "enabled opiates to be withdrawn without withdrawal symptoms." (Protocol for the Use of Intravenous Vitamin C in the Treatment of Cancer, 1986. Full text at ) ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 46


Dr. Glen Green, a nutrition pioneer, received his M.D. from McGill University in 1947 after completing his B.A. and Certificate of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan in 1945. He began life as a general practice physician in 1949 in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, where he still lives with his wife, Peggy. Dr. Green served as the medical staff president of two hospitals and was a board member of the Saskatchewan College of Physicians and Surgeons. In 1968 his own poor health became the impetus for examining how doctors diagnose and treat

patients. He was a voracious reader and regularly connected R. GLEN GREEN, with luminaries such as Linus Pauling and Abram Hoffer, eager

M.D. to exchange innovative ideas and new treatments. b. 1923 His 1970 study of 1,200 school children lead to his discovery of Hall of Fame 2007 subclinical pellagra, an indication that the body is lacking in "We are what We Eat" vitamin B3 which, if untreated, may lead to schizophrenia. He also developed the Perceptual Dysfunction Test to diagnose more accurately subclinical pellagra. Children who fell into this category (some 17%) had difficulty reading and often had behavior problems. The cause was a cerebral allergy, overtaxing the digestive system. Sensory illusions stopped when orthomolecular therapy and diet were used. Dr. Green¹s pursuit of help for patients who did not respond to traditional medicine lead him further into alternative medicine. In his book, Doctors, Martin O'Malley wrote that Green was the most "radical holistic doctor in Canada", a mantel he wore with pride. Green lost his license to practice medicine in 1982 for the belief that people must alter their lifestyles and learn how to nourish their bodies to rediscover the joy of good health.

Dr. Green was one of the 24 founding members of the Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry established in 1976. He contributed five articles on subclinical pellagra to the Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry. - Susan Green 47 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Joseph Goldberger was born in 1874 and studied medicine at Bellevue Hospital Medical School in New York, graduating with honors in 1895. After an internship at Bellevue Hospital College, he engaged in private practice for two years and then joined the Public Health Service Corps in 1899. During routine work as a quarantine officer on Ellis Island, Goldberger rapidly acquired a reputation for outstanding investigative studies of various infectious diseases, including yellow fever, dengue fever, and typhus. Goldberger devoted the latter part of his career to studying pellagra. After quickly contradicting the contemporary general belief that pellagra was an infectious disease, he spent the last 15 years of his life trying to

prove that its cause was a dietary deficiency. During the first half of Joseph Goldberger, MD the 20th century, an epidemic of pellagra produced roughly 3 million cases in the United States, about 100,000 of which were fatal. (From: 1874 - 1929 Elmore JG, Feinstein AR. Joseph Goldberger: an unsung hero of Hall of Fame 2008 American clinical epidemiology. Ann Intern Med, 1994 Sep 1;121(5):372-5.) "Goldberger is my model Abram Hoffer adds: "In the early 1940s, the United States of a brilliant scientist." government mandated the addition of niacinamide to flour. This -Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD eradicated the terrible pandemic of pellagra in just two years, and ought to be recognized as the most successful public health measure for the elimination of a major disease in psychiatry, the pellagra psychoses. The reaction of contemporary physicians was predictable. Indeed, at the time, Canada rejected the idea and declared the addition of vitamins to flour to be an adulteration. The United States has long been the leading nation in nutrition research." Knowledge comes at a cost: Goldberger had yellow fever, dengue, and very nearly died of typhus. The US National Institutes of Health says he "stepped on Southern pride when he linked the poverty of Southern sharecroppers, tenant farmers, and mill workers to the deficient diet that caused pellagra." ( In the end, Goldberger was nominated for the Nobel Prize. Had he

not died earlier in the year, he might well have shared it in 1929 with vitamin researchers Christiaan Eijkman and Frederick G. Hopkins. Alan Kraut's prize-winning book, Goldberger's War: The Life and Work of a Public Health Crusader (2003) is an excellent source on this outstanding pioneer. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 48


in 1964 and has maintained a private practice since 1971 in Berkeley, California. He became a member of the Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry in 1972 and served as Vice President from 1976 -1986. During the same period he served on the Board of Trustees for the Huxley Institute for Biomedical Research. On numerous occasions since 1972, Dr. Lesser has served as an expert witness in Psychiatry and Orthomolecular Medicine in criminal and civil cases before municipal, state and federal courts in California and Arizona. Along with ten other doctors, Dr. Lesser founded the Orthomolecular Medical Society in San Diego, CA, in 1975. He served as its first

President (1975-1979), with Linus Pauling, PhD, as Honorary Michael Lesser, MD President; Richard Kunin, MD, Vice President. b. 1939 Dr. Lesser gave testimony before California State Legislature leading Hall of Fame 2008 to passage of Orthomolecular Medicine Bills in 1976 and 1977. He "Dr. Lesser is one of the also gave testimony before United States Select Senate Committee pioneers in the development on Nutrition and Human Needs, "Diet Related To Killer Diseases, V: of orthomolecular psychiatry Nutrition and Mental Health," in Washington DC, June 22, 1977. An and medicine" excerpt of his testimony was broadcast on CBS and NBC News that -Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD night and he appeared as a guest on ABC‘s Good Morning America, June 23, 1977. In 1997 he founded Nutritional Medicine, a communications company that sponsors conferences on nutrition and vitamin therapy. With Dr. Kaneko of Japan he organized the OrthoMolecular Nutrition Laboratory Symposium in New York, October 1997. Dr. Lesser‘s books include Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy (1980) which sold 350,000 copies; Fat and The Killer Diseases (1991); and The Brain Chemistry Diet (2002) in which he identifies six primary psychological types-each type evinces certain strengths when health is optimal, and suffers from specific psychiatric vulnerabilities when imbalances occur. His dietary and supplement recommendations are predicated on these differences.

He has published over 50 papers and lectures on orthomolecular medicine and psychiatry and has served on the Editorial Review board for the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine

Michael Lesser received his MD from Cornell University 49 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Educated at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Kunin received his MD degree in 1955. Following psychiatric residency training at New York Hospital, which he completed in 1959, he served for two years in the United States Army Medical Corps. Dr. Kunin has been in private practice since 1963, now in San Francisco.

Inspired by Dr. Linus Pauling‘s work with vitamin C and antioxidants in orthomolecular medicine, his 1973 discovery of manganese as a cure for drug-induced dyskinesia (muscle- movement disorder caused by drug therapy) was the first orthomolecular research to verify the efficacy of mineral therapy for a disease (other than simple deficiency). His studies on the effects of niacin (1975) were the first to identify prostaglandins in the niacin flush and aspirin as an antidote. Richard Kunin, MD He co-founded the Orthomolecular Medical Society with Dr. Michael Lesser b. 1932 and Dr. Linus Pauling in 1976, and served as its President from 1980-82. Hall of Fame 2008 Dr. Kunin‘s clinical research led to the "Orthocarbohydrate Diet", the first diet plan based on individualized carbohydrate- protein-fat effects on mood, "Richard Kunin is an energy, and weight. The "Listen To Your Body Diet", popularized in his best-selling books Mega Nutrition (1980) and Mega Nutrition for authentic trailblazer who Women (1983) remains one of the most user friendly, safe and effective merits the name." diet-energy plans. -National Health Federation In 1986, Dr. Kunin began a 12-year stint as a columnist for the San Francisco New Fillmore. His column, "Putting Nutrition First," was a big hit with its readers.

He achieved the first measurement of EPA in snake oil in 1989,

substantiating its anti-inflammatory benefits (published in JOM, 1989, Vol 4, no 3). Dr. Kunin demonstrated that snake oil is not quackery after all!

In 1994, he founded the Society for Orthomolecular Health Medicine (OHM)

in San Francisco, and has organized its annual scientific meetings for 14 years. In the same year, Dr. Kunin became the first Interim President of the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine. Dr. Kunin is also director of research of Ola Loa Products, leaders in powdered nutrition supplements.

Dr. Kunin also serves on the Board of Governors of the National Health Federation and has been on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, since 1982. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 50


Adelle Davis, one of America‘s best known nutritionists, was born Daisie Adelle Davis and raised on a farm in Lizton, Indiana. She attended Perdue University from 1923 to1925, and received her bachelor‘s degree in dietetics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1927. Trained in hospital dietetics at Bellevue and Fordham Hospitals in New York City, Davis served as a nutritionist for the New York City public schools until 1931. After several years of private practice as a consulting nutritionist, she earned her M.S. in biochemistry from the University of Southern California in 1939. She continued to see patients in southern California, many thousands of which were referred to her by physicians. Adelle DAVIS, The Adelle Davis Foundation ( comments that MSc 1904 - 1974 "she repeatedly stated that the body does best when provided Hall of Fame 2008 with all of the known nutrients, as well as fresh food sources for "One of the pioneers of the obtaining nutrients yet to be discovered by science. Knowing movement toward healthier the amounts of nutrients that the body requires under given eating, Adelle Davis, raised conditions, one can make educated decisions . . . Without many food safety and health issues based on her own knowing the research, one cannot judge what amounts are research. Her views were not necessary to avoid vitamin deficiencies. Deficiencies in accepted by the scientific vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients can cause illness that is community at the time. Now reversed when the nutrients are added to the diet." the weight of medical Adelle Davis wrote four bestselling books, starting with Let’s evidence, including former Cook It Right in 1947. Let’s Have Healthy Children (1951), Let’s Surgeon General Koops’ Report on Nutrition and Eat Right to Keep Fit (1954), and Let’s Get Well (1965) would Health, has vindicated her follow, each later revised and updated. She was a popular views." speaker and frequent guest on television, beginning in 1947 -Patrick Leahy and continuing for over 25 years, including a number of United States Senator 1998 appearances on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Linus Pauling considered Adelle Davis to be "a pioneer in the health movement. She was essentially correct in almost everything she said." In 1990, Natural Food and Farming magazine wrote, "Today‘s research shows that she was indeed ahead of her time." 51 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Carlton Fredericks, born Harold Carlton Caplan, grew up in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. He earned his bachelor's degree at the University of Alabama in 1931, and received a master's degree in 1949 and a PhD in 1955, both in Public Health Education, and both from New York University. He wrote over twenty books, lectured widely, and was associate professor of public health at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Fredericks became famous, and in some circles infamous, for his pioneering use of the media to educate people about vitamin and nutrition therapy. On the radio for nearly half a century, his most

famous thirty years began in 1957 at New York City station WOR. Carlton Fredericks, PhD Fredericks' call-in "Design for Living" program, broadcast six days a 1910 - 1987 week and syndicated nationally, resulted in literally millions of letters Hall of Fame 2008 to a man whom many considered to be "America's Foremost Nutritionist." KABC Los Angeles presented his program "Living "Carlton Fredericks Should Be Fun" saying that "Dr. Fredericks presents interviews with repeatedly kicked the shins doctors and nutritionists (and) examines the fact or superstition in of public health officials certain nutrition beliefs." In one such 1978 interview, he interviewed because of their failure to orthomolecular niacinamide pioneer Dr. William Kaufman. protect the nutritional health of the public." Dr. Fredericks, a colleague of Drs. Robert Atkins and Linus Pauling, -Michael Barbee, was heavily criticized as a vitamin "promoter" and food "faddist". Politically Incorrect Nutrition Today, he might be seen more as an orthomolecular version of Paul Harvey. The New York Times described Fredericks' voice as having

"crisp diction and authoritative delivery." Fredericks constantly made fun of junk foods, and brought his listeners many a memorable

moment. He quipped that if you lack the time to learn what you ought to know about healthy eating, just follow the average grocery store

shopper and purchase only what she doesn't. When callers asked about white bread, he replied that it "makes a wonderful way of

cleaning off your counter tops. You can dust your furniture with it." The irrepressible Fredericks appeared on the Merv Griffin Show, and

was a columnist for Prevention and Let's Live magazines. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 52


Robert Cathcart's observations on clinical use of ascorbic acid drew worldwide renown, along with the respect of Linus Pauling. A native of Texas, Bob came to Northern California as a child and spent most of his life in the Bay Area. He earned his medical degree from the University of California in San Francisco in 1961, then completed his internship and residency at Stanford Hospital. Bob was an instructor in orthopedic surgery at Stanford after his residency. The "Cathcart Prosthesis" has been implanted in over 100,000 hips. Bob became interested in vitamin C when he read Linus Pauling's Vitamin C and the Common Cold, and he began using Robert Cathcart III, it for his own allergies and his patients' viral infections. He MD 1932 - 2007 thought about a common side effect of high-dose ascorbate, Hall of Fame 2008 namely diarrhea, in a new way. He observed that a person's "I have never seen a tolerance for the vitamin increased considerably in the presence serious reaction to vitamin of viral illness, seemingly in proportion to the severity of the supplements. Since 1969 I illness. A person who ordinarily develops diarrhea from, say, a have taken over 2 tons of 12-gram dose of ascorbate, might be able to tolerate upwards ascorbic acid myself. I have of 100 grams when ill with a cold or flu. Bob found that titration put over 20,000 patients on of vitamin C dosage to bowel tolerance permitted quicker bowel tolerance doses of resolution of an illness. ascorbic acid without any Bob treated tens of thousands of patients with vitamin C serious problems, and with megadoses. He was a popular lecturer at medical meetings, great benefit." where he freely shared his findings with his colleagues. -Robert F. Cathcart, M.D. However, he was not well published. Like Linus Pauling himself, Independent Vitamin Safety Review Panel Statement Cathcart encountered rejection and even scorn at the hands of scientific and medical journal editors. JOM is proud to be one of the few platforms to have brought Bob's work to the attention of the world's healing professions. Bob Cathcart received the Linus Pauling Award from the Society for Orthomolecular Health Medicine in 2002. He leaves a reminder for all who would do science: progress and success

rest more on dispassionate observation and creative thinking than on all the gee-whiz technology mankind has ever come up with. From Richard Huemer's article, "In Memoriam: Robert Fulton Cathcart III, M.D." JOM, 2007, 22: 53 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Born in 1845 in Ukraine, Ilya Metchnikov studied natural sciences at the University of Kharkov and pioneered research in immunology. In 1904, he became the deputy director at the Pasteur Institute laboratory in Paris from where he discovered the process of phagocytosis which demonstrated how specific white blood cells can engulf and destroy harmful bacteria in the body. His theories were radical and the "sophisticated" microbe hunters in the West –Pasteur, Behring and others–scorned the Russian and his humble theory. Nevertheless, history vindicated Metchnikov's brilliant theory and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1908. Although references to the nutritional power of fermented foods date

back thousands of years, Elie Metchnikov is regarded as the father of Ilya Metchnikov, modern probiotics. He made a landmark observation that the regular Ph.D. 1845 - 1916 consumption of lactic acid bacteria in fermented dairy products, such Hall of Fame 2009 as yogurt, was associated with enhanced health and longevity in "Death begins in the Bulgarian peasant populations. He linked this to the "Bulgarian colon." -Ilya Metchnikov bacillus" which was discovered by a 27-year old Bulgarian physician Stamen Grigorov, and he later demonstrated how healthy bacteria in yogurt helped digestion and improved the immune system. The reduction of the harmful bacteria coupled with the increase in good bacteria in the intestines appear to improve the immune system and reduce the burden on the cleansing organs such as the kidneys and liver. The scientific rationale for the health benefit of lactic acid bacteria was provided in his book The Prolongation of Life published in 1907, in which he asserted that some of the bacterial organisms present in the large intestine were a source of toxic substances that contributed

to illness and aging. This book also delved into the potential life- lengthening properties of lactic acid bacteria. He suggested that "The dependence of the intestinal microbes on the food makes it possible to adopt measures to modify the flora in our bodies and to replace the harmful microbes by useful microbes." He wrote two more books: Immunity in Infectious Diseases (1905) and The Nature of Man (1938). In recognition of Metchnikov's place in the probiotic realm, the International Dairy Federation (IDF) created, in 2007, "The IDF Elie Metchnikov Prize" to recognize outstanding scientific discoveries in the fields of microbiology, biotechnology, nutrition and health with regard to fermented milk products. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 54


Hugh Macdonald Sinclair, was one of the twentieth century's outstanding experts in human nutrition. He was born in Duddington House, Edinburgh, Scotland, and went to Oriel College, Oxford to study Animal Physiology. He was appointed Departmental Demonstrator in Biochemistry, before going on to study Clinical Medicine at University College Hospital Medical School, London. Sinclair spent most of his working life as a Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, though he made many forays into a wider world, notably during the Second World War when he was involved in planning how the British could be properly nourished and in famine relief in the Netherlands and Rhineland. Sinclair is most widely known for claiming that "bad fats" worsened Hugh MACDONALD what he called "diseases of civilization", such as coronary heart SINCLAIR, Ch.B. disease, cancer, diabetes, inflammation, strokes and skin disease. 1910 - 1990 He believed that diets deficient in essential fatty acids are the cause Hall of Fame 2009 of most degenerative illnesses. Sinclair's forceful arguments on this "He may prove to be one of matter preceded firm scientific evidence, however. His self- those people whose long experimentation, including the infamous 100 day seal-meat diet, term influence is far greater dramatically demonstrated the importance of long-chain fatty acids of than ever seemed likely fish oils in decreasing the aggregation of platelets and thus the while he was alive" incidence of thrombosis. Sinclair's main contributions were -David Horrobin intellectual. He recognized the central importance of nutrition to human life and, at a time when it had become unfashionable, he constantly emphasized the importance of the right food for proper health. In a famous letter to the Lancet in 1956, he made a particular contribution in identifying the crucial role of essential fatty acids in health, which readers classed as either visionary or lunatic, depending on their point of view. His letter foreshadowed half a century of research on a nutritional topic which is steadily increasing in importance. Sinclair's greatest dream was to establish an international centre for the study of human nutrition. He argued that nutrition is an important area of science in its own right, and that new insights into the relationships between food and human health should guide developments in medicine, agriculture, and food technology. Many of his ideas have relevance for us today. 55 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Archie Kalokerinos was born in Glenn Innes, Australia, in 1927 and took his MD degree from Sydney University in 1951. He was appointed Medical Superintendent of the hospital at Collarenebri, Australia, where he served until 1975. His practice is based on Linus Pauling‘s theory that many diseases result from excessive free radicals and can accordingly be prevented or cured by vitamin C. Kalokerinos is well known worldwide as the doctor who spent much of his time fighting for the well-being of the Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia. He became very concerned about the high death rate of Aboriginal children in New South Wales and came to the conclusion that the infants had symptoms of scurvy, a deficiency of vitamin C. In his ground-breaking book, Every Second Child, he discovered that Archie Kalokerinos, M.D. the an acute vitamin C deficiency provoked by the vaccinations was 1927 - 2012 the reason why, at a certain point, up to half of the vaccinated Hall of Fame 2009 Aboriginal infants died. Instead of being rewarded for this lifesaving "Any attempt to adequately observation, Kalokerinos was harassed and his methods were write about Archie disregarded by the authorities, probably because they were too Kalokerinos would need a simple, too cheap and too efficacious to be accepted by the vested thousand pages and would interests of modern medicine. And, besides, they were meant to incorporate many such protect a population which, in its own native county, is regarded by adjectives as: far-sighted, some as not worth taking the trouble for anyway. Dr. Kalokerinos, intelligent, sensible, however, thought differently, and the Nobel prize winner Linus observant, honest, caring, Pauling, (who wrote the foreword to Every Second Child) endorsed altruistic, congenial, his views. meticulous, brave, dogged, Kalokerinos is a Life Fellow of the Royal Society for the Promotion of intrepid, and last but not Health, of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, of the least, the trite, but well- Australasian College of Biomedical Scientists, of the Hong Kong deserved, 'great.'" Medical Technology Association, and a Member of the New York -Oscar Falconi Academy of Sciences. In 1978 he was awarded the AMM (Australian Medal of Merit) for outstanding scientific research. He is an author of 28 papers listed in PubMed. He retired from full time practice in 1993 and spends most of his time doing private research. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 56


Jeffrey Bland was born in 1946 in Illinois, and grew up in Southern California, where he graduated from the University of California, Irvine, in 1967 with degrees in biology and chemistry. In 1971, he completed his doctorate degree in synthetic organic chemistry and began his career as a university professor and researcher at the University of Puget Sound with a dual appointment in Chemistry and Environmental Sciences. In 1976, Dr. Bland was certified as a Certified Clinical Laboratory Director, was tenured in 1977. From 1976-1995, he served as a prominent educator for the natural foods and nutritional supplement industries and was involved in the founding of Bastyr University of Natural Health Sciences in Seattle, the first accredited university of naturopathic medicine in North Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D. America. In 1981, Bland was invited by Linus Pauling to become the b. 1946 Director of Nutritional Supplement Analysis at the Linus Pauling Hall of Fame 2009 Institute in Palo Alto, California. "Jeff is the most important In 1984, he started HealthComm, a company dedicated to teaching innovator and educator in physicians and other licensed health care providers how to natural medicine in North successfully implement nutrition intervention into their practices. America." Since 1978, Dr. Bland has authored four books on nutrition and -Abram Hoffer health for the general public and six books for health professionals. He is also the principal author of over 100 peer-reviewed research papers on nutritional biochemistry. With his establishment of the Institute for Functional Medicine in 1991, Jeffrey Bland conceptualized functional medicine as a patient-centered systems

biology approach to medicine. Utilizing his Textbook of Functional Medicine, first published by the Institute in 2005, Dr. Bland introduced the concept of functional medicine to Europe, Asia, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand. Since 2000, Jeffrey Bland has served as the Chief Science Officer of Metagenics and the President of Metaproteomics, a nutrigenomic research and development company employing more than 40 scientists and physicians at its research centers. Dr. Bland merged his company, HealthComm International, with Metagenics, the combined Metagenics has become the largest global nutraceutical and medical food company serving the fields of functional and integrative medicine. In 2006, Jeffrey Bland established "Synthesis" on his website to serve as a repository for his functional medicine educational materials. 57 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Thomas Latimer Cleave was born in Exeter and entered the Bristol Medical School at the age of sixteen, finished his training at St. Mary's Hospital and went straight into the Royal Navy. There he was a medical specialist in various hospitals at home and abroad, ending up as surgeon captain and director of medical research until he retired in 1962. After working in obscurity for many years, in the 1970s Cleave received international acclaim as the father of the dietary fibre hypothesis. His great vision was to see that the human body was maladapted to the refined foods of civilization, primarily carbohydrates, sugar and white flour. He reasoned that if man avoided unnatural foods he would avoid unnatural diseases which Thomas L. Cleave, were generally absent in wild animals or primitive communities. He M.R.C.P. spent his life gathering evidence and developing arguments to 1906-1983 support this view, which culminated in his grand hypothesis that a Hall of Fame 2009 range of diseases -from obesity, to diabetes, coronary heart disease, "Cleave saw that many of ulcers, dental caries, constipation and appendicitis-were caused by the diseases of civilization maladaptation to foods containing refined carbohydrates. Since they could be explained as the all had a common cause he viewed them as a single master disease, consequences of eating he called "the saccharine disease." His book of the same name, refined carbohydrate, published in 1974, sold thousands of copies and was written in pointing out the crucial fact laymen's language that the public could readily grasp. In 1986, the that refined foods are an British Medical Association finally answered Cleave‘s voice in the artefact of technological wilderness in its report Food, Nutrition and Health, which civilization." recommended an increase in consumption of fresh food and -Kenneth Heaton vegetables and whole grains. One of Cleave's most effective advocates was Dr. Denis Burkitt, the legendary cancer researcher, and their collaboration was turning point in the fortunes of Cleave's hypothesis. Burkitt's connections with 150 third world hospitals enabled him to confirm many of Cleave's epidemiological observations and even to add to his list of Western diseases which can be attributed to refined carbohydrate. Burkitt acknowledged his debt to his friend, stating "Cleave was one of the most revolutionary and far-sighted medical thinkers of the twentieth century, seeing far beyond the small vision of intricate details of individual diseases." ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 58

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE 59 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Casimir Funk is remembered as an outstanding biochemist and early explorer in the field of nutritional science, who is best known for the first formulation of the concept of vitamins in 1912. It was Funk who coined the term "vitamin," to describe compounds that were "vital" to health and were centred around an "amine" group. He also postulated the existence of vitamins B1, B2, C and D. In 1936, he determined the molecular structure of thiamin, and was the first to isolate niacin, vitamin B3. He discovered that many human diseases are caused by a lack of particular nutrients that are readily available in certain foods. He found cures for such devastating illnesses as beriberi, pellagra, rickets, and scurvy. Funk later did extensive research on hormones. Born in Warsaw, Poland, the son of a renowned dermatologist, Casimir Funk studied organic chemistry at Switzerland‘s University of Berne, from which he received his Ph.D. in 1904. Funk worked at the Pasteur Institute in Paris until 1906, and then at London‘s Lister Institute of Preventative Casimir Funk, PhD Medicine. It was at the Lister institute that Funk‘s career as a scientist truly 1884 - 1967 began. He was assigned to research beriberi, a common illness in the Far Hall of Fame 2010 East that causes peripheral nerve damage and heart failure. Scientists had thought the disease was due to insufficient dietary protein, but Funk discovered that the typical Far Eastern diet of polished rice was deficient in thiamine. Adding this vitamin back into the diet cured beriberi. Later that year, he isolated a substance now known as niacin (vitamin B3). When he published his findings in 1912 and his book The Vitamin, in 1913, Funk immediately became well known in the scientific world. The publication of "The Vitamin" earned him public recognition and a Beit Fellowship from the University of London. He become head of the Biochemistry Department at the Cancer Hospital Research Institute and later became head of research at H. A. Metz and Company, where he remained until 1921. While at Metz, Funk developed Oscodol (a vitamin A and D concentrate). He began a job in New York as a consulting scientist for the U.S. Vitamin Corporation, and in 1940 he became president of the Funk Foundation for Medical Research. During his lifetime, Funk published more than 140 articles, advanced humankind‘s understanding of nutrition and revolutionized the way people looked at their health. His original insight that lack of vitamins in the diet was responsible for disease helped develop effective preventive and curative measures for anemia, beriberi, osteomalacia, pellagra, rickets, scurvy, and sprue. The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (PIASA) annually honors Polish-American scientists with the Casimir Funk Natural Sciences Award. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 60


Bruce Ames is a professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of California, Berkeley, and a senior scientist at Children‘s Hospital Oakland Research Institute. In the 1950s, Ames began working at the NIH, where he investigated ways of mutating the DNA of bacteria in order to learn more about gene regulation. This work led him to develop the ―Ames Test,‖ one of the key diagnostic tools for detecting mutagens that is still used worldwide. With that breakthrough test, Ames and other investigators were able to show that most cancer-causing chemicals act by damaging genes—a finding that now seems obvious only because Ames helped prove it. The revolution in the Ames Test was its speed and cost: it can be done in an afternoon, whereas previously animal cancer tests cost millions of dollars and took years to complete. Dr. Ames is a National Medal of Science winner, has published more than 450 scientific papers, and has become one of the most cited scientists alive. Ames has been interested in the ―free radical theory of aging‖ for many years. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that ravage cell machinery, bond indiscriminately with other molecules, break chromosomes and cripple enzymes. In 1990 Ames Bruce Ames, PhD published the first evidence that DNA oxidation actually increases with age. This b. 1928 research led him to look more closely at mitochondria because they are a Hall of Fame 2010 significant source of the body‘s free radicals. In order to burn fats and carbohydrates to make metabolic fuel, mitochondria take electrons from NADH and shuffle them among a suite of molecules in a complex chain reaction, ending in the reduction of oxygen to water. Invariably, some of the electrons escape from this "respiratory chain", creating free radicals. His breakthrough in aging research, which came in the mid-1990s, took a closer look at a dietary supplement, acetyl-L- carnitine (ALCAR). Ames reasoned that high levels of ALCAR might also combat the problems of aging membranes and decrepit enzymes. He began feeding ALCAR to his old rats and within weeks, he noticed improvements in the animals‘ biochemistry and behaviour. Their mitochondria were going full bore again, and they had become far more active, they were still churning out oxidants at a very high rate. Ames decided to add an agent to the rats‘ diet to neutralize the oxidants. He tried lipoic acid, a mitochondrial antioxidant. The results were profound. Oxidants and oxidative damage to mitochondrial components dropped dramatically. Both the structure and function of the mitochondria improved. Three years ago, Ames set up a company called Juvenon, which sells tablets containing 200 mg alpha-lipoic acid and 500 mg acetyl-L-carnitine, to be taken twice a day. Ames is also convinced that simple B vitamin therapy could combat many diseases, and has published an exhaustive review, with more than 300 references, showing that no fewer than 50 genetic diseases might be remedied with high doses of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Most recently, he has published on his novel "triage theory", which posits that some functions of micronutrients are restricted during shortage and that functions required for short-term survival take precedence. 61 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Harold Foster was deeply invested in the resilience of life on the planet, and improving the quality of life for all living things. For more than 40 years, Harold worked as a geomorphologist, professor of medical geography, consultant to the United Nations and NATO in disaster planning, and avid researcher which culminated in the formation of the Harold Foster Foundation. A Canadian by choice, he was born in Tunstall, Yorkshire, England, and educated at the Hull Grammar School and University College London. While at university, he specialized in Geology and Geography, earning a B.Sc. in 1964 and a Ph.D. in 1968. He was a faculty member in the Department of Geography, University of Victoria, from 1967 to 2008. As a Harold D. Foster, PhD tenured professor, he authored or edited over 300 publications, the majority 1943 - 2009 of which focused on reducing disaster losses or identifying the causes of Hall of Fame 2010 chronic degenerative and infectious diseases. His numerous books include Disaster Planning: The Preservation of Life and Property; Health, Disease and the Environment, and Reducing Cancer Mortality: A Geographical Perspective. He also wrote six books in the What Really Causes series, including those on AIDS, Alzheimer‘s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Schizophrenia, SIDS, and Breast Cancer. Harry became one of the giants in orthomolecular medicine, with boundless enthusiasm, a prolific gift of writing, and was a researcher who made unique contributions in our understanding of health and disease. Harry‘s soaring scientific mind combined his expertise in geography, epidemiology and orthomolecular medicine to create new insights into nutritional medicine. He had a gift for synthesizing diverse, seemingly unrelated phenomena and showing us the orthomolecular whole. A fixture at many of the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conferences, Harry‘s eagerly anticipated presentations were always fresh and original as he explored the complex relationships between genetic inheritance, health

and the "nutritional geographies" of the world. He also conducted many groundbreaking studies of selenium in AIDS therapy in Africa- A low tech, but surprisingly effective approach which large pharmaceutical companies ignored in favour of expensive western therapies which, in the end, few Africans would be able to afford. Harry‘s accomplishments as a writer, researcher and educator are many and cover a broad range, including serving on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine for fifteen years, and on the board of directors for the International Schizophrenia Foundation for thirteen years. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 62


Erik Paterson is a fine example of the Orthomolecular General Practitioner working "in the trenches" - in his case in a small town in the Kootenay River valley of British Columbia, Canada, a few kilometers north of the Idaho border. He was born in Cambridge, England, and graduated with an MB from the University of Glasgow, where he practiced until 1970 before emigrating to Creston, BC. In this beautiful locale, Erik served his rural community until his recent retirement in January 2011. Erik‘s father, T. T. Paterson, began working with Humphrey Osmond on the administrative aspects of psychiatry in 1956. As a teenager, Erik learned of the work being done by Osmond and Abram Hoffer in Saskatchewan on the use of niacin in treating schizophrenia. Later, Erik T. Paterson when he established his own private practice, Erik was dissatisfied b. 1941 with the standard drug approach used by the local psychiatrist for all Hall of Fame 2011 mentally ill patients. Believing there had to be a better way, he spent time with Abram Hoffer in Saskatoon in 1974. Combining what he learned from Hoffer with material presented by Carl Pfeiffer and Alan I am morally compelled to Cott at the 1974 meeting of the Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, remain an orthomolecular he was able to help 78 percent of his schizophrenic patients become physician; indeed I am alive well. because of Orthomolecular Since those early days of discovery and success, Erik has helped Medicine. hundreds of patients through Orthomolecular treatment. In the

Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry and the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, he has made dozens of contributions including many useful case reports from his general practice and he has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine since 1995. A regular presenter at the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conferences from 1981 to 2006, Erik also participated in the 1998 documentary film "Masks of Madness: Science of Healing". Along with Abram Hoffer, Erik addressed the Healing Cancer Convention, hosted by Dr Masatoshi Kaneko in Vancouver, 2006 Erik has practiced medicine since 1966, almost as long as he has practiced marriage; he‘s been very successful in both endeavors. Jinty, his wife of 56 years, has been a true partner in every way; they have two daughters and two grandchildren. Erik is a model of perseverance, who has faced the challenges of a

remote practice while upholding and promulgating the tenets of Orthomolecular Medicine. 63 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Founder of the Japanese Society for Orthomolecular Medicine Tsuyoshi (Ken) Kitahara was born in Tokyo and graduated from the University of Keio, Faculty of Law. As an international businessman he has lived in the United States, Europe, Singapore and Japan. His keen interest in integrative medicine led him to a few medical doctors in Japan who were frustrated with the current system of medicine and who wished to investigate diet and the orthomolecular approach. In 2001, Ken needed psychiatric help for his son. When told that his son would never get well and would have to take drugs for the rest of his life, Ken decided this was not acceptable. He found one of Dr Abram Hoffer‘s articles on vitamin therapies for psychiatric disorders, which provided hope for patients and families. After sending one e- Tsuyohi (Ken) Kitahara mail to Dr Hoffer, Ken‘s whole world changed. With his son, he b. 1948 visited Dr Hoffer in Victoria in 2002, where he received immediate Hall of Fame 2011 support that he had not found in Japan. Dr Hoffer kindly explained what the original problem was and how to advance the treatment. Ken decided that the benefit and the blessing received from Dr. Hoffer should be available to all people suffering from these problems in Japan. In 2003 Ken established the Japanese Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (JSOM) along with D. Hiroyuki Abe and Dr Osamu Mizukami. The JSOM focuses on orthomolecular treatment for psychiatric illness, autism and various stress-related disorders. The

JSOM hosts three research and study meetings per year for medical doctors, as well as several orthomolecular seminars for patients and their families. In addition, Dr Michael Lesser‘s Brain Chemistry Diet, Dr Joan Larson‘s Depression Free Naturally, and Harold Foster‘s What Really Causes Schizophrenia, have been published in Japanese with Ken‘s assistance. He has attended the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference for the past eight years. It is always a great joy when patients improve and in JSOM‘s and Ken‘s office, five former schizophrenic patients are working and performing various office tasks. His next goal is to open a group home where orthomolecular therapy will be at the core of living to assist the patients and to provide meaningful work. Today, Ken still feels his most important duty is to spread information on the orthomolecular approach, which has been established by our pioneers, and to maintain and lead an active

movement forward for the sake of those in need. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 64


Dr Yanagisawa graduated from the Kyorin University School of Medicine in 1976, and completed his graduate work in 1980 from the Kyorin University Graduate School of Medicine in Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Yanagisawa served as Professor in Clinical Medicine at the Kyorin University School of Health Sciences, and concurrently as Professor in Clinical Cardiology at Kyorin University Hospital until 2008. Dr Yanagisawa has served as the Director of The International Education Center for Integrative Medicine in Atsuo Yanagisawa Tokyo, Japan, since 2008. He has introduced many well- b. 1951 known teachers from North America in Japan, including Hall of Fame 2011 Burt Berkson, Michael Janson, John Hoffer and Steve Leader in Intravenous Hickey. He is a fellow of the American College for Vitamin C Education Advancement in Medicine, and board certified in chelation and Treatment in therapy. In 2004, he established the SPIC Salon Medical Japan Clinic, which combines IV treatments in a spa setting. The Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy was founded in 2007, with Dr Yanagisawa as President. The College has grown to almost 400 doctors in 200 clinics in every region of Japan, Dr Yanagisawa presented at the 2nd IV C

Symposium in Wichita, Kansas, in October 2010 and launched the International College of IV Therapy, which held their first conference, also in October 2010, bringing together experts in the field from Japan and around the world. Dr Yanagisawa is the author of 140 scientific papers in English and Japanese and has published several books in cardiology, chelation, nutrition, coaching, and IV vitamin C for cancer. He honours his mentors, especially Dr Hinohara and Mr Daisuke Shibata. Dr Yanagisawa‘s significant contribution as a pioneer in Intravenous Therapy in Japan has earned him a place in the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame. 65 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Trained as a pharmacist, Gert Schuitemaker completed his PhD in medicine at University of Maastricht in 2004. He was introduced to Orthomolecular Medicine through the work of Linus Pauling, whom he first met and interviewed in Palo Alto in 1985, Abram Hoffer and others. Gert founded the Ortho Institute in 1982, the leading centre for Orthomolecular expertise in the Netherlands, which publishes the Orthomoleculair magazine for health professionals and Fit mit Voeding ("Fit with Nutrition") for the public. The Maatschappij ter Bevordering van de Orthomoleculaire Geneeskunde (Society for the Advancement of OM) was founded by Gert in 1987 and he served as its first President until 1997. Gert organized conferences on vitamin C

with Robert Cathcart in 1986, and on nutrition and behavior with Gert SCHUITEMAKER Stephen Schoentaler, which attracted much attention in 1988, the b. 1952 same year he began the "Around the World" column in the Journal of Hall of Fame 2011 Orthomolecular Medicine. In 1994, along with his partner, Elsedien First Nutrition, then de Groot, Gert started The Ortho Company, makers of the Plantina Medicine line of supplements, for which he is product developer and formulator. Plantina products are very popular among Dutch athletes, including Nicolien Sauerbreij who won gold in at the 2010 . Gert served as President of the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine from 1999 to 2009 and received the 2005 Orthomolecular Doctor of the Year Award, cited as "A Leader in Establishing Orthomolecular Medicine in Europe". To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Pauling‘s Orthomolecular article in Science, Gert hosted a meeting in Anholt, Germany, with other leading Orthomolecular scientists and practitioners in Europe. His book, New Light on Vitamin D, published in 2008, increased the awareness of this important nutrient in the Netherlands. A member of the advisory

board of the International Schizophrenia Foundation and the editorial board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Gert has published several books and more than 300 articles. Gert‘s influence has led many physicians in the Netherlands to use food supplements in their daily practice and to refer to themselves as ‗orthomolecular‘ or state that they do ‗orthomolecular therapy‘. In this respect Orthomolecular Medicine is established in the Netherlands. Gert has earned a well-deserved place among the pioneers in the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame as our 50th inductee. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 66


Reading was a dynamic force in the International Holistic Health Care community, tirelessly caring for his many thousands of patients and helping hundreds of thousands of others through his writings. He was also an original thinker, many of whose ideas were decades ahead of their time. Finally, Dr. Reading was a courageous practitioner, who fought for the beliefs and values he championed in practicing orthomolecular medicine, at its very inception, in Australia. Christopher Michael Reading was born in his parents‘ farmhouse in the village of Boxted on the Essex-Suffolk border in England. In 1954 the family emigrated to Australia, where Chris READING, MB Chris gained a Commonwealth Scholarship to study Science at 1938 - 2011 the University of Sydney. There he remained for 11 years, living Hall of Fame 2012 at St Paul‘s College, and taking first his Bachelor‘s Degree, then a diploma in agricultural science, and finally his medical qualifications. After his internship, he decided to study psychiatry, the field that was to become his life‘s passion. He became a Fellow of the Royal Australian and NZ College of

Psychiatrists, and of the Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine and was a contributor to the SOMA Health Association of Australia Newsletter. A regular correspondent with Dr. Abram Hoffer, Chris reported on Orthomolecular activities in Australia in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine and contributed articles to the Journal, most recently in 2005. Of Chris‘ 2002 book Trace Your Genes to Health: Use Your Family Tree to Guide Your Diet, Enhance Your Immune System and Overcome Chronic Disease, Dr. Hoffer wrote: "This first book on genetic sleuthing and treatment will be one of the classics of our time." Many Journal readers are aware of Chris‘ pioneering and dedicated work as he explored the role of diet, allergies, vitamins and genetics across a wide range of illnesses and conditions. This was never merely an abstract idea to him: he lived to help others and to alleviate suffering. -with material from David Richards and Michael Andrews- Reading 67 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Harvard University and University of Michigan graduate, Jonathan V. Wright is a fore-runner in research and application of natural treatments for healthy aging and illness. Along with Alan Gaby, MD, he has since 1976 accumulated a file of over 50,000 research papers about diet, vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and other natural substances from which he has developed non-patent medicine (non- "drug") treatments for health problems. Since 1983, Drs. Wright and Gaby have regularly taught seminars about these methods to tens of thousands of physicians in the USA and overseas. He was the first to develop and introduce the use of comprehensive patterns of bio-identical hormones (including estrogens, progesterone, DHEA, and testosterone) in 1982 and (at Meridian Valley Laboratory) directed the development of tests to ensure their Jonathan V. WRIGHT, MD safe use. He teaches use and laboratory monitoring of bio-identical b. 1945 hormones at several seminars each year. Hall of Fame 2012 He also originated successful natural treatment for elimination of childhood asthma, popularized the use of D-mannose treatment for E. coli urinary tract infection, developed effective natural treatment for Dr. Wright is one of the seborrheic dermatitis, allergic and viral conjunctivitis, and Osgood- smartest clinicians I have Schlatter‘s disease, and discovered the effect of cobalt and iodine on ever met. His remarkable estrogen and other steroid detoxification. insights and medical Dr. Wright founded the Tahoma Clinic (1973), Meridian Valley wisdom have proven Laboratory (1976), and the Tahoma Clinic Foundation (1996). miraculous for so many. Tahoma Clinic was established to approach disease by natural - Joseph Pizzorno, ND means and emphasize correction of imbalances in the body that lead

to disease. The infamous 1992 FDA Tahoma Clinic "raid" ("The Great B-Vitamin Bust") was a major impetus for Congressional reform of vitamin/mineral regulation. Dr. Wright continues to be an advocate for patient freedom of choice in healthcare. Internationally known for his books and medical articles, Dr. Wright has authored or co-authored 11 books, selling over 1.5 million copies, with two texts achieving best selling status: Book of Nutritional Therapy and Guide to Healing with Nutrition. He authors "Nutrition and Healing", a monthly newsletter emphasizing nutritional medicine that reaches over 118,000 in the USA, and another 15,000 or more worldwide. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 68


Alan Gaby received his undergraduate degree from Yale University, his M.S. in biochemistry from Emory University, and his M.D. from the University of Maryland. He was in private practice for 17 years, specializing in nutritional medicine. He is past-president of the American Holistic Medical Association and gave expert testimony to the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine on the cost-effectiveness of nutritional supplements. He is the author of Preventing and Alan R. GABY, MD Reversing Osteoporosis (Prima, 1994), and The b. 1950 Doctor‘s Guide to Vitamin B6 (Rodale Press, 1984), the Hall of Fame 2012 co-author of The Patient‘s Book of Natural Healing This physician, teacher, (Prima, 1999), and has written numerous scientific scientist, researcher, papers in the field of nutritional medicine. He has been and writer is a modern the contributing medical editor for the Townsend Letter Renaissance man. -Bill for Doctors since 1985, and contributing editor for Manahan, MD Alternative Medicine Review since 1996. Over the past 30 years, he has developed a computerized database of more than 26,000

individually chosen medical journal articles related to the field of natural medicine. He was professor of nutrition and a member of the clinical faculty at Bastyr

University in Kenmore, WA, from 1995 to 2002. He is Chief Science Editor for Aisle 7 (formerly Healthnotes, Inc). He has appeared on the CBS Evening News and

the Donahue Show. In 2010, Dr. Gaby completed a 30- year project, a textbook of nutritional medicine, which is schedule for release in November. 69 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


With the exception of Abram Hoffer himself, no one person has had as much influence on the Canadian orthomolecular movement as our current executive director, Steven Carter. Responding to the invitation of Abram Hoffer, Steven came to the organization in 1985 from his position as editor of Alive Magazine in Vancouver. He inherited an organization consisting of a small core group of like- minded orthomolecular doctors, a thin professional journal and a modest annual meeting. From these roots, Steven patiently nurtured and grew something greater than Abram could ever have imagined. He became the Executive Director of the International Schizophrenia Foundation, the Managing Editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, and the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine. In 1987 Steven took on the challenge of rebuilding the dormant CSF, Steven CARTER envisioning a revived organization leading the way in complementary b. 1954 and alternative medicine (CAM). He moved the CSF office from Hall of Fame 2012 Regina to Vancouver to be closer to the growing CAM environment. Whatever your hand His duties included serving as Director of the annual CSF meeting finds to do, do it with all and re-organizing and expanding the annual conference. your heart. In 1988, Steven changed the conference focus toward health-care professionals, renamed it "Nutritional Medicine Today," and, in 2006, -Ecclesiastes 9:10 brought it to its present form: the Annual International "Orthomolecular Medicine Today" Conference. Under Steven‘s leadership, OMT attracts over 250 people to Canada, including

delegates, speakers and exhibitors from 18 countries. Serving in the multiple roles of educator, editor, publisher, planner, facilitator and producer, Steven has worked to establish diet, nutrition and lifestyle choices as the cornerstones of optimum health, and consistently kept professional and public attention focused on the importance of individual responsibility in health care. His commitment to CAM is demonstrated not only through his staying power but also in his ongoing effort to raise awareness of CAM and to educate Canadians to incorporate health care approaches that may not be covered by the medical system. After 25 years, Steven‘s mission has been a great success and our organization is on its strongest footing, displays the energy of its convictions and has a clear path laid out in the future. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 70


Hiroyuki Abe, MD, PhD, is a leading pioneer in Orthomolecular Medicine in Japan. Encouraged and inspired by Abram Hoffer, he established the Japanese Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, serving as cofounder and Honorary Chairman, with Tsuyoshi Kitahara as Director and Abram Hoffer as Honorary Member. Dr. Abe has incorporated into his practice and teaching the work of many Orthomolecular pioneers including Carl Pfeiffer, Hugh Riordan, Richard Kunin, and Michael Lesser. He has attended the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference for the last decade and brought what he has learned to Japan. Dr. Abe graduated from Sapporo Medical University in 1964. During his surgical training, he was appointed a Clinical Fellow in Surgery at Hiroyuki ABE, MD Philadelphia Children‘s Hospital and at Cleveland Clinic. After b. 1938 returning to Japan, he was appointed as Lecturer at Juntendo University in 1975 and as Associate Professor of Radiology at Nihon Hall of Fame 2013 University School of Medicine in 1981, while also a Visiting Professor in Diagnostic Radiology at Stanford University School of Medicine and in Cardiology of University of California San Francisco. Dr. Abe

is widely published in leading professional journals and he is the author of many chapters on cardiac surgery for medical textbooks. Dr. Abe opened new medical frontiers for cancer treatment, with personalized medicine based on molecular diagnostics as his underlying theme. Dr. Abe developed a dendritic cell-based cancer vaccine, and uses IV therapy, onco-hyperthermia, immunotherapy and other orthomolecular treatments. Orthomolecular Psychiatry is Dr Abe‘s other key interest. Following Abram Hoffer, he treats many schizophrenia and autism patients. Dr. Abe is Founder, CEO and Medical Director of Hakushin Koseikai Medical Foundation and Director of Life Science Research Institute. He is also Chairman of International Society of Personalized Medicine. Additionally, Dr. Abe has contributed to the advancement of Orthomolecular Medicine as the author of New Ways to Treat Autism,

and as editorial supervisor for the Japanese editions of The Brain Chemistry Diet(Michael Lesser), The Puzzle of Autism (Garry Gordon and Amy Yasko) and What Really Causes Schizophrenia (Harold Foster). 71 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Dr. Ron exemplifies the qualities that make an exceptional orthomolecular physician. In addition to his understanding of nutritional medicine, he understands how human relationships influence health and disease. He has a personal warmth, which enables him to connect immediately with patients. - Jack Challem Ron Hunninghake graduated from the University of Kansas School of Medicine in 1976. Board certified in Family Medicine, his early practice years reflected a conventional perspective seeking a wellness expression. All through medical school he had annoyed his professors with a burning question: "When will we learn more about health?" His quest for a new paradigm of true health care was fulfilled in his association with Dr. Hugh Riordan which began in 1989. Dr. Ronald E. Riordan‘s synthesis of patient as co-learner, his detective approach HUNNINGHAKE, MD to identifying root causes rather than simply treating symptoms, and b. 1951 his own passion to find orthomolecular treatments resonated with Dr. Hall of Fame 2013 Ron‘s original insight of using health as the ultimate antidote for chronic disease. With Dr. Riordan‘s untimely passing in 2005, Dr. Ron was appointed Chief Medical Officer of what is now the Riordan Clinic. In the challenging years that followed, he advanced the scope and vision of the clinic, inspiring staff and patients as co-learners to take better care of themselves, form new and sustainable habits of health, and to assume greater responsibility for their own health care. Serving as "the face of the Riordan Clinic," Dr. Ron drew upon a vast array of its original orthomolecular research to eloquently present Riordan‘s message of hope to audiences in Japan, Spain, the

Netherlands, Canada and Mexico, as well as extensively in the United States. He hosted his third IV Vitamin C and Cancer Symposium in 2012, gathering doctors from all over the world to lead a new generation of orthomolecular researchers and clinicians. The quality that makes Ron a strong and effective leader can be summed up in one word: compassion. His strong commitment and devotion to leading the Riordan Clinic and his pursuit of excellence are unmatched. He is loved and respected by all who meet him. "A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent." Douglas MacArthur ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 72


Andrew W. Saul was born and raised in Rochester, New York. He entered university at the age of 15. After study at the Australian National University and the Canberra Hospital, he received his Bachelor of Science from SUNY Brockport at age 19. He then did graduate work at the University of Ghana, Legon, West Africa, and also at the Brigham Hospital in Boston. Shortly thereafter, he began lecturing on the history of nutrition research and vitamin therapy, and was in private practice as a consultant for the next 35 years. He continued his education by winning three New York Empire State Teaching Fellowships, earning a Master of Science in 1989. Saul taught nutrition, addiction recovery, health science, and cell Andrew W. SAUL, PhD biology for nine years for the State University of New York, and b. 1955 clinical nutrition for New York Chiropractic College. He completed his Hall of Fame 2013 non-traditional PhD in Ethology (behavioral biology) in 1995. Based on his dissertation, he created in 1999. This, and his writing and publishing the Doctor Yourself Andrew Saul is one of the Newsletter, brought him to the attention of Dr. Abram Hoffer. Saul best reviewers I have ever served as a columnist for the Journal of Orthomolecular known. He is an amazing Medicine beginning in 2002, Contributing Editor from 2003-2006, and scientist and contributor. - Assistant Editor from 2006-2010. He remains on the Editorial Board Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine and of Orthomoleculair magazine (Netherlands). Saul testified before the Parliament of Canada in 2005 on behalf of the safety of nutrition therapy. That same year, he founded the free- access, peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and has served as Editor-In-Chief for over 135 issues. In 2006, Psychology Today named Saul as one of seven natural health

pioneers. He has won the Citizens for Health Outstanding Health Freedom Activist Award, is an Honorary Director of the Gerson Institute, and is featured in the documentary Dying to Have Known: The Evidence Behind Natural Healing and the very popular FoodMatters movie. He has authored or co-authored fourteen books, including four with Abram Hoffer. Saul is currently Editor of Basic Health Publications‘ popular Vitamin Cure book series, with over a dozen titles in print or in progress. 73 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


John Thomas Anderson Ely, Jr. was born in 1923 in San Francisco, California. He received a BSc in 1952 from Eastern Washington University, and a MSc in 1959 and PhD in Physics in 1969 from the University of Washington. He enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1943. The military immediately recognized his intellectual abilities and he was assigned to training at the Pre-Meteorology Program at Amherst College, then the Communications Course at Yale University and Radar Electronics Course in Boca Raton Florida. These studies were the beginning of a 25 year Air Force career. He went through pilot training at Randolph Air Force and received his wings from Eddie Richenbacker in February 1949. From 1960- 1964, John was a physicist in the Space Physics Lab at Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. His rank at retirement was John T. A. ELY, PhD Colonel. 1923 - 2011 He began his research professorship the University of Washington in Hall of Fame 2014 1969. Because of his satellite cosmic ray research and interest in the "A brilliant individual mutagenic burden of the penetrating background radiation and its who never seemed to possible role in aging and neoplastic initiations, he found statistically engage in any physical significant latitude dependence in cancer mortality. The background radiation decreases at low latitudes and cancer deaths appeared to or mental activity half exhibit the same trend, except for a few low latitude countries whose way. Always seeing high mortalities violated this expectation. From WHO data, he found challenge, eschewing that those countries had high sugar/refined carbohydrate convention and reveling consumption. Using this data and two discoveries on leukocytes, he in contention…” - Jim deduced the glucose ascorbate antagonism theory (GAA). In 1973, King, a life-long friend John related to Linus Pauling a theoretical reason why the clinical trials of vitamin C against colds and cancer may have failed because

of the high blood sugar levels in the affluent nations. The GAA was described in over a dozen peer reviewed publications, as well as, several articles in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. These articles show how GAA has relevance to infectious diseases, atherosclerosis, birth defects, cancer and aging. For 20 years, John contributed to the Well Mind Association of Seattle. He wrote articles for their newsletters showing how various conditions and nutrients could affect the brain. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 74


A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. - Douglas MacArthur Alexander Schauss began studying nutrition and botanical medicine in 1969, the same year he organized his first clinical trial on the use of high dose oral vitamin C and its effects on opioid receptors in the treatment of heroin withdrawal syndrome, a landmark study that attracted the attention of Dr. Linus Pauling. He earned his undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees at the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque and, California Coast University in Santa Ana, respectively, completing post-graduate studies and continuing education courses at the University of New Mexico, the University of Washington at Seattle and several others. Currently, he is the Director of Natural and Medicinal Products Research, AIBMR Life Sciences, based in Puyallup, Washington, and lives near Alexander G. SCHAUSS, Tucson, Arizona, with plans to continue researching the role of nutrients on PhD b. 1948 brain function, and foods such as acai on immune and brain function. He Hall of Fame 2014 previously held the rank of Clinical Professor of Natural Products Research and Adjunct Research Professor of Botanical Medicine at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, Associate Professor of Research at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Tempe, Arizona; and, lecturer in biostatistics and epidemiology at Bastyr University in Seattle. He has been a member of the NIH Office of Alternative Medicine Advisory Council; a member of the Ad Hoc Developmental Planning Committee of the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, a reviewer of botanical standards and information monographs for the U.S. Pharmacopoeia Convention, to which he currently serves on one of its Expert Panels. In 1985, he was appointed by the US government to represent the United States as a voting member to the WHO Study Group on Health Promotion. In 1991, he cofounded and in 1992 directed, Citizens For Health, a national non-profit lobbying organization, which Congressional sponsors credited with providing the historic grass roots support that led to passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education (DSHEA) Act of 1994. Schauss is the author or co-author of 225 papers or works, including 23 books, and a diverse range of papers in such journals as the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Food and Chemical Toxicology,

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, International Journal of Biochemistry, International Journal of Neurology, Nutrition Research, Toxicology, Biological Trace Element Research, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, for which he serves as an Associate Editor. 75 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Patrick Holford is a pioneer in new approaches to health and nutrition, specializing in the field of mental health. He is widely regarding as Britain‘s best selling author and leading spokesman on nutrition and mental health. He has written 36 books - translated into 29 languages. Patrick regularly appears on radio shows and national television and is frequently quoted in national newspapers. Patrick graduated with a BSc from York University in 1976. While completing his degree in Experimental Psychology he researched the role of nutrition in mental illness. He became a student of Carl Pfeiffer of Princeton‘s Brain Bio Centre and a student of Abram Hoffer, President of the International Schizophrenia Foundation in Canada – both leaders in the field of mental health and nutrition. In 1980 he started treating mental health patients with nutritional medicine and in 1984 he founded the Institute of Optimum Nutrition (ION), a charitable and independent educational trust for the furtherance of research Patrick J. HOLFORD and education into nutrition. Linus Pauling became a Patron of the school, b. 1958 which is one of the leading training schools in the UK offering degree- Hall of Fame 2014 accredited training in nutritional therapy. Patrick retired as director of ION in 1997 to focus on writing, teaching and researching. He is a regular contributor to the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine In 2003 Patrick founded the Brain Bio Centre, a treatment centre pioneering the optimum nutrition approach for mental health, to formalize the treatment of mental health with nutrition and to act as a research centre. Together with Prof. Andre Tylee he formed the specialist group in mental health and nutrition, now operating as the charitable Food for the Brain Foundation, which owns the Brain Bio Centre. He has championed the need to focus on Alzheimer‘s as a preventable disease and is currently involved in clinical research testing an orthomolecular approach to schizophrenia. Currently Patrick lectures and conducts workshops internationally for the public and health professionals, including several presentations at the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference, on a range of subjects. His knowledge, personality and enthusiasm together with a strong scientific approach helps him to stimulate lively debates, simplifying complex issues and helping the public and professionals to expand their understanding of health issues. Patrick is an honorary fellow of the British Association of Nutritional Therapy, as well as a member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. He is Patron of the South African Association of Nutritional Therapy. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 76

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE 77 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Irwin Kahan was born on a Saskatchewan farm in 1919. After serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War II, he graduated from McGill University with a social work degree. In the 1950s, Irwin was an integral member of the research team, headed by Dr. Abram Hoffer, that provided the foundation for the orthomolecular medicine approach. Later, as Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Division, Canadian Mental Health Association, for over a decade he advocated fiercely for the adoption of orthomolecular treatment. In 1968, Irwin became the founding director of the Schizophrenia Foundation of Saskatchewan, and shortly afterwards the founding executive director of the Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation (now Irwin KAHAN the International Schizophrenia Foundation). With passion and 1919 - 2015 dedication, Irwin worked hard to create, with very few resources and Hall of Fame 2015 in a hostile psychiatric community, a new organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with schizophrenia. In this endeavour, he worked closely with his wife Fannie Kahan, Abram Hoffer, other CSF board members, and a large crew of volunteers from branches which he had established across Canada. In 1975, the Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry elected Irwin as an honorary member "in recognition of meritorious contributions to Orthomolecular Psychiatry." Irwin‘s approach was multi-pronged, focusing on: assisting people at the grassroots level; policy and advocacy at the government level; media communications to promote widespread public understanding of schizophrenia and the orthomolecular approach; and raising professionals‘ knowledge regarding orthomolecular practice. Irwin is the author of the memoir Tending the Tree of Life (Wild Sage Press, 2015), which includes some of his orthomolecular medicine

experiences. Irwin‘s three decades of putting his heart and soul into advocating for better treatment and conditions for schizophrenics resulted in many lives saved from years of suffering and an increase in the quality of those lives. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 78


Born Aileen Philomena Reilly in Birmingham England, Aileen returned with her parents to their native Ireland when she was three years old. Her earliest education was at the Dominican Convent, Santa Sabina, Dublin, where her favourite activities were writing, drawing and performing in school productions. From there she went to boarding school at Loreto Convent, County Meath, where she learned little science but developed a lasting love of music. Aileen‘s scientific education began in earnest at University College Dublin where she obtained her Bachelor of Science degree. After graduation she moved to England to pursue a research career as a forensic biochemist in the horse-racing town of Newmarket, Suffolk. Her most enduring memory of that time was her futile attempts to Aileen BURFORD-MASON, appear calm and unruffled when collecting blood and urine samples PhD b. 1943 from horses. (The horses were not fooled and to this day she is afraid Hall of Fame 2015 of horses.) While living in Newmarket Aileen met and married the love of her life, Roger Burford-Mason (d. 1998). They moved to Hitchin, Hertfordshire, where their son Oliver was born. After some years in teaching, she returned to research, this time in immunology. In 1983 she completed her PhD in immunology and continued research in that field until 1988 when she emigrated with her family from the UK to Canada. Once in Toronto she moved into cancer research, holding positions as Research Associate and later Assistant Professor in the University of Toronto‘s Department of

Pathology. However, a nutritional thread had run through her research career, and she gradually became convinced that all disease had its roots in inadequate nutrition. So in 1996 she made the transition from conventional research to orthomolecular medicine. Today Aileen divides her time between her private practice, writing, and lecturing to medical and allied health professionals on the evidence based use of diet and supplements in health maintenance and disease prevention. Since 2008, Nutrition for Docs, the course on diet and supplements she designed and teaches has been presented across Canada to 1,700 doctors. Eat Well, Age Better, her best-selling book based on the course, has been enthusiastically received by doctors and the public. Aileen serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine and is a member of the core faculty of the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference. She is currently working on a new book to be published by Harper

Collins in spring 2017. 79 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Hyla Cass MD is an internationally acclaimed psychiatrist and one of the our foremost experts and pioneers in integrative medicine. Combining the best of natural medicine with modern science in her clinical practice for over 30 years, and in writings, lectures, and media appearances, she‘s certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN), as well the American Board of Holistic Integrative Medicine (ABIHM). She is the author of a number of popular books including St. John’s Wort: Nature’s Blues Buster; Kava: Nature’s Answer to Stress, Anxiety and Insomnia; Natural Highs; Supplement Your Prescription; 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health; and The Addicted Brain and How to Break Free. Dr. Cass also speaks to professional and lay audiences on topics Hyla CASS, MD ranging from complementary medicine and psychiatry, longevity b. 1946 enhancement, women‘s health and hormones, weight management, Hall of Fame 2015 and natural treatments for addiction, anxiety disorders, and depression. Audiences include the American College for Advancement in Medicine, the International Society for

Orthomolecular Medicine, and The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). Born in Toronto, Canada, Hyla obtained her pre-medical and medical education from the University of Toronto School of Medicine, interned at LAC-USC Medical Center, then completed her residency training at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, where she then served as an attending staff physician for 10 years. An Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine for 20 years, Board Member and Chair of Vitamin Relief USA, providing at-risk children, teens, seniors and adults with daily multiple vitamins across the U.S, she also is a Board Member of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), Advisory Board member at Taste for Life Magazine and Medical Editor at Total Health Magazine. Most recently she serves on the Board of Governors of the Placencia

Health Group, which is creating a Medical Free Zone in Belize, while maintaining the highest scientific, professional and ethical standards, with an innovative World Center for Anti-Aging Medicine and Clinical Therapies. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 80


Leonard John Hoffer is a Professor of Medicine at McGill University and Associate Professor in McGill‘s School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition. He is a full-time investigator in the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, and a Senior Physician in the Divisions of General Internal Medicine and Endocrinology in the JGH, where he serves on the nutritional support team. Dr. Hoffer obtained his medical and subspecialty training in internal medicine at McGill, then a PhD in Human Nutrition at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, a clinical fellowship in nutritional support at Harvard Medical School, and a post-doctoral fellowship in biochemistry at Leonard John HOFFER, MD, PhD Brandeis University, returning to McGill in 1984 as an assistant b. 1947 professor. Dr. Hoffer‘s research and clinical interests focus on Hall of Fame 2015 the relationship between disease and malnutrition, the metabolic adaptation to starvation, and micronutrient metabolism in disease. He authored the chapter on the metabolic features of human starvation in the last several editions of the clinical nutrition textbook, Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, and co-authored the chapter entitled "Enteral and parenteral nutrition therapy" in the 2015 edition of Harrison‘s Principles of Internal Medicine, the world‘s most prestigious medical textbook. In 2012 he was recipient of the Kursheed Jeejeebhoy Award and Plenary Lecture, Canadian Nutrition Society. Influenced throughout his career by the ideas of his father, Abram, John Hoffer has spent much of his career thinking about and studying the therapeutic potential of nutrition in the treatment of important diseases, including cancer. He has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine for decades, and since 2009 as associate editor. With

funding from the Hecht Foundation, he was able to contribute to interest in and study of the use of high-dose vitamin C in cancer therapy. 81 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Thomas Levy graduated as the valedictorian of Notre Dame High School in Biloxi, Mississippi in 1968. He went on to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Johns Hopkins University in 1972. He graduated from Tulane Medical School in 1976 and received his postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and then Cardiology at Tulane as well. In 1998 he also received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Denver College of Law. Although Dr. Levy became Board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Diseases, his traditional medical training did not prevent him from being completely open to and fascinated by the work of Hal Huggins, DDS, MS, whom he met in 1993 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he had been practicing adult cardiology since 1991. Thomas E. LEVY, MD, After meeting Dr. Huggins, Dr. Levy then began what he has called JD b. 1950 his second medical education. At Dr. Huggins‘ clinic, he observed Hall of Fame 2016 many patients improving substantially from diseases that he had been taught to regard as having no effective therapies, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson‘s, Alzheimer‘s, and even ALS. Shortly after witnessing these extraordinary clinical responses, Dr. Levy shuttered his own cardiology office and began working as a medical consultant to Dr. Huggins. Roughly a year later, after seeing the seemingly steady stream of groundless legal actions that were advanced against Dr. Huggins for his non-traditional dental practices, he enrolled in law school in Denver, beginning a near daily commute

between Colorado Springs and Denver for the next three years. Dr. Huggins introduced Dr. Levy to the many profound uses and applications of vitamin C. Since his initial contact with Dr. Huggins. Dr. Levy has written seven books and co-authored three others. His research and writings have led him to conclude that all diseases ultimately start and are then propagated by increased oxidative stress in the affected organs and tissues, both intracellularly and extracellularly. His ongoing work continues to focus on contributing to the sound scientific basis for reaching this conclusion, as well as how to best slow and even reverse a variety of chronic degenerative diseases by lessening the levels of oxidative stress in the affected tissues. Dr. Levy is a regular presenter at the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 82


Michael J. Gonzalez is Professor at the Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico and adjunct faculty at the University of Western States. He earned a Bachelor Degree in Biology and Chemistry (Catholic University), a Masters in Cellular Biology and Biophysics (Nova University), another Masters in Nutrition and Public Health (University of Puerto Rico). He has a Doctorate in Nutritional Medicine (John F. Kennedy University). He also has a Doctorate in Health Sciences (Lafayette University), and another Doctorate in Nutritional Biochemistry and Cancer Biology (Michigan State University). He completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Geriatrics at the School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico. Dr. Gonzalez is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and has authored over Michael G. GONZALEZ, 200 scientific publications. He serves as a member on many scientific NMD, DSc, PhD journal Editorial Boards, including the Journal of Orthomolecular b. 1960 Medicine and Alternative Medicine Review. He has served as Hall of Fame 2016 consultant for several companies and has been responsible for designing formulations of nutritional supplements and pharmaceutical products. He has obtained several research awards for his work on Nutrition and Cancer. In December 2013, Dr. Gonzalez was exalted as Distinguished Ponceño in Medicine. In 2015 he was selected as member to the prestigious Puerto Rican Academy of Arts and Sciences and to the Iberoamerican Academy of Culture and Sciences. Dr. Gonzalez has been a leader in the development of non-toxic

chemotherapy treatments for cancer. The group published the first Phase-I clinical study utilizing intravenous vitamin C for treatment of terminal cancer patients in 2005, and also published in 2005 the most comprehensive review on vitamin C and cancer, as a follow-up on the work of two-time Nobel Laureate, Dr. Linus Pauling. They have brought many new concepts into the scientific field, such as the bioenergetic theory of carcinogenesis, the systemic saturation phenomenon of intravenous vitamin C, the metabolic correction concept for disease treatment and prevention. The book, I Have Cancer What Should I do: The Orthomolecular Guide to Cancer Management by Gonzalez, Miranda-Massari and Andrew Saul provides evidence based recommendations for an integrative approach for those dealing with cancer and seeking to improve quality of life and survival. In 2014 they published the book, New Insights Vitamin C and Cancer. 83 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Jorgé Miranda-Massari is a Professor and researcher of the School of Pharmacy at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), and is adjunct faculty in the Masters of Naturopathy program at the EDP University. Dr. Miranda-Massari has two bachelor degrees at the UPR, completed a Doctorate in Pharmacy at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Sciences (now known as the Philadelphia University of Sciences), and a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Pharmacokinetics at the University North Carolina. He also completed a Post-Doctoral training in Pharmaceutical Care in Nephrology from the University of Pittsburgh and a Post-Doc in Clinical Anti-Coagulation from the Medical College of Virginia. In late 1990s Dr. Miranda-Massari and colleagues created a University Course on Integrative Medicine and started collaborating Jorge MIRANDA- in a research project on vitamin C and cancer that was supported by MASSARI, PharmaD Dr. Hugh Riordan at The Center for the Improvement of Human b. 1961 Functioning. Dr. Miranda-Massari became Research Director of the Hall of Fame 2016 RECNAC2 Project, focused in cancer research. This work eventually fostered the development of several concepts and theories published in over a 100 scientific and clinical publications in peer reviewed

journals. He coauthored two books. New Insights on Vitamin C and Cancer from Springer, released in November 2014 and I Have Cancer What Should I Do: The Orthomolecular Guide to Cancer Management, in 2008. He is on the editorial board of several journals such as the Journal of Restorative Medicine and Journal of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine. In 2008 Dr. Miranda-Massari won the innovative pharmacist award by the Puerto Rico College of Pharmacists. In 2014 he was admitted to the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Puerto Rico and to the Iberoamerican Academy of Science and Culture. Also in 2014, he received US House of Representatives Special Congressional Recognition for outstanding and invaluable contributions in the research of non-toxic treatment for cancer and other chronic diseases. More recently he co-founded the Metabolic Correction Institute, a

non-profit organization for clinical research and education. Dr. Miranda-Massari is a world renowned speaker at hundreds of conferences, including the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 84


Osamu Mizukami, MD, PhD, is a leading pioneer in Orthomolecular Medicine in Japan. He is the President of the Japanese Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, and the Chief Physician and Director of Health Promotion Clinic in Tokyo. He graduated from the Hirosaki University School of Medicine in 1973, and since then he has worked as a integrative internist in Japan. He received a PhD from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and Osamu MIZUKAMI, MD, a DPH from Loma Linda University. PhD Forty years ago, following the work of Linus b. 1948 Pauling, Dr Mizukami started using high-dose IV Hall of Fame 2017 vitamin C in his clinic, and soon became one of the leading Orthomolecular oncologists in Japan. In 2007, he began to practice orthomolecular psychiatry and Dr Hiroyuki Abe transferred all of his

psychiatry and autism patients over to him. He has incorporated neurotransmitter and Brain Mapping technologies into his treatment approach, with exciting results. He has published fifteen books, including Create Health, and High-Dose IV Vitamin C for Cancer Patients. As a leading advocate and physcian in Japan, Dr Mizukami knows orthomolecular

medicine stands as an indispensable basic protocol in treating patients. 85 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Stephen Lawson was born in Pennsylvania and raised in a small seacoast town north of Boston. As a child, he spent summers at an Audubon day camp and on the Maine coast near the tidal pools that inspired Rachel Carson, a pioneering environmentalist. A graduate of Stanford University, Steve joined the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in 1977 and worked with Linus Pauling on several projects. As co-director of the Laboratory for Research in Gene Regulation (1986- 1992), Steve developed two-dimensional gel electrophoresis technology for protein profiling to better understand cancer metastasis using a mouse melanoma model and biopsies of human ovarian carcinomas. He is an author or co-author of papers published in Journal of Virology, Carcinogenesis, Gynecologic Oncology, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nutrition Stephen R. LAWSON Research, Journal of Applied Nutrition, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and Journal of Anesthesia History, among others. b. 1951 From 1988 to 1991, Steve served as executive assistant to the president, Hall of Fame 2017 Emile Zuckerkandl, and, in 1991, as executive officer. In 1993 he was appointed chief executive officer and grappled with financial, legal, zoning, and other critical issues facing the Institute. He organized the move of the Institute to Oregon State University in 1996 and then served as LPI‘s administrative officer and editor of the research newsletter. Steve served on the steering and art committees for OSU‘s Linus Pauling Science Center and was involved in LPI‘s fund-raising and strategic, long- term planning. He served on the Select Advisory Committee for the Linus Pauling Exhibition, which was seen by millions of people worldwide over six years. He often gives lectures on orthomolecular medicine and Linus Pauling to graduate students and civic groups. Steve annotated and added an afterword to the 20th anniversary edition of Linus Pauling‘s bestseller How to Live Longer and Feel Better and contributed a preface and appendix to the new 21st Century Edition of Cancer and Vitamin C by Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling. He currently holds a courtesy appointment as an assistant professor in OSU‘s Department of Biomedical Sciences. Since Linus Pauling‘s death in 1994, Steve has regularly attended the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference, bringing exciting updates from the LPI and facilitating the participation of many LPI faculty as speakers at OMT. Steve has been an indefatigabel spokesman for Orthomolecular Medicine. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 86


Jim started medical school at George Washington University in 1980. Frustrated with the lack of training in nutrition, he organized the first elective on alternative medicine in any medical school in the US. The course was titled ―The Evolution of the Biomedical Model‖; he invited speakers to teach medical students about nutrition, acupuncture, mindfulness, yoga, even orthomolecular psychiatry to help students understand the importance integrative medicine. After receiving his medical degree, Jim completed a year of Pediatric training and two years of adult psychiatry. He then went on to a two-year fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at John Hopkins University School of Medicine. In Boston, he founded his first Integrative Medicine clinic, Comprehensive Psychiatric Resources, which provided patient- centered, orthomolecular and integrative care for children and adults, which attracted patients from all around the world seeking help for mental illness. James M. GREENBLATT, In 2006, at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Conference in MD Toronto, Jim escaped the maze of pharmaceutical displays to find a small b. 1957 exhibit in the back of the hall and shook hands with Steven Carter. This Hall of Fame 2017 meeting started a long-term relationship with ISOM and provided Jim with a community to support his passion not only to treat patients but to educate clinicians. He has since taught dozens of CME courses with the Canadian Society for Orthomolecular Medicine. Jim is the author of Answers to Anorexia, The Breakthrough Depression Solution and Answers to Binge Eating and Nutritional Lithium: The Cinderella Story. Jim‘s book, Finally Focused, to be published in May 2017, describes the integrative treatment of ADHD. He is also the editor of Integrative Therapies for Depression: Redefining Models for Assessment, Treatment and Prevention, a professional textbook. Jim began seeing patients suffering from mental illness 30 years ago. Fifteen years ago, Jim became the Chief Medical Officer and Vice President of Medical Services at Walden Behavioral Care in Waltham, Massachusetts, one of the first healthcare centers in the country to provide a full continuum of care for patients with eating disorders. Every year Jim teaches Psychiatric residents at Harvard University, Tufts University, Dartmouth College, the University of Connecticut, and the University of Massachusetts. Jim starts all lectures with the same question: How many of

you know what Pellagra is? Rarely does anyone know the answer, so Jim then begins talking about the story of pellagra, orthomolecular medicine and Dr. Abram Hoffer. 87 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Jonathan Prousky received his undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto (physical and health education), and his N.D. (naturopathic doctor) degree from Bastyr University. He also obtained Masters degrees from the University of London (primary health care) and Yorkville University (counselling psychology). He has been in private practice for almost two decades, and has primarily focussed his clinical practice on the evaluation and management of mental health with integrative orthomolecular and botanical (plant-based) medicines. Jonathan is the current Chief Naturopathic Medical Officer at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (Toronto, ON), and has been employed at the college since 2000. While his primary role is to oversee the health care provided to patients, and monitor best Jonathan E. PROUSKY, practices and the medical procedures used at the college and the ND college‘s clinics, he has been a spirited lecturer, professor, and b. 1969 mentor to many students and interns for almost 17 years. Hall of Fame 2017 In 2009 Jonathan sereved as the spokesperson for the Canada-wide

Orthomolecular Health Campaign, giving dozens of televion, radio and print interviews and particpating in other publicity engagements. With the Canadian Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, he presented several medical seminars in orthomolecular treatment for mental disorders. He has lectured extensively on mental health and other topics throughout North America to medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, other health care providers and patients at numerous medical conferences and health fairs. Following the death of Abram Hoffer, Jonathan assumed the editorship of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine He was the first naturopathic doctor to receive the ―Orthomolecular Doctor of the Year‖ award in 2010. Jonathan is the author of Anxiety: Orthomolecular Diagnosis and Treatment (2006), Naturopathic Nutrition (2006), Hoffer & Prousky on Anxiety (2009), the Vitamin Cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (2010), and the Textbook of Integrative Clinical Nutrition (2012). He has over 50 publications in peer reviewed medical journals from the complementary and alternative discipline. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 88

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE 89 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 90

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE 91 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Le mot orthomoléculaire est

C'est un mot qui combine "Ortho" signifiant "correct" en grec et "Molecular" qui signifie "molécule". Le Dr Lynas Pauling (États-Unis), qui a remporté deux fois le prix Nobel, a été utilisé dans les années 1960. Après cela, les théories et les traitements des centres orthomoléculaires se sont répandus, principalement aux États-Unis et au Canada, et maintenant ils sont étudiés et pratiqués par des universités et des institutions médicales du monde entier.

Traitement médicamenteux et prévention des maladies par l'administration d'une quantité optimale de nutriments au niveau moléculaire

Principaux domaines de recherche en médecine orthomoléculaire

La Société Médicale Orthomoléculaire encourage la recherche dans le domaine médical et diffuse des informations basées sur des bases scientifiques et médicales. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 92


Exemple de traitement / prévention par la médecine orthomoléculaire

La médecine orthomoléculaire a diverses indications et approches thérapeutiques. C'est juste un exemple qui a été soulevé ci-dessous. Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter votre médecin / expert. Exemple 1: Administration de nutriments tels que des vitamines et des minéraux Le manque de vitamines et de minéraux entraîne l'apparition et la détérioration de toutes les maladies. Lorsque le traitement prophylactique de la maladie est activement effectué, la nutrition est complétée par un supplément ou goutte à goutte en plus d'un repas. Principales maladies et administration de nutriments connexes

 Pistolet vitamine C, acide alpha-lipoïque, Salvestrol

 Démence alpha acide linolénique, vitamine C, choline

 Diabète Alpha lipoic acid

 Mesures contre l'exposition Vitamine C, acide alpha-lipoïque

 Tryptophane dépressif , vitamine B 12, oméga, acide folique, zinc, vitamine C, niacine

 Groupe de vitamine B fatigue chronique , vitamine C, tyrosine, magnésium

 Acide alpha-lipoïque SLE , naltrexone

 Glutathion de la maladie de Parkinson etc.

Décès dus à la cause du décès en Heisei 2004 · Pourcentage du total des décès 93 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Exemple 2: Hydrates de carbone à restriction alimentaire Bien que ce soit le sujet de la restriction de la qualité du sucre ces dernières années, il est également utilisé pour la prévention et le traitement de diverses maladies. Il existe des cas pour prévenir et traiter le diabète et le cancer et pour soulager des symptômes tels que la dépression et la schizophrénie. Comme il existe différents cas, comme une méthode qui ne prend pas du tout de glucides, une méthode pour restreindre / désigner la masse de sucre, il est nécessaire de sélectionner correctement en fonction du but et du symptôme. Exemple 3: Amélioration de l'environnement intestinal Pour que la nutrition soit absorbée correctement, il est essentiel que l'environnement intestinal soit en place. Utilisez des suppléments de bactéries lactiques etc. pour augmenter l'efficacité de la supplémentation nutritionnelle avec les repas et les suppléments. Exemple 4: Detox / chélation C'est un remède qui excrète les toxines et les métaux lourds qui ont un effet néfaste sur le corps de l'intérieur du corps. Par exemple, le mercure que l'on trouve souvent dans les gros poissons cause non seulement la maladie de Minamata, mais aussi la fatigue chronique, la dépression, les anomalies immunitaires, etc. Les produits chimiques agricoles et les agents hormonaux provoquent également diverses maladies. Nous allons faire une thérapie de désintoxication / chélation qui améliore le mode de vie et l'alimentation et exclut les choses inévitables du corps dans la vie quotidienne. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 94


Abram Hoffer Docteur (Abram Hoffer, 1917 - 2009) Médecin canadien. Il est le fondateur et le président de la médecine orthomoléculaire internationale. Prenant en compte les fluctuations des métabolites du cerveau dans les troubles mentaux, nous avons annoncé le traitement de la schizophrénie en raison de l'administration massive de niacine (vitamine B3). Traitement de la thérapie nutritionnelle troubles mentaux, cancer, etc. Médecine orthomoléculaire établie cliniquement préconisée par le Dr Linus Pauling. Dr. Linus Pauling (Linus Pauling, 1901 - 1994) Un scientifique américain. Un destinataire de médecine orthomoléculaire en tant que destinataire du prix Nobel (prix de la chimie / prix de la paix) deux fois. A travers les échanges avec Abram Hoffer, docteur en 1968 la revue Science médecine orthomoléculaire comme « des vitamines, des minéraux et des nutriments tels que les acides aminés, administrés en quantité optimale au niveau moléculaire, la médecine pour la prévention et le traitement de la maladie. » Avocat Ensuite, a annoncé aujourd'hui que la survie des patients atteints de cancer avec de fortes doses de vitamine C est étendue à l'Académie des sciences des États-Unis, a contribué à la propagation de la forte concentration de la thérapie par perfusion en vitamine C et la thérapie méga-vitamine. Atsuoi YANAGISAWA Docteur (Atsuo YANAGISAWA, 1951 ~) ● Président de l'International OrthoMolecular Medical Association (depuis 2012). ● Président, Association Japonaise de Médecine Moléculaire Ortho Salon Spic · Président de la Clinique Médicale. Après des études aux États-Unis, professeur de médecine interne, École de médecine de l'Université de Kyorin, professeur du Département des sciences de la santé, des urgences et du sauvetage de l'Université Kyorin. Pionnier au Japon de la médecine orthomoléculaire dans le traitement du cancer et des maladies chroniques telles que la perfusion de vitamine C à forte concentration et la méga-thérapie vitaminique. 95 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


Raison pour laquelle la supplémentation en nutriments est nécessaire

Quand nous entendons "nutrition", c'est le repas que nous pensons en premier. Le repas quotidien est un élément très important qui est la base de Raison ❶ Contrôler l'apport notre santé. Cependant, la Avez-vous pris un gramme de vitamine C hier? Glucides Omega 3 supplémentation en est votre entreprise? nutriments par des suppléments et perfusion N'est-ce pas que les gens qui sont sous contrôle diététique strict d'un goutte à goutte est hôpital peuvent répondre à une telle question? Lorsque recommandée pour la prophylactique / traitement des maladies est activement effectuée, il médecine orthomoléculaire. est nécessaire de prendre certains nutriments régulièrement dans Pourquoi est-ce? une quantité spécifique en fonction de la constitution et l'état physique de l'individu. En utilisant des compléments et des gouttes, il devient possible de contrôler le type et la quantité de nutriments ingérés.

Raison ❷ Parce que les nutriments contenus dans les ingrédients

sont en baisse

En raison des changements dans la variété et les changements dans le sol et les engrais, les éléments nutritifs contenus dans les légumes ont considérablement diminué par rapport au passé. Par exemple, par rapport à 1950, des données * montrent que la vitamine A contenue dans la carotte moyenne de 2010 est réduite de 81% et que la teneur en fer est réduite de 90% par rapport à 1950 . Il y ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 96


a aussi des aspects où la valeur nutritionnelle Le savez-vous? Comment moyenne a été réduite en raison d'une augmentation choisir des suppléments du nombre de légumes distribués en dehors de la saison de "saison" lorsque la valeur nutritionnelle augmente . Raison ❸ pour éviter d'ingérer des ingrédients inutiles Si vous essayez de prendre une grande quantité de nutriments de votre alimentation, vous aurez beaucoup de choses inutiles (comme des additifs et des glucides supplémentaires) pour votre corps . En outre, Dépanneurs, pharmacies, vente par correspondance · · · Notre le biais envers des ingrédients spécifiques peut environnement regorge de produits de suppléments. également provoquer des En fait, la qualité des suppléments a une large gamme. Puisque les symptômes suppléments sont une sorte de «nourriture» contrairement aux allergiques. Avec des médicaments, les fabricants n'ont pas besoin de prouver l'effet. Par suppléments et des gouttes, conséquent, c'est la situation actuelle que les mauvais produits qui vous pouvez éviter les ne peuvent espérer aucune efficacité sont également distribués. choses inutiles pour le corps, Orthomoléculaire et Supplémentations les Même s'il s'agit du même ingrédient, il est important de ne pas choses qui ont un effet choisir ceux qui sont bon marché, mais de vérifier la fiabilité avec les néfaste, et ceux qui étiquettes des produits ou le site Web du fabricant, etc. Aussi, si vous deviennent des sources attendez des effets préventifs et thérapeutiques fiables, choisissons allergiques. des suppléments qui sont manipulés par des institutions médicales.

※ Exposition: Ministère de l'éducation, de la culture, des sports, 97 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


With With Toshifumi WAKAYAMA Prof. Ryoichi SHIN about For a workshop about Biogenic Therapy Hydrogen Therapy ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 98


With Prof. PhD Yoshihiro UTO for a workshop about GcMAF. 99 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


at the Riordan Clinic have resulted in the IVC and the Riordan Riordan IVC Protocol for Adjunctive Cancer Care. Approach to While the focus of this protocol is IVC, Dr. Hugh Riordan emphasized the importance of providing Adjunctive Cancer comprehensive wellness care for the cancer patient in conjunction with the IVC therapy. Care: 7 Key Questions 1. What are the proven benefits of IVC therapy in the care of cancer patients? During this intravenous treatment, high doses of buffered ascorbic acid enter your body through a small tube inserted into a vein in your arm or through a port. This results in blood levels of vitamin C that reach 300-400 times the levels achievable by oral intake alone. The cancer patient can benefit from IVC therapy in several ways: 1. Because cancer patients are often depleted in vitamin C, the IVC provides a rapid means of restoring tissue reserves. 2. IVC improves quality of life in cancer patients by a variety of By Dr. Ron Hunninghake metrics, as documented in four For more information, we advise you to go published studies. to and search for 3. IVC reduces inflammation as “Riordan Clinic” to watch Dr. Ron measured by C-reactive protein Hunninghake’s presentation: IVC and levels. Cancer Care 4. IVC reduces the production of 1. What is IVC and how does it benefit pro-inflammatory cytokines, cancer patients ? which down-regulates the Intravenous vitamin C (IVC) is an adjunctive ―micro-inflammatory cellular cancer therapy, widely used in naturopathic environment‖ of cancer cells. and integrative oncology settings. Two decades of grounding-breaking research on IVC therapy ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 100


5. IVC is preferentially toxic to 1. reduce chemotherapy side tumor cells but not to normal effects cells. 2. improve survival time 6. IVC inhibits the growth factor 3. enhance quality of life for the that promotes new blood cancer patients receiving it once vessels to grow towards the or twice weekly as part of an tumor. overall lifestyle program of care

3.Is IVC a vitamin or a drug? 5.How is IVC used in conjunction with IVC shifts ascorbate function from a simple anti- traditional oncology? scurvy vitamin to a surprisingly beneficial pro- Published studies have shown that IVC therapy oxidant with powerful pharmaceutical actions. can be used in parallel with traditional cancer Pharmaceutical IVC doses have shown treatments, such as surgery and chemotherapy, significant anticancer effects in animal models without interfering with their effectiveness. and tissue culture studies. This well studied Ideally, the cancer patient will enlist BOTH an effect has been described as the ―selective oncology team that is providing optimal cytotoxicity effect of high dose ascorbate on treatment for the cancer disease, and a wellness tumor cells.‖ Numerous research institutions support team that is addressing the multifaceted have replicated this effect over the last several challenges that every cancer patient must face. decades. Only recently has research on sepsis Best practice suggests that the medical brought this effect to the attention of implementation of IVC in the care of a cancer conventional medicine. patient would lean heavily on baseline and periodic nutritional laboratory monitoring. 4.Is IVC ―a natural chemotherapy agent?‖ Although the literature and clinical studies do 6.What are the ―basics‖ of the Riordan IVC suggest that IVC has a good safety profile and Protocol? important anti-tumor activity, it is nevertheless The Riordan IVC Protocol for Adjunctive Cancer not to be considered a ―stand alone‖ Care is an integrative program that favors chemotherapy agent. IVC is best utilized as one optimal treatment for both the cancer disease component of a multi-faceted, adjunctive care and the wellness care of the patient who has approach that would best include dietary, cancer diagnosis. nutritional, and lifestyle changes that support The decision to start IVC is made by Riordan overall wellness in the cancer patient. When medical providers after careful review of the used in this wellness context, IVC acts as an patient‘s medical history, in conjunction with ideal adjunctive therapy that can: comprehensive lab testing. Treatment is to be 101 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


continuous with infusions of IVC two times per 7.What are the ―adjunctive‖ components of week, on average. Regular treatments with IVC, the Riordan IVC Protocol for Adjunctive without lapses in treatment, have been shown by Cancer Care? our studies to increase the overall effectiveness Following Dr. Hugh Riordan‘s death in 2005, the of the IVC in suppression of tumor growth. Riordan approach to the care of cancer patients The Multi-C Oral Vitamin C Protocol is advised was formulated by way of 7 key verbs in 7 2-3 times daily, especially on non-IVC days as precepts: an important but often neglected part of an 1. Create Co-learner Relationships effective implementation of the Riordan Protocol. The Multi-C Protocol includes oral liposomal C, sodium ascorbate, and ascorbyl palmitate to maintain high serum, extracellular, and intracellular levels of vitamin C between Cancer patients co-learn best in partnership with intravenous infusions. their Riordan doctors. Infusion time requirements and financial 2. Identify the Causes requirements need to be carefully assessed prior The Real Health Discovery Laboratory panel is to beginning IVC treatment to determine whether utilized to search for and address 17 common the patient can sustain the benefits of the underlying causes that perpetuate conditions complete protocol. that have been shown to give rise to cancer. IVC is typically continued until there is an Correcting these factors can help the body‘s improvement of patient conditions (stabilization healing system slow and possibly eliminate of patient tumor or no detection of cancer for a cancer growth. 12 month period of time). 3. Characterize Biochemical At such a point, treatment frequency is gradually Individuality tapered while maintaining the Multi-C Oral The Real Health Discovery Laboratory Panel Protocol. includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty The updated Riordan IVC Protocol for Adjunctive acids, hormones, food reactions, inflammation Cancer Care and our cancer research articles markers, and additional biochemical indicators relating to IVC and cancer are helpful to read which can serve as: and share with your medical support team. A baseline of your current health status These can be found on our An inventory of correctable health factors website A source of valuable clues that point to

correctable carcinogenic factors 4. Care for the Whole Person ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 102


Cancer is a disease that occurs in the real life of and effects of food on the gut biome, a human being. The complex life histories, phytonutrient factors, glycemic issues, ketogenic traumas, stressors, toxic exposures, dietary programs, and the appropriateness of other indiscretions, medication side effects, spiritual controversial cancer diet plans. crises, poor lifestyle habits, sleep disorders, 6. Cultivate Healthy Reserves physical, emotional, psychological, financial, The Riordan Approach, like gardening, takes marital and many other health challenge – all of time, and is the result of continuous effort and these may be playing into the grueling on-going co-learning. Healthy reserves include challenges of a cancer care plan. nutrients, habits, social network, spiritual The Riordan Approach is not a simple solution resources, and a strong self-concept. for this complex array of lifestyle issues. It is an The Real Health Discovery Panel is a valuable acknowledgement that an adjunctive cancer care key and starting point for identifying deficiency assessment is more than just infusing vitamin C states that can be corrected as an integral part into the vein of that human being. of building whole-life reserves. 5. Choose Food as Medicine 7. Discover the Healing Power of Although there is no single diet that is widely Nature acknowledged as effective in cancer patient An old Latin proverb says: ―Medicus curat, care, the importance of making healthy food natura sanat,‖ which means the doctor cares {for choices is paramount for good cancer outcomes. the patient], nature heals [the patient]. The Food issues that need to be addressed include Riordan Approach integrates the ancient wisdom food wholeness, safety, quality, hidden of natural healing techniques with modern inflammatory lectins, mold toxins, GMO issues, medical science. 103 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


DOCUMENTS RELATIFS A LA VITAMINE D Auteur: Centre de recherche en santé Sunlight Nutrition (San Francisco) William B. Grant, Ph.D. 18.02.13 Ortho Molecular Medicine Actualités Bien que la vitamine D soit importante pour Ortho Molecular Nouvelles médicales l'absorption du calcium et le métabolisme et la Rédaction de Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (États- santé des os il y a environ 100 ans, il est généralement reconnu et évalué qu'il est la version Unis) internationale également important d'obtenir des effets sur les systèmes non squelettiques Il est venu à ce siècle depuis que nous sommes entrés dans ce Version Yoshinori Yanagisawa (Institut siècle. japonaise de thérapie par perfusion) La plupart des preuves à l'appui sont dues à des supervisée études d'observation (y compris des études Toru Tomomi prospectives) liées à la concentration sérique de Mizoguchi Himeno 25-hydroxyvitamine D [25 (OH) D], ou à des (clinique (clinique Hime études sur le mécanisme de la vitamine D Il y a Shinjuku noomomi) aussi des preuves. Mizuguchi) Parce que la quantité d'onde solaire ultraviolette B générale (UVB) varie en fonction du nuage et de la couverture de la forêt, il y a des différences Saito Sugi Takeshi dans la pigmentation de la peau, et presque (Institut Kitahara toutes les cellules du corps ont un récepteur de nippon de (Société vitamine D Le fait qu'il existe est indirectement médecine japonaise de sauvegardé. fonctionnelle) médecine La plupart des actions de la vitamine D sont moléculaire médiées par la vitamine D 1,25-dihydroxy qui est ortho) un métabolite hormonal de la vitamine D, qui se lie au récepteur de la vitamine D et affecte l'expression des gènes, ainsi que la régulation et Coopération Nishimoto Trading Co., Ltd la régulation négative. de NatuMedica Business Group Le moyen de réguler la production de ce traduction métabolite dans le tissu cible est principalement l'utilisation de 25 (OH) D dans la circulation * Les nouvelles de la Société Internationale de sanguine et la production locale d'enzyme Médecine Moléculaire Orthographique peuvent être citées et distribuées 2017]. librement. Assurez-vous d'inclure la source de la Cependant, des essais cliniques sont citation "International Ortho Molecular Medical nécessaires pour permettre de recommander Society Nouvelles" et l'URL (https://isom- une concentration plus élevée de 25 (OH) D lors de la citation. sérique correspondant aux effets non- ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 104


squelettiques dans le système d'assurance. l'étude, le JAMA (American Medical Association En 2017, il y a eu plusieurs développements de Journal) a avancé qu'il s'agissait d'un ces lignes de front. «supplément pouvant être acheté en ligne», LA VITAMINE D DIMINUE LE RISQUE mais cela n'a pas été largement lu. D'INFECTION PULMONAIRE AIGUË Ce type de préjugés contre les effets bénéfiques Selon un article publié en février, à la suite d'une des vitamines et des suppléments minéraux, qui méta-analyse des résultats des tests cliniques, sont scientifiquement reconnus, est répandu la supplémentation en vitamine D, en particulier dans les revues cliniques. lorsque la concentration de base de 25 (OH) D LA VITAMINE D SOULAGE LES ANOMALIES est inférieure à 20 ng / mL (50 mnol / L) Il est COMPORTEMENTALES CHEZ LES ENFANTS connu pour diminuer le risque d'infection AUTISTES respiratoire aiguë [Martineau, 2017]. En Chine, des essais cliniques sur la vitamine D LA VITAMINE D DIMINUE LE RISQUE ont été menés sur des enfants autistes [Feng, DE CANCER 2017]. Des essais cliniques avec des femmes La concentration moyenne de 25 (OH) D au ménopausées ayant reçu 2 000 UI de vitamine départ était de 25 ng / mL dans le groupe D3 + 1 500 mg de calcium ou un placebo par témoin, alors qu'elle était de 21 ng / mL dans le jour, analysés selon «l'intention du traitement» groupe autiste. (c'est-à-dire que le sujet a effectivement Après un traitement à la vitamine D (injection de consommé de la vitamine D Analyse ignorant si 150 000 UI par mois et prise orale continue de oui ou non), la diminution de l'incidence du 400 UI par mois pendant 3 mois), une cancer était presque significative (P = 0,06) amélioration significative des anomalies [Lappe, 2017]. comportementales chez les enfants autistes ( Selon l'opinion de collègues actifs, une telle Séparément). exclusion est erronée et les revues cliniques LA VITAMINE D SOULAGE L'HYPERTENSION devraient développer une interprétation plus Dans un autre essai clinique sur la vitamine D, responsable de la recherche. un apport élevé en vitamine D 3 de la pression En effet, lorsque l'incidence du cancer est artérielle a montré une diminution significative de analysée du point de vue de la concentration de la pression artérielle chez les patients 25 (OH) D, si la concentration sérique de 25 hypertendus [Mirhosseini, 2017]. (OH) D atteint l'intervalle de 45 à 85 ng / mL, La concentration moyenne de 25 (OH) D de 8 ± l'incidence du cancer diminue considérablement 155 sujets au départ était de 87 ± 37 nmol / L Ont été vus. (35 ± 15 ng / mL), les sujets continuaient à Étant donné que la concentration moyenne de ingérer 1 600 ± 2 500 UI de vitamine D 3 par 25 (OH) D au départ était de 33 ng / mL et que jour. le groupe témoin restait à cette valeur, les La concentration moyenne de 25 (OH) D était de résultats ci-dessus étaient dus à une 113 ± 39 nmol / L (45 ng / mL) à la fin d'une supplémentation en vitamine D 3 + calcium. année après l'augmentation de l'apport de Cependant, comme cette analyse n'a pas été vitamine D 3 à 5 200 ± 4 300 UI par jour. incluse dans le plan de mise en œuvre de En revanche, dans le groupe témoin qui n'a pas 105 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


modifié l'apport en vitamine D 3, il n'y avait pas La deuxième raison est que les Afro-Américains de changement relatif de la concentration de 25 ont un taux de mortalité élevé en raison de (OH) D. maladies cardiovasculaires. La pression artérielle systolique moyenne a Le troisième est que le sujet était afro-américain, diminué de 156 mm à 138 mm et la pression ce qui est important parce que j'ai appris qu'ils diastolique moyenne a diminué de 96 mm à 84 ne veulent pas accepter les résultats de l'essai mm chez 480 patients hypertendus qui ont de vitamine D pour les Américains blancs. Là. augmenté leur consommation de vitamine D3, Il Une des raisons est que le métabolisme minéral n'était pas lié à la présence ou à l'absence des Afro-Américains est adapté à vivre sur un d'utilisation. continent qui est séché à haute température, de En conséquence, 71% des personnes ayant une sorte que la façon de conserver le calcium est hypertension au départ avaient une hypertension différente de celle des Américains blancs et, par artérielle disparue à la fin de l'étude. conséquent, afro-américaine Même si la Dans le groupe non hypertendu, aucune concentration de 25 (OH) D est beaucoup plus diminution significative de la pression artérielle faible que celle des Américains d'origine n'a été observée. caucasienne, l'excrétion de calcium dans l'urine REDUCTION DU DURCISSEMENT DE LA est faible et la densité osseuse est élevée. PAROI ARTERIELLE PAR LA VITAMINE D LA VITAMINE D REDUIT LE RISQUE CHEZ LES AFRO-AMERICAINS D'ACCOUCHEMENT PREMATURE À la suite d'un essai clinique dans lequel un Il y a plus d'études observationnelles fournissant Afro-Américain en surpoids ayant une carence des informations utiles sur les effets de la en vitamine D (moins de 20 ng / mL) a ajouté vitamine D. 600 UI, 2 000 UI ou 4 000 UI de vitamine D 3 par Par exemple, l'école de médecine de Caroline jour pendant 16 semaines, dans le cas de 4000 du Sud a mené un essai sur le terrain pour UI / jour, carotide - vitesse de l' onde de pouls étudier la relation entre la concentration de 25 (PWV) est diminué de 10% entre l'artère (OH) D mesurée près de l'accouchement et la fémorale, l' artère carotide - connexe qui PWV production précoce de 1 064 accouchements est diminué de 8% entre l'artère radiale a été consécutifs de septembre 2015 à décembre observée [Raed, 2017 ] 2016 Cela a. Dans le cas de 2 000 UI / jour, presque le même La race / composition ethnique de cette cohorte effet a été observé dans l'artère carotide-radiale était de 488 chez les Caucasiens, de 395 chez PWV mais pas dans l'artère carotide-fémorale les Afro-Américains, de 117 chez les Américains PWV. d'origine hispanique, de 19 chez les Asiatiques / Les résultats de cet essai clinique sont très des Insulaires du Pacifique et de 39 chez les importants pour plusieurs raisons. Métis / Autre . La première raison est que c'est l'un des rares En conséquence, plus la valeur de 25 (OH) D essais cliniques sur la vitamine D montrant que est élevée, plus le nombre de semaines de la vitamine D a une influence sur les facteurs gestation est long [McDonnell, 2017]. physiologiques liés au risque de maladie Ceci est similaire à la tendance observée dans cardiovasculaire. la cohorte d'essai Hollis et Wagner et al. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 106


Dans le groupe ayant une concentration de 25 numérique, en supposant pour être la valeur (OH) D de 40 ng / mL ou plus, le risque de 1,00 du boîtier est de 25 (OH) D de production précoce était plus faible de 62% que la concentration de 100 nmol que, le rapport de dans le groupe de moins de 20 ng / mL (OR = risque après ajustement du modèle 4 du tableau 0,38, 95% Intervalle de confiance: 0,23 - 0,63, p 4 recalculé pour chacune des six catégories, 25 <0,0001). (OH) D, le rapport de risque et 95% des résultats La réduction des risques a été observée de des intervalles de confiance (IC) ont été manière constante dans les groupes de femmes représentés graphiquement et la ligne droite blanches et les groupes de femmes non combinée à la limite inférieure de l'IC à 95% blanches, suggérant la possibilité d'améliorer le environ 90 nmol / l C'était au dessus de 1.0. statut en vitamine D et de réduire la disparité 25 (OH) Cl inférieure à la concentration de D est dans l'incidence précoce parmi les groupes inférieure à 90 nmol / L est inférieur à 1,0 le seul, ethniques. qui était la catégorie la plus basse 25 (OH) D CORRELATION ENTRE LA VALEUR niveaux. SERIQUE DE LA VITAMINE D ET LA Il est courant dans les revues cliniques de DIMINUTION DU TAUX DE MORTALITE PAR rapporter les résultats avec un tel biais contre les effets obtenus à partir des vitamines. MALADIE CARDIAQUE / TAUX DE PREDICTION DE L'ETAT DE LA VITAMINE D MORTALITE PAR CANCER / TAUX DE PAR QUESTIONNAIRE PATIENT MORTALITE TOTALE Un problème avec la vitamine D est le coût du (Durée médiane de suivi .: 10 5 ans) du test 25 (OH) D. consortium européen 26,916 personnes des Dans certains pays, des restrictions sont données qui se compose de six nordiques imposées aux médecins qui ordonnent des tests pays, y compris des études d' observation, et de 25 (OH) D. le sérum 25 (OH) concentration D à l' inclusion, Pour sortir de ce problème, l'état de la vitamine la mortalité toutes causes confondues, D 25 nmol / L (10 ng / ml) moins que d'élaborer la mortalité par cancer Il existe une corrélation un questionnaire (questionnaire) est divisé en inverse significative entre le taux et la mortalité grandes catégories de 25 ~ 50 nmol / L, 50 ~ 75 par maladie cardiovasculaire [Gaksch, 2017]. nmol / L Il y a une méthode. Le taux de risque (HR) du taux de mortalité De tels questionnaires ont été récemment toutes causes confondues était de 1,0 à 80 nmol conçus pour les personnes âgées et testés / L et augmenté à 2,8 à 5 nmol / L. [Annweiler, 2017]. Aucune augmentation significative de la Ce questionnaire comprend 16 questions, mortalité n'a été observée lorsque la concentra- réparties en 9 items: âge, sexe, état général, tion de 25 (OH) D dépassait 100 nmol / L. apport nutritionnel, vue, humeur, capacité 25 (OH) est à peu près la concentration D et cognitive, marche / chute, ostéoporose. la mortalité par cancer est déclaré qu'il n'y avait Dans six d'entre eux, un excellent accord a été pas de corrélation linéaire significative, différents trouvé entre la réponse du médecin et la résultats sont observés attentivement cette réponse du patient. En outre, il y avait 2 analyse Vous recherchez des données. questions qui étaient assez cohérentes, 2 En multipliant le 1 / 0,79 = 1,26 pour l' ensemble 107 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


questions qui correspondaient raisonnablement Parce que les études d'observation qui ont bien, 3 questions qui étaient quelque peu donné lieu à ces préoccupations étaient parce cohérentes, et 3 correspondances avec un faible que certains sujets qui avaient des degré d'accord. concentrations élevées avaient été classés dans La classification du statut en vitamine D était la catégorie 25 (OH) D erronée parce qu'ils ont presque parfaite. Ce questionnaire a été pensé récemment commencé à prendre de la vitamine pour les personnes âgées, mais il est possible D . que des questionnaires similaires soient conçus STRATEGIE D'INFORMATION ERRONEE pour d'autres groupes. Il existe des «fausses stratégies d'information» AUX ÉTATS-UNIS, LES VENTES DE que les entreprises utilisent depuis des SUPPLEMENTS DE VITAMINE D A FORTE décennies pour retarder les actions du DOSE ONT FORTEMENT AUGMENTE gouvernement contre les préoccupations civiles En tant que mesure de son succès dans qui ont un impact négatif sur leurs revenus. l'enseignement des avantages pour la santé de Des exemples bien connus comprennent la vitamine D au public, il y a une augmentation l'industrie du sucre, le tabac, le pétrole et le gaz, de la tendance d'apport des suppléments de et les ligues nationales de football vitamine D. professionnel. Selon un article publié dans le JAMA, la L'Union of Concerned Scientists («Concerned proportion d'adultes qui prennent 1 000 UI ou Scientist Alliance») décrit les cinq piliers de cette plus de vitamine D dans les suppléments, mais à stratégie sur le site ci-dessous. 2004 a été 2003 de 0,4%, a augmenté à 18,2% au cours de 2013 à 2014 années [Rooney, and-democracy/disinformation- 2017]. playbook#.WiA5wlWnFpg En outre, la proportion de personnes qui Les cinq éléments sont: prennent la vitamine D supérieure à 4 000 UI 1. Faire un faux acte scientifique faux et essayer dans les suppléments, non-hispaniques 3,9% de le passer comme la recherche légitime dans le blanc, non-hispaniques 2,0% chez 2. Pour harceler les scientifiques qui déclarent les Noirs, 1,8 pour cent dans l'hispano- clairement des résultats ou des opinions américain, 3,3% en Asie-Amérique . incommodes à l'industrie assiégée Les auteurs de ce document, qui avait exprimé 3. Incertitude sur la science positive sa préoccupation dans de telles doses « élevées Construisez-le même s'il y a peu ou rien », il vitamine D à 20 000 UI si la lumière du soleil 4. Renforcer la confiance en interagissant avec abire peut être générée dans le corps, les effets le monde académique et les organisations toxiques rarement aussi si la dose quotidienne professionnelles est inférieure à 40 000 UI Compte tenu du fait 5. Inverser le commerce que cela ne se produit pas, ce n'est pas si élevé En manipulant les fonctionnaires et les en pratique. procédures du gouvernement back-office, il La crainte que la concentration élevée de 25 influencera de façon inappropriée les politiques (OH) D (> 40 ng / mL) puisse nuire à la santé est presque résolue. ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 108


PREDICTION DES GRANDES SOCIETES de nouvelles données indiquant la possibilité PHARMACEUTIQUES DANS LA RECHERCHE d'une influence sur l'état de la mère et périnatale SUR LA VITAMINE D n'a pas été vu...... Pour la supplémentation en vitamine D, J'ai jusqu'à présent, mais les grandes avoir été utilisé pour augmenter la dose, reste la compagnies pharmaceutiques ont été vérifiées si preuve ne permet de penser que l'impact sur elles ont été comment les fausses opérations la plupart des maladies, y compris l'inflammation d'information contre la vitamine D, ne sont pas chronique, les problèmes de santé de faible décrites en détail ici. statut en vitamine D L'hypothèse que c'est un Cependant, comme l'un des cas récents, Lancet, résultat plutôt qu'une cause est renforcée. diabète et d'endocrinologie en Décembre: Je Nous avons confirmé qu'il existait de pense que je veux donner un document qui a été nombreuses méta-analyses de préoccupations présenté à la (lancette du diabète et préoccupantes qui n'atteignaient pas l'état d'endocrinologie) Magazine [Autier, 2017]. optimal. Autier et al groupe est en train de faire Ce qui est négligé dans cet article, les essais des recherches à l'Institut de recherche cliniques de la vitamine D ont généralement été en prévention internationale (Institut international faites sur la base des lignes directrices qui de recherche sur la prévention) par la France de conviennent pour les produits pharmaceutiques, Lyon, à leur partenaire, AstraZeneca, Bayer est que. Schering, Inc., Eli Lilly, Merukusenoro, Inc., Dans ces essais cliniques, une hypothèse clé Pfizer Inc. Et de nombreuses autres grandes large est soulevée est que seule la source de ce sociétés pharmaceutiques sont incluses qu'un agent est inclus dans le test, mais deux ( ). qu'il ya une réaction liée à la dose linéaire, telle La vitamine D diminue le risque de diverses hypothèse est testée en vitamine D Je ne passe maladies, pour ce qui entraîne également pas. abaisser les revenus des grandes sociétés Que les essais cliniques de vitamine D devraient pharmaceutiques en raison de dire que être fondées sur la mesure de 25 (OH) D dans la les grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques sont période de référence et d'essai, également opposés à la vitamine D, pour le papier les la santé et 25 (OH) D en tant que guide de la auteurs dans ce magazine, ces noms de sélection du sujet et de la vitamine D dose La partenaires Au manuscrit. troisième hypothèse est que vous devriez utiliser Dans la seconde moitié de l'essai, leurs résultats des relations avec les résultats, ce qui est de recherche sont résumés comme suit. susceptible de biaiser vos résultats. La dose de vitamine D est était plus que ceux Certains des articles abordés dans ce livre évalués dans le passé, la supplémentation en montrent des méthodes pour mener des essais vitamine D, y compris les maladies cliniques corrects de la vitamine D. cardiovasculaires, l'obésité, le métabolisme LA DERNIERE PERSPECTIVE SUR LA DOSE du glucose, troubles de l'humeur, la fonction musculaire, la tuberculose, l'adénome colorectal, OPTIMALE DE VITAMINE D non-cadre possibilités et l'impact sur la plupart Une autre étude sur la vitamine D relatée par de la condition médicale du système, Michael Holick aborde certaines des questions 109 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


discutées en ce moment [Holick, 2017]. Le saine en vitamine D. résumé du papier est Si vous êtes malade, vous pouvez augmenter La carence en vitamine D et la carence en votre dose jusqu'à 5 000 à 10 000 UI par vitamine D sont des problèmes de santé jour. Comme la vitamine D contient 40 UI par μg, mondiaux avec plus de 10 milliards de même 2 000 UI ne sont que de 50 μg. personnes et d'enfants et d'adultes dans le L'ingestion de magnésium aide à la conversion monde entier. de la vitamine D en 25 (OH) D, et l'apport de Nous ne pouvons pas sous-estimer les calcium aide à maintenir l'équilibre de l'action conséquences de la carence en vitamine D. par le magnésium. La carence en vitamine D, prééclampsie, carie CONCLUSION de la petite (de la carie dentaire), la parodontite, Dans l'ensemble, 2017 a été une bonne année une maladie auto - immune, les maladies pour la recherche sur la vitamine D. infectieuses, les maladies cardiovasculaires, Il semble y avoir un large éventail de questions les cancers mortels, le diabète II, y compris de compréhension sur la façon de conclure les la neuropathie, une myriade Il est associé à des résultats des essais cliniques sur la vitamine D. maladies aiguës et chroniques. Un certain nombre d'essais cliniques à grande Cet avis, et en même temps grande image pour échelle sur la vitamine D seront terminés et les voir le débat sur la définition d'un manque de résultats seront communiqués l'année prochaine carence en vitamine D et la vitamine D, présente et l'année suivante, mais malheureusement, leur les lignes directrices pour la prophylaxie avec conception et leur méthode de mise en œuvre le traitement de la carence en vitamine D. sont quelque peu prudentes. Holick explique la dernière idée sur Pour plus de détails sur la vitamine D, si vous l'administration de vitamine D, y compris les êtes intéressé, nous vous encourageons à visiter raisons pour lesquelles certaines études de le site Web des principaux partisans de la vitamine D ont des conclusions incorrectes que vitamine D, en plus de rechercher des articles 20 ng / mL est suffisante Cela a. sur et . 25 à des concentrations optimales supérieures à Http://Vitamindsociety.Org/ 30 ng / mL (75 nmol / L) des valeurs de (OH) D, Http://Www.Sunarc.Org/ presque certainement être comprise entre 40 ~ Https://Grassrootshealth.Net/ 60 ng / mL (100 ~ 150 nmol / L), car Est un Https://Purenorth.Ca/vitamin-d-your-health/ consensus en particulier chez les chercheurs de Https: //www.facebook. com / Evidas- vitamine D aux États-Unis. 902724609761886 / De plus, chez les personnes diagnostiquées avec la maladie, aussi longtemps que la maladie pour aider à la vitamine D, il devrait être autorisé REFERENCES à atteindre 25 (OH) D concentration de 40 ~ 60 Annweiler C, Kabeshova A, Callens A , Paty ML, ng / mL. Duval GT, Holick MF auto-administré la vitamine Une consommation régulière de 2 000 à 4 000 Predictor D Statut: les personnes âgées sont UI de vitamine D 3 par jour est considérée en mesure d'utiliser un auto -questionnaire pour comme utile pour maintenir une concentration évaluer leur statut en vitamine D ( auto- ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 110


administré vitamine D .. prédicteurs: Njolstad I, Lochen ML, M « rz W, Kleber ME, les personnes âgées peut évaluer son propre Tomaschitz A, Gr BLER M, Eiriksdottir G, statut en vitamine D à l'aide d' un questionnaire Gudmundsson EF, Harris TB , Cotch MF, d' auto-remplissable) PLoS One 2017 date Aspelund T, Gudnason V, Rutters F, Beulens d'enregistrement 1 novembre; 12 (11): .. JW, van « t Riet E, Nijpels G, Dekker JM, Grove- E0186578 Http://Journals.Plos.Org/plosone Laugesen D, Rejnmark L, Busch MA, Mensink /article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0186578 GB, Scheidt-Nef C, Thamm M, Swart KM, Autier P, Mullie P, Macacu A , Dragomir M, Brouwer IA, Lips P , van Schoor NM, Sempos Boniol M, Coppens K, Pizot C, Boniol M. Effet de CT, Durazo-Arvizu RA, Skrab KOV Z, Dowling la supplémentation en vitamine D sur les KG, Cashman KD, Kiely M, Pilz S. la vitamine D troubles non-squelettiques :. Une revue et de mortalité: Les données de participant systématique des méta-analyses et essais individuel méta-analyse de normalisé . 25- randomisés (supplémentation en vitamine D il hydroxyvitamine D 26916 personnes d'un des effets de mener à des troubles non- consortium européen (vitamine D et de squelettiques: méta-analyse et l'examen la mortalité: méta-analyse consortium européen systématique des essais randomisés) diabète des données sujet individuel sur la normalisation Lancet Endocrinol 2017 décembre; 5 (12) :. 986- 25-hydroxyvitamine D dans un sujet 26,916 1004 Https://Www.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/ pubmed / personnes par) PLoS One 2017 Feb 16; 12 ( 2) 29102433 Feng J, Shan L, Du L , Wang B, Li H, :. E0170791 Wang W, Wang T, Dong H, Yue X, Xu Z, Staal Http://Journals.Plos.Org/plosone/article?Id=10.1 WG, Jia F. L'amélioration clinique suivant la 371/Journal.Pone.0170791 .. Holick MF La supplémentation en vitamine D3 dans le trouble carence en vitamine D en cas de pandémie: du spectre autistique. (Autistique maladies approches pour le diagnostic, le traitement et la spectre amélioration clinique après prévention (. La vitamine D en cas de pandémie la supplémentation en vitamine D3 dans de carence: approche pour le diagnostic, le désordre) Nutr Neurosci juin 2017; 20 (5): le traitement et la prévention) Rev Endocr Metab 284-90 .. Disord 2017 juin; 18 (2): 153 -65 Https://Www.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/pubmed/267830 92 Ganguly A, Tamblyn JA, Finn - vente S, Lappe J, P Watson, Travers- Gustafson D, R Chan SY, Westwood M, Gupta J, Kilby M, Gross Recker, Garland C, Gorham E, K Baggerly, SR, M. Hewison vitamine D, le placenta et la McDonnell SL effet de la vitamine D et la grossesse précoce :. Effets sur la fonction supplémentation en calcium sur l'incidence du trophoblaste (vitamine D et le placenta et cancer chez les femmes âgées: .. Un essai le début relation entre la production: mettre la clinique randomisé (vitamine D et de calcium fonction des effets de trophoblaste) J Endocrinol la supplémentation en effet conduit à des taux 2017 6. novembre PII: .. JOE-17-0491 doi :. de cancer chez les femmes âgées: un essai 10,1530 / JOE-17-0491 [publication électronique clinique randomisé) JAMA 2017 28 mars; 317 précédèrent impression] https: // (12): .. 1234-1243 Https://Jamanetwork.Com/journals/jama/fullarticl Gaksch M, Jorde R, Grimnes G , Joakimsen R, e/2613159https: // Schirmer H, Wilsgaard T, Mathiesen EB, pubmed/?term=28350929 Martineau AR, Jolliffe 111 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


DA, Hooper RL , Greenberg L, Aloia JF, Statut D et la pression artérielle chez les Bergman P, Dubnov-Raz G, Esposito S, participants d'un programme communautaire de Ganmaa D, Ginde AA, Goodall CE, Grant CC, la prise de vitamine D suppléments. (Programme CJ Griffiths, Janssens W, Laaksi I, Manaseki- de type communautaire à prendre des supplé- Holland S, Mauger D, Murdoch DR, Neale R, ments de vitamine D sujet sont sériques de 25 Rees JR, Simpson S Jr, Stelmach I, Kumar GT, (OH) D et l'état de la tension artérielle associée) Urashima M, Camargo CA Jr. la nutriments 2017 date d'enregistrement 14 supplémentation en vitamine D pour prévenir les novembre; 9 (11) pii: E1244… infections aiguës des voies respiratoires: Http://Www.Mdpi.Com/2072-6643/9/11/1244 examen systématique et méta-analyse de Raed A, Bhagatwala J, Zhu H , Pollock NK, chaque participant . Les données Parikh SJ, Huang Y, Havens R, Kotak I, Guo (supplémentation en vitamine D bronchique DH, les réponses Dong Y. Dose de la d'infection aiguë pour prévenir: méta-analyse de supplémentation en vitamine D3 sur la rigidité l'examen systématique et les données de sujet artérielle en surpoids Afro - Américains avec une individuel) BMJ 2017 15 février; 356: .. I6583 carence en vitamine D: Un placebo . essai Http://Www.Bmj.Com/content/356/ randomisé contrôlé (en surpoids afro - bmj.i6583.long McDonnell SL, Baggerly KA, américaine, ce qui est une carence en vitamine Baggerly CA , Aliano JL, Français CB, Baggerly D, la dose-réponse de la supplémentation LL, Ebeling MD, Rittenberg CS, Goodier CG, en vitamine D3 sur la rigidité artérielle: essai Mateus Ni¤o JF, Wineland RJ, Newman RB, randomisé placebo) PLoS One 7 décembre Hollis BW, Wagner CL. Maternelle 25 2017; 12 (12) :. e0188424 . (OH) concentrations D ≥40 ng / mL associés à Http://Journals.Plos.Org/plosone/article?Id=10.1 un risque de prématurité moins 60% chez les 371/Journal.Pone.0188424 Rooney MR, patients obstétriques généraux à un centre Harnack L, Michos ED , Ogilvie RP, Sempos CT, médical urbain. (Si 25 (OH) D en maternelle Lutsey PL. Tendances dans l' utilisation de dans les grands groupes de patients fortes doses de suppléments de vitamine D ou obstétriques hôpitaux urbains de 40 ng / mL que de plus de 1000 unités internationales 4000 le risque lié prématuré est de 60% inférieur) en Daily, le 1999-2014. (1 000 UI ou 4000 UI par un 2017 juillet PLoS 24; 12 (7): .. E0180483 jour à dose élevée de Vit. D a tendance 1999- Http://Journals.Plos.Org/plosone/article?Id=10.1 2014 années dans l'utilisation de suppléments) 371/Journal.Pone.0180483 Mirhosseini N, JAMA 2017 20 juin; 317 (23):2448450 regardez Vatanparast H, Kimball SM. Https://Www.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/ L'Association entre le taux sérique de 25 (OH) pubmed/28632857. Ortho Molecular Nouvelles médicales

Rédaction de la Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (États-Unis) Une forte dose de vitamine supprime la version maladie d'Alzheimer. Si oui, pourquoi les internationale

médecins ne le recommandent pas ? Version japonaise Yoshinori Yanagisawa (Institut de thérapie par supervisée perfusion) ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 112


Toru Mizoguchi Tomomi Himeno coûteux et sa sécurité est bien établie. La (clinique Shinjuku (clinique Hime nausée est l'effet secondaire le plus courant de Mizuguchi) noomomi) la prise de niacinamide à des doses très élevées. Pour l'éliminer, vous pouvez penser à Saito Sugi (Institut Takeshi Kitahara réduire la dose ou à utiliser la niacine ordinaire à nippon de médecine (Société japonaise de la place. La niacine ordinaire peut causer des fonctionnelle) médecine moléculaire ortho) bouffées de chaleur, mais le choix de l'hexaniacinate d'inositol ne brûlera jamais. Tout Coopération de Nishimoto Trading Co., Ltd ce qui précède est la vitamine B3. traduction NatuMedica Business Group Le journaliste de HealthDay a parlé de la qualité OMNS, 9 décembre 2008) Récemment dans les de la vitamine. Les auteurs des articles de médias, "la déficience de mémoire semble avoir recherche "achètent une année pour 30 dollars" été résolue par l'administration massive de et déclarent que cela semble "sûr". Un auteur dit certaines vitamines ordinaires dans des encore: "Je ne supporte pas que les gens expériences de souris dans un état équivalent à mangent des grammes tous les jours pendant la maladie d'Alzheimer" C'était fait. Et bientôt, il qu'ils courent acheter de telles choses" (1). a été ajouté: "Les scientifiques n'ont pas le désir Dans la BBC Nouvelles, Rebecca britannique de recommander d'essayer eux-mêmes l'apport avait cité les mots de bois est le directeur en vitamines au-delà de la dose normale" (1). général de la Fiducie recherche sur la maladie En d'autres termes, il est utile de prendre une d'Alzheimer: « jusqu'à ce que l'étude du corps certaine quantité de vitamine. Prenons le! humain est complet, ne devrait pas commencer C'est comique. Alors quel genre d'histoire est- un supplément ... (SNIP) ... Vous devriez être ce? prudent au sujet de changer votre propre régime Un groupe de recherche de l'Université de et prendre des suppléments. La vitamine B3 Californie à Irvine a donné des doses de peut être toxique si pris à des doses élevées vitamine B3 équivalentes à 2 000 à 3 000 mg "(3). pour des doses humaines à des souris atteintes Irish Times a dit la même chose: "Pour soulager de la maladie d'Alzheimer (2), avec des les troubles de la mémoire, des avertissements résultats. Le mot de Kim Green, membre de ce ont été lancés à propos de l'achat de groupe de recherche, est cité: "La fonction suppléments de vitamine B3 à forte dose ... (... cognitive des souris a été guérie, comme si elle ...) ... Depuis cette annonce, Le jour où il s'agit n'avait jamais été la maladie d'Alzheimer". de la réalité ... (...) ...... Les vitamines peuvent Spécifiquement, cette étude a utilisé une grande être toxiques si elles sont prises à des doses quantité de nicotinamide, qui est la vitamine B3 élevées »(4). qui est largement incluse dans les aliments tels Leur choix de mots est intelligent, mais il que la viande, la volaille, le poisson, les noix, les manque de précision. Il n'y a pas de graines. Dans le supplément, cette forme de «précipitation» précipitée, et la moitié de la nicotinamide de niacine est contenue beaucoup population a déjà des suppléments. Le mot plus que la nourriture. Le nicotinamide est "toxique" ne s'applique pas à la niacine. Abram communément appelé niacinamide, il est peu Hoffer, MD, un psychiatre au Canada, soutient en fait que la niacine est extrêmement sûre. "Il 113 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


n'y a pas de décès dus aux suppléments de seulement aux États-Unis. En outre, si l'on prend niacine jusqu'à présent", explique le Dr Hoffer. « également en compte le surdosage de Dose létale médiane pour les chiens (dose à médicaments, la prescription inappropriée et les laquelle la moitié du sujet de l'administration interactions nocives par médicaments, le sont tués) est de 5000 ~ 6000 mg par poids de 1 nombre total de décès dus à la drogue dépasse kg de corps. Chez l'homme, est de prendre un 250 000 chaque année. niacin environ 1 livre (environ 450 g) en 1 jour Si Les remarques étranges de la BBC selon vous prenez cette quantité, vous ressentirez la lesquelles "changer son propre régime nausée longtemps avant d'atteindre le niveau alimentaire devrait être prudent" sont nocif. »Le Dr Hoffer a été le premier à réaliser un particulièrement étranges. Il y a un nombre essai clinique en double aveugle, contrôlé contre croissant de scientifiques qui croient que notre placebo, niacine, ajoutant que: "La niacine n'est alimentation qui a besoin d'une grande pas toxique pour le foie, la thérapie à la niacine amélioration contribue davantage à l'apparition entraîne une augmentation de la valeur du test de la maladie d'Alzheimer qu'autre chose. "Il y a de la fonction hépatique, mais cette une association statistiquement significative augmentation de la valeur numérique implique entre un faible apport en niacine aux repas et un que la fonction hépatique est active, indiquant risque élevé de développer la maladie une lésion hépatique latente Ce n'est pas d'Alzheimer: une étude menée auprès de 6 158 quelque chose. " citoyens de Chicago âgés de plus de 65 ans Selon la littérature médicale, la sécurité de la ayant étudié la consommation de niacine , niacine est sauvegardée à plusieurs reprises. En comme l'apport niacine est moins dans le repas, effet, les médecins spécialisés en nutrition il y a un risque élevé de patients atteints de la (médecine orthomoléculaire) ont utilisé la maladie d'Alzheimer a été confirmée. « dans le vitamine B3 à des doses élevées de dizaines de groupe le plus fréquent est la consommation milliers de milligrammes par jour pendant plus quotidienne de niacine, du groupe, il était le plus de 50 ans. Les cardiologues donnent souvent petit nombre, de la maladie d'Alzheimer aux patients plusieurs milliers de milligrammes L'incidence était de 70% inférieure. "La preuve la de niacine par jour pour réduire le plus convaincante à ce jour est que les sels cholestérol. La niacine est choisie parce que la minéraux de l'acide ascorbique (vitamine C) marge de sécurité est très grande. Selon le peuvent améliorer les troubles précoces de la rapport annuel de l'Association pour la mémoire. Le risque accru de maladie surveillance de l'exposition à la toxicité par d'Alzheimer inclut des vitamines dans l'American Association for Addicting l'alimentation E et la consommation de poisson Management Center, indépendamment de la est faible. "(7) forme de la niacine, il n'y a pas de décès par la Les carences nutritionnelles à long terme niacine chaque année (5). peuvent entraîner une dépendance Pendant ce temps, les décès dus à des nutritionnelle. La dépendance nutritionnelle est médicaments d'ordonnance correctement celle dans laquelle la condition n'est pas prescrits s'élèvent à 140 000 cas par an satisfaite en mangeant avec un régime (6). D'ailleurs, ce n'est qu'une année, c'est alimentaire avec des éléments nutritifs ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 114


manquants excessifs ou même en prenant des avec d'autres choses déjà sur le monde, vous suppléments à faible dose. Robert P. Heaney, aurez probablement un grand effet." MD exprime la maladie qui s'applique à cette Selon le Dr Ralph Nixon de l'Association explication par le terme «maladie à long terme américaine Alzheimer, la vitamine E, la vitamine de la carence latente». Selon sa description, «un C, que les vitamines telles que la vitamine B12 certain nombre de pénuries d'éléments nutritifs peut aider dans le développement risque réduit sont maintenant reconnus comme une cause de de la maladie d'Alzheimer, il a été suggéré déjà certaines des maladies chroniques majeures dans les études précédentes. L'association, cela affectant les personnes dans les pays est mentionné dans la page d'accueil (qui a été industrialisés. Cette maladie chronique résultat, publié http la recherche principale) :. « La prennent souvent de nombreuses années à se vitamine est susceptible d'être utile pour réduire manifester, dont beaucoup devraient être le risque de développer la maladie d'Alzheimer, considérés comme des maladies de carence la vitamine E, une combinaison de vitamine E + latente à long terme ... (sNIP) ... échec latent à vitamine C, en vitamine B12 et de l'acide folique long terme, l'apport nécessaire à la prévention, peut être important ... (sNIP) ... le gouvernement les indicateurs individuels Parce qu'elle est plus fédéral finance était une étude à grande échelle grande que la quantité nécessaire pour la (10), la perte de la capacité à effectuer des prévention de la maladie, la quantité activités quotidiennes, ainsi que l'admission à recommandée basée sur la prévention de la l'établissement de soins infirmiers, juste en maladie indicatrice ne peut plus fournir un effet vitamine E Il y a un résultat qui devient tardif. " de défense biologique "(8). S'il y a déjà une Dans l'ensemble, cependant, l'association lésion, des quantités anormalement élevées de Alzheimer's Disease n'a pas touché vitamines peuvent être nécessaires pour réparer étonnamment aux vitamines sur son site les tissus endommagés. Il y a 35 ans, Hoffer Web et pour le déclarait dans un autre article: «La limite entre moment, Sauf que la vitamine E ne devrait pas l'état de carence en vitamines et l'état dépendant être utilisée pour traiter la maladie d'Alzheimer des vitamines n'est que quantitative en ce qui »( concerne la prévention et le traitement» (9). . .asp ). «Ils écrivent une vitamine aussi sûre La prévention est extrêmement importante pour qu'un médicament dangereux qui ne devrait pas la maladie d'Alzheimer car il n'existe pas de être utilisé sans le consentement du médecin», traitement largement accepté. Dans l'article, Irish critique le Dr Hoffer. "Je l'utilise depuis des Times a reconnu que «les souris saines ayant décennies." reçu des vitamines étaient supérieures en Les problèmes de niacine et de nerf sont termes de performance par rapport aux souris compatibles. Médecins de médecine nourries avec un régime normal», et les mots orthomoléculaire, des nutriments tels que la suivants du coauteur Frank LaFerla de l'article niacine, et le trouble obsessionnel-compulsif, "Cela suggère que non seulement cela a un effet l'anxiété, le trouble bipolaire, la dépression, le sur la maladie d'Alzheimer, mais aussi qu'il y a comportement psychotique, ont déjà remarqué une possibilité qu'une personne ordinaire puisse que le traitement efficace de la améliorer une sorte de mémoire" (4) . Green, schizophrénie. Une nouvelle étude, la auteur de l'article ajoute: "Si vous combinez cela niacinamide (vitamine B3 sous la même forme 115 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


utilisée dans la recherche sur la maladie /05/AR2008110502796.Html d'Alzheimer) pour prévenir la dégénérescence Http://Health.Yahoo.Com/news/healthday/buiaitieiem des « démyélinisante axones dans des uaienuetchioerudiesupiaruomiseforalzheimersdiseas expériences animales de la sclérose en plaques e.Html et les maladies très similaires, du comportement (2) Vert KN, Steffan JS, Martinez-Coria H, Sun X, Schreiber SS, Thompson LM, LaFerla FM. Il est confirmé que l'amélioration des obstacles a Nicotinamide restaure la cognition chez les souris un effet considérable "(11). transgéniques de la maladie d'Alzheimer par un La norme des avertissements journalistiques est mécanisme impliquant l'inhibition sirtuines et la facile à comprendre. Surtout quand il y a réduction sélective de Thr231-phosphotau. (Niacine constamment de nouvelles promesses de restauration d'amide de la fonction cognitive qui se médicaments. Le taux de succès des traduit par des souris transplantées du gène de la médicaments couramment utilisés pour traiter la maladie d'Alzheimer par l'intermédiaire d'un maladie d'Alzheimer est décevant et même mécanisme impliquant la réduction sélective désastreux. Par conséquent, si l'apport d'inhibition et Thr231- sirtuines phospho-tau) J nutritionnel peut être une excellente solution, la Neurosci 2008 5 novembre; 28 (45) :. 11500-10. paresse est inexplicable et même (3) BBC, 5 novembre 2008. impardonnable. Il est inapproprié de s'en tenir à (4) Donnellan E. Caution urged over using vitamin B3 une doctrine inappropriée et autodisciplinée. Actuellement, plus de 5 millions to treat Alzheimer‘s.(アルツハイマー病の治療 d'Américains souffrent de la maladie d'Alzheimer にビタミンB13を使うことへの切迫した警 et d'ici 2050, ce chiffre devrait atteindre 14 millions de personnes. Peut-être que 9 millions 告) Wed, Nov. 05, 2008 de personnes bénéficieront de la niacine à l'avenir. 1105/breaking91.htm "L'homme est une créature dépendante de la (5) 米国中毒管理センター協会の米国中毒・ nourriture", écrit Emanuel Cheraskin, MD, professeur de médecine interne à l'Université 暴露データベース(前称:毒性暴露監視シ d'Alabama. « Je vais mourir et ne pas donner la ステム)の年報. AAPCC, 3201 New Mexico nourriture au corps. Une partie du don de façon Avenue, Ste. 330, Washington, DC 20016. de la nourriture et est inappropriée le corps va mourir. » Si le cerveau est que sa partie, 1983~2006年の年報は、 reporter l'utilisation de la nutrition optimale C'est から無料で dangereux à faire. ダウンロード可能。「ビタミン」のカテゴ REFERENCES リーは通常、年報の巻末近くに記載。 (1) La vitamine porteur d' espoir pour la maladie (6) Classen DC, Pestotnik SL, Evans RS, Lloyd JF, d' Alzheimer la maladie de. ( Vitamine estimée peut Burke JP. Adverse drug events in hospitalized aider à la maladie d'Alzheimer) Randy Dotinga, patients. Excess length of stay, extra costs, and Reporter HealthDay, 5 novembre 2008 Http://Www.Washingtonpost.Com/wp- attributable mortality.(入院患者における薬物 dyn/content/article/2008/11 ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 116


有害事象。過剰な在院日数、追加費用、お (10) Sano M, Ernesto C, Thomas RG et al. A controlled trial of selegiline, alpha-tocopherol, or both よび寄与死亡率) JAMA. 1997 Jan 22- as treatment for Alzheimer‘s disease. The 29;277(4):301-6. Alzheimer‘s Disease Cooperative Study.(アルツ (7) 21. Hoffer A and Foster HD. Feel Better, Live ハイマー病の治療法としてセレギリン、 Longer With Vitamin B-3: Nutrient Deficiency and α- Dependency.(ビタミンB3で気分良く長生き トコフェロール、もしくはその両方を用い しよう:栄養欠乏と栄養依存) CCNM Press, た対照試験。アルツハイマー病の共同研究 2007. ISBN-10: 1897025246; ISBN-13: 978- ) N Engl J Med. 1997 Apr 24;336(17):1216-22 1897025246. (11) Kaneko S, Wang J, Kaneko M, Yiu G, Hurrell 下記も参照: Foster HD. What Really Causes JM, Chitnis T, Khoury SJ, He Z. Protecting axonal Alzheimer‘s Disease.(アルツハイマー病の本 degeneration by increasing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels in experimental autoimmune 当の原因) Trafford, 2004. ISBN 1-4120-4921-0. encephalomyelitis models.(実験的自己免疫性 (8) Heaney RP: Long-latency deficiency disease: 脳脊髄炎モデルにおける、ニコチンアミド insights from calcium and vitamin D.(長期潜伏欠 アデニンヌクレオチド量の増加による軸索 乏性疾患:カルシウムとビタミンDからの 変性の予防) J Neurosci. 2006 Sep 洞察) Am J Clin Nutr. 2003; Nov; 78(5):912-9. 20;26(38):9794-804. (9) Hoffer A. Mechanism of action of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide in the treatment of schizophrenia. search&DB=pubmed (統合失調症の治療におけるニコチン酸と 下記も参照: Vitamins fight multiple sclerosis.( ニコチンアミドの作用メカニズム) 原典: ビタミンは多発性硬化症を抑える) Hawkins D and Pauling L: Orthomolecular Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 4, Psychiatry: Treatment of Schizophrenia.(オーソ 2006

モレキュラー精神医学:統合失調症の治療 ) San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. 1973; p. 202-262. 117 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 118

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE 119 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 120

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE 121 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


. . Volume 33, Number 4, 2018 .. Volume 33, Number 5, 2018 Commentary Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Editorial Abram Hoffer Lecture Series Cardiovascular Disease Damien Downing; Award JOM Archives An Orthomolecular Robert G Smith Synthesis Theory of Human Health and Article Mitochondrial Correction: A New Disease Linus Pauling; Matthias Rath Therapeutic Paradigm for Review Article Vitamin B12, Cancer and Degenerative Diseases Vitamin B6, Folic Acid and Psychosis: A Michael J Gonzalez; Thomas Seyfried; Review Monique Aucoin; Laura Garth L Nicholson; Barry J Barclay; LaChance Case Report Intravenous Jamie Matta; Alex Vasquez; Dominic Vitamin C and Infectious D'Agostino; Jose Olalde; Jorge Mononucleosis: A Case Report Michael J Duconage; Ron Hunninghake; Miguel J Gonzalez; Miguel J Berdiel; Berdiel; Amanda Cintrón Case Report Jose Olalde Book Review Beyond The High-Dose Vitamin C Helps Prevent Label JOIN US IN EXPERIENCING THE Recurrence of Stage IV Ovarian Cancer BEST EDUCATION IN Yuen Chuen Fong Raymond; ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE FROM Stephanie Anne Loke Mun See; Yuen Tin INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN Wei ISOM News 47th Annual CLINICIANS AND RESEARCHERS © 2018 International Orthomolecular Medicine International Society for Today Conference Report © 2018 Orthomolecular Medicine International International Society for Orthomolecular Society for Orthomolecular Medicine International Medicine | PO Box 99517 O'Connor PO, Society for Orthomolecular Medicine | PO Toronto, Ontario M4B 3M9 Canada Box 99517 O'Connor PO, Unsubscribe [email protected] Updat Toronto, Ontario M4B 3M9 Canada e Profile | About our service Unsubscribe [email protected] provider Sent by [email protected] in Profile | About our service provider Sent collaboration with Try it free today by [email protected] in collaboration with Try it free today ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 122


Partage du Bulletin Ortho avec les partenaires internationaux membres de l'ISOM. 123 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


avec Avec Michiaki Ohtomo

Avec Yoshiaki Hidaka.

Avec ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 124


Mr President of ISOM, Prof. Atsuo Yanagisawa. Ms Director of Japan Operation, ISOM, Risa Yanagisawa.

Your excellencies ladies and gentlemen

I am so glad today to be nominated into the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame.

It is a great honor for me and for my country and I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for voting for my election which for me it means you do appreciate my pioneering 10 years of introducing orthomolecular treatment into my practice in Ras El Ma with great results, which my patients are very grateful for.

Next I would like to extend my gratitude to my family, especially my wife who in spite of losing her dear father 2 weeks ago, bravely came with me for this medical congress, showing her love and support. I am grateful to my 3 beautiful children for their enthusiasm even though sometimes I work 14 hours a day with my patients, which is not easy for children to understand, and thank my parents who stay with them when we are away.

I am proud of my 20 years old son for choosing to study nutrition at university in Tlemcen and I hope he will become a good biologist in the future.

Next, I would like to thank my country for giving me all the support and understanding in introducing integrative medicine in making Algeria the first country to promote at national level orthomolecular medicine.

7 years ago I have put the foundation of the SANMO (Algerian Society for Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine) and as its president I am proud to announce that our membership reached nearly 600 members. In their name I also thank you for developing mutual international collaboration on orthomolecular topics and trainings, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank them as well for sharing my vision.

Avec I pledge my full support to the orthomolecular medicine and to you and I thank you one more time for the honor and for the trust. Toru Mizoguchi. Respectfully, Dr.Ilyes Baghli, President of SANMO 2018.4.28 125 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


SOMMAIRE ORTHO 33 Pages 2 d‘Avicenne à Averroes et de Linus 5-6 : El-Watan Magazine : Prix Hall of Fame de la PAULING à Abraham HOFFER Médecine Orthomoléculaire. Le Dr Ilyès BAGHLI 3 Edito 33 du Dr. Tahar NAILI primé à Tokyo 4 Cycles SANMO ORTHO-PRESS ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 126


7-8 Journal of Ortho Med Volume 32 Number3 14.- David HORROBIN, M.D., Ph.D. 1939- (7)Celebrating 50 years of Orthomolecular 2003 Hall of Fame 2005 (31) Medicine(8) 15.- Hugh Desaix RIORDAN, M.D. 1932- 9-11 JCIT- Japanese College of Intravenous 2005 Hall of Fame 2005 (32) Therapy 16.- William GRIFFIN WILSON 1895 - 12-13 ISOM 1971 Hall of Fame 2006 (33) 14- -Qu‘est ce que la Médecine 17.- Ruth FLINN HARRELL, Ph.D. 1900 - Orthomoléculaire ISOM-JCET 1991 Hall of Fame 2006 (34) 15-18 -ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE HALL 18.- Arthur M. SACKLER, M.D. 1913 - OF FAME : 1987 Hall of Fame 2006 (35) 1.-Linus PAULING, Ph.D. 1901-1994 Hall of 19.- Max J. VOGEL, M.D. 1915 - 2002 Hall of Fame 2004 (19) Fame 2006 (36) 20.- Abram HOFFER, M.D., Ph.D. 1917- 2.-William J McCORMICK, M.D. 1880- 2009 Hall of Fame 2006 (37) 1968 Hall of Fame 2004 (20) 21.- Lendon SMITH, M.D. 1921 - 2001 Hall of 3.-Roger J. WILLIAMS, Ph.D.1893-1988 Hall of Fame 2006 (38) Fame 2004 (21) 22.- David R. HAWKINS, M.D., 4.-Wilfrid SHUTE, MD 1907-1982 Hall of Fame Ph.D. b.1927 Hall of Fame 2006 (39) 2004 (22) 23.- Sister Theresa FEIST b.1942 Hall of Fame 5.-Evan SHUTE, MD 1905-1978 Hall of Fame 2006 (40) 2004 (22) 24.- Henry TURKEL, M.D. 1903 - 1992 Hall of 6.-Irwin STONE, Ph.D. 1907-1984 Hall of Fame Fame 2007 (42) 25.- Masatoshi KANEKO, Ph.D. b.1935 Hall of 2004 (23)- Fame 2007 (43) 7.-Carl C. PFEIFFER, M.D., Ph.D. 1908- 26.-Bernard RIMLAND, PhD. 1928 - 2006 Hall 1988 Hall of Fame 2004 (24) of Fame 2007 (44) 8.- Max GERSON MD 1881-1959 Hall of Fame 27.- Fannie H. KAHAN 1922 - 1978 Hall of 2005 (25) Fame 2007 (45) 9.- Albert von SZENT-GYÖRGYI, PhD 1893- 28.-Ewan CAMERON, M.B., Ch.B. 1922 - 1986 Hall of Fame 2005 (26) 1991 Hall of Fame 2007 (46) 10.- Cornelis MOERMAN, M.D. 1893-1988 Hall 29.- R. Glen GREEN, M.D. b. 1923 Hall of of Fame 2005(27) Fame 2007 (47) 30.- Joseph GOLDBERGER, MD 1874 - 11.- Frederick KLENNER, M.D. 1907-1984 Hall 1929 Hall of Fame 2008 (48) of Fame 2005 (28) 31.- Michael LESSER, MD b. 1939 Hall of 12.- Josef ISSELS, M.D. 1907-1998 Hall of Fame 2008 (49) Fame 2005 (29) 32.- Richard KUNIN, MD b. 1932 Hall of Fame 13.- Emanuel CHERASKIN, M.D., D.M.D. 1916- 2008 (50) 2001 Hall of Fame 2005 (30) 127 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33


33.- Adelle DAVIS, MSc 1904 - 1974 Hall of 52.- Hiroyuki ABE, MD b. 1938 Hall of Fame Fame 2008 (51) 2013 (71) 34.- Carlton FREDERICKS, PhD 1910 - 53.- Ronald E. HUNNINGHAKE, MD 1987 Hall of Fame 2008 (52) b.1951 Hall of Fame 2013 (72) 35.- Robert CATHCART III, MD 1932 - 54.- Andrew W. SAUL, PhD b. 1955 Hall of 2007 Hall of Fame 2008 (54) Fame 2013 (73) 36.- Ilya METCHNIKOV, Ph.D. 1845 - 1916 Hall 55.- John T. A. ELY, PhD 1923 – 2011 Hall of of Fame 2009 (55) Fame 2014 (74) 37.- Hugh MACDONALD SINCLAIR, 56.- Alexander G. SCHAUSS, PhD b. Ch.B. 1910 - 1990 Hall of Fame 2009 (56) 1948 Hall of Fame 2014 (75) 38.- Archie KALOKERINOS, M.D. 1927 - 57.- Patrick J. HOLFORD b. 1958 Hall of 2012 Hall of Fame 2009 (57) Fame 2014 (76) 39.- Jeffrey BLAND, Ph.D. b. 1946 Hall of 58.- Irwin KAHAN 1919 – 2015 Hall of Fame Fame 2009 (58) 2015 (78) 40.- Thomas L. CLEAVE, M.R.C.P. 1906- 59.- Aileen BURFORD-MASON, PhD b. 1983 Hall of Fame 2009(59) 1943 Hall of Fame 2015 (79) 41.- Casimir FUNK, PhD 1884 - 1967 Hall of 60.- Hyla CASS, MD b. 1946 Hall of Fame Fame 2010 (60) 2015 (80) 42.- Bruce AMES, PhD b. 1928 Hall of Fame 61.- Leonard John HOFFER, MD, PhD b. 1947 2010 (61) Hall of Fame 2015 (81) 43.- Harold D. FOSTER, PhD 1943 - 2009 Hall 62.- Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD b. 1950 Hall of of Fame 2010 (62) Fame 2016 (82) 44.- Erik T. PATERSON b. 1941 Hall of Fame 63.- Michael G. GONZALEZ, NMD, DSc, PhD 2011 (63) b. 1960 Hall of Fame 2016 (83) 45.- Tsuyohi (Ken) KITAHARA b. 1948 Hall of 64.- Jorge MIRANDA-MASSARI, PharmaD b. Fame 2011 (64) 1961 Hall of Fame 2016 (84) 46.- Atsuo YANAGISAWA b. 1951 Hall of 65.- Osamu MIZUKAMI, MD, PhD b. 1948 Hall Fame 2011 (65) of Fame 2017 (85) 47.- Gert SCHUITEMAKER b. 1952 Hall of 66.- Stephen R. LAWSON b. 1951 Hall of Fame 2011 (66) Fame 2017 (86) 48.- Chris READING, MB 1938 - 2011 Hall of 67.- James M. GREENBLATT, MD b. Fame 2012 (67) 1957 Hall of Fame 2017 (87) 49.- Jonathan V. WRIGHT, MD b. 1945 Hall of 68.- Jonathan E. PROUSKY, ND b. 1969 Hall Fame 2012 (68) of Fame 2017 (88) 50.- Alan R. GABY, MD b. 1950 Hall of Fame 69.- Toru MIZOGUCHI b. 1964 Hall of Fame 2012 (69) 2018 (90) 51.- Steven CARTER b. 1954 Hall of Fame 70.- Ilyès BAGHLI MD, b. 1968 Hall of Fame 2012 (70) 2018 (91) 92-97 Orthomoleculaire et supplémentations ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 128


98-99 with Pr Wakayama et Mme Daniela Ilyès BAGHLI Shiga ; With Prof. Ryoichi Shin about Hall of fame Linus PAULING Prize Probiotics and Biogenic about Therapy Orthomolecular Medicine of Chronics Diseases ; With prof yoshihiro 47th International Orthomolecular Medicine uto about GcMAF Congress in Tokyo Japan 100-103 IVC and riordan approach to Among the many prizes, another consecration adjunctive cancer care: 7 key questions by Dr for my dear friend Dr. Ilyes Baghli. Ron HUNNINGHAKE He received the Linus Pauling Prize and was introduced in the Hall of Fame of Orthomolecular 104-117 Documents relatives à la Vitamine D Medicine which is a very small circle of very 118-121 Journal of orthomolecular Medicine : smart doctors in the world of medicine. 47th Annual International Orthomolecular This Supreme Distinction was awarded to him at Medicine Today Conference Report. the Gala Party @Cerulian Tower in Shibuya in 122 Volume 3 Number 4 2018 - Volume 3 Tokyo, Japan Number 5 2018 Bravo to Doctor Ilyes Baghli and for his 123-125 Partage du bulletin ortho supporting wife Lamia both from Algeria.

126-129 Sommaire Ortho 33 129 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 130


* JCET 47eme Conférence Annuelle Internationale de Medicine

Orthomoleculaire d’Aujourd’hui TOKYO Avril 27-29 2018 131 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِ ORTHO 33

ALGERIAN SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION AND ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE ORTHO 33 الجمعيّة الجزائريّة للتّغذّي والطّبّ الجُزَيْئِي 132