Yoruba History
TABLE OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS IN YORUBA HISTORY, WITH CERTAIN OTHER MATTERS OF GENERAL INTEREST, COMPILED PRINCIPALLY FOR Usk IN THE COURTS WITHIN THE BRITISH COLONY OF LAGOS, WEST AFRICA, BY JOHN AUGUSTUS OTONBA PAYNE, F.R.G.S., CHIEF REGISTRAR AND TAXING MASTER SUPREME COTRY OF THE COLUNT OF LAGOS: AUTIIOR OF “ PAYNE'S LAGOS ALMANGOR, “ AND AROKO,” LE., HIEROGLYPHiy OR AFRICAN SYMBOLICAL LETTER ; FELLOW OF THE ROYAL HISTORICAL. SOCIETY, LONDON ; OF COLONLAL LON DUN FELLOW THE ROYAL INSTITCTE, | CORRESPONDING MEMBER CF THE GRITIGH & FUREIGN ANTI-SLAVERY Suclety, LONDON: MEMBER OF THE ANTHRUPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE D'AFRIQUE OF PARIS; HON, CORBESPONDENTE DA SOCIEDADE (VE GEGGRAPHIA DO Rid DE JANEIRO, ETC., ETC., ETC, Peisteo py ANUSEW M, Tuewas, Virrexta Rear, Lacon, Weet Arsica. TH) yRE fionourABLe SMALMAN SMITH, M.A., Cater Jostier of tHe Coroxy or Lauds, Orrictan Mawser or THe Leaiscative Councir, Boarn oF Envecatiox, Ere. EIC., EIt., THIS WORK, for Reference and use io praoclice before Judges, District Commissioners, and others in relation to the examinaiion of witmesses in the trial of Civil aud Criminal Cases, and other procedure, is most respetilully debteaich, as a tribute of gratitude to the patience, diligence, and care bestowed in dispensing Justice, and ihe interest manifested by His Honor in the welfare of the Nalives, and in acknowledgement of kindness to the Natire Officials generally, by J. A. OTONBA PAYNE. PREFACE, HE cbjects of this work are to enable Judges, District Commis- sioners, Practitioners and others to ascertain the dates of any event mentioned by witnesses in their examination, and thus to facilitate the labours of the Bench and Bar in the discharge of their important duties, and aid the majority of the natives who, though illiterate, yel possess some knowledge or information as to certain events in the history of their country, in arriving at a particular date to the best of their knowledge and belief.
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