Ovation for Premiers at League Assembly ' .;
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a*mrinipi.wpw «MB(MifWUtÉfiS36SMiMSSïS¥RVHssaH*e?iu)M UES* ïîîœgaaiaKSB WEATHER FORECAST - WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT ** .hows ending I p.m., Thursday: ou»t f£intat?e—r!Vnd Husbands. , . ^^^ssrtfirjsii Columbia-Old Bui Through the Ages. tw& •f Ptgyhdus*—An Old Sweetheart of Mins. ............. .. .iu .-■:. VOL. 65. NO. 54 VICTORIA. B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS OVATION FOR PREMIERS AT LEAGUE ASSEMBLY 7719 ' .; ASSIZES TO OPEN JAPAN DOCTORS UNEMPLOYMENT OVER $5,000,000 TWO QUEBEC BY-ELECTIONS ON SEPTEMBER 22 SAY MENINGITIS MEETING CHAIRMAN; WAGERED SO FAR MACDONALD AND HERRIOT The Fall Assize* will be held GERM IS ISOLATED HON. J. M. MURDOCK In Victoria starting September Over $5.000.000 has been wag ered on British Columbia race ARE CLEAR ENDORSEMENT OF 22, It was announced at the Par Tokio. Sept. 3.—The Foreign Of tracks so far this year, according GREETED TO-DAY BY LEAGUE liament Buildings to-day» after fice to-day received a cablegram to figures given out at the Par the Government had fixed the from the league of Nations request liament Buildings to-day. Thia date. The dates of Assizes la ing full reports on the Japanese total Includes $868,308 wagered at other parts of the Province are as meningitis epidemic. which has Lansdowne Park, Vancouver, last FISCALPOLICY, SAYS KING follows: Vancouver. October 7; claimed approximately 2,660 victims week. With two weeks more rac REPRESENTATIVES IN GENEVA New Westminster. November 25; since Its Inception. ing yet to be staged, the total Nanaimo, October 14; Nelson, The malady Is abating, however, wagers for the year, aa forecast Return of Two Liberals to Commons Means Govern October 7; 4’ran brook. October according to reports received here In The Time*, will amount to 14; Fernie, October 21; Kam to-day,'although three prefectures nearly $7,000,000. Presence of Two Premiers Makes League Sessions ment's Efforts to Develop Canada’s Natural Re loops, October 18; Vernon, No Kagawa. Tokushima and Okayama vember 4; Revelstoke, November alone reported deaths totaling 1,606. Notable; Both British and French Leaders Cheered sources Ha^p People’s Support, Says .Prime 11: Prince Rupert, November II; Okayama physicians asserted to by Crowds in Streets; no Addresses by Them To Prince George. November 26. day they had Isolated the meningitis Minister; Liberal Victories in Yale, B.C., and DIAMONDS WORTH day; Quests of City Council of Geneva at Luncheon. Northumberland, N.B., Expected. $12,000 LOOT OF ---------------------------------------- THUGS IN TORONTO Geneva, Sept. 3.—Premier Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain Ottawa. S*pt. 3.—Premier King, in a Maternent on the results ROYALTY LAW THREATENS and Premier Herriot of France attended to-day'a session of the of the Federal by-elections in the St. Antoine division of Toronto, Sept. 1.—Assorted dia monds valued at from $12.000 to League of Nations Assembly and received a great ovation a» Montreal, where W. J. Hushion, Liberal, was elected vesterdav, $15.000 were stolen during the night they entered the auditorium. - and Kimouski, Que., where Maj.-Gen. Sir Eugene Fisct, Liberal, TO WRECK BUS LUMBER from the office of R. Strauaa A Sons, wholesale diamond merchants here. The heads of all the delegations advanced and shook their was elected, said : The combination lock on the safe was The results in the Montreal and Kimouski by-elections are cut off by meana of a cold chisel. hands, after which the txvo Premiers took their places with the INDUSTRY, CABINET TOLD other representatives of their respective nations. Both men were the clearest possible eodorsation of the Government’s fiscal The Federal Minister of Labor SWORN IN AS JUDGE policy, which at the recent session of Parliament received, on the la presiding at the conference on acclaimed by the huge crowds as they left their hotels and again unemployment now in progress Edmonton, Sept. 3.—John R. Boyle, aa they arrived at the Assembly hall. M. Motta, as President of budget, the largest recorded majority since Confederation. Our British Columbia lumbermen jammed the Legislative Chamber In Ottawa. formerly leader of the Liberal party policy of developing Canada’s natural resources as the basis of this morning and declared that their business would be ruined if Iji Alberta, waa sworn in aa a judge the Assembly, welcomed Mr. MacDonald and, M. Herriot in a the present schedule of timber royalties went into effect at the of the Supreme Court of Alberta be graceful'speech. He thanked them for coming, speaking in the her rural and industrial development and the means of solving fore Chief Justice Simmon*, of the the problems with which our country has been confronted since first of next year, they were met with a demand from Premier trial division, here last night. name of all the delegates, and said the interest thus manifested EMPLOYMENT IS by them was indeed a happy sign for thu Great War has received the our policy is ons for the good of the Oliver for concrete fatts and figures and a promise of “fair play” me future activity and Importance of wholehearted support of the electors whole of Canada and not framed in in the fixing of the new royalties. the League. These sentiments were of Montreal and Rlmouskl, the one the interests of any privileged sec “We will endeavor to place these royalties on a basis of equity,” greeted with Applause. tion or class. It is apparent that the CROWD AT STATION an Industrial and the other a rural the Premier declared after he and the cabinet had listened to DISCUSSED AT FIRST FIGHT BETWEEN FACTIONS constituency. people of Canada have confidence An enthusiastic greeting awaited in the present administration and the arguments of the lumbermen. “We will give you fair play Premier -MacDonald upon hie arri *'We may look for like triumphs are ready, as were the members of in the forthcoming by-elections in at the same time protecting the interests of the people of the val. A considerable crowd of early the House of Commons, to support OTTAWAMEETIG risers. Including many school child Northumberland New Brunswick its policies." Province.” IN CHINA IS TO LEAD TO MAJOR and Yale, British Columbia, since ren, wan at the statloa when hie I Concluded on page 2) The Premier reminded the lumber- train pulled In and there were shouts men bluntly that they and not the? Representatves of Muncipai- of "Vive MacDonald." "Hip, Hip, Government had proposed the present BATTLE IN REGION OF SHANGHAI Hurrah," and "Long Live Peace." Timber Royalty Act. u rider which ties Insist thief Responsi The Libor Premier smilingly timber royalties would automatically doffed his hat in acknowledgmeni GEORGIA AND AZERBAIJAN, TWO increase about three hundred per bility is Dominion’s as he proceeded to a waiting motof cent, at the end of this year. Mr. Washington, Sept. 3.—The hostilities between the forces of car accompanied by the official wel* Oliver said he keenly regretted that the lumbermen had not produced Military Governor Vhi and Defence Commissioner Ho at Hwangtu, coming party of Swiss authorities. CAUCASUS REPUBLICS, IN REVOLT actual figures showing how much It 1 PARLIAMENTARY Suggestions Made to Over near Shanghai, began at 10 o’clock this morning, the State De Mr. MacDonald looked fit and spry costs them t*> produce lumber and as he Jumped from the train and is hoW much they can sell It for. come Unemployment Dur partment was advised to-day by Consul-General Cunningham. evidently well rested in consequence, "This question occurs to me." he ing the Winter Months of his holiday in Scotland after the said: "Are the holders of timber AGENT NECESSARY Labor conference. NOW AGAINST SOVIET OF MOSCOW Shanghai. Sept. 8.—With fighting at Hwangtu. near here, in A great audience which filled every considering the speculative value iwrt nr** mw KHvkarw* tn grwn mr which they may have paid for timber JJUftMi (will 3. it I lauxUe- tinilttVM’ !■«■■■y i frsipnssqr ■■■.y- 1*** thiin « «ftprnnnnt ■ .----------------------- hiiwimu Ahm.Ê*miêmém" as part■ it"*of their ■■■fcoft of pioduii resident Advi Unie* ef nrmii-K of the two rival provincial Chinese governors, reports re Premiers and accorded them an ,en- Geneve, Sept. 3.—All of Georgia and Azerbaijan fa dWTSred The people or iBeProvince h»\ Press''—Hopeful of preventing thusiastlc welcome, but did not have to have been in active revolt against the Moscow Soviet regime whST^.itod B.C. Municipalities to Face unemployment in Canada during ceived here indicated the battle linea were extending toward the the pleasure of hearing either speak, coast in the direction of Woosung. for the two statesmen sat galetly with for the last five days and a half the territory of Georgia already of Intensive, speculation before thq Education Issue the Winter through *; the their sespectlve delegations and lia* has-been conquered by the insurgent*, according, to the representa war. Certainly the Legislature must regularization of industrial ein Although a isntr number of troops ---------------------------------------------------------- tened to the debate on the work of have more data than has been pre Indicates Policy of Com were engaged I» the the League Council during- the past tives of Georgia here, who announced the receipt of this news sented to-Aay before it wôuld agree ployaient.” Hen. .fames Mur received here from Chekiang say no to-day. The sanguinary struggle is continuing and fighting is to alter the present legislation." promise With Hospitals dock, Minister of I*ahor, this material advantage has been gained Subsequently, both Premiers wlth^ *Mr. Oliver's tacit promise that th» by either side. occurring in the streets of Datum, their advices state.