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Docomentresume fL.-1 DOCOMENTRESUME SO 009 321 ,,' ED 127 228 . c :' , - . And Others A.,./,,. AUTHOR Gallagher, Mary Beth; Educating for Peace andJustice: A Manual fOr ./ , TITLE 1 Te Ichers. Fifth Edition: . NSTITUTION In itute' for.Educationin Peace and Justice, St. lo s, Mo. / , UB..DATE 76 , ," OTE 276p ; Sevet 1,p gesremove due to copyright laws AVAILABLEII FROM'Itst tute fo Ed cationin ace and'Justice, 3700 West ill.,S .. L uis Milssou i 63108 $8.00 plus $1.00 pogtag ) , . \ I .. ,EDBS PRICE MF-$0.83 plus Posage.JICNot\lvailab9 from BOBS. DESCRIPTORS Class Activities;Conflict Peso.lutionigeture Content; Cultural\Awareness; Elementary Secondary Education;. GlobalApproach; *Instructional Mateti ls; *Justice; *Peace; acism; *Resource-Materiafg; .So ial Studies; Teaching Methods; Violence; War. 4 \ 1 \ / 1 . ABSTRACT Background reading resource materials:and eaching units f r elementary ,and secon ary teachers interested in teaching about peace and justice are pr sented in this resource ma ual. The units are,designed to help stud nts learn that nonviolent conflict resolution is'possible and that war is not inevitable; realze'that sharing our resources, 'helping t e poor, and living more tp tingly and responsibly is a matter of j tice and` not charity; an . appreciate' the differences in cul ures around he world,. St dents view films, read books and journal articles,, and are involved in role playing situations, library reartrh, brainstorming, and classroom discussions. The manual Contains an introductory essay which discusses goals of educating for ye ce and justice. The major, portion' of the publication'consists of resou ce units on major issue areas . including conflict, violence, and no violent donflicttesoldtiOn; ,itstitutional violence; peace, justiC, andlaw; racism; poverty in ! the_United States; global poverty and development; the militaryand the individual; .the realities of war; he meaning of peace and justice; and mutual education and toda s peacemakers. Goals and ' relevance, content and suggestions forclassactivities and projects, and bibliographies of print and nonprint resources are provided,for . each issue. A list of helpful organizati ns, is provided. )/ (Author/RM)- - / *******************44***************4****** *********44*********,k***** Documents acquired by ERIC include man loformal unpublis ed *_ * materials not available froi other sources ERIC makes every ffoft * to 'obtain the best copy available. Beverthe ess, items ofmarginal * * teprodugibility,are often encounteredanort is 'affects the quality- * * of the microfiche and hardcdpy reproduction ERIC makeg available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (-DRS). EDRSis not * responsible for'the quality-of the original d cument.Reproductions * * supplied by,EYRS are the best that'can be mad from the original. * ************ ****************************************************4!***,* 4 I U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTIWTE OF 1 EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS (SEEN REPRO. bUCEO EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON DR ORGANIZATION ORicoNi. ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILY 14EPRE -SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY PNPMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL ,I1Y MICRO OttLy HAT SalIN GRANTED SY EDUCATING FOR PEACE AN1PJUSTICE: Morftl. ,Adet /le CiNerne" TO 10( AND ORGANEAT.ONS OPERAT INc, UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE NA A MANUAL FOR TEACHER rint.A.INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION A 0110 lP at REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE ,..) Etuc SYSTEM REOUIRFS PERMIS SION 01 THE.,C,OPYRIGHT OWNER (Fifth Edition) , by et Mary Beth Gallagher,James B. McGinnis, O 1 'Kathleen.R.-McGinniS, Mary,.Ann McGivern and Luarake Schinzel , o , V.. 6 o', 1 IP IT 4 0 a foEducation in ,- / Peace & Justice , 3700 West Pine' St. Louis, Missouri 63108 Spring 1976 S i° s 0 A ' O Copyright ()1976 A Institute es; for Education in Peace and Justice o Special thanks forthis 5th edition to BethDruheoGorman, Dan Segal, Mary McGrath,,'Brigid McGrew, ASNN:for their hours of help putting the worktogether, ' v, ,, \ Special thanks'to others fortheir -written xontributions , to :tileManual-- JohnKavanaugh, S.14; Noel Hackmann Kerksick, Barrett, Mark Nei1son, AlanSchmidt and-4ulie. , Virginia Williams, Mary Beckman, SND, t4hn.Melcher, __and _Dan Dar& judy Gallagher,Anne Bleaden, il 4 e rr r t . , .. TABLE 'OF CO page PREFACE. .0. 1 o ,=t., INTRODUCTORY ESSAY . * 6 ,. t e T'A, 4. , .-, r ,- , .. f '',, 'PARS f: PEACE AND JUST/CE IN IA SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM. p ... .A. Peace, Conflict, and Nonviolence . ." . 11. , I. Peace' Is Possible . a,. ; , . 0 , AA li .. 0 ^ 5 2. Conflict,' Violence, and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution . a ,.. 23 .... "Edu tings Children: in Nonvio nt Conflict '<, Res ution"b'y Quaker Pr sect on Corrtunity -.. Conf \kct . .. 29. a The United Farm WOrker's =r. 39 B. Instit iolence: - 43 1. Intr uction.. 45 2. Peace,, Justice, and Law, 53 a..U.S. Legal ,System: Does It Promote- , , Soc, ia l Justice ..' ,. , . 53 ,' / -b- :Confl-iOt -Between Law -and= Morality: ' . , ' . :57 1 ,' *Civil- Disobedience :.. '. , , , . , 3. Institutional NiaOlenCe and-Specific Groups , , .ofPeoplie'..: .. ) *** . ). pi' . ,' . ,, , II, I // a.' Racism .. ..I 61 . / .1 \ , r b. Peace and Jutice for Women 73 ..' .. ., . ;. to . .\ c . Old, People; A Forgotten Sector / . 77 . , . / .. r s t ''` \i. .4 . 4. Economics and Institutional Violence 81 . a , , ... ,, a. 'Poverty . ,81 . a ./ b. Propaganda and, Advert' sing 4 . >. 87 -,..- i 4 - :4 ' 1 % , .. ac. JUstice and 'Politic 1 Ea oh .91 Y / , a -, ' c V % , ,.. 4', t. i A/'./ ., . 99 C.' Global Awareness ,.,.. ., 1. U.S. Foreign Policy: "Cold War" Attitude ,2. 'Global Poverty and-Development 109 3: World Hunger 129 . 1 . s,...,. 145 4. Global:Interdependence (7712) . I -,, , '-- I 1 .' --5, Multi=Cultukal Education and :Living . 0. 153 1 . Special Focus:intercultural. Unde standing: - 159, The Peoples'Republic\of China Yr `4.- 7. Special Focus: BlackStudies . 161 8. Global Interdeoenden e (X.+, ) . 165 D. The Military and War . e'. 173'; a 4 . '175 . 1. The Military and the Individual' ' 1 . , \ ____,_ _ __,_-___ 2. The-gilitary-flOstrial Complex . 185 , . ,_,=- "Corporate Socil Reform: An . VieWpoint" b PhilipiW. Mboe.'. 197 "liqfense Dependency o9t: Louisby . , . ') Alan'Schmidt and 1.111 Kerks!ick I . 203 a ., .3. The Realities of War . t. 219 . 1 ., .t...i I. ' ti?23 e 4. The Causes of Waf .' . ,_): ....., .. p. e . '1 .... i ,.. , . v 7 5. AltlFnatives'natives' to War J. ",.227 *( A . RELIGIQk CURRICULUM . 233 , ." PART II: PEACE AND JUSTICE IN A . 1., 234 / ,A.',The call to p a e and Justice: . ... 1.: The Meaning of Peace and JUstic . 235 "Catholic Church Teaching on Justice,'19,67 -1974" . 239 , 2.. The Prophets--Old Testament and Today . ..,, 245 qo , . .c. -`,s , .° ., _ r. ,. 3. The Gospel of Jesus vs.. TheGospelofth'e . 4,- . ..k 249 " , American Culture . .. ,' ( f / 4. a., Contrast Between Gospe). Valuos And Prevailing U.S. Values .. .. 241 , 4 , , . b'.. The AmeriCap Value System . 252 4. Christian Patriotism . 255 .1. 259 B. The Christian and Wd'i ' . 1. Historical Development of Christian Attitudes Toward Peace and War . 261 . : ti 267 2. Just -War Theory .. ''' . 3. Nonviolence (.Pacifism) .'271 . "The History of Ppcificism in ,the American Catholic Church" by Noel Barrett : . .., 272 4. War and Military Service .' . -. 83 S .ft ft 1 / : PART III: MUTUAL EDUCATION , 2:5 / 28 A. Introduction . Institutional Schools 2-87 B. , k C. Self Respect . .. 288 D. Mutual Respect . -. 290 . Y . E.'Mutual Decision..-Making . 293 F. Cooperation v.. Competition .- . ;. .. 295 "Manual oil Cooperative'and Nondooperative * , . ' Games" by Theodore.F. Lentz' . °' . 301 . _ .4 . t' .10°' PART IV: LIVING-JUSTICE AND PEACE . 315 \ , . A. .Toddy's Peacemake4 . 317. B. Service: Agents for Social Change . 323 "A 'Service Program in the School"' by . Erica Jordon' . \ . 33 to . ": . .339 C. Living 'Justice and Peace 0. ... LIST OF HELPFUL AGENCIES . '.; , 1-. -'347 O t I -." Preface tohe Fifth Edition It is with a great feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that we bring you tie fifth edition of this Manual.With each Previous edition, we have tinkered and r vised,. responding to the helpful suggestions of a variety of users. This time, how- ever, We have made some major changes, both in content,and'in style. Regardingcontent, we have added two entirely new units -- WORLD HUNGER and SERvICBs STUDENTS AS AGENTS OF SOCIAL CHANGE. We have substantially revised a number of others, espec ally MUTUAL EDUCATION, 'THE MEANING OF PEACE AND JUSTICE, GLOBAL POVERTY AND D FMENT;,GLOAL INTERDEPENDENCE, K-band 7-12. May other units have been greatly .impr ed. Several dnits or parts of units from previous editions have been consoli- datedin this edition, with the least helpful materials being omitted altogether. Regading style, we have altered the format to make it more attractive and less far- le and to keep Pace4ith inflation by printing the same information on fewer pag . Since each section set in the new format hAt been retyped, these sections have als,undergorie consnerable editing and refining, with updated data.and resources. HOW TO U THIS MANUAL ./ LO' * ittfirst glance,.the-Manual.ia ver imposing. It is tempting to,put it on a book- /ehelf someWkere and let it'be.W agree that this Manual is 4118t for the faint of -,. O heart. It is not a slick colleton of lesson plans designed foinstant classroom use. Rathei, it is a developme of several themes and a number of
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