Torah Weekly
בס״ד TORAH WEEKLYParshat Va’etchanan 22 - 28 July, 2018 A GODLY bilitation process after the beds, calling out, “Shema 10 - 16 Av, 5778 liberation of some of the de- Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu, SPARK PLUG ath camps. While there, they Hashem Echad - Hear, Israel, Torah: During the Second were told that many Jewish the Lord is our God, the Lord Deuteronomy 3:23 - 7:11 World War, countless Jewish children had been placed in is One!” parents gave their precious a monastery in Alsace-Lor- As they did this, child raine. Without hesitation, the after child sat up in their beds Haftorah: children to Christian neigh- bors and orphanages in the rabbis went there to reclaim and began to recite the Shema Isaiah 40:1 - 26 hope that these would provide them. along with the rabbi. Some When they appro- even raised their hands to TORAH STUDIES safe havens for them. The pa- ached the priest in charge, cover their eyes, as they had We have many rents hoped that they, or their relatives, would take these they asked that the Jewish been taught by their mothers. Judaic topics for you to children back if they survi- children be released into the They remembered study. We will provide ved the war. The few parents rabbis’ care. “I’m sorry,” the their mothers and fathers reci- the material and cour- who did not perish in the priest responded, “but there ting the Shema with them as ses. Please write to us Holocaust, and were able to is no way of knowing whi- they put them to sleep when for more information.
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