The Premier International Association for 2017+ Color Design Professionals European Forecast Color MarkEting DETErMINED July 2015 group EuropEaN STEErING 2 0 1 7 + The 2017+ European Forecast will be part of Color Marketing Group’s world 2017+ World Color Forecast, to be released at the 2015 CMG Color International Summit in San Diego, November 13-15, 2015. ForECast please Note: Color Forecasts are proprietary to CMG members. Colors may not be reproduced in the media, on the internet, or in any format at any time. CMG members may communicate general information about CMG colors 8 weeks after members first receive the information, but actual colors and specific color reference notations may not be released at any time. reproduction of this information in whole or in part is strictly forbidden without the express, written permission of Color Marketing Group. Color MarkEting group 1908 MouNT VErNoN AvenuE, 3rD Floor alExaNDrIa, Va 22301 uSa phoNE: 703.329.8500 E-MaIl:
[email protected] © 2015 Color MarkETING Group. all rIGhTS rESErVED. aNy uNauThorIzED uSE or poSSESSIoN oF CMG’S CopyrIGhTED Color CarDS aND/or rElaTED INForMaTIoN Shall bE proSECuTED To ThE FullEST ExTENT by Color MarkETING Group. Color MarkETING Group, 1908 MouNT VErNoN AvenuE, 3rD Floor, alExaNDrIa, Va 22301 uSa phoNE: 703.329.8500 EMaIl:
[email protected] www.ColorMarkETING.orG CMG 2017+ EUROPEAN FORECAST As determined at the European Steering in July 2015. The 2017+ European Forecast is part of Color Marketing Group’s 2017+ World Color Forecast. LIfE