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THtiOEW. I though the red blood not dripping from GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. NORWALK GAZETTE. CAR PEWTER A5D BUILDER. MISS M. M. SMITH, There is another class of Banks doing dred and twenty-one deaf mutes in the state REAL ESTATE. HE subscriber wouldinform the citizens ofNor- his arm with slow and deadly drain. One business under the joint stock law, which Teacher of Singing: and ttoe PianoPorte "Weep for me, gentle flowers: let your tears MB. eighty-four of whom are between the ages fiio walk that he is prepared to do PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN OF THE was intended for manufacturing companies Second oldest Paper In tlie State T Plead for me, with the light." might almost have fancied him asleep as of five and twenty, which would leave thir­ Building, in all of its branches INGING taught according to Bassini'unostap" j GENERAL ASSEMBLY : and not for banking at all. ty-one who are not receiving instruction. ' OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. FOR SALE OR TO RENT S proved method. Particular attention given to So, tremblingly, before she disappears, . he lay there, white and silent, with the cur­ The people of this Commonwealth having AT W18TPDBT STATION. bv contract, or by day's work, and Solicits a share ol theDevelopment andCu!tlvatinn ol the voice. The Behind the counters of these so-callcd Tbe main building of the American Asy­ patronage. Will try toplease. Shop Center avenue, Whispers the Nl^ht. tain sweeping down around his motionless entrusted to us their executive and legisla­ Banks the Bank Commissions cannot pene­ lum is more than half a century old, and is GOOD CONVENIENT HOUSE, with Garden, course of instruction •»•!. oexuecUUyadaptedtoCAofr tive affairs for the current year, let us enter A. H. BTINGION & CO., Barn, and other Outhouses attached, and a well near Main street. SAMUEL B. FITCH ttngingii desired. Adorers U&x 81 P. O., South Nor. "Amidcreation,see,Iataalone, 1 , ,,, head. .. trate. All this appears to be the fault of our not up to the standard of the age in comfort A walk, or call at the Olu Well Hotel. fg upon our duties with a grateful appreciation .V. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS of never-filling water, an abundance of good frnit, Following the fleetlngiDay; "Kaly!" laws, and should be remedied. and convenience. At no distant day, it &c. Also, can be had with the same, if desired, of their confidence, and, not unmindful of I recommend that all institutions of this Miy. perhaps, be the duty of this state to as­ from one to eight acres of land. Is within three The gray spell around me thrown Like a tremulous coo of the wood-pigeon our responsibilities, let us invoke thatdivipe state that deal in money, be placed under , Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. minntes walk 01 the Railroad Depot, and situated TEAS, C0FFE S AND SPICES. Repels the gajr^ - V1 n v.s sist this institution in the erection of a build- directly upoL Westport harbor. Only a small por­ W. 11. SWORDS, Valentin's voice murmured the two soft syl­ wisdom which alone can guide us that we tbe supervision of the Bank Commissioners, mg, with such improvements as the experi­ Single copies 5 cents. tion of toe purchase money required down; the re^t DUTY REDUCED. lables with the coaxing accent of a child. may so conduct ourselves as to justify and with proper safeguards for tbe protection of ences of fifty years may suggest. : ? Advertising Bate*. can remain on bond or mortgage. For further par­ "What pleasure Is il iiiaf to me belong ^ deserve the good opinion of those wli ticulars enquire of MABTIN GRACE. The sweetest flower and bird, ' :V And in tbe same instant she knelt down be­ the community. STATE PRISON. T Pour lines or less,1 Insertion 50 cts; 3 time;, $ 1.00 Norwalk, April 29ih, 1ST2. IStf Further particulars see small bill Merchant Tailor elected us. Uoe iquare, one Insertion, It by my ear the sad, beseeching sobg >- side ih^sofa, her white dress sweeping over As American citizens we have much cause INSUBANCE DEPARTMENT By the report of the Directors of the State CORNER WASHINGTON AND MAIN StS., Alone be heard t ~ - Per week, for continuance, At G. & S. E. HOLMES, the crimson carpet tides of translucent peari of congratulation. One of our most important interests Prison it will be seen that affairs are going One square, six months, 7.00 ROOD! TO RENT SOUTH NOBWALK, CONN., that of Insurance. Its soundness and on abont as usual. I refer you-to tho report " " oae year—with paper, 15.00 13 and 15 Main Street. "He flies forever from my yearning arms, and one arm thrown caressingly over the The national debt incurred during the late T«ro " •' " " «• 25.00 N GAZETTE BUILDING. The room recently trustworthiness affect every branch of indus­ for details. Under an act of the last Gener­ Scotch Chevoits, Meltons, Grape and That glorious, smiling tun j rebellion is being rapidly reduced. More Three " " •• " " ;- SO.OO I occupied by VanHoosear & Ambler as a Cloak folds of the deceitful cashmere shawl. than three hundred and seventeen millions try, every department of life. al Assembly the Governor appointed three Oae quarter Coltima, one year, I and Dressmaking Establishment, will be rented to City Intelligence Office. English Coatings, I, bathed in tears, amid my starry charms, a proper tenant at $8 per mouth, lGtf Col. Mordaunt's first impulse was to ($317,000,000), have been paid oft during the To the end that the community and com Commissioners to examine into the entire Oae half " •' " i HE subscriber, at his Intelligence Ofllce, foot of MADE UP IN STYLE, AND AT LOWEST PRICES Must follow on." ' . Fall Oolnmn, one rear, 150.00 spring up and declare his individuality—his last thirty-seven months, and peace,prosper­ panies both should be protected in their subject of onr prison matters, and to find Special Notices 25 per cent advance on the above. T Mill Hill, is prepared to furnish A good fit warranted and made as the customer may rights a new and very comprehensive law out what changes (if any) are necessary to TO REST. GOOD SERVANTS, FARM HANDS, LABORERS, want it. Cutting done for others to make as hereto So, with a breath of sad and hopeless sighs, second to lie still, and let Fate manage the ity, and plenty reign supreme throughout itfLocal Noticcs in Reading Columns, 25 cents our land. Our flag is beloved at borne and was enacted by'the last General Assembly, be made to bring us abreast of the age. per Hue. WO very commodious cottages near the Bridge, etc., or to find good places for those out of employ- fore. Night blda the earth adieu; matter to suit her capricious self. So he lay which went into operation Sept. 1st, 1871. I also directed the Surgeon-General of the Ye-trly advertisers restricted to the business con for rent on reasonable terms, to good tenants. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF And the pure tear-drops In the flower's eyes respected abroad. The people of (he states 'etnpVited at the time orcontract,but are permitted T m This law is found to be defective in some State to visit the State Prison at different One suitable for a large family, and the other medi­ He'°is also agent for the sale of Real Estate. We call the dew. still accordingly, experiencing a very singu lately in the rebellion are assuming more to males monthly changes of their advertisements. um. Call at this office for particulars. Places on hand, for sale or to let. Gents' Furnishing Gfiods. lar and not at all disagreeable sensation and more their former friendly feeling unimportant features, but on tbe whole has times, and unannounced. His report will One inch space constuntes a square. 3 JOHN A. HONNECKER, Agent, —Harper't STagtzim/or May. worked admirably. A Commissioner was be laid before you. Advance payment required for all transientadver Also, a LARGE ASSORTMENT oi HATSand CAPS I from the contact of the caressing arm. No lowards the general government, and the M sement». TO RENT. determination on the part of bur honored appointed, who had tbe business to learn, I desire in this connection to call your at­ Q urter of a Column, one time, $5.00 |J|WO OFFICES in " Lockwood's Building,"from ; AdONG OF BOMB. | doubt he was a treacherous, hypocritical chief magistrate to correct any abuses which and an entire new department to organize. tention to the remarkable fact that there are Half " " •' «• 10.00 April 1st, next NEW and RARE PLANTS. wretch—but, fair lady, or chivalrous gentle­ may exist in the civil department of our Its receipts have been eighteen thousand now in our State Prison three convicts who Full Column, one time, SO.OO F. ST. JOHN LOCKWOOD. Small Profits and Quick Sales. »- . BT JOKK H. TATS*. .'i'* ' Marriages and deathsInserted sratnitonsly. Obit' IS man, don't judge the poor fellow too harsh­ government is warmly seconded by the sixteen dollars and eighty-seven cents ($18,- have been once pardoned out by the General uary or Funeral notices 15 cents per line. COME ONE, COME ALL. I. • people. 016.87,) and its expenses fourteen thousand Assembly while serving s previous sentence, All communications inserted as reading matter de TO RENT.—I*1,0111 April let, a new Dwelling on Fall "There is no place like hone," though 'neath b; tgbt ly, until you've been in precisely the same I Street, jnst above Catharine: six roomsjarge cel. mHE undersigned take pleasure in announcing to By reference to Ihe report of the State one hundred and forty dollars and seventy •nd that two of these are now applicants tinned to promote private interests, (15 per half and JL the public that they have opened a AND skies we roam, \ •. $33 per fail column. All unusual cats and devices lar and atilc, good well,_&c.^ rent $20 per month, circumstances yourself. It is just possible- Treasurer it will be seen that our financial three cents ($14,140.73,) leaving a balance for legislative clemency. S5 per cent, extra. Apply at GAZtf2&TTE OFFICE. Bedding Out Plants, Shrubs, In the fanda where rare blossoms nnfold; only possible, you know—that you might do condition is even better than usual. Our of three thousand eight hundred and How many such there may be in other | For the joys of the hearth are the purest on earth, seventy six dollars and fourteen cents («3, prisons it is impossible to state, but the above Fruit Trees of all kinds, the same thing. state debt has been reduced more than in ALEX. S. GIBSON, * TO RENT. And its pleasures more precious than gold; any year in our history ; the reduction be­ 876.14,) as the profits of the first seven fact alcne argues conclusively the necessity in the store on Main Street, lately occupied by Nash Raspberry, Blackberry & Strawberry | How the eyesbeam withlore'neath tbelashes above, "Now you are. angry with me, Kate!" ing no less than eight hundred and eighty- months, after paying the expenses of start- of a careful investigation into all claims,and OrganiBt of the First Congregational Church, he house situated on the corner of Main St., I & Ives as a Boot and Shoe Store and will be prepar­ Plant*, See. Center Avenue, containing G rooms, and a good When our footsteps are beard at the door; ~ pleaded the soft voice, "because I threw one thousand one hundred and fivfe dollars ing. further such a hedging about of the pardon­ FROM THE CITY OF MEW TOM. T ed to furnish a fnll and complete assortment or ail The number of Fire Companies doiqg i\t tka well of water. Enquire of John Boutou 2nd., or at articles usually Kept in a EARLY EOSE POTATOES. TOMATOE, When we enter its bllsajrftkji smile and a kiss. those flowers away ! And you won't speuk seven cents ($831,105.07) The total funded ing power as shall render it less liable to im­ Quintard's Furniture rooms. 31*9 business in this state is ninety-four (94,) of position. PIANO-FORTE,ORSAI Jt MUSICAL BOMPOSITION EGG, PEPPER & CELERY PLANTS, &c. We feel care-worn and wewHviio more. to me"! and I kftow I deserve it, darling !" debt ot the state at the commencement ot FIRST-CLASS MARKET, tM> FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS. BO- CnoBvs—Shine on, heattfei andbome, o'erlife's which sixteen (16) are Connecticut Compa­ The pardoning power, which is at present Box 379 P. O. Norwalk, Conn. tbe fiscal year was five millions, seven hun­ . TO RENT. 4 Of the best quality and at the lowest market rates. QUETS,WREATHS,BASKETS, CKOS8E8;and oth billows of (lain, ' . There was a moment's silence, as if Miss dred and sixty-nine thousand, three huu- nies, with assets in the aggregate, of sixty- in the Legislature, should, I think, be in the In New York, care of William A. Pond & Co., 890 HE homestead of Mrs. Maria Grnman, on Pros­ No pains will be spared to please all who m^r favor er Floral Decorations arranged in the best style of art oh! beaatlfnl lore-light! beautlAil Valentin had expected some sort of response ($5,769,300), maturing as follows:—Seven nine million nine hundred and twenty-five hands of tbe Governor, and let him take tbe Broadway. them with a call. FITCH & MtOSS to order. Send for descriptivecatalogue. T pect Hill, partly furnish*!; or for the summer 51 MAIN ST., next door to Demmon & Newcombs home! . to her pretty penitence. -But she didn't get uuudred and six thousand, seven hundred thousand two-hundred and thirteen dollars responsibility, but he should have an adviso­ montb8,lurnished, my homestead, the most desira­ Hakvey Fitoit, 1" Moss. MALLORT & DOWNS, if- : (69,925,213,) and risks of three billion five ry board, which should recommend to him ble place in the County, with Barn, and Stables, South Norwalk, Ct. any, so, after a brief pause, she went on: dollars ($706,700), which the treasurer is CHARLES P. HOLE, 91. D., Carriage Honse, and Garden, if desired. authorized to call in at any time; nine bun liundred and fourteen million eighty-eight, be proper subjects of executive clemency. 11 Apply to C. J. GRUMAN. | Tbe poor soldier in pain on tf e field with the slain. "Indeed, Kate, I didn't mean to grieve drei and twelve thousand dollars ($912,000) thousand three hundred and thirty-three ^ This duty might be left to the board of PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, And the sailor aftr on tlie foam; you—and I won't do it again. I am so sorry maturing January 1st, 1883, one million four dollars (3,514,088,333.) These companies Stale Prison directors, which should then be FOR SALE. Festivals, Pic-Nics, Parties, k | Brash the tear from the *y* and look back with a for my ridiculous freak. Do you suppose hundred and seventy-four thousand dollars have eight hundred and ninety-one • (891) ncreased; or, perhaps to a board created for Office over Prowltt's Drug Store, Norwalk 11-tf furnished with LEVIS HUBBELL, Sealer, agencies in the slate, with risks, also in tbe his purpose, consisting of the Lietenant- HE subscriber oilers for sale his residence situa­ sigh, i he was very angry, Kate ? Do you think I ($1,474,000) maturing January 1st, 1884 ; T ted on West Main Street, about five minutes BEER, SODA WATER " As they think of the comfort* of home; . nine hundred and thirty-five thousand, five state, of one hundred and ninety-nine mil­ Governor, Treasurer, Secretary, and Comp­ walk from the Bridge. The house is new, and well ' AND ought to ask his pardon ? But then you lion four hundred and sixty-seven thousand troller; or, still better than allj to a board of • C. S. LOCKWOOD, arranged, containing ten. rooms; lot 62 feet by 125. | Then in dreams of the night thcy agaln, with delight, hundred dollars ($985,500) maturing October Part of the purchase money can remain on mortgage. SARSAPARILLA, Timber, Lnnber, % Join the circle they left at tike hearth. know he didn't see me stial .around the 1st, 1894; and one million, seven hundred three hundred and forty four dollars ($199.- State Charities, Apply on the premises. in any desired quantity. and forty-one thousand,one hundred dollars 467,344,) on which the premium was one More than thirty applications for release Fashionable Draper & Tailor 3ml3 JOHN W. RENOUD. I am now prepared to All all orders for the following And th»ir hearts feel at resf, 'mid the scsncs they lawn, when that odious Aldrich was gone, million eight hundred and twenty thousand from State Prison will come before you, and, best, ,. . ($1,741,100) maturing October 1st, 1885. The and pick up the roses again."- amount falling due in 1794 is redeemable three hundred and sixty four dollars ($1,- judging by former years, they will not all be Am) FOR SALE OR TO RENT. STANDARD MINERAL WATERS: Shingles, Lath, In the sunniest spot of the earth. There were strong symptoms of coming 820.364) • • leserving cases. I think no person who has SAL1S, after October 1st, 1874, at tbe pleasure of the : NEW HOUSE, well finished; 4 rooms and large ni. t«ars—a sort of quivering sob in the voice. General Assembly, and the amount matur­ There are forty Life Compan cs doing in former years been on the State Prison Gantlemen's Furnishing Emporium, and convenient pantry and two closets, sinks, SELTZER, business in tbe state, of which ten are Con Committee will fail to see the great embar­ &c.,A on first floor, three rooms and two closets on CONGRESS, Builders' Hardware, &c., The sweet npst in the wood ta the lark seemeth good "Ton won't forgive me, Khte ? Not if I ing in 1885 is exempt from taxation. While the eagle, with wlnga strong and free, There was cash on hand at the commence­ necticut Companies, having aggregate as­ rassment and difficulty which surround tbi3 Main Street, Norwalk, Conn. second floor; dining room wainscoted with black VICHY, tell that I do really love your tall, stern sets, $241,645,692, and $1,576,497,000,) at iratter, and prevent any intelligent decision. walnut and cedar, kitchen wainscoted with pine; KISSINGEN, AT WHOLESALE All RETAIL. Builds her home with the flags is the towering crag* ment of this fiscal year amounting to eight gas pip a throughout the house; water pipes, &c.; brolher ? Only, Kate, I was silly enough hundred and forty-five thousand, one hun­ risk, with ninety six agencies in this state. This yearly excitement about pardons rais- ' ELBERT CURTIS, situated on Fair Street, about half a milefrom Bridge. CARRONIC ACID WATER. OFFICES AND YARDS: > ... That o'erhang the white foam of the sea. By the terms of the act creating the De­ •s false hopes, creates disappointment, caus­ If not sold before April let, it will be rented for S250. Oh! it is not the spot, be it.palace or cot, t3 want to tease him a very little, and test dred and ninetv-four dollars and fourteen Merchant Tailor, I can till all orders for SIPHON BOTTLES, either 88tf WasblnEton Street, So. Norwalk partment, all lite policies of all companies es discontent, and renders order, system and If sold the price will be $3,200; some part of wuich for the tradeor private ramilies. That makes home the sweet Aden of earth,— my power over his noble heart. I love cents ($845,19414), which reduces the actual can remain on mortgage. Apply to MAIN TREET, NORWALK, debt of the'state to four millions, nine hun­ doing business in the state, must be valued, lisr.ipline more difficult to enforce. Curlis's Building, Main Street, Norwalk, Ct. 10 JAMES E. ELLS. SI S '- J , JIBS. J. A. JVDD, Tis the dea^pnes we meet In Its blissinl retffct, bim, Kate—I may tell you of it, dear, with­ except those of states with which it is prac­ Our prison system has been much im­ Under E. Raymond's New Block. .„ And the that encircles jh* hearth. dred and twenty-three, thousand, five hun­ S. GRUMMAN. out being bold, or unwomanly, because you dred and 5 dollars and eighty-six cents ($4,- ticable to exchange certificates of valuation. proved, yet ' much remains to be done Gents' and Youths' Clothing cut and made to order For Sale Cheap or to Rent. Millinery Goods, In tbe eight months there havo been valued make it qrhat it sbonld be. My at- st short notice, of the best materials, lu the latest ,':j/ J1, IV! i fiC .'f- " ; " know we have so often talked about bis 923,405.86), against five millions, eight hun­ •tyles, by experienced workmen. Prices reasonable. HARNESSES FOR SALE. And Sole Agent for 360,708 policies, covering 945,000,000, of ention has been called to the condition cf DWELLING HOUSE, only two years old, on There are those on lire's way who are homeiesi to­ liking me a little and—and—oh, Kate an­ dred and four thousand, six hundred and ten A the Ely Neck road, South Norwalk, for sale HE subscriber would respectfully inform the BtTTERICK'S PATTERNS ( dollars and ninety-three cents ($5,804,610-93) Insurance, and there are yet to be done- >ur county jails, but I had no authority eitb-# R. OAKES, lit. O.j from the Royal cheap, or to rent. , ' v- \ public that he has now on hand a good assort­ Also Agent for Singer's Improved Family Sewing day. swer me I don't be so cold and cruel! Sure­ $177,000, covering $477,900,000, in insur­ :r to look into them my self, or direct that . Tment of HARNESSES, made of the very best mate­ the previous year. W• Opthalmic Xnlirmalory, London, Physician 18 . E. K. LOCKWOOD. Machines. And they sigh as they wearily roam; v ance. it be done. sudSurgeou for the Eye and Ear, and Catarrhal rials, which he will SELL AS LOW as thev can No. 2, Chichester's Block, Through the fast foiling tears tbey look back to the ly you can't be asleep V' The entire revenue of the State from all Diseases of the Lungs, Fances and Nasal passages, possibly be furnished at any other similar estab­ The estimated annual receipts of the De­ Tbe business of tM^Executive Office has FOR SALE. Washington Street, Sonth Noiwalk. lyfit years "Where are your lips, 1" she sources during the last year was $2,091,035.- also Nervous maladies of all kinds, particularly those lishment in the connty. Now tor the orders. Let of which the two mill lax yielded $731,- partment are about $28,000, and its ex­ so increased of late that no Governor can •Anting Females. All of which he has made his N excellent homestead at a bargain, consisting' me have them at once, . WM. B. SWAN. That were spent in a beautiful home. . coaxed, playftilly. "I shall soon break tbe penses abotjt $20,000. . properly attend to it without spendidg most fascial study, and successful practice mora than of nearly eight acres of choice iand, a conven­ Fch. 1,1811. « While we then are so blest with this haven of rest, ' .19. Saving banks paid $421,129.30. Rail­ tnrtjr years. Can be consulted (gratis) at h's ientA and substantial X story Dwelling house, Barn NEW DRUG STORE. magnet spell of silence that binds them. road corporations paid $344,101.73. Mutual Estimating the annual receipts of the De­ >f his time at one of the capitols. Let the home be made iheerfal with love, partment at 28,000 it would appear that the I think the time has arrived to create a otBfe, over the Store of Knapp & Dickerman, Wash­ and < SOMETHING NEW! HE undersigned wonld respectfully announceto You know you never could keep vexed with Insurance Companies paid $265,890.92.— ington St., South.Norwalk, from• a. m., to 9 r. i, with T the citizens in this vicinity, that be hasjusl For our life is a dream, -we may soon cross the 1217,133.03 were collected from the United annual tax on the capital supervised of Board of State Charities, which shall have The Dr. will visit patients during the day, when about fitted up a New Drug Store, stream me more than five minutes at a time. Why ! 1311,570,905 is about nine mills on each reneral supervision of tbe entire charita­ r• jtlired. Iy45 neighborhood and healthy locality. The present —whete's your hair ? Where—" late8 on account of war claims. $34£96.28 owner wishing to sell, it will be offered cheat) 1 lap- CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND DEPOT STS. To the beautiful mansions above. came from non-resident stock; $24,459.34 thousand dollars, or niue dollars on each ble, reformatory and penal affairs of the C. A. niLLBANK, plied for soon. Part of the purchase money can re­ A FIRST CLASS CITY She sprang suddenly to her feet with o million. ' * jtata, including jails and poor-houses. main (if desired,) secured by mortgage, for particu­ where will be found came from interest on deposits, and the IN THE TWILIGHT. piercing scream—her wandering hand nad balance from miscellaneous sources. I commend the report of the Commis­ I invite your careful attention to the re­ lars and permission to see the premises, apply to PURE: DRUGS, sioner to your careful attention. port of Ihe Surgeon-General, and to that of Graduate o/the JAMES MITCHELL, or to C. F. OSBOBN, touched the dark heavy mustache on which The'total disbursements for the year were 4tf East Avenue. A tall, blue-eyed girl, with loose, brown Much has been said during Ihe past year ihe Commissioners appointed last year to in­ Draper & Tailoring Establishment CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS, Colonel Mordaunt prided himself so spec­ $1,978,596.73. in regard to still ftirther taxing mutual in­ vestigate our prison matters. Pena. College of Dental Surgery, curls floating from her face like an aureole The sum of $756,600 was paid on the prin­ For Sale or to Rent. At No 1, Gazelle Building, (up stairs) FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ially. surance companies. They paid last year Some attempts have been made to collect of amber darkness, and a slender throat, cipal of the public debt; $380,304 werepaid At the office of the old Fairfield County Bank HE Placo lately owned and occnpied by the late HEsubscriber would lespectfully inform the cit­ FANck AND TOILET ARTICLES, He strove to catch the hand—to detain the on tbe bonded debt; $199,211.96 were paid i >262,000, while the ordinary machinery of aur criminal statistics, in order to make a Building, Wail Street. 25 JohnD. Louusbury, in Winnipauk. The place Tizens of Norwalk, that he has made arrange­ white and smooth as mother of pearl—that the state, that is, the executive, legislative, report to the U. S. Attorney-General. As we consists of a large Dwelling House, with modern ments to open a first class,New York City Establish­ PATENT MEDICINES, &e. frightened beauty long enough to plead his judicial, Reform school, and kindred ex­ and judical department cost only about have no law or system in regard to it they improvements, and Five Acres of good Land. Pleas­ ment, as above,where he pledges hiniBelf to givesat­ was Valentin Bruce, as she sat by the open penses ; $7,118.65 were paid for tbe Board £tna Insturance Co. of Hartford, antly located on the main street, near Depot, Post W Physicians Prescriptionscarefully compounded cause in earnest, impassioned words,.but in ! >450,000. were not very complete, though I received Incorporated 1819, Charter Perpetual. Office and stores. Possession given immediately. isfaction to all his customers. day and night. Can be found nights,in samebnildlng, French window, dreamily watching the of Education ; $123,118.77 were paid for the Looking at it in that light, the life compa­ reports from almost every town. He will givespecial attention to Boys Garments as entranccon Washington St. ^ vain. Fear seemed literally to lend her support of orphan children of soldiers; Capital and Assets, 95,052,880 19 Inquire of MORGAN T. SMITH, or GEORGE H. well as those of gentlemen*. I'crsonB bringing their sunset flame melt into opal billows of light. nies now pay about fifty-nine per cent, of There were between ten and eleven thous­ R AN DLE, near the premises. 1 1?49 S. F. PECK .South Norwalk, Conrik . Away like a frightened, white dove $72,958,03 was paid for public buildings and Insures against loss and damage by Fire, on terms own cloth can have tlie same cut or made up.inan at • And Colonel Mordaunt smoked bis de­ the regular expenses of the state. These and criminal prosecutions in the State dur­ adapted to the hazard, and consistent with tistic manner, at reasonable pili-cs. she flew, uttering wild hysteric screams, and benevolent institutions ; $102,836 was paid companies are undouptedly taxed more— ing the year 1871, of which two thousand th« laws of compensation. "BUILDING LOTS." FRANCIS J. MoKEON. spairing cigar in the fragratit shadows of for expenses of the General Assembly, and OtiORGB B. COWLES, fairly falling into the arms of the aston­ in this state than in any other. To com­ (wo hundred and seven were in New Hav­ Sole Agent for Norwalk and Aicinity. B Eundersigned offer tor Sale some of the most NEW COAL YARD. the shrubbery, and wondered what fortunate $55,550 was paid to the several towns from pensate for this, as it it is claimed, they are en, one thousand five hundred and thirty- T,ctsirable building sites in the village, lying along ished Kate Mordannt, who was just coming Slate treasury, according to an act passed at the slope northwest of Union Park, convenientto the mortal might be' fated to buy Valentin's in from tbe starlighted garden with both the last session of the General Assembly, by allowed to loan their money oulsidfe the three were in Hartford, one thousand one ' Norwalk Insurance Company. village and easy of access, having an extensive view D. L. MILLARD & CO. wedding ring, and pay her millinery bills, state, where much higher rates obtain thian hundred and twenty-fonr in Bridgeport, of the village and harbor, prices low and termseasy. JACKSON BROS., hands full of dewy branches of honey­ appropriating fifty cents for each child of in this state, which privilege is denied to three hundred and thirteen in Norwich, and NOBWALK, CONN. Apply to A. H. BYINGTON, and be her humble slave and servitor school age in the state. But $5,000 each has S. E. OLMSTEAD, Have established a new yard, suckles. companies in many states. one hundred and eigbty-eight in New Lon­ Casli Capital, $500,000 yet been drawn out towards the erection ot don. E. K. LOCKWOOD. through life. V "Valentin 1" she exclaimed,'dropping the the new State House and the new wing of A small tax on the assets of a mutual Paid up Carpltal, $100,000 Norwalk, Sept. 21, 186S. Colonel Mordaunt tossed his cigar in spicy blossoms. "Why, what is the matter ? the hospital at Middletown. life company may eventually, and certainly Eight towns report no prosecutions at all, JEWELER S Corner Water and Washington Sts., among the rose-acaciaa that skirted the will, unless very carefully calculated, ren­ and in each case give as a reason that no in­ Wu. C. Stbeet, President, Gro. B. Cowi.is, Sec'y' what can have startled you so dreadfully ?" I think the present rate of taxation of der it bankrupt. If tbe tax were laid npjon toxicating liquors are allowed to be sold in Eben. Hill, Treasurer. Mill Property lawn, aud began to select a cluster of ex­ two mills on a dollar should be continued, FOR SALE, (between tbe Bridges,) wliere in addition to allthe "Oh, Katy ! Katy !" sobbed Valentin, the surplus, instead of the assets, there the town. The report so far as it goes is an-., KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANDA FULL quisite moss-roses, heedless of the thorns as our expenditures will exceed those of last Fairfield County Insurance Co. H E subscriber offers for sale his Mil. Property sit­ beat varieties of clinging to her friend's shoulder with ner­ would be less danger. Inasmuch as we are other proof of the well-established fact, year and our receipts will be less, as we shall nearly prepared to reduce taxation in some T uated in West Norwalk, about two miles trom that pierced bis unaccustomed fingcra. ( vous vehemence, "there is a man in your probably receive little or nothing from the that criminal cases are in a very close pro­ SOUTH NORWALK, CT. Darien Depot, three miles from South Norwalk, and STOCK OF Coal and WoodL, directions, and as these companies alrea'dv portion due to the unrestricted sale of intox­ two miles from New Canaan, consisting of a manu­ She likes flowers," he soliloquized, ^nd room—a robber, hiding under your cash­ general government on account ot war claims from which source We realized two pay a very large and constantly increasing icating liquors. CASH CAPITAL, $200,000 factory, two stories high, 86x18 feet, with about 12 moss-roses are certainly the prettiest flowers mere shawl on the sofa I Oh 1 I am nearly tax, and as the monev comes almost entire­ I recommend that some plan he adopted feet head and fall of water, with three acres of land, They have on hand that grow. I will win a smile from those hundred and seventeen thousand dollars ASSETS, Jan., 18T2 ...'. 25 ,693. now used as a Saw Mill but suitable for a manufacto­ BRICK, frightened to death!" ly from citizens of other states, put into Our for tbe more accurate collection of statistics ry of any kind. Terms easy and price low. Enquire during last year. H. R. TBEADWELL. W. S. HANFOBD, FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES LIME, velvet lips of hers." SCHOOL FUND. companies for safe keeping, and finally as as to crime and its causes in the state. 36 President, Secretary. of JAMES FINNEY, Real Estate Agent, Norwalk,or Katy's serene brown eyes dilated a little mutual life companies are taxed in no other of the subscriber, CHAUNCEY STREET. CEMENT, He twisted a blade of pliant grass round —then brightening into a smiling archness: Our school fund of $2,046,090.75 is well STATE BENEFICIARIES. West Norwalk, Sept. 25,1869. 39tf cared for by the commissioner, and is in­ state or in Europe, so far as I can learn, I The state contributes one dollar and one- DR. J. Q. BARBOUR, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE PLASTER, the mossy stems, in place of a ribbon, and "A robber 1" she repeated, with provoking am not prepared to recommend any increase HAIR, sauntered carelessly up the graveled walk. vested as follows : of taxation in this direction. half per week toward the support of each DEJSTTIST, Real Estate for Sale. nfevervdeacriDtion. BLUE STONE, &e. calmness. "Nonsense, Valentin, you are $245,101.74 on real estate in New York; at orphan under fourteen years of age, the GENERAL HOSPITAL FOB THE INSANE. NORWALK, CONN. HE land belonging to the estate of George Yf All of a sudden he stopped. mistaken. It was only Jack! I saw him go seven per cent. child of a soldier belonging to this state, Raymond, comprising some of the most desira­ T Which they can furnish in any desired quanttiy, "Frank Aldrich's voice 1" he exclaimed, in there not half an hour ago. The idea of $10,52412 on re»l estate in Ohio, at seven The General Hospital for- tbe Insane at who died in defense of his country. This is Office in Gazette Building, Room No, S, over Jack- ble property in bonth Norwalk, isnow offered forsale Repairing, in all its Branches per cent. Middletown is, according to tbe report of lot benevolence, it is simple justice. None' sou Brothers' Store. at a bargain by the trustee of that estate. Apply to Atffke LowcRt Rates. 23 biting his lips with vexation, as a merry taking oUr Jack for a robber 1" LEWIS F. BEERS, Trustee, GEORGE W. RAY­ peal of laughter floated 'Jirough the pur­ $30,635.89 on real estate in Massachusetts, the Trustees, in a most satisfactory condi­ of tbem are in any alms-house, but all are Nitrous oxide or Laughing Gas, administered when MOND and CHESTER F.TOLLES, South Norwalk, Done in the best manner. . Katy's laughter rippled merrily out at the at six per cent. tion, except that it has a debt, partly con­ -;ared for, either in an asylum or.by their desired. . ,, . Conn. tf26 IRON FENCING. pling twlight from the opsn windows be­ A New Device for plate work—light, durable and mere fancy. $1,425,016.39 on real estate is Connecticut, tracted at the commencement before receipts friends. cheap. JAMES FINNEY, -ALSO- HE subscriber is now prepared to make and fur­ yond. "What brings that puppy here, now, Only Jack 1 In the midst of her terror, the at six per cent. came in $39,500,of which they will ask you to There were on this list, April 1st, one T nish several styles of of all times and seasons in tbe world ?" $204,812.61 in bank stock. pay off. Part of it was contracted last year thousand four hundred and thirty children. Seal Estate Agent, Licenced lueli on possibility never once occurred to Valentin $130,000 is invested in Connecticut state for land which seemed to be desirable, and The Soldiers' Orphan's Homes at Mansfield eer, Constable, Collector, &c. . Wrought and Cast Iron Fencing, "Hallo, Jack I" said Aldrich ; "been sen­ NOTICE. Ag'ts for Smith's American Organs Bruce's mind. Only Jack! The Foity bonds. on which were two houses, which have ind Darien, which have received slight aid JNT G REST_ will hereafterbejereafterbe alloiallowed on all deposits RATEFULLY r^nrns thanks for the very liberal to enclose churches, dwellings and burial plots. timentalizing out in the dew. rftie ladies The number of children returned is 131,- been fitted up for the reception of patients, 'rom the stale, are both doing a good work, made with the Xorwallc savings Society from the G patornage heretofore extended him by a gener­ Thieves themselves would have iaded into 1st day of each month, provided the same shall not ous public, and solicits a continuance of the same. To which we would invite the attention of the -Also- were just fretting over the chance of your nothingness before the mere idea of Colonel 748, ah increase of 3,280 for the year on thus giving the cottage system, as it is call­ ind take all thai apply. exceed One Thousand Dollars in amount in thename He has taken a desk at J. B. Hurburt's Law taking cold." which a per capita dividend of one dollar ed, a trial, and so far with great success. The Hospitals at Hartford and New Hav­ office, Room No. 4, Gazette Building, where he Iron Gates, Doors, Sbntters and Mordaunt having heard all those soft of any one person in any one year. Attention is also musical public. - Mordaunt's face brightened up—the Val­ has been made. Unless something is done There were in the Institution on the first of en are in a flourishing condition, are well called to the fact that that we have a few more Safe­ can hereafter be found, or orderscan be left. He will ^Gratings. pleadings and unconscious admissions.— to increase the income of this fUnd we shall April, two hundred and sixty-two patients, managed, and furnish a comfortable home ty Deposit Boxes for rental in our vault, at a very give prompt attention to the baying and selling ot entin did think of him sometimes. small cost, per annum, to the depositor. Keal Estate, renting of places, Auctioneering of real Iron Stairs, and Bolts for building purposes, and One minute Valentin felt as if every vein be unable longer to continue this annual and there have been during the year, seven- for all sick or disabled soldiers, at the ex­ and personal property, the collection of debts, &c., -xkt many other aritcles in tbe line of ty-tbree applications for admission mbr>- Norwalk, Oct.1,1870. GEO. E. MILLER.Treaa BTES "That is," pursued the relentless Aldrich, throughout her whole frame were filled with dividend of one dollar. pense of the state. . and will make every reasonable exertion te please all R. S. BLASCER, "poor, thoughtful sistei Katy said-she was No money is to be had in this state at six than could be acco.mmodated, which num­ The state furnishes free instruction to all RANGES. who may favor him with theirpatronage. BLACKSMITH WORK. molten fire—then she grew white and cold ber would have been much grea'er had it OULD Inform the public that he has taken a afraid you would have a cold, and Miss per cent, except from the school fUnd. I he blind children who apply, at the Perkins GOOD NO. T BANGS, . 112.00 store in Phcenlz Block, and willkeep on hand as a marble statue. Life and strength would recommend raising the rate of inter­ not been generally known that there were Institnte at Boston, an Institution second to _ . 14.00 W Shop in rear of Solmon's Hat Shop, Union street, ageneraI.a8Sortmentof South Norwalk. is Bruce said nothing" seemed ebbing away from her—and for the est for this fund to seven per cent., continu­ no vacancies. lone in the country. Our list is not full, Call and see them before buying elsewhere. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASS, TIN AND WM. H.DUNCAN. Col. Mordaunt's countenance elongated ing tbe dividend ot one dollar per capita, The new wing is making satisfactory pro­ which fact is, I think, not generally known. GEORGE F, BELDEN. WOODEN WARE, etc. first time in her life Valentin Bruce fainted JAMES MITCHELL, again. But he stepped forward and laid the and adding the balance which would re­ gress, and will be built, I am informed by A change has been made by the Comp- By devotlnghis constant personal attention to the away. the Commissioners appointed for that pur­ roller in the manner of supplying our state business he hopes to meritpublic patronage. 47-1 knot of moss-roses on tbe folds of Valentin's main to the principal of the fUnd.* In this This Cut illustrates the manner of Using BOOTS & SHORES Kate Mordaunt quietly sprinkled scented way the fUAd will increase as fast as the pose, for a less amount than tbe appropria­ paupers, wbich is, I think, an improvement white muslin dress, with a few murmured water on the pallid forehead, and began to number of children in the slate, and the one tion. There are also twenty-two state >ver the former system. IDH. PIEBSE'3 words that nobody could understand. dollar dividend can be maintained. beneficarios at the Retreat at Hartford, My attention has been lately directed t<* REAL ESTATE BROKER HE subscriber would respectfullycall theatten unlace the white muslin dress. As she did eight at Providence, eight at Northampton, ihe practice which prevails in many towns tion of the public to their " Flowers, eh J" Slid Frank, supercilious­ BANKING INSTITUTIONS. Fountain Nasal Injector, The • Place to Buy T "V 7 so, a taded bunch of flowers fell from Val­ nine at Cohcord, New Hampshire, in the slate, of letting out the- poor of the ly, "upon my word, Jack is getting prodi­ AND entin's bosom, and Kjity smiled to herself There are 72 Savings Banks in the state, and five at Brattleboro. Vermont. town to the lowest bidder. This is far be­ OR with an aggregate deposit of $52,718,813.77, f NEW STOCK OF GOODS, gal." -lir as. she recognized the moss buds that bad I have collected tbe statistics of the insane hind tbe spirit of the age, and should be Valentin looked carelessly down at the. an increase of $7,420,109.37, during the year poor in the state vet uncared for, and find topped if it can be. BOOTS AND SHOES! been so haughtily thrown out on the lawn or $2,500,000 more than our enlire state consisting of a general assortment of more lhan three hundred, most of whom A law now exists that no town shall send AUCTIONEER, cluster of pink buds, then deliberately took debt. Our thrifty laboring men and women • • IS AT : . T that very evening. are in .^lmhouses. It would certainly its paupers into another town, if such other them up and tossed them out upon the "I'll keep them for Jack," she said. "Ah, could pay off our little state debt out of their appear that even another wing should bc- town objects. It seems to me that this should lawn. savings in a few months if th'ey so set contracted for at Middletown, thus comple­ be chanral, and that no town should be per­ OFFICE MITCHELL'S BLOCK, Valentin, you'll he my sister-in-law yet." * t BROWN & KELLOGG'S, "Explain, if you please," said Frank, com­ about it. ting the Institution according to the origi­ mitted ro send its poor beyond its own lim- Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, How shyly tbe blue-eyed damsel stole Different rates of interest are charged by i ts under any circumstances. posedly, while Mordaunt grew scarlet and nal plan. JVo, into the breakfast-room the next morning. Savings Banks, which is in my opinion all I have also called for statistics of the MILITABY AFFAIRS. " WALL STREET, 39 Main Street. &c., both for Gentlemen and Ladles' wear, which wll bit his lips until the blood started. wrong, as is also the practice, too often in­ She cheerfully Would have fasted all day blind, according to a law on the statute At tbe last session of the General Assem­ "There was a worm—a horrid green dulged in of the trustees or officers of Sav­ book, and find, besides the twelve at the be sold very low for Cash, at the old stand, long sooner than enter the presence of the bly a new military law was passed provid­ NORWALK, M worm on one of the buds'," haughtily said ings Banks getting a commission from tbe Perkins Institute, at Boston, two hundred tall Colonel; but what was the use. The borrower, or of paying out to him as money, ing fiULthe reorganization of the militia. we are offering our Winter Stock and four, some of whom are not totally blind (Jnder it one brigade of four regiments has CITY RESIDENCES. • • '".l - •; Valentin, shaking off one or two crimson dreaded first interview must be got over bonds at par which are not worth it. arid many are blind, of old age. petals that still adhered to her muslin dress. All these illegitimate practices should be been organized, consisting of, at present, AT COST sooner or later, so here she was, with down­ INDU8TBIAL SCHOOLS FOR GIRLS. :ibout oho thousand six hundred men._ These Farms and Country Seats, "I have a perfect honor of all such noxious prohibited by stringent laws. A uniform SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. cast lashes, and cheeks dyed as deep pink as rate of interest and manner of payment A very interesting and instructive report have all been provided with new uniforms, insects." V "it an expense to tbe state of $25 each. A Bousht, Sold,.Rentedand Exchanged, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, the ""'"-colored wrapper she had on. No should be decided upon, and we should have will be made to you by the Trustees of the 1 law was also enacted, authorizing the Gov­ "Do you hear that, Jack ?" appealed Mr. more haughty airs and graces—no more active, upright, capable, and courageous Industrial School for Girls, at Middletown . make room for Spring Goods. A1 kinds of Gents' and Ladles' Boots, Shoes, Ac. It is doing well a most important work. ernor to provide improved arms for the state REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, Aldrich, lazily turning around in his chair. cool composure. She was at Colonel Mor­ Bank Commissioners, who are nut connect­ This instrument Is especially designed for the per­ ed with any Bank, whose duty it should be Its success is certain and the propriety of its militia, if it could be done witbOut expense A full stock of LEATHER AND FINDINBS on band made to order, in the most workman!ikemanner,and "It's a pity you were so unfortunate in the lo the state. This has been accomplished, fect application of FURNITURE., &C daunt's mercy, and ehe knew it! Would he to see that the laws are complied -with.. establishment demonstrated. It is now full, DR. SACK'S CATARRH REMEDY. ' which we offer at Wholesal and Retail. atfa iprlces. rs ;<*v selection of your floral offering." take cruel advantage of her helplessness ? I recommend that the tax be taken off having seventy-five pupils. More nccommo- ind we have now in Ihe state two thousand It is tile only form of instrument jot invented Peabody breech-loading rifles, and six hun­ with w-iicii 'fluid jntiiliciiie can l)e carried high tip at public and private sale, But Colonel Mordaunt had left the room: Or would he— such portion of the deposit^ in our Savings calions will soon be needed, or the admis­ HORSE CABS RUN RIGHT BT THE DOOR. Banks as is loaned upon real estate. We sions must be restricted in some manner. Ii dred Springfield breech-loaders. and nen'tclly applied to all parts of tlie afl'ected nasal Kate followed him the next moment. _ But there her cogitations always stopped. Our "system is now very complete, and and tliu chainbers or cavities conimuiiicnt- AUCTION SALES OF HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, (MM "Dearest Jack,you are not vexed with can afford some reduction - of taxation, &nd reforms and provides for a clxss i f girl- therewith, in which sores and ulcers frequently Wert aid Repairing v He was standing at the window, looking it appears to me that this is the place to be­ which the State cannot afford to allow to go when we shall have enlisted two thousand exist, and from which. tlie catarrhal discharge geiier AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. HIRAM S. BROW>ir. Frank and Valentin t They don'tmean to men, (which is quite enough.) the Connecti­ rally proceeds. Tlie want of success in treating A SPECIALTY. out upon the morning sunshine that bathed gin. As it now works the banks of course their own way to destruction. Catarrh heretofore has arisen largely ftom the impos- annoy you, I'm sure—" charge the lax directly to the borrower. It is now on a paying basis, but it con­ cut National Guard will be an ornament to Sales of Furniture, at Owner's the short velvety grass before the piazza. the stale, and fully up to any standard of ribility of applying remedies to these cavities and O. S. BROWN, JABVIS KELLOGO "Not vexed, dear," said Mordaunt, speak­ While he can get no abatement or offset in tracted a debt of abont seven thousand five e'tioibers by any of the ordinary methods. This Residences. QOAID.—A fewgentlemen can be accommodated But he turned quickly as she entered, with a consequence of his mortgage, thus compell­ hundred dollars ($7,500) in its infancy before volunteer tro.ops in this country. bb'ticla in the way of effecting cures is entirely 0 with Board and Lodging, bycalling at the Spring ing slowly and sadly—"only grieved. I overcome by the invention of the Douche. In nsing Saloon. . J. F. PATRICK, bright, welcoming smile. ing him in fact to pay double taxes on that beinj under full headway, which the Trus: There are too many men provided for in ihW instrument, the Fluid is carried by Its own weight, SEoudes to Rent 52tf Proprietor. am sorry Miss Bruce finds me. so disagree­ "Valentin!" he said, gently,"was I dream­ part of his real estate which is covered by tees will ask the state to pay off. And it the law, however, and I recommend a reduc- . (ni Stutfia. lorclnu or pumping being required,) up 0110 mortgage. As this class of borrowers is really needs about seveu thousand five hun­ tion of tbe'number of companies to the reg­ 110'trii ill a full jjently llowing stream to tlie highest WM. S. JONES, able." ing last night, or did I hear you say that you iment, and the number of men to the com­ boi'tion of the nasal passages, passes into and tlior- Furnished or Unfurnished. HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION! He went up stairs, while Kate hesitated a mostly from our active laboring men, of dred dollars ($7,500) more for necessary im­ oii 'lilv cleanses all the tubes and chambers connected Next door to Hotel, Westport, Manufacturer ifnd loved me ? Ob, my darling, tell me that it small means, I trust this matter may not be provements and working capital. pany. During the war, in the Adjutant Gen- ? there wit.'i, and flows out ol the opposite nostril. Itsiise .^PLACES FOR SALE VARYING IN PRICE, Dealer in every description of moment below. was no baseless dream 1" eral's and Quartermaster General's depart- is nleasant, and so simple that a child can nnder- HARNESS, SADDLES, oveiTookcd. SCHOOL FOR IMBECILES. ments, there was mncb to be done (as has itand it. Fnil and explicit dlrectioiis "He is better by himself,"she said men­ She came shyly to his arms, and nestled There are but four State Banks left, with accomoa'iy each instrument. When used with this from 35.000 to $50,000 BLANKE I S, WHIPS, DEMMON & NEWCOMB an aggregate capital of $1,400,000, which ap­ Your, attention is particular directed to been the case duriiig the last year,) and the . i•>'/, Instrument. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures recent HORSE HARDWARE, tally. i .there like a fluttering fawn, voiceless yet the report of the Connecticut School for Im­ salary of each ot those officers was made ' • >, attacks of «'CoI4 in *l*e Head » by a few ap- A1 orders leftat the UNION MARKET. Mitchell's BRdUHES, COMBS, &C. MVITE your attention to the fact that they are "Poor fellow ! he's dreadflilly in love, pear to be all right. beciles, at Lakeville.. two thousand dollars per year. I recom­ Trunks, Valines, &e. now prepared to furnish happy. Still, he was not contented. The most novel feature in our financial pI I and I do wish" Valentin wouldn't tease More room is needed in this state for the mend that it now be reduced one-half. Symi»iom* <>' Catarrh! Frequent head­ Block, Norwalk, Conn, will receiveprompt attention, Repairing done with especial care and with dis­ The Rest of Oysters "I want to hear it from your own lips yet matters are the Trust Companies, of which ache discharge falling into throat, sometimes pro­ patch. there are ffve.in the state, with a capital, all accommodation of this unfortunate class. fuse,'watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive, prietor on receipt of 60 cents; BRUSHES, COMBS, SPONGES, CHAMOIS ' jyare now prepared to execute in the best manner, can possibly b"given to any moneyed in­ and fifty-two having been received and one public schoi ls, and eight thousand Ksven SKINS, STATIONERY, CIGARS,AC,, collect around themselves in the n "the state who attend no school at all. Fixtures! and Turning. elf that she is—declares that Miss Valentin proper are, nor are they required to keep debt, with eight hundred dollars>($800) in lis There has been an increase in the length ' , r M. GLOVER, at his works in River street,is They will also furnish on the mostreasonable terms course of a June afternoon. Bruce took advantage of its being leap year any reserve for thq protection of these treasury. The boys have -earned aboir- t the school year, in the number cf scbol LL KINDS W prepared to Clean, Re-gild and Color GAS Bjx- kinds of tures, and put them in complete order,—good as He threw himself recklessly dovn on the to confide ber true sentiments to the dark- minors, guardians and .trustees, for whom twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) during the , rs in attendance,in the salaries of the teach - „ .c„a'8° continues the business of STEAM WOOD AND BRICK, sofa and drew the soft folda of Kite's cash­ iliey are the legal custodians, as the old year. ,"-s, and in the money raised for school pur- —OF— AND GAS FITTING, in all its branches, and keeps Lumber and Timber, haired lover whom she delighted to torment. State Banks were for the proteciion of bill Its property is very valuable, afidgrowint poses. , . 'r „ J on hand for sale a lartre assortment of GES Fixtures. and manufactured order,: . ^ > , • mere shawl over him, as if jealous lest the holders, but according to their charters they more so all the time. As an educational anf. i'hc interest in schools is still on tne in- >£ AJ*° astept fo- the celebrated AmericanSobinarged N'th River Blue Stone,Lime, Cement, * ash, soft eyes of the watching stars, that were JOB PRINTING • Forte Pump,the cheapest and bcBt ^ynp In use. 23 can slart with a very small capital paid up, reformatory institution it has few equals and' crease, as is shown by the attendance at the . —ALSO— Birnds, John Daves, from the Santa ' Clara vine­ invest it, all and more, in re-il estate, ancl no superiors. Doors, Etc. just beginning to gem the heavens, should yards, eloped to San Francisco with Mary leachers' institutes, which have been very witness the struggle that convulsed this I hen borrow all the money they can, at a AMERICAN ASYLUM. successful. Executed with neatness and di3patcb, CEMENT PIPE FOR SEWERS, WELLS* CHIMNEYS. RA LUSTERS, NEWELS. AC., k Parr, chartered a tugboat and was mar­ rate of interest agreed upon, and loan the ried on tbe stormy Pacific, amid an immense The American Asylum for. the Deaf and The Normal School is a great success nn- ggajjgj B^IST for Stairs and Railings, and strong man'sheart. | last cent of it out, when, where, and to whom der its present management, having had KJiJ WHOLESALE AND BETiflL, Not lhat bis grief wrought itself into any upheaval of sighs and sandwiches. Dumb, with its enlightened corps of officers —AT TKX-7 Black Walnut, Ash, Cherry, Will te wood they choose. and teachers, is faithfully performing its be­ during the year abont one handled, and ilS® Ac., kept constantly on hand. external signs. No, there was ^either groan Col. Fisk's interest in the young trotter These companies are undoubtedly all safe fifty pupils In attendance. 1 think the sp- - KEROSENE OIL, Water St., Norwalk, Conn. Jay Gould has been sold for $10,000, and it nevolent work. The number of pupils is 32 cents per Gallon, Prompt attention given to orders. Worksneartho or motion more than there hafl been when and sound now, but there can be ~but one two hundred and forty-six, of whom fifty- propriation of $12,500 to its support should ; ; # GAZETTE • Steamboat Landing, SOUTH NORWALK- is supposed the purchase was made for H. end to this loose sort of banking, if it should be made permanent, and that some meaioies v j§ At E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. ^ TJHS£ GIBL WANTED.—A tidy girl or woman, C. F.TOLLES,) he was wounded at Spotsylvania, and rode N.' Smith, the owner of Goldsmith Maid. be carried to .any considerable extent, and three are from this state. N aeenptoxned to care of children may hear of a D. R. AUSTIN, Y B. 1. TOLLES, Treasurer. By the census of 1870 there are two hun­ should bo adopted to bring the adTMlftges '• § STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. good situation by Applying at this office. IT R. I. TOLLES i on at the head of his regiment as bravely as There are two other owners." •" * that must be disastrous. • /Cf - "w A* mmmmommrnZ rtii'-'fi-Tiy^friSiiiiMiifgllM- Legislative. FOR SAL T " - ' ~^ of tlie scliSol Within iiiB Wacb of .a greater The tlouse organized on Wcdnesday-by jA BLACK HARE, 15 hands high, sound, kihd A number of the teachers ot the state. The Dotmnatiou of ilorace Greeley, for OT.ICE ! i"J\. and gentle ln Barness. Sold for no fanlt. Or the election of Hon. Amos Ttreat as $iil ptuchace a mite. Apply to The Sheffield Scientific School of Tale president, at 'Cincinnati; took the country OFFICE OF THE J Speaker. J&eo. H. Cowell, of Waterbury, BOARD OF WATEB COMMISSIONED, iS*lt ' £11. BAKTLETT, Norwalk Hotel. College continues to furnish free instruction by surprise. "Sldre Wan one enterprising . tT am to all who apply, who cannot afford to pay. was elected Clerk, and Wm. R. Foster, of April 1st, 1872. 4" 1372- journalist had his "leader"on Adams in type, _S.—BOCKAWAY CARRIAGE. UHLE'S DRUG STORE Though the state scholarships are limited to L'aosiav. May Stafford, Assistant Clerk. Alonzo Byington, PPLICATIONS will be received by Nearly new. CHARLES 8. LOCKWOOD. Jl'l# forty, which number is now full, yet none preparatory to the earliest possible an­ 1 -OF— of Redding, was chosen as one of the Door­ have been turned away as yet. None of our nniTOHIAL LETTER. nouncement of his nomination. But Mr. A the Board of Water Commissioners OR. SALE.—New, a'so second band Business Pure Chemicals, institutions are more useful to the state, and keepers. In the Senate, B.'B. Hough, of F Wagons, for sale cheap, at DEALER IN Adams being one of ihosc cultured descend­ at their offiee, for the use of water to be sup­ FRANK SEEKS' CARRIAGE SHOP, its practical results are much more speedy f - WASHINGTON, MAY 4,1872. Danbury, was elected Clerk. Lt.-Gov. Tyler 18 Water street, Norwalk. J ants of an illustrious ancestry, with all his plied to residents of the Borough as soon as ; Genuine Patent Medicines, tlmn in any other except the Normal School. Tlie Republican Senators met Monday morning was sworn in and made a bri< f address. A DRY GOODS, The last General Assembly gave up to the to hear tlie report of their committee of seven ap­ future behind him, the delegates to Cincin­ [OR SALE -A Carriage, but little used sold cheap joint convention was held, at which Gov- the works will permit tbe introduction of r tor want of use. nqulre of G. O. KEELEU, or alumni the six seats in the board of corpo­ pointed last week to arrange a programme of buai- nati didn't see fit to nominate him. B. Gratz ration of Yale College, which had tor many Jewell appeared, and personally delivered the same. Applicants will receive attention W. E, DANN. Stl8 Eeliable Drags, ,es«, and after hcarng the report adopted it almost Brown, the candidate selected for the 2d - 53; i JS years been filled by the six senior senators. is message. . It was a generous act cn the P"1 unanimously. It provided for taking up theliusinesi place upon this ticket, is also a distinguished in the order of their application. T0.lET.-A new house on Fair Street, opposite tbe PINE, WATT'S NERVOUS ANTIDOTE, in the following order: Deficiency appropriation Oil Thursday the petition of the Borough I head of Main Street. Six rooms, closets, cellar. state and was hailed vgtli delight both bj journalist of well recognized worth and By order of the Board, i attic, Ac ; good well. Apply at GAZSTTK Orrios. PISO'S CONSUMPTION CUBE, bill, House bill to repeal duty en tea and coffee, the'college itself, and the entire large list of of Norwalk for amendment of water works ability. He has served in the U. 8. Senate, HTAIT'S LIFE BALSAM, 'graduates, and I doubt not will prove ad­ post-office appropriation bill, navy appropriation ict was presented in the Senate, and proper 15tf A. H. CAMP. Sec'y. NOTICE " ' ARNOLD'S COUGH KILLER bill, amnesty b;ll, Morton's bill relative to inspector* and is present Governor of Missouri. He •» .«k-» :— vantageous to the college and satisfactory ly referred. On motion of Senator Wood­ O all my customers in the town of Norwalk. EARLE & SMITH'S, to the state. !l i; of election, Scott's bill giving President power to was the cl issmate of our Representa­ Just ree'd a car load of Choice Family T I am prepared to furnish BIRCH BEER for VINEGAR BITTERS, « ' - ward the Senate* adjourned till Tuesday the season. 18 S. GRUMMAN. 1 BALXIBOADS. suspend writ of habeas coipus la states lately in ro tive, Col. F. St. John Lockwood, at Yale. Flour in»J£ bbls. at Eeeler, Holmes & Co's. SPRUCE, PLANTATION BITTERS, ' belliou, general appropriation bills. It was alsi tflernoon. In the House, no special busi­ All tbe latest styles of HOSTETTER'S BITTERS, the report of the Railroad Commis­ The first impulse is to smile at this per­ WANTED.—Book Agents for a New Work by t. « 'J, 1 > 'i {• a sioners it will he seen that there have been agreed to meet at11 o'cleck dally hereafter, instead ness being ready, an adjournment till Tues­ For a delicious article of Boston Brown John 8. C. Abbolt. snited to every family and all AT WOOD'S BITTERS, sonal admixture. But ridicule it as we may, classes. .The theme—tbe price— andttule. renders It opened during the last year one hundred and of at-12. Mr. Sumner participated in the cauens and Bread, call at Murray's Bakery, Main ; .'1. X'iiTt'VX i ^ day afternoon was carried, _ ^ j. the best book for canvassers ever published. The AYRES' SARSAPARILLA, fifty-seven miles of road, making now in opposed an early Adjournment. Mr. Trumbull was the nomination is the most formidable and Street. field Is clear, with no competition. Address atonce not present. m >m> • B. B. BELMBOLD'S SARSAPARILLA, operation wight hundred and eighty-one Decoration Day. " * ' 1 dangerous to our success of any that could : RTTSSBLL, Boston, Mass. 4tl8 The tea and coffee clause of the tariff bill was Empty Molasses bbds. for sAle at, Eeeler, HEMLOCK, ? RAD W AY'S SAR8APARILLIAN, miles of road, one hundred and twenty of The Monumental association will hold.its have been made, according to Q.ur view of -which is with double track, With a paid up passed, and the House concurring,the President has Holmes & Co's. * capital of thirty-one millions, and a funded signed it, and from and afte/ July next we are to regular monthly meeting in the Hall of Con­ the situation. HI ET" also, a large assortment of EXT. LEMON, have cheap tea and coffee—perhaps. The motion to Wilton Academy. .. EXT. VANILLA, • > • and floating debt of nineteen millions. cord Division, S. of T., Gazette Building, Messrs. N. L. Austin & Co. have on hand - A These roads earned ten and one-half mil­ PHILIP PHILLIPS.—This popular author The next Term will open on rf: EXT. ALMOND, meet at 11 instead of IS was lost on a vote in.open Wednesday evening, 8th inst., at 8 o'clock. a large lot of Superior Plows and Plow lions of dollars, and carried nine and one- Senate, owing to the time being required for com­ and singer unfortunately failed to meet his PURE CREAM TARTAR," The meeting will arrange for the proper ob­ DRESS TRIMMINGS & LACES, CARB. SODA. half millions- of passengers, not one ol' mittee work. engagement in Norwalk last week, but has Castings which they will offer at the lowest i BLACK WALNUT, whom was killed, and but three were in­ servance ofDecoration Day in Norwalk. A New York prices, at wholesale and retail.' STrtaj, May 7th, 1872, BIRD SEED, Quite a flurry was kicked np in political circles by made new arrangements and is now an­ BIRD SAND, jured. the semi-official statement that we are on the eve ol full attendance of members is specially de­ The plows are guaranteed to give satisfac­ and continue-Twelve weeks. A general railroad law is .now in exist­ nounced to give an "Evening of Sacred .. the best eeleclibns of -,; ' | . i;,.,: CUTTLE BONE. a rapture with Spain. sired. A cordial invitation to he present is tion and the castings ate made from best E. OLMSTEAD. .HAIRBRUSHES, ence. Old politicians do not disguise tbelr disgust that Song" at the Methodist E. Church in Sauga- Roads can be built anywhere now and also extended to all interested in tbe objects white metal. 3t*17 •m ^ < TOOTHBRUSHES, 3en. Grant's cabinet ministers should have compro­ tuck, Wednesday evening of this weeek. AGAIN: WE GREET ZOU.I NAILBRUSHES, ; by anybody who. can pay for them, thus mised htm so unnecessarily, at this juncture, by a of the society, Viz: observance of Decora­ ASH AND ': relieving *he sessions of the General Assem­ tion Day, erection of a soldiers'monument, The net proceeds are to be devoted to char­ fgT E. Apell, 2nd door from Post Office PERFUMERY, " ' .u. . - zraw-flsh back-out on the Alabama question, at a . 'E Jrv ' / Parasols, Hosiery and Gloves. TOILET POWDERS, ^ bly of much discussion over new charters, itable purposes. - has taken the agengy for the sale of Geo. , little roaring of the British lion, and so -smartly and the preservation of a complete record of •.? • . rt COSMETICS. and of the corrupting influences which it is smacked at war with feeble and Catholic Spain over H. Rice's picture frames and fancy articles.' •if* in.'* all the soldiers and sailors of Norwalk. u-i. - • said, have sometimes existed. CONCBBT.—The Tremaine Brothers and TRMA1\E BROS. We have the Celebrated . The Air Line railroad will apply to you wrongs in Cuba the Home Government is unable to • '(• r-i-: control. The temper of these men is not motilled by John G. Pierson, a favorite troupe in this 500 bbls. Double Extra Family Flour for — AND — If/* for relief from its overdue taxes, which The Election Parade at New Haven, last « WHITEIOOB ' t • amount to $20,000. It has never yet paid a pettifogging article which came out in Thursday's. vicinity, are to give one of their excellent sale at Eeeler, Holmes & Co's. -AGESTFOR — Republican, designed tobreak the force of the "back- Wednesday, was a brilliant affair—probably — 1— JOHN G. PIERSON anything into the State Treasury. concerts at Lockwood's Hall, on Thursday 'i oat," especially since the secret ha3 leaked out thai the best celebration of the kind ever held Extra fine French Prunes at, Eeeler, • Will give one of their * -r •*'( i 'A • V: . t ;'!>i Three years ago it came before the Gen­ evening, and another at Military Hall, South Eaile Brand of BM Dress Ms, eral Assembly with a request that four It was prepared at th« State Department. in the State. The day was favorable, the Holmes & Co's. " WA V] RENNE S PAIN-KILLING roads—the Connecticut Valley, the Con­ A general ieeting of rejoicing pervades Washington arrangements had all been carefully made, Norwalk, on Friday evening. They have • rm' - } POPULAR CONCERTS 1 necticut Western, the Shepaug, and itsell at the prospect of another ronte to New York, inde md everything was auspicious. Crowds of given a number of concerts in Norwalk, and By White Duck Vests in all qualities and T/iK'f >T -AT— LTJ M BEB, at lower than New York prices. ' . *• T—might assume the taxes on town bonds pendent of the Baltimore* Ohio monopoly. people from all' sections of the State, esti­ have always given excellent satisfaction. shapes at Comstock Bros. . 1 issued in aid of the roads, and pay into the IUI. OKI. Wlf. T. CLARK. i— j LOOKWOOD'3 HALL,* - j : The House Committee on Eletlons met Thurrday mated as high as twenty thousand, joined Those who have heard them once^vill need worksll^e a charm.^ State Treasury one per cent in lieu of all Cracker*, Crackers, Cracker*.—The larg­ r / iV. , , .. , „ . . ' West Wing Gazette Building. nerning to consider the contested case of Giddingf with the people of New Haven in the grand no urging to go and hear them againS- r THURSDAY EVENING, May 9th, other taxation on the bonds. est variety and the freshest goods, at Eeeler, i«ainst Clark, of Texas. The latter put his briefs : This request was granted, and under the jubilee. Promptly at the appointed time —AND— ' * 7- • present law the roads are required to. pa> before the committee, which then adjourned to meet the troops commenced forming on the Green, The Anniversary of the Young Men's Holmes and Co's: one per cent on theirjionded and floating igain Monday for a final consideration of the case, M MILltARY IllLL, i Saved & Eired, Fine & Helar JAMES S. EARLE, '' FEEDINAND B. SMITH. HEAVY TWO HORSE WAGON, debt and also on all bonds issued by town* l'ne Impression prevails that the report will be ad­ the colored brigade first appearing. Gen. Christian Association will^be held next-Sab­ (Q9~Comstock Bros, are making daily ac­ A For sale cheap br in tbeir aid, the owners of which hold them verse to the Gene ral. though he has exposed a vast Cruufurd personally. attended to the forma­ bath Evening at the 2d M. £. Church, at cessions to their already large stock of Men's FRIDAY EVENING, liny 10th. 17tf 3. G. ROCKWELL. free from taxation. ,. . amount of perjury, double-voting and terrorism per- tion of the line, instead of following the o'clock. Annual report and brief ad­ i Youths, Boys and Children's clothing, and Admission 35 cents,; reserved seats SO cents. REPORT The Air Line is the first to ask relief of ' ratting the election, l'he General will eo dewr time-honored custom of entrusting that duty dresses by Members of the Association and • Reserved teats can be secured at Selleck's Book this kind. It has been an unfortunate con­ 'game" if expire he must, and the suggestion it are selling at prices which will certainly Store, andjat Feck's Drug Store. -V-l'r-t.^'-,f F tbe condition of the FAIRFIELD COUNTY to his aids, and then appearing in all possi­ others may be expected. A collection will Doors open at 1% o'clock; concert commences at O NATIONAL BANK, of Norwalk, Conn., at the cern from the start and the Treasurer has nade that if thrown out by the House he may asain save the purchaser 10 per cent from the reg­ 8 o'clock. TO THE PUBLIC I close of business, 19ih day of April, 1872. been lenient with it. be reappointed^ the Texan Governor. ble dignity to assume all the glory. In this be taken for the benefit of the Association, ular retail prices. .] Bisotmois. " " You are to judge of the expediency of es­ CHI PBO FUSED BIIBSOI OF KATIOKAt BASK OtTBSmOY. work he of conrse received the active assist­ anc it is hoped that all interested in this • '» \ •; FOR SALE. The attention of the Public is .invited to the Loans and Discounts - _ _ S385,698 88 tablishing such a precedent. The bill authorizing the reissue of national bank ance of his staff. When formed, the line work will come to this meeting prepared to Manioca,—Manioca,—The finest thing in BILLIARD ROOM with three tables, well lo U. S. Bonds to secure circulation . 226,0fl0!t'(> TOWN AND CITY INDEBTEDNESS. currency is now pendldg before the House, It is A eated, and a lease oiof premises, now" doing a Due from Redeeming "and Reserve Agent* 74,E50 84 made a fine appearance, the soldiers all be­ give liberally. The Association is now de­ the world for Puddings, Blanc Mange, &c., i businers.FS. MtttMa~lbe be solds Immediately.- Can be " " National Banks 6,718 00 thought, will receive a majority vote in both the LATH, PICKETS & MOULDINGS. 265 56 • ' While the indebtedness of the state is be­ ing in bright new uniforms,—two regiments prived of the revenue .derived from the at Eeeler, Holmes & Co's. nearly atjrourtyour own price.pr Good reasons given " " state Banks ing constantly reduced, to the great ratisfac- House and Senate. for selling. For particularsrs enqni:enquire of Stock of Goods Banking House 16,000 00 IMPORTANT TO DIBTILUBft. in gray and two in blue, with the Horse and Monthly Union Services.formerly held, and — JAMES MITCHELL, Furniture and Fixtures 2,000 00- 18,oca 00 tion of our people,' "who are quite willing 1° tarA large invoice of spring and summer lMf • Norwalk. Current Expenses 1,422 63 . be taxed for such a purpose, the debt oi The Commlsbioner of Internal Revenue has order­ Foot Guards, tbe colored brigade and other its members hope that the amount raised at nowonexhibition at the 1 A Taxes paid 1,900 41 3.322 94 ed the immediate collection of all taxes due from Hats and Caps received this day at Com- Cash Items 8,348 43 many of our towns and cities is being as independent organizations in varied colors. its Anniversary will be sufflcent to meet its SALOON FOR SALE. Rills of National Banks, 5,315 00 constantly increased. It amounted to $9,- listillers, and recalls all orders Issued for a stay in Twelve.bands, including the noted Ameri­ current expenses tor the year. •Wi.Ue-'tJ stock Bros. . " • Fractional Currency and nickles fj[„3[J 229 70 •A, liare 01iaiioe> Wjtfum/-.•> • 81 42 813,000 in 1870, in the aggregate, and musi he collection of such taxes. ; Specic. have increased two or three millions since. Serious charges have Deen made to the Presioenl can Band, of Providence, and all the best Eennedy's celebrated Ginger snaps, jum- DINING AND REFRESHMENT SALOON, • •:>.•} s-;-.; -.'iitj ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, Legal Teader Notes {JSisl vI'iD5 23,435 00 Mr. A. P. Bprrus, of Janesville, Wiscon­ A situated on Water Street, Norwalk, now doing An active minority in any city or town can igainst Mr. Dudley, the American Consul at Liver­ bunds of our own State discoursed . bly, Wafer, Graham & Cream Biscuit, fresh a good payingbasiness, is offered for sale on reason­ "4 S 'ai* - trT u- * .. _ .nn Silif ST«8,9M77 contract a public debt which the real tax pool. . ti - i At one o'clock the Governor appeared and sin, laughs to scorn all this talk about able terms. For particulars enquire of Having purcliased tbe stocks of WM. E. 1 No; 41 mAIN STREET, "if: I.I1BILITIES. payers and 'more conservative portion of the JAPAN ESS BOIES. every week, at Eeeler, Holnfe & Co's. JAMES MITCHELL Capital Stock . 1300,000 00 was received with all honor,—amidst the gauge railroads, and wants room for his : '• lttf Union Market, Norwalk. Surplus Fund 35 °f ft sj~ 60,0t>0 00 community are powerless to prevent, an Among the Japanese now on their way to Waching- JAMES' NEPHEWS and LEWIS HUBBELL, *ti -1 consisting of Discounts ; 6,730 62 ringing Of bells, the clashing of artillery, broaid gauge road" and "amphibious locomo­ LONDON, May 2.—A telegram has been J \ evil, which unless checkro, will lead to '.on Is KoCtori. the chief minister of finance of Jap- received from Bombay announcing the safe­ Exchange —2,888 St consequences most disastrous. I commend in. .Minister Moil has been placed-at the head of an the music of the bands and the cheers of tive"—"the greatest invention of the age." To Ladies of Norwalk and Vicinity J Dealer, and leased the premises heretofore Interest — 4,532 93 - This steam hybrid is to run on a railroad, ty of Dr. Livingstone. Tbe steamer Aby- Profit and Loss .» "6,902 88^-£--—21,008 09 this subject to your car ful consideration. educational institution in Japan, and a lady connect­ the people. ..The'review passed off very dos, which carried the English. Livingstone Circulation National Bank 196,I9> 00 The grand list of taxable property, Octo­ ed with hi* family has become a tcacher in one of I am now prepared to show jou a Large and occupied by these parties, at the Bridge, I Mei's, Boys', ail CMlta's creditably, and then the procession took up 30 feet broad, from the Atlantic to Lake search expedition to Zanzibar, has arrived Complete Assortment of . " State Bank ; 1,583.00 ber 1st, 1871, in tl^tate, was $330,782,733. the government schools. The late Tycoon of Japan Erie. The road is to be built out into the at Bombay from that place, with intelli­ Dividends unpaid '.«% ^~aa. i suite, 894 00 being an increase over the previous year ol ias been invited by the present reigning Emperor to the line of march through the streets, and solicit a continuance of the patronage form­ Individual Deposits '.-.ufais -'i_>i'f-131,478 86 lake, about 25 feet: below the surface, fur gence .that the great traveler was safe with Due to National Banks m t 43,253 79 $11,340,132. come out of bis late retirement, and has received an the soldiers had an opportunity of seeing the American Stanley.' " State Banks wrt* 1.-st4 'ttUW #• The grand list is made up very unevenly. honorable appointment under'the government. quite all of the beautiful city they cared to some distance. When the machine. comes TriBBefl Eoanets andBsnnd Eats, erly given tn them, and shall endeavor to Feeling assured from my long experience in'the #748,983 71 Some towns asses3 property very much JAPAN 0CB8IK&Y. to the jumping-off place, a new set of wheels . and a full .-line of !;>"s higher in proportion to its actual value see, for they found it a city of "enormous LETTERS FBOJI TBE PEOPLE. merit the same by attention to customers business, and because of my facilities fpr obtaining I, CHAS. H. STREET, Cashier of the Fairfield Coun­ A national bank has been established in Japan, is put into requisition, and the locomotive SniToxs GfzsTTi:— * Goods through one of the : •; . ty National Bank, do solemnly swear that the.above than others; which should be remedied in with a capital of $100,000,080, and Mr. Cargll, for­ distances." After the parade—collajjpn; some way. I would suggest that boards ol becomes a steamboat. A similar contri­ The importance of llght'ng our streets and the Millinery Goods, and by keeping a full stock of statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and merly of the Oriental Banking Company, has been then a splendid brigade dress parade with? time of lighting has >ery properly been the subject LAMEST ft BEST HBHSEsVll THE UNITED STATES, belief. equalization, consisting of three mpmbers. -nade its president} with a fixed salary of {36,000 per massed bands—a grand feature of the day, vance allows it to come up on dry land at k A U CUAS. H. STREET, Cashier. be created in each county, and the chair­ of action by the committee of Burgesses on Lamps. oi every description. Call and examine for your, State of Connecticut, County of Fairfield : men of the county boards should constitute annum. The notes of the bank are being printed and the celebration closed. •;-j " >• Detroit, and thence it travels, on another Hitherto onr principal thoroufehffere, West Avenne, selves as I know I cannot fail to please. that I can satisfy tbe most careful purchaser. Sworn 10 and subscribed before me this 2nd day of a state board, with the Treasurer as its by the Continental Bank Note Co., of New York, broad gauge road, to Lake Michigan. It is has been lighted the last, andfreqnently so late as to Yours, &c., May, 1872. ander the supervision of Chief Clerk Savltlie, of our cansc much annoyance, especially now that this MM. J. B. BETTS. { WILLIAM A. CURTIS, Notary Public. ' chairman, the decision of the state board to Preceptor Wigham is out again. ' • * i -- to be sufficiently large to carry a vessel of Dress Suits, from 912 to 950 Correct, Attest. be final. Treasury Department. They are beautiful specimens street has put on city airs and has been adorned with Norwalk, Ct., May 6th, 18T2. ^ 19 GOOD LUMBER. Walking Coats, 0G " 020 of the engraver's art, and, like onr own, are green­ 500 tons, so that all necessity for ship-canals Wm. K. James ) The poll tax of one dollar appears to me CAMPAIGN SEASONING—Chappaqua sage. curb stone*, putter*, etc., which require light that — W Prince Albert Coats, 98 *' 920 A. E. Smith, - - •>-Directors backs. will be done away with. The rate of speed these do not become a source of danger to tbe limbs Josxru W. Htnun.1, ) '• too small and laid upon a wrong principle. . '• '• ' PBOTIOTlOJT. > * The Borough Board of Relief is to meet Summer Alpaca Coats cut and is to be 125 milies per hour on land, and 25 of pedestrians. It is also important that the lamps The poll should be rated in the list at a The leading speech of the session wis made in the made up of all grades and REPORT on the 28th inst. should not be shut off before eleven or twelve A STEAM PLANING MILL in ciose colors In tbe nobbiest styles, certain value, on which taxes should be House Thursday, bv JnJjre Eelley, of Pennsylvania, miles in water. In fact, in -the words of the MELVILLE E. MEAD'S' F the condition of the NATIONAL BANK OF o'clock, as many eitiiens are necessarily abroad till guaranteed to suit, NORWALK, Connecticut, at the close of busi­ laid as upon property, in which case tlie .in our present and future systems of Internal Keve- N.H.Camp is making a fine show of inventor, "we shall surpass the eagle in its O state, the town, the school, and all other midnight. £ proximity to the yard,will me to furn­ Cberoit Suits of all grades and colors, ness, April 19th, 187-2. nue and Tariff. It was a clear and masterly vlndica- millinery and fancy goods for the spring interests, would get their just proportion. fieetness" which is all very well in its way, During the.past week some of the lamps on West Linen Suits, all grades. RESOCSOES. r. iion of protection to American labor. He showed The commulation tax has been collected irade; .' is but it cannot compcte with the more start­ Avenne were put out as early as ten o'clock, having ish any desired variety of manufactured Loans and Discounts i'tiit '<281,127 37 more accurately during the last year than that while the Democrats are clamorous for free U. S. Bonds to secure circulation- 300,000 00 irade with Europe they are quite Indifferent about Rev. Mr. Hibberd, recently located at ling invention of our fellow townsman, been lighted bat about three hours; and last season SECOND SALS OF ALSO, Other Stocks, Bonds, <&c., 2,500 00 at any previous time. Both these taxes stock. Special contracts made for deliver­ Due from Redeeming and Reserve Agents 43,416 65 frqe trade between citizens of the United Stales. At Greenfield Hill, has received and accepted a Chas. F. Raymond Esq., who has devised a the lighting was treqnently not finished until after are just and reasonable, and should be con nine o'clock. . •' other National.Banks 10,317-15 tinued and invariably collected, as all wh" me time there were not less than five Democrats up­ higher call. combined Steam Horse ttailroad car for the ing by teams, rail or vessel. >, v Gents' G,oqds, -Banking House 8,010 00 on the floor all together attempting to reply. The The lighting and shotting off the lamps,—the time Offlce Furniture ,n 2,650 00 vote should pay a poll tax, and those who A patent has been granted to Chester land, and Propeller for the water, and of doing it, and their proper condition for giving Current Expenses "* 1,4C0 18 Chronicle&8.JB: Mr. Kelley desires to. exterminate, owe military service but do not perform it, light are matters of such importance that tbe Bur­ Taxes paid 1,443 68 :'00t and branch, the abuses that have crept into our Comstock, New Canaan, for cooking stove which adQpts itself to either element, ac­ Cbecks 'and other Cash items 1,697 50 should assist in paying those who do. gesses have done.well in giving the subject prompt preseni system of taxation during the war.of the re­ and water heater. cording to requirement, with equal facility. TrunRsV , Valises, &c. Bills of other-National Banks 2,867 00 The principal results of the census of attention. *VJ ««. REAL ESTATE, WATER STREET, NORWALK." Fractional Currency, 259 15 But even these wonderful creations do not •* 55* Legal Tender Notes ••' 28,243 00 are a great many details' in respect to thi strong points. On Thursday Mr. Kellogg, from the meet the demands of this inexorable centu­ SITOKS Gxixrtz:— this issue, and commend it to the attention B condition of each state and town which the New Haven district, followed in an able and exhaus­ ry. Nothing short of a "flying machine" It is evident that many of the streets of the Bor- SCS3.981 general government cannot undertake to tive argument on the same subject, with decided of all who take an interest in the affairs of R. L. TIIiTON, wh'ch shall transport us safely through ther ongh have not been named with reference to tbeir Capital Stock paid in ' £300,001 publish. These particulars, so 1'ar as they effect npon the House. * relative importance. Especially is this statement the State. AT, Surplus fund •. ^ ; • ,..a 22,500 concern the state of Connecticut, will be ot . The pending bills from the Postal Committee rec­ air, at a rate of speed which shall prove the *rne of our principal thoroughfare, at present called »o oKr NOTICE. No. 41 main Street, Xorwalk, Ct. Discount 5,808 09 ' great service to all who are concerned with Jt.hn Murray—not the - baker, but the "eagle" a fow, as to fieetness, will ever do. Exchange . 2,036 48 ommending increased subsidies to various steam­ West Avenue to the city line, and from thence to and MEETING OP THE BOARD OF RELIEF OF Interest 875 00 ' ' * • the legislation, the social progress, and the ship lines, renders the fallowing official statistics actor of Rip Yan Winkle fame,—is reported . si- —. L*;;: through the city center, Main Street The name West THE BOROUGH. Profit and Loss, * 8,045 08 16.764 66 business ndertakings. I would recom­ especially interesting! down wiili the small pox at the eastern end Avenue does not convey an intelligent idea of the HE Assessors ot the Borough of Norwalk hay­ National Bank, Circulation . S68.SC0 00 In a note received from T. H. Morison, ing completed tbe assessment lists ofthe taxa­ ; £22 00 mend that measures be taken by the legis­ In 18T1 the imports from China and of the State. relative bearing, location and importance of this T . Hv:: -!';i J#L*-Jr V-> State Bank circulation • -H- •'•••»• lature to obatin and publish a full report of Esq., we learn that be is enjoyi»g tip-top ble property, for 1872, within the Borouzh limits, Dividends unpaid,. * .-rj 456 00 Japan were $24,454,891.00 Messrs. Comstock Brothers have removed street to the whole of Norwalk. It is suggested Public Auction < and havingileposited the .said lists and an abstract Individual Deposits 60,248 61 the census of Connecticut. Domestic exports to China & Japan 4,907,691.00 good health, and expects to be home here in that a much more proper and significant name conld thereof with tbe Clerk of the Borough, (Joseph F. Due to National Banka^ . j Jli; 27,604 42 1 their South Norwalk Store to the Insurance Foote, at his office in Hubbell's Building, in tbe Bor­ , • <*. FISHERIES. * Excess of imports .' $19,546,418.00 Norwalk again about the 20th inst; be adopted, and which would, so far as names can, ough,) in accordance with a by-law of the Borongh. • |6S3,981 63 The matter of pound fishing has given, With a weekly line of.steamers from San Francis­ Building, and have now one of the finest Mr. E. J. Hill having purchased bo^h lum­ snpply that indication. The name of the great for the due inspection gflU persons liable to be as­ State of Connecticut. County of Fairfield, f. s. thoroughfare of New York conveys to all minds the sessed in the Borong^HI Board ot Relief of the during the past year, no little trouble and co t-> China and Japan, we would in a few years con­ establishments in the £: tpe, to the satisfaction of all con­ wealth of these lands would be poured in with pro­ furnish builders and others with lumber, As important to Norwalk is the street called West Main Street, in the Borough, on Tuesday; tbe 2Sth belief. R. B. CRAUFDRD, Cashier. large auction sale of valuable real estate at Avenue, and the name should be cbanged to Broad­ darof May, A. D.1ST2, at 2 o'clock in the aficrnoon, cerned. fusion into our hands. timber, &c. He is an enterprising dealer, f^Bhe purpose of bearing and acting npon all ap- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of : It makes no difference to the state at ^ Japan had a population in 1864, according to an Darien. on the 23d inst. J. Johnson, Jr., of bound to keep up with the times and a "leetle way, and tbe city of South Norwalk should adopt the pHn from the doings of the Assessors in relation May, 1872. EDWARD P. WEED, Notary Public. large, it appears to me, where shad are official repert, of 135,000,000, and China a population New York, is to be auctioneer. See adv. name In continuation. . thereto. - • ""Correct, attest, ahead," and can always be depended npon Dated Borough of Noiwalk, this Tth day of May, caught or by whom and when,always pro­ of a fraction over 400,000.0c0. The trade and com­ .. — SiiW" EBENEZERBIIX, ) The General Assembly will, during the to furnish anything in his line, at low rates, Editoks Giinn:- DARIEN, CONN., 1, 1872. OiSTILES ItiEiO CURTIS,U A' y Directors vided that all that are taken shall enter merce of China and Japan, has in the past as at DIMON FANTON, 1 Board of Relief Are the Selectmen aware that the office of hayicari EDWARD P. WEED,', f into the supply of food for the human race, present, enriched Portugal, Holland and^Bngland, present session, have to elect two Judges. and on short notice. MOSES HILL, >- of and that the catch shall not be so large oi, is pra«ticaliy vacant and that they sbonld Immediate­ 3tl9 ISAAC SELLKCK, j Borongh cf Norwalk ind we have only to pay a million of dollars a year The terms of Judge Park of the supreme Silas B. Gregory is now about canvassing V-:...- •;•/;iSiruiti-i-Uri. REPORT rapid or complete as to exhaust or reduce foi an increase ot mail service by steamships, and ly appoint an efficient ofijeer to see that the law nCii F tbe condition ofthe FIRST NATIONAL BANK the supply or hinder or prevent their, prop­ court, and Judge Lootnis of the superior our town for the sale of tbe "Little Joker against cows, calves and geese -bein£ tnrned npon WILLIAM MITCHELL" O OF NEW CANAAN, at the close of business, the teas, and silks, and the spices of the East will At the ever popular on the 19th day ot April, 1872. agation. "If four days fishing and three court, expire. Washing Machine," which we noticed sev- our streets tj feed, be promptly enforced. 5 iVt days close time for the pounds is made the be brought in American hottomt, and we shall be MAT 23rd, 1872, EE30DH0E3. independent of foreign nations on the waters. Last The new steamer Americus came up last etal weeks since. The price of this wonder- The law Is sought to be evaded by sending a little UNION MARKET, rale, Which is the case at present, laws cblld to follow these outlaws day after day through Loans and Disconuts, . ';i $121,29152 year we paid to vessels of foreign powers $2,000,000 week Monday, and is giving good satisfac­ fui machine is so low (only $4) that every has always the best of MB OPEW U. S. Bonds to secure circulation, 100,000 00 should be enacted which would enforce the streets, at the first sign of vegetation, much to Other Stocks, Bonda and Mortgages 9,£00 00 for carrying onr imports and exports, and unless the tion. Capt. Lane is in charge, and the pas­ family can afford to buy one, and our Due from Redeeming and Reserve Agents, 10,845 62 it. * "v.r- - T:J;. -* ecammendations of the President, Secretary ot the the annoyance of the people. By all means let the BEEF, YEAL, MUTTON; & POKE, • NEW CAPITOL. ;^. ' ! • sengers find him an obliging, courteous and women folks says that it does its work law against cattle running at large and being pas­ n •?>'. Profit and loss, 337 7 to China and Japan, and in a f$w years to pay for a 18W: wherefore • Circulation ~ | SS,280 0V for the building. It is the opinion of the since General Grant's inauguration f327,- cal journals of the world, with prescriptions, Jtesotoed. That we will bow in our affliction at the Dividends unpaid. 152 00 weekly line of flrst-class steamships o.n this impor­ 1 And Villas, ^WILLIAM C. STREET, Commissioners that a convenient building 739,810.29. Can Dr. Greeley hope to do lormuls, receipts, etc. Terms, $2.00 per feet of Him whose nnerridg wisdom guides our lives ADIES'A CHILDREN'S Individual Deposits, 63.749 75 of ample dimensions and which shall be an tant line of commerce. Is thereytny reason wby and whose goodness makes even-onr sorrows to • 18 Water Street, Due to National Banks,\ 6,063 14 belter? year; single numbers, 50 cents. praise him. TRIMMED Due to State " - 189(5 ornament to the State, can be erected for San Francisco should not be tbe great tea marset of Resolved, That in onr deceased Sister we have sus­ the amount appropriated.,ai^ it is their the world T or wby bills shonld not be drawn in Greeley, who has been waging a fierce tained the loss of an earnest and faithfhl Good Tem- * Q , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in| Total, $275,460 27 ilar, a meek and consistent Christian and an ardent determination that the state inall not be -China and Japan on New York instead of on Lon. war upon the corrupt judges pf N. Y. and Buy the Sul tana Bath and .Elder Flower ( State of Connecticut, County of Faifieli, further called upon except for furnishing don? Have we not paid tribute to England-lone over of the cause of Temperance. and will be under the management of > • I, S. Y. St. John, Cashier of tbe 1st National Pa' k their "Gratz's" has now started in the Presi­ Toilet .soap at Kceler, Holmes & Co's. Bssolsed, That we extend to tbe mourning relatives of New Canaan, do solemnly swear that the above the building and ornamenting the grounds. enough? Let ns now Segin to walk alone. oar heartiest sympathies, and commend them to the HARDWARE, statement is true to tbe best of my knowledg. and Public.attention has of late been directed To the New York & Brazil mail steamship com­ dential race with a Gratz of his own, and at Fatherly hand that so sweetly oidered her peaceful belief. . S. Y. 8*. JOHN, Cattuier. life. by some notable cases in Pennsylvania. pany, it is the duty of Congress to pay for increase- the end, both will be done Brown, as all will A choice lot of Maple Sugar, just ree'd -5i3.i J-a Ati i-::i z'J-f hh* m . IRON, STEEL, MECHANICS' TOOLS, AGRI­ .AKD BONNETS, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3d day of Jtesottsd. That a copy of these resolutions be sent Maryland and Kansas, to the propriety ot ot services. May, 1872. FRANCIS M. BLISS Grant. at Eeeler, Holmes & Co's. . to the afflicted family and that tbey be published in CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARRIAGE Justly of the Peice. allowing medical expert testiiSbny as to England pays for mail steamship service to Brazil the local papers, and in the Ttmpermnc* Journal. • • - V * i-'.i '[ * -;i. i j£ ^ I s j' BODIES', WHEELS, RIMS, SHAFTS, Correct, Attest, CHAS. BENEDICT,) sanity in our criminal courts. All such £40,009 a year or $200,000, and for six months of The Mansfield base ball club, of Middle- wJ }r A.J. HUTCHINGSON, JERE JOHNSON, Jr., Auctioneer, We -have on hand a cargo of choice New . I. SIMMONS;- WM. G. WEBB, > Directors. testimony is tinged by partisan .feelings, as 1871. the exports of cotton goods from England to towu, met with poor success in the opening •i-A ; JOHN M. CROWE, Committee. HUBS, AXLES, SPRINGS,. BOLTS, S. Y. ST. JOHN. i each witness is expected to act not only as ^ IMPORTED, AND OF OUR OWN 1 Rio, Brazil were inv alne $10,045,000, while cur ex­ games this season, but last week the club Crop Porto Rico Molasses Parties in want ^ ESTHER WE8TERF1ELD, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, PAINTS- an expert but as associate counsel. ports were only a few thousand dollars. We onghi will do well to examine it at Eeeler, JULIA WEED, COMMISSIONERS SOTICE. It is thought by many that the practice "warmed" the famous Atlantics, of Brook­ . . . * ~ I, • «« OILS, GLASS, VARNISH, &C., t6 supply Brazil with flour, pork, lard, cheese, Holmes & Co's. Caslorla—a substitute for Castor OH—a vegeta­ At Lowest New York Prices, HE subscribers appointed by tbe Court of Pro­ which prevails to some extent in Great cotton goods, machinery, hardware, &c., and in lyn, by a score of 8 to 2. On this occasion ble preparation ^containing, neither minerals, mor­ 25 NA8SAU ST., H. T. Stl» T bate for tbe District ot Norwalk. Commission­ 1— SI: ers to receive, examine and decide upon tbe clafmB Britain of having the question of sanity return take coffee and hides, and do all the trade in Buttery was pitcher. phine nor alcobot. It is pleasant to take, does not Dau?eate,and operates when all other remedies fail |jj^oHolloHon.nonouoH.iwnoiioHonoHoifcir<>U»ll°iroS^p MANUFACTURE, of the creditors of the estate of Moses J. Byxbee, decided by a jury "of experts first and that * Marshall Jewell, of Hartford, has applied an insolvent debtor of Norwalk, in said district, SF- of guilt by an ordinary jury, might be in­ onr own steamships, and; thus increase our exports The Gregory's Point Marine Railway Co. Dr. Pitcher has experimented fifteen years in pro­ a hundred fold.~ v i for an extension of a patent for the manu­ ducing a preparation more efficient than Castor Oil, TO THE PUBLIC. - RUSTIC SETTEES " signed in trust for the benefit of his cr.edit ors, here­ troduced to advantage into our system. are building a large scow for the Dutchess factory of rouni belting, granted June 15, without its horld taste. The Castorla regulates t he by give notice that we will attend to the business of MISS OBANT. Cc-aSix •• : u LL are' Invited to call and examine the largest, And Hanging Baskets. our said appointment, at the offlce of Joseph F. •There are several matters to which I have. "Society" here is all in a flutter over the cable­ 1858, and a bearing is to be had on the 20th system; enres constipation, stomach ache, 6roup, cheapest and most varied assortment of . AT E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. and Columbia Railroad, to be used, we un­ flatulency, and Mils worms: It does not distress or A Foote, in said Norwalk, on the 6th day of July, A. called the attention of former Legislatures, grams announcing the brilliant- reception accorded of May. LADIES' BENTS' AND CHILDREN'S D„ 1872, and on the 4th day of September, A. D., ha: derstand for ferrying Coal cars across the gripe. By its quieting, soothing effect ic produces : IJV THE LATEST AND : and as to the propriety of which my official the President's yonng daughter in Europe. She war natural sleep, and ts~ particularly adapted to crying BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, ilsll£l[°iisiisllsil£ilsl Q}0tafH!H.-Dreet,in saidllorougb: 4tl9 "SILAS^.^TUTTLE? } 9 ' .ivi' at Pininfield, in' our State. - Her biother. tbe with the ac|joining barns in the rear of flic Broadway, N. Y. 4tl9 You are hereby notified to appear befcre the Court £S.•'DESIGNS, ALL THE .• ^\Ti" -T of married women need revision; our state Piano and Vocal Music, is desirious of ob­ Sale Postponed. District of Xoraalk, 11. Probate Court, May 1,1872.-'- officers should be elected in .the fall for two Lieutenant, was, at last advices, in Egypt with hotel, were entirely consumed Friday morn­ of Burgesses of the Borough of Norwalk, at the of­ Gen. Sherman. taining a number of pupils in Norwalk. ing, Loss about $12,OOQ. The buildings URSUANT to an order from the Court of Pro­ fice of said Conrt in Hubbell's Building,In tho Bor­ f STATE of ELBERT RAYMOND, late of Nor- years, and an attorney general should either bate for the District of Westport, wilt, be sold ough, on Tuesday, tbe 2tst day of May, A. D., 137-2, E_ walk, in said district, deceased. • For terms and further particulars enquire be elected by the people or appointed by Mrs. and Miss Ferry, Miss Fanny Bissell, Miss were insured for $8,300, and the hotel furni­ Pat public auction', on the premises, on Saturday,May at 8 o'clock, in tbe afternoon, (evening), then and NEW SHAPES IN The Court of Probate for the District of Norwalk, the Governor. Fanny and Miss Annie Hill, of Norwalk, were among at L. Weed's Music Store. ^ '•'•- •y- f ture for $1,500. The stock is a total loss: In Stamford, April 24, by Rev; J. Peabody. Henrv 11,1872, at 2 o'clock, p.m., the homestead and farm there to be beard in relation to altering and enlarg­ J' aiA.i't'r..- • I hath limited and allowed six months from tbe date •tn* those who paid their respects to Mrs. Grant, oh tbe Lockwood and Helen M. Davenport,alt of Stamford. owned at the time'of ner decease by Polly Nash, late ing North Street., sa called, in said Borough, on the hereof f»r the Creditors of said Estate to exhibit A custom has heretofore prevailed in the No insurance. ' south side thereof, by takiug not less than two, nor their claims for settlement. Those who neslect to occasion of her last brilliant Tuesday afternoon Tbe Spring term of the Center District In Daabnry. April 24, by Rev. W. F. Hatfield, Mr. of Westport. Said farm consists of about twenty- : General Assembly of electing from their The statue of Rossel, the most heroic of Henry Hart Pardy lo Miss Lina S. Depeu, all of D. four acres of land together with the buildings stand­ more than live feet 01 laud therefor of said William • FRAMES, STRAW ! p esent their claims, properly attested, within said reception. School commenced on Monday of last week. S. Lockwood and of those interested therein, in, up­ time, will be debarred a recovery. All persona in­ * own number most of the persons to fill the all the young republicans of France, by the April 27th, by Rev. W. |F. Hatfield, Mr. Charles H. ing tbereon, and is pleasantly situated in the parish debted to Baid Estate are requested to make imme­ Edward T. Gates, postmaster at Thomaston. Ct.. As Mi$s. Fairbanks's health was not suffi­ hand of tbe famous sculptor Blezer, is now Lake UjJArs. Olive M. Smith, both of Dabury. ot Green's Farms, in said Westport. on and adjoining said street, l'or the pnrpose of said ' i; vacancies occurring in the several boards of The location l.i one specially desirable for a fine alteration and enlargement; and the Court of Bur- diate pavment to - who applied for relief from loss of $300 worth of on exhibition in Paris, and is greatly ad­ BONNETS AND Stl9 WILLIAM L. WARING. > Administrator. " trustees, directors and commissioners. May ciently restored to warrant her in resuming country residence, as it commands a magnificent, gesees baa directed this notice, signed by the u ar- GEORGE H. RAYMOND, f Administrators. • I not be pnrdoned for expressing the postage stamps stolen from his office in November, leaching this term, Miss Minnie A&. Kay, a mired. Photographs and casts of it will view'of Long Island Sound from Bridgeport as far as aen of the Borough, to be given by the Clerk of said opinion that this custom opens the_ door to 186S, was denied bis application by the Committee shortly be sent to this country. - By a singu­ tbe eye can reach to the west. It is one of the finest Court, to said owners'of land, and those interested Danbury teacher, was engaged to fill the sites on the Connecticut coast. therein, on said North Street, by publisbing the District of Soraalk,ss, Probate Court, May- 4#*, lS7f. !j|, - too much , of personal application and on Claims, on account of deficiency in his proofs. lar coincidence, the statue of the martyred In Nkrwalkj May 8, Carrie Bennett, aged 4 years, same in the Norwalk Gazxttk, a newspaper pub­ .aROUND HATS, S months and * days. WILLIAM NASH, Administrator. STATK of DOCTOR DAVIS, late of Wilton, in 9 i2 bargaining tor office, while it narrows down R vacancy^ ^ j. Frenchman was placed in the artist's studio Ia Nbjwalk. April 80. Edward R. Linebarg, aged P. W. JONES, Auctioneer. It lished in said Borongh, net Itss than twice, and at E said district, deceased. • lijJ the list from which to select and is open to ^ next to that pf our own old John Brown. least three days before the «aid time for said hearing. Tbe Court of Probate for the district of Norwalk, Greeley "and Bowles are already at log­ B8 yean, S months and M days. s*»o many other objections^ If after this year The new canal and steam propeller Ex­ Pass-bim around, for he deserves to . be April 88th, Henry C Scribner, aged TB years. ,; C ASA B. WOODWARD, 'AND A SUPERB hereof for the creditors of said Estate toexhibit tbeir the appointments should be made by the gerheads. The Dr. accuses Sam of telling In Weston, suddenly, May 3rd, Mrs. D. D. Coley, Warden of the Borough of Norwalk. celsior, built wholly of iron at the Green- immortalized. Such action is rarer and aged Si years. SPRING PLANTS & FLOWERS. %•• claims for settlement. Those who neglect to prtsen t ,i(jv I^xecutive, to be confirmed by the Senate, I lies about Feqton, and Sam. says that the Boionnh of Norwalk, May 6th, 1ST2. Stl9 their accounts, properly atteste^wlihin said time, more fragrant than the blossoming of a in Stamford, April SO, Mrs. Mary A. Calhoun,-aced IRA. SEYMOUR wi'l be debarred a recovery. All Arsons Indebted to ' think the result might be beneficial. point shipyard of T. F. Rowland was unexpected nomination "turned Greeley's century flower. -Rev. Sydney Corbett, : :$ ASSORTMENT OF ]?qreenwlch, April28th, Jane, wife of Elkanah' Has a good assortment of NOTICE. a .id Estate are requested to make immediate pav f.'n The appropriations asked for this year towed on Thursday last from New York rector of St. John's Church, Quincy, asked 1 mentto LYMAN KEELER,Administrator. 3r.l9 -wiU be fully as large as our treasury will usually level head," and talks freely of his Meaa, In the BSth year of her age. Ricli Flowering Planto for Sale. O the heirs of Esther St. John, deceased, to to the Norwalk Iron Works dock to re­ bis congregation to reduce his salary $1,000, In N«rth Greenwich, April!!, Newcomb Marshall, Leander L. Allen and Sarah L. Allen, his wife. District of Sorvalk, ss. Probate Court. Way tth. 1S72. warrant. Let them be closely scrutinized. " usual perversity of temper and openness to as he aged 72 years. Also, Celery, l.ettuce, Cauliflower, Cabbage, To­ TJoseph W. Wilson and Julia P. Wilson, his wife. felt able to reciprocate their affection &c. Other Frenoli Flowers. INSTATE <>f SAMUKL S. OLMSTEAD,late of New While our state cannot afford, and does ceive the iiew engine built for her. Her flatlery," &c. for himself and devotion to the church by In JDanbury. April 24, George Rourke, aged T ms. mato, Egg-Plant, Peppers, Asparagu- " Frederick St John, heirs of Susan V. Sherry, de­ Vj Canaan, in said dist'ici, deceased. not need, to be niggardly in its benevolence, April 24. Katie Walsh, aged T years and 7 months. varieties in good order. ceased, Chailes Sherry, Samuel Lyres, M. D., and The Court of Probate for the District of Norwalk boilers were put in at the* Quintard Iron making some sacrifice in their behalf. Aprlisntb. Patrick Walsh, aged 1 year and1 month. - South Norwalk, April 2S,167?. IStf •sound judgment should be exercised in Several prominent temperance men,—not Emily A. Lynes, his wife, Susan V. Sherry, and Sam­ 't•'.; haih limited and allowed six months 187?, at S o'clock in the afternoon nv. r^nnrt of Probate l'or the District rf Norwalk, i—-. had (heir Carriage upset, on the Bridge on Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Minnesota, heap, at WEED'S 3EWELRY STORE. 19 BROOMS (evening), then and there to bp heard in refition w power should represent the poorest tax­ is the "engineer of the boat arfTI we' trusi t altering and enlarging High !•' < <-t, so call'.d, in said . and allowed six months from tbe dat,e \ payer in the state. Thursday afternoon last, by attempting to Nebraska, California or Nevada. Thus, rlUSHI Borough on the cast side il.c.i.t.i, fiomtac line ol PLAIN AND GROS GRAIN hath »he Creditors of said Estate to Bihibit >> when the trial is made that he will go in although one of the youngest of the States, I'hlt claims fur settlement. Those who neglect to 7 ' Butlittle legislation is really needed and make a short' turn at a high rate of speed. R. OAKS, M. D., BROOMSj voperty of Danipj S. liar!r il! to the Horse Railway ,-resenttheir accounts, properlyattested, witSin said that of ageneral character. Special enact to win. . vtt \ 4il Eansas lias more miles of completed rail­ m Sepot, striking said depot, on tbe north si-'e, aboni •?.ir Both gentlemen were thrown out but for­ rfYSICIiN & SORGBON, Offlee over Alfred At E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. three feet from the west side thereof, and on toe wes '.™|-will be debarred a recoverry. All persons in- merits aire apt to be detrimental to general roads than twenty-five of her sister States. iKnapp's store, Washington St., South Norwalk, side of said highway rot less than two (2) nor more ' j to said estate are requested to make lmme-* -inieiests. The people would be glad to see A gentleman who-, knows whereof lie tunately escaped without injury to them There were, at the close, of the year, 60,- ijn. consultation gratis from 9 a. m.to 0 p.m. tflt than twelve (12) feet, bv taking on eastandwest sides Hibbor^, Sash8S,Tiesand Bows a short, economical session of about "six selves. A Carriage top broken was the only 382 miles of railroads in operation in the of said street the land'of the owners thereof and of speaks, broadly intimates that the roads iu United States. Of these 6,983 miles, were There.Is Grant lite Tanner, those interested therein, in, npon and aij]i>inlug said Weeks. : More frequent meetings of commit­ NOTICE. street, for tbe purpose of said alteration ar.d enlarge­ tees and shorter recesses than heretofore Westport are in much worse .condition than damage. built during the year 1871. T the reirtlar meeting of the Monumental Asen- Jewell tbe Tanner, ment: and tbe Court of Burgesses has directed this AND M> »-\r-ould gratify this desire. Why can it not those of Norwalk, and that the Editor of The First Congregationalcfanrch received No young State ever had such facilities ciltlon, at the offlce of W. 8. Bouton, on the notice, signed by the Warden of tbe Borongh, to be Tj' Canaan, in said District, deceased. last Sabbath, twenty-six new members, all for trade and travel as has Eansas, by first Tuesday evening in May, the following amend- -iven by the Clerk of said Court to said owners ol The Court of Probatie for the District 01N the Advertiser would do well to look around means of her extended Railroad system. ments.tothe tty-'aws of the Society will be ottered.: fand ana those interested therein, on said High St., hath limited altd allowed Six months froml, £«• .'.jg&'iiet MARSHALL JEWELL. but five of them on profession. Ten respired To elect the Treasurer by ballot; to elect theVice- taking off and curing cattle hair, I hope to be able, by publishing the same in tbe fcmwALK Gazette, a his own town before complaining of the Presidents and Executive Committeeby nomiuatton; hereof, for the Creditors o: said Estate to« ,si^03W.HAVjE»,Ma.ylst, 1872. i he ritc'of baptism. Rev.'Samuel Dunfeajn, fchtf " ' in about two weeks.tosupply all reasonable demands, - newspaper pnbllshca in said Borough, not less than their claims fof settlement- _ Those who ne?' ; roads elsewhere. Be this as it may, a road to call special meetings by such notices as the Asso­ which I have not done In the last five years. Our twice and at least three days before the said time tjor dresent their accou#t:,propirly attested, with declining to be a candidate for settlement Many children have their bair totally ciation may direct; to provide for the holding over tides are taken off In the fall and winter, when tbe said hearing. - • . vr .. . time wilt be debarred* recovery. All persons ?, if 3 3— so much traveled as" that through Peat ruined by having it creped and-pinched hair la long; we cure it as soon as taken off, docs By order of the Conrt nf i;:irgpsses. ^ • ,..a iic New' Tork Mail makes the mistake In case of a failure to el< ct at the annual meeting; Swamp, should be kept iu good condition, .over this church, will close his labors here with a hot i?oi) w£en they are quite young, not become heated and rotten. I warrant It to be of Borongh of Norwalk, J1 rr « il. 1872. > dtate payment to - t rs.iv'iiVg that the humorous lecturer, Fred, the present summer, on the completion of r to provide for amending or altering

- /' - - 4

*&• i rjtgi • fSf^ aaUMii mm •tfjSSSta iifttn m «irrm ncyyrw I'vM A FClL IiINE OP- - H. B. satfTli, BtarwalK Bten id BRIDGEPORT! SPJftntC AID SUMMER. DOMESTIC AND FANCY BAKERY, Fairfield County Piahiiiji Mill There is one ease of genuine spotted fetffcf MRS S. M. VANDERBILT would announce to the fHIl .1 £ Dealers In |f| pablic that she in now oponing a large assort­ .1. SMITH, SASH, BLIND AND DOOK MAKttf ACTOBT. pmralfe (!fcettf. in Bridgeport. . ment of Millinery Goods suitablefor the present and 1 £ t. FALL & WINTER eOOBS B Bl ind 0 Wlndow Burglars went through the "Point House, approaching season. Dressmaking by competent Successor to S. E. Bobttng & Co., Wliai S^nff. ir rar n^' P ?"' Frames, Mould. No. 203 Pembroke st., kept by Henry Mai- workwomen, and warranted entire satisfaction. PLANING " FOR ~ 'f" f , l'hed oil as reasonable terms and Also, Colby's celebrated >elf-!idjustlng lloop Skirts CHOICE BUILDING . HARDWARE,CUTLERY, #s good material as can. be fonnd elsewhere Aim Tuesday, May 7, 1872. den, Sunday nijrbt, find stole about $60 AS taken the store at the entrance of the GA­ Planing Sawms, Scroll-Sawing. Tnrai^ 4?' lr * worth of cigars and $30 worth of brandy. and 1'aniers; and Glove Fitting Corsets, for sale at ZETTE BUILDING, where he will keep con­ -AND- on short notice and in the best manner .Th«'nnhl ir reasonable prices. DresisnKU.ers supplied with H —AND— Men & Roy's Wear. patronage is earnestly solicited The store of Winton & Wakeman, at patterns. 2ml3 stantly ou hand a choice assortment of Berkshire, was visited by burglars Thursday The subscriber is now having his property at Sonth Agricultural Implements, 1IENRY CHASMAE, Proprietor FAIRFIELD COUNTY ITEMS. ii-. ALSO, Booms with light powerto let. night. They entered through a window, Norwalksnrveyedfor division into lots for PIES, MRS. DQBGE'S ., v. CAKE, stole the money-drawer, and passed out the ; 1 * BREAD, 5 'i; i- BUILDING CO.. WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES WESTPORT. door. The drawer was found, empty, Friday New Millinery and Dress Making PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, SASH, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ii* i -liiifMy. BLINDS AND DOORS, . : Mrs. George L. Harris, who left this place morning, up towards the factory. There EST A BLISim E IN T, r-»,i i, . was but little iu it when it was taken._ IN GREAT VARIETY, i O. T, Cornwall, for Japan in August last, returned on Friday T THE EMPIRE SKWING MACHINE BOOMS South Norwalk, Ct., JHaln Street^ Norwalk, Conn. if m M. POTUSJ About the middle of last week a dispute of Mr. Ilcnry Jones, Main Street. We are now BUILDING PTOSES, i -;A' «sg* having spent four mouths in that iar dis­ A fs V" which ho willserve fresh dally. He will also serve aroso between two boys residing in "Goose- prepared to take orders lor Dress Making, and will . fV his customers from the wagon, a« usual, ana will, Second Store, tnder Norwalk Hall. tant land. She left the city of Yokahama town," near the northern part of Division open SATURDAY, APRIL 13 ni. a line assortment Dealers lot SIGN PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, &c.t &c. Of SPRING MILLINERY. Tile ladies arc invited to also, maintain his agencies at DEMMON & NKW« •::/ ,• st on Feb. 28th, passed ten days in San Fran' street; one was about six years of age, and call and examine our goods before purchasing else­ COMB'S, Main Strict, Norwalk, aud at J. SULLI­ DEALEB IK' 'i. and will shortly offer the VAN 'S, South Norwalk. Lumber, Timber, Lath, Slate, W. C. qUINTARD & CO., cisco, during which the earthquakes took the other, about twelve or fourteen years where. lBtf ALWAYS HANDY a .-w 7."I- -x. • k~ old, during which the older got the best of Tarred Felt, Lime, Brick, * Wholesale and Retail Dealers In . •-' I -U-'l «r ix place, cauie to New York via. Panama, the younger and kicked liim in the abdomen NOT3CE. STOVE SHELF. reaching here as stated. The distance quite severely. Inflammation set in and on LADY, graduate of one of the best Female Sem­ WHOLE OF IT FOR SALf . Spectacles to suit all kinds of Eyes Cement and Plaster. . , , Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, NOS KELLOGG and GEORGE F. BELDEN traveled since she started, iu August, aggre­ Saturday the boy died.—Standard. A inaries in the country desires a situation in a E have taken the agencygency for the above article. It boarding ScliO vl to teach Latin, French and Higher House Furnishing Goods, is one of the best thingslings out,< Every housekeeper PIANOS ORjBMS, gates 23,000 miles. Mrs. U. says Japan is a Mathematics Has bad several years experience in • 1,; e/;. should have one. Canm kekes seen at DANBURY & VICINITY. •..--'Y/.i' {> Manufacturers of mix Also all kinds of s-? delightful place, but cannot compare with teaching. For references and farther particulars in­ Sitnated on the crest of the ridge on tlie west of AGENT FOR - W.M. Clark, of the firm of Clark & Hamp­ quire at the GAZETTE Office. 1311 JMLeplianicA' Tools* BELDEiVS STOVE STOl IE. old Connecticut, v,. . v; , ; ton, jewelers, has purchased the Widow theclty, commanding a ;,v: LAZARUS & MORRISS' DOORS, SASHES, Wilcox place on West street, price $4,000. n AND MELODEONSw On Sunday afierndon'a fire"Broke out in Home Lawn School. BLINDS, BOXES, FOR SALE. the cook room of Mr. J. Wheeler's house at Canal street with its new sewing ma­ CELEBRATED PERFECTED AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. N West Main Street, a New House, with lot 67 chine factory, the building of the large addi­ HIS SclectSchoolfor Girls, will be REMOVED O by nearly100 200 feet; immediate possession: terms ix* . Saugatuclc. It was extinguished with tri­ tion to Fanton Bros' foundry, and the rail­ T April 1st, to the old St. John Homestead, Cor­ MAGNIFICENT VIEW •< TV . MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, LOCKS, KXOBS, NAILS, A XD BUILDERS' very easy. Also," one .lot 67- feet- front 1C9 feet on ner of High and Wall Streets. Instruction given in i SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES. BARDWARB, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY rear ana near! SHEET MUSIC, &O„ fling damage. road depot presents a lively and cheering all the ordinary branches, also ui irly 400 feet deep. Enquire of N. H Also, a large assortment of 8EN0IKE PARAB0LQ of the best kind. Remember the place, CAMP, 85 and137 Main Street. li >! &*xiv -Jt* Early on Saturday morning a fire broke appearaBce. MUSIC, DRAWIHB, IKE LANGUAGES, AC., AC* OR PEBBLE SPECTACLES, the only kind ever yet 5"^ BALUSTERS, NEWELS, 1 - No. 3 Opera House Block, At a meeting of several citizens interested Instruction in Musicgiven, toany desiring, notmem- OF produced that do not lire lhe eye; that gives a clear out iu the barn, on North Compo street, be­ in the completion of the Ridgefield & Port- bers of the school. Day Scholars or Roardersat the and distinct vision, and makes weak- eyes strung. . ;. WINDOW & DOORFRAMES, SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. longing to George Gorham, Esq. Before aid usualrates. HELEN III. STEVENS. Warran ed for live years without change of lenses. W. O. QIHNT.A.BP, ])UB9 XVAFP. chesler road, Monday, a preposition was re­ Special attention giventoflttingnearsigntcdpeople. No. 21 Main Street, Norwalk, Ct. could be summoned the structure was a mas3 ceived from the company to complete the STAIR RAILS, DABtKN LONG ISTAND SOUND A large assortment oi Dental Card. • of ruins. Fire, incendiary ; loss, total. road to Danburv, and erect here the make w;U. and repair shops, if this town will take OPERA and FIELD GLASSES B. A. HIUI having secured the services of Mr. I keepeep a arge stock of instruments on hand, and Chess club at Lyon's on Friday night. SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES. -y- AT Planing, Sawing, Turning, & Scroll Charles W. Many, an expert Mtchandal Dentist, sellt'them on Monthly Installments, Iverybody can $200,000 of the stock. mHIS Institution is pleasantly situated on Semi- D havee a Piano or Organ. f J. M. Pinkney's hyacinth and verbena The mountain in Miry Brook and Ridge- will give prompt attention to all cases reqairing _L nary Hill, about one mile from Darien Depot. and the surrounding country, and laying within Weed's Jeivelry Storef ABTITIOIAL DINTCBES. This he has been nnable to beds, with their numerous brilliant colored bury districts have bceu on fire iu various Forbeanty of location and scenery, and healthfnl- Sawing done at short notice. do for some years past, in conseqaence of the de­ places during the past week and large 'ness of climate, no more desirable place can be UNDER THE OFEBA HOUSE. mand npon bin time, In other branches of his pro­ SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED blossoms, look elegantly just now. fonnd. The building is new and built with direct fession. Mr. Many will spare no pains to make his Dry Goods House amounts of valuable wood land have been reference to the convenience and comfort of pupils. Constantly on hand. k » efforts successful. The wind of Saturday and Sunday was burned over. On Monday morning a party The rooms are large with high ceilings, well venti­ TEKMrntlTES IrVAMt'J;, Norwalk, Jan.15th, 1ST2. chilly and raw. Many looked savage be­ of men from the village went out to these lated, and newly furnished thronghont. The school weber pianos, "t V" : districts to aid the inhabitants in their efforts year begins the fourth Wednesday in "September, s i-'yZvlJi 'fv-fi la-' ' f?; ':;tf cause they had to hunt up overcoats which and closes the third Tuesday in June. There will c-iv.\*: Yellow Pine, Ash and Black Walnut to stay the progress of the flames, which be but one vacation ofabout a week during the win- F<|frfl§l(| Co, A>tftoval Bank. STANLEY & SON'S, had been packed away for the season. they succeeded in doing during the course ter holidays. of the Depot, this splendid tract affords a large num- , SHARES of the Stock of this Bank IN TOWN. For terms,etc., address FLOORING, ianted. Apply to UHAS. H. STREET, A brilliant wedding, followed by an enter­ of the day. The loss is quite heavy. No fcer of the ^, „.., 3 A « - SMILY A. RICE,Principal, 3 f} c Ttf Cashier. GROYESTEEN & FULLERS, tainment, said to be ahead of anything ever buildings were burned. ; : m IB Darien Dcnot. Conn. f. i* i -v it »x> . ALSO, mt 'e mus «*> i before attempted in Westport,took place at • yy-r a. the residence of Mrs; S. H. Alden on Thurs­ For your fine Teas and Pure Ground DOOR SILLS, WIKDOW CASINGS, & TRIMM'NQS FINE POULTRY AND 9WINE. r. , . ^ * HAINES BROTHER, V Choicest Sites rijHE subscriber is prepared to supply the public day atternoon and evening last. Dis- Coffees,go to Keeler, Holmes & Co's. & . FBSPE RAILINGS, PICKETS, POSTS, Ac. X with very choice fowlsfowl of the VASE & SON x tinguished guests from home and abroad, For the Gazette. Buff Cochin & Brahma Breed. S R Office and Factory situated at foot of Marshall St. EST i, .-a >. ; . .. among whom was Mr. Daniel Drew, of New Nassau, Ifcw Providencc, W. I, in this vicinity, For particulars apply at the real- J Eeee $2.60 per doz. Also, will haYS Cheater Lumber Yards situated between draw-bridges, r~ WnlwSprlns Flea early, which he offers at and will furnish at short notice. York, were present. The happy parlies After a residence of o'jer four months, I O AT O i ,;rn CO adjoining dock of Danbury & Norwalk B. R, deuce of low prices.** Theleryices of a.Chester White Boar * . were Mr. E. N. Robinson, of New York, cannot leave Nassau without saying a good BURR If. FJTCH, Snp't, is alio offered on reaaonaKt'terms. Persons desir­ word in behalf of its climate, inhabitants, £ Treasurer. ltf ing to laise ooultryand swine, of fine breeds, will CLOSING SALE. ^^^'2 hCallaiffl see them'iJte^ --• DPKOWITT'S o cr 3m9* . i 'r JTOHN 3. CAPE. and Mary Robinson, of Brooklyn. Rev. productions and surroundings. do well to apply to the subscriber, L. S. Stevens performed the ceremony. The itf PETER TAN ZANDT. ' ..?<£?,-3.?. &!*;<;*> ... The island of New Providence lies in lat­ A CORKER Seventh Regiment band discoursed its sweetf- itude 25° 29' north, and longitude 76® 31' •\ \ GJjQ J •}• i • | DtaiHlH OLD IHBTRTOHITTS f west, and is twenty-one miles iu length from EVERVTHIHS ESSENTIAL TO jT^OEORBE H. RICE, | The subscriber offers his entire stock of goods at est strains, and one of New York's best east to west, and seven miles in width from W DRUG B Foote's Bat Store caterers, with a youug army of waiters, north to south. The general surface of the Housekeeping = MANUFACTURER OF • Taken in Exchange for New, STOKE. looked after the more substantial part. The island is partially covered by pine forests, A E At E. K. LOCKWOQP'S. CO ;ggwM» BEEN REMOVED ^ floral display was as perfect as an expendi­ and a luxurious growth of underbush, inter­ .^|o;|t>^o|loji°f'°u°n°Hoil'"lofj°n°n*oll°li°l"'UoJ|o r TUNING AND REPAIRING sected with flats and marshes, and traversed T to the ture of $1,000 could make it. E Bone atshort notice. the whole of its length by a low range ot Has in Show room, at his Factory, PICTURES and New Store In Loader's Block, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Mr. Randolph Bradley, son of Lewis hills. -v Hi s GARDEN SEEDS ! PICTURE FRAMES of any kind, BLACKING CAB­ INETS, LIBRARY AND PANTRY STEPS, COM WASHINGTON STREET, Bradley, Esq., of this place, went to Galves­ The capital ot Ihc Bahamas is Nr.ssau, a ! ; • AND The Webet- Piano. MODES, MANTLE MATCH SAFES, PHOTO Where can be fonnd constantly on hand.. A few Extracts from the great number received ton, Texas, for his health a year since. In­ city of about thirteen thousand inhabitants. GRAPHIC MATCH SAFES, LADIES' FOOl The harbor is formed by a long, narrow is­ Flower Seeds!! by the most eminent musicians of the United States, telligence was received here'on Thursday BEEK for sale by the Gallon, Quart or SingleGlass. STOOLS, LADIES' CUTTING-OUT BOARD!:. Hats, Caps, Canes. Umbrellas land, (Hog Island), which runs about three MALL0RY & DOWNS' Selections. BOOK SAFES, BRACKETS, WARDROBE HACKf* FQR. CASH, may not be i n appropriate 1 that his condition was critical, and that he miles along the northern shore, and distant The verv best in market for this loca'.lty. Every Floorer Seeds ! BUTTER PATS, SPADES AND FORKS, TOWEI TRDNKS, CARPET |A||, :- I have never seen a Piano which equals the Weber ROLLERS, KNIFE TRAYS AMD CLEANERS Pianoforte. Geo. F. BrisUu. desired to see his. mother. Mr3. Bradley about a half a mile from the mainland, with known kind can be had in large or small qnantlties, BREAD PLATES. Yoo can save money by coming Sn^mtjm^deof. ^ either by the paper or in bulk, at '* A choice variety, at The Weber Piano occupies Justly the Firsi rank started for Galveston on Saturday* will an opening at each end admitting vessels of DEMMON & NKWCOMB'S, to my factor* for Pictures and Pictnre Framesof any amongst the Best Pianos. J. N. Pattitm, a light draught of water. The city faces i he 10 63 Main Street, Norwalk, Ct. kind, or I will call at your residence with sarnies of SILK HATS MADE TO ORDER The WeberPianos cannot possibly be surpassed. reach there on Friday ; hopes, but does not If. HI. & c. S. PROWITT'g. Frames. -• Guaranteed to fit, and made to suit individual taste, Or wonld sell his entire stock S. B. tlittt. harbor, with the commercial portion located N-i'B.—Ail kings of Fancy Job work done, also I used the Weber Grand Piano,because I coi>tlde expect to find her son alive. along the shores, while backward upon the Turning and Scroll Sawing. Walnat Stock furnish­ OLD SIULHATSREMIIELEB TO PRESENT SHAPE. _ to any one vlsbing to con- - it tbe Best in the World. Harry Saiidtricn. Capt. Alfred Taylor and wife, of Poplar risicg ground, lie the residences of the in­ O-arden Seeds! ed. Manufactory at Spring Hill, Norwalk, Conn., The Weber Piano possesses eTerytbine that can be near the Reservoir. Address Box 436, Norwalk P.O' wished for in a Piano. Gto. w. Morgan. "Plains, celebrated their 60th wedding day, habitants surrounded in most cases, by a E. A PELL, Agent, 2nd door from Post Office, ttoue the Dry Goods heavy growth of tropical trees and foilage. ,j~: A very large assortment of .'* S O -A- P"S 2 VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY The Weber Piano ranks foremost amonttt the at "lie old homestead on Apiil 23d,—more -:::Best Mannfactnred. Wm. Mason. Nassau is a quiet, sleepy sort of a place, with FOR SALE, Bu»inei»§. The Weber Pianos stand Firstamongsi the splen ' SELECTED SEEDS, i i iT- • - -. J- than a golden, and almost a diamond wed­ a bright sun continually shining on its pure- UO0H TOILE1 AND FANCY, §P& ; A i •i-.-.l lid Pianos-produced in this Conntry.' GEORGE WARD SEPECK, HE property known as the "NORWALKTOWN . . . . Clara N. Brinkerhoff. ding. Children, grandchildren and great­ white streets, and the blue.sea sparkling and TFARM," sitnated abont one mile from Norwalk year At H. m. & C. S. PROWITT'S. of all sizes, shapes, and prices, at Bridge and South Norwalk, is offered for sale. The 1> * acqualntflfce satisfies me that-the grandchildren were present, all of whom dancing, alive with small vessels engaged in Has constantly in stock at his new stand, Weber Pianos are nnappr33chable John Zunisl. fishing/ fruiting, sponging and wrecking property cotnirises seventeen acres of land, one A better opportunity never offered to those wishing made rich gifts. The aged couple were H. M. & C. S. P^OVfX»g. commodious dwelling £ouse, and one smaller one, trade. On shore there is little stir, except with Barq And other outbuildings. Said farm is ad­ to>enter the Dry Goods bnsicess in this toWn. .I would call especial attention to gmarried in 1812. upon arrival or departure of the semi-month­ REMOVAL., No. 9 Main Street, mirably adapted to market gardening, the land be­ ing nearly all arable and of good quality. Those who know, say there is to be more ly steamer, or of a wreck. In the early HENRY J ONES hasremoved hisSewing M ncliine ICE CREAM, HOME IWKSIJIEVT. A choice and fine aasorttpeut of. This properly will soon be wanted for building morning the market is an interesting sight, Agency from Raymond's Block to Prowitt's inrposes, for which it has great advantages, being THE ESTY COTTAGE OEGiN apple blossoms this year than for many Building, over the store formerly occupied by G. lOGnded on opposite sides by highways. and is full of life, as the contents of the fish­ WardSelleck. 15tf GQ previous years. Cherry and some pear ing and fruit boats are disposed of; as the Groceries, - •:- ^ ^ . For further particulars inquire of the subset iber, Beautifully finished in black walnut and MARTIN S. CRAW. C. J. GRTfMAN. rosewood, combining more perfections tban blossums are out, the bees have made the day advances the streets are deserted by the FM Mead & Co., 2 Connecticut Valley Rail Boad Agent for the Town. white inhabitants and abandoned to the out The " STAMFORD" H Norwalk.Marchlt, 1872. $|tf my other in the world. Has taken more discovery and are happy. M Provisions, han ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY GOLD MKD- Honest labor is entitled to its reward. door trade of sticky confectionery, pine ap­ Gazette Building, d For Sale Cheap. ple, banana and sus;ar cane, conducted by Sewing Maclalne, First Mortgage 7 per Cent. Bonds, ^ LOT OF DIRTY SALT, suitable for land or VLS AND FIRST PHEMITJMB, at Fairs and Ex- "Two men went fishing at Lee's pond on p " Flour, ... W«^?jEY'S .. Asparagus beds. liibitions throughout the United States. negro females, wearing bright {urbans, and RECEIVED FIRST PREMIUM NORWALK, CT. H FREE OF ALL TAXES—Government and State- Saturday. They stayed all day, and caught the gayest of prints, which show decided CD making the investment equal to 15tf KBEtER, HOLMES & CO. They are endorsed by the highest musical contrast to their stocking and shoeless feet. At American Istitute Fair, 1871. OS lUlhorities. •one trout weighing five ounces. It cost : PER Fri0il &c., NEW LIGHT Towards evening the scene changes anci AN DO ANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK FROM : TEH CEMT., fitrt < • !. 'i-ft - l # J Certainly the best I ever heard. ' them $2.44 per ounce, which we proceed to Heavy Leather to' Lacp .or N'pt Work. Sews Confectionery the city brightens up. The guests of the C To which he would invite the attention of all v;ao Boots and Shoes. Geo. W.Morgan. prove:— faster than any other. Makes' a round, even lock on a finished and pacing road. £or sale by t \ E, the undersigned, having formed a co-part­ hotel appearing in their carriages, and every stitch, alike on both sides, is more elastic than that wish to purchase first-class goods, at nership and purchased tbe Boots and bhne It is vocal, wLich is the highest praise that f any other shuttle machine, and less liable to For Shadow Photographs, W Horse hire, $3.00 one is out enjoying the cool air, while the LADIES A8D GEN^LEMEIJ'S , B. B. CRAVFIJBD, | Boasonable Prices. Store of G. O. Keeler, wonld most, respectfully invite can be bestowed on any instrument. Two day's work, two men, $3.00 6.00 one road along the beachjls gay with every­ break in washing, Cannot miss stitches. Easily his old customers, also, our old friends and patron* G. B. Seymour, Musical Critic N. Y. Time*. operated. For sale at the stsre of Restaurant. DRIED BEE?, SLICgD A Sp^CIALTf, BEST UST COMPLFTE, also a GLASS HOUSE, on the and the public in general, to yive ns a call and we Six c|gars. 20 j 1.20 thing in the livery lin» that the place can At National Bank of Norwalk. J roof, for printing photographs. With these im­ will convince them that by They are the best reed instrument we have Incidentals, lunch, &c., 2.00 2.00 produce. The harbor is enlivened by par­ NYE & MOFFATT, AND ICE CREAM ROOM. . OF IfAMS, EJTHEB WHOLE OR SLICED. provements an entire change will be effected. met with. ties rowing and sailing over the -clear and TOWN HALL, STAMFORD, Ct., er at the factory of A riltST-CLASS Drop in and see us in our new store, : S; t Honorable Dealing & Small Profits C. & J. H. Odell, Organ Builders, N. Y, Total, " $12.20 quiet water. SODA WATER which make^ quick sales, that we are bound to give GUIRRISS SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. With choice Syrups. • i - r eourity. No. 9 MAIN STREET. satisfaction and defy competition. Onr motto if It is the ne plus ultra of reed instruments. P-4UL. The formation of one island is the same UOJIE-I5IABI! PIES No more Vexatious Delays! '•THE NIMBLE SIXPENCE IS BETTER THAK as of all others. The calcareous rocks oi S®~Agents wanted for every town In Connecticut. Constantlv on hand. TdE SLOW SHILLING." Pi of. E. L. Baker, It coniains sweetness and power in an coral and shell, hardened into limestone, CAKE OmVAMENTS The Danbury & Norwalk R. R. Co., BTETW SOLE AID 0PPER LEATHER, FIHDMfiS, &G., DARIEN. honey combed and perforated with cavities. Of every description, FFER for sale, at par and interest, their T per OLD MILL HILL AQAIN li THE FIELD I PHOTOGRAPHS PRIATFD IN ANT inusual degree.—Rev. Bishoo Simpson, M. 1 WW ISOHiRTS & Co., ORNAMENTING Wholesale and Retail. Particql^r attention paid to In the north-east. corner of the town of The surface of the rock being as hard us • f>one very neatly and at short notice. O cent. Coupon Bonds, in snms of Five Hundred HE subscriber would announce that he ha# re­ WEATHER, E. Church. Darien, n'ear the bounds of New Canaan and flint, underneath, however, it gradually soft­ P^alefs iu ICE CKEAltar aud One Thousand Dollars each, free from State, T fitted the oven at the Old Bakery, foot of Mill CUSTOM W ORB, . ma.de to order.and furnished County, Town, City, llorcmgh, and School Taxes, in­ Hill, and is now prepared to famish, in large or in all its branches, alsoREPAIRING done with neat­ Language fails in adequacy to convey a ens and furnishes a material, which can, : terest payable on the first days of . annary and July small quantities, - . And with two Operating- Lights eqstoqiers can be • air idea of the perfectly enchanting power ^nrwa'.k,'stands a mansion, centuries old, ' in sood style, for Parties, etc. in eac * year. The Bonds are first mortgage on the ness and dispatch. SMITH Sc. HANFORD. with an axe or a saw, be citt jnto any desira­ BEEF, MUTTON, PORK AND HAMS, CONFECTIONER* • ' BBKAD-Whcat, Bye, Graham, See. wai.gd npon without previoiu appointment. CoablesSES S MITH. JOSEPH P. H ANFOKD >f this instrument.—Independent. - iich was the former residence of Joseph ble shape for building purposes, ftCfJ which "Of every style and finest Branch Road now bnilding from Bethel to Hawley PRESERVES, CANNED FRDITS, &C„ vilie, and a cui^qfteot{portgt)2p on the pntirp road, CAKE, plain op fancy Icings. EJKg, of every de­ Vastly superior to anything of the kind I . 3 Sarah Mather, "descendants of Rev. hardens upon exposure to air ; all the gov­ quality, manufactured by ourselves, at scription,' &c., &c. Give me a trial. No. 3 J4!DGS) BLOCK, Wholesale. branches, docks, equipments,'and real pstatebelong- Uave ever played upon.—Wot. A. King. >ses Mather. These patriarchs long since ernment buildings and the better part of the ing to this Company, and are offered to the public as The subscriber does not claim to be the business E. T. WHITNEY. FORD & TUPFER, residences are built of this material. 17 WATEK STREET. NORWALK, CONN. ' ' Bonds may be pro- successor of S. R. Bunting, but has in his employ the MANUFACTURING TheEsty Organs are without a superior. •were called to their rest and reward. Three The soil is very thin hut productive. Tree?, ~ President,™ it, WIL- workmen recently employed by-Mr. Bunting. SILVERSMITHS: Geo. Jardine, Organ Builder, N. Y. Frank Mead & Co., . „ , . 4. . E. MILLER, at JOHN A. HONNECKER. of the daughters and a grand-daughter yet and shrubs grow rapidly and the climate is [jpSEBS No. 3 Gazette Building;, Norwalk. the Savings Bank, in JforwalK, or the subscriber in Norwalk, July 8, mi. 27 Salesroom, ]NTo tremolo has yet been invented that dwell in the "old home." The older Miss perpetual summer. Water is obtained from is3 " & Danbury. H. WILLIAMS, Treasnrer of the will in any way compare with this for beau- K OI D. &N. R. R. 1150 BROADWAY, ' Bana Mather, celebrated the eighty-eighth wells sunlc to the tide Jeyel, where the rain Danbury, Dec. 2Gth, 1S71. !S2 Bet. 26th and 2Tth St?., NEW TORE. y of effect.— Wm. A. Johnson, Organ builder. filtering through the surface of the rock, CHIKTA, , Carriage Making OH YES anniversary of her birth on Saturday last. eceeeeccceecceeee eeeeeeceeeeeeeeee , - AND - Parties purchasing are aesuredof obtaining their It is not merely the best, but it is the only rests upon the salt water and the e&ntents Safe and Profitable Investment, goods at manufacturers' wholesale prices. mechanical reproduction of the human voice At 3 o'clock her friends and relatives began of the well rising and falling with the tide. CUOCKEBY, |1 HE subscriber ofleis for sale $50,000 7-per RBPAIRZNG. kkkHkkkkjikkkkkkkkk^kkkkkkk [SJ tot which has ever satisfied me.—Rev. H. C to assemble, and at 5 p. m. her sisters, Miss The water at the hotel is filtered cistern MONOGRAMS, ETC., T Cent. 11 rat and only Mortgage Bonds HE subscriber is fully prepared, at his establish­ Riggs, President of Northern New York Musi, Phebe and Mrs. Lockwood, with a score of water, collected from the roof and buildings of the "Erie and (l.nesee Valley Railroad Com­ Tment. near the FOOT OF MILL HILL, to man­ GLASS*WARE B: pany," oi the State of New York, principal and in­ ufacture Carriages to order, and to do all kinds of F. H. NASH & BROTHERS, tal Association. the second and third generation of the attacbed thereto, a-nd is as palateable as the liTmiuiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu terest payable in GOLD, at the Metropolitan Bar k in REPAIRING in his line The wood-wotk depart­ best of spring water. At E. K. LOCgWOOD'S. — •-'V the city of New York, Only ten thousand dol.arsof ment is nnder the charge of John S. Lockwood an . i j'Si Extensive dealers in J. M. POTTER, Norwalk. Mather family, sat down to "tea" in the old Among* the difierent woods produced on bonds pe experienced and capable workman, Paintliig'and ¥ou can find at the TScw theroad, Trimming executed In the best manner. dining room. A blessing was invoked by the Bahamas are mahogany, mastic, lignum trustees are Augustus Frank . ... lylO J. G. ROCKWELL. CROCKERY\ CHINAt Geo. Mather, when all partook of the re­ vitas, cedar, pine and iron wood, The fruits Woodrufi'of Buffalo, and LeGrand Lockwood of New •fQia;ai0ia;G{0fa are very numerous. There are the tamarind, York. The bonds have fifteen years to ran from .jr.*:J Andallkinds of -• *' freshments, none with more relish than "our olive, orange, cocoa-nut, lemon, lime, citron, July last, and are offered at 90 and accrued interest, old auuL" At the second table, the younger thus paving more than eight per ceut. interest on %*%x r CLASS & EARTHEN WARES, pomegranate, guava, pine apple, mango, fig, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &c. ENGRAVED AT the investment in gold. visitors were admitted, when some of the sapadilla, banana, sour and sweet sop * Government Bonds taken inexchange at Uieirmar* L.FISHEK Heatefs, Ranges, Stoves and Furnaces, and all thai HILDREN'S BUCKEYE MOWING and REAPING MACHINES, appertains to the Stove and Culinary Department; 5 fourth generation appeared. The occasion melons, yams, potatoes, cucumber, pepper, PAT.'WHEEL HORSE R»KES, ket va'ue. For farther information apply to Chandeliers, Lamp? and Lanterns, in great variety; ARRIAGES, cassava, avacade, pear, Jamaica and Sta* HARROWS, CULTIVATORS. - WM. C. STREET, or and the place was one long to be remember­ '. > GEO. E. MILLER, Hbs removed hisClothing Store to Plumbers and Tinners' Materials, and experienced apples, and hundreds of other tropical fruits CORN SHELLERS, GHPKHS, attheSavings Bank. workmen to execute qnickly and neatly all kinds ol LpTHtS'RORSES, ed. To many, sacred memories came up, GRAIN CRADLES, s> <**» mm ifw #'» HARNESS iTIPK STORE work in Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Lead and and vegetables. SHOVELS, HOES. Norwalk,Oct.2Sd.18Tl. 43tf I Metals. Bell Hanging, and Speaking Tobes pnt up as in olden time this House was a "mission •Tobacco and cotton also flourish, but are SPADES, SPADING FORKS IURNS, &c., &c.t on scientific principles Agents for HARTFOR1) -AT— station," where- was held weekly prayer not cultivated to any extent, previous, how­ SCOOPS, EARTH CLOSET COMPANY, Novelty Clothes emancipation some forty years ago, LAWN, HAY AND STEEL RAKES, 55 MAIN STREET, Wringer. Tihgley's Horizontally Revolving Ice meetings, and where many first found the ever to HAY CUTTERS, OVER TEN PER GENT. Cream Freezer, and oqly Agents for Fairfield Coun­ K. LOCKWOOD 'S. a considerable amount of each were pro­ HAY AND MANURE FORKS, ty for the Saviour precious—one old relic still remains. duced for exportation, but the interest has - SCYTHE SNATHS, A. SEiLLilck'S. Net Earnings. Where he offers a fall assortment of SCYTHES, S1FLKS, ? t" " The most extensive assortment of Ohio Iron Clad Paiut Co. l The old tall family clock, about one hundred now died out and the enterprise at an end. PRUNING SHEARS F ALL TAXES PAID. •*0fB|HiB G|G!0!0f0|0 The woods have their birds but they are These paints are a success; made of pnre Iron years old, and still keeps good time. CANAL. GARDEN & BOYS'WHEEL BARROWS, .*«OMS§3F- '..oelb mostly birds of passage. The waters swarm GRASS HOOKS, „„„„„ The Connecticut Valley Railroad .IM Ore, and need only to be tried to be approved. We Miss Mather still enjoys good health, and GRIND STONES AND FIXTURES, NEW GROCERY. keep Pnre Linseed, Raw and Boiled Oils, as only with life, and, judging from the numbers, it First Mortgage 7 per Cent. Bonds, Pare Oil will work successfully with our Faints. all her faculties are unimpaired. Her aged MEAD'S CONICAL PfcOWS, HE subscriber would inform the public that he • would be a severe task for any one to at­ , • . HORSE PLOWS, FREE OF AIL TAXES in Connecticut; free of income sisters, Mrs. Noyes Richards, aged 93, and tempt to enumerate them. The inhabitants ROAD SCRAPERS, T has taken a store in Isaacs' Building. Wall St., tax everywhere. Rqad finished and running, AND SPRING CLOTHING, GORIER MAIN ARB WEST STREETS PLOW CASTINGS, ETC. id has now'on'hand'a full ftSBorltnent or Mrs. Moses Mather, aged 90, were unable to of the Bahamas have always depended upon ALREAk EARNING KXPESSES. SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. I! the sea-for their real support, and call them­ INTEREST) AND OVER 10 PEK i*. present. SUPERPHOSPHATE, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, CENT. ON ITS'SIOCR. Fall paid stock, selves "Conchs." No doubt out of compli­ selected with great cau for this market, and which and a limited mortgage Price 95 and interest. :ATS cfe OAPJ The guests gradually left, bidding adieu ment to a species of shell fish which forms Manufactured by the "Briflgeport Acid Co.," be­ will be sold at the lowest rates. He invites his old We recommend them strongly. HARNESS lieved to be the best fertilizer in thamarket. at man­ TAKE NOTICE! lie honored aunt who had enjoyed and a part of their chief diet. ufacturers' prices, by tiie ton or retail, All Of the friends and the public generally to give him a call ALLEK, STEPHENS & CO., and examine his stock, feeling fully confident, from -AND- Is called to the fact that ^.eciated the surprise. Salt, sponge, shells and turtle are the chief above warranted of the best quality, and for sale his long experience in the business, of his ability to BANKERS, No. 12 PINE STREET, N. Y articles to put money in their purses, and at wholesale and retail at lowest prices by please. 16tf GOVLQ D. JENNINGS. r May her later years be as peaceful and . W. C. STREET. NOBWALK , Sept. 11,1871. wrecking one of the other great advantages IT* Goods delivered within a reasonable distance. a mm t happyas the former. 1."S. offered by Dame Ocean. New Jersey Midland BailwayBonds. The number of islands comprising the NOTICE. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, H. M. & J, 1. Prowitt, 4<-|7\ VERY person, who shall ride or drive any E PERCENT GOLD INTEREST-payablesemi­ STAMFORD. group amount, including rocks, to 2,887, a J2J horse, team, or carriage of any kind, upon BfBiaininiBlBEBiBlBtBtBtBtSiBvaialaialglaME 7 annually, principal payable In gold. To be found In tlic State. •r The annual Borough meeting tor electipn very large number, but many of them are any Bridge in this State over a River, in a Taster gait They are considered as safe as Governments, and very small and at high tide are covered by t han.a walk, shall be punished by a line not exceed­ El MONITOR, li yield some00 percent, more income. of officers was held last evening, 6lh. War­ ing seven dollars, or by imprisonment in a common For sale by 8. E. Olmsread and William K. Lewis, % den W. C. Hoyt declined reelection. the ocean. h k Trunks and Traveling Bags, 45 MAIN STREET, jail not exceeding thirty days, or by such fine and 1 Norwalk, or at either °' t !^ £LfcSTEAI>. * Work has commenced on the new stone The climate during the winter months is imprisonment both." SHERMAN, parsonage of St. Andrews Society. simply delightful. The rainfall is very mod­ The above law will be enforced against all who 37 General Agent for Connecticut. which he will sell st most ; The steamer Nelly White, now running erate, mostly at night, and t^e soil so parous drive faster than a walk over the drawbridge at RELIANCE, that the surface water is rapidly absorbed, Sonth Norwalk, on and after the 26th inst. m: isi' J Are now prepared to receive orders for: on the Stamford route, stops at Greenwich. A. SELLECK, ) Made in the most thorough manner of good, relia­ Bishop Williams is to administer the rite and there is hardly a day that a walk, a W. S. BOUTON, >• Selectmen. PUTNAM, REASONABLE PRICES- ble materials, and at less tigures than at any other BUCKINGHAM & Co. drive, or a sail, with a summer breeze and a J. P. HANFORD,) § bouse in the country. of confirmation, in Stamford, next Thursday. Norwalk, April 18,1872. s Make a specality to Among recent transfers of real estate are blue sky smiling overhead,cannot be enjoy­ AT Please favor me with a call and examine my stock, the following:— ed to its fullest extent, and yet one is but MANUFACTURE TO ORDER four days distant where the days are dark ~ KEELER, PLATT & JUDSON, Wm. T. Minor sold to Geo. E Whitney No. 42, W. MADISON STREET, CHICAGO. one lot in Summer street for $3,000. and gloomy, and the only air to be breathed PAPER HANGINGS. is the stov« heated atmosphere within the Real Estate and House Renting PLAIN AND FANCY PARLOR SUITS; Edward Harriman sold to J. W. Davis, • Agency. For Beauty of Polish, Saving Labor, Clran; New Store, In every style of Goods; a large rtment of which house and four acres on Strawberry Hill, tight closed doors. The temperature at gf{o|gl[o|[olfql[ql BLBJBLQSB B!B*B|D!BLBE|B]QFBFB]B BEWAKI OF W0BT1ILES8 lilTATIOXS, under other the property to R. H. Rickard for same from 65 to 80, the greater part of the time P names, butrssembling oursin shapeand color of wrapper Horse Furnishing Goods erty for noo-residents. and making investments iu intended to deceive# • • HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE price. trom 72 to 78, and it'is no wonder that in­ Real Estate, payment of taxes, etc., etc. Refer to THE SPRIN6 STOCK valids find that health and strength here Union Nat. Bank, Chicago. Hon. Wm. F. Coolbauch, TRR Risixe 'rWK ever exhibited in town. Mary Webb sold to W-. R. Ritch and W. Chicago, S. E. Olmslead, Norwalk, Conn., Keeler, G. Hoyt one lot on Clinton Avenue, for 3,- which is denied to them upon the main land, Stock. BUCKINGHAM Jte Co., where the bitter frosts continue with severi­ Holmes & Co., Norwalk, Conn. 17 500. has arrived consisting of more than James Warren sold to James H. Olm- ty from November to April. UNDERTAKERS, stead, house and seven acres of land at Wa­ Such is the climate of Nassau which is bearings and machine^. l«ts «" umesasionBjis. MILLER & CO.", alone. 25 lb. and 50 lb. boxes,15 cents per lb. Try It, [Iff fliKf AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE,' terside for $24,000. now becoming so favorite a Ycsol't for in­ 3 Union Square, New York. ^ MORSE BROS., PrQp'rs., Canton, Ma«m REM|MBER THE PUCE. OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. ..., £ Sarah Stevens of New Canaan sold to valids, especially those suffering from Pul The readers of this paper wishing - IKain St., Opposite R. R. Depot, "'"John H. Newman, house and lot'at High monary compacts and which, if availed of ' - • Ridge for $900. in time, cannot fail to have a beneficial BOOTS & SHOES SOUTH NORWALK. effect. for Ihempelves and fami'ins, BEAUTIFUL IN STYLE, U8ED AND RECOM< ^ Z«. PISHEH. UTJL Manufactory aud Wholesale Depot, Bridgeport Edwin Bishop sold to G. W. Coit, one lot MENDED BY THE M08T £?'1 Cony. 4EO PATTEHNS, The population of the islands white, col­ EXCELLENTBV IN W IT**QUALITY TT7 «J» & JflODERAI1 IN PRICE, ' corner of Washington- Avenue* and North ;r<>uize miSIiEB &Mr CO., S U nion Spuaie, EMINENT PHY8ICIANS 55 jtfain Street, Noi ^vaI|t, Coni street, for $3,800. ored and black, is almost entirely Protes­ . Y. lmlS IN NEW ENGLAND FOR THE CAST 45 YEAR8. BjntetaiQj&GtGtafafaiGiaia Now is the time to make selections. This befog Luther Scofield sold to John Moore one tant, and is much given to all the outward I have the best aud mcsi extcntiv» ttotl of ti'-i . • 'V- ' " , lot oii Maid street for $3,000. ceremonials of religion ; a laud singing of NOTHING BETTER.'' 'Luther Scofield sold, to A. G. & E. S. hymns seems to be the greater part of the NORWALK MACHINE WORKS. The Largest Stock ? , Weed one lot corner of Main and Atlantic worship. Crime is rare among the inhabi­ streets for $5,500. - tants, petty theft being the most common sfflaiw'" liOiliEWIS dc WHEELER, I®* All Kinds, Luther Scofield sold to 8. C. Silliman, and severely punished. The roads of the THE AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE, PEOPEIETOBS. • civer offered in NoiWalk. yfoiiCf one lot on Atlantic street for $2,800, -- entire city being repaired and kept in good ATING leased for a term of years the Machine LOCKVTOOD'S Luther Scofield sold to Robert B. Scofield order entirely by such convicts ; a capital OyERSEAMIMQ, AND HShop formerly occupied bjIsaac Chnrcn, Jr., for Also, a fnll assoitmcnt of idea and one which many cities in our own J SPENOEH, the purpose of carrying on the. * iaiaioU.H°ii.Hoiioii.a°ii i aod '^le CTiited State", A GREAT OFFER! Fancy and Staple Dry'floods, §5 and ItEHeTAt! —: " HAY, STRAW, ii AS AS FOLDED UP AT LOWBSI' CURKBNCY RATES. Mr, Henry R. Towne, President of the IIOKACE WATERS, 481 BROADWAY, N. Y.,' Norwalk. •" ' .. OIL, -. POTATOES, eabto fiire from New York to GLASGQW,'LIVKR S ale Lock Co. has IjeCQqcig,the purchaser of Remember that oil may be cheap, and B. B. Northrop, (Samples of the above may l>e seen at Qnintard A POOL.LO»:l>ONI)KRItY — ""pir*ia»r.n.V. m~K give a good1 light, but' be unsafe to Will dispose of ONE HUNDRED, PIANOS, MELO- TURNIPS, ioNIONS, OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE, Sonf', Norwalk, as well as at Onr Salesroom '.a |.he building'lot in Sotith 'street, opposite i^IVU (l> guwu lift" wy uuoai^ IU use.Uoc* DEQN8,'and ORGANS of feiS first-class'makers, in­ © -PORK, •sor York.) .indues. INTERMEDL Pratt's Astral.Oil is; the mi>st reliable,purest, cluding Waters'siit EXTF.I:MKT.Y towpmoES FOB CASH, :«•$*; JIBS, A, SCOTT, Aarent, ||| Gun & Locksmith & Bell Hanger CARKOTS, 828. DRAFTS ISSITKI. J the Stamford Institute;—Advocate. HAMS, : and above all.the Safest Illuminating Oil pu.v:iNq THIS HOSTii, or will take I'roin 84 to §20 month­ ...j,-BEEF, Parties s«n0h« for their Mends.In the Old Coun­ —-*»—'Of — Has removed to the room* brer the old stiind, next Spring Beds, i%d4ers, Chairs, try can purchase tickets at reduced rates. For tar* ever made. It doqs not take fire or explode ly wril paid; the same to li!t, and rgnt applied if at h«r Millinery and Dressmaking Rooms, twodoors to the Norwalk Opera Honce,where he Is'preparedto . ?r: MACKEREL, BUTTER, I i A man ia New Orleans warned his wife putthasecj.' A new kind of Parlor Q'rgnnktue most below the First National Bank. do allJdnd of Jobhlnp, Wood or Metal. LARD, * &C>, AC. Office unJ Q^iesroom, 16if CASAIJ ST., N. X, tbM parfocfiSara apply to HfiNBXBSON BKOTH- f^ndtTtd -tight the fire with keroseije. Her if the lamp is tipsetfand brqken. It ca!}can be be'autifol'style and perfect tone ever made, now an BB9,lBowUp8 used in the ordinary kerosene lamp, exhibition at4Sl Broadway, Ne^ York. 8ml WASHINGTON ST., SOUTH NORWALK^ 17 at the Lowest MarketPrlcey. ^Proi ;torj,1iUJ.VILLK DKPOT,PA. Ui**T j -r^clothBB exactly fit his second wife. f v ..... SKsfs Ised, and all eooda wairaated th» WALL STBBET, NOKWJ & •Ml *> ' & K " > ' * " B ~ * ""•<*• K Z "" 3, R "* ~ ->L ^ RTE ,FI / !

"CONVEYANCES". changes.- The earthquake philosopher of C^OE,GTI0NER¥, SIMPLICITY I_ ECONOMY! the Tribune, on the other hand, thinks that YT7 '4 - ' ^fltwalk Gazette. PLANTATION BITTERS GREEN'S CITY EXPRESS, Ice Oream, «X30. Snccesaorto A. B. ALLEN. Hie IVdfivalk En. HE undersigned bavingpnrchnsedtheenflrein- THE MOST SIMPLE, PERFECT , 1872. ble. T terest of A. B. Allen, in the City Express Busi­ ^ C.H DOUGLASS, fV| ness, would inform the public, that all orders left up- AND CHEAPEST ENGINE A GREAT APPETIZER, STRENGTHENElt and onihe alates in tueNorwalfefosi Office, or at Geo. A West Virginia Doctor. REGULATOR of the BILIOUS, NERVOUS, W. Jennings' News Depot, will be promptly attended - IN THE MARKET. ; A BOtrSEKEEPER'S TBA6EOY. We present for the inspection of onr customers This wMderfiil vegetable restorative Is and the public generally an nnnsually carefully as­ KeepB constantly on hand a large assortment of DYSPEPTIC and WEAK, and a preventive and to. Baggage taken to and from all the trains on N. Twenty"per cent, added to the effective power of The major presented me to Doctor Didi- sorted stock of DBY GOODS purchased in Europe cure of Headache. From Calisaya Bark, Golden Y. AN. 11., and D. & N.R. R., and the Steamboat. the common Slide Valve Engine by using the NOR­ •T IL1S& (.miant. Seal, Wormwood, Valerian and others of the Best He isalso prepared to do allkindsof Lightand Heavy wick, a red-headed, stuttering, eccentric in­ by our own buyers, which embraces all the novelties Vegetable Medicines. WALK IRON WORKS' BALANCED PISTON the sheet-anchor tf the feeMe and debil­ to be fonnd in European markets. We offer full Fresh Confectionery Trucking; having secured a first-class spriogtruck, VALVES. Six, eight, ten, twelve and fourteen inch " One day as I wandered, I beard a complaining. dividual, who was going up toward Yeo- lines inthe following: Price One Dollar, Every Family should try it will attend to all orders for removing Furniture, Pi­ Engines alwaysonliand. Inquiriessolicitedandref- GKO. O. Goonwix & Co. Boston. JOHN F. Hkkbt, anos, &c. The patronapeof tbe pnblic Is respectfully erences given In all parts of the country. And saw a poor woman, the picture of gloom: kem's on a professional tour, and would itated a is a tonic and cordial for the aged SILKS.—All the shades of Si'k, embracing the New York. Prepared with the same care & honor solicited. [I2tf] DAVID GKEEN. •She glared at the mud on her door step, ('twas rain- newest and fiaesttints. All ike best makes in Black or the first quality. t-* 1 Oy the Proprietor of ride with us. This was fortunate, as the Silks. The Lord tc Taylor Family Silk, very good DIRECT ACTUS ft, BALANCE WHEEL STEAM PUMPS - In*). and languid It hat no equal among itonu COLTOSf'S SELECT FLAVORS road we contemplated traveling was very for general wear, is offered at a low price. Deliclocs Extracts of the Choicest Fruits. 19.4w DAILY IjINE. Address NOBWALK IBON WOBKS, And this was her wall as she wielded the broom: SHAWLS.—LaceShawls, Ottoman Shawls. Broche WHOLESALE A^D RETAIL. lyS2 SOUTH NORWALK, CT. obscure and diificult,and the country not an aehlei. As a remedy for the nervous weak­ and Paisley Loos and SquareShawls, Striped Shaw >s "Oh 1 life Is a toil, and love Is a trouble, agreeable one to gel lost in. and Wrap*, Shetland-'Shawls, Mourning Shawls. CARPETS And beauty will fade, and riches will flee, Scarlfe, Ac., See., in endless variety of designs and Also, Ice Cream made to "order at short notice. NORWALK AND NEW YOEX. ness to which women are especially subject, colors, and at attractive prices. VINECAR BITTERS JOBS COTTEK, . And pleasures they dwindle, and prices they double, The doctor also counseled us to provide Parties supplied. THE ELEGANT. FAST AND NEW STEAMER, DBE9S GOODS.—Latest styles for Spring wear In J. Walmr Proprietor. B H. McDonald « r°, And nothing is what I could wish it to be* against all contingencies on to-morrow's it Is superseding every other sttmubuft* In all the choice colors, including Challees,Grenadines, Uto. Af'U, San FrmneiHO CaU, and JJ and J « Commerce lit, S.X. KING A STOKER ENGINEER, MACHINIST, journey ; so we ordered our hostess to have Serges, Cretonnes. Poplins, Bernanls, Empiecs C. II. DOUGLASS,'' • "There's too much of worriment goes to a bonnet! all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, Cloths, Cashmeres, Percales, &c., Ac. MIMilONS Bear Testimony to tkeir prepared a ham, a sack of biscuits, and some Wonderful Curative Effects. Carpets and Oil Clotli Warekosse. And General Jobber & Builder There's too mnch ironing goes to a shirt; It acts as a specific In every species of disor­ PRINTS.— Knglish and French Prints in the new* MAIN STREET, NORWALK, CONN. They are not a vile Fancy Drink, madcot Poor OF LIGHT MACHINES OF ALL KINDS, There'* nothing that pays for the time yon waste bottles of cold tea—this last, by-the-way, a est designs to be found in the European markets. 149 BOWERY, N. Y. der which undermines the fcodUy strength Also, the "Dolly Varden" Prints In great variety. Bam, Whiskey. Proof Spirits andRefaee 1.1- WATER STREET, NORWALK, CONN on it; most excellent beverage for wayfaring These Prints are well worth an Inspection. quora doctored, spiced and sweetened to please thetaste, One door below Broome Street, are offering a large AMEHIC US, . There's nothing that lasts bnt trouble and dirt. called "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Restorers," ftc., that Steam and Gas Fitting promptly executed. . people. and breaks down the animal splrlti* LINENS.—The Stock In this Department Is usn- AN be found at the NEW BRICK BUILDING In and splendid assortment of Carpets, such asllrnssels, N and after MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL sally complete, and comprises a stock of Linens and the rear of the house of Allen & Meeker, lead the tippler onto drunkenness and ruin, but are atrue Three-Ply English & American IngrainCarpets ; OIL O 22d, 18T2, will leave Pier 87, East River, foot of "In March it is mud; it's slush in December; After supper, hearing a mighty and con­ Llneh Goods unsurpassed for variety, style and price. C Medicine, mode from the Native Roots and Herbs of Cali­ CLOTHS of the latest and choicest pa items, at Market street, New Tork. at 2:45 and 33d street at The midsummer breezes are loaded with dust; tinuous thumping in the direction of the WHITE GOODS.—All the differententsigrades of Laces, fornia, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. reasonable prices. Hotels, dwellings and pnblic in­ 3 o'clock. ^|HA9IS of my own Curing, stitutions fitted up on shortest notice. Leave Soutb Norwaik every murning at 7:45, or In Fall the leaves litter; in muggy September kitchen, I thought it advisable to look in LYONS IUT HAIR (if, Embroideries, Edgings, JRuffling:, Insertings, 4m, They ore tlie GREAT BI.OOD PURIFIER and Stop car on Bowery, bet. Grand aud Broome Sts. at very reasonable prices. A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Reno­ on arrival of railroad trains. SEWING MACHINE The wall-paper rots and the candlesticks, rust. aud give some special directions about the For Preserving and Beautifying the Ladies' Snits and Underwear, Tron sseans, Infants' AUSACE of my own make, vator and Invigorntor of the System, carrying oil all LOOK FOR THE DIG SIGN OVERHEAD. Wardrobes, Children's Salts and Underwear, Bon- Wh. E. Kinq. 15 3m JAS. B. STOBFB. Fare,75 cts.,Excursion Tickets$1.25 "There are worms in the chcrries, and slugs in the biscuit, which should be well beaten and poisonous matter and restoring the bloodto a healthy con­ EMPORIUM! Human Hair. To Prevent It• Falling; nets, Bound Hats, Flowers, Gloves, Hosiery, Para­ POBK AND LABD of my own putting u;>. Also, dition. No person can take these Bitters according to Meals and refreshments served on board. roses. thoroughly baked to prevent their getting sols, Toilet Articles, Soap, Perfumery, Ac. Also, SPABE BIBS, LEAF LAUD. HOGS HEAD!SAND directions and remain long unwell,provided their bones (tents' Furnishing Goods, UphoHtery Goods, tee., FEET. Wholesale and Retail. THE FREIGHTPROPELLERS, Ufr'fiJ, And ants in the sugar, and mice in the pieB; mouldy. • Out and Turnlnu.Gray. ^ the whole comprising the largest, best selected and are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, Thompson's Business College, Stores., supplied, at the lowest market prices. 20 FOCBTH AVENUE, N. Y. The rnbblsh of spiders no mortal supposes,' Opening a door, I stepped out on the back assorted Stock of Dry Goods ever offered In New Families supplied with Lard by the Pot OJ Tub and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. CITY OF NORWALK & P. F. BRADY, i .jut* And ravaging roaches, and damaging flies. A well-preserved Head of Hair in > person of mid­ York City. Hams smoked and cored if required. They are a Geatle Portative as well as a Bookkeeping, Writing, English Branches, and Lan­ Will leave each end of the route every evening. porch, and, to my astonishment, caught the Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting as guages, Instruction Day and Evening ; Terms low ; Produce sold without charge for commission. dle age, at once bespeaksrefluement*slegance, health G. 8. ALLEN, Ladles' department separate ; Telegraphy, taught to "It's sweeping at six, and it's dusting at seven; doctor pelting and pounding at a batch of a powerful agent In relieving Congestion or Inflammation men, women, boys and girls partically ; we are now Freights at nsnal rates. of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs It's victuals at eight, and it's dishes at nine; dough. The dough looked rather dark, and beauty. It way he truiy called Woman's Crown­ Lord & Taylor," prepared to give positions to all who learn Tele­ tV Ail persons are forbid trusting any of the em­ It's potting and panning from ten to eleven; FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in young or graphy as we havea special arrangement with a com­ ployees of either of the above "boats on account of to be sure, and the • doctor slightly em­ old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or ot pany to take all of onr operators ; their demand Is tbe owners thereof. 16 We scarce break our fast ere we plan how to dine. ing Glory, while men are not Insensible to Its advan­ "^Broadway, greater than onr supply. Terms, $20, 15 2m barrassed ; but, not to be eeremonious, I the turn of life, these Tonlo Bitters have'no equal. ; ALFRED KNAPP For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheama« NORWALK DORSE BA1I.BOAB. "W Ith grease and with grime, from corner to center, tages and charms. Few things are more disgusting cor. Twentieth St., New York, said:— ' Would respectfally invite, the attention of the public tlsm and Goat, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, BIN 1Si2. COMMENCING APBIL 13TU. 1872. Forever at war, and forever alert. ions, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers. No rest for a day, lest the enemy enter— "Really, doctor, this is.very considerate in than thin, frizzly, harsh, nnlamed Hair, with head J' - to the following facts: v/'.. Diseases of the Blood, Liver. Kidneys and GLEDHILL & Leave Norwaik. So. Norwaik. I spend my whole life in a straggle with dirt. you to make the biscuit for us yourself." Ifli Grand Street* 5 A. M. No Train. 5 CS A. M. FIRST.—That he keeps thelargest stock of Fine Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. 6 -9 " N. Y. &N. H. "What b-b-b-biscuit ?" he stuttered, sur­ and coat covered with Dandruff. Visit a barber and Bach Diseases ore caused by Vitiated Blood, C47 " "Last night, In my dream, I was stationed forever corner Chrystle, New York. 3ml7 7 24 " NcwYorkEx.i T 48 " -AT- prised and offended. "Go to the c c-c-cook. yon feel and look like a new man. This Is what which Isgenerally produced by derangement of the Di­ ' DONNELLY, 8 OS " No Train. 8 28 " On a little bare isle in the midst of the sea; gestive Organs. 8 33 " New Haven. . <9 02 •' a. My one chance of life, with a ceaseless endeavor, I'm making blue-pills for my patients to­ DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Bcadache, 9 02 " New York. ' 9 32 •' LYOVS KATH41BON will do all the time. FAMILY 6K0GER1ES S 82 *' New Haven Ex. 9 45 '• To Bweep off the waves ere thy swept over me. morrow." Pain in the 8houldera.Cou«hs, Tightness of the Chest, No. 034 BROADWAY. New York. " No Train. iw.: to be found in town. Silliness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste 10 OS 10 25 " MUSIC & STATIONERY STORE. "In the name of .JSsculapius, how many The charm which lies in well placed Hair, Glossy 10 45 •' New York Ex . 11 08 " "Alas! 'twas no dream—again I behold It! * In the Month. Billons Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart, 11 30 No Train, 11 82 '« WHEELER & WILSON'S, WILCOX & do you make at a time ?" UHUtHIMM. Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the regions of the have just received an entire new stork of U 14 P.M. No Train. I yield; I am helpless my fate te avert—" Carls, Luxuriant Tresses, and a Clean Head, A'co- .&& #$ . ' . . r . 1285PW OIBBS, HOWE'S, AMERICAN-;r —v Are now offering at Retail the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the 12 56 N. Y. Accom. 1 20 •' - She rolled down her sleeves, ber apron she folded; "Oh," said he, "a p-p-p peck, more or less. " New Haven. tlceable and irresistible. SECOND.—That he dobs and will sell oflspringi of Dyspepsia. 1 10 1 39 " BUTTON HOLE AND .. Then lay down and died, and was burled In dirt. Practice in these mountains is different from UMEST, CHEAPEST* BEST ASSQRTESSTIH They invicomte the Stomach and stimulate the torpid French, English and American 1 39 " New Haveu Ex. 2 02 " - Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores. that stock as,low as the same quality of Liver and Bowels, which render them or unequalled effi­ 2 02 " No Train. 2 22 •' -Out-of-Door Rhymes. your city practice. I make my rounds only a OVER-SEAMING ^ goods can be bought any wh'ere; . - -^ ! cacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and impart­ 2 32 " NoTfain. 3 00 •' once a month, and it takes a week's riding ASSETS AFTER DEDUCTING ym -OF— 3 00 " New York Ex. 3 24 •' MACHINE. ,• ing new life and vigor to the whole system. •3 24 " New York. 3 SO «• The Position ot its N. T. Trlkane. to get through, so that I have to provision a FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. Tetter, Bait Paper Hangings 3 SO " No Train 4 21 " Also, • large variety of v CHICAGO LOSSES. Bheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car­ 4 11 " New Haven Ex. 4 8S •• whole district to last until I come again." FANCY GOtii)8,. We give below tlie article defining the DRYi GOODS, '•—That he has the finest stock of buncles, Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, ... of the Latest Designs. — 4 46 •« No Train. 5 08 •< In the morning we were on the road be- COWLES & MERRILL, Itch,Scurfs, Dlscotomtlonsof the Skin, Humors and Dis­ 5 16 «' New York Ex. S 46 •• position of the New York Tribune in re- TO BE fouin) IX THE C1TT. eases of the Skin,of whatever name or nature, are literally 5 26 " New Haven. 5 68 " limea, all in fine spirits except Cockney, ' Ladies' Bags, Ladies' Portmonies. Agents at Norwaik, Conn., issue- Policies for the Fresco and Decorative Painting. v6 gardLto the Presidency. . .. v dug up and carried fut of the system in a short time br 5 46 •• N.Y.&N. H. 20 '• following Insurance c ompanies: 6 20 " No Train. 6 48 '< Large assortment of c who was a little sore from yesterday's ride, consisting of the useol these Bitters. One bottle in such eases will Vi • "i WHAT WE 8HALL DO. " J£tna,of Hartford,Ct., Competcnt'workmensenttoall parts of the coun­ 6 48 " No Train. 7 15 «« :>ut did his best not to mind it. Hartford, " _ 1,687,61»00 ever offered in this market. convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. " New Haven. 40 " So many persons see fit to canvass the 1,031,189 84 ENGUSH and AMERICAN PRINTS, ' try. 15 3m 1 15 T PCKET CUTLERY, The country was wild and rugged enough, Phoni* " French Printed Percales, Jaconets and Organdies, Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its im­ 7 40 " No Train. 8 05 << coarse of the Tribune in the Presidential People's,of Middletown.Ct., 243,874 8C Eugllsh Dress Goods the Newest Styles, parities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Erup­ 8 05 " No Train. 8 33 " iut more populous than we had imagined. Home, of New York, . 2,783,SOS SS " No Train. £ 1,046,56710 French Poplins, Seiges, Cashmeres and Grenadines, tions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and .8 S3 8 65 " Razors, Straps, and Scissors, canvass now opening, and to question us on Phmuix, Brooklyn, Y. N. its Dblly Varden Percales, Foulards and Silks. ! sluggish In the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and 8 55 " No Train. 9 15 " The doctor called at every house, and at bis •continental of Mew York, 1,481,40691 FOURTH.—That he Is selling a EHRICH'S " N. Y. AN. H. Ex Cbromos Sc Lithographs, that subject, that no egotism, but a resolve 889,47600 Black Silks, all qualities, warranted;:•; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, 9 15 9 60 " familiar halloo all the Inmates, from the International " . Colored silks, au the shades, ; - \SV:'K/ - 9 40 " No Train. 10 00 •• that no one shall have a right to charge us Westchester, of Mew Roche'le, S.Y., 463,98088 and the health of the system will follow. TEMPLE OF FASHION 10 10 '• Satm day only. 10 30 '• FRAMES in Large Variety, Gobbling centenarian to the toddling yearl­ Springfield, of Springfield, Mass, 579,78.100 Striped and Fancy Silka, ~ '' Japanese lea for $1 Fla. Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the 600,00000 Laces, Embroideries, Parasols, ; : Eight Avenue, near 24th St. EDWIN LOCKWOOD ."rest with equivocation or concealment prompts People's, Worcester, Mass., Linens, White Goods, Flannels and Blankets, ~" •ystem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed ing, flocked out to greet him, He inquired Franklin, Phila., Pa.. < 3,863,91889 PEB POUND that Is really wor!h£l 25. and all other MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. us to set forth, as plainly as we can; Cloths, Cassimeres and Drills, and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist, there store Enlarged to Double its former size. liter their welfare, physical and moral, in a Commerce, Albany, N. Y. ) t 864,48400 Rid Gloves,1, S, 8 and 4 buitons, Fabric Gloves, grades of Teas at the same discountnt from their actu- DANBURY & NORWALK R. R precisely what we purpose and expect to do Narragansett, of Providence, R. I., 754 94700 al value isscarcely an individual upon the bee of the earth A large variety of Organs, Melodions, Vio­ nost kind and fatherly manner, naming such 1,850,000 00 Ladles' and Men's FnrnlshingGoods, whose body is exempt bom the presence of worms. It Having obtained possession of theadjoining bnildlng AUTUMN ARRANGEMENT. lins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drama, and in oach probable contingency. \ Andes, Cincinnati, O. Ladle*', Misses' and Infants' Wardrobes, complete, •a had been ailing at his last visit. Having Home,'of Colnmbus, O., > 488,44784 Hosiery of every description, . - is not upon the healthy elements of the body that we will be betterenabled to accommodate onr steadi­ Commencing October16th, 1871. Musical Findings of every kind. 1. If there shall be Democratic candidates Alemania, Cleveland, O., 395,00000 Mourning Goods in great variety, exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy ly increasing trade. We will offer Special Induce­ Liverpool, and London, and Globe,sepa- that .breed these living monsters of disease. No ments this Spring in allthe different departments. UIIY XBAIN8. ' VV indited all their complaints, he would leave Mantillas, Jackets and Suits, of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, for Presideut and Vice President .in tho 735* Are assets. 5.068,106 00 Shawls In Stripes Broche, and Lace, ? - - • • . #IFTH.—That he is constant!] receiving addi- STRAW HATS, Leave Danbury for South Norwaik one or two teacupiuls of pills and ride on. North British and Mercantile, do do ' 8,104,59800 Hons to his stock of • freo the system from worms like these Bitten* in an immensevariety at ourwell-known Low Prices. Croquet, Parcheesi, Basque, Mansion of field, we propose to support that Republi­ India Camel's Hair Shawls, , ; R. H. McDONALD & CO.. fi 30 a. m.; 12 m.; 4 20 p. m.; Freight at 3.45 p. m Sometimes he took the trouble to dismount Queen of Liverpool& London, do do 1.855.860 00 J. WALKER. Proprietor. ELEGANT TRIMMED BONNETS ft HATS Happiness, Japanese Backgammon, &c.,&c. can ticket which seems most likely to sue1 imperial, of Loudon, do do . 6,818,666 00 Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Vranciaco, California, -'nil lines of Leave Norwaik Bridge for South Norwaik, and enter the cabin of some bedridden And other-Companies, Stock and Mutuants Con­ f - Crockery, Cutlery, :: and 38 and 34 Commerce Street, New York. FINE FRENCH FLOWERS, At 7 82 a. m.;l 05, 5 28, and 5 52 p. m. REMEMBER, ceed. » MILLINER* ORNAMENTS. LACES, CRAPES, mercantile Library Branch is at patient; at others he would simply inquire necticut and New York. •9»S0L1> BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, Leave Norwaik Bridge for Danbury and all other The 2. If the main issae in the canvass shall GKOHGK B. COWLE8, gj; HOMXB MERBILL RIBBON. SILKS, SILK REPS, 4c. stations: the same plane. concerning a family living far back in the MI|SETTE, A1MI1ISTER, WILTOR, A PRESERT GIVEN AWAY „ LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERGARMENTS AND At 9 06 a. m.; 201 and 6 22 p. m. Freight at 1115 a.m. H.H. WELLMAN. VELVETS. BRUSSELS, IHBRAINS. AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. to every new agent this mont-h to sell LADIES'SUITS, •s / s m ' - Under the Opera House, be Protection against Free Trade, we shall onrnewandbeantllnl map of U. S. and Tbe evening train up will leave South Norwaik at woods, and leave a measure ot pills to be MELVILLE E. MEAD, Rotary PuAlU MATS, OIL 6LBTHS, RBBS. M. LOOK All our own manufacture, at less, than Jobbers' 6.18 p. m.. stopping at all stations. 12 Norwaik, Conn. (no matter as to t^ candidates) be found world for 1872, also, New England col­ prices. Send for our free Descriptive Price Lists. sent over next Sunday. Occasionally he had HEAD ored In townships,counties&states.best Special Bareains In on the side of Protection. 200 pieces English Tapestry Carpets, at low ever pnbMsbed.tHw to |300 a month on PARASOLS, HOSIERY, CORSETS, KID GLOVES BIBGEFIBI.D BBAKCH B. B the luck to meet a customer on the road, : BAIIEH DEPOT, COM., • 8iX«f.-that he intends to keep a fall stock 3. But if (as we hope and expect) there prices. cf all the above lines of Goods, so as to be able to these and our new pictorial A Beligious REAL LACES, EMBROIDERIES, SILK GIMPS, Trains on Ridgefleld Branch run from the up ZO- TJ BC ' 0 and delivered his monthly allowance on the QUARTERS charts & pictures, largest and best as­ PASSEMENTEaIES, etc. etc. trains and to the down trains. shall be two Republican tickets, ana none meet the wants of all his friends and patrons. sortment for agents in New England. JOHN W. BACON. Sip't. The doctor was evidently honored BEAL GUIPUBE * THREAD LACES other, presented with any hope of success^ spot. REAL ESTATE BONDS,&c. UPHOLSTERY 000DS. Apply for terms at once t" D.L.GUERN­ and beloved by the whole country, and con­ SEY, Pub., Concord, N.H. or box (827, All our own Importation, the very best quality guar­ we shall favor that one whose election will ' • AflERTS Boston. dtl# anteed at fnllv 50 per ct. less than at any other store N. ¥. & K. H. RAILROAD. sulted on all questions that arose in lar*-, Plain, Figured and Striped Terries, : - • SEVENTH.—That he intends by STRI6T AT- in the city. Elegant Patterns Real Guipure Lace, be, in our judgment, most likely to promote LOANS, NEGOTIATED, Plain ana Figured French Satins, TEHTIBR TS BBSIREM ARB FAIR BEAMS to mer- for "Convent life Unveiled," fall 2 to SM wide at S3,68,75 and85c. allextra cheap. agriculture, or politics. He was a sturdy Tapenry Pianos and Table Covers, It a continuance of ihe liberal pationage he habas re- I by Edith O'Gorman, esqspca Elegant Patterns, lull 3inches wide at $1.14 worth CHATHAM SQUARE. economy in public expenditure, purity iri Swiss and Nottingham Curtains, ~ ' ' ceived during the past year. N«. A braveTrae" book. Oce'.ady made $23 In a $1.50, Elegant Patterns, fnll 4 inches wide at $1.35, Democrat,and dispensed gratuitous opinions Applique and Guipure Drop Curtains, f SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1 . : . legislation and in administration, substan- Foreign Drafts and PassagoQTickets week. CONN. PUB.JH)., Hartford, Conn. 4tl> worth *$1.T5. Samples sent by mail free. Orders on this subject as freely as he did his blue- Window Hollands, Shades, Cornices. Ac. - promptly filled, Commencing May 22d, 1871. lial unanimity in upholding for all citizens Purchasers visiting the City are cordially invited " WASHINGTON STREET, totgests1U 0.17X111 At EVERYWHERE. ' At EHRICH'S TEMPLE OF FASHION, Trains leavePassenger Station at Norwaik asfollows: pills. He stuttered sarcastically against to give our Stock a careful examination, which will 'V can be made by Agents in can- Nos. S8T & 289 EIGHTH AVENUE, near 24tb St. . a complete equality of rights under the law^ Internal Revenue Stamp) and Legal Blanii, at all times be found very attractive, at the Lowest For New Tork,'.'.; ••a-- medical quacks, and thought the laws were SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. MORE MONEY The Trade Supplied. 19 4w THE LARGEST and hasten the return of fraternal concord Prices. Orders solicited by mail or express. HORARY IF EVERY.Y DAVWARTS,I At 3.47 A. M., Boston Express. - i - * not sufficiently severe against them. Some receipts inIn every departmentdepi of Human Effort than 6.00 stopping at all stations. and mutual good-will between those who Fire, Zaire and Accidental Insurance. in any other possible way. Prom $25 to $40 a week 44 44 «< years ago a so-called herb doctor came Broadway, cor. of 19tli Street, 6.45 were arrayed against each other in sanguin* insjred. It Is for Housekeeper, Parmer, Trade and AGENTS! QUICK SES 7.45 " Local Express, stopping atDarien and poaching upon his domain, and was a great Profession. For the sick anchwcll. A relia^e book rush for it) on Dlo Lewis'last and greatest work. Stamford. ary strife throughout our great civil war. NEW YOBK, > of permanent value to every wide-awake progressive 9.25 " stopping at all stations. grief of mind to him. The fellow was civil X L N T TASLE CUTLERY, nerson. It sells itself. Extra terms. Address O UK DIGESTION; 11.05 " Express. Such is our position; and it will no| F. U. BEED. 139 Eighth Street, New York. 4tl9 stopping at all stations. and wouldn't quarrel, but secretly under­ SELLE( k BROS., fH SCISSORS, PLATED KNIVES, FOBES, El or.ttr JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET. 1.18 P. M. be affected by the nomination of A or B, G DEGRAAF & TAYLOR, BOOTS pnd LASTS made on a newprin- It Is by odds the most taking and salable book inthe 3.22 " BostohJExpress. Que Price ClotiiiE Store mined the regular practitioner, was getting SPOONS, CASTEBS, I field. 1 It Is on a vitally important subject. 2 It is by 3.45 " stopping at all stations. or C, at Cincinnati, Philadelphia, or else­ iple—only cure for tender feet. RhItonSt., and sold by snbscription. Agents, the , are eager 9.37 Boston Expcpiess. But let it be distinctly understood thafj CARPETS ARD Tor snch abook.and willnrgeyon to bring it to tbem. The interloper had two weaknesses—he Broadway, N. T, 8ml9 Vrite for terms, &c., free. GEO. MACLEAN, Pnb- whatever may be the issues, whoever may \ - New Yo^k for Norwallt, IN NEW YORK. was fond of backgammon, and hated snakes. OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING,. MATTRASSES, etblns 3S8"ew! lUber, 3 School St., Boston, Mass. 4w-19 At 7.00,8.00 (Ex.,) 9.00,11.30 A. M.; 12.15 (Ex.,) 3.00 be the candidates, the Tribune will not be EDWARD A. MORRISON. (Ex.,) 3.45,4.30(Local ex..) 5.S0,6.30,8.00(Ex,,)P.M. Didiwick cared no more for snakes than he Wholesale and Retail. . an "crgan." We shall print no campaign t : , AGENCY EOB TOWN OF NOBWALK 837 BROADWAY. TV. Y Norivalk for New Haven. . did for fishing worms, so he took all oppor­ At 6.89 A. M., stopping at allstations. PARASOLS AND miLLINEBT! H.K9 «« " " " editions. We shall not surrender our col MANUFACTORY AND WAREROOMS, For the sale of Patent BOUND HATS and BONNETS; MATERIALS for FURNITURE 8.58 Union Marble Works, tunities to bedevil his rival with practical trams mainly or largely to the advocacy of eneh as FEATHEBS, FLOWEBS, BIB- AND 9.44 " Boston Express, NORWALK, CONN. jokes in which serpents played a leading 87' and 89 Browery, CS Ctaryatle St., BORRBSATEB. RIETAUIS t, ENAMELED SHIRSLEI CBEPfiS, FRAMES, PABIS 1.31 P. M., stopping at all stations. this or that platform or ticket. We-shall QUINTARD'S BLOCK, ~S of same at reasonable rates 1.59 " Boston Express. Tbe subscriber,has madearrangementaby which he part. 130 A 132 Hester St., New York, 4 33 '• 44 44 will hereaiter receive not shout, and sweat, and put forth frantic [Connected under one roof.] SBRBSATEBIRSH BB0RS ARB SHATTERS ! Straw Goods. 4tl9 The most extensive and best assorted stock inthe One day he challenged the herb doctor to above line of goods can be fonnd the 5.52 " stopping at all stations. SootoJa. Granite,: appeals in behalf of any party or cause. Set In Iron frames or oh walls In every style. 6.14 " direct from Scotland. He Is also prepared to furnish a game of backgammon. Pleased with the We have now on hand the largest stock of entire varions Branches of 7.37 " every kind of We shall do our utmost to make the best ly new patterns and designs for tarnishing Homes R. H. MACY & CO. 9.49 " Boston Express. unusual civility, he accepted, and seated throughout, ever offered by one honse In the city, BBRRBBATEBIRBB CLAP-BOARDS, CELILRBIRDRS ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE, newspaper in the country, if not in the and at a great deduction in prl;c. Consisting of ARB IRSH LATHS, GRANITE, DRAB, OR BROWN STONE, himself at the table where the box lay closed CAN F ORNISH YOU WITH • Our MS. MAOT is now in Europe and is constantly 6. & S. HEYMAN & HACK. Trains leave New Haven for Norwaik, at 2.40,5.30, world, in which our readers will find all the sending us tbe most attractive and nscful goods that, Who in consequence of the enormity of their sales, 6.30,8.10,9.45 (Ex.,) A. M.; 12 M.; 2.15, (Ex.,) 4.30 MON-nMBNTS before him. The tavern loungers, aware Samples of which may be seen at my office in Nor­ (Ex.,) 5.00, 8.30 (Ex.,) P. M. tns: Slabs. Tablets, Sinks, Ac., aa well as Mantles and ~ facts essential to the formation of a correct PARLBR, CHAMBER A BIRIRB ROOM FORRiTBRE, waik, and any order for above goods can be had at can be procured in the markets of and immense facilities fi>r production are enabled Furniture Slabs in general, at the that something was up, gathered round to 6BRRICES, lAMBRAQUIRS, CVRTAIRS, JfcS. short notice. to offer their customers and the pnblic LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. judgment on public affairs. If that judg­ ENGLAND, FRAK0E, See large bill of advertisement at theStation Houses witness the game. New Spring Stylet now Ready for Exhibition,. and Hotels. Ccaetcry Fencing, Irsn ftailag, Jtc>, ment shall concur with ours, very well; if GERMANY, AUSTRIA, n GREAT INDUCEMENTS! "Set the board, doctor," said Didiwick, Steamboats, Hotels, Churches, Public Halls, and PLUMBINO! Supt's Office, 4th Ave. and 27th St., New York. furnishedand put up at abort noticeand on very not, it is none of our business. We have Private Houses, furnished throughout at Wholesale During the coming season, we offer special advan­ Ass'tSupt's Office, Station House, New Haven. favorable terms. "while I go to order two juieps." Prices. The Floating Palaces of the People's Line SWITZERLAND & ITALY, tages to parties intend^p* housekeeping. We will JAMES H. HOYT Sup't. labored many years to little purpose if we Done in the best and most artistic manner. None For our extensive stocks of Representing an establishment the oldest and best The doctor opened the board, and a six- on the Hudson river were fhrnlebed by ns. bnt the best of workmen employed. A good supply known of any in Western Connecticut, the subscriber have not by this time educated our readers GROCERIES, orPIumbers'material8,snch as Lift and Force Pumps, LACES, EMBBOIDEBIESdffBlNGES, TKIM- A Complete Chamber Suite, ieels that its reputation for artistic excellence and foot black-snake leaped out into his face. Price* Deify Competition. Bath Tubs, Bollers.Baslns, Water Closets, Lead, MINGS, WHITE GOOBR_GENTS' LA­ ERIE RAILWAY. honorable dealing is already too well established to to form their own opinions, and not blind*- Ti'-i't Tin-lined and Block Tin Pipe,Water A Steam Cocks, DIES' & CBILDBENS' FURNISHING (Imitation Walnut) with the bed, bolster and pil He fled, and returned no more. Second and Third Avenue Cars pass onr Stores. GOODS, MILUNhKT & FANCY Jluvs, consisting of 14 pieces for £30. need commendation. Address E. B. PRICE, Agent. ly adopt those of any one else. When one Entrance 8T and 8» Bowery. Faucets, Valves, and all 'goods pertalnine to a first- GOODS. PEBFUMES, TOILET ' BROAD GUAGE DOUBLE TRACE. Mechanic St., in the rear of the new Bank,Norwaik "And so I got rid of the cussed humbug Branch Store at 814th Ave, near A. T.Stewart St Co. class Plumbing establishment constantly on hand. ^Complete Parlor Suite, THE GREAT THROUGH BOVTE. writes or says to us, "I* have taken Jyout* SmlT ABTICLES. BRONZES, Consisting of Tete-a-Tete, Ladies' & Gents'Chairs, before he killed off my whole district."— LEATHER GOODS, NO­ and fonr side Chairs in Reps, solid Walnut frame, BXTWZEN TILX NOTICE. paper twenty years, and have always PREMIUM SAFETY OIL! TIONS, SMALL i •50. Porte Crayon, in Harper'« Magazine for May. Flour, WARES, TOYS, All other goods in our line at proportionately low Atlantic Oltlei HE dim of S. B. MONROE A Co. is this day agreed with you," we are moved to answer, DOLLS, A»D TOL dissolved by mnlual c nsent. WILL NOT EXPLODE. • - prices. T "Then you must have sometimes been ..... ^.. and other imported merchandise. . STEPHEN B. MONROE, We have also splendid assortments of LiveOeese Feathers & Mattresses a Specialty WEST AND SOUTHWEST, c. C. BOUTON. A new "black swan" has appeared in ZXTIKBIMOIXTKNDIKO riOSVBOJF wrong; for human nature is fallible, and n6 You want it I Your neighbor wants it 1 Everybody Suits and Summer Dress Goods, MAIN STORES: 3ml2» Paris in the person of *a colored Cuban wants it! New York to Dunkirk., 460 miles, All persona having claims against or are indebted one is always in the right." soprano.known as La Patti Noire. PARASOLS, UMIREUA8. STRAW ROODS. New Tork Niagara Falls, 448 miles' , 388 & 390 Hudson Street, New Tork to Bnfalo, 423 miles to said firm will settle with There are some—not many—who write Miss Sarah Pinckney is the titular cap­ LARGEST COSTS ONLY HALF A CENT PER HOUR. Corner of Houston St., entrance on tbe corner. STEPHEN B. MONROE. Housekeeping & Furnishing Goods. New Tork to Rochester, 385 miles. Norwaik, April 20th, WW. StlT to the editer of this journal in this vein': tain of a Mississippi steamer, with all the FIXE BETAIL We get all ol these goods direct from the manufac­ Branch Store, 555 6th Ave, cor. 33d Street FOUR EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY, .rights and emoluments thereto appertain­ Tea Beaieai whf this oil U anperler turer,thus saving tue profits made by the commission­ Branch Store, 1028 3d Ave. cor. 61st Street, viz.: "If you do this or say that, you will be ruin- Straw teallelhers, 9.15 a. m., 10.45 a.m., 5.15 p.m., <6.45 p.m. District of RidgeMd, ss. Probate Court, April ii,A.D. ing. ers, importers an^jobberr, and are able to offer them Factories 376, 378 & 380 Hudson Street F 23 S D : ed," or "broken down," or something ta 1—It is made on scientific principles, and gnaran to the pnblic at the drst cost with onl.v the duty, pre­ BOH D TRUT XPOT. The oration at the founding of the Lin­ STOCK teed to be perfectly pure. mium on gold, and our unusually small profit added, 9.£0 a.m., 11.OO a. m.. 5.SO p.m., Jc *7.00 p.m. TESTATE of ABNER STEVENS, late of RIdgefield this effect. If he were to answer these coln monument at Springfield Illinois, next Gents', Boya' rnd CliUdren's 2—It is perfectly safe, under all circumstances, and Particular attention paid to orders from the country. FBOH CHAMBERS STBEZT DINT. Ci in said district, deceased. bullying epistles, he would say, "If you will not explode nor take'fire, even lla lighted lamp The Contt of Probate for the District of Ridgefleld : summer, will be delivered by the Hon. shouldteaccldentally dashed upon the floor & broken R. H. MACY 4c CO., The Best Paper! Try It! W Passengers by SOUND STEAMERS land at hath limited and allowed six months from date here­ ~ mean that I am to be driven out of my p re­ Villiam H. Seward. 5—It produces a brilliant, uniform flame, and is an MTH ST. A 6TH AVE., NE>V YOBE. 8tU The Scientific American is the cheapest and Chambers Street Depot; those via Rail alight of for tbe creditors of said estate to exhibit their dbo. cfco-, cfeo., exceedingly pleasant light to read by. besc Illustrated weekly paper published. Every num­ within a few squares of 23d Street Depot. seat position, and into some less anxious, Prof. Hibbard, a Connecticut elocutionist, CLOTHING claims for settlement. Those who neglect to pre­ 4—Its use requires no change of lamps. STANDARD AMERICAN ber contains from 10 to 15 original engravings of sent their accounts, properly attested, within said wearisome vocation, you could not please while delivering a lecture at Montreal, was • IX TIIE WORIiD. 6—It is very economical,aa It will last considerably new machinery, novel inventions, Bridges, Engin­ PASSER8ERS ARB IABBA8E TRANSFERRED FREE. time, will be debarred a recovery. suddenly deprived of memory. He cannot « BY THB^p longer than other Oils. eering works, Architecture, improved Farm Imple­ All persona Indebted toaaid estate are requested me better than by making good your threat. 8—It burns freely and odorless. ments, and every new discovery in Chemistry, i Palatial Drawing Room and Sleeping Coaches, to make immediate payment to tell bis own name or resognize his family. 7—Everybody wooi uses It prorpronounces it the best. BILLIABD TABLES! year's numbers contain 832 pages and several hun combining every improvement, accompany all trains *t<18 JOHN 3. STEVBN8, Administrator, If I were once fairly out, nothing could in BRCKIAV/ BROS. dred engravings. Thousands ofvolumes are preserv an this Railway. Caleb Rising, of Soul bwick, Mass., was 4th Ave., opp. Cooper Institute* 8—With dne respect to our friends in the trade, we EVERYEHING pertaing to billiards atlowest prices, duce me at my age to return. I would lei CAR LOAD OR LESS QUANTITY, claim that this Is the only OiHhatis made upon thor illustrated catalogues sent by mail. ed for binding and referene, The practical receipts Distriet of Norwaik, ss. Probate Court. April 14,18T». 100 years old on Tuesday last, and is a rela­ Laliiyettc Place, opp« Astor PlMC) ougly scientific principle*. are well worth ten times the subscription price. THROUGH TICKETST and any information re­ STATE ot POLLY CRISSEY, late of New Ca­ younger, and perhaps more fapile and tract­ tive of Gen. Ethan Allen., One of his sons 5'.: w.y • : .« • • H. W. COLLONDKR, NEW YOBK, Terms, (3 a year by mail. Specimens sent free. May garding routes and connections, can be obtained at MEW YOBK. 9—It is nsed on s largo number of railroads, being E naan, in said District, deceased. ' ' able, successors supplant me in a calling fcir is a business man at Ottawa, 111. AT THE the only Oil that Is perfectly safe, while the lamps Successor to PHELAN & COLLENDER, be bSd of all News Dealers. the Company's office,124 Washington (corner Water) The Court of Probate for the District of Norwaik, are constantly Jarred on a train of cars. 738 Broadway^ . 4|lt6 PATENTS obtained on the best terms. Models of street, Boston, and at all pjlncipal offices in Wew hath limited and allowed six months from tbe date J which their yet untaxed energies better A man who has been confined in the 10—We take ordinary Kerosene and by onr new new inventions and sketches examined, and advice England. hereof, for the Creditors of said Estate to exhibit Rhode Island Stale prison on a life sentence process extract all the pnre and safe oil it contains, TIiea*Nectar. free; All patents are published in the Scientific their claims for settlement. Those who neglect to . them. If ever a withdrawal of refecting tally one-third (Benzine and Tar)the cause A PURE CHINESE TEA. American the week they issue. Send for Pamphlet, Sf den'lf&swnger Agent, present their accounts, properly attested, within said since June, 1863, under conviction of mur­ LOWEST MARKET PRICES! „THE REST TEA IMPORTED. 110 pages, containing laws and full directions for •Daily. adequate support shall give me notice that der, was pardoned last week, it having ''J W- • of all Kerosene Explosion!. Warranted to suit all tastes. Put time will be debarred a recoverry. All persons in­ Manufactured only by obtaining Patents. debted to said estate are requested to make imme­ I am no longer needed in this field, I shall been shown that he was innocent. ixrsr tiijb srasa?! up in onr trade-mark hall-pound Address for Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN diate payment to ISAAC N. CRISSEY, ALSO , DEN8LOW & BUSH."' and pound packages only, 80 and A CO.37 Park How; N. Y. Branch office, cor. F H°OUSATONIC RAILROAD, trains run as fol­ 3t*17 Administrator. ^ very cheerfully speedily quit it^ A sagacious Chicagoan attempted the 00 pound boxes. and 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. 4w-19 lows: other day to save postage by sending $110 For sale by Quart, Gallon or Barrel, and delivered to For sale at Wholesale only by LEAVE BRIDGEPORT any part of town. We also sell Kerosene Oil at the THE GREAT ATLANTIC & On arrival of trains from New York, New Haven District of RidgeUld,n. Probate Court,Jprillt^A.D. ~ Eartliq ualtea in Two Hemispheres. to a relative in England in a newspaper, Have on Hand! market price. T. G. SKLLEW, and Hartford. PACIFIC TEA CO., P. O. Box NSTATE CATHARINE HAWLEY, late Closely following the account of the earth- under a two cent stamp. His economy S500. New York City. 4tl7 10.30 a. m. and 5.40 p. m.—For Pittsfleld. ot ot was not a success, for tjie paper was opened XX. 25. Norton, LEAVE PITTSFIELD I 'J Ridgefleld. In said district, deceased „ quake in California comes the story by AND ARE RECEIVING EVERY DAY Wall Street, opposite Gaiette Building, Norwaik. On arrival of trains from North Adams, Boston and Tne Court of Probate for theDistriet of Ridgefleld and the package went to the dead letter OFFICE AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, Albany Ralroad. bath limited and allowed aixmontba from the date cable of a far greater calamity of a similar office. 9.00 a. m.—For Bridgeport, New York, New Haven hereof for the creditors of said Estate to exhibit their claims for settlement. Those who neglect to pre­ character at the famous old city ot Antioch, The inscription on an Ithaca, N. Y., tomb­ No. 103 FULTON ST. NEW TORK. and Hartford. HEALTH Fine Cylinder Desks. 2.35 p. m.-=-For Bridgeport and New York by Rail­ sent their accounts/ properly attested! within said , in Syria, by which nearly fifteen hundred stone, composed and chiseled by a bereav­ Fresh Ground Corn and Oats, The most popular medicine for nerrons troubles road oi Steamboat, and train for New Hilaven time, will be debarred a recovery. All persons In-• ed husband, after lauding to the skies the MM.AIB.mCil riTlEO IF. sate and Hartford. debted to said eatate are requested to make imme- -jl of her six thousand inhabitants were instant CASH (the source of all other ailments,) is H. W.-FRANKLIN, Superintendent. diate payment to virtues of the deceased wife, concludes CHOPPED RYE, Ac., 0ODD*8 NERVINE) and Invlgorator. WILLIAM 8. LOCKWOOD, Norwaik, \ Ex- ', ly killed, while thousands were injured, and with the startling assertion: "She is in FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. DAVID 8. EGLESTON, New York City,/ ecutora For sale by all Druggists. Price, Ooe Dollar. 4w-l> We will send a handsome prospectus of our "New thodclicatu niitl rel'pwWaf ^arly all were deprived of their hom»mei Heaventhen in parenthesis, is the saving < self ak Illustrated Family Bible," containing over 450 fine 3t*iT ;, \ Founded abo^ the year 300 B. C., the city clause, "I hope." S^? 5 "*cr ^wsssnff\ 9.intiteu,ni£ Curtains, Scripture illustrations to any book agent, free. Ad­ la FROM BOUTON'B MILL, dress NATIONAL PCBMBHINOCO., Phila., Pa." 4116 has been five times prostrated by earths Many persons who wear reading glasses Lambraquins and other Decorations. Dealers and others wanting flrst-class iroods, may h-si S. are sorely annoyed at the difficulty of keep­ ; 5 . '.kKKfi •. quakes before the present visitation, which ing them in their proper position on the Formerlyknown a»Davis'.j for J ** . has laid about half of it in ruins. In the FRFRITO^E.'laimra^II, VT7ABBEN11ANGE nose. To all such it will be interesting to SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' HOME f year 115, it was entirely destroyed by an know that a rising young optician has de­ AND AGENTS Q. L.KELTY & Co., earthquake, and in the years 438, 526, arid vised a very ingenious expedient by which that end can be accomplished. It consists are wanted for 122 & 724 Broadway, New York. 3ml2 " 1st PreiIlAii.Iii.71. ARTQALLERT, , 587, it was again ruined by the same terrible simply in rubbing the bridge of the nose every town in Great Cbance for Agent*. . agency. In the convulsion in the last Connecticut,to 0C BTJRNHAM'S Donble Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Broiling Do you want an agency, local or traveling, with bees wax. . . NewTurMnels iv^enerai Di>or, Fender Guard, Damping & Shaking Grate, with an opportunity to make ts to $20 a day J' AT DABIEU, CT, j mentioned year, according to Gibbon 250, If a teaspoonful-of genuine ground coffee FRESH WHEAT BRAN, whom com­ UJ nse throughout tbe U.sT A six Direct Draft. FULLER, WARREN & Co., 236 Wa­ selling onr new 7 strand White Wire Clothes mission will be ponisnsed^^theQovernment ter St., N. Y. 7-3m Linet They last former; sample free. Send 000 of the population perished. It recover­ be thrown into a tumblerful ot cold water, in thejiateotoiffce,Washington, lor circular. Address at once Hudson River BPEH TS VISITRRS AT ALL 1RRRS RF THE BAT it will float upon the surface of the water, paid in Cash; D.C. Its simplicity of coustruc- Wire IFbrfcs, cor. Water st. & Maiden Lane, N. ed in a great measure from these' disasters, | This Gallery contains many of the finest Painting • while the substances usually used in adul­ REDByADRJAflCE,PLATT&CO Apply in per­ < 11on and the 'power It transmits if., or 345 Randoph St., Chicago. 4tl< ;but in 1822 another earthquake leveled it FRJM KELL T'S MILD ^ renders lithe best water wneei, n America,"and lovers of Art will gratify their tasie terating coffees will sink under the same STYLES, SIZES & PRICES TO SUIT ALL FARMERS son or by letter 5ever invented. Pamphlets free.: HOUSEKEEPERS; k REHHEOrS HEMLOCK OIRTMERT. : •Tto the ground, and since that date its popu­ circumstances. If, when the suspected Descriptive Circulars Forv«rdcd by MalL . ^ N.F.BUBNHAM,York,Pa 4115 i_ the proprietor, has by the assistance nd aid a worthy charity by visiting the Home. at the office of Kmlnent Physicians and Chemists a lation has never reached beyond six thou­ coffee is thrown upon cold water, part sinks Get tlio Best: at once, the sample is quite sure to be adul­ t'^mUTIB" 4.RL Rl, M Chambers St., N. Y. succeeded in utilizing the medicinal sand. It was here that the followers of the WHICH THEY OFFER AT WHOLESALE AND properties contalnedln the Oil. Pitch " A New Departure." terated. HOW TO GET THE and Resin of the Hemlock Tree, and Saviour were first given the name of Chris­ Machines will be left on trial with any who may Dr. Prime, in his "Travels in Japan" wish-to purchase.1 obtained a valuable preparation to be o- tians. Unfortunately, the cable does not RETAIL. applied "as a Salve or Plaster for says: "Passing through a street and seeing They can be seen In operation at. Benjamin Hoyt s Rhenmatism, Croup, Pain or Soreness Respectlhlly informs the public that he has token . • give us the date of this last earthquake; but some forty or fifty coppers hanging on as CHEAPEST & MOST DURABLE New.Canaan, an! Capt. Thos. Steara', Oarlen. of the Back, Chest or Stomach Piles, the well-known v Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sores, Ulcers, following so immediately after the series of many nails at the front of a shop, (the cop­ ! *' « A. {DIBBLE, 123 Bowery, Bunions, Sore Corns, Frost Bites, HAIR DRESSING SALOON per coin has a bole in the center,) I inquir­ IF YOir WANT THE BEST shocks along the Pacific coast one is apt to FIYE MILE BITER, (8 Doors below Grand Street.) Chilblains, Sore Breasts and Nipples, IN GAZETTE BTILDING. formerly conducted by ed what they were for, and was told they S MILE CAN Ringworms, Chafing, and Skin Dis­ P. Pakulski, and combined TWO SHOPS IN ONE. • ''connect them, particularly as Antioch is were placed there by the Bh«^eeper to Agent fer.the Western part of Fairfield County. 4t7 Mattings 25 and 80 Cents per yard. eases of an inflammatory nature. : 1 CHARLES A. CRITTENTON, Agt., He has also repainted and refl ted thesaloon through­ situated between parallels 36 and 37, which save time and trouble in answWHg the calls ,.y,.I "I V Ingrain Carpets, 50 and 75 Cents per yard T 81xt Avenue, New York. ' out and will exert himself to conduct its bnainess in ver manufactured. Go to the nearest Can maker ig*CHAM3:LH such a manner as to give comple e satisfaction to all . . is precisely the latitude of Owen's lake, of the mendicants. When one came along and inquire for the NBW Boons i A large stock of Brussels, 8-Ply and Ingrains in he simply took a copper and passed on, NewDeslzns. - Oil Cloth at manufacturers'prices, MADE RAPIDLY with Stencil and Key wno favor him with their patronage. Competent •- • Visalia and other places in California where Scales for Grocers' #r Jaiily Dse, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtains andCornices, MONEY_. Check Outfits. Catalogues, sample and workmen will befound in the saloon at all reasonable never abusing the charity of the shoop- .^^BEWlFURNITURE ! very cheap. All goods guaranteed. : w all particaparflcnlarg free. S. M. Snxon, Brattleboro, Vt. thc'shock of the 26th ult, was severest. keeper by taking two." " The coincidence of two such phenomena, per cent. Discount on all Bills over $20. , . — only place The New York Commercial Advertiser ad­ S. QClNTIKD'S SOWS, 8ml2 in town wherecustomers can experience the delight­ - one the most serious earthquake that has > WE ARK AGENTS FOR THE T iro|CMI|AP ful sensation of" Hair Brushing by Machinery." vises its readers that: "As a general thing ATE removal to their new rooms In the Post-oil A private room for ladles wltn a separate entrance occurred in California since 1812, and the attempting to flog editors is an unprofitable flee Building, (entrance one door west of the THE NOVELTY has been fitted up where special cart will be given to and if he does not make them, send to ns for eircu- oldatore)H whereThey have a very large assortment of 01 Would I Were a Ciulfl Apii, other the most destructive that has befallen business. "Shoveling off snow or driving a V lara. They are the only cans ever manufactured that sighs the weary and exhausted one, as the languor Has the PATENT I '~F F cutting and dressing Ladles' and Children'sh-ir ,et'e charcoal wagon for a living pays better in CHARXIED F. IBBILIS * ; l'» Antioch in centuries, happening only a few will stand the hard usage to which they are subjected. Fnrnlt or every description, and lassltnde of suing comes upon him. Come and OUT eaim on»!iMaroa mon and Paris, it pos­ intruders are daily diminishing in number?, " BBY ME ARD I'LL 0B YBB BB0D." |! sesses the M Powiun. T properties known THE NOVELTY , agitation,.and how. (ha'cifele brings intelli- Ilnro Warehoutc, >; OST ONIO Is t!:c most durable Wringer. Fire Insurance Co., AND DB. IaANGLEY'S 4 to HIMU MEDIOA. OF NEW TORK, -: 'gence that Mount Vesuvius is also in a slate Thomas Minsball, a young man residing ROOT AVD HERR BITTERS, Neirthe npper end of Main St. in Chester, Pa., was terribly poisoned a IE snbscrber has the largest assortment of Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba These with other.advantages make it more desir­ IUC11I,WIN. T.SRAWJBSOR, AIT'S. FOREIGN DIlAF'lfl, of violent eruption. A column of flame Thlsmeuiclne is, without thepossibility of a doubt Householdjpurnlture in this county, consisting i a perfect remedy for all diseases of the RLOOD, able than any other. * CASH CAPITAL, 91,000,000. Sm6 week or two since by a species of hair-dye T ... ,.y the very best remedy known for the following and of Chamber ants of all kinds, Bnreas, Sobs, Loung- JRGANIC WEAKNESS, GL ANDULOUS TUMORS, No Practical Housekeeper FOR SALE AT THE ' ^shoots several hundred feet above the cra­ in common use among barbers everywhere all kindred dlseacer: Indigutien, CotUtentM, Liter es.Tete-a-Tetef,Marble-top Pier Tables. Card Tables, DROPSi, SCROFULA. INTERNAL ABSCESSES, ter, and stones, ashes and cinders fall in The Republican says: "While . coloring RIVERSIDE FOUNDRY. Complaint, Pike, Headache, Heartburn. Dysprptia, Centre Tables " ' «— • and will remove all obstructions of the LIVER, can affird to buy a Wringer until she has examined WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, Dizzinets. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Laziness, Debility, of allvarletlei SPLEEN, INTESTINES, UTERINE and URINA­ the NOVELTY ' dense showers around the summit. Of his moustache the barber suffered a dro of HE subscribers having completed their n'ew Jaundice, FUitumey,Foul Stomach, «fce. By the timely Try it and satisfy yourself that it Is the BEST FDR BARKS, CSLBS ARD HRARSERESS. GAZETTE OFFICE,! the dye to fall upon his lower lip, which Looking' Masses, Picture Frames, RY ORGANS. • 8old everywhere. These Tablets piesent the Acid in Combination .... course, the newspapers cannot let sue!) an T Fonndry Works on Hoyt street, and iltted.up use of this medicine, the blood is purified. The ap­ . It is strengthening and nourishing. Like nutri­ with other efficient remedies, In a popular form, for was slightly chapped. In a short time afier he same in the best manner, with mostapproved petite is restored. The system is strengthened. and everything else In tbe Furniture line, cheap for tion food taken into the stomach, It assimilates and MIIEV WASHIHS AND WRIIBIMB MACHINE 60." machinery, are now prepared'to execute allordersfor The liver is Invigorated. The breath is aweetened. cash. Bepalrug promptly done by experienced work- the cure of all THROAT and LUNG diseases. ^ - Jlorwalk, Conn, fi. opportunity pass of trotting out their ilie part began to swell, became inflamed to difflueeitself through the circulation, giving vigor 4tl6 102 Chambers Street, New York Hoarseness and Ulceration of tbe Throat are Im­ The complexion is beautified. And the general and beeltb. mediately relieved, and statements are constantly j ^several "pet earthquake theories again, and in enormous size, and his whole face pre­ PIREST 6ASTIR6S and to do JBB WSRI health is . (FRDBETKINO, It regnlates the bowels, quiets the nerves, acts di­ Cabin aad ste^^ge Pastageito or from Gfta fi sented a shocking appearance. Convulsion A large assoftmentjof Collins, of the best materials pHYSOWANCY, orSonl Cbarmlng" belter sent to the proprietor of relief in cases of ' j; y ?jnost of the prominent journals in the "coun- of every description. .Babbitt metal, of.every qual­ RESTORED. constantly ota hand. 8hronds,.carrlages, hearse, and rectly on the secretive organs, and, by its powerfal How either sex may fascinate and gain the Throat difficulties of years' «• sin, sold at the established rates. Drafts lasav : after convulsion followed, arid for some ity, furnished. Orders solicited. ,,v everything necessary for the burial of the dead, ftor- Tonic and restoring effects, produces heaUhy and vig­ -Don't fie lie deceiveddeceived bybywoi worthless lmi- '. Iwfry",devote considerable space to the subject The best Boots, Herbs and Barks enter Into the. orous action to the whole system; • love and affections of any person they choose, in- — tattoos. Get only Wells' Carbolic ihe lowest New York rates. •/*" d|£J|*l>tBllEgyptian UiaOra-s "Tablets." trice 25 eents per box. JOHN Q. KEL­ in the last day or two, however, the swell­ A. C. ABNOLD, safe, as well as an unfailing core for all diseases of Sole Agent for the United States. LOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y., Sole Agents toi the U. S. St. Co. - 'y.«Metiie and atmoqptoic fair way to recover." Norwaik, May 8,1811. 1 - j, i ^im10"