MM Wert Aid Repairing Boots, Shoes

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MM Wert Aid Repairing Boots, Shoes '" ' •':'' '-| ";". N'; * " -* " , , . ' .':-^v ,-! -; v / I'M1: « •'; « • ' ' -r ': ' - • Lv'":;l T"^^P|l^i..-^Li.'.\V-.-.'t*v^^-^J*.-:.'.:-.*, ^L. '-'. •3' -;>i ! vgsaiig? : O. • -VVyj siii ah;ihi.^V?UA&A(>::: •;''. ':; • i1>5 , x '» ' '•'••-/ ?#r?«-8ir^ kMt-iZ •r#t} "r ' ;V- ^lOLH NUMBER 1270. NORWALIC CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, MAT 7,1872. VOLUME LV.—NUMBER 19. THtiOEW. I though the red blood was not dripping from GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. NORWALK GAZETTE. CAR PEWTER A5D BUILDER. MISS M. M. SMITH, There is another class of Banks doing dred and twenty-one deaf mutes in the state REAL ESTATE. HE subscriber wouldinform the citizens ofNor- his arm with slow and deadly drain. One business under the joint stock law, which Teacher of Singing: and ttoe PianoPorte "Weep for me, gentle flowers: let your tears MB. eighty-four of whom are between the ages fiio walk that he is prepared to do PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN OF THE was intended for manufacturing companies Second oldest Paper In tlie State T Plead for me, with the light." might almost have fancied him asleep as of five and twenty, which would leave thir­ Building, in all of its branches INGING taught according to Bassini'unostap" j GENERAL ASSEMBLY : and not for banking at all. ty-one who are not receiving instruction. ' OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. FOR SALE OR TO RENT S proved method. Particular attention given to So, tremblingly, before she disappears, . he lay there, white and silent, with the cur­ The people of this Commonwealth having AT W18TPDBT STATION. bv contract, or by day's work, and Solicits a share ol theDevelopment andCu!tlvatinn ol the voice. The Behind the counters of these so-callcd Tbe main building of the American Asy­ patronage. Will try toplease. Shop Center avenue, Whispers the Nl^ht. tain sweeping down around his motionless entrusted to us their executive and legisla­ Banks the Bank Commissions cannot pene­ lum is more than half a century old, and is GOOD CONVENIENT HOUSE, with Garden, course of instruction •»•!. oexuecUUyadaptedtoCAofr tive affairs for the current year, let us enter A. H. BTINGION & CO., Barn, and other Outhouses attached, and a well near Main street. SAMUEL B. FITCH ttngingii desired. Adorers U&x 81 P. O., South Nor. "Amidcreation,see,Iataalone, 1 , ,,, head. .. trate. All this appears to be the fault of our not up to the standard of the age in comfort A walk, or call at the Olu Well Hotel. fg upon our duties with a grateful appreciation .V. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS of never-filling water, an abundance of good frnit, Following the fleetlngiDay; "Kaly!" laws, and should be remedied. and convenience. At no distant day, it &c. Also, can be had with the same, if desired, of their confidence, and, not unmindful of I recommend that all institutions of this Miy. perhaps, be the duty of this state to as­ from one to eight acres of land. Is within three The gray mysterious spell around me thrown Like a tremulous coo of the wood-pigeon our responsibilities, let us invoke thatdivipe state that deal in money, be placed under , Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. minntes walk 01 the Railroad Depot, and situated TEAS, C0FFE S AND SPICES. Repels the gajr^ - V1 n v.s sist this institution in the erection of a build- directly upoL Westport harbor. Only a small por­ W. 11. SWORDS, Valentin's voice murmured the two soft syl­ wisdom which alone can guide us that we tbe supervision of the Bank Commissioners, mg, with such improvements as the experi­ Single copies 5 cents. tion of toe purchase money required down; the re^t DUTY REDUCED. lables with the coaxing accent of a child. may so conduct ourselves as to justify and with proper safeguards for tbe protection of ences of fifty years may suggest. : ? Advertising Bate*. can remain on bond or mortgage. For further par­ "What pleasure Is il iiiaf to me belong ^ deserve the good opinion of those wli ticulars enquire of MABTIN GRACE. The sweetest flower and bird, ' :V And in tbe same instant she knelt down be­ the community. STATE PRISON. T Pour lines or less,1 Insertion 50 cts; 3 time;, $ 1.00 Norwalk, April 29ih, 1ST2. IStf Further particulars see small bill Merchant Tailor elected us. Uoe iquare, one Insertion, It by my ear the sad, beseeching sobg >- side ih^sofa, her white dress sweeping over As American citizens we have much cause INSUBANCE DEPARTMENT By the report of the Directors of the State CORNER WASHINGTON AND MAIN StS., Alone be heard t ~ - Per week, for continuance, At G. & S. E. HOLMES, the crimson carpet tides of translucent peari of congratulation. One of our most important interests Prison it will be seen that affairs are going One square, six months, 7.00 ROOD! TO RENT SOUTH NOBWALK, CONN., that of Insurance. Its soundness and on abont as usual. I refer you-to tho report " " oae year—with paper, 15.00 13 and 15 Main Street. "He flies forever from my yearning arms, and one arm thrown caressingly over the The national debt incurred during the late T«ro " •' " " «• 25.00 N GAZETTE BUILDING. The room recently trustworthiness affect every branch of indus­ for details. Under an act of the last Gener­ Scotch Chevoits, Meltons, Grape and That glorious, smiling tun j rebellion is being rapidly reduced. More Three " " •• " " ;- SO.OO I occupied by VanHoosear & Ambler as a Cloak folds of the deceitful cashmere shawl. than three hundred and seventeen millions try, every department of life. al Assembly the Governor appointed three Oae quarter Coltima, one year, I and Dressmaking Establishment, will be rented to City Intelligence Office. English Coatings, I, bathed in tears, amid my starry charms, a proper tenant at $8 per mouth, lGtf Col. Mordaunt's first impulse was to ($317,000,000), have been paid oft during the To the end that the community and com Commissioners to examine into the entire Oae half " •' " i HE subscriber, at his Intelligence Ofllce, foot of MADE UP IN STYLE, AND AT LOWEST PRICES Must follow on." ' . Fall Oolnmn, one rear, 150.00 spring up and declare his individuality—his last thirty-seven months, and peace,prosper­ panies both should be protected in their subject of onr prison matters, and to find Special Notices 25 per cent advance on the above. T Mill Hill, is prepared to furnish A good fit warranted and made as the customer may rights a new and very comprehensive law out what changes (if any) are necessary to TO REST. GOOD SERVANTS, FARM HANDS, LABORERS, want it. Cutting done for others to make as hereto So, with a breath of sad and hopeless sighs, second to lie still, and let Fate manage the ity, and plenty reign supreme throughout itfLocal Noticcs in Reading Columns, 25 cents our land. Our flag is beloved at borne and was enacted by'the last General Assembly, be made to bring us abreast of the age. per Hue. WO very commodious cottages near the Bridge, etc., or to find good places for those out of employ- fore. Night blda the earth adieu; matter to suit her capricious self. So he lay which went into operation Sept. 1st, 1871. I also directed the Surgeon-General of the Ye-trly advertisers restricted to the business con for rent on reasonable terms, to good tenants. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF And the pure tear-drops In the flower's eyes respected abroad. The people of (he states 'etnpVited at the time orcontract,but are permitted T m This law is found to be defective in some State to visit the State Prison at different One suitable for a large family, and the other medi­ He'°is also agent for the sale of Real Estate. We call the dew. still accordingly, experiencing a very singu lately in the rebellion are assuming more to males monthly changes of their advertisements. um. Call at this office for particulars. Places on hand, for sale or to let. Gents' Furnishing Gfiods. lar and not at all disagreeable sensation and more their former friendly feeling unimportant features, but on tbe whole has times, and unannounced. His report will One inch space constuntes a square. 3 JOHN A. HONNECKER, Agent, —Harper't STagtzim/or May. worked admirably. A Commissioner was be laid before you. Advance payment required for all transientadver Also, a LARGE ASSORTMENT oi HATSand CAPS I from the contact of the caressing arm. No lowards the general government, and the M sement». TO RENT. determination on the part of bur honored appointed, who had tbe business to learn, I desire in this connection to call your at­ Q urter of a Column, one time, $5.00 |J|WO OFFICES in " Lockwood's Building,"from ; AdONG OF BOMB. | doubt he was a treacherous, hypocritical chief magistrate to correct any abuses which and an entire new department to organize. tention to the remarkable fact that there are Half " " •' «• 10.00 April 1st, next NEW and RARE PLANTS. wretch—but, fair lady, or chivalrous gentle­ may exist in the civil department of our Its receipts have been eighteen thousand now in our State Prison three convicts who Full Column, one time, SO.OO F. ST. JOHN LOCKWOOD. Small Profits and Quick Sales. »- . BT JOKK H. TATS*. .'i'* ' Marriages and deathsInserted sratnitonsly. Obit' IS man, don't judge the poor fellow too harsh­ government is warmly seconded by the sixteen dollars and eighty-seven cents ($18,- have been once pardoned out by the General uary or Funeral notices 15 cents per line.
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