SHORTER COMMUNICATIONS 489 Journal Vol. No. 489-491,2000 of Herpetology, 34, 3, pp. study site and details of its natural are in Rea- Copyright2000 Societyfor the Study of Amphibiansand Reptiles history gan and Wade (1996). Anolis gundlachi lizards are com- mon at the site, perching on trees and large logs with- in of Condition of a Puerto Rican reach human observers. Anoles were captured Body along trails within a 36 ha plot with a slip noose at- Anole, Anolis gundlachi:Effect of a tached to a pole or by hand during five periods: July Malaria Parasite and Weather Variation 1996, July 1997, January 1998, May 1998, and March 1999. Only males with an intact tail were used for this Jos. J. SCHALLAND ANJA R. PEARSON,Department of study because the mass of females would vary with Biology, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont reproductive condition, and animals with broken or 05405, USA. E-mail:
[email protected] regenerated tails would have a body mass atypical for their SVL. Each lizard was maintained in a mesh sack until Over 70 of malaria Plasmodium species parasites, when a blood smear was made from a lizards as their vertebrate hosts evening drop spp., exploit through- of blood extracted from a SVL out the warmer of the world clipped toe, measured, regions (Schall, 1996). and mass taken with a Pesola cali- Detailed information on the of infection is body spring scale impact brated an balance. known for a few Plasmodium-lizard associations: against electronic The next morn- only all lizards were released at their of P mexicanum and Sceloporus occidentalis in California, ing, points capture.