Democrats Would Win the Election Today With

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Democrats Would Win the Election Today With DIMARTS, 10 DE JULIOL DEL 2018 el Periòdic d’Andorra 12 CONEIXEMENT SOBRE d'Andorra L’ÚS DE LES TECNOLOGIES elelENGLISHTema PeriòdicPeriòdic del EDITION dia NewsST A U T E 1xx 9 1 CRES survey Increased confidence in authorities and institutions 3 PHOTO ANA/E.C. GRAPHIC PAKO TEMPRADO PS 23,9 % DA 56,2 % TERCERAVIA 7,6 % LdA 8 % SDP 2,2 % CC 1,5 % WHICH PARTY WOULD YOU VOTE IF GENERAL UPA 0,4 % ELECTIONS WERE HELD NOW? (VOTE DECIDED) TERCERAVIA PS 30,6 % 12,5 % LdA 10,4 % DA SDP 5,9 % 35,1 % RESULTS CC 0,8% 2019 UPA 0,5% The Director of CRES, Joan Micó. Democrats would win the election today with 56.2% of the vote The Social Democratic Party would be the second More than half of the population is satisfied with the most voted force with 23.9%, according to the CRES functioning of democracy in the country EL PERIÒDIC den vote exceeds 40% of the results. so denotes the assessment made by the citizens have made of the gene- CONSOLIDATION OF DEMOCRACY With SANT JULIÀ DE LÒRIA And it is that, according to the com- the population of the health crisis ral political situation of Andorra at the health crisis, the functioning/ of @PeriodicAND parison of the results of the pre-elec- by the political authorities, which the present, which has come to be democracy would also have acquired emocrats for Andorra (DA toral survey carried out by the rese- have achieved a better mark than in considered, by 55.2% of the sample, more solidity and stability, according + Independents) would arch center with those of the gene- recent years. as Very good, while in 2018, the ma- to 59.6% of Andorrans and 64.6% of win again in a general ral elections, Democrats obtained The director of the CRES, Joan jority of Andorrans (49.4%) conside- non-Andorrans who have participa- D election. According to da- 5.27% less of the estimated votes Micó, related this phenomenon to red it «regular». With regard to non- ted in the study, as they go to claim ta on voting intention and sympat- while the rest of the forces suffer an the assessment of the management national residents, the increase has to be «very or quite satisfied» with the hy for the different parties in the po- increase, which for LdA was 0.08%, of the Executive after the elections been even more noticeable, with Principality’s political system. On the litical survey of the Center for So- for the PS of 1.42%, for the Progres- and the situation created by the Co- 66.7% of the number of respondents other hand, the study also reflected ciological Research (CRES) of the sives-SDP of 1.37% and for Tercera- vid-19, which has increased more who rated it as “good or very good” that most of the Andorran populati- Institut d’Estudis Andorrans, the via of 0.82%. than three points as «very good». when in 2018 they only did so on the on is defined as center-left (18.4%), fo- formation would get 56.2% of the This political scenario that ari- While in 2019, Andorrans and non- 31st, 3%. llowed by center (16.8%) and center- vote unlike the 35.13% obtained in ses after the first year of office is ob- Andorrans rated the management right (16%); on the other hand, non- April 2019. tained from the results of a survey with 4.57 and 5.56 out of 10, respec- residents are considered left-wing The Social Democratic Party (PS) conducted between 15 and 29 June tively, in 2020 the mark increased The population (18.8%), followed by center (18.5%) and would be the second force with this year on 1,200 random people to 6.56 and 7.29 after elections and scores with 8.27 the center-right (14.8%). In relation to this 23.9% of the vote, while the Liberals over the age of 18 who live in Andor- 7.81 and 8.27 during the pandemic. ideology, the parties with the most of Andorra (LdA) would get 8% and ra and live in a home with landline Overall, the population values with management of the affection are: Democrats for Andor- Terceravia + Unió Laurediana + Inde- or mobile phone. Specifically, data 8.04 out of 10 the directions and acti- Government during the ra, the Social Democratic Party and pendents 7.6%. Some conclusions, were obtained from 800 Andorrans ons determined by the government the Liberals of Andorra. The least clo- however, that from the CRES point and 400 non-Andorrans, with 95% team in recent months. health crisis and with 7.29 se to Andorrans, on the other hand, out that they could vary taking into reliability and a margin of error of In addition, this satisfaction is al- that of the total of 2020 are the Greens of Andorra, United for account that the percentage of hid- between 3.5 and 5%. The sample al- so denoted in the qualification that Progress and Committed Citizens. H SATURDAY, 11 JULY 2020 el Periòdic News 13 CRES survey Increased confidence in authorities and institutions Pages 12 and 13 LLL 3 GRAPHIC PAKO TEMPRADO Xavier Espot, the politician EVALUATION OF POLITICAL LEADERS (SCALE FROM 0 TO 10) best valued by the population Xavier Espot 7,5 The head of government gets 7.5 from nationals and 7.7 from non-Andorrans 7,7 EL PERIÒDIC derably, especially during the last of 10, preceded by the liberal Jordi SANT JULIÀ DE LÒRIA year, reaching an average score of Gallardo with a 5.7. Then, the presi- Jordi Gallardo he head of government, Xa- 6.13 out of 10, as opposed to 4.95 l dents of the parliamentary groups 5,7 vier Espot, is the politician in 2019. In the case of the survey of Social Democrat and Committed Ci- 6,5 most valued by nationals non-Andorrans, it has been almost tizens, Pere López and Carles Nau- T with 32.3% of the points remarkable, going from 5.51 to 6.7. di, obtained a 5.5, with the leader of (258 votes), followed by the Minis- Regarding the conception of the Terceravia, Josep Pintat, the worst Pere López ter of Health Joan Martínez Bena- leaders of the various formations valued at 5.4. 5,5 zet (8.6% with 69 votes); the presi- present at the General Council, the Non-Andorran residents also es- dent of the Social Democratic Par- head of government, Xavier Espot, tablished Xavier Espot as the best po- 6,0 liamentary Group (PS), Pere López, is consolidated as the most valued litical leader, but with a higher sco- (3.3% with 26 votes); the Minister of by Andorrans with a score of 7.5 out re: 7.7. Jordi Gallardo was given a 6.5 Spokespersons and Finance, Eric Jo- and Pere López a 6. In this case, Car- Carles Naudi ver, (2.5% with 25 votes) and the Pre- les Naudi and Josep Pintat were the 5,5 sident of Progressistes-SDP, Jaume It increases the last in line with a 5.8, each. 5,8 Bartumeu, (1.5% with 12 votes). Per- degree of confidence Group ranking / Continuing with centages very similar to those taken the dynamics and affinity for the from the sample of non-Andorrans, in the authorities and majority group, Andorrans establis- although, in this case, the Liberal this last year they get an hed that the best council formation Josep Pintat and Minister of the Presidency and during this year is being Democrats 5,4 Economy, Jordi Gallardo, would be average grade of 6.4 with a score of 6.25, while in the last in fifth place. place with a 5 , 54 there would be the 5,8 Overall, the report states that PS. On the other hand, non-Andor- the degree of trust in politicians by rans put the lowest mark in Tercera- ANDORRANS NO ANDORRANS the population has increased consi- via (5.85). H princeps. and third, the most trusted institu- Coprinceps is the institution with However, the trend in recent ye- tions are the Government and the ars is that «there is general satis- General Council. In this sense, the faction with the system,» said yes- Executive is also the body that has the less trust terday the director of the Center of increased the level of security by P.T. Sociological Research (CRES), Joan the population compared to 2018. Both nationals and non- Micó, during the press conferen- Specifically, 1.4 points. While that LEVEL OF CONFIDENCE IN INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS ce to announce the data from the of the political parties has done so Andorrans give the (SCALE FROM 0 TO 10) latest survey politics. Thus, he al- with 1.1 going from 4.6 points two highest grade to the Police Co-princes 5,0 % 5,3 % so specified that «it is interesting years ago to 5.7 this year. how there is a remarkable degree The data is also significant, gi- EL PERIÒDIC General Council 6,7 % 7,2 % of improvement in people» in re- ven that in 2013, 2014 and 2017 SANT JULIÀ DE LÒRIA Government 6,9 % 7,6 % lation to their conception of tho- the political parties were the ins- Five points out of 10 are obtained se of these organizations and ins- titution that had the least support by the Heads of State of the Prin- Administr.
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