Report of the Botanist 1868
) ;:; HEW Y««li BOTAPilCAL ( D. OAtOEN REPORT OF THE BOTANIST. Dr. S. B. WoolWORTH, Secretary of the Regents : Sir—The following report for 1868 is respectfully su])initted : The specimens of plants known as the " Beck Collection " have been taken from the folios, poisoned, and arranged in the cabinet case prepared for them. A few folios, containing the undistributed spec i mens of the collection, jet remain, there not being room for them in the case without too close pressing. The unmounted duplicate specimens of the State Herbarium have been arranged, with their proper labels, in the empty folios. The number of specimens* of the State collection that have been poisoned and mounted is about one thousand five hundred, representing four hundred and ten species, distributed as follows Phoenogamia, or flowering plants, one hundred and seventy-eight Cryptogamia, or flowerless plants, two hundred and thirty-two ; of which nine species are ferns, one lumdred and eighty mosses, and forty-three are liverworts. The names of the species are given in the accompanying list, marked A. In mounting the specimens of mosses, the species, so far as pos- sible, have been represented by series of specimens illustrating the different forms, variations in size, aspect, etc. In most instances a single plant has been separated from the tuft and placed by itself on the species sheet, that it may be seen individually as well as collect- ively. When the genus contains several or many species, the speci- mens of it have been prefaced by arranging a single plant of each species side by side on one sheet, thus giving, as it were, a synopsis <^^ of the genus.
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