07/10/2021 NEWS AM - This is what it’s like to be in the Israeli Navy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ePBxkkxLhk "To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical." -- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President Read the Prophets & PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! That is the only hope for this nation! Please Pray that the world would WAKE UP! Time for a worldwide repentance! Remember ALL US soldiers fighting for our freedom around the world These Pray for those in our government to repent of their wicked corrupt ways. Folks Pray for EL – Had clot embolized to brain – successful ‘clot buster’ but long road to go. In Pray for BB – Severe West Nile Fever –still not mobile- improving! Prayer- Pray for RBH – cancer recurrence Check often Pray for DH – Mother removed self from hospice but doing poorly. They Pray for GB – bad reaction from Cancer drug Change! Pray for Ella – Child with serious problems NOTE: Our prayer list was getting very long and there will little follow up. If you have people you want to have on the list please resubmit since we are revising it now– rdb]

Pray that The Holy One will lead you in Your preparations for handling the world problems. – Have YOU made any preparations? Genesis 34:1And Dinah, the daughter of Leah, whom she bore to Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land. 2And Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, the prince of the land, saw her, and took her, and lay with her, and humbled her. 3And his soul clung to Dinah, the daughter of Jacob. And he loved the girl, and spoke to the heart of the girl. 4And Shechem spoke to his father Hamor, saying, Take this girl for me for a wife. 5And Jacob heard that he had defiled his daughter Dinah. And his sons were with his livestock in the field. And Jacob kept silent until they had come.

Large explosion heard in Tehran The explosion happened several hours after a large-scale cyberattack across Iran. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF JULY 10, 2021 01:41

Warehouse fire along Karaj Special Road near Tehran, July 5, 2021 (photo credit: VAHID AHMADI/TASNIM NEWS AGENCY) A large explosion has been heard in Tehran, Iran, according to Iranian Fars News agency. Tehran's fire department head said that they "have not received any reports regarding an explosion," reports Fars News, although they reportedly clarified that fire and rescue teams had been sent to the area in the north of the Iranian capital. Unconfirmed reports have placed the explosion close to a building inside Mellat Park, where television and radio stations run by Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting have their headquarters

Massive explosion in Tehran , in a building adjacent to National Television pic.twitter.com/CoQPgiAAx0 — MNA (@Engr_Naveed111) July 9, 2021

Hamidreza Goudarzi, the Deputy Security Chief for Tehran Province has been quoted by the IRGC- affiliated Tasnim News saying that the incident is under investigation and it was unclear at this time what caused it, and it is unknown as of right now if it was an act of terrorism or not. Iranian media has reported that there were no casualties at the scene of the explosion. The explosion happened several hours after a large-scale cyberattack across Iran, with hackers posting the phone number of the country's supreme leader as the number to call for information for train delays. https://www.jpost.com/breaking- news/large-explosion-heard-in-tehran-report-673388

Hackers breach Iran rail network, disrupt service Trains were delayed by apparent cyberattacks as hackers posted the phone number of the country's supreme leader. By REUTERS JULY 9, 2021 20:25

Siemens ER24PC 1637 "IranRunner" of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways with the night train from Shiraz to Tehran outside of Shiraz, Iran (photo credit: KABELLEGER/DAVID GUBLER/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS) Train services in Iran were delayed by apparent cyberattacks on Friday, with hackers posting the phone number of the country's supreme leader as the number to call for information, state-affiliated news outlets reported. Trains were delayed or canceled as ticket offices, the national railway's website and cargo services were disrupted, with "unprecedented chaos at railway stations across the country," the state broadcaster IRIB reported. A notice on electronic boards at stations asked travelers to call a number which in fact belonged to the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, IRIB and the semi-official news agency Fars said. "Long delays due to cyberattacks," said another notice on station boards, Fars added. IRIB later quoted a state railway company spokesman as saying technicians were checking the disruptions and denying that there were major delays. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/severe-disruptions-in-irans-railway-network-cyber-attacks-suspected- 673376 [wonder who would so that to Iran?? Same people that did it to US ( Russia?) most questionable. Maybe someone else? – rdb]

Woman arrested in Brussels for suspected Iranian plot against Israeli targets According to security sources, woman suspected of planting a bomb threat at Brussels Airport to collect intelligence on place's security protocols and behavior of Israeli airline's staff at behest of Tehran Itamar Eichner | Published: 07.09.21, 20:02 Belgian authorities have arrested a woman suspected of taking part in an Iranian plot to collect intelligence on Israeli targets at the Brussels AFbruirport, Ynet has learned on Friday. According to sources, a security guard working for Israeli flag carrier El Al found a suspicious-looking suitcase that was left in one of the airport's concourses on Thursday.

Security personnel stand at a departure hall evacuated due to a suspected bomb threat (Photo: AFP)

Footage from the incident at the Brussels Airport Thursday The airport's two departure halls, as well as a nearby compound that serves as a COVID-19 vaccination center, were evacuated for about an hour. Local media reported it was not clear why authorities decided to evacuate the place since it is not unusual to find a suitcase without an owner at an airport. A spokesperson for the local police told the media that they "did not want to take any risks" and the airport stated that "the situation was back to normal; no flights have been canceled." The sources told Ynet that an investigation of the incident managed to link the suitcase to a woman of Iranian descent who resides in the Belgian capital and has boarded a Qatar Airways flight to Doha. Belgian police ordered the Airbus plane to turn around, and according to one source, the woman was taken off the plane and arrested. Upon inspection of the suitcase, no explosives were found in it, but only several packs of hand sanitizer. According to sources in El Al's security team in Brussels, this was an attempt by the Iranians to test security protocols at the airport and obtain information on the behavior of El Al's security staff. They praised the security guard for acting with composure and preventing a future attack. Security officials in said that "the issue is under investigation." On 22 March 2016, a series of coordinated suicide bombings carried out by the Islamic State (IS) had hit the airport and the Maalbeek metro station on the Brussels metro. Thirty-two civilians and three perpetrators were killed, and more than 300 people were injured. Another bomb was found during a search of the airport. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b1fq2g8to#autoplay

Troops foil mass gun-smuggling attempt from Lebanon; probe if Hezbollah involved Police say they’re investigating whether the terror group was involved in an attempt to bring 43 guns and ammunition worth around $800,000 over Israel’s northern border By TOI staff Today, 1:27 pm

Dozens of guns seized during a smuggling operation from Lebanon, July 10, 2021 (Israel Defense Forces)

Israeli security forces foiled an attempt to smuggle dozens of weapons from Lebanon into northern Israel overnight Friday, with police and the Israel Defense Forces announcing on Saturday that they were investigating whether it was carried out with the help of the Hezbollah terror group. In a statement, police said the 43 weapons and ammunition seized were worth NIS 2.7 million (approximately $820,000). There were no reports of any arrests. The smuggling attempt near the village of was carried out using both “overt and covert methods,” the army said, without giving further details. Hezbollah has long maintained control over the area adjacent to the border with Israel and is unlikely to have been unaware of such smuggling operations. The IDF released video footage it said was of the smugglers during the incident. Last month Israel arrested a suspect and seized a number of weapons during an apparently similar smuggling attempt. According to the police, a resident of Ein Qiniyye, a village in the , was arrested in a field near the town of , adjacent to the border with Lebanon, as he was attempting to smuggle the supply of weapons in a tractor, under the guise of agricultural activity. In the tractor the suspect was driving, 12 pistols, worth around half a million shekels ($140,000), were found and seized. Also last month, Israeli security forces arrested an Arab Israeli father and son suspected of smuggling a large amount of hashish and firearms into Israel from Lebanon, potentially on behalf of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, according to the military. MORE-https://www.timesofisrael.com/security-forces-foil-gun-smuggling-from-lebanon-hezbollah-involvement-suspected/

Johnson invites Bennett to visit UK, in first phone call between leaders British prime minister congratulates Israeli counterpart on formation of new government and they agree to continue cooperation in battle against pandemic By TOI staff Today, 5:13 pm British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke Friday with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett for the first time since Bennett took office, inviting the Israeli leader to visit the United Kingdom, the Prime Minister’s Office said. The statement said the two leaders discussed their respective strategies for managing the coronavirus pandemic while agreeing to “continue cooperation” on the matter moving forward. Both countries, which have led two of the world’s most successful vaccination campaigns, have seen an uptick in COVID-19 cases in recent weeks with the spread of the new Delta variant. Johnson also used the opportunity to congratulate Bennett on the formation of a new government. Bennett responded by highlighting his coalition’s diversity — eight parties across the political spectrum and for the first time an Arab faction as well. Bennett said his new government is cooperating well together, according to the Israeli readout of the conversation. There was no immediate comment on the conversation from the UK. The two leaders lauded the warm ties between Israel and the UK as well as the cooperation in a variety of areas, including security issues. Johnson invited Bennett to visit the UK, the Prime Minister’s Office said. Johnson had been among the world leaders who congratulated Bennett and Alternate Prime Minister Yair Lapid on their new government last month. Advertisement “As we emerge from COVID-19, this is an exciting time for the UK and Israel to continue working together to advance peace and prosperity for all,” he tweeted then. Since taking office Bennett has spoken to a number of major world leaders, including US President Joe Biden, Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angel Merkel. He is expected to travel to the White House later this month. https://www.timesofisrael.com/johnson-invites-bennett- to-visit-uk-in-first-phone-call-between-leaders/

Coalition in talks with Joint List for cooperation on state budget — report With government’s threadbare majority endangering passage of national monetary plan, Arab-majority alliance could cooperate with leadership in exchange for economic benefits By TOI staff Today, 3:35 am The coalition is holding talks with the Arab-majority Joint List to secure its “safety net” support for the state budget, should the government not have enough votes to pass it in the Knesset, according to a Channel 13 report Friday. Unnamed sources in the Joint List told the network that preliminary talks have been held on the matter with coalition leaders. They said the Joint List will help pass the budget in exchange for various economic moves to benefit its constituents. Channel 12 also reported that coalition leaders — and particularly Yesh Atid chief Yair Lapid and Blue and White head Benny Gantz — were in talks with the Joint List on various points for potential cooperation, though the report did not specifically mention the state budget. Passing a state budget is key to securing the new government, with politicians expecting its longevity to hinge on the matter. But with many disparate voices within the coalition, infighting and gridlock on the matter are distinct possibilities. The new coalition has a razor-thin majority of 61 MKs in the Knesset, a fact that has already given its leader headaches as they work to pass legislation. Earlier this week lawmakers approved a series of measures aimed at shoring up the new coalition, including a quasi- constitutional amendment extending the deadline for the government to pass a budget. Knesset members voted to extend the deadline for the government to pass a budget, giving it three months from the beginning of the budget year or 145 days from the date of the formation of the government, whichever is later. In the case of the new coalition, which was sworn in on June 13, it will now have until November 4 to pass the 2021 budget. Israel last approved a state budget for 2019, before it became embroiled in a two-year political gridlock. In the previous government, then-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to pass a budget — which allowed him to call elections without coalition partner Defense Minister Benny Gantz immediately becoming transitional prime minister under the terms of their rotation deal. On Tuesday the government failed to pass a Knesset motion renewing a law that bars Palestinians from obtaining Israeli citizenship through marriage. MORE- https://www.timesofisrael.com/coalition-in-talks-with-joint-list-for-cooperation-on-state- budget-report/

Israel to weigh opening of COVID-19 vaccine production plant "The ability to self-produce vaccines in Israel could be dramatic," said Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. By MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMAN JULY 9, 2021 13:43 Prime Minister Naftali Bennett will ask the government to approve a resolution to establish a team to consider the establishment of a coronavirus vaccine plant in Israel, the Prime Minister’s Office announced on Friday. "We are working around the clock in a variety of ways to protect the health of the citizens of Israel,” Bennett said. “The ability to self-produce vaccines in Israel could be dramatic, especially with a forward-looking view of future epidemics. Professional teams will examine this and make a decision soon.” [Well maybe the best way to protect their health is to have the clinics start prescribing HCQ or Ivermectin when they get diagnosed instead of waiting until they are really sick and hospitalizing them and putting them on a vent????? It works for those bright enough to do it. When a disease has a treatment that is effective you don’t need vaccines or JABs. – rdb] The announcement was made in collaboration with Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman and Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz. The team would be headed by the accountant general of the Finance Ministry and it would conduct an orderly procedure and consult with relevant professionals in order to formulate the best way to establish the plant, the announcement said. If established, the plant would be required to produce a variety of medications, while prioritizing vaccines, with an eye toward regular commercial activities. At the same time, the plant would have the ability to adapt its activities to produce vaccines during emergencies, ideally using a variety of technologies. The announcement added that Israel was open to establishing partnerships with other countries to bring any plan to fruition. Back in March, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Austria’s Sebastian Kurz and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced during a visit to Israel an agreement between their countries to set up a research and development fund and manufacturing plants for coronavirus vaccines in Israel and Europe. “We will be, together, ‘Vaccination Nations’,” Netanyahu said of the deal at that time. “We agreed that if other nations want to join us, we will discuss this among ourselves and welcome others to come in as well.” Netanyahu long discussed establishing a vaccine production plant in Israel, potentially with Pfizer or Moderna, or an independent facility that would make the Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) COVID-19 vaccine – a vaccine that is still stalled on its Phase II trial. In May, Pfizer confirmed for The Jerusalem Post that the company had no plans to open such a plant nor a research and development facility that Netanyahu described in Israel. “I’ve checked internally and confirmed that we do not have plans for this,” a senior manager for corporate communications said. “It sounds like the talk around it has been coming from local politicians.” However, Yeruham Mayor Tal Ohana said that even before coronavirus there was hope to establish a vaccine plant like the one described by Bennett in her town. In August 2020, when IIBR launched its Phase I trial for its coronavirus vaccine, Netanyahu asked the institute to start setting up a production plant at the same time. To date, there has been little or no progress on such a plant, although according to Ohana the Defense Ministry and other commercial partners potentially involved in such a plant had been to the city multiple times. “Today, Israel is completely dependent on external intellectual property and external manufacturing capacity,” BiondVax CEO Amir Reichman told the Post in a previous interview. BiondVax is a “biopharmaceutical company focused on developing, manufacturing and ultimately commercializing products for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and related illnesses,” its website described. The company is traded on Nasdaq. “With this pandemic, we were lucky because early in the pandemic we contracted and secured vaccine deliveries,” Reichman said, though he noted that in a future pandemic, Israel might not be so lucky. “It is important for Israel to have both the IP (intellectual property) and the capacity to manufacture” vaccines. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/israel-to- consider-establishment-of-covid-19-vaccine-production-plant-673353 [Can’t cure stupid. – rdb]

All travelers entering Israel to be forced to self-isolate for up to 24 hours And as of late next week, those arriving from 16 high-risk destinations, including the UAE, will be required to enter quarantine for up to two weeks By TOI staff 9 July 2021, 2:26 pm The Health Ministry announced on Friday that all travelers, including those vaccinated and recovered from COVID-19, would be required to self-isolate for up to 24 hours upon arrival to the country, starting late next week. Meanwhile, those returning from 16 countries deemed to have high rates of infection will be required to fully self-isolate for 14 days, or 10 days with two negative tests, according to the ministry’s updated guidelines, which will go into effect on July 16. The countries considered to have high infection rates as of Friday are: the United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Kyrgyzstan and Tunisia. Those returning from all other countries will also need to enter self-isolation, but for just 24 hours, or until they receive a negative test result, which they would conduct upon landing. It is expected that test results would be delivered within 24 hours, to ensure that returnees from non-high-risk countries, but are infected with COVID-19, don’t infect others. MORE-https://www.timesofisrael.com/all-travelers-entering-israel- to-be-forced-to-self-isolate-for-up-to-24-hours/

As Delta spreads, doctors call for major push to vaccinate reluctant over-50s Experts say that vaccinating just 100,000 more vulnerable people could significantly lower risk in Israel of serious coronavirus illness and deaths By Nathan Jeffay Today, 5:20 pm As Israel gets a COVID reality check, doctors are increasingly pressing for the country to launch an all-out effort to vaccinate some 200,000 over-50s who have so far refused the vaccine and are at most risk of serious illness if infected. [[Maybe those who are older have more wisdom and realize that the Jab may not be the best health option for people. People oftentimes do get smarter with age. – rdb] The Delta variant is spreading fast in Israel, with 450 new COVID-19 cases confirmed on Thursday, and a total of 3,691 people infected. The government is reporting that vaccines are less effective in preventing infection by Delta than other strains of the coronavirus. [So how many are really sick and what are their co- morbidities? – That is what counts. – rdb] Until a week ago, the spike wasn’t translating to hospitalizations, but over the last week the number of COVID- positive Israelis in hospital has risen from 54 to 70. The number of patients in serious condition has grown from 26 to 39, and Israel reported two coronavirus deaths on Thursday, the first pandemic fatalities in more than two weeks. [So considering the fact that you gave numbers yesterday or the day before that you had to cut down because the media actually called you on it, are we supposed to believe these numbers? – rdb] As of Friday, 5,712,644 Israelis had received a first dose, while 5,189,094 were fully vaccinated out of a population of some 9 million. However, most of the unvaccinated were young people, with shots for those aged 12-15 only recently approved and under-12 not yet authorized. Medical experts are clear that the ultimate worry as the Delta variant spreads isn’t high infection numbers, but rather that these could herald many seriously ill patients. And the higher the age of those infected, the higher their chance of getting seriously sick. [Drinking poison cool aid with statistics isn’t healthy. – rdb] So there have been raised eyebrows over the conspicuous absence of a big campaign to galvanize some of the 200,000 over-50s Israelis who aren’t vaccinated — even as the government runs a major government campaign for teen vaccination. It is led from the top, with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett taking his daughter for a vaccine and posing for photos. “There’s value to teen vaccinations, but if you want to prevent morbidity, a single vaccination for a single older person has the value of 50 teen vaccinations or more,” leading epidemiologist Prof. Hagai Levine told The Times of Israel on Thursday, noting that the number of older adults getting vaccinated has stagnated. [This is totally false! There is little if any value to teen Jabs. They don’t normally get sick and infrequently spread the disease. – rdb] Prof Mordechai Gerlic from Tel Aviv University’s Center for Combating Pandemics thinks that 100,000 over-50s would agree to shots if reached with the right approach. He said: “The rest of the population is largely safe, but the older age group is at risk and we should actively pursue vaccinating them. “Some of them are against the vaccine, people who there’s no way to get vaccinated, but I think around half are people who have not got vaccinated so far but who may well agree.” This would bring a major reduction to Israel’s coronavirus vulnerability, he argued. [In other words try to scare or shame them into getting the shot even if they don’t want it. – rdb] Levine agreed with Gerlic’s estimate that half of unvaccinated over-50s could be persuaded. He said that one of the two COVID-19 deaths seen this week illustrated his point: the death of a man, 48, who hadn’t taken a vaccine. Levine, a Hebrew University professor and until recently head of Israel’s public health physicians union, said the fact that even a man not quite 50 died illustrates the strategic value of pushing to vaccinate the 50-plus age group. He said that the vaccines stats released this week also underscores this. The government announced that as of June 6, the vaccine provided 64% protection against infection, a major drop from 95.3% reported in May before the Delta variant found its way to Israel. Yet it remains highly effective — 93% — in preventing serious disease. While the vaccine doesn’t prevent risk of infection, it is doing a good job at downgrading the danger associated with infection, and therefore should be promoted hard to the 50-plus, said Levine. [HUMMMM? Is he saying (and I do believe he IS saying) “the vaccine doesn’t prevent risk of infection”. If that is true why should they get it. This is a bunch of mumbo jumbo circuitous garbage talk from their health authority. – rdb’ On the ground, in Israeli healthcare organizations, some leading figures had similar reactions to the vaccine stats. Dr. Doron Dushnitzky, head of coronavirus patient care for the Leumit healthcare organization, said: “They raise a concern that the disease will spread, and therefore underscore that protection of the elderly is very important.” He said that the healthcare organizations (HMOs) like his have done as much as possible and have done their best to persuade those in their 50s to vaccinate, but said that “tens of thousands more” could vaccinate in the context of a sustained national campaign. “There should be a joint effort, with commercials by the Health Ministry coupled with initiatives by the HMOs,” he said, adding: “I’m not aware of any special ventures now to tackle this population, but I think it should happen. The highest risk patients should be regarded with more priority than others.” The Health Ministry did not respond to a Times of Israel request for comment. The HMOs have phoned and texted the unvaccinated, but Dushnitzky said that they have “squeezed the lemon dry” as much as they can do alone in recent weeks, and they need the government to make “a buzz in order to create an effect.” Levine and Gerlic went further. They would like to see a national initiative to contact all over-50s and invite them for a one-on-one consultation with a doctor to discuss the vaccine. “Get them appointments at clinics, at home, on Zoom or however else it can be done,” said Gerlic. Levine, who agrees with Gerlic’s estimate that half of unvaccinated over-50s could be persuaded to take shots, said: “Of course they have the right not to be vaccinated, but should at least be called for medical appointments to discuss the possibility. For these 200,000 Israelis over 50, we need a more tailored approach.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-delta- spreads-doctors-call-for-major-push-to-vaccinate-reluctant-over-50s/ [I am appalled at the pre-programed and unbelievably foolish approach the Israeli medical group has taken. This is unconscionable. The Covid is Israel is like the Covid around the world and there are perfectly good methods of prophylaxis and treatment without a Jab. This smells to me that Bibi and friends cut some deal with Pfizer designating their entire population as a case study and limiting all treatment modalities ONLY to the Jab and with the condition that almost their entire population get the JAB and fall into the study. This stinks like a Dr. Mengele episode from the Holocaust camps. It is absolutely revolting and criminal. – rdb]

As Israel’s biblical farming sabbatical nears, medical cannabis is budding issue Shmita, the divinely commanded halt to agricultural work in the Holy Land every 7th year, starts again in September. What does this mean for religious users of locally grown pot? By Yaakov Schwartz Today, 3:18 pm As many Israelis prepare to “rest the land” during the upcoming agricultural sabbatical year as commanded in the Book of Exodus, a debate has been sparked among rabbinical authorities as to whether locally grown cannabis will be subject to a complex set of guidelines. Will religious Jews be permitted to benefit from the plant in any way while observing the biblical laws of shmita that were set from on high? [So the question is “do we get high from cannabis or do we listen from ON HIGH?” That is almost too funny – rdb] The debate stems from the biblical commandment that residents of the Holy Land observe seven- year cycles culminating in a Jubilee every 50th year, with specific laws dictating matters such as loan forgiveness and the return of property titles. Most of the laws, however, deal with agriculture, and include restrictions on planting, tending, harvesting or even claiming ownership of crops that grew in one’s own field. These biblical laws will once again take effect at sundown on September 6, when Jews welcome the new Hebrew year of 5782. How they impact the nearly 95,000 Israeli medical cannabis recipients, as well as the unknown number of recreational users, depends on a range of factors — including where, when and how the cannabis was grown, whether Judaic law categorizes cannabis as a foodstuff, and whether the crop was cultivated for medicinal use. The average Israeli patient consumed 35 grams of marijuana monthly — or 420 grams annually — in 2020, according to the Israeli Medical Cannabis Association (IMCA), which operates under the auspices of Israel’s Health Ministry. Israel was the top importer of medical cannabis globally as of July 2020, but the 4,000 kilograms (8,818 pounds) of foreign-grown marijuana, which would not be subject to the biblical sabbatical laws, represent less than 10 percent of the cannabis Israelis are projected to burn through in 2021. The IMCA reports that Israelis used 3,455 kilograms (7,617 pounds) of cannabis in May of 2021 alone. [So has the cannabis become the “soma’ of Orwell’s 1984 keeping people numb and in line”. – rdb] And while produce grown and harvested in Israel prior to the sabbatical year can be used without concern, it’s unlikely that producers will stockpile enough cannabis to last 12 months.

ICAN’s Saul Kaye, left, and Prof. Raphael Mechoulam, who is credited as the father of medical cannabis research (Courtesy)

According to Saul Kaye, the religiously observant CEO of Israel-based medical marijuana initiatives CannaTech and iCan, the growth cycle of a medical-grade cannabis plant is between nine and 15 weeks from planting to harvest. This means that multiple planting cycles will probably take place over the course of the 5782 sabbatical year. Kaye tells The Times of Israel that the connection between medical cannabis and the seventh-year sabbatical has taken on an additional urgency in recent years. MORE- https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-israels-biblical-farming-sabbatical-nears-medical- cannabis-is-budding-issue/ [There are legitimate medical indications for the use of cannabis, but they are relatively limited. It appears that these numbers are fairly high. The problem however of the shemita and what do creates a most interesting conundrum for the orthodox community. For more information on the Shmita go to: https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/what-is-shemita-the-sabbatical-year/ – rdb]

Saudis concerned by Iran nuke activity ‘not consistent with peaceful purposes’ Foreign ministry official in Riyadh says moves by Tehran to enrich uranium to 20% ‘represent an increasing threat’ to regional security and non-proliferation efforts By TOI staff and Agencies Today, 7:24 pm Saudi Arabia is “greatly concerned” by the recent increase in Iranian nuclear activity, a foreign ministry official in Riyadh told Reuters on Friday as Tehran continues to violate the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal. The official said the kingdom “is greatly concerned about the increased pace of Iran’s nuclear activities and development of capabilities … that are not consistent with peaceful purposes.” On Tuesday, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that the Islamic Republic intended to enrich uranium to 20 percent, in the latest sign that Vienna-based indirect negotiations between the US and Iran to revive the nuclear deal, or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA,) could be stalling. [Is anyone surprised at this?? Not me. Iran is using this as a threat to the foolish people in the west who may actually think that they can trust anything the comes from Iran. Iran has ‘buffaloed’ the western countries from the very beginning of this foolish proposition. – rdb] An IAEA statement said Tehran had told the agency that it would be sending the enriched uranium to its research and development laboratory at the fuel production plant in Isfahan. The aim would be to make fuel for a research reactor, the agency added, but a joint statement by European ministers cast doubt over that claim, calling it a “serious violation” of Iran’s commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal. The latest move takes Iran a step closer to developing materials that could be used to make a nuclear weapon, although Tehran insists it is only interested in the technology to fulfill its energy needs. The Saudi official speaking to Reuters said the latest activity “represent[s] an increasing threat” to regional security and non-proliferation efforts in addition to hampering efforts to secure “a comprehensive nuclear deal that ensures global and regional security and stability.”MORE- https://www.timesofisrael.com/saudis-concerned-by-iran-nuke-activity-not-consistent-with- peaceful-purposes/ [The world grows closer every day to a rogue nuclear holocaust by these evil and vile critters. No matter what the Vienna group does, Iran will do what they want to and in the end will make a bomb to start a war so that their Mahdi can come forth for their eschatological end of days scenario. – rdb]

‘Wasteful spending!’: Bipartisan committee approval of $3.3 billion in US security assistance to Israel slammed on Twitter 9 Jul, 2021 15:20 Many United States taxpayers were far from pleased after the bipartisan US House Appropriations Committee approved a $3.3 billion security assistance package to Israel at a time when so many Americans are struggling. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) celebrated on Twitter Friday, following the approval last week, thanking both the Democrat and Republican members of the House Appropriations Committee. AIPAC declared that the “critical aid helps ensure our ally has the resources needed to defend itself by itself in the world’s most dangerous region.” Last week, the House Appropriations Committee approved $3.3 billion in U.S. security assistance to Israel.This critical aid helps ensure our ally has the resources needed to defend itself by itself in the world’s most dangerous region.Thank you @AppropsDems@HouseAppropsGOP! — AIPAC (@AIPAC) July 9, 2021 Despite AIPAC’s enthusiasm, many Americans on social media were not happy to see their tax money being shipped off to a country with one of the highest GDPs in the world. “As an American taxpayer I do not approve of this wasteful spending,” complained one person, while another commented, “Are they broke? It’s humiliating for them to even ask for or accept this money.” Wonder why we can't afford #Medicare4Allhttps://t.co/FmyMObyNTk — Michelle #QuestionEverything (seriously)  (@GratefulDog) July 9, 2021 What a waste of taxpayers money... — Antor Rashid (@yeaitsantor) July 9, 2021 Others questioned why the money would not be going toward Americans and joked that the US “must be currently running at a surplus if we have all this money to give away” – a reference to the nation’s $28.5 trillion debt, which is currently on track to reach as high as $89 trillion by 2029, according to the US Debt Clock website. “There are millions of people who are homeless, unemployed, suffer from trauma and have a multitude of issues that need to be taken care of first,” another person wrote. Why aren't more Americans objecting this? There are millions of people who are homeless, unemployed, suffer from trauma and have a multitude of issues that need to be taken care of first — Subaas Baig (@SubaasB) July 9, 2021 We must be currently running at a surplus if we have all this money to give away, right? @AppropsDems@HouseAppropsGOP — Steven (@libertyhulk919) July 9, 2021 With  debt approaching $30 trillion, we need to start rethinking our generosity toward our wealthy allies in the Middle East and Europe. This is not sustainable. https://t.co/TBEQN7dzJN — Kira DeSantis (@KiraSantis) July 9, 2021 Israel is the second-highest receiver of US foreign aid, behind only Afghanistan. The aid was approved last week as part of the 2022 State and Foreign Operations bill, which also condemned perceived “anti-Israel bias” at the United Nations – which has launched investigations into alleged Israeli war crimes – and expressed concern over international boycott movements of Israel. AIPAC declared last week that “the committee’s appropriation, with no added political conditions, reflects the strong bipartisan commitment for Israel’s security in Congress.” https://www.rt.com/usa/528822-us-taxpayers-protest-israel-aid/ [Most people can not see Israel as a major portion of US military deterrence. It is understandable to be concerned about ALL spending because it is out of control and has been for years. Even though it is not promoted specifically as such Israel is a first line of defense and intelligence for the US military. – rdb]

Europe’s drug regulator urges heart condition to be added to list of potential side effects of mRNA Covid vaccines 9 Jul, 2021 13:30 The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has found a link connecting mRNA vaccines, such as Pfizer and Moderna, to rare heart conditions following inoculation, and has recommended that these side effects are listed. The EMA published its findings that there is a risk of heart inflammation conditions - myocarditis and pericarditis – following the administration of mRNA Covid vaccines on Friday in the meeting highlights from the Risk Assessment Committee, with the body calling on the side effects to be made known to the public. The EMA had conducted a comprehensive review of 164 cases of myocarditis in the European Economic Area (EEA), alongside 157 cases of pericarditis following the use of Pfizer and Moderna. However, according to the medicinal regulatory body, these cases represent only a minute number, as some 200 million doses of these two mRNA vaccines have been administered across the EEA since the end of May. The EMA is not alone in reporting cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that since April 2021 there have been over a thousand incidences of reported inflammation of the heart after inoculation with the mRNA vaccines in the country. These reports were most commonly from young people – with some cases in adolescents under the age of 16. Both conditions are inflammations of the heart, with myocarditis impacting the muscle, and pericarditis the outer lining. Symptoms are typically breathlessness, irregular heart palpitations, and chest pain. https://www.rt.com/news/528797- europes-drug-regulator-heart-covid-vaccine/ [Nice to see that at least some people are waking up to some facts even thought the CDC and Fauci crowd AND the Israeli medical group haven’t grasped the problem. – rdb]

Number of Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines Jumps by More Than 2,000 in 1 Week, According to VAERS VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 438,441 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 9,048 deaths and 41,015 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021. By Megan Redshaw 07/09/21 Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) included 9,049 reports of deaths, across all age groups, following COVID vaccines — an increase of more than 2,000 compared with the previous week. The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed. Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021, a total of 438,441 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 9,048 deaths — an increase of 2,063 over the previous week. There were 41,015 serious injury reported during the same time period — up 6,950 compared with last week.

In the U.S, 328.9 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of July 2. This includes: 134 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 182 million doses of Pfizer and 13 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine. Of the 9,048 deaths reported as of July 2, 22% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 24 hours and 37% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated. This week’s data for 12- to 17-year-olds show: • 13,385 total adverse events, including 801 rated as serious and 14 reported deaths among 12- to 17-year-olds. Two of the nine deaths were suicides. • The most recent reported death includes a 13-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1431289) with a previous history of COVID who suffered cardiac arrest and died 17 days after vaccination with Pfizer.Other reports include a 13- year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1406840) who died two days after receiving a Pfizer vaccine, three 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1187918, 1382906 and 1242573), four 16-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1420630, 1426828, 1225942 and 1386841) and three 17-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1199455, 1388042 and 1420762). • 1,934 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds with 99% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 1.1% to Moderna and 0.2% (or four cases) to J&J. • 347 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation) with 343 attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine. • 57 reports of blood clotting disorders, 56 attributed to Pfizer and 1 attributed to Moderna. This week’s total VAERS data, from Dec. 14, 2020 to July 2, 2021, for all age groups show: • 22% of deaths were related to cardiac disorders. • 50% of those who died were male, 45% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased. • The average age of death was 74.7. • As of July 2, 2,678 pregnant women reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 994 reports of miscarriage or premature birth. • Of the 4,456 cases of Bell’s Palsy reported, 59% were attributed to Pfizer vaccinations, 39% to Moderna vaccine and 7% to J&J. • 398 reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, with 47% of cases attributed to Pfizer, 40% to Moderna and 19% to J&J. • 121,092 reports of anaphylaxis with 46% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 46% to Moderna and 7% to J&J. • 8,256 reports of blood clotting disorders. Of those, 3,959 reports were attributed to Pfizer, 2,699 reports to Moderna and 1,552 reports to J&J. • 1,796 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis with 1,177 cases attributed to Pfizer, 563 cases to Moderna and 52 cases to J&J’s COVID vaccine. Pfizer says boosters needed, U.S. federal health agencies, scientists disagree MORE- [Folks if this were any other medication this would have been pulled off the market LONG AGO. It must be obvious to all that something is terribly wrong. The first tenant of medicine is “first do NO HARM”. When there are effective treatment modalities there is no need for a vaccine. The is a reason why they are trying to JAB everyone in the world and it has little or nothing to do with the virus which is treatable. There are vile and evil people working behind the scenes and have been for many years. RUN don’t walk if they come at you with a needle. – rdb]

Judicial Watch: New Documents Show Wuhan Lab Asked NIH Official for Information on Disinfectants; Nine Fauci Agency Grants for EcoHealth Bat Coronavirus Research July 08, 2021 | Judicial Watch (Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 301 pages of emails and other records from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) officials in connection with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, revealing significant collaborations and funding that began in 2014. These new records reveal that NIAID gave nine China-related grants to EcoHealth Alliance to research coronavirus emergence in bats and was the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) top issuer of grants to the Wuhan lab itself. These records also include an email from the Vice Director of the Wuhan Lab asking an NIH official for help finding disinfectants for decontamination of airtight suits and indoor surfaces. Additionally, a World Health Day announcement lists “successful activities” of the US-China collaboration that included “detailed surveillance throughout China and in other countries on the emergence of coronaviruses” and NIH’s receipt of influenza samples from China to “assess risks associated with emerging variants for pandemic and zoonotic threat.” The records further show that, in 2018, Dr. Ping Chen, the NIAID Representative in China, learned of a “type of new flu vaccine using nano-technology from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology” and discovered that the Chinese had blocked all Internet links to reports on the new technology. This led Chen to write an urgent “night note” to US Government officials. The note said, “The intranasal nano-vaccine can target broad- spectrum flu viruses and induces robust immune responses.” The documents also include a picture of the Wuhan facility building taken by Dr. Chen. The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for records of communications, contracts and agreements with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:21-cv-00696)). The lawsuit specifically sought records about NIH grants that benefitted the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The agency is only processing 300 pages records per month, which means it will take until the end of November for the records to be fully reviewed and released under FOIA. The nine grants to EcoHealth Alliance include the following: • One grant awarded each year between 2010-2012 to EcoHealth Alliance, working with Chinese collaborator Jinping Chen of Guangdong Entomological Institute, to study in China “Risk of Viral Emergence from Bats.” • One grant awarded each year from 2014-2017 to EcoHealth Alliance, working with Chinese collaborator Changwen Ke of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Guangdong, in a project titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” • A grant was issued in 2012 to EcoHealth Alliance, working with Xiangming Xiao of the East China Normal University, in a project titled “Comparative Spillover Dynamics of Avian Influenza in Endemic Countries.” • A grant was issued in 2018 to EcoHealth Alliance, again working with Ke in the project called “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” The new records include an email on March 20, 2020, that is labeled, “navigating politics,” NIH virologist Jens Kuhn forwards to NIH colleagues Cliff Lane (NIAID Deputy Director) and Connie Schmaljohn (senior NIAID official), a 2016 email of “high importance” that Kuhn received from Wuhan Institute of Virology Vice Director Yuan Zhiming, with the subject line “asking for help.” In his 2016 email, Zhiming told Kuhn: I am writing to you to ask your help. Our laboratory is under operation without pathogens, and we are now looking for the disinfectants for decontamination of airtight suits and surface decontamination indoor decontamination. We have tried several ones do [sic] determine their antiviral efficacy and corrosion to pipeline and wastewater treatment equipment. Unfortunately, we have found a good candidate. I hope you can give us some help, to give us some suggestion for the choice of disinfectants used in P4 laboratory. What kind of disinfectants for decontamination of airtight protective clothes? What kind of disinfectants for surface decontamination in door? What kind of disinfectants for air decontamination in door? What kind of disinfectants for infectious materials indoor? What is the approval procedure for the choice of disinfectants in laboratory? I am sorry to disturb you and I really hope you could give us some suggestion and cooment [sic]. Best regards and looking forward to seeing you in Wuhan. Yuan Zhiming After the new coronavirus emerged, on March 20, 2020, continuing on this email chain, Zhiming writes Kuhn: The 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak is a major challenge for global public health security. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 has been associated with serious acute respiratory distress syndrome with large number of patients’ hospitalization and relatively high mortality. We had a very hard time in combating the infection in Wuhan, the epicenter of the COVID-19 in China, and now we can see the situation goes in good direction, with no reported confirmed case, no reported suspected case in last two days here. My colleagues and I, have been working on characterization of pathogens, antiviral screen, vaccine development, animal modeling since the early January this year, and some progresses have been made. I hope our understanding of the virus and the technology could be valuable in the global fighting to the virus. As I can see from the media, the virus is spreading in your country, and more people are infected during the last days, and the situation worries me a lot. I am confident that we could finally curb the spreading of the virus with our joint effort, and our life will return back to the normal soon. I do not know what I can do for you in the special moment and I hope you could protect you and your family. Kuhn tells Lane and Schmaljohn, “I know Zhiming for quite some time and also met him personally in Wuhan twice … He used to be responsible for the BSL-4 there.” Some of Kuhn, Lane and Schmaljohn’s follow-on comments about Zhiming’s emails are redacted under “deliberative process” exemption. In an email exchange on August 11, 2014, between Chen and the head of the NIH-funded biosecurity lab at the University of Texas in Galveston, Dr. James Leduc, Leduc provides the initial contact between NIAID (via Chen) and officials at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Leduc told Chen that he had been working on an initiative to “form long-term scientific and technical collaborations with the new BSL4 laboratory” in Wuhan, under the direction of Dr. Yuan Zhiming, with whom Leduc had met “repeatedly.” Leduc adds, “we are already attempting to build the kind of partnership [with the Wuhan Institute of Virology] that I think is envisioned under the GHSA [Global Health Security Agenda].” A chart labeled “NIH Extramural Projects with a Chinese Collaborator, by IC, FY2010-2018,” indicates NIH provided a total of 2,221 grants between 2010-2018 for projects involving a “Chinese Collaborator,” with Anthony Fauci’s NIAID providing the most grants among all NIH subagencies, furnishing 490 grants. The remaining 1,731 grants were from 19 different NIH subagencies. An additional chart shows that the NIAID financial grants increased steadily over those eight years, with a particular spike in 2013; and the number of grants jumped from 34 in 2012 to 61 in 2013. Another spreadsheet shows the 2,221 grants disbursed among 261 universities, laboratories, and private companies. The vast majority are in the US, but others are in China, the UK, Canada, Thailand, and Australia. Additional spreadsheets detail the 2,221 grants, including: • A grant to Wayne State University, working with Chinese collaborator Xiaoyi Fang, to study in China “Venue- based HIV and alcohol use risk reduction among female sex workers in China.” • A grant to Purdue University, working with Chinse collaborator Yinlong Jin, to study in China “Selenium, other risk factors and cognitive decline in rural elderly Chinese.” • A grant to Peking University, working with Chinese collaborator Yaohui Zhao, in a project in China titled “China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study.” • A grant to Boston College, working with Chinese collaborator Wei Sun of Renmin University of China, to study in China “The impact of Long-Term Care Insurance.” • A grant to Florida International University, working with Chinese collaborator Sheng Li of Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences, to study in China “Regulation of juvenile hormone titers in mosquitoes.” • A grant to the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, working with Chinese collaborator Yue Long Shu of the Chinese National Influenza Center, in a project titled “Southeast Regional Centers of Excellence for Biodefense & Emerging Infectious Di[seases].” • A grant to Zhejiang University, working with Chinese collaborator Shulin Chen, to study in China “Collaborative Care for Depressed Elders in China.” In an email on October 26, 2017, Chen sends a “trip report” to NIH colleagues advising them that she visited the Wuhan Institute of Virology. She includes a photo of the lab and states, My contact who helped arrange the visit is Dr. Zhengli Shi, who is a Chinese collaborator on a NIAID grant to EcoHealth for SARS like corona virus project. The P4 lab is located in a new developing zone about one hour car ride from the current institute location in central Wuhan city. The location will be the new campus for the entire institute in the near future (a lot of construction is going on right now). Since we are not allowed to take photos so only the photo from the outside is attached. In an email marked “high importance” on August 6, 2014, with the subject “Harbin Wuhan China Global Health Security,” Chen discussed collaborating more with Chinese health officials with her NIH colleagues. Chen states: I had a meeting with [HHS Health Attache to China] Liz Yuan and Liz updated me with regarding the activities involving Global Health Security Agenda. China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission (Ministry of Health) and China CDC are supportive and should commit to be a part of the network. We do want to expand the Chinese participation in the network to include other partners and sectors, including agriculture and veterinary. We could not so far identify any direct NIAID collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). However, from a quick search we found Dr. James Leduc of University of Texas at Galveston and Dr. Jian Han of the Hudsonalpha Institute of Biotechnology at Birmingham recently visited WIV… James Leduc is the head of the national lab at Galveston and I believe NIAID funded the establishment of the lab (biosecurity lab) … And please find if both James Leduc and Han Jian have any NIAID funded grants. In an email on February 26, 2018, Chen messaged her NIH colleagues to report that she had learned of a, “type of new flu vaccine using nano-technology from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology” and discovered that the Chinese had blocked all Internet links to reports on the new technology. MUCH MORE- https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/wuhan- lab-fauci-grants/ [This article is very long and goes on to detail the ‘amazing collaboration’ between the Wuhan lab and the US NIH group. It is in Judicial watch and I highly recommend you go there and look it over. The NIH appears to have had a significant role in all this bruhaha and the seems to be blood on the hands of Fauci and friends, at least from my observations. NOTE that it appears there was a vaccine BEFORE the disease was released. – rdb] Drug company's meetings with FDA raise suspicions, investigation sought Collaboration revealed to be 'unusually close' By WND News Services Published July 9, 2021 at 7:57pm By Sebastian Hughes Daily Caller News Foundation The acting head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urged for a government investigation into unusual contacts between members of her agency and the maker of a controversial new drug for Alzheimer’s disease Friday. Dr. Janet Woodcock, acting commissioner of the FDA, tweeted that due to “ongoing interest and questions” she has asked the Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for an independent investigation into the “interactions between representatives of Biogen and FDA” during the approval process for Aduhelm, an Alzheimer’s drug. Biogen’s drug Aduhelm was approved by the FDA in June, against the expertise of their own statisticians who said there wasn’t enough evidence the expensive drug was effective. Three advisors who opposed the approval resigned from the FDA, the Associated Press reported. The collaboration between Biogen and the FDA’s drug review staff was unusually close, with an undocumented meeting between a top Biogen executive and the FDA’s lead reviewer for Alzheimer’s drugs taking place in May 2019, according to STAT, a health news site. Medicare is expected to cover the drug, which will cost $56,000 a year, and private insurers will pay for the treatment if doctors deem it medically necessary. If a patient has an advanced case of Alzheimer’s, however, the ineffectiveness of the drug may lead insurers not to provide coverage, the AP reported. “We believe an independent assessment is the best manner in which to determine whether any interactions that occurred between the manufacturer and the agency’s review staff were inconsistent with FDA’s policies and procedures,” Woodcock tweeted. The meeting came in the aftermath of Biogen stopping two studies showing that the drug failed to slow the disease as expected. Biogen and the FDA then went over all the data together and ended up approving the drug based on its ability to reduce the buildup of beta-amyloid brain plaques in the brain, which are considered to be a component of Alzheimer’s, the AP reported. The FDA also narrowed the prescription recommendation of Aduhelm on Thursday to patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia, the group tested in clinical trials, after criticism the original scope was too broad, Reuters reported. https://www.wnd.com/2021/07/drug-companys-meetings-fda-raise-suspicions-investigation-sought/

White House indicates support for Critical Race Theory in K-12 schools Teachers unions meanwhile mobilizing against campaign to ban CRT By Art Moore Published July 9, 2021 at 4:01pm Amid denials by public educators that they are teaching Critical Race Theory in K-12 schools, the White House on Friday indicated President Biden supports the teaching of CRT principles, which view the world through a Marxist lens that regards all white people as oppressors. White House press secretary Jen Psaki was responding to a question from Real Clear News reporter Philip Wegmann regarding Biden's stance in light of the National Education Association's recent approval of a resolution defending CRT. Psaki didn't push back on the use of the term Critical Race Theory, replying that children should learn about existing "systemic racism." [It should be apparent that these people aren’t just stupid but are terminally evil and wicked critters who want to destroy the entire country. – rdb] "The president believes that in our history, there are many dark moments and there is not just slavery and racism in our history, there is systemic racism that is still impacting society today," she said. "And he believes, as I believe, as a parent of children, that kids should learn about our history." Psaki said that as the spouse of an educator, the president "continues to believe that children should learn not just the good, but also the challenging in our history, and that's part of what we're talking about here, even as it's becoming political charged." Last weekend, the NEA, the nation's largest teachers association, adopted a pledge at its annual meeting to "share and publicize" information on CRT, "what it is and what it is not," the Post Millenial reported. The resolution states the "USA's economy/social order is built on interactions between different cultures/races" and that "to deny opportunities to teach truth about Black, Brown, and other marginalized races minimalizes the necessity for students to build efficacy." The union will educate members who "want to learn more and fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric." The plan will provide a "study that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti- Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society, and that we oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project." The NEA also wants to partner with Black Lives Matter to create special education materials based on Critical Race Theory. And it urges the implementation of new special days in the school calendar, including a celebration of George Floyd's birthday on Oct. 14. The union envisions it as "a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression." The head of another major teachers union, the American Federation of Teachers, has vowed to defend educators who implement CRT in classrooms. "Mark my words: Our union will defend any member who gets in trouble for teaching honest history. Teaching the truth is not radical or wrong. Distorting history and threatening educators for teaching the truth is what is truly radical and wrong," said Randi Weingarten in a virtual speech to the AFT on Tuesday https://www.wnd.com/2021/07/white-house-indicates- support-critical-race-theory-k-12-schools/ [The NEA needs to be taken apart brick by brick and its “leadership” locked up for good. This is blatantly subversive activity in an effort to undermine the constitution and history of this country. – rdb]

Commentary: U.S. allies face the Revolutionary People’s Army of America 07/09/2021 Caroline Glick During his Senate confirmation hearing, Defense Secretary General Lloyd Austin gave an ominous description of how he viewed the Pentagon’s mission. He began his statement blandly enough. “The job of the Defense Department is to keep America safe from our enemies,” he said. He immediately added however, “But we can’t do that if some of those enemies live within our ranks.” Upon entering the Pentagon a week later, Austin issued a 60-day stand-down order to all units in the US Armed Forces to enable commanders to deal with “the enemies within our ranks.” Those were the days of hysteria that followed the so-called “insurrection” or “occupation” of the Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump on Jan. 6. The protesters were castigated as “domestic terrorists” who pose an “existential threat” to America as a constitutional republic. Thousands of National Guard troops were mobilized to protect the Capitol. And America’s “People’s House” took on the appearance of a military base or a prison as barbed wire fencing went up to protect it from the people. The protesters who entered Capitol Hill on Jan. 6 were hunted down and arrested by federal authorities. Most of those arrested remain incarcerated to this day despite the fact that they haven’t been tried, many haven’t been indicted, none are accused of serious violent crimes and most have no criminal record. The only person who died a violent death on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6 was a protester. Air Force veteran Ashli Babbit was shot to death by an undercover Capitol Police officer. The officer’s identity has never been revealed. The investigation of his actions was closed without any disciplinary or legal action against him. Although all of these facts lend to the sense that the rantings about an “insurrection” were entirely wrong, Austin and his generals insist that the events of Jan. 6 were every bit as terrible and dangerous as they were touted to have been by the media and Nancy Pelosi. Although no evidence has been presented indicating the protesters were at the Capitol to advance a white supremacist agenda, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley intimated in Congressional testimony that the Capitol Hill protest was informed by white supremacy. Austin, Milley and their colleagues are using the misrepresented events of that day as an ongoing justification of their efforts to purge the US military of the “enemies within the ranks.” A key component of the purge is indoctrination. Officers and enlisted soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines are now compelled to study and internalize progressive texts and other materials that are aligned with Critical Race Theory. As army veteran Sen. Tom Cotton (Ark.), defined the term in an article in National Review, “Critical race theory repudiates the principle of equality under the law that is articulated in the Declaration of Independence and that has motivated civil- rights reformers for generations. It claims that this American ideal is a sham used by the white majority to oppress racial minorities, and consequently that America is racist to its core. The theory concludes that the only way to end perceived discrimination against racial minorities is to systematically discriminate on their behalf.” Amidst the public outcry following the Joint Chiefs’ decision to compel servicemen and women to undergo CRT training, Cotton and Rep. Dan Crenshaw set up a “whistleblower hotline,” for service members who feel assaulted by the indoctrination. In a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee last month, Cotton presented some of their findings to Austin. The hundreds of complaints the two lawmakers and veterans have received read like testimony from Stalin’s purges or Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Required “anti-extremism” training includes segregating soldiers and officers by their skin colors and genders. White men are required to apologize for their physical attributes to those of different races and genders. Senior officers instruct their soldiers that “the US Army is a racist institution.” Soldiers are taught that police forces are systemically racist and violently inclined against minorities. They are taught that whites enjoy “privilege” by dint of their pigmentation and as a consequence, they must take a back seat to non-whites and willingly accept discrimination against them in the interests of “equity.” The indoctrination isn’t limited to training sessions. It extends as well to reading lists for service members. Admiral Michael Gilday, the Chief of Naval Operations, distributed a reading list to all naval personnel that includes books calling for the eradication of capitalism and the prohibition of interracial adoption, among other things. The books on Gilday’s list castigate the United States as inherently and irredeemably racist and evil. Required reading lists for or cadets at military academies include similar texts. Cotton told Austin that as a result of the widescale political indoctrination, “We’re hearing reports of plummeting morale, growing mistrust between the races and the sexes where none existed just six months ago, and unexpected separations and retirements based on these trainings alone.” Unfortunately, nothing happens in a vacuum. While the Joint Chiefs wage their war against their political enemies within their ranks, America’s actual enemies are becoming increasingly aggressive, and emboldened. This week a Chinese government-controlled magazine published a three-stage plan for invading and conquering Taiwan. This was the second war plan for invading Taiwan published by a Chinese government publication in the past year. Even though US power in the Pacific is predicated in large part on America’s commitment to an independent Taiwan, the Pentagon has no clear strategy for defending the island democracy. It also lacks a strategy for enabling Taiwan to defend itself. America’s allies in Asia are increasingly open in expressing their concern about America’s lassitude. In a stunning address before the Hudson Institute last month, Japan’s Deputy Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama warned his audience that the hour is late and that the US must work with Japan to develop a strategy to defend Taiwan. He concluded his remarks by half begging, “Wake up. We must wake up.” Precisely what is it that the US needs to wake up to notice? Among other things, the Chinese navy. Earlier this week, Democrat Congresswoman Elaine Luria, a retired naval commander noted in the Wall Street Journal that whereas in 2010, the US Navy had more ships that China, today, the Chinese navy is larger than the US Navy. Rather than bridge and surpass the divide, the navy continues to retire ships far faster than it procures them. Luria warned that there is no correlation between the Pentagon’s procurement plans for the Air Force and Navy and their strategic mission of defending the US from China. Luria criticized Milley’s efforts to downplay the seriousness of China’s offensive plans in relation to Taiwan noting that Adm. John Aquilino, the Pacific combatant commander views the situation with much greater urgency than Milley. Last month Milley told Congress, “I think the probability [of a Chinese assault on Taiwan] is probably low, in the immediate, near-term future.” Aquilino in contrast said China could be prepared to attack Taiwan in the next six years. “We’ve seen things that I don’t think we expected, and that’s why I continue to talk about a sense of urgency,” he said. China is not the only US enemy the Pentagon is not taking seriously. This week, Austin and Milley withdrew all US forces form Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. Bagram has been the most important US base throughout the long US war in that country. While secrecy may have been called for to protect the retreating troops, the Americans didn’t inform their Afghan counterparts of their plans. The Afghan commander had no opportunity to organize to take control of the base – and the massive amount of military equipment the Americans left behind. As a result, as soon as word got out that the US forces had abandoned the post, mobs of looters descended on Bagram and stole everything in sight. From a strategic standpoint, the US withdrawal from Bagram left Afghan forces without support, without the requisite training or capacity to defend either the base or themselves. Unsurprisingly the Taliban took the move as a sign that they have won. And they wasted no time running to the real boss in Afghanistan for instructions. After word broke of the US withdrawal from Bagram, Taliban leaders flew to Tehran to meet with the commanders of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. The US’s deterrent posture in the Middle East has sunk to new lows since Joe Biden entered office. In response to attacks on US forces in Iraq by Iranian-controlled militias, Biden ordered airstrikes along the Iraqi-Syrian border on two supply bases that serve the militias. As Dalia al-Aqidi noted in Arab News, the faraway bases have little impact on the militias’ operational readiness or capabilities. Bombing them was little different from bombing empty buildings. Iran and its proxies wasted no time demonstrating that the US airstrike left them undaunted This week has seen a cascade of attacks against US forces, allies and installations in Iraq and . Missile and drone strikes on US forces in Erbil were followed by similar attacks against the US Embassy in Baghdad. On Tuesday, US forces guarding the oil fields in northeastern Syria and US forces in Basra were attacked on Wednesday and Thursday. The suspected perpetrator of the bombing of the tanker in the port of Dubai that rocked the city Wednesday evening is Iran’s Yemeni Houthi proxy. All this points to the conclusion that Iran is certain that the US will not lift a finger to defend itself fearing that doing so will jeopardize its efforts to realign its policies towards Iran. The day after he ordered the bombing of the militia bases along the Iraqi-Syrian border, Biden met with Israel’s outgoing President Reuven Rivlin for a farewell visit. In their joint Oval Office appearance, Biden read all of his talking points from cue cards he held in his hand, including the greeting, “I want to thank the President for being here.” Biden also read, “Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch.” A few days after Rivlin’s visit, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken withdrew economic sanctions the Trump administration placed on three Iranian nationals involved in the regime’s ballistic missile program. The administration also acknowledged to reporters that it is considering removing the sanctions the Trump administration placed on Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei following the Iranian downing of a US drone in the Persian Gulf. As for Israel, whereas a couple weeks ago, Blinken was telling Foreign Minister Yair Lapid that the administration would account for Israeli concerns about the nuclear deal in its nuclear talks with the Iranians, on Wednesday Haaretz reported that a senior US official admitted Israel has no influence on US negotiating positions in relation to Iran and its nuclear program. The Bennett-Lapid government’s assumption that it can trust the US to defend Israel’s strategic interests in relation to Iran and other regional issues is the anchor of its strategic calculations. Given the Pentagon’s current priorities and its strategic disarray in the region, the government would be well advised to revisit that assumption. https://carolineglick.com/u-s-allies-face-the-revolutionary-peoples-army-of-america/

And then… American Education is Training for Dogs, Not Students By Karen Schoen|July 9th, 2021 A fact is a piece of information that can be proved with concrete evidence. An opinion is a view or judgment about something and can change often. Education is supposed to immerse the individual in facts so that whenever a decision is needed, the individual can make the most logical, common-sense decision. Historical Facts: Thousands of white people died in the Civil War trying to end slavery. The voting rights act was passed in 1965. The Great Society Legislation passed in 1964-65, spending millions on urban renewal, medical care, housing, and transportation for rural and inner-city blacks. Sensible conclusion: Discrimination/oppression of black people ended a long time ago. While a fact refers to something true or real, which is backed by evidence, documentation, etc. Example: the moon’s temperature ranges from -298F at night to 224F during the day, which has been determined and confirmed by astronomers, scientists, and lunar landings. On the other hand, opinion is what a person believes or thinks about something. Example: I think the moon is made of green cheese; it sure looks like it on a cloudy night, don’t you agree? Facts make use of the left brain, and by using proper skills, the individual can reason, prioritize, and come to a logical conclusion. Once these skills are realized, the individual can make quick, common-sense decisions. Example: If in multiplication 5 x 3=15, then in division 15 divided by 3=5. Facts are universal and only change when solid, verifiable evidence is found that refutes the fact. Example: For centuries, wise men believed the earth was flat. When explorers returned with evidence there is no end-point, the earth is round, and you can circumnavigate it, the fact was changed. Opinions use the right brain where emotion will guide the decision, often making judgments without basis. Emotion is a learned response to a particular situation. Emotions are abstract and often personal, so they are easily changed. A person can only think of one thought at a time. If only the left brain is developed, then the individual has little time for issues that involve emotional responses, i.e., art, movies. If only the right brain is developed, the individual can not reason, lacks common sense, and will often make decisions based on how things look rather than how they operate. It’s very difficult to understand the relationship between SEL, CRT, and CRT because they are three different approaches to the same thing, Emotionally controlling the people. Critical Race Theory: CRT is a Theory, a system of rules, procedures, and assumptions used to produce a result. Who’s opinion, who’s assumption, what if I disagree? Many common tactics in CRT training, including segregating people by race, race-shaming, ascribing certain attributes to people based on race, and ” claims that by virtue of race, a person is inherently racist or inclined to oppress others.” You must assume things to be true. Social-Emotional Learning: SEL forces the child to see all issues under an emotional lens, often shutting down the right brain to logic and reason. Too often, the child gets so emotionally charged that they become unruly (so involved in their emotion) and no longer have the ability to express themselves. They no longer have the ability to listen to an opposing viewpoint because it doesn’t make them “feel better.” So Johnny, who had a bad feeling from reading about the boy who lost his life getting hit by a train, gets mad at the engineer instead of asking why the boy was on the track to begin with. Emotion overplays logic. The purpose of school is to disseminate factual information for a person to store in their brain and use at a later time when needed to make informed decisions, i.e., common sense. However, a person thinking through emotion will never have a firm footing. They will constantly be thinking, how do I feel about that? How am I making others feel? Decision- making becomes a horror. Emotion changes constantly. Because Facts rarely change once the individual knows facts, they become more secure in their decisions. A student taught to think of everything in terms of SEL will become an emotional person incapable of having a conversation with an opposing perspective. They lack common sense and don’t have the ability to draw conclusions logically. They allow others to make decisions for them rather than risk hurting someone else. Johnny White, Suzie Black, Jose Brown were in class. The teacher asked what 2 plus 2 is. Johnny knows the answer but is afraid to raise his hand because the rest of the students will think he has white privilege. Suzie thinks she knows the answer but won’t say anything because what if she is wrong and the others laugh at her and hurt her feelings⏤she will just want to die. Jose knows the answer but won’t talk because he will get a passing grade for coming to school. How does this create excellence? And the answer is…IT DOESN’T. But the goal is not excellence, the goal is division. The ruling class of Globalists doesn’t want people to come together as Americans. They don’t want the populace to think logically or to think factually. They don’t want people to communicate because they might have an opposing view. They don’t care about the truth because the ends justify the means. They want the populace to be trained to think about how they have designed the world to think emotionally. Emotional people are easier to control – no opposition. They want the people to “stay in their lane.” Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that recognizes the importance of including students’ cultural references in all aspects of learning. CRT is a fancy term for multiculturalism (dividing people by ethnicity) which means stay in your tribe. No exploring America or American values of being the best you can be, you must be the same as everyone else in your tribe. Instead of students learning the “new ” ways of American exceptionalism where they can make their own choices, they must choose from what the rulers have offered. Instead of people coming together as Americans, they stay apart based on ethnicity. CRT will constantly divide the population. Culturally Responsive Teaching | Teaching Diverse Learners The inability to make clear decisions based on facts too often pushes the person into an emotional dilemma. I am stuck, they think. I can’t make a decision. I am an emotional mess. Where are my pills? If I give the right answer, will my compatriots think I am a racist? I’ll kill myself rather than be called a racist. There is a reason why the suicide rate is climbing. By eliminating facts, skills, and morality, the person never has a firm footing. Things change all the time. Not being on a secure footing destroys confidence and self-esteem. This type of training is now filtered throughout all disciplines. ELA, MATH, SS, Science are all seen through an emotional racial lens called diversity, inclusion, reparations, equity, social justice and etc. They can’t eat, sleep. Can’t cope? Not to worry, there is a syndrome, psychiatrist, and drug for that. Must be something wrong with you⏤need a sex change? Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is the vehicle used to guide CRT into the conversation. By claiming everything in life is dictated by racism CRT, students are inhibited from speaking, expressing their true feelings. Maybe Suzie Black gets the answer wrong because she didn’t do her homework, which is nothing to do with race. Johnny White is stuck because he will be called a racist exercising his white privilege if he gives the right answer. Everyone will think I am a racist. So rather than giving the right answer, the student is prompted to think⏤is this answer going to offend someone else? (OR) The teacher asks the question, who knows what two and two are? Johnny thinks, why bother answering⏤they will just call me a racist. I’ll just play with my blocks; besides, if I don’t answer anything, I’ll pass anyway, and that is safer. Rather than answer #4, learning the fact and moving to the next fact, children are now fearful of giving the wrong socially acceptable emotional response that someone they don’t know decided they should have. They are inhibited and are learning to keep quiet even when they are right. So if they can’t be right when they know they are, they will do something else to get attention – drugs, sex, pink hair, body piercing, drinking, etc. Children will do anything to get the attention they lack from being right in school in front of their peers. SEL and CRT are just fancy names for behavior modification. A psychological trick used to elicit the appropriate required response for an action. All the child does is learn the responses approved by the textbook company. If you follow procedure, you will get the correct OUTCOME. No innovation, no creation, no competition, no thinking outside the box. Now every child must think inside the box. There is no room for individuality which is its purpose. No wonder why the STEM attendance is so poor. No thought, just stimulus, response, stimulus, response, training for Pavlov’s dogs, not people. We are not graduating individuals. We are graduating clones who, given the right stimulus, will give the right response. No reading, writing, or math is needed. Just respond the way you were taught. White people are bad and the cause of your problems. If you are a minority, you are the victim and can blame someone else for your problems. You can riot without consequences. There is a reason why Collier Co. Schools are failing and graduating students who are only 34% college-ready. Focusing on emotion, not facts, does not prepare an individual for worldwide competition. Focusing on emotion does not enable a child to learn to read, write and do math which is the purpose of education. Every text regardless of subject contains CRT. Please do not adopt these texts. We need a real pause to find great texts and curricula for Florida’s students. Based on the four domains of the Social Justice Standards (Identity, Diversity, Justice and Action) https://newswithviews.com/american-education-is-training-for-dogs-not-students/

And then… What Authority do Courts Have Over the Second Amendment? By Lex Greene|July 9th, 2021 In a July 5th article in Epoch Times titled Texas Joins 21 Other States Asking Supreme Court to Protect Second Amendment, writer Jack Phillips celebrates twenty-two states joining a law suit headed to the US Supreme Court asking the court to “uphold the Second Amendment” following a typically “unconstitutional” ruling in Hawaii and the 9th Circuit Court in California. Millions of American “conservatives” seem elated by this news, as if they trust the US Supreme Court to uphold anything in the Constitution or Bill of Rights. But this story begs an even bigger question… Why do people ask a mother- may-I question to courts who are NOT their mom? What “legal standing” (legal authority) does any court in the USA have over the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment? Why are twenty-two states asking any court to “uphold the Second Amendment” as if the court has any legal jurisdiction over the Bill of Rights? Everything in the Bill of Rights stands just as it was adopted on December 15, 1791. It means exactly what it says, nothing more and nothing less. It was written and adopted in plain English, so that no one needed an expert in legalese to explain it to them. Without these Ten Original Amendments, the original colonies would have never ratified the U.S. Constitution in 1787. The colonies demanded additional protections from future Federal tyranny in the form of the Bill of Rights before they would agree to adopt the Constitution itself. The Founders working to pass the Constitution had to agree to the following Bill of Rights to gain support for their Constitution, which followed four years later in 1791. The Second Amendment at the center of yet another frivolous suit reads as follows; “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” These 26-words couldn’t possibly be any clearer… being necessary to the security of a free State (the sole purpose of the amendment) the right of the people (every single legal US Citizen) to keep (own and-or possess) and bear arms (to bear means, to carry) shall not be infringed (shall not be regulated in any way by any Federal authority) Now, the US Constitution governs the Federal Government, not the people. The Bill of Rights is NOT an enumeration of Citizen’s Rights. It’s an additional enumeration of items which the Federal Government is strictly prohibited from ever infringing upon, regulating, limiting, eliminating, amending or in any way touching, the inalienable Natural Rights of the People. The States and Local governments are prohibited from enacting laws, statutes, or ordinances which themselves, violate the protections of the people as they exist in the Bill of Rights. So, no one has “legal standing” (legal authority) to prevent or limit the Rights of the People to “keep” (own) or “bear” (carry) arms, free from any restrictions whatsoever. The modern assault on these Natural Rights hinges upon this section of the Second Amendment – “A well-regulated militia;” As has been the case for more than two-hundred years now, the “legal authorities” are once again trying to use their British Common Law Courts to amend the US Constitution and Bill of Rights via judicial fiat (case law) – by simply issuing a new definition to old words. Typical legal-beagle word-smithing is used to undermine the Supreme Law of the Land and the Natural Rights of the People. In 1787 and 1791, there was no “standing army.” According to the historical writings of our Founders, there was never supposed to be. Therefore, at the time, “a well-regulated militia” meant the Citizens at large. That’s still what it means today. Further, the reason there is – and can be no – limits or restrictions on Citizen’s Right to keep and bear arms is because it’s essential to “the security of a free State,” it’s downright necessary. The second amendment exists to protect ALL Natural Rights of the People. Without it, the People have no way to protect any of their Rights or liberties. Mere days before the July 4th weekend to celebrate our Independence as a “free sovereign people,” fake white house resident Joe Biden took to the press and openly threatened all American Citizens with this statement, putting a fine point on the subject… “Biden says future patriots face lost cause against tyranny; U.S. has F-15’s and nuclear weapons’ – as if Posse Comitatus doesn’t exist at all. This my dear friends, is exactly why the Second Amendment exists, why it has no restrictions on what type of weapons Citizens have a Natural Right to keep and bear, and why our Founders put everything in place for the People to protect themselves from government tyranny, that they all knew would one day come. Once adopted, no one in government has any authority whatsoever to infringe upon these Rights by any means or methods, certainly not the “legal opinion” of nine unelected and totally unaccountable political appointees on the US Supreme Court or any other court. Which leaves us with this one question… Why are twenty-two so-called “conservative states” asking any court to uphold anything in the Bill of Rights? No court in the country has any jurisdiction over the Bill of Rights, nor does the legislative or executive branches of government, federal, state, or local. By asking the court this question, they are pretending as though the courts have authority on the matter, and placing the People in harm’s way, awaiting a decision from nine politically appointed oligarchs, all but two of whom couldn’t care less about the People’s Rights, Justices Thomas, and Alito. What if the court issues the wrong answer? Are these twenty-two states going to abide by an unconstitutional answer from the high court? Are these twenty-two states going to ignore an unconstitutional ruling from the court? If so, why bother to even ask the court a question they have no legal purview over? The road to hell is often paved with good intentions! Or…is it that these twenty-two states are simply playing the British Common Law game of “legal precedence” to hide behind a Supreme Court opinion in order to participate in disarming all Citizens? As for the Epoch Times writer, does he not know any of these facts, or is he too, participating in the current affront to all Natural Rights of the People? Do you really think the twenty-two states don’t know what I just explained? Time will expose all of them! But it may be too late to stop them if the People don’t pay attention and ignore the works of the so-called “experts.” Everything wrong in the USA today was done by “experts” in many fields, the legal profession above all others. Americans need to study and learn their real Rights, or they will have no means of protecting any of those Rights! STOP asking courts to answer questions that they have no constitutional authority over…unless, you want to be ruled by nine unelected lifetime politically appointed oligarchs, whom we have little or no power over. The people who do know these facts intimately, are the “experts” who use British Common Law courts in the USA today, to undermine everything the Founders created 245-years ago. They rely entirely upon the sad reality that more than 80% of Americans have no clue about any of this. Most don’t know what their Rights are or where they come from, much less how to properly protect those Rights. If that doesn’t change fast, it’s all over for the Great Experiment called The United States. https://newswithviews.com/what- authority-do-courts-have-over-the-second-amendment/ THE SHORASHIM BIBLICAL GIFT CATALOG 005 http://mad.ly/7f9f64?pact=20013931524&fe=1 Support Shorashim! ARUTZ SHEVA Palestinian Authority official: No relation between Israel and Jews Mohammad Shtayyeh, leading Palestinian Authority official, explains his theory that Jews, Israelites, and Hebrews are different entities. Arutz Sheva Staff , Jul 09 , 2021 12:42 PM

מוחמד אשתייה צילום: רויטרס Palestinian Authority official Mohammad Shtayyeh explained this week in a speech to members of the Fatah party how he thinks the narrative against Israel should be presented. He asked those present to engineer the public consciousness in a way that would clarify the difference between the Jewish people and the State of Israel. "To fight the narrative, one has to understand that clearly, the Hebrews, the Jews, and the Israelis are not the same thing." said Shtayyeh in a video translated by Mechon Mamre. He bases his explanations on various Islamic commentaries on the Bible. "Israel is Jacob. The children of Israel, they are the children of Jacob; 1300 years separate his children from the prophet Moses, making the Israelites and the Jews two different entities." Shtayyeh added that "the key question is who the Jews of today are. The answer is clear, the Jews of today are Khuzar Jews who joined Judaism in the sixth century." https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/309564 [This dude is crazy. – rdb] To be removed from this News list, Please click here and put "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.                        