February 23, 1909 No. 8
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THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR February 23, 1909 No. 8 The Temperance Number Of The Youth's Instructor 0 aid in uniting and strength- Mrs. E. G. White; and Daniel A. Poling, Trav- eqing our efforts in the great eling Secretary of the Intercollegiate Prohibition cause of temperance, a spe- Association. cial temperance number of the Youth's Instructor is to For Temperance Rallies be issued. This number will This number is admiralSly adapted to serve as bear the' date of March 16, the basis of programs for temperance rallies, 1909, and will consist of which are an effective means of. making known to twenty-four pages and cover, with an unusually the people our attitude as a church toward the attractive design for the front cover page. This liquor traffic, and of giving instruction and in- artistic and suggestive de- spiration to those who sign, together with the take part in the rallies. large number of illustra- tions and the valuable The Problem matter contained in the THE YOUTH'S Who is to place this paper, must make thi, paper in the hands of the number the most impor- INSTRUCTOR people ? All should have tant and easy-selling one a part in it, as individ- ever issued. uals, societies, schools, All the leading themes churches, a n d confer- of the temperance reform ences. It is hoped that movement will be pre- this number will form a sented under these gen- feature of every temper- eral headings : — ance rally held in connec- The Evils of the Liq- tion with the camp-meet- uor Traffic; License and ings of i9o9.• Revenue ; The Returns It is desired that young of the Traffic; The Rem- men and women sell this edy — Prohibition, State special number through- and National ; Alcohol in out the summer, and use Heathen Lands ; The To- the money obtained there- bacco Evil; Allies of Liq- from to pay their ex- uor and Tobacco. penses in school the fol- The fact that so many lowing year. Who will well - known temperance undertake this work? REPRODUCTION OF Fl RST COVER PAGE OF workers have contributed Perhaps there is . no TEMPERANCE NUMBER articles to this number question to which the will make it easy for one to interest the people people will more readily give their attention now in it. Among the contributors are : Edward than to the temperance question. Let us take Wavrinsky, Member of the Swedish Parliament; advantage of the situation, and it may be that by Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, President of the National this means we can also enlist the attention of W. C. T. U.; Rev. Harry G. Greensmith, Grand many in the still greater reform now being carried Chief Templar of New •York; Miss Jessie For- on in the world by the third angel's message. syth, International Superintendent of Juvenile PRICES Work; Miss Alma Whitney, Grand Superintend- Single copy, 10 cents; 5 copies, 5 cents a copy ; ent of Juvenile Templars ; Rev. Joseph Crooker, 25 copies, 4 cents; loo copies, 3 4 cents; 500 President of the Unitarian Temperance Society; copies, 3% cents; 1,000 copies, 3 cents. THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR Takoma Park Station Washington, D. C. The Youth's Instructor VOL. LNi II TAKOMA PARK STATION, WASHINGTON, D. C., FEBRUARY 23, 1909 No. 8 The Refiner IF I should take thy wealth away,— And if I take thy friends from thee Remove thy earthly hope and stay,— That thou no more their faces see; — It is that thou shouldst lean on me, Leave thee mid strangers and alone,— That I thy only strength may be. I but recall what was mine own. Fret not beneath the chastening rod; Fret not beneath the chastening rod; Be still, and know that I am God. Be still, and know that I am God. If I bid thee thy high place yield, And if my hand should fall again, And place thee in a humbler field, And stretch thee on a bed of pain, It is that henceforth all thy pride I only would thy gold refine,— And glory be the Crucified. Purge thee from dross, and make thee mine. Fret not beneath the chastening rod;' Fret not beneath the chastening rod; Be still, and know that I am God. Be still, and know that I am God. ELIZABETH ROSSER. The Visible Heavens bations of the planetary worlds. He has predicted, F there be anything which can lead the mind roughly, the return of half a score of comets. But_ God has computed the mutual perturbations of mil- 0 upward to the omnipotent Ruler of the uni- verse, it is to be found in the grandeur and lions of suns, and planets, and comets, and worlds beauty of his works. If you would know his without number, through the ages that are past, and glory, examine the interminable range of suns and throughout the ages that are yet to come, not approx- systems which crowd the Milky Way. Multiply the imately, but with perfect and absolute precision. The- hundred millions of stars which belong to our own universe is in motion,— system rising above system,_ " island universe," by the thousands of those astral cluster above cluster, nebula above nebula,— all ma- systems that exist in space within the range of human jestically sweeping around under the providence of vision, and then you may form some idea of the God, who alone knows the end from the beginning, infinitude of his kingdom; for lo ! these are but a part and before whose glory and power all intelligent of his ways. Examine the scale on which the universe beings, whether in heaven or on earth, should bow is built. Comprehend, if you can, the vast dimensions with humility and awe. of our sun. Stretch outward through his system, from Would you gain some idea of the wisdom of God?' planet to planet, and circumscribe the whole within the Look to the admirable adjustments of the magnificent immense circumference of Neptune's orbit. This is retinue of planets and satellites which sweep round the' , but a single unit out of the tyyriads of similar systems. sun. Every globe has been weighed and poised, every Take the wings of light, and flash with impetuous orbit has been measured and bent to its beautiful speed, day and night, and month and year, till youth form. All is- changing; but the laws fixed by the is worn away, and middle age is gone, and the ex- wisdom of God, though they permit the rocking to tremest limit of human life has been attained; count and fro of the system, never introduce disorder, or every pulse, and at each speed on your way a hundred lead to destruction. All is perfect apd harmonious, thousand miles, and, when a hundred years have rolled and the music of the spheres that burn and roll around' by, look out, and, behold, the thronging millions of our sun is echoed by that of multitudes of moving- blazing suns are still around you, each separated from worlds, that sing and shine around the bright suns. the other by such a distance that, in this journey of a that reign above.— Prize Reciter. century, you have only left half a score behind you. - Would you gather some knowledge of the omnipo- tence of God. Weigh the earth on which we dwell, " The Land Divided, the World United" then count the millions of its inhabitants that have EXTREME parts of the earth have been brought very- come and gone for the last six thousand years. Unite near together during the last fifty years, and the- their 'strength into one arm, and test its power to move Panama Canal will still materially lessen distances, this earth. It could not stir it a single' foot in a thou thousands of miles being saved by this great water- sand years; and yet, under the omnipotent hand of way to the vessels desiring to pass from one ocean God, not a minute passes tliat it does not fly far more to the other. Last night we were entertained in the- than a thousand miles.. But this is a mere atom — the cable office here in Colon by the operator's reading- most insignificant point among his innumerable worlds. the messages as they passed through the instruments. At his bidding, every planet, and satellite, and comet, — messages from France, England, the United States, and the sun itself, flies onward, each in its appointed and different places in South America. course. His single arm guides the millions of sweep- We are on our way to Peru, but are spending a ing suns; and around his throne circles the great con- few days here on the Canal Zone, and I thought the stellation of unnumbered universes. readers of the INSTRUCTOR would like to know some- Would you comprehend the idea of the omniscience thing about the Isthmus and 'the great work the of God ? Remember that the highest pinnacle of United States has undertaken. The motto of the. knowledge reached by the whole human race, by the Isthmian Canal Commission was selected for the title combined efforts of its brightest intellects, has enabled of this article. the astronomer to compute approximately the pertur- What is at present known as the Canal Zone is a 4 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR FEBRUARY 23, 1909 strip of territory ten miles wide, extending from the to travel on it, we hope it may remain as peaceful Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean. It is reported as it was the day we first saw it.