JUL 2021- Jan 2022 1 Please note that CMD events will be held as video link until official clearance has been received. We are monitoring the situation carefully. We offer you our prayers and best wishes. Revd Dr Earl Collins is vicar of St John the Baptist, Hove, and CMD Officer for the diocese.
[email protected] DATE INDEX 2021 Sun-Fri 4-9 Jul 6 day course Faith in Science? Interaction of Science and Belief in a Challenging World' - Faraday Institute summer school CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY Mon 12-Jul 4 terms CPAS Leading Evangelism Learning Hub CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY Thu 15-Jul 10.00-12.00 What Exactly is ‘Christian Spirituality’? Revd Dr Earl Collins ALM AND READERS Tue 20-Jul 14.00-17.00 Tragedy and Congregations CLERGY Wed 01-Sep 10.30 Changing the Climate: Preaching in the Environmental Crisis college of Preachers CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY Wed 08-Sep 10.30 Suffering, Science, and Preaching a Theology of Hope College of Preachers CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY Thu 16-Sep 10.00-12.00 Is there an Anglican Mysticism?, Revd Dr Earl Collins CLERGY Wed 29-Sep 11.30-13.00 Preaching on Giving Webinar CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY Thu 07-Oct 10.00-12.00 Lectio Divina as a Method of Prayer, Revd Dr Earl Collins ALM AND READERS Tue-Wed 2-3 Nov 10am-3pm Emotionally, Healthy Spirituality 2 day course, Revd Danny Wignall CLERGY Thu 18-Nov 10.00-12.00 Praying with Icons, Revd Dr Earl Collins CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY Thu 09-Dec 10.00-12.00 Interfaith Encounters: A Coherent Christian Position, Revd Dr Earl Collins CLERGY 2022 Thu 13-Jan 10.00-12.00 An Anglican Understanding of the Church, Revd Dr Earl Collins CLERGY Thu 27-Jan 10.00-12.00 Why the Trinity Matters for Life, Prayer and Preaching, Revd Dr Earl Collins CLERGY Diocesan workshops and cover image photos with kind permission of Jane Willis.