JUL 2021- Jan 2022


Please note that CMD events will be held as video link until official clearance has been received. We are monitoring the situation carefully. We offer you our prayers and best wishes.

Revd Dr Earl Collins is vicar of St John the Baptist, Hove, and CMD Officer for the diocese. [email protected]


Sun-Fri 4-9 Jul 6 day course Faith in Science? Interaction of Science and Belief in a Challenging World' - Faraday Institute summer school CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY

Mon 12-Jul 4 terms CPAS Leading Evangelism Learning Hub CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY

Thu 15-Jul 10.00-12.00 What Exactly is ‘Christian Spirituality’? Revd Dr Earl Collins ALM AND READERS

Tue 20-Jul 14.00-17.00 Tragedy and Congregations CLERGY

Wed 01-Sep 10.30 Changing the Climate: Preaching in the Environmental Crisis college of Preachers CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY

Wed 08-Sep 10.30 Suffering, Science, and Preaching a Theology of Hope College of Preachers CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY

Thu 16-Sep 10.00-12.00 Is there an Anglican Mysticism?, Revd Dr Earl Collins CLERGY

Wed 29-Sep 11.30-13.00 Preaching on Giving Webinar CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY

Thu 07-Oct 10.00-12.00 Lectio Divina as a Method of Prayer, Revd Dr Earl Collins ALM AND READERS

Tue-Wed 2-3 Nov 10am-3pm Emotionally, Healthy Spirituality 2 day course, Revd Danny Wignall CLERGY

Thu 18-Nov 10.00-12.00 Praying with Icons, Revd Dr Earl Collins CLERGY AND LAY MINISTRY

Thu 09-Dec 10.00-12.00 Interfaith Encounters: A Coherent Christian Position, Revd Dr Earl Collins CLERGY


Thu 13-Jan 10.00-12.00 An Anglican Understanding of the Church, Revd Dr Earl Collins CLERGY

Thu 27-Jan 10.00-12.00 Why the Trinity Matters for Life, Prayer and Preaching, Revd Dr Earl Collins CLERGY

Diocesan workshops and cover image photos with kind permission of Jane Willis. Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/revjane/albums , Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janeewillis/?hl=en

2 4-9 Jul 2021, Sun-Fri CLERGY AND LAY MINISTERS Interaction of Science and Faith in a Challenging World– on-line 5 day course £25-00 - £75.00. Keynote speaker Prof Alister McGrath

Life in this world produces an ever-increasing range of challenges, whether Covid-19, the climate emergency , medical ethics or finding meaning and purpose. Science and Faith both give us ways to understand and respond to these challenges, especially when they work together. The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion Summer Course 2021 will feature 13 leading academics in 10 fields of study including; Behaviour and Ecology, Climate Science, Genetics, History of Science, Mathematics, Neuroscience, Oceanography, Philosophy and Theology of Science, Physics and Space Exploration.

To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/interaction-of-science-and-faith-in-a-challenging-world/

12 Jul, 2021, Mon CLERGY AND LAY MINISTERS CPAS Leading Evangelism Learning Hub (2021-2022) £160. Online Learning Hub. 8 sessions that runs over 4 terms.

Building on our experience of running learning communities and leadership courses we are piloting Leading Evangelism Learning Hubs for incumbents to attend with others involved in leadership.

Do you: Long for people of all ages to come to faith in Christ? Want to see evangelism embedded in the life of your churches and congregations rather than as an add-on extra? Desire to help ordinary Christians find their part in the showing and sharing of faith?

Then join the new CPAS Leading Evangelism Learning Hub.

To find out more and book: https://www.cpas.org.uk/browse-everything/leading-evangelism-learning-hub-2021-2022

15 Jul 2021, Thu ALM AND READERS

What exactly is ‘Christian Spirituality’? Free. 10.00-12.00. Zoom Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

‘Spirituality’ is a modern buzzword that for many has become more accessible than ‘religion’.

This workshop will consider the key elements required if a spirituality is to be considered authentically Christian.

To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/154369367935 3

20 Jul, 2021, Tue CLERGY Trauma-informed Ministry, delivered by the Tragedy and Congregations Team Free. 12 places. 14.00-17.00 Led by Revd Dr Carla Grosch-Miller, Revd Hilary Ison and Professor Christopher Southgate

This half-day will provide: • opportunities to articulate experience of the COVID crisis • a chance to make connections between these reactions and trauma theory • explorations of the dynamics of communities after a tragedy • biblical resources for addressing our current situation

To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/150505775827


Changing the Climate: Preaching in the Environmental Crisis £7, £5 student. 10.30-12.30. Zoom Led by Revd Paul Johns, Methodist Minister.

Climate change, floods and droughts, declining biodiversity – is all this just a stock of fresh sermon illustrations? Or does it shift the context of our preaching, and therefore sermon content too? God holds the planet in one hand and offers us the Bible with the other. What hope does the biblical message offer to a planet in pain?

This workshop, led by Revd Paul Johns, will provide an opportunity to share your thoughts and preaching experience, and to listen to and discuss two or three recent (and short) ‘environmental’ sermons.

To find out more and book: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/preaching-on-the-environmental-crisis-tickets-153777036255


Suffering, Science, and Preaching a Theology of Hope £7, £5 student. 10.30. Zoom Led by the Revd Jennifer Brown, Director of Training for the College of Preachers and former Science Missioner.

How can science help us understand suffering? Can science offer a way through which we can explore the perennial question of why God allows suffering? And how do we speak of hope in the midst of suffering? This workshop will explore how we can use insights from science in our preaching both to help people engage with questions around suffering and to offer a theology of hope.

The Revd Jennifer Brown is Director of Training for the College of Preachers and a Theological Educator. She has worked as Science Missioner in the Oxford Diocese and is Secretary of the Science and Religion Forum.

To find out more and book: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/suffering-science-and-preaching-a-theology-of-hope-a-preaching-workshop-tickets-148770395257. 4


Is there an Anglican Mysticism? Free. 10.00-12.00. Zoom Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

Drawing on a wide range of sources from

Lancelot Andrewes and Evelyn Underhill to Rowan Williams

This workshop will explore what Christian mysticism means and the varied forms it has assumed in Anglican tradition.

To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/154372673823

7 Oct 2021, Thu ALM AND READERS

Lectio Divina as a Method of Prayer Free. 10.00-12.00. Zoom Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

The ancient monastic method of prayer called lectio divina (meditative reading of Scripture) has undergone a massive revival across the churches, regardless of denomination, in the last fifty years.

We will consider its origins, its development and how it is to be done. It will be suggested that through lectio ‘the Word becomes prayer’.

To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/154373387959 5


Preaching on Giving Webinar. A webinar for clergy and all those involved in preaching. Free. 11.30-13.00. Zoom Key speakers are Bishop Ruth, Bishop Will, Andy Angel and Andrew Smith.

“Imagine you had the resources to really let ministry fly. Imagine you were not constrained by tight budgets. Imagine you could live some of the dreams you brought into ministry.

Well, the reality might be closer than you think … but dreams never become reality without challenge.” Rev Andy Angel, vicar of St Andrew's Burgess Hill

The programme for the day will be:

11.30 - welcome - +Ruth

11.35-11.50 : +Ruth speaking 'Preaching, vision, and giving; connecting congregations with the bigger picture.'

11.50-12.05: +Will speaking on 'Preaching for financial giving in tough contexts'.

12.05-12.20: Andy on 'The challenge of teaching on Tithing: taking Jesus at his Word; Mat.23.23.

12.20-12.45: plenary discussion and questions.

12.45-12.55: Andrew : Signposting resources.

12.55 +Ruth: closing prayer.

To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/164108604253 6 2-3 Nov, 2021, Tue-Wed CLERGY Emotionally, Healthy Spirituality 2 day retreat

Free. 10 places. Oast Houses, Tufton Lane, Northiam, RyeTN31 6HL Led by Revd Danny Wignall

Danny Wignall has been ordained for over 20 years and has led a variety of churches, most recently St Stephen’s Shottermill. Since 2018 he has worked as a Mission Enabler for Evangelism in the Diocese of Guildford. He is also a trained Spiritual Director and Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Coach.

During these 2 days we will have the opportunity to be with God, attend to our own ‘self-care’ and be open to him through an introduction to the insights of the EHS Discipleship and Leadership formation materials from Pete Scazzero. The day will be a mixture of input, personal time and plenary, so please try to make sure you clear your diary and have a space in which you can be still and alone with God. We will explore the foundational themes of (i) Emotional Health: defined as the ability to be self-aware and love well and (ii) Contemplative Spirituality: stopping and pausing to intentionally cultivate our relationship with Jesus. We will touch upon related themes such as Silence, Sabbath Keeping and Going Back to Go Forward.

To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/156219012271


Praying with Icons Free. 10.00-12.00. Zoom Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

Drawing on examples of Byzantine and Russian icons illustrating the great festivals, we will discuss how the eastern churches use sacred imagery to: educate themselves in faith and provide a stimulus to contemplative prayer.

To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/154374635691 7

9 Dec, 2021, Thu CLERGY Interfaith Encounters: A Coherent Christian Position Free. 10.00-12.00. Zoom Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

In our pluralistic world how can Christians interact with member of other faiths in a way that affirms the uniqueness of Christ yet respects God’s manifestations beyond the Church?

To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/154378986705

13 Jan, 2022, Thu CLERGY

An Anglican Understanding of the Church Free. 10.00-12.00. Zoom Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

Is there a coherent Anglican understanding of the Church rooted in Scripture and Tradition and if so, how does it ‘sit’ within the various visions of the Church that the modern ecumenical movement has developed?

To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/154380001741 8 27 Jan, 2022, Thu CLERGY

Why the Trinity Matters for Life, Prayer and Preaching Free. 10.00-12.00. Zoom Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

Who is God for Christians?

Why the mystery of the Trinity is not a conundrum but a mystery of faith and experience, central to Christian life, prayer and preaching.

To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/154380760009


All for Jesus Retreat 2022, led by John-Francis SMMS App. £175 pp (en-suite) or £160 (shared facilities). Park Place Pastoral Centre, Wickham, Hants, PO17 5HA

Building on themes addressed in Enfolded in Christ – the inner life of a priest, this silent, preached Retreat will explore the mystery of the Eucharist and how we can deepen our faith in Christ’s transforming presence. There will be a celebration of the Eucharist and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for shared silent prayer each day, but no expectation that you should take part – just a hope you will find these of help.

The Retreat, which has been postponed from 2021 due to the pandemic, will be conducted by John-Francis SMMS who was an Anglican Franciscan for 25 years and then a parish priest until 2011. He trained on the Ignatian Spirituality Course and began teaching at the Centre for Spiritual Direction where he continues to work both as a spiritual director and pastoral supervisor. When invited he exercises a priestly ministry and retains ties with the Franciscans and is also author of The Mystery of Faith: Exploring Christian belief, published in 2019 by Press.

To find out more and book: http://www.parkplacecentre.org.uk/ If you have any questions about the Retreat, or would like a Booking Form, please contact: [email protected] 9 RESOURCES: Study OPEN TO ALL

How Clergy Thrive – resource downloadable from the CofE website

Wellbeing is a complex area and sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start.

Here you can find resources emerging from the Living Ministry research to use for personal reflection and in discussion with others. Designed specifically for ordinands, clergy, senior clergy and diocesan officers, they will help you think about your own wellbeing and how you support the wellbeing of others, and point you in the direction of further sources of support.

Based on the Living Ministry research, Dr. Liz Graveling has written this booklet as a tool both for clergy reflecting on their own wellbeing and for those with responsibility for supporting the wellbeing of others. It is published by Church House Publishing.

Downloadable worksheets:

• Questions for reflection for Clergy • Questions for reflection for Senior Clergy and Diocesan Officers • Six Ways Clergy Can thrive • How Clergy Can Thrive in a Pandemic—resource • Sources of Support • Wellbeing Map

To find out more and book: https://www.churchofengland.org/resources/diocesan-resources/ministry/ministry-development/living-ministry/living-ministry 10 RESOURCES:RESOURCES: Wellbeing Safeguarding CLERGY AND THEIR FAMILIES

Wellbeing for Clergy and Families

“In my experience the journey of ministry can be joyful and fulfilling but can also be stormy, scary and turbulent. Clergy, their partners and their families at times walk on a very real tightrope, with many demands upon us. There will be times for all of us when we need pastoral care and support” Archdeacon Fiona.

The Diocese of Chichester is committed to promoting and sustaining the Wellbeing of our clergy and their families.

Nicola Canham, Head of Wellbeing for Clergy and their Families (WCF), is employed by the DOC to provide the WCF services for clergy and their families. We provide Reflective Practice Groups (RPG’s), counselling for clergy, couples and families, de-briefing sessions for clergy after a traumatic event, psychoeducational groups e.g. anxiety and depression, stress management and wellbeing activities e.g. Christian mindfulness.

To find out more and book: https://www.chichester.anglican.org/wellbeing-for-clergy-and-families/ and https://www.chichester.anglican.org/mental-health-and-wellbeing/


Safeguarding for Clergy and Parish

The hub for all information, resources, news and events relating to safeguarding children and adults throughout the life of the Diocese. It also introduces a new tool - 'Safer Quality Protects' - which will help parishes to assess and improve their own safeguarding practice, whilst providing useful resources to enable them to achieve this goal.

Safeguarding is a complex area of church life - how do we keep children and adults safe from harm, whilst building communities of trust and openness, and still demonstrate the welcome the Gospel offers to all? Moreover, how do we build church communities that obey the biblical mandate to defend those who are weak, heal those who are hurt, and demonstrate God's forgiveness to all, for all have sinned?

This site is intended to provide people in parishes with a 'one stop shop' for all things safe- guarding.

To find out more and book: https://safeguarding.chichester.anglican.org/safeguardingelearning/ 11 RESOURCES: Study OPEN TO ALL

Chichester University MA in Christian Ministry

3 years, part-time.

The MA in Christian Ministry has been specifically developed to meet the needs of Christian ministers, predominantly those working in local churches. A diverse and exciting range of modules will enhance your theological and ministerial practice.

This course will: • Enhance and enrich your ministry and practice • Help you gain new insights for your ministerial practice • Develop your theological knowledge and expertise • Enable you to reflect creatively on practical issues and questions • Give you confidence in your theological skills

For those recommended by their church authorities, the fee is £1,500 per annum for each of the three years. For those applying from the Diocese of Chichester a fee arrangement is in place which allows students to study for a much reduced rate.

To find out more and book: https://www.chichester.anglican.org/glitter_news/2020/04/21/ministry-contemporary-church/

St Augustine's MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission

The St Augustine’s MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission is a specially tailored programme of theological learning and research that allows lay and ordained ministers, as well as church members, to deepen their theological knowledge by building on previous theological learning, engaging with daily life and ongoing experience of the Body of Christ.

Accredited and awarded by Durham University, the degree includes both taught modules and guided research in a theological discipline of your choice. It offers opportunities to develop advanced skills as part of your continuing ministerial development e.g. in pastoral supervision, leadership, mission, spirituality.

The degree can be taken part-time or full-time. Much of the teaching is delivered alongside candidates for church ministry, but the programme is suitable for all, irrespective of any ministerial involvement.

Since the MA aims for a more critical mode of engagement with theology and ministry, the teaching sessions and much of the contact time will take the form of seminars, during which you will discuss texts with teachers and fellow students and present your own work.

The course is designed for lay and ordained ministers, or church members, who wish to deepen their theological knowledge by building on previous theological learning. To undertake the MA, you must have completed either a degree in theology or ministry or a degree in another subject combined with an additional qualification in theology or ministry.

To find out more and book: https://staugustinescollege.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate-studies/ or https://staugustinescollege.ac.uk/contact/ 12 RESOURCES:RESOURCES: Study Study CLERGY AND LAYOPEN MINISTRY TO ALL

Sussex Gospel Partnership Website: https://sussexgospelpartnership.org.uk/ Contact: Mrs Wendy Sands, SGP Administrator, Haywards Heath, RH16 3LE. Ph 01444 458635

Sarum College Website: http://www.sarum.ac.uk/learning Main reception: 01722 424800 Email [email protected]

CardiffRESOURCES: University Retreat OPEN TO ALL Website: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses/course/canon-law-llm Main reception: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/help/contact-us

WTC Theology Website: https://wtctheology.org.uk/ Main reception: https://wtctheology.org.uk/about-us/contact-us/

To find out more and book: as above 13 RESOURCES:RESOURCES: Retreats Study CLERGY AND LAYOPEN MINISTRY TO ALL

West Sussex

Chemin Neuf Community Storrington Priory, School Lane, Storrington, Pulborough RH20 4LN https://www.chemin-neuf.org.uk/retreats/retreats/

Monastery of the Holy Trinity Fermandy Lane, Crawley Down, Crawley Down, Crawley RH10 4LH Monastery of the Holy Trinity https://servants-of-the-will-of-god-cswg-monastery-of-the.business.site/ Crawley Down

Worth Abbey Paddockhurst Rd, Crawley RH10 4SB



East Sussex

Ashburnham Place Ashburnham Christian Trust, Ashburnham Place, Battle East Sussex TN33 9NF https://www.ashburnham.org.uk/contact-us

Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre The Old Rectory, Forewood Lane, Crowhurst, Battle TN33 9AD https://www.crowhursthealing.org.uk/quietdays

Penhurst Retreat Centre Manor House, Penhurst, Battle TN33 9QP https://www.penhurst.org.uk/retreat-and-quiet-days

To find out more and book: http://www.retreats.org.uk/findaretreat.php?area=southeast 14 RESOURCES:RESOURCES: Grants Grants CLERGY

Bursaries, Extended Ministerial Development Leave—EMDL (Sabbaticals), Education and Training Ecclesiastical Ministry Bursary Awards; European Bursary Trust ; Fellowship of the Maple Leaf; Josephine Butler Memorial Trust; Philip Usher Memorial Fund; Provost Howard Fund; Socie- ty for the Relief of Poor Clergymen; SPCK: The Richards Trust & St Aidan’s College Charity; St Boniface Trust; St George’s Trust; St Luke’s College Foundation; Memorial Trust; Elfinsward Trust, Women’s Continuing Ministerial Education Trust Children of Clergy The Buttle Trust; Lawrence Atwell’s Charity; Rustat Trust; Society for the Relief of Poor Clergymen; Working Families Tax Credit Clergy Spouse/Retired Clergy Broken Rites; Pensions Board; Diocesan Committee for retired Clergy and Widows/ers; Crosse’s Charity; Dr. George Richards’ Charity; Family Action; Foundation of Ed- ward Storey; Independent Age; Newton’s Trust Debt Assistance Christians against Poverty General Assistance with Hardship Elizabeth Finn Trust; Frances Ashton’s Charity; Fraser and Howarth Trust Funds; Friends of the Clergy/Sons of the Clergy; Henry Smith’s Charity; Queen Victoria Clergy Fund; Society for the Relief of Poor Clergymen; Society for the Assistance of Ladies in Reduced Circumstances; Society of Mary and Martha, TURN2US, The Clergy Support Trust, St Luke’s Healthcare Health Pyncombe Charity; St. Luke’s Healthcare for Clergy Holidays Eggbeer Trust; English Clergy Association; Mothers’ Union; Tranquillity House Trust Vocational Grants Board of Mission Trust Fund; Cleaver Ordination Candidates' Fund National Transition Service for Clergy: Church of England website

Applying for a CMD grant or EMDL: https://www.chichester.anglican.org/fundraising-and-grants/ https://www.chichester.anglican.org/cmd/ [email protected]


The Department for Apostolic Life brings together several areas of responsibility at Church House

whose primary aim is to support parishes and individuals in their ‘apostolic’ life and ‘mission’ activities.

The overall team is headed by the Director Revd Canon Rebecca Swyer, and The Deputy Director Revd Rob Dillingham

Contact us: https://www.chichester.anglican.org/apostolic-life/