.u.v National Library of Scotland *B000444683* u/i-i?. THE LADIES' EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. JAX. TO DEC. 1877. VOL. III. NEW SERIES. THE EDINBURGH PUBLISHING COMPANY, 22 HOWE STREET. donttnts. Acrostics, Double, 33, 65, 98, 130,163, 193, 224, 258, 291,322, 352, 382 After the Rain, by Crocus Foster Leigh, .... 241 Alcestis : a Tale of Self-sacritice, by Oi-atia, .... 242 -^.Austen, Jane (Our Female Nuveli.sts), by A. Dundas, . 261 Birthday Wishes, bv L-sdiii W. Melland, .... 55 Blue Eo'ses (Our Library Table), 225 -«Burney, Miss (Our Female Novelists), l)y Eiina, ... 69 Bv the Seaside, by Suburbana, ..... 46, 76, 111 " Carrots :" Just a Little Boy (Our Library Table), . 35 Christinas in Christiania, by C. Ray, 1 "Commit thy way unto the Lord," by Crocus Foster Leigh, . Ill Contraband, by Mrs R. O. Leslie, . ' 127 Corresponding Students, Exiierieiices of, .... 347 Corsica, Try (Where shall we Go 0, by E. M. D., . 249 Dark Days, by .Joan Scott, ....... Debates of the Ladies'Edinburgh Ijiterary Society, . 30 Domestic Art, by E. J. O., .' . '. 23 ' Drive to Fortobello, A, by S. M., 187 Edelraute ; or, Five and Twenty Years Ago at the Aclien See, bv Catherine Ray, . " . ■■ . 148, 182, 203 -—Edgeworth, Miss (Our Female No\elists), by Gratia, 325 Edinburgh Past and Present (Our Library Table), . 99 Edinburgh University Local Examinations, Notes on the, ty A. Dundas, 305 Experiences of Corresponding Students, 347 - Female Novelists, Our, 37, 69, 101,133,165, 197, 229, 261, 293, 325, 357 ;> Ferrier, Miss (Our Female Novelists), by L. Dundas, . 293 Great St Beiiedictus, &c.
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