Exploring the Military Role in Support of Development in Southern Africa
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EXPLORING THE MILITARY ROLE IN SUPPORT OF DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHERN AFRICA by Shadrack Baleseng Ramokgadi Dissertation presented for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Military Science at Stellenbosch University Supervisor: Dr Kula Ishmael Theletsane December 2019 @ Stellenbosch University Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za DECLARATION By submitting this dissertation electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained herein is my own, original work, that I am the sole author thereof (save to the extent explicitly otherwise stated), that reproduction and publication thereof by Stellenbosch University will not infringe any third-party rights, and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it for obtaining any qualification. _______________________________ December 2019 Signature Date Copyright © 2019 Stellenbosch University All rights reserved i Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za ABSTRACT Abundant pieces of legislation and policy frameworks exist that link the military role and durable peace, and those that link durable peace and sustainable development. The linkage between the military role and sustainable development is absent in these source documents. The researcher submits that this “absence” constitutes both a theoretical and a policy-based gap that demands the attention of the policy practitioners and scholars in Public Administration. In attempting to close this gap, this study begins with the fundamental concepts that emerged from the literature review. Among others, they include regional administration and defence administration that led to the formulation of regional defence administration (RDA) as a higher-order construct. The concepts “operations other than war” (OOTW) and “operational activities for development” (OAD) led to the formulation of “military operational activities for development” (MOAD). In theorising the concept of MOAD, this study seeks to close the identified gaps. In closing this gap, this study depended on the grounded theory and methodological analysis using case studies selected from Southern Africa. The theoretical sampling method was used to generate data from various databases using three key terms, namely the military role, durable peace, and sustainable development. In analysing and synthesising the emerging data, the study focused on the most common words, utterances, concepts, properties, and categories to formulate the higher-order constructs. Furthermore, the study borrowed from biological studies to juxtapose the “unknown” with the “known” for purposes of theory building. In doing so, the study borrowed from systems thinking, biomimicry, metaphorical thinking, tensegrity systems, design by analogy to biology, and the theory of biological compressions and tensions. These theories assisted the researcher to establish the interdependence of civilian and military organisations that respond to worldwide complex emergencies. In doing so, the researcher argues that rapid responses and effective interventions in managing complex emergencies are a step in achieving the long-term Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is on the basis of this theoretical line of argument that the study establishes the military role in support of development. Key words: Military role, partnership for peace and security, sustainable development, complex emergencies. ii Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za OPSOMMING Vele wette en beleidsraamwerke bestaan wat die militêre rol skakel aan duursame vrede, en dié wat duursame vrede skakel aan volhoubare ontwikkeling. Die skakel tussen die militêre rol en volhoubare ontwikkeling ontbreek in hierdie brondokumente. Die navorser hou voor dat hierdie “afwesigheid” beide ’n teoretiese en ’n beleidgebaseerde gaping vorm wat die aandag vereis van beleidpraktisyns en academici in Openbare Administrasie. In die poging om hierdie gaping te oorbrug, begin hierdie studie met die fundamentele konsepte wat uit die literatuuroorsig te voorskyn gekom het. Onder andere sluit hulle in streeksbestuur en verdedigingsbestuur, wat gelei het tot die formulering van streeksverdedigingsbestuur as ’n hoër-vlak-konstruk. Die konsepte “aktiwiteite buiten oorlog” (“operations other than war” [OOTW]) en “operasionele ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite” (“operational activities for development” [OAD]) het gelei tot die formulering van “militêre operasionele ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite” (“military operational activities for development” [MOAD]). Hierdie studie poog dus om die geïdentifiseerde gapings te oorbrug deur die konsep van MOAD te teoretiseer. Om hierdie gaping te oorbrug, het hierdie studie gebruik gemaak van die gegronde teorie en metodologiese ontleding van gevallestudies vanuit Suidelike Afrika. Die teoretiese steekproefmetode was gebruik om data te genereer vanuit verskeie databasisse deur die gebruik van drie sleutelterme, naamlik die militêre rol, duursame vrede, en volhoubare ontwikkeling. In die ontleding en sintetisering van die data wat te voorskyn gekom het, het hierdie studie gefokus op die mees algemene woorde, uitdrukkings, konsepte, eienskappe, en kategorieë om die hoër-vlak-konstrukte te formuleer. Die studie het voorts geleen by biologiese navorsing om die “onbekende” naas die “bekende” te stel ten einde teorie te bou. Hierdie studie het dus gebruik gemaak van die bestudering van stelsels, bio-mimikrie, spanningsintregriteitstelsels, ontwerp volgens analogie tot biologie, en die teorie van biologiese druk en spanning. Hierdie teorieë het die navorser in staat gestel om die interafhanklikheid van burgerlike en militêre organisasies wat reageer op wêreldwye ingewikkelde noodtoestande te vestig. Hiermee argumenteer die navorser dat spoedige reaksie en doeltreffende ingryping in die bestuur van ingewikkelde noodtoestande stappe is ten einde die langtermyn “Agenda for Sustainable Development” te behaal. Dit is gegrond op hierdie iii Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za teoretiese argument dat hierdie studie die militêre rol ter ondersteuning van ontwikkeling vestig. Sleutelwoorde: Militêre rol, vennootskap vir vrede en sekuriteit, volhoubare ontwikkeling, ingewikkelde noodtoestande iv Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Most people who have contributed to this dissertation are in the fields of policy practice and academia. Their inconceivable and immense contributions deserve my greatest gratitude and indebtedness. Firstly, I am thankful to the Lord my Shepherd for constantly refreshing my soul during this ground-breaking endeavour. I also want to express my appreciation to my mentor and supervisor, Dr Kula Ishmael Theletsane, for availing himself at all times as a principal advisor. I am indebted to his generosity and spirit of selflessness in search of excellence; his critical comments and advice brought the central arguments in this dissertation to their point of saturation. Without his critical input and support, this dissertation would not have come to fruition. His unwavering support truly brought new perspectives to this study by solidifying the ground-breaking work in the field of public and development management. The methodological approach used in this study further required the merging of theory and pragmatic evidence as a matter of principle in grounded theory analysis, and I am grateful for all the assistance from our librarian, Ms M.W. Botes. She was always available in responding to my call, while going the extra mile to provide complementary literature. The geographical location of the Military Academy results in major challenges in accessing the required scholarly resources. It is with delight that I declare that Ms Botes more than succeeded in bridging this systemic gap on my behalf. She really contributed enormously to my successful conclusion of the theoretical line of argument that defines this ground-breaking research. I would also wish to acknowledge the following individuals and institutions for their support and contributions to the success of this study: i. The dean of the Faculty of Military Science, Prof. Tshehla, for his words of encouragement and belief in excellence through education. ii. The deputy dean of the Faculty of Military Science, Dr Fankie Monama, for his words of encouragement on teaching and learning as the foundation of generational wisdom. iii. My colleague, Mr Comfort Mkhize, for his words of encouragement on perseverance in pursuit of excellence. v Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za iv. Prof. Mouton for sharing his wealth of knowledge on research methodology and approaches to PhD studies at a time when I was lost with regard to the approach to this study. v. The School of Public and Development Management at the Faculty of Military Science at Stellenbosch University, for the opportunity to explore this theoretical line of thinking. vi. My colleagues in the Centre for Military Studies for the words of encouragement during our annual work sessions. vii. All the colleagues at the Military Academy who served as tokens of inspiration in our everyday encounters in the business of excellence through teaching and learning. viii. My beloved wife, Selele, for her patience as a mother, and her support during our daily morning devotions. She always brings encouragement to my life as a woman of substance. vi Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... i