
VICE-CHANCELLOR Vice-Chancellor's Office OX1 3BG

27 February 2019

Dear Vice Chancellor Richardson OXFORD UNIVERSITY: THE COLONIAL PROJECT IN POST - 1994 Our attached dossier contains more than is necessary to capture the why we address you today. We thought it important that you receive our evidence and allegations as filed - under oath. Also, Lord Steyn (Regina v. Secretary of State for The Home Department) held that “in law, context is everything” We’re adequate on context. Kindly accept our substantive dossier as relatively short, considering 18 years of violence, racism and transnational fraud.

The first two pages attached to this letter, signed off by Mr Christopher Till, brings Oxford University squarely into our telling of the full and true story of The . For direct focus, our account ought to be introduced with the firm allegation that: Mr Christopher Till, (your contact person) among others, is a racist criminal, liar and fraudster who, under , is guilty of gross rights violations. We suspect that Gold Reef Casino, through Christopher Till, made many fraudulent misrepresentations to Oxford . Mr. Nigel Portwood will be of invaluable assistance in your deliberations.

Vice Chancellor Richardson, our evidence will show conclusively that Gold Reef City Casino, to this day, defrauds innocent visiting tourist from the UK and the rest of the world. We bring this matter directly to you because, in , notwithstanding a violent and corrupt South African Government and Media, the truth of this racist transnational fraud may impact negatively on Oxford University worldwide. Kindly inform us, by email, how your office may wish to proceed. I am willing to be interrogated under oath in the , should you decide to take legal action against Mr Christopher Till and Gold Reef City Casino. Yours sincerely


Private Bag X63, Rivonia, 2128 – Tel +27 73 494 2165 Email – [email protected] www.fraud2001-019108-08.org.za Mike Stainbank: Founder - The Apartheid Museum™ | Registration No: 2009/007114/07

Mike Stainbank Founder: The Apartheid Museum™ Founder: The Es’kia Institute