
Bonnyrigg Rose Footnall Club ……News……News...... News

Feb 2020 ‘What does the next 12 months have in store ... ’

Dear Parents/ Carers,

We hope you all had a great festive period and that the kids are all geared up to get back into their football! We certainly are! We have our new Academy kids starting their football fun journey at the beginning of March. We always need helpers for the wee ones, so if you fancy coming along and doing a bit coaching/ supporting, please get in touch ...

The Club now has the lease for the pitches and the Pavilion. Our new website is up and running and we’re at the stage where we’re planning for the next 5 years of football and community development initiatives. If anyone has any suggestions or input on either of these areas, please get in touch.

The pitches are tended to weekly; the Pavilion has had improvements carried out, including a nice new reception point to welcome our members, guests and customers. We still have list of tasks we’re working through - but we’re getting there! Huge thanks to Jim Wilson the clubs General Manager who has undertaken all the improvements in the Pavilion. He’s doing a great job. Thanks too to John Sime for his time getting the pitches in good shape. They’re looking great .

The club got a fantastic gift from Kieran McGachie (Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic) . Kieran had his football top from the’ Scottish Cup’ game a couple of years ago framed and he’s presented it to the Community Club. It has pride of place alongside our trophy and shirt from the SFA award.

The new website, bonnyriggrose.org.uk is up and running... Please have a look. All news will be updated real time on the website/ Facebook/twitter. If you’d like anything added to the website – please contact Louise or Trish.

This is a really busy time for Louise who manages all the new kids’ registrations with the SYFA. Anyone looking to join the club should visit the Clubs website – go to the ‘join us’ section and complete the online form. Really easy to use...

Community Club Development ….

Working in partnership with Councils ‘Life Long Learning’ Team, the Club is pleased to be hosting a youth group for local teens every Friday night 5 – 9 pm. The kids have a kick about on the pitches, come inside the pavilion and have food, games, social time in a safe, controlled environment. 20 kids had a movie night at Christmas. A giant screen showing of ‘The Grinch’ and Pizzas delivered courtesy of Gemma and Tony Corolla at the Cavalier in . The kids had a great time ... The club was successful in winning a small grant from Midlothian Council to help support this social development project. If you have a teenage child, send them along - they’ll have good fun! This initiative is being prioritised as all consultation exercises that we have carried out has highlighted there is a need for somewhere for kids of high school age to go and something for them to do is needed.

Social Gathering - Roses reach out

Our monthly event for older/citizens / isolated members of the community is up and running and growing each month It’s a lovely night. A bit supper, bingo, music, new age curling. We deliver this partnership with the Orchard Centre and local volunteers. If you have anyone in your family, a neighbour that you think would enjoy a bit socialising, please encourage them to come along. Last Friday of the month, at the Sports Pavilion

7 pm – 9 pm ....

This evening for the benefit of our community is sponsored by our local

The Club was successful in being awarded one of the national lottery, birthday celebration 1 k funds. This will be used to provide a paid day trip for the group that attend the monthly social inclusion event.

New - Website Development

The Clubs new website is now live. You can get all the info you need on the Web. You can book a pitch, book the Hall etc and you can register to join - all online. If you would like any info added/ advertising space on the clubs website, please contact me direct – [email protected] Mental Health Update… The Positive Mental Health Programme continues in 2019 / 2020

The Club will be running sessions throughout the year. The sessions are open for all to attend. They are very informative. When the sessions are advertised, if you, someone you know would like to attend, then all are welcome. This is not exclusively for football club members/ coaches. The Stress and Anxiety session is very much about day to day challenges and life. Everyone will get something out of this session. I can’t recommend it enough. Dates T.B.C .... ‘Mums Walk Midlothian’

Mums Walk Midlothian’ is a lovely little group that’s growing in numbers and confidence. After a Monday morning walk, if you feel like it the group have coffee and a chat. A great way to meet people that can support and reassure those that are maybe feeling anxious or unsure. The group’s activities and updates are available on their Facebook Page (Mums Walk Midlothian) This is a fantastic, relaxed way to meet people and be reassured you aren’t on your own …

#MidlothianMenMatter In partnership and with Health in Mind the club supports weekly drop in, peer support group where men can come along and talk or listen and get support from other men who can help. If you are feeling low, anxious, pressurised, or suicidal, please come along and you will be supported. The group meets every Tuesday at 7 pm – 9 pm. All confidential. All Men.

Please - Volunteers required ….

The club has more and more going on each month. If you can spare and hour or two to come and help out with any of our community projects , please contact [email protected]. Theres nothing too onerous, promise.

Pop up Café

KIC Dance are back with their aprons on ! The café will be open on Saturday mornings for breakfast rolls/ drinks etc. Thankyou to the KIC team for providing this service...

Youth Club ...

The Friday Night Youth Club is going well ... numbers vary weekly from 12- 20. Please encourage your High School age kids to come along ... There’s a bit Football with Kieran McGachie ( Kieran plays for the Bonnyrigg Rose Big Team ) , there’s xbox, games , activities, hot food served , all under the watchful eye of Community Life Long Learning staff from Midlothian Council .. There’s support for kids looking to work on c.v’s , preparing for leaving school etc . All free. All in a safe placed... Please keep an eye on our Website/ Social Media accounts for updates on this group.


The club has been successful in gaining a small grant from Midlothian Council for the development of the youth group. The club as successful in the Lotteries Birthday fund bid... We won 1 k to take the Social inclusion group on an outing or two..

.. Football News..

***Coaches Needed ***

Have you thought about getting involved in the coaching the teams? Well now’s the time to do it. The club very much relies on the goodwill of parents predominantly to coach the kids. Without the Dads/ Mums / carers etc volunteering, the club would struggle to function as it is. Most age groups need some extra help and additional coaches. We have lots of experienced people already at the club that would help and guide you through the role, please come forward if you’re interested. Either speak to the coaches in the age group you are keen to support or get in touch with Trish and she’ll organise the initial steps. [email protected]

Girls Section

Under 9 Girls

Our U9's Girls section having started out Summer 2019 is now well established with a group of 15 girls attending our weekly training sessions held at Poltonhall on a Wednesday evening 6pm to 7pm. 5 parents George Renwick, Jordan Kirk, Gary Thomson, Alun Ellis and Andrew McConnell have stepped up to assist training and become coaches for the age group - the club thanks them for their support without which the progress and fun the girls have had would not have been possible. The girls have been excellent in training, eager to learn and keen to enjoy their football they have progressed quickly after their initial training sessions and competed against other clubs in 4 a side Festival's held throughout the South East Region from August to November. The SFA started a Claire Emslie Soccer School in November giving the girls further opportunity to play, sadly with Paul Greig moving on from his post in the SFA to Raith Rovers this has meant the Soccer School can’t continue for now. The club wishes Paul all the very best wishes in his new role. Not being one to miss an opportunity though the club quickly took the training space at Centre vacated by the Soccer School and training has started back early for most of the players. The older girls in the group were invited by the SFA to take part in 5 a side Winter Games in January allowing them to gain further experience and time to develop as footballers. Training formally starts back at Poltonhall on Wednesday 5th Feb 6pm to 7pm where we hope to invite along new players who have applied to join the age group. The club invites all girls born 2010 - 2014 to come along and try our club. For further information see us at Bonnyriggrose.org.uk where new players can be registered for all age groups

Under 13 girls

The under 13 girls enjoyed a league victory in their first venture stepping up early form under 11's to play in the South East Jenna Fyfe league the second half of 2019. They won 10 out of 10 games scoring over 100 goals and only conceding 13. This included four clean sheets. This coming season which starts at the beginning of March we will be testing ourselves in the Tier 1 9v9 league, where offside will be introduced and present a different challenge for the girls , which I am sure they will embrace. We have also entered the Scottish Youth Cup and looked forward to a league cup tournament, also this season.

The girls are off to Flamingo land in April this year to join in the R&T FA sanctioned 9v9 festival tournament which is a fantastic two days of football and lots of fun for the adults and kids. The team has been strengthened by the addition of two new players for this coming season, Holly McMillan and Freya Turner, who have fitted right ... Huge Congratulations to Zoe Taylor from the team for making it through the region trials. Good Luck Zoe! With the help of the parents/kids through fundraising we had been able to make a financial donation to the Poppy appeal and provide toothbrushes and toothpaste along with socks for the upcoming trip to Rwanda by the Bonnyrigg Rose coaches David Hamilton and David Fairgrieve Girls U15’S

The under-15 girls would like to welcome Chelsea Evitt to the team who has recently signed f or the Team.

We'd like to congratulate our girls who play for Lasswade High School under 15s, Lucy Bowe, Kayla Burgess, Keri McLean & Beth Wilson who today reached the semi-final of the Scottish Cup beating Auchinleck 4 - 3, all scorers were from Bonnyrigg Rose Girls section Taylor & Freya from u13s & Keri McLean scoring a penalty and the winning goal from a freekick to secure Lasswade the Victory.

The under 15 girls are looking forward to the season starting On Saturday March 7th.


BONNYRIGG ROSE FOOTBALL ACADEMY We’re currently taking in new recruits for the Academy. If you’re interested in getting your wee one into the club just visit the club’s website – go to the join us section, complete the form and we’ll be in touch ... We are delighted to have Gold and Gray football Academy working with us , supporting the Academy. The kids love the fact there’s players from Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic delivering their coaching sessions 😊


The 2 Dave’s are off to Rwanda...

Coaches Dave Fairgrieve and David Hamilton would like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to the kids/ parents from all age groups that supported their cause in collecting football boots, kit, toothbrushes, toothpaste & socks for the kids they will spend time with in Rwanda. The Dave’s left on 31st Jan and return home on the 9 th of Feb.

During their trip they’ll learn about the genocide and how it has made Rwanda the country it is today by visiting the memorials and museums.

Bonnyrigg Rose FC make the trip along with other local clubs including Tranent, Penicuik , Spartans & Murieston. The trip is being led by Hearts FC Community with their lead coach known to many in Bonnyrigg Alan “Chalky” White at the helm alongside another familiar face, SFA Chaplain Mark Fleming. Each team has been given specific projects to visit and support which include coach education, sharing our experiences and coaching drills and distributing the donations across the towns, villages and local communities we visit.

One of the aims is for the 07s to pass on a legacy and future age groups from Bonnyrigg Rose to visit forwards into the future.

On our return we will share photos and stories of our trip.

2008’s Fundraising Event ......

Tickets are selling fast .... there’s only a handful left. All funds raised will go towards new kit for the kids and the very exciting trip to Flamingo land this April ...

2009’s 2009s are fundraising for their ‘Residential Tournament’ In Ayr. They go on the 8th – 11th of May. The gang are all staying at the Craig Tara Haven Holiday Park and they are really looking forward to it .

There’s a Race Night on Feb 28th in the ‘Roses Club’. All Welcome. The age group are also going to be raising funds through a sponsored walk event. Date / route TBC ...


The 2010’s are very excited as the fast approach their first Tournament in the Lake District in May ...

They are continuing to fundraise to help pay for the trip.. 2012’s A Very Happy Special Birthday Roger !

From the kids, coaches and club – have a great time celebrating !

Huge thanks to Boyle Energy for supporting the 2012 age group for this Super 5 Season and the development of the age group into the 7 aside season .

Thanks for taking the time to read this Newsletter. If you have any feedback or queries, please contact Trish, [email protected]