HOLDFASTMARCH 2017 - Number 30 www.tunnelrats.com.au OffICIal NEWslEttER of thE VIETNAM TUNNNEL Rats AssoCIatION INC. At the Battle of Fire Support Base Andersen ten Tunnel Rats manned an overnight listening post and only three survived the night unhurt It’s a battle the history books have ignored for too long NOSTALGIA PAGES 2 Sappers set sail on the mighty Mekong Nostalgia Pages Pages of great pics from the past to amaze and amuse. Photo contribitions welcome. Send your favourite Vietnam pics (with descriptions, names and ap- prox dates) to Jim Marett 43 Heyington Place Toorak Vic 3142 or by email to:
[email protected] In 1969 the two Tunnel Rats seen here at the back of the boat were at- tached to 5RAR as a Splinter Team, and as they were water-borne for this operation, they were also tasked with running the boat. The two Sappers are Darryl Lavis and Ted Podlich of 2 Troop 1 FD SQN. The rest of the crew are Grunts from 5RAR. Their role was to patrol river tributaries along the Mekong, and carry out nightly ambushes on river traffic suspected of ferrying weapons and military supplies. “By morning we often found our- selves stranded up in the mangroves like sitting ducks, due to the quick changing tides,” recalls Darryl. “During daytime we transported the infantry patrols into the mangroves looking for possible weapons and food caches. We also searched and inspected fishing vessels,” says Darryl. “If there was a lull in river traffic we tried our hand at fishing - using grenades!” Ziggy catches some Zeeees Holdfast Magazine Written and edited by Jim Marett and published quarterly by the Vietnam Tunnel Rats Association 43 Heyington Place Toorak Vic 3142 Tel: 03-9824 4967 Mobile: 0403 041 962 When you were out on patrol with the Infantry, sleep deprivation was part of
[email protected] the deal, so the ability to nap at any opportunity was essential to survival.