PRESENT: Councillor Parker in the Chair Councillors Armitage, Grahame, Gruen, Harrison, J Lewis, Phillips, Murray, Schofield and Wakefield

52 Chair,s Opening Remarks The Chair welcomed every to the meeting especially those members of the public who were in attendance at the meeting. The Chair also announced that the presentation by Councillor Jennings, Executive Board Member for Childrens Services has been withdrawn from the today‘s agenda and he will now arrange a briefing with Officers on this matter.

53 Late Item The Chair gave notice of a late item of urgent business, Minute No. 60 refers, which relates to the Area Delivery Plan report. The Chair indicated that in accordance with his powers under Section 100(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, he had agreed to take this report as late item of urgent business in order that the Board be furnished with an updated version of the Area Delivery Plan.

54 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest.

55 Minutes - 7th December 2004 Members agreed an amendment to Minute No. 48, Review of City Council Community Centres to delete the last paragraph and include a resolution to read £ That the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing be informed of this Area Committee‘s concern that the proposals on the review did not include automatic exemptions for those with the inability to pay nor give any detail as what the pricing structure may be and where the cost of any discretionary subsidy would be met from‘.

RESOLVED £ That, subject to the above amendment, the minutes of the meeting held on 7th December 2004 be confirmed as a correct record.

56 Matters Arising from the Minutes Referring to Minute No. 47 relating to the Leeds Regeneration Plan, Members expressed a wish to have sight of the draft plan and the Area Manager informed the meeting that the draft plan should be available to all Members for them to comment on. It is anticipated that the final Plan will not be available until June 2005. The Chair informed the meeting that he had been in correspondence with Parish Councillors and asked them to submit their comments to him in order that they can be included in the Plan before it has been finalised. To date the Chair has not received a response from the Parish Councillors.

Draft Minutes to be approved at the meeting PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com to be held on 21st April 2005 The East Area Manager suggested that once Members had received the draft Plan a special meeting of the Area Committee could be arranged or, alternatively, Members could submit their own comments in writing.

Referring to Minute No. 48 relating to the Review of Community Centres, the East Area Manager informed the meeting that the review will not be completed until June 2005 but he will keep Members up to date, particularly those affected by Community Centre issues for both the East Inner and Outer Area Committees.

The Chair informed the meeting that he had been approached by people using the Community Centres in his Ward and they are now expressing great concern about what the costs will be, which may result in these groups having to look for an alternative venue.

The East Area Manager informed the meeting that Area Committees may be able to subsidise groups out of their own budget but that will have to be reflected in the finalised plan for Community Centres across the city.

RESOLVED - That an updated report on the Leeds Regeneration Plan be submitted to the June 2005 East Outer Area Committee meeting.

57 Theme Focus - Youth Service The Director of Learning and Leisure submitted a detailed report and appendix to update the Area Committee on general Leeds Youth Service developments, progress and current issues.

Phil Pearce, Operations Manager, Youth Service presented the report and responded to Members‘ questions and comments.

RESOLVED: (a) That the contents of the report be noted (b) That the Executive Board Members for Neighbourhoods and Housing be invited to the next Area Committee meeting. (c) That a progress report on the Halton Moor Chill Out Centre be submitted to the next Area Committee meeting. (d) That all Members of the Area Committee be furnished with a progress report on the pilot programme targeting young people in rural areas.

58 Neighbourhood Management Proposals The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report for Members information on the main principles of Neighbourhood Management, the proposed geographic boundaries of Neighbourhood Management Teams and proposals to support this project from the Wellbeing Budget.

Martin Hackett, East Area Management, presented the report and together with John Woolmer, responded to Members‘ questions and comments.


Draft Minutes to be approved at the meeting to be held on 21st April 2005 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com (a) That the main principles of Neighbourhood Management and the proposed geographic boundaries of the Neighbourhood Management Teams as outlined in the submitted report be noted. (b) That the East Outer Area Committee noted the request to support this project from the Wellbeing Budget.

59 Wellbeing Budget The East Area Manager submitted a report to the Committee in relation to:

(a) Small Grants (b) Large Grants

Martin Hackett, Area Management Officer presented the reports and responded to Members‘ questions and comments.

RESOLVED: (a) That the contents of the report be noted (b) That approval be given to release the following funds from the East Outer Area Committee budget:

Gardening Scheme “ 36,750 Luncheon Club Co-ordinator 18,000 Methley Security Barrier 600 Neighbourhood Management Budget 6,000 Garforth Festival 2,000

TOTAL ‘63,350

(c) That the East Outer Area Committee noted that approval of the above projects will fully commit the Revenue Budget for 2004/2005.

(c) Capital Spend

The Area Committee also considered the tabled late item of urgent business in relation to an application to fund a fencing project at Firthfield Community Centre, Garforth.

RESOLVED - (a) That the Area Committee noted the two routes as outlined in the submitted report, through which capital schemes may receive support. (b) That the Area Committee noted that Members should raise with the East Area Manager any proposals or ideas for support from the Area Committee‘s Wellbeing Budget by no later than 28th February 2005, (c) That it was noted that the opportunity to raise ideas or schemes with the Area Management Team may be put forward as a possibility for funding from the Capital Programme. (d) That approval be given to the application for “ 8,750 from the capital budget to fund the fencing project at Firthfields Community Centre, Garforth.

60 Late Item - Area Delivery Plan 2005/2006

Draft Minutes to be approved at the meeting PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com to be held on 21st April 2005 The East Area Manager tabled a report with the most up to date information on the progress made in developing the East Outer Area Delivery Plan for 2005/2006.

Stephen Boyle, East Area Manager, together with John Woolmer, Area Co-ordinator, East Area Management presented the report and responded to Members‘ questions and comments.

RESOLVED: (a) That the contents of the report be noted. (b) That approval be given to the Outline Area Delivery Plan for 2005/2006 for submission to the Executive Board as being:

· the area wide priorities set out in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the report. · the area service plans of Youth Services, Streetscene Services and Community Safety. · the ”Making It Real– framework and its evolvement as set out in Section 3. · the community engagement/consultation framework and strategy.

(c) That the East Area Management Team be instructed to:

· meet with Local Ward Members to discuss their priorities for inclusion in the relevant ”Making It Real– sections. · undertake a consultation exercise with the Forums on the priorities suggested and detail contained within their ”Making it Real– section. · obtain further information from service providers on local commitments they are able to make which meet the area priorities and activities set out in sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the report and any local priorities identified within each ”Making it Real– section. · bring back updated versions of the ”Making it Real– sections to the next available meeting to agree as the starting point for 2005/2006.

(d) That a further report be submitted to the next meeting to provide examples and an explanation of the area performance monitoring reports that will be provided to Area Committee by Youth Services and Leeds Community Safety during 2005/2006

61 A-Boards Enforcement The Director of City Services submitted a report on the proposed policy and related conditions in respect of A-Boards and other similar advertising boards displayed by businesses for advertising purposes.

Helen Finister, Chief Streetscene Officer presented the report and responded to Members‘ questions and comments.

RESOLVED - That the proposed policy be endorsed.

62 Primary School Replacement Programmes - Disposal of Surplus School Buildings

Draft Minutes to be approved at the meeting to be held on 21st April 2005 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com The Director of Development submitted a report to advise the Area Committee of the proposed disposal of surplus school properties arising from the primary school replacement programmes and the potential uses of the sites to be sold.

RESOLVED - That the proposals outlined in the report to dispose of surplus school properties and the associated planning land use guidance be noted.

63 Date and Time of Next Meeting RESOLVED £ That next meeting of the East Outer Area Committee be held on Thursday, 21th April 2005 at 4 .00 p.m. in the Civic Hall, Leeds.

Draft Minutes to be approved at the meeting PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com to be held on 21st April 2005 AGENDA ITEM NO.:

Originator: Maria Lipzith

Tel: 2474353


Electoral Wards Affected : Specific Implications For :

Crossgates & Whinmoor Ethnic Minorities Garforth & Swillington Women Kippax & Methley Disabled People

Executive Eligible for Call In ü Not eligible for Call In Board (details contained in the report) Decision


1.1 The purpose of the report is to request Members to give consideration to agreeing the dates, times and venues of their meetings for the 2005/06 municipal year which commences in May 2005.


2.1 The options are:

· To approve the list of dates and times provisionally agreed with the East Outer Area Manager, based on the existing pattern; · To consider other alternative dates; · To continue to meet at 4.00 pm, or to consider alternative times; · To continue to hold each meeting at the Civic Hall or like all other Area Committees to alternate venues for each meeting within the Area Committee wedge and to consider those venues at the end of each meeting.


3.1 The Committee is requested to consider the options and to take a decision at this meeting in order that the arrangements can be finalised and included in the Council‘s official diary for 2005/06.

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4.1 The Area Committee Procedure Rules stipulate that there shall be at least six ordinary meetings of each Area Committee in each municipal year (May to April).

4.2 The Procedure Rules also state that each Committee will agree its schedule of meetings for the year at its first meeting in the municipal year. If this was strictly adhered to, unfortunately it would mean that none of the dates and times would be agreed early enough to appear in the Council‘s official diary.


5.1 The following provisional dates have been agreed in consultation with the East Outer Area Manager. They follow a similar pattern as last year i.e. Tuesdays or Wednesdays:-

12th July 2005 (Tuesday), 20th September 2005 (Tuesday), 2nd November 2005 (Wednesday), 13th December 2005 (Tuesday), 21st February 2006 (Tuesday) and 11th April 2006 (Tuesday).

5.2 A similar pattern of meetings is being suggested in respect of the other 9 Area Committees, so that for co-ordination purposes, all Committees are meeting in the same basic cycle and months. Whilst Members have discretion as to which actual dates they wish to meet, they are requested to take into consideration that any proposed substantial change to the cycle e.g. changing months rather than dates within the suggested months, will cause disruption and lead to co-ordination problems between the Area Committees.


6.1 Currently the Committee meets mainly on Tuesdays at 4.00 pm, and the above suggested dates reflect this pattern.

6.2 Meeting on set days and times has the advantage of certainty and regularity, which assists people to plan their schedules. The downside might be that it could serve to exclude certain people, for instance, who have other regular commitments on that particular day or who might prefer either a morning meeting or a meeting later in the evening after normal work hours.

6.3 For these reasons, some Area Committees have chosen to vary their meeting days and times, alternating between different weekdays and holding daytime and evening meetings alternately. Others, however, have chosen a regular pattern similar to this Committee‘s existing arrangements é it really is a matter for Members to decide.


7.1 Currently, the East Outer Area Committee is still the only Area Committee that meets in the Civic Hall, perhaps consideration might be given to meet at different locations within this Area Committee wedge.

7.2 If the Committee were minded to request the officers to explore possible alternative venues, then the considerations Members and officers would have to take into account are matters such as cost, accessibility é particularly for people with disabilities é and the facilities available at the venue, e.g. IT facilities for presentations etc. PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 8.0 RECOMMENDATION

8.1 Members are requested to consider the options and to decide their meeting dates, times and venues for 2005/06 in order that they may be included in the Council‘s official diary for 2005/06.

East Outer meeting dates for 2005-06.doc

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com AGENDA ITEM NO.:

Originator: Martin Hackett Tel: 3950705 Email: [email protected]


Electoral Wards Affected : Specific Implications For : Garforth & Swillington Ethnic Minorities Kippax & Methley Women Temple Newsam Cross Gates & Whinmoor Disabled People

Executive Board Eligible for Call In Not eligible for Call In Decision (details contained in the report)


1.1 For Members of the Outer East Area Committee to agree a schedule of Forum dates for 2005/6


2.1 At the inaugural meeting of the Outer East Area Committee in July 2004 Members agreed to establish Community Consultative Fora across the 4 Wards. Some of the Fora were new, others had been set up under previous CIT arrangements.

2.2 Where the Forum had been established under previous CIT arrangements the meeting took into account ward boundary changes when considering the geographic boundary it covered.

2.3 It was also agreed that the Forum meetings would be held quarterly at venues convenient to the local communities they served.

2.4 The proposed dates and venues are detailed in the following tables.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 3.0 FORUM SCHEDULE

3.1 Cross Gates & Whinmoor Ward.

Forum Venue Day Date Cross Gates Arndale House Wednesday 8 June at 6.30pm Cross Gates Arndale House Wednesday 14 September at 6.30pm Cross Gates Arndale House Wednesday 7 December at 6.30pm Cross Gates Arndale House Wednesday 1 March at 6.30pm North Whinmoor Fieldhead Carr Monday 27 June at 7pm Primary School North Whinmoor Fieldhead Carr Monday 19 September at Primary School 7pm North Whinmoor Fieldhead Carr Monday 12 December at Primary School 7pm North Whinmoor Fieldhead Carr Monday 20 March at 7pm Primary School Swarcliffe & St Gregory,s Wednesday 11 May at Stanks Club 6.30pm Swarcliffe & St Gregory,s Wednesday 21 September at Stanks Club 6.30pm Swarcliffe & St Gregory,s Wednesday 30 November at Stanks Club 6.30pm Swarcliffe & St Gregory,s Wednesday 22 February at Stanks Club 6.30pm

3.2 Temple Newsam Ward

Forum Venue Day Date Halton Christ Church Thursday 9 June at 6pm Hall Halton TBC Thursday 8 September at 6pm Halton TBC Thursday 1 December at 6pm Halton TBC Thursday 2 March at 6pm Halton Halton Moor One Wednesday 1 June at 6pm Moor/East Stop Centre Osmondthorpe Halton Halton Moor One Tuesday 13 September at Moor/East Stop Centre 6pm Osmondthorpe Halton Halton Moor One Tuesday 6 December at Moor/East Stop Centre 6pm Osmondthorpe Halton Halton Moor One Tuesday 7 March at 6pm Moor/East Stop Centre Osmondthorpe

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 3.3 Garforth & Swillington and Kippax & Methley Wards.

Forum Venue Day Date Garforth & Garforth College Wednesday 13 July 6.30pm Swillington Garforth & Garforth College Tuesday 11 October Swillington 6.30pm Garforth & Garforth College Wednesday 11 January Swillington 6.30pm Garforth & Garforth College Monday 10 April 6.30 pm Swillington Kippax & Brigshaw High Tuesday 5 July 6.30pm Methley Kippax & TBC Tuesday 4 October Methley 6.30pm Kippax & Brigshaw High Tuesday 10 January Methley 6.30pm Kippax & TBC Tuesday 4 April 6.30pm Methley


4.1 Members are requested to agree these dates and venues, where venues are listed.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com AGENDA ITEM NO.:

Originator: Martin Hackett Tel: 3950705 Email: [email protected]


Electoral Wards Affected : Specific Implications For : Garforth & Swillington Ethnic Minorities Kippax & Methley Women Temple Newsam Cross Gates & Whinmoor Disabled People

Executive Board Eligible for Call In Not eligible for Call In Decision (details contained in the report)


1.1 The Outer East Area Committee Well Being Budget will not be confirmed until May/June 2005 but the expected figure is “ 203,886, the same as 2004/5.

1.2 There is 1 ongoing commitment for funding totalling “ 16,000. This is the annual monitoring and maintenance costs of the 4 CCTV cameras sited on Garforth Main Street and Kippax High Street. Under the agreement reached with Leeds Watch the Area Committee is responsible to ensure a 5 year minimum period it will cover these annual costs.

1.3 The remainder of the report requests the release of funds to support a number of projects.


2.1 Care & Repair are a voluntary organisation supporting elderly and vulnerable residents in their homes. In financial year 2004/5 the Outer East Area Committee awarded Care & Repair a “ 5,000 grant to provide additional security to vulnerable residents across the Outer East geographical area.

2.2 During this period 45 separate properties have received additional security or £target hardening‘ measures from this funding.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 2.3 Care & Repair are requesting a further “ 5,000 for financial year 2005/6 to continue this work.

2.4 The referral system for security improvements is very flexible. It is mainly though the Police and elderly support groups but individual referrals can be made by Ward Members, Council Officers and Neighbourhood Management Tasking Teams. An assessment of need would then be carried out by Care and Repair.


3.1 The Sports Development Section based at South Leeds Sports Centre recently submitted an application to the Coalfields Regeneration Trust (CRT) to provide sports coaching to all primary and secondary schools in the eligible CRT Wards of Garforth & Swillington and Kippax & Methley. A decision from the CRT is pending but indications are that “ 10,000 will be awarded to this project.

3.2 This report requests funding from the Well Being Budget to fund similar activities across the Cross Gates & Whinmoor and Temple Newsam Wards.

3.3 There will be coaching in the following sports :

· Athletics é running é speed, running é hurdles, relays, throwing, jumping · Football é shooting, passing, keep ups etc · Rugby League é catching and passing, evasive and defensive skills etc · Badminton é hitting techniques, movement etc.

3.4 The coaching will culminate in a festival which includes all the aforementioned sports. The coaching and festival are planned for June and July of 2005. A full programme list including schools and clubs to be involved as well as a full cost breakdown is detailed on Appendix A.

3.5 The total request from the Area Committee is “ 10,000 and this request will be subject to confirmation of match funding from the CRT.


4.1 The residents of Halton Moor and Osmondthorpe would like to resurrect this event on an annual basis. It had previously existed over several decades but in the late 1980‘s stopped after the organising committee disbanded.

4.2 In 2003 a Fund Day was held at the East Leeds Leisure Centre, located in Halton Moor. This event was jointly funded through SRB Round 5 and from the Richmond Hill and Rothwell CIT Priorities Budget. The event was well attended giving all residents free access to the leisure centre, there were sports tournaments, and various other fun activities.

4.3 The intention in 2005 is to have free access to the sports centre and have a number of events organised by officers and volunteers. These include a football tournament and netball competition. There will be the usual features of bouncy castles, various rides, a number of stalls, face painting etc.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 4.4 The event will be held in August Bank Holiday. The costs will be to keep the centre open on that day and to pay wages, as well as subsidise the costs of bouncy castles, rides etc.

4.5 The request from the Outer Area Committee is to award “ 1,000 of the “ 2,000 cost. The other half of the cost will be requested from the Inner East Area Committee.


5.1 This is a multi é agency pilot project being run by East Leeds Drugs Action Group, this being a sub group of Killingbecks' Divisional Community Safety Partnership. The partners being the PCT, positive futures, GIPSIL,WY Police, Education Leeds and Leeds Drugs Action Team.

5.2 The aim is to provide £at risk‘Year 7 pupils with supplementary drugs education. The 2 Schools chosen are Temple Moor and Parklands with 15 pupils being chosen from each School. Pupils have been identified based upon the following :

· Suspected parental use · Siblings involvement in drugs use · Friend involved in drugs use

5.3 The focus of the additional education will be to develop the pupils‘ interpersonal skills through the use of a method called Quality Circle Time (appendix B gives more detail of the whole programme).

5.4 Transport costs (“1500) are being funded by Positive Futures who will use Leeds Alternative Transport ; WY Police are paying for 2 barge trips ; Education Leeds for 2 workshops (cost of “ 700) to develop the project and workers for Circle Time. The request from the Outer East Area Committee is to pay “ 788 which is half the cost of the following :

· Catering - “ 1440 · Stationary and Materials - “ 136

The other half of the cost will be requested from the Inner East Area Committee.

5.5 A report on the success of the project will come to a future meeting of the Area Committee, and, if possible, arrangements made for a child involved in the project to attend with an Officer a future meeting of the Area Committee before the end of the year. Arrangements will also be made for the Chair to visit the project.


6.1 Members will recall that at the Area Committee meeting held on 16 February 2005 an allocation of “ 6000 from the 2004/05 Wellbeing Budget was agreed to support the roll out of Neighbourhood Management in Outer East Leeds.

6.2 Neighbourhood Management supports efforts to improve the streetscene and open space environment and tackle anti-social behaviour in our neighbourhoods by establishing local tasking teams for each ward. The core of each local team is relevant local Council Officers, local ALMO staff, West Yorkshire Police and local

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com Elected Members. It is anticipated that additional people may get involved in different area depending on the local opportunities and needs. For example where local Good Neighbour Schemes exists with a role to play in helping collect information and undertake tasks. It is also hoped to evolve the participation of the Primary Care Trust, perhaps through their Community Development workers and health visitors. West Yorkshire Fire Service are also looking to get involved through their Arson Task force where there is a role to be played.

6.3 To continue the support and evolvement of the tasking teams, it is proposed to provide “ 10,000 to each of the 4 Wards to support Neighbourhood Management in their area.

6.4 The use of the funding would be determined through each tasking team, particularly using intelligence gathered in quarterly street audits, and monitored by the relevant local Forum. Local Members would of course be involved at both of these and ensure funds are being used as the Area Committee would wish. Reports will be provided at Area Committee summarising the use of the funds, together with reporting Forum feedback and providing evidence of successful actions.

6.5 Examples of work these funds could support are :

ü Providing skips for community clean ups ü Hiring the LCC Video Van to support a local, community based initiatives ü Funding for community based/led environmental projects (such as a planting project) ü New litter bins (over and above what there is budget for) ü Minor highways improvements which are not eligible for use of existing mainstream budget (e.g. do not fall under sites for concern) é for example; street/directional signs, road markings, drop kerbs ü Paying for a particular fixture that helps prevents or reduce nuisance/ASB e.g. erecting a fence/posts ü Mailshots/publicity material to react to localised issues é for example where there is a hotspot of a particular type of theft or where residents need to be made aware of a particular Council/partner service that they are not using (e.g. bulky item collection, crimestoppers, youth service activities)

6.6 Examples of work these funds would NOT support are:

X Where there is an existing requirement for a Council service to meet the costs from its mainstream or own discretionary budgets X Items for the benefit of individual households only

6.7 The benefit in creating a fund, linked directly to the taking teams and accountable through the local Forums is that:

a) A speedy response can be made to needs identified through the regular tasking meetings with minimal bureaucracy but clear accountability. b) Local Members can utilise the Wellbeing Budget to meet very localised issues, which often require a quick response to ”nip things in the bud– and demonstrate how an action has come up from a community/resident concern. c) The fund will help strengthen the role of local Forums and encourage local officers to work together through tasking teams

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 6.8 Discussions with partners in the work of the tasking teams will take place to look at future match funding of the Area Committees contribution é to create larger ”pots– for each area to deal with common issues facing each agency. This may be taken through the District Partnership.


7.1 This project will be a partnership arrangement between the Outer East Area Committee and Leeds South East Homes to jointly fund a Neighbourhood Warden to cover Swarcliffe & Stanks with ad hoc arrangements for cover in Cross Gates.

7.2 The Warden will have flexible working hours and a local working agreement based upon the generic Neighbourhood Warden Job description. A local agreement is being put together by local Ward Members, Area Management, Leeds South East Homes and Leeds Community Safety. It is likely that the Warden will be employed and managed through Community Safety but his/her work will be directed by:

· Work identified through the local tasking team and quarterly environmental/street audits · Concerns and issues raised by the local Forum · Specific business needs of Leeds South East Homes

The Warden will be required to report through the local Forum and to Leeds South East Homes.

7.3 The current Neighbourhood Warden arrangements in the Cross Gates & Whinmoor Ward are that there is 1 Warden that covers the North Whinmoor area. However the position was established under previous ward boundary arrangements which means that 0.75 of his/her working time is spent in North Whinmoor and 0.25 of his/her working time is spent covering Scholes, which is located in the Outer North East Area. This warden has no responsibilities in Swarcliffe, Stanks or Cross Gates.

7.4 The immediate request is to support the joint funding of a new full-time post as identified in section 7.1.

7.5 The funding agreement would be for 2 years, but with an annual review built in to allow for the second year‘s funding to be confirmed and ensure both parties are happy with the arrangement.

7.6 The cost will be “ 18,000 per year to be split equally between the Area Committee and Leeds South East Homes. Therefore the cost to the Area Committee is “ 9,000 in 2005/6 with £in principle‘ agreement to agree a similar amount for 2006/7.

7.7 The Area Committee is also asked to give approval that should the current North Whinmoor and Scholes Warden position become vacant, officers are authorised to negotiate the replacement as a full-time Warden for North Whinmoor only. The financial consequences would be in the region of “ 4,500 per year for the additional 25% of funding that would need to be found. In this event, a further report would be brought back to the Area Committee to confirm arrangements and formally approve the additional funding release required.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 8.0 STREETSCENE NEIGHBOURHOOD DELIVERY MODEL

8.1 A report will follow (included on agenda) from the Director of City Services outlining proposals for a dedicated Streetscene team per Area Committee which is supported by a graffiti team that covers the wedge. The report requests “ 11,690 funding from the Area Committee.


9.1 This project is requesting continuation funding for a third year to provide activities for young people at Temple Newsam. The project was initially funded under previous CIT arrangements which continued in 2004/5 when both the Inner and Outer East Area Committees funded the project. A report to follow (included on agenda) from the Director of Learning and Leisure outlines the work and cost of the scheme.


10.1 This project will provide a small grants funding stream for the area to operate under the same terms as was agreed by Area Committee in 2004/5. In 2004/5 The Area Committee agreed “ 20,000 for this fund of which “ 11,204.66 was committed. This leaves a balance of “ 8,795.35 to carry forward into year 2005/6.

10.2 The total cost of the project from the Well Being budget for 2005/6 will be “ 11,204.66 which will be added to the carry over of “ 8,795.66 to create a “ 20,000 budget for the year.


11.1 As a finale to the 100 day environmental clean up campaign Streetscene Services intend to have an event with an international flavour that promotes United Nations Environment Day.

11.2 Each Area Committee will nominate an area for an intensive clean up. The chosen area should have the following criteria :

· A visible difference can be made in a day · There is already active community/resident groups to work with in planning the activities · The area needs cleaning up · There is something visible to fix e.g. children‘s playground that has become a problem are for dumping etc · Ability to maintain the work after the event.

11.3 Funding requested to support this event will be a maximum of “ 1000.


12.1 Members are requested to approve funding for the following projects from the 2005/06 Wellbeing Budget allocation:

· Care & Repair “ 5,000

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com · Schools Sports Project “ 10,000 · Halton Moor & Osmondthorpe Fun Day “ 1,000 · Drug Action Team Education Project “ 788 · Supporting Neighbourhood Management “ 40,000 (being “ 10K per ward) · Neighbourhood Warden for Swarcliffe & Stanks “ 9,000 (for first year‘s funding) · Small Grants Funding Stream “ 11,204.66 · United Nations Environment Day “ 1000

Total - “ 77,992.66

12.2 Members will be asked to consider the following requests for funding under the items on the agenda:

· Discovering Temple Newsam - “ 26,610 · Streetscene Neighbourhood Delivery - “ 11,690

12.3 To note that the cost to the Area Committee to support all projects listed is “ 116,292.66. If all projects listed are approved this is added to the CCTV commitment of “ 16,000 making a total commitment of “ 132,292.66 from the 2005/06 allocation.

12.4 To approve, subject to availability of Wellbeing funds, a satisfactory annual review and confirmation of continued match funding from South East Leeds Homes, the allocation of “ 9,000 from 2006/07 to continue the employment of a Neighbourhood Warden for Swarcliffe and Stanks.

12.5 To authorise officers to negotiate the recruitment of a full-time Warden for North Whinmoor should the post become vacant and agree in principle to the release of Wellbeing funds to support this.

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Temple Newsam, Crossgates and Whinmoor Sports Project 2005


· Develop sustainable links between schools and community clubs with an annual programme involving ownership from all partners.

· Engage senior students (Year 10 and Year 12) from John Smeaton, Corpus Christi and Temple Moor based on National Governing Body Qualifications to organise and run annual community events.

· Allow ALL primary school students the opportunity to be fully involved in a community project with the based at the nominated high schools.

· Break down the traditional barriers between schools and community clubs and form a long term working partnerships with achievable outcomes.

· Develop a pathway for community opportunities for holiday programmes.

· To set a benchmark for the introduction of CSCs (Community Sports Coaches) for the East Leeds area over a sustainable 3 year contract from 2005.

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· High Schools:

1. John Smeaton 2. Corpus Christi 3. Temple Moor

· Primary Schools:

John Smeaton Family

1. Beechwood 2. Manston St. James C/E 3. Manston 4. Grimes Dyke

Corpus Christi Family

1. Corpus Christi 2. Our Lady‘s 3. St. Theresa‘s 4. St Nicholas‘s 5. St. Gregory‘s 6. Meadowfield

Temple Moor Family

1. Temple Newsam Halton 2. 3. Colton 4. Austhorpe 5. Crossgates 6. Victoria

Amateur Rugby League Clubs:

1. East Leeds 2. Whinmoor Warriors

Athletic Clubs:

1. Leeds City AC 2. Carnegie AC

Amateur Football Clubs:

1. Whitkirk Wanderers 2. Amaranth

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 3. Oulton Owls Amateur Badminton Clubs:

1. Garforth Community B.C. 2. Garforth B.C. 3. Pendas B.C. 4. Scarthingwell B.C.

Major Partners:

1. Leeds City Council Sports Development Unit 2. Area Committee 3. Leeds Rhinos 4. Leeds United 5. National Governing Bodies

Programme Itinerary:

· Time Period:

1. Week beginning the 6th June (5 week coaching) 2. Festival July John Smeaton High 3. Festival July Corpus Christi High 4. Festival July Temple Moor High

· Coaching content: Rugby League

1. Core skills of catching and passing 2. Evasive and defensive skills 3. Tag rugby league skills 4. Healthy Life Style 5. Collective core skills

· Coaching content: Athletics

1. Running é Speed 2. Running é Hurdles 3. Running - Relays 4. Throwing é Javelin / Chest Push 5. Jumping é Long / Triple / Vertical / Speed Bounce

· Coaching content: Football

1. Shooting 2. Turning 3. Running with the ball 4. Keep ups/Heading 5. Passing

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com · Coaching content: Badminton

1. Racket Grips 2. Hitting techniques 3. Movement and Body skills 4. Shots and rallies 5. Games play

· Festival Day Content:

1. Event organised by senior students as a part of Junior Sports Leaders Award programme (content agreed by all Sports involved)

2. Participation sporting event involving ALL nominated year groups from each primary school.

3. Taster coaching sessions for each sport for students not involved in other activities.

4. Continued school / club links from all partners.

5. Inflatable for light activities and entertainment.

6. Support from National Governing Bodies, Professional Sports Clubs, Leeds City Council and Community Clubs.

7. Media coverage.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com · Costings: Rugby League

Coaching within Primary Schools:

1 hour X 5 weeks per primary school @ “ 14 per hour = “ 70 X 16 primary schools = ‘1120

Coaching on Festival Days:

1 coach X 4 hours @ “ 14 per hour = “ 56 X 3 festivals = ‘168


Junior Sport Leadership Awards @ “ 40 X 6 students = “ 240 X 3 high schools = ‘720

2.0 Total cost for Rugby League programme ‘2008

· Costings: Athletics

Coaching within Primary Schools:

1 hour X 5 weeks per primary school @ “ 14 per hour = “ 70 X 16 primary schools = ‘1120

Coaching on Festival Days:

1 coach X 4 hours @ “ 14 per hour = “ 56 X 3 festivals = ‘168


Children in Athletics Leadership Award @ “ 50 per student X 6 students = “ 300 X 3 high schools = ‘900

Total cost for Athletics programme = ‘2188

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com · Costings: Football

Coaching within Primary Schools:

1 hour X 5 weeks per primary school @ “ 14 per hour = “ 70 X 16 primary schools = ‘1120

Coaching on Festival Days:

1 coach X 4 hours @ “ 14 per hour = “ 56 X 3 festivals = ‘168

Education: Junior Football Organisers Course @ “ 50 per student X 6 students = “ 300 X 3 high schools = ‘900

Total cost for Football programme = ‘2188

· Costings: Badminton

Coaching within Primary Schools

2 hour x 5 weeks per Primary School @ “ 14 per hour = “ 140 X 16 primary schools = ‘2240

Coaching on Festival Days :

1 coach X 4 hours @ “ 14 per hour = “ 56 X 3 festivals = ‘168

Education :

Junior Sport Leadership Awards @ “ 40 X 6 students = “ 240 X 2 high schools = ‘720

Equipment :

Shuttles é 24 Dozen @ “ 8 per dozen = ‘192

Total cost for Badminton programme = ‘3320

· Costings: Other

Certificates for festivals @ “ 100 X 3 festivals = ‘300

TOTAL COST = ‘10004

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Tuesday, 15 March 2005

East Leeds DAT Extended Education Programme Parklands and Temple Moor High schools


This is a multi-agency pilot project co-ordinated by Paul Cunningham East Leeds DAT Co- ordinator. The project is being run by the East Leeds Drugs Group a Sub group of the CDRP Divisional Partnership in Killingbeck. The main partners contributing to this project are the PCT drug service, the PCT school nurses, Positive Futures, GIPSIL, West Yorkshire Police, Leeds Drug Action Team, and Education Leeds. All agencies currently deliver education sessions in schools.

Its aim is to supplement existing Drug Education offered to Year 7 pupils at two high schools in the locality with a prevention programme for vulnerable children. Both schools take in pupils from areas with serious drug problems but generally have not been targeted by other initiatives in the past. This is an innovative projected based on a secure evidence base that work with vulnerable young people can be effective. The work will be evaluated and outcomes reported.


Each school Temple Moor and Parklands have identified up to 15 pupils who are experiencing or may experience issues around drugs, based on suggested criteria e.g. § suspected parental use § sibling involvement in drug use § friendship groups


The purpose would be to provide a programme based on the assessed needs of the group, focusing on developing the pupils' interpersonal skills through the use of Quality Circle Time. Quality Circle time is a teaching method that allows young people to work in a safe environment and discuss sensitive issue. The circle is governed by agreed ground rules and facilitated by a facilitator. Quality Circle Time provides a forum for self-expression, discussion, problem-solving and mutual support.

An identified Learning Mentor would be trained to continue this in school, should this be desirable, to reinforce the work over a longer period.

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The course will be offered for one afternoon each week, off-site, at Temple Newsam by appropriately trained young people's workers. Other agencies will be drawn in to contribute to the programme as needed. The project will be a vehicle for delivering drug education appropriate to the pupils' needs in the broader context of self-awareness, assertiveness, anger management, communication and negotiation etc. The project will run for 12 weeks, ending at the end of the summer term. West Yorkshire Police are providing a trip at the end of the project on a barge which they will fund and support in terms of staff.


Identified costs will include é

§ Pupil transport to and from venue each Approx. “ 1500 by Leeds Alternative Transport, paid by Positive Futures § All partners contributing staff to run sessions free of charge § West Yorkshire Police contributing two barge trips § Education Leeds paid for 2 workshops to develop the project § Education Leeds Paid for the workers on the project to receive Circle Time training § Funding required

§ Catering “ 1440 funded needed from AC § Stationery and materials costs “ 135 funded needed from AC

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Originator: Helen Finister Tel: 2474249 Email: [email protected]

REPORT OF Director of City Services REPORT TO Outer East Area Committee DATE : 21st April 2005 SUBJECT : Streetscene Services Area Delivery Proposals

Electoral Wards Affected : Specific Implications For : Garforth & Swillington Ethnic Minorities Kippax & Methley Women Temple Newsam Cross Gates & Whinmoor Disabled People

Executive Board Eligible for Call In Not eligible for Call In Decision (details contained in the report)

1.0 Purpose of the Report

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to a proposal to establish a Streetscene neighbourhood service delivery team to support the delivery of local priorities.

2.0 Background

2.1 Over the past year the implementation of the area management arrangements have raised a number of issues which have been key drivers for the re-examination of the way that the Streetscene service is delivered at local level. Clearly Streetscene Services were not established nor funded to meet this growing local demand with the majority of the resource committed to the provision of core services.

2.2 It has been reported that Elected Members are of the view that having a more direct local resource which can be deployed to meet local needs is the way forward and that Streetscene Services should try to achieve this. Detailed discussions have therefore been ongoing with Area Managers to identify a realistic and achievable delivery vehicle which enables area management to delivery its local priorities.

2.3 Currently the only additionally and therefore flexible resources available is provided via funding available through the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF) which is matched funded by City Services. This additional funding provides the LEAP, rapid response and graffiti resources. At the current time this resource is used in a programmed way and allows little flexibility to meet changing local needs.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 2.4 The NRF and matched funding is however, allocated to permanent staffing resources and the only way of releasing the funding to Area Committees involves the transfer of the staff and associated assets. 2.5 There is however insufficient funding to provide resources equably to every Area Committee. The resource under review will only fund nine teams where ten are required therefore the proposal is unworkable unless each Area Committee agrees to the proposed changes and a contribution to the cost of the service.

3.0 Streetscene Neighbourhood Service Delivery Model

3.1 Proposals

3.1.1 It is proposed to establish one dedicated team per Area Committee, supported by one graffiti team per wedge. The teams will be employed and managed by City Services but their day to day work will be determined by an Area service level agreement. The resources will be totally at the discretion of the Area Committee and will not be removed by the service to cover other areas. The only time the resource would be removed is if it were to be used inappropriately.

3.1.2 It needs to be noted that once this resource is allocated to the Area Committees there will no longer be a flexible resource to meet local emergencies and to support local initiatives such as community clean-ups. Any Community Group therefore wishing support for community projects will need to agree this with the Area Management Team.

3.2 Service Delivery Arrangements

3.2.1 In order to ensure the efficient and cost effective use of resources across the city it is vital that a core scheduled service is maintained. Therefore one of the guiding principles is that the core service will continues to be provided on a scheduled basis as discussed at the Area Committee in December 2004.

3.2.2 There are a number of ancillary service areas where there is currently insufficient funding or their work load is such that a guaranteed cannot be provide that resources would remain solely at the discretion of the Area Committee. The work of these resources (needle-picking, fly-tipping, enforcement and education and awareness) will continue to be determined by the department but would be influenced by Area Committee referrals.

3.2.3 Management of the resource will be undertaken by Streetscene Area Managers along with their core service responsibilities. However, this arrangement will be reviewed and options presented at a later date with regard to the development of a neighbourhood management structure, if required.

3.2.3 In order to manage the work load of the teams it is important that agreement is reached with each Area Committee on priorities for the team. Some discussions also need to be held with regard to the Area Committee policy on the work to be undertaken by the team and a work programme which allows some flexibility for emergencies. If this report is agreed it is proposed that Streetscene Officers and Area Management Officers meet to develop a draft service agreement which can then be agreed with Elected Members.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 4.0 Service Enhancements

4.1 It is clear that the proposals within this report will only go so far in tackling the issues at neighbourhood level. Therefore this report must be seen as the first step in the development of a neighbourhood management framework on which Area Committees can build in order to provide more local resources to tackle specific problems. To support the decision making City Services will provide the Area Committee with a pricing schedule which will enable consideration to be given to enhancing services where required.

4.2 In anticipation that Area Committees will feel the need to enhance the resource discussions have already taken place with the Learning and Leisure Jobs and Skills Team with a view to establishing a working which will provide new deal placement opportunities at local level. In addition it is proposed that similar conversation take place with the Youth Offending and Probation Service who maybe able to provide resources at local level for such activities as graffiti removal. It is anticipated that if these arrangements can be put in place this will minimise the cost to Area Committees.

5.0 Financial Implications

5.1 In order to make the proposal viable Streetscene Services will disband LEAP and the rapid response teams to provide 9 teams (driver and two crew). In addition 5 graffiti teams will be deployed on a wedge basis. Therefore there is a shortfall of 1 team (driver and two crew) to make the proposal viable.

5.2 Area Committees are therefore being requested to agree to a contribution of “ 11,690 to support the proposal which includes staffing, vehicle and disposal costs for one team. This would enable one team to be provided to each Area Committee.

6.0 Implementation

6.1 If the proposal is agreed by Area Committees it is intended to implement the scheme from the 6th June 2005. However, in advance of this date there will be a necessity to agreed with each Area Committee the service level agreement and work programme for each team.

7.0 Recommendations

7.1 Area Committees are asked to agree

7.1.1 The proposal contained within this report

7.1.2 The allocation of “ 11,609 from the Well Being budget for 2005/06.

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Tel: 0113 2645535

REPORT OF Chief Recreation Officer REPORT TO AREA COMMITTEES Inner East and Outer East DATE : 4.4.05 SUBJECT : Youth Involvement Project 긔Discovering Temple Newsam, Electoral Wards Affected : Specific Implications For : Burmantofts and Richmond Hill Ethnic Minorities Gipton and Harehills Women Killingbeck and Seacroft Disabled People Crossgates and Whinmoor Temple Newsam Garforth and Swillington Kippax and Methley

Executive Eligible for Call In Not eligible for Call In Board (details contained in the report) Decision

1.0 Purpose of the Report

1.1 To provide information on the achievements of the project over the last two years.

1.2 To identify proposals for continuation for a further year and to seek funding of “ 53,219 between the Inner East Area Committee and Outer East Area Committee.

2.0 Discovering Temple Newsam A project to enable young people to make the most of themselves and their local environment

2.1 Background Temple Newsam is an important local resource, well used by families with young children and older people, but with less positive use by older children and young adults. In 2003, funding from the Halton, Seacroft and Whinmoor Community Involvement team enabled Parks and Countryside, in partnership with Youth Services to establish the project and target provision at 8-19 year olds. Local communities had identified that crime, anti-social behaviour and the local environment were their key priorities and the project aimed to contribute to the overall efforts to deal with these issues by providing safe activities and alternative recreational spaces for young people.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com In the following year Parks and Countryside formed additional partnerships and the project was extended to cover the whole of the East Leeds management area through joint funding from both the Inner and Outer Area Management teams.

2.2 Aims To increase the number of activities available for young people in the area and to enable a greater number of agencies to use Temple Newsam. This is achieved through the direct provision of activities for young people away from £problem areas‘ in the community and through increasing the knowledge and confidence of other providers, enabling their workers to make better use of the site.

The activities offered encourage young people to have a positive attitude to their local environment and provide an opportunity to improve their health, develop practical skills, gain self-confidence and raise their self-esteem. The working relationships established with young people give them a voice in the design of provision of facilities and activities.

2.3 Achievements In 2003/04 over 2,000 sessions were provided to just over 400 different young people. In 2004/05 the project built on successful provision and expanded to the whole of the East Wedge by developing new ideas and partnerships, providing over 10,000 young person sessions. (One £young person session‘ is the provision of one activity to one young person).

Ward No. Ward Name Young person sessions to March 7th Ward 7 Burmantofts and Richmond Hill 1471 Ward 14 Gipton and Harehills 1398 Ward 20 Killingbeck and Seacroft 1793 Ward 31 Temple Newsam 2550 Ward 21 Kippax and Methley 314 Ward 13 Garforth and Swillington 383 Ward 11 Cross Gates and Whinmoor 1666

Out of Area 39 East Wedge - general 320

TOTAL 9934 Inner 4662 Outer4913

2.4 Activities Provided The park is the ideal facility for outdoor, environmental, active/physical projects and with the study support centre, it offers a superb opportunity for creative media and I.T. projects:

· Discovery days: taster sessions introducing young people and youth workers to new ways to use their local environment and develop team building skills. · Evening Workshops: a variety of on-going creative activities. · Weekend Clubs: providing regular support and activities. Examples include the Really Wild Club and Bee Creative Club. · Schools Partnership: Enabling Schools and Youth Workers to support young people with special educational needs or at risk of exclusion by providing alternatives to the curriculum.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com · Play scheme days: safe, exciting activities for younger children running for 10 weeks of the year during holiday periods. · Environmental management: young people developing practical skills whilst making positive improvements to the facility for all local residents. · Special Projects: Local young people have designed and begun building a mountain bike track within Temple Newsam. The work has been undertaken in conjunction with the Road Safety Promotions Unit providing training in bike safety.

2.5 Positive Outcomes The project has provided excellent opportunities for young people to gain new skills and make a positive contribution to their local community. It has attracted young people of all ages with particular success in attracting the younger age range to playschemes and weekend clubs. Evaluation has been undertaken through questionnaires, feedback forms and consultations with young people, parents and local residents. Feedback from young people has been extremely positive and there has been a high participation and retention rate. Parents have expressed that they value the work and that they have seen positive improvements in their children‘s development and confidence. Local youth workers have supported the project and have been able to make better use of the park.

2.6 Meeting community concerns and needs Provision of activities and support for young people and community safety remain key concerns in the local area and a key focus area of the council plan is to encourage young people to make greater use of leisure facilities and out of school activities. The project workers have continued to build contacts within the community and have had a flexible approach to working towards these local needs.

Recent consultations between project staff, the Killingbeck Division Police Youth Development Officer and a local resident‘s forum raised the problems of ”nuisance youth issues–. The forum were extremely supportive of the work to engage young people in diversionary programmes and were delighted that so much was now going on. They appreciated the need to support a long-term project that influences youngsters ”over time–. Only in this way will real change for the better be achieved.

2.7 Working with our partners Youth Services: partnership work has been key to enabling youth workers to make greater use of the site. Project staff have provided sessions for groups from the following centres: Dennis Healey, Kentmere, The Villages (Micklefield, Kippax etc.), St Gregorys, Nowell Mount, Halton, Harehills, Whinmoor, Lincoln Green and Seacroft all in the 13-19 year old age range.

High schools: working with teaching staff and in-school youth workers to create opportunities beyond the classroom-based environment. Many of these young people have then participated in projects after hours and during holiday periods. Work has been undertaken with Mount St Mary‘s, Brigshaw, Garforth Community College and John Smeaton.

Primary Schools: All primary schools in the East Wedge have promoted our activities. Partnership work with classes has involved Whitkirk, Colton, Temple Newsam Halton and Austhorpe Primary School.

The Breeze Team: We have participated in and supported the roadshows.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com Many projects have involved partnership work with multi-agencies as well as individual local people: The £Trax‘ bike track was designed by young people with advice from Leeds Mountain Bike Club. Members of our adult estate volunteer group (many of whom are local residents) worked with the young volunteers to prepare the track. The jumps are being constructed by local young people with guidance and help from Leeds Mountain Bike Club and cycle training has been undertaken by the Road Safety Promotion Unit.

2.8 Where do we go from here? Parks and Countryside wishes to continue the project in conjunction with our partners building on our reputation as providers of quality activities. We want to make Temple Newsam a site which is held up as a bench-mark of opportunity for young people across the city; a site that allows them to explore and express themselves in a positive way, gain self- confidence and self-worth in a creative environment. This in turn will contribute to a reduction in actual crime levels locally and reduce the fear of crime in the local community.

2.9 The Proposals (see appendix) · To continue with popular established on-going projects for 8-13 and 13-19 years. · To continue and extend partnership working. · To continue to build relationships with youth workers across East Leeds and ensure that they all have access to the site and facilities

Cost Proposal

Funding sought Support in place 2 full-time staff (S4) “ 40,529 Additional transport “ 1,500 Outside providers “ 3,000 Materials “ 8,190

P&C Management, technical and “ 7,983 (in kind) admin support @ 15% of above P&C Premises “ 8,000 (in kind)

TOTAL ‘53,219 “ 15,983

3.0 Recommendation

3.1 Members of each Area Committee are requested to contribute “ 26,610 from its Well Being budget for 2005/6.

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Programme Partner Duration Young people/Sessions Cost (excluding staff) Film Production Youth Services 4 x 10 weeks 600 “ 1,250 programme Extended Education Drugs Action Team, West Yorkshire Police, 12 weeks 360 “ 360 Programme* Primary Care Trust, Positive Futures Temple Moor High School and Parklands High School Environmental Work Garforth Community College 6 weeks 48 “ 120 Really Wild Club 20 weeks 300 “ 300 Bee Creative Club 20 weeks 300 “ 300 Duke of Edinburgh Youth Services t.b.c t.b.c “ 500 expedition training* Play Schemes 10 weeks 1000 “ 1150 Environmental and team Corpus Christi High School and Mount St 2 weeks 60 “ 120 building work* Mary‘s High School Study Support* Woodlands Primary School 3 x 4 weeks 180 “ 180 Environmental Work John Smeaton High School ongoing “ 120 Science Week project* Temple Moor High School 3 days 180 “ 340 Young volunteers Leeds Mountain Bikers, Road Safety weekly 300 “ 3,500 Continuation of bike Promotion Unit track construction Temple Newsam Scout Association bi-weekly 360 “ 750 Explorer Scouts Group* Bike Club Road Safety Promotion Unit twice weekly 100 “ 350 school holidays Orienteering Work* Guide Association 2 weeks 40 “ 40 Bike Track Leeds Mountain Bikers when organised “ 500 Competitions* Citizenship GCSE t.b.c. t.b.c “ 120 Young Volunteers * weekly 240 “ 250

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Projects with an asterix * will be new projects for the third year. All other projects are either currently up and running or have already been planned and organised to start in the third year

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com Appendix 2: Summary of local people involved at Temple Newsam 04/05

Group Project Activities No. of Age No. of Total young range sessions young people person sessions Really Wild Club Saturday kids Environmental exploration 10 8-13 18 180 club and arts and crafts St Gregory‘s Youth Environmental Practical environment work 6 13+ 5 30 Centre Work on the Estate Evenings at TN DJ mixing skills DJing new skills 6 13-18 6 36 With young people Photography Camera and computer skills 6 13-18 1 6 coming from local Video Drama, computer work, 6 13-16 10 60 youth centres Production learn about site Video Drama, computer work, 10 9-16 10 100 Production learn about site Youth groups from Discovering Mountain biking, climbing 315 13-18 4 per day 1260 Halton, Whinmoor, Temple wall, shelter building, pottery Seacroft, Harehills, Newsam Easter Lincoln Green & the Villages Colton Methodist Environment Practical environment work 12 10 - 15 1 12 Scout Group Badge Cross Gates Guide Shelter Building Shelter building 19 10-15 1 19 Company Cross Gates Guide Orienteering Orienteering 19 10-15 1 19 Company Cross Gates Brownie Shelter Building Shelter Building 11 8-10 2 22 Pack Temple Newsam Year of the Puppet workshop 162 9-11 3 per day 486 Family of Primary Garden Creative writing Schools Big art project Temple Newsam Year of the Parade 20 9-11 1 20 Family of Primary Garden Schools

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com Garforth Community Environment Practical environment work 7 14-16 4 28 College Bee Creative Club Saturday kids Arts and crafts 10 8-12 17 170 club Youth groups from All night Shelter building, climbing 96 13-18 18 1728 across Halton, challenge wall, rope course, spiders activities Whinmoor, Seacroft, web, photography Harehills, Lincoln Green & the Villages Feeder Primary Transition Day Shelter building, climbing 170 Year 69 per day 1530 Schools for John wall, rope course, spiders pupils Smeaton High School web, photography 10-11 Year 7 John Smeaton Activity Day Shelter building, climbing 168 Year 78 per day 1344 High School wall, rope course, spiders pupils web, photography 11-12 Year 8 John Smeaton Activity Day Shelter building, climbing 180 Year 88 per day 1440 High School wall, rope course, spiders Pupils web, photography 12-13 Local school groups Educational Animal sculpture, woodland 250 8-12 1 250 school visit experience, animal designs Local young people Summer Young Environmental work. Pond 6 13-19 4 24 from the East Wedge Volunteers maintenance, footpath clearance, ditch construction. Local young people Young Environmental work on the 12 13-19 10 120 from the East Wedge Volunteers Estate. Local young people Summer Play Banner art workshop, bird 8-13 16 full day 212 from the East Wedge Schemes box construction, Trax bike activities club, mask making, building a Celtic round house, 10 part day architecture and animal activities sculpture Young people from the Trax Bike Track Design a bike track 185 8-19 1 185 East Wedge. Targeted competition and fill in a short at John Smeaton, questionnaire

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com Brigshaw & Temple Moor High School, Garforth Community College, sports centres, libraries & at the Breeze Road show Competition Winners Trax Bike Track Presentation at Temple 20 8-19 1 20 Newsam Estate for the winners of the Trax bike track competition Young People from T-shirt Photography Year 7- 22 Mount St Mary‘s High Farm and Estate tour. 11 9 Pupils 1 School Computer work and creating 11 11-14 1 t-shirts Local young people ”The Big Puppet workshop, the 8-13 4 full days 68 from the East Wedge Freeze– October ghosts of Temple Newsam, play schemes the Hut, creepy crafts Local young people Trax Bike Club Bike maintenance. Road 10 8-12 4 40 from the East Wedge Safety. Cycling Year 6 pupils from Mobility Week Bike checks and small cycle 20 for Year 6 4 80 Whitkirk Primary and raise profile ride each Colton Primary of cycling on school 10-11 Temple Newsam Estate and bike Primary club Austhorpe Primary John Smeaton High Cycle Club Cycle from the school to the 10 Year 8 3 30 School Estate. Includes road safety 12-13 and maintenance. John Smeaton High Information Advertising the Bike Track 50 11-16 1 50 School about Project and Young Volunteers John Smeaton High BEST work with Farm tour 5 1 5 School BEST individuals John Smeaton High Young Practical environmental 6 12-15 4 24 School BEST Volunteers work on the Estate Local young people ”The Big Mural painting, pancake day 128 8-13 2 activities 256

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com from the East Wedge Freeze– knockout competition, bird per day February Play box construction, modroc Schemes sculpture, dance workshop. Local young people Easter Drumming workshop, arts 8-13 320 from the East Wedge Extravaganza and crafts, drama, music Play Schemes and radio production Local young people Easter Bike Club 10 8-13 4 40 from the East Wedge Extravaganza Play Schemes Young People from Breeze Bike project and competition 100 8-19 3 300 the Leeds area Roadshow design. Play scheme advertising. Hurdle making

Young People and Cross Gates Origami 100 8-19 1 100 parents from Cross Annual Hobbies Advertising all projects Gates and surrounding Day areas Young people in the Leeds Youth To represent the views of all 10 13-19 3 30 Leeds Area Council young people living within the LCC boundaries Residents of Colton Colton Discussion on problems 15 Adults 1 15 Residents caused by young people on Forum and near the Estate 10681.00

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Originator: Sally Coe


REPORT OF The Director of Learning and Leisure REPORT TO East (Outer) Area Committee DATE : 21 April 2005 SUBJECT : Breeze On Tour Summer 05

Electoral Wards Affected : Specific Implications For : All Outer East Wards Ethnic Minorities Women Disabled People

Executive Function x x Eligible for Call In Not eligible for Call In

Council Function (details contained in the report)

1.0 Purpose of Report

1.1 To seek a funding contribution from the Outer East Area Committee to support the Breeze on Tour Festival 2005

2.0 Background

2.1 Breeze On Tour In 2004 Breeze on Tour was introduced as a free summer event across the city for all young people up to 19yrs of age to engage in positive activities close to where they live. The Breeze on Tour model was introduced for a number of reasons.

For young people

§ To provide accessible activities for all young people. § To promote the range of services available to young people in the local area. Both statutory and voluntary § To offer opportunities for a wide range of groups to access provision § To give young people the opportunity to try new, exciting and fun activities § To encourage young people to travel around the city and experience other communities

PDF createdCatherine\reports\Breeze with FinePrint On Tourpdf FactorSummer y05 trial version http://www.fineprint.com 1 For Leeds City Council

The Council has made a high profile statement about valuing and supporting young people in both its Corporate Plan and Vision for Leeds 1&2. This summer programme aimed § To respond to the elected members desire to have a wide range of high profile activities for young people. § To provide diversionary activity and engage with vulnerable and at risk young people. § To offer young people something to do across the city that was both physically and mentally challenging to engage all young people not just those interested in physical activity § To focus on targeting young people into mainstream activities for all. § To give equal access to the range of mobile equipment purchased through the LCC capital purchase scheme. § To raise / promote the Breeze brand as the umbrella for all LCC activities to young people through mass participation.

2.2 The format for Breeze on Tour was a three day festival from 1pm - 6pm based in central locations within each wedge of the City the venues were; Temple Newsam / Woodhouse Moor / Armley Park / South Leeds Stadium and Roundhay Park.

2.3 The events are structured through 5 zones, Art, Sport, Challenge (featuring the range of adventure inflatables) Play - a zone for the under 8's funded by the Children's fund, and the Information Zone displaying information sign posting young people to local statutory and voluntary youth provision, sports libraries, museums and galleries, further education and volunteering.

2.4 At Temple Newsam 28th - 30th July, attendance was in excess of 2,000 per day over 6,000 young people in total. This was the launch of Breeze On Tour, subsequently a number of these young people went on to attend other festivals across the city.

2.5The gender split was 49.2% female and 50.8% male with the following split in age groups; Under 8's 11.5% 8 -12 38.1% 13 - 15 23.7% 16 - 19 26.7%

2.6 Consultation undertaken with young people and parents highlighted their enthusiasm for the festival and their aspiration that this became a regular event.

2.7 All events were funded through PAYP ( Positive Activities Funding for Young People) and the Department of Learning and Leisure through the contribution of staff time and resources. The breakdown for Temple Newsam is below;

Resources Total Contribution PAYP “ 30,000 Learning and Leisure “ 35,850 Dept Total ‘65,850

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3.1 Government Office has changed the way PAYP funding can be used in to 2005 and are requiring greater activity with targeted young people. This has reduced the funding available for Breeze on Tour and other open access provision to approximately “ 6000 per area which has created a funding gap.

3.2 There is a commitment from Learning and Leisure Department to support the infrastructure of the festivals in terms of the OOSA team / Events team and the Mobile equipment. There is currently no core budget within the department to cover the revenue costs associated with such a large scale festival.

3.3 An analysis of the attendance at Temple Newsam shows that this venue is pivotal in terms of accessibility in attracting young people from the outer areas to this type of event.

Postcode LS9 LS14 LS15 LS25 LS26 WF10 Other Female 52 3 73 40 20 10 Male 52 6 144 62 19 8 Total 104 9 217 102 36 18 299 13% 1% 28% 13% 5% 2% 38%

4.0 Proposal

4.1 To run a similar free festival at Temple Newsam in Summer 05

4.2 To secure additional funding from the East area committees total “ 12,000 proportionally split on attendance figures based on the sample survey from 2004.

Inner East 46.5% = ‘5,580 Outer East 53.5% = ‘6,420

4.2 To promote this widely across the area through schools, youth groups, looked after sector voluntary and community groups, sports clubs, Learning and Leisure facilities.

4.3 To increase participation from targeted young people through PAYP, FUSION / BEST schools.

4.4 To engage with voluntary sector organisations to encourage participation and promotion at the festival.

4.5 To monitor participation and provide an evaluation report for all stakeholders

5.0 Conclusion

5.1 Breeze 2004 was very successful and attracted a large number of young people.

5.2 The Council is keen to support a further event in Summer 05

5.3 Due to changes with PAYP funding criteria additional funding is required for the festival to be delivered in the same format as 2004.

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§ Fewer days. § Scaled down activities / zones. § Decision taken not to have a festival in the area. § Restrict access to targeted groups ( PAYP / FUSION )

6.0 Recommendation

6.1 The Outer East Area Committee to consider the contents of this report and raise any queries they have.

6.2 The committee note that a request for funding will be made to the Area Committee at its June meeting.

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Originator: Jane Cash Tel: 0113 2375252 Email: [email protected]


Electoral Wards Affected : Specific Implications For : Garforth & Swillington Ethnic Minorities Kippax & Methley Women Temple Newsam Cross Gates & Whinmoor Disabled People

Executive Board Eligible for Call In Not eligible for Call In Decision (details contained in the report)


1.0 This report is to inform the Area East Outer Committee of progress made to date on the securing of land at Garforth Cliffe for 6 months and the undertaking of a feasibility study funded by the well being budget, for the construction of football pitches at the site.


2.1 In October 2004, the Parks and Countryside Service requested funds of “ 5k from the a East Outer Area Committee to secure a temporary six month lease on a site at Garforth Cliffe, which is currently owned by the Trustees of the Glebe Estate

2.2 In order to assess the viability of this site as a suitable base for a football club and football pitches, a feasibility study is to be undertaken. The study will include:-

· Highways assessment of the access route. · Site conditions survey · Borehole testing · Service checks · Planning application · Levels survey · Design to show layout and drainage of the pitches · Car parking design and layout.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 2.3 The results of the Feasibility Study will inform Learning and Leisure officers whether it is possible to construct new football facilities at this site or whether, due to site conditions/restrictions this site is unsuitable as a football pitch/club location.

2.4 If the feasibility study and then the subsequent planning application are successful, the costs of the scheme are very high, in the region of “ 600k, but if a significant amount of match funding was available from the council‘s capital programme and/or the rationalisation of a recreational site in the Garforth area, the project could be put forward for a Football Foundation Bid for up to half of its capital costs. The use of the council‘s capital for this scheme would need to be justified and considered by the council‘s Asset Management Group.

2.5 The total cost of the scheme would be in the region of “ 600k, and the Football Foundation Bid would be for approximately “ 300k of this cost. This funding would enable Learning and Leisure to construct 4 new pitches, car parking and an access road into the site.


3.1 Garforth is in an enviable position regarding football clubs as it boasts two of the largest junior clubs in the city: Garforth Rangers and Garforth Villa. Both of these clubs have in excess of 300 junior members with boys and girls teams from as young as kindergarden and U7‘s up to U19‘s. In view of the number of teams in the area, these two clubs are now struggling to find pitches to play on.

3.2 The land referred to which could be purchased by the Council from the Trustees provides a unique opportunity to relieve some of the sport development pressures encountered in Garforth and will allow two large football teams to come together in one location under the umbrella of £Garforth Community Football Club‘, with a sub- lease of the site from the Council.


4.1 All legal paperwork relating to the temporary six month lease has been produced and was formally executed on 23rd March 2005. The six month holding on the site commences from this date.

4.2 Several meetings have been held between Ward Members, officers and Football Club Officials to ascertain pitch and ancillary requirements for the players. These requirements are currently being drawn up as a scheme to be submitted as a planning application.

4.3 A feasibility study has been requested by Learning and Leisure from the Development Department £s Highways officers.


5.1 The 6 month temporary holding on this site will expire on the 23rd September 2005.

5.2 If the feasibility study, planning permission and match funding are in place, work could commence on the Football Foundation Bid for potential submission in early 2006.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 5.3 Depending upon the outcome of the Bid, works to construct the new football facility could commence in the Summer of 2006 for the pitches to be available for the start of the 2007 football season.


6.1 The East Outer Area Committee is requested to note progress made to date for the temporary lease and feasibility study of the site at Garforth Cliffe.

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Originator: Martin Hackett Tel: 3950705 Email: [email protected]


Electoral Wards Affected : Specific Implications For : Garforth & Swillington Ethnic Minorities Kippax & Methley Women Temple Newsam Cross Gates & Whinmoor Disabled People

Executive Board Eligible for Call In Not eligible for Call In Decision (details contained in the report)


1.1 The Outer East Area Committee received “ 396,445 capital funding for 2004-2007.

1.2 There are 3 outstanding commitments totalling “ 33,333.

1.3 This report requests the release of funding for a further 5 projects totalling “ 46,750.


2.1 The Miners Welfare Hall is situated on Main Street Garforth and is a Community Centre that provides a wide range of activities for both young and old. The building is owned by Leeds City Council but leased to Garforth Community Association.

2.2 The building is in urgent need of adaptations for elderly and disabled residents. The Community Association arranged for a private survey of the building to be carried to ascertain exactly what was needed to meet Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) standards. The survey recommended the re-siting and improvement of the WC facilities along with improved access to the front and sides of the building.

2.3 These recommendations for improvement have been confirmed by LCC City Services surveyors. The total cost of improvements is approximately “ 90,000.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 2.4 In February 2005 a report was submitted to LCC‘s Asset Management Group requesting funding from the capital programme. As a result “ 80,000 of the cost has been secured with a recommendation that the remaining “ 10,000 be sought from the Outer East Area Committees capital budget.

2.5 If the Area Committee approve this funding the improvement works to the Hall can be planned for this financial year with the work being project managed by City Services Department.


3.1 This children‘s recreation ground in the Lower Mickletown area of Methley has had a number of problems stretching back over several years of illegitimate access and use of the site by young people on motorbikes and trailer bikes.

3.2 There have been numerous complaints by local residents and many parents of young children will no longer allow their children to use the site until it is made safe.

3.3 An assessment of the site has been carried out by Officers from Learning and Leisure who have made the following recommendations :

· Install 3 valley controls to the site, 2 in number é cost “ 1,200 · Supply and fit maintenance gate modified to prevent access by motorcycles é cost “ 300 · Supply and fit vertical bar fence at 1.4mtrs height é cost “ 9,750

Total cost is “ 11,250.

3.4 Ward Members for Kippax and Methley have been consulted on this proposal and are fully supportive as are residents living near to the site. The Police have also expressed support for the scheme.


4.1 A report has been received from the Chief Recreation Officer requesting support from the Outer East Area Committee to fund the following:

· Automatic doors to Kippax Leisure Centre é cost “ 8,000 · Automatic doors to Garforth Leisure Centre é cost “ 10,000 · East Leeds Leisure Centre é various requests including pool hoist, improved internal signage at cost of “ 10,000.

4.2 A number of queries in relation to this application have been raised by Area Management staff and these queries have not been responded to in order to meet report deadlines.


5.1 The bowling green is owned by Leeds City Council and the club is well established in the Halton area.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 5.2 The club have experienced problems with vandalism over several years and in 2002 approached the Halton/Whinmoor/Seacroft CIT for funding to provide a palisade fence which enclosed the pavilion and green. The CIT approached LCC‘s Leisure Services Department but they were unable to fund the security fencing through its capital programme.

5.3 The vandalism has continued and a recent attack has left the playing surface unplayable. The green was covered in sand and graffiti.

5.4 The number of incidents and the seriousness of the vandalism means that the club will have to consider its future unless additional security is installed on site.

5.5 A costing has been provided from officers within Learning and Leisure. To supply and fit palisade fencing which encloses the green and pavilion will cost “ 11,000.


6.1 Swillington Parish Council in partnership with LCC Youth Service has for several months been consulting young people in the area about facilities they would like to see.

6.2 A large number of young people have requested that a Youth Shelter or ”Chill Out Shelter– be installed in a location off Wakefield Road near the recreation ground. The location is away from residential properties but not remote in a way that could be deemed unsafe for young people to meet.

6.3 The Parish Council have received “ 5,000 as a contribution from Awards for All and now require a further “ 4,500 to implement the project.

6.4 Young people will be involved in choosing the type of shelter and Youth Service Officers support the project and feel it will be a useful tool in combating ASB. The Garforth & Swillington Community Forum that met on 6 April 2005 has given its support to the project.


7.1 Over recent months there has been an upsurge in youth nuisance in the Whinmoor and Swarcliffe areas that are stretching youth workers to the limit.

7.2 Consultations with many of these young people carried out by detached youth workers suggest that a big part of the problem is that although they want to access a building they do not want to join in with the youth provision currently provided. A large number of young people have requested a £Cyber Cafe‘.

7.3 Youth workers support the request for such a facility where, as well as providing something that is interesting and challenging, it could be an environment all would feel comfortable in and where relationships could be developed.

7.4 Youth Service does have access to computers at St Gregory‘s Youth & Adult Centre but this is during the hours 3 é 4.30pm. The rest of the time this facility is used by Thomas Danby College. The problem hours for youths gathering and often causing nuisance is 6.30pm é 9pm.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com 7.5 The proposal here is to use a separate room to act as a Cyber Cafe that can be used by young people with youth service support. The centre does work in partnership with John Smeaton High School and the facility will be available for children wanting to use the computers for homework, coursework etc.

7.6 The Youth Service will manage the facility and cover insurance and maintenance costs. The request to the Area Committee is to fund:

· 10 x computers @ “ 790 = “ 7,900 · 1 x printer = “ 100 · Electrical work and fitting = “ 2,000 Total cost “ 10,000


8.1 Members are requested to approve funding for:

· Miners Welfare Hall adaptations - “ 10,000 · Security to Coney Moor Recreation Ground - “ 11,250 · Security to Chapel Street Bowling Club - “ 11,000 · Youth Shelter in Swillington - “ 4,500 · St Gregory‘s Computers - “ 10,000

8.2 Members are asked to note the request from Learning and Leisure but are not asked to make a decision on funding at this time.

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Originator: S.Boyle

Tel: 2141530


Electoral Wards Affected : Specific Implications For :

ALL OUTER EAST WARDS Ethnic Minorities Women Disabled People

Executive x Council Eligible x Not eligible for Call In Function Function for Call In (details contained in the report)

1. Background

Members have been provided with the first draft of the East Leeds District Implementation Plan (DIP). A copy of the draft is attached to this report. This has been developed following consultation with representatives of all East Leeds District Partnership members and input from the Inspira Consultancy who have been engaged by the Leeds Initiative to co-ordinate the production of the new Leeds Regeneration Strategy of which the East Leeds DIP will form a part. Reports on the Leeds Regeneration Strategy were presented to the December and February meetings of the Committee. The Draft DIP represents the collective priorities for action of the District Partnership to contribute to the objectives of the 8 themes of the Vision for Leeds.

2. Information

The first draft of the DIP has been circulated to all members for their comments and for further discussion at this Committee. The District Partnership will be reviewing the Draft DIP at a special meeting on 11th April and will consider a final draft for approval at their scheduled meeting on 22nd April.

3. Recommendation

Members are asked to comment on the Draft DIP prior to its final amendment for the meeting of the District Partnership on April 22nd.

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District Partnership Implementation Plan 2005 £ 2008 (reviewed annually)

Final Draft template as at 22nd March

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Section Page Forward number 1 Introduction 2 District Profile 3 Key challenges and opportunities 4 Strategic Objectives 5. Priorities for Action 6. Action Plan 7. Resources 8. Partnership Working é Statement of Community Engagement

Appendix A List of targets (awaiting info from Leeds CC - final list to be circulated by Inspira for discussion/agreement with Area Managers é final list will contain no more than 12 core and no more than 8 optional targets)

Appendix B References to key documents

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1. Forward (no more than one page maximum)

1.1 Introduction from Chair of Leeds Initiative Board and/or the Chair of the 긔Narrowing the Gap, Executive that outlines the purpose of the strategy; why it needs to be reviewed; the challenges in addressing the Vision 2 aims in particular the Narrowing Gap. (Leeds CC to arrange draft)

1.2 Introduction from the Chair of District Partnership é intro to provide a statement about the commitment of the District Partnership to drive and deliver effective change to achieve the aims of Vision 2 in a way that meets local needs. (Area Manager to arrange draft)

1.3 Background to this plan é i.e. the purpose of this plan, and what it covers; fact that this plan does not seek to replicate existing plans but instead focuses on the £partnership actions‘, which need to occur to deliver Vision II and add value to the partners individual plans.

(Inspira to provide draft for 1.3 é this will include a form of words to clarify for all that: i) these plans include £partnership actions‘ but that these 2005/06 versions of the district plans are not comprehensive regeneration plans, as they do not seek to include every action in the districts contributing to the regeneration of those districts ii) recognition that successful regeneration/neighbourhood renewal requires combination of partnership actions and effective delivery of core services - and that the key strategies and action plans for these fundamental/core services will be referenced in annex B.

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2. District Profile

2.1 The East Leeds District is made up of two principal areas é Inner and Outer East Leeds each overseen by a City Council Area Committee.. The Inner East Area consists of the new electoral wards of Gipton and Harehills, Killingbeck and Seacroft, Burmantofts and Richmond Hill. The Outer East Area consists of the new electoral wards of Crossgates and Whinmoor, Temple Newsam, Garforth and Swillington, and Kippax and Methley. The East Leeds area is partly defined by the A1-M1 Motorway Link which separates the built up and semi-rural parts of the district. The district comprises three distinct zones. From the fringes of the city centre outwards lies an area of largely older terraced neighbourhoods which also contain the majority of the district‘s BME population. This area also contains most of the economic and employment activity located within the district boundary, with the exception of Thorpe Park on the Motorway at J.46. Beyond this are a series of connected council housing estates comprising one of the largest areas of social housing in Europe. Finally there is the former mining area now an increasingly popular residential location with major new housing developments underway. · Unless otherwise stated the following information is taken from the 2001 census information gathered from the 51 NOMAD areas in East Leeds and data from the 104 Super Output Areas identified by the index of Multiple Deprivation. · In East Leeds there are 156,898 people living in over 65,920 households (source: Council Tax Records, October 2003). The majority of individuals (39.74%) are in the 30-59 year age group, 21.19% are aged between 5-19 years and over 60s make up 20.37% of the population. · 20.48% of individuals have limiting, long term illness and 58.3% have either no qualifications or only NVQ Level 1. East Leeds overall unemployment figure is 4.30% which is higher than the City average of 3%.There are much higher levels in individual Wards and neighbourhoods for example Harehills 6.2%.. A total of X individuals in the District are economically inactive Y% of the working age population. · 8.64% of the population are from Black and Minority Ethnic Communities and are mainly concentrated in Gipton and Harehills Ward . In Inner East the figure is 16.18%. · 56.98% of households are owner-occupied, 33.89% are rented from Leeds City Council or Housing Association and 9.13% are privately rented or rented from an employer.

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· 9.28% of households are Lone Parents and 14.87% Lone Pensioners. There are also a further 8.38% all pensioner households. · 40.61% of households have no car

2.2 Narrowing the gap £ overall levels of deprivation · Index of Multiple Deprivation (ImD) data 2004 shows that of the 104 Super Output Areas (SOAs) in the East District, 48 were in the top 10% most deprived nationally for overall levels of deprivation é with: o 16 in Gipton & Harehills o 12 in Killingbeck & Seacroft o 4 in Temple Newsam o 13 in Burmatofts & Richmond Hill o 3 in Cross Gates & Whinmoor

Employment & Enterprise Theme · Overall, East Leeds has experienced declining rates of unemployment across all of its wards, in line with the city trend. However, local unemployment rates are higher than the city average throughout the inner East area é January 2004 figures show that the average ward unemployment rate in all four old wards was between 5% and 6% - over twice the city average. Within wards, there are pockets of unemployment above that figure. · In 2003, compared to a city unemployment rate of 2.8%, 2 of the old wards comprising the East district were within the 5 wards with the highest rates of unemployment in Leeds (Harehills at 6.2% and Burmatofts at 6%). · A further 2 wards were within the 10 wards with the highest rates of unemployment in Leeds (Seacroft at 5.3% and Richmond Hill at 5.2%) · 26 neighbourhoods in the district are in the top 10% most deprived nationally for employment - 9 are in Harehills & Gipton; 7 are in Killingbeck & Seacroft; 3 are in Temple Newsam; 7 are in Burmatofts and Richmond Hill.

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Benefits and Income: · 2003 incapacity claimant data shows that of the 5 wards with the highest claimant rates in Leeds, 3 were in the East é Burmatofts, Seacorft and Richmond Hill. The old Harehills ward also had the 7th highest claimant rate for incapacity benefit in Leeds. · The number of claimants for council administered benefit in the inner East Area is higher than the city average. · In 2003, 23% of all households in the city were in receipt of council administered benefit é in comparison, the old wards of Seacroft, Burmatofts and Richmond Hill had the highest rates within Leeds at 43.2%, 42.5% and 41.5% respectively · 2003 Free School meals data showed that 9 schools in East Leeds, 6 had percentages of pupils eligible for free school meals, which were higher than the city rate of 18.5 % (Mount St Mary‘s, Corpus Christi, John Smeaton, Parklands, Agnes Stewart, Primrose High) é Primrose having the highest rate in Leeds at 58.1%, closely followed by Agnes Stewart and Parklands both of which had rates of 44% and so were within the 5 schools in Leeds with the highest rates. · 31 neighbourhoods in the district, which are in the top 10% most deprived for income  14 are in Harehills & Gipton; 5 are in Killingbeck & Seacroft; 3 are in Temple Newsam; 9 are in Burmatofts and Richmond Hill. Environment Theme · 43 neighbourhoods in East district are in top 10% most deprived for the living environment - 13 are in Harehills & Gipton; 13 are in Killingbeck & Seacroft; 13 are in Burmatofts and Richmond Hill; 4 are in Cross Gates & Whinmoor

Learning Theme · Secondary schools in the East District are Parklands School in Killingbeck & Seacroft; Primrose School in Gipton & Harehills; Agnes Stewart CE School and Mount St Mary‘s Catholic HS School in Burmatofts & Richmond Hill; John Smeaton School in Cross Gates & Whinmoor; Temple Moor School and Corpus Christi Catholic College in Temple Newsam; Garforth School in Garforth & Swillington; Brigshaw School in Kippax & Methley. · Educational attainment is much lower than the city average across inner East Leeds é in 2003, 44% of young people achieved 5 GCSE grades A* - C, as compared to 24% across the inner East area. · In 2003, of the 9 secondary schools in East, 4 met or exceeded the city rate of 44% GCSE A*-C but 5 schools were below the city rate é Agnes Stewart, Primrose and John Smeaton were within the ten schools in the city

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with the lowest rates of 5 A*-C GCSE attainment. Agnes Stewart and Primrose, scoring 11% and 12% respectively, were in the 5 schools in Leeds with the lowest rate. · GCSE results for 2004 show that 3 schools improved on their 2003 results é including Primrose School, which achieved a rate of 32% in 2004. 5 schools haven‘t reached the city average for 2003 of 44% (note - 2004 city average as yet unknown) Of these 5, Agnes Stewart and John Smeaton had the lowest rates of 5 A*-C GCSEs for the district with 12% and 16% respectively. · 47 neighbourhoods in the East are in top 10% most deprived for education, skills and training é 13 are in Harehills & Gipton; 12 are in Killingbeck & Seacroft; 4 are in Temple Newsam; 13 are in Burmatofts and Richmond Hill; 5 are in Cross Gates & Whinmoor.

Health Theme Health data: · Overall rates of CHD mortality in the East District have been falling, in line with the citywide trend. However, the health of people in inner East Leeds is worse than that for Leeds as a whole. · Health data for 200-02 shows that 4 East wards were still in the top 10 most deprived wards in the city for CHD mortality (against a city rate of 132.93, Burmatofts had the 3rd highest rate in Leeds at 165.22, closely followed by Seacroft and Richmond Hill. Harehills had the 10th worst rate in Leeds at 153.65). · 29 neighbourhoods in the East are in top 10% most deprived for health deprivation and disability - 8 are in Harehills & Gipton; 9 are in Killingbeck & Seacroft; 3 are in Temple Newsam; 8 are in Burmatofts and Richmond Hill; 1 is in Cross Gates & Whinmoor;

Thriving Places Theme Housing data: · 5 neighbourhoods (SOAs) in the East are in the top 10% most deprived nationally for barriers to housing services é 4 are in Kippax & Methley; 1 is in Cross Gates & Whinmoor · According to NOMAD 2004, 10 areas of the 51 NOMAD areas in the East are in decline re: percentage of all homes empty é Branders; Beeches; Halton Moor Estate; Cross Green; Coldcotes; Seacroft South; Ambertons; Lincoln Green; Ledston Luck; Ledston

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· According to NOMAD 2004, 7 areas of the 51 NOMAD areas in the East are on the edge of decline re: percentage of all homes empty é South Parkway; Boggart Hill Estate; Harehills-Ebor Gardens; Seacroft North Estate; Thorns; East End Park; Hollin Park E;

Harmonious Communities Theme Community Safety data (also linked to Thriving Places theme): · Crime rates in inner East Leeds are higher than the city average. The 2003 domestic burglary rate in Temple Newsam (outer East) was also higher than the city rate. · 2003 figures for domestic burglary show that 4 of the old wards in the East district had rates greater than the city rate of 47.8%, with 3 of those wards (Burmatofts, Richmond Hill and Harehills) within the ten wards in Leeds with the highest rate of burglary. Seacroft had the 12th highest rate in Leeds at 53.1%. · 50 neighbourhoods in the East in top 10% most deprived nationally for crime - 15 are in Harehills & Gipton; 13 are in Killingbeck & Seacroft; 6 are in Temple Newsam; 12 are in Burmatofts and Richmond Hill; 4 is in Cross Gates & Whinmoor; Culture and Transport Themes No baselines - need to build it in to the District plan for year 1

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2.3 Key Issues A number of Super Output Areas in East District figure in the top10% nationally on several indices of deprivation measures and perform poorly against other local measures as summarised below

Gipton and Killingbeck Burmatofts Temple Crossgates Garforth Kippax and Harehills and and Newsam and and Methley Seacroft Richmond Whinmoor Swillington Hill Top 10% SOAs Nationally Overall levels of 16 12 13 4 3 Deprivation Unemployment 9 7 7 3 Income 14 5 9 3 Deprivation Living Environ 13 13 13 4 ment Education Skills 13 12 13 4 5 and Training Health 8 9 8 3 1 Housing Services 1 4 Crime 15 13 12 6 4 Local Measures Schools Gipton Killingbeck Crossgates Underperforming * *

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at KS4 Unemployment Rates * * * Incapacity Benefit Harehills Seacroft * Council Seacroft Administered * Benefits Burglary Harehills * *

Seacroft Teenage pregnancy, under 5 years in Inner East

On nearly all measures Inner East exhibits high levels of multiple deprivation with Temple Newsam also featuring to some degree in relation to the issues highlighted. The problems range from outdated and inadequate housing stock, housing market failure, extreme antisocial behaviour on some estates, low skills, low aspirations and ill health to lack of educational achievement and skills. The outcome for many individuals is unemployment, income deprivation and poverty.

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3 Key challenges and opportunities (no more than 2 pages long)

3.1 East Leeds contains the greatest concentration of deprivation in the city. Much of this is linked to the nature of the housing market in the district. The proportion of social housing is twice the city average and the pre 1919 terraced stock is increasingly deteriorating. This challenge is now being addressed through the development of what will be the largest Urban Regneration Initiative in the country covering a population of 79,000 in Inner East Leeds. The East And South East Leeds Regeneration Initiative (EASEL), which covers the Inner East Committee area and part of Temple Newsam, will establish a Public-Private Joint Venture to develop120 hectares of Council land for new private housing and complementary uses. Alongside this increase in homes for sale will come new investment in the existing council owned stock following the attainment by both Leeds East and Leeds South East Homes of two star status.This all offers an unprecedented opportunity to provide real choice and to raise and meet people`s aspirations to live in higher quality homes, in safe, tolerant neighbourhoods served by good schools and leisure facilities in an attractive environment. It also offers the prospect of training, and jobs for local people, good transport services and improved local amenities such as shopping. The scale and ambition of the EASEL Vision has recently attracted Government attention and has led to the selection of Gipton, where the earliest new development will happen as a £Mixed Communities Pilot‘ area.

There are a number of other complementary and related schemes which are already progressing this approach .The EASEL Project is not a stand alone initiative. There are a number of important complementary development opportunities and regeneration programmes which it will affect and be affected by.

The City Centre lies immediately to the west of the area. EASEL offers a means to overcome the physical and social barriers that prevent the inner city communities of Harehills and Richmond Hill connecting to and benefiting from the jobs and growing prosperity in the city centre. The expansion of new, primarily upmarket residential developments, from the City Centre along the East Street Corridor, building on the success of the Single Regeneration (SRB2) Programme in East Bank/Saxton Gardens offers an early opportunity to

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capitalise on the demand for housing close to the City Centre and at the same time transform Cross Green and East End Park, both areas suffering from decline and deprivation.

The Harehills and Gipton Neighbourhood Renewal Areas, targeted for comprehensive regeneration in the Leeds Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy fall within the designated area. The expectation is that the EASEL Initiative will complement and help progress the work that is being undertaken in the two Neighbourhood Renewal Areas.

The EASEL Regeneration Area also borders the Aire Valley, where major investment should generate an estimated 30,000 jobs over the next few years. The jobs will be created as a result of improvements in access which in turn will release major sites for employment particularly once the East Leeds Link Road and related infrastructure is provided. This is expected to create new demand for low cost home ownership and rented properties within the EASEL regeneration area.

The area‘s potential will be enhanced by a number of major public sector developments already planned or underway. A massive expansion of health service provision is now underway on the St James Hospital Campus in Harehills. This includes a new Oncology Wing, Research Facility, Children,s and Maternity Centre and Multi-Storey Car Park. On the education front there will be a new City Academy and Learning Campus on the site of the East Leeds Family Learning Centre, a new PFI primary and secondary campus in Burmantofts and and the Building Schools for the Future Programme which will renew four of the area £s secondary schools.

East Leeds faces a number of transport challenges particularly in enabling access to employment for the residents of the most deprived neighbourhoods. In addition there is the need for a new East Leeds Link Road to open up the potential of the Aire Valley Employment Area. The proposed East Line of Leeds Supertram which runs through parts of the area will provide fast efficient public transport links between the eastern sector of Leeds with the city centre and beyond. The Outer part of the District is undergoing major changes and has the potential to make a significant

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contribution to the prosperity and diversity of the City. Its population is set to rise considerably. Already the growth of Thorpe Park has led to the creation of thousands of new jobs. Major new housing developments in Allerton Bywater Millennium Village and Micklefield will add over a 1000 new households to the area, all requiring services, and amenities, challenging service providers and businesses to respond. The Swarcliffe Estate PFI Scheme will also contribute to improved housing quality for residents of the outer area. The amenity value of the outer area is also set to increase with the development of a new Country Park on the site of the former St Aidans Open Cast site

Overall East Leeds benefits from the second largest share of investment through the City Council Capital Programme ( 18.5% ) and the Investment Mapping exercise reported to the Regenerating Communities Corporate Priorities Board in September 2004 shows total projected investment in East Leeds from public funds of over “ 427m in the period 2004-9.

All of this invesment and new development presents a major challenge of co-ordination for the Partnership. Much of the content of the District Implementation Plan will be focussed on ensuring the success of much needed regeneration in East Leeds.

Challenges of Process issues, coordination, engaging communities and targeting

4. Long-term aspirations for the District (no more than 1.5 pages)

4.1 Initial priorities for the District Partnership of improved community safety and environmental quality flowed directly from extensive consultations around the Vision for Leeds in 2003 and subsequent feedback from Community Involvement Teams in the District. This Implementation Plan is further influenced by more detailed consultation with partners and stakeholders and seeks to expand on the early work of the District Partnership by focussing action to deliver the aspirations contained in the Vision For Leeds II and its key themes. Our fundamental aspiration for the District is for a prosperous and diverse East Leeds through the realistion of truly sustainable communities.

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For each Vision theme our specific aspirations are: · Safe and lively communities that are attractive to families, welcoming to newcomers and supportive to those in need · Well managed neighbourhoods that offer a wide choice of housing to suit all needs · A diverse and attractive environment that makes green space and recreational opportunities available to all · A sustainable transport network that encourages greater use of public transport and improves safety and congestion on our roads · Opportunities for lifetime learning which encourage learning for all, lead to a sustainable improvement in attainment and a greater appreciation of the value of education · East Leeds as a location of choice for business with a highly skilled workforce and excellent conditions for growth · A cultural life which encourages expression of the area‘s diversity and offers choice and quality to audiences · Health and well being for all regardless of income

4.2 Community Engagement é (There is a Leeds-wide Community Engagement Group, which includes Martyn Stenton at Leeds City Council. Inspira will work with Martyn Stenton in March to develop a statement on community engagement, which will then be inserted in to each District Plan here)

4.3 Might also have a few overall local statements on local issues which cut across all Vision II themes. e.g. involvement of community in local decision making; meeting needs of communities of interest etc

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· Need to gear up for EASEL · Tackling inequalities and exclusion of BME Communities

· Joining up public services and Local Area Agreements: £Hubs‘ (LIFT, BSF, JSC ) Neighbourhood Management

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· Action Plan

5.1 Statement on identification of priorities and the nature and scale of the interventions required to move from the baseline position towards achieving the Vision over a 3 year period. 5.2 Statement that these will be actions requiring a multi-agency / service response and not single service responses, which are addressed in the individual plans of service providers (with key strategies and documents being referenced in appendix B)

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A HARMONIOUS AND SAFER COMMUNITIES Leeds will be a city of equal opportunity, where everyone has a fair chance and people from all backgrounds take part in community life, creating a society that is varied, vibrant and proud.

District Priorities: 1. Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods 2. Better engagement with our diverse communities 3. Improved co-ordination and capacity of voluntary sector groups 4. Improve the quality of services to children and young people Actions in (insert district name) to deliver local priorities for Harmonious and Safer Communities: Ref Actions to deliver local aspiration Which priority Planned outputs Timescales Lead does this organisation and No For Vision II theme action help to key partners deliver ? Develop a District Community Safety 1 Reduction in crime and anti social 3 yrs West Yorkshire Action Plan behaviour . Police, Leeds A1 Community Hotspot activities 1-3yrs Safety Safe outdoor spaces Leeds City Council Develop a Community Development 2 Audit of partners inputs 2 yrs Leeds City Strategy Council A2 Community involvement structure linked to 1yr Area Committees and District Partnership VOICE More resident involvement in community 3yrs activities targeting excluded groups etc Better knowledge of the needs of the refugee/asylum seeker population

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Supporting the voluntary sector during 3 Conversion of some organisations into 3yrs VOICE the transition from discretionary Social Enterprise models A3 PCT funding Establish East Leeds Community and 1y Leeds City Voluntary Sector Forum Council 3yrsr Increased Social Enterprise activity Develop The East Leeds Children and 4 Audit of services 2yrs Childrens and Young Peoples‘ Strategic Partnership Young Peoples A4 More young people using services 3yrs Partnership More opportunities for out of school 3yrs activity 3yrs Youth Engagement Strategy

A5 Other longer-term developmental issues Development of community cohesion Reduction in inequalities 10yrs and young peoples well being A6 Improved understanding 5yrs Improved family welfare 25yrs

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B. THRIVING PLACES Leeds Vision: Leeds will be a unique city with a strong identity and varied, stable neighbourhoods where people live out of choice not necessity, enjoying the high quality of life and range of opportunities that Leeds can offer.

District Priorities: 1. Manage neighbourhoods to higher quality standards 2. Ensure East Leeds becomes a location of choice 3. Ensure that regeneration investment delivers sustainable communities 4 Improve quality, mix and choice of housing Actions in (insert district name) to deliver local priorities for thriving places: Ref Actions to deliver local aspiration Which priority Planned outputs Timescales Lead does this organisation No For Vision II theme action help to and key deliver ? partners Develop the Neighbourhood 1 Pilot Neighbourhood Improvement District 1yr Leeds City Management Framework Council B1 Sustainable improvements in 3yrs environmental quality Police More agencies involved in Joint Tasking 1yr Meetings

Educate the local community in 1 Pilot an Environmental Neighbourhood 2yrs Leeds City caring for their environment Watch Council B2 Police Develop a Communications , 2 More positive press coverage about East 3yrs Leeds City Marketing and PR Strategy Leeds Council B3 Increased hits on website Business 1yr ALMOs

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Include sustainability outcomes in all 3 Development of EASEL Land use 1yrs Leeds City regeneration initiatives Framework Council B4 Delivery of Gipton and Harehills NR EASEL Joint 3yrs Programme Venture Body 3yrs Deliver Mixed Communities initiative Increased public service provision for new housing areas i.e.Allerton Bywater Millennium Village, Micklefield Village 3yrs Ensure that East Leeds residents access employment in the Aire Valley and Thorpe 3yrs Park

Develop a District Housing Strategy 4 Deliver Gipton low cost home ownership 2yrs East Leeds scheme Housing B5 1yr Partnership Establishment of East Leeds Housing Partnership 1 yr Develop annual investment strategy (annually) Other longer-term developmental issues Increasing home ownership Home ownership levels at City average 25yrs B6

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Leeds Vision: Leeds will have a reputation for environmental excellence through the quality of our built environment, the use of our green space, the effective use of natural resources, clean air quality and waste management. It will be a place that joins economic, social and environmental objectives so that the action we take today does not limit the choices of future generations or others elsewhere in the world.

District Priorities: 1. Improving the Street Environment in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods 2. Develop better quality greenspace and Improve the management and maintenance of this 3. Improve recycling

Actions in (insert district name) to deliver local priorities for environment: Ref Actions to deliver local aspiration Which priority Planned outputs Timescales Lead does this organisation and No For Vision II theme action help to key partners deliver ?

C1 Develop an action plan to achieve 3 Increased recycling rates Leeds City recycling targets for City Council C2 Better awareness of issues within business community Business Education Leeds Develop open and greenspace 2 Develop Wybeck Valley Way Scheme 3yrs Leeds City strategy with priority sites targeted Council C3 Improve Beckett street Cemetery 3yrs Develop St Aidens Park 3yrs Develop new open space in most densely 3yrs populated areas

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Deliver streetscape improvements 1 Streetscape improvement schemes in a 3yrs Leeds City number of older housing areas Council C4 Deliver Gateway scheme in NR area East Leeds 1yrs Housing Improvements to Garforth Town Centre 2yrs Partnership Business Develop Community-led all ENCAMS based scheme developed 2yrs Leeds City environmental assessment tools Counci C5 ALMOsl Other longer-term developmental issues Improve quality of public buildings 10yrs C6

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Leeds Vision: Leeds will be a city which has a forward looking approach to transport, providing safe and sustainable transport links so that people can achieve their full potential in society. This means making sure that people can get to work and access social, cultural, leisure and learning activities, and that businesses can transport their goods efficiently.

District Priorities: 1. Ensure delivery of East Leeds Link Road Scheme 2. Improved bus links between residential and employment areas 3. Improve availability of public transport in outer area 4. Improve road safety Actions in (insert district name) to deliver local priorities for transport: Ref Actions to deliver local aspiration Which priority Planned outputs Timescales Lead does this organisation No For Vision II theme action help to and key deliver ? partners Support the prioritisation of East 1 East Leeds Link Road commenced 3yrs Leeds City Leeds Link Road for Government Council D1 Funding Business Develop Local Transport Strategy 2,3,4 More bus services 3yrs METRO and baseline D2 Secure Metro involvement in delivering 1yr Leeds City District priorities Council Reduced number of accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists

D3 ( D4

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Other longer-term developmental issues 10yrs D6 Supertram and York Road Crossing

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Leeds Vision:

Leeds will become a learning city. Businesses and individuals will benefit from accessible world-class learning, creating a wealthier city and personal and social satisfaction. We will inspire young people to see learning as their route to success.

District Priorities: 1. Improve educational attainment and skills 2. Develop new schools and Learning Campus 3. Improve opportunities for disaffected/non- academic 14 to 19 year-old pupils in priority neighbourhoods Actions in (insert district name) to deliver local priorities for learning: Ref Actions to deliver local aspiration Which priority Planned outputs Timescales Lead does this organisation No For Vision II theme action help to and key deliver ? partners Truancy action plan with three-year 3 Increase in school attendance 2yrs District outcomes Community E1 Reduction in youth offending 3yrs Safety Partnership Education Leeds Support for new Academy and BSF 2 Partners involved in provision of services 3yrs Education Leeds and PFI schemes E2 Community learning opportunities 3yrs FE Sector increased Support a learning culture 1 Increased mentoring I East Leeds Education Leeds E3 Supporting and developing the 14-19 Children and strategy Young Peoples Partnership The Learning Partnership E4 Work based learning opportunities for 3 Pilot scheme in partnership with local 2yrs Education Leeds

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14 é 16 years‘ non- business Business academic/disaffected pupils in priority neighbourhoods

E5 Other longer-term developmental issues Raising attainment and skills and Supporting and developing initiatives to the development of a learning increase numbers with recognised E6 culture qualifications

F. ENTERPRISE AND ECONOMY Leeds Vision: Leeds will be a competitive international city. It will contribute to the national economy and will support and be supported by an increasingly competitive region.

District Priorities: 1 Improve the skills base 4 Improve the School to Work Transition for young people 2 Maximise local employment opportunities 3 Encourage business growth Actions in (insert district name) to deliver local priorities for enterprise and economy:

Ref Actions to deliver local aspiration Which priority Planned outputs Timescales Lead does this organisation and No For Vision II theme action help to key partners deliver ? Promote East Leeds as a place to 2,3 Develop and PR and Marketing Strategy 1 Employment and work and invest to improve the image and perception of Business Support F1 East Leeds aimed at businesses and Working Group investors

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Employment and Business Support F2 Promote vocational learning in Continue to develop initiatives such as Working Group schools and post-16 years ”junior job guarantee– 1 Work with local businesses to secure 1 and 4 placement opportunities, work tasters and The Learning other support 2 Partnership Develop an action plan for SMEs, 3 Support development of smaller and 2 Employment and Micro-Business and Social Enterprise social enterprises in order to maximise Business Support F3 in EASEL area with three-year local access to opportunities arising from Working Group outcomes EASEL Develop local employment 2 Build on approaches such as Construction 1 Employment and partnerships Leeds and Job Guarantee arrangements Business Support to secure local labour opportunities Working Group 2 Specifically identify opportunities linked to the new infrastructure projects in East Leeds Other longer-term developmental issues F6 Secure Aire Valley Transport 2 Employment and infrastructure/investment Business Support Working Group Leeds City Council METRO


Leeds Vision: Leeds will be a place with a vibrant and distinctive cultural life - a welcoming city which is internationally recognised as a centre of cultural excellence and provides cultural opportunities for everyone.

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District Priorities: 1. More facilities for Cultural venues 2. Promote rich cultural heritage of east district 3. Improve access to Arts/Culture Provision Actions in (insert district name) to deliver local priorities for culture: Ref Actions to deliver local aspiration Which priority Planned outputs Timescales Lead does this organisation and No For Vision II theme action help to key partners deliver ? Gipton Arts Centre 1 The Epiphany project to be open by ?? ?? Gipton arts G1 I‘m not sure of the timetable for this - do Leeds City we want to put more specific milestones in Council such as planning permission and start on site ? Develop baseline and local cultural 2 Map current activity such as festivals and strategy cultural provision G2 Encourage local access to arts/culture Increase local use of facilities ?? and sports facilities G3 ?? increase/enable specific groups eg BME to access sport and fitness provision

Other longer-term developmental issues G5 Secure Concert Hall development in ?? Aire valley Provision of new sport or leisure Map current provision including LCC facilities in East Leeds sports facilities, school and college based access

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Leeds Vision: Leeds will be a healthy city for everyone who lives, visits or works here, promoting fulfilling and productive lives for all. We will reduce inequalities in health between different parts of the city, between different groups of people and between Leeds and the rest of the country.

District Priorities: 1 The effective treatment of drug misusers 2 Improving the health and well being of individuals and communities

Actions in (insert district name) to deliver local priorities for health and wellbeing: Ref Actions to deliver local aspiration Which priority Planned outputs Timescales Lead does this organisation and No For Vision II theme action help to key partners deliver ? Drugs and alcohol action plan with 1 Health and Well three-year outcomes to include Being Partnership H1 implementation of drugs treatment services Multi-agency health 2 Focus on key areas (floor targets and education/promotion programme LPSAs) - H2 targeting schools and those most at Teenage pregnancy risk Obesity chd Poverty reduction action plan with 2 Action on fuel poverty and affordable Housing and three-year outcomes warmth Environment H3 Working Group Other longer-term developmental issues St James Hospital Campus H6 LIFT programme

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6. Resources

6.1 Statement re resources available to deliver priorities outlined in action plans, additional resources required and opportunities to realign / access additional funding.

Just began to list them - RHB (incl RSLs ADP) YF - SRIP NRF Remaining discret. funding eg Obj 2 Co-financing arrangements - LSC, JC+

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7. Partnership Working

7.1 Outline partnership working arrangements that will enable delivery of the action plan/structures and accountabilities- including how the community will be engaged é on what, when and how.

7.2 Set out the city-wide and local monitoring and review processes.

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Appendix A - List of core and optional targets (awaiting info from Leeds CC - final list to be circulated to Consortium by Inspira during week starting 7th March for discussion/agreement with Area Managers é final list for each district will be included in District Plan and will contain no more than 12 core and no more than 8 optional targets)

1. crime floor targets (domestic burglary, vehicle crime, robbery) (national target linked to Vision II) 2. Decent homes standard (national target in Vision II) 3. GCSE attainment A é C (national target in Vision II) 4. Adults on Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) and benefits (incapacity and housing benefit) (Vision II) 5. BME employment/unemployment (national target linked to Vision II) 6. Narrowing the gap in life expectancy (using proxy of CHD and lung cancer) (national target in Vision II) 7. Satisfaction with neighbourhood (using proxy of clean streets) (Vision II) 8. Increased use of public transport (Vision II) 9. Racially motivated crime (Vision II) 10. young people involved in sport (national target in Vision II) 11. local people involved in decision making (Mandatory LAA linked to Vision II) 12. achievement of kite-mark on community involvement (linked to Vision II)

In addition, District Partnerships could be required to select (no more than 8) additional £narrowing the gap targets‘ é i.e. locally defined targets, which identify specific communities of interest and/or place within the District, where there is a need to narrow the gap between their experience and the average District/Leeds wide experience of health, education, housing, employment and crime.

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Appendix B - References to Key documents:

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Originator: Kris Nenadic

Tel: 2323069


Electoral Wards Affected : Specific Implications For : Cross Gates & Whinmoor Ethnic Minorities Garforth & Swillington Women Kippax & Methley Disabled People Temple Newsam

Executive Council X Eligible X Not eligible for Call In Function Function for Call In (details contained in the report)

For information and discussion:


1.1 This report outlines the Fixed Play Strategy approved by Executive Board in 2002 and describes future proposals for providing a network of equipped playgrounds supported by informal playspaces across Leeds.


2.1 The 2002 report endorsed by the Executive Board, titled ”Children‘s Playgrounds–, outlined the strategy for improving the quality of play facilities by investing in sustainable sites, and reconfiguring the nonsustainable sites.

2.2 The report recommended the introduction of 3 new standards as follows:

Neighbourhood Area Playground (NAP) The majority of playgrounds are to meet this standard and are based principally in Parks and Recreation grounds. Catering for three particular age groups, 0-8 years, 8- 14 years and teenagers, with improved play equipment and facilities such as a skatepark, multi-use games area (MUGA) or BMX track etc for young people.

Integrated Supervised Playgrounds (ISP) Would be based around a NAP with a proposed 6 across the city, they would be supervised and focussed on children with special needs or disabilities, but providing for all children.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com Informal Play Space (IPS) These spaces would cater for local play needs. It is anticipated that a network of IPS will be maintained to cater for the informal recreation needs of all ages, including teenagers. These informal areas could be landscaped or grass areas but may include basketball hoops, football walls or ground painted games.

2.3 In the two years since the report was approved by Executive Board, Parks and Countryside has reduced the number of playgrounds with fixed equipment from 213 to 153, while being successful in attracting external funding of over “ 4.2 million which has been invested in the remaining sustainable sites.

2.4 To address the needs of older children the number of skateparks has risen from 7 to 14 and the number of multi-use games areas from 20 to 28.


3.1 The Greenspace Implementation Group (GIG) meets on a regular basis and includes officers from Development, Learning and Leisure and Neighbourhoods and Housing. GIG`s principal objective is to discuss matters of a strategic nature, identifying spending priorities and agreeing a detailed work programme which is capable of being monitored on a quarterly basis. The group also receive updates on the progress of recreational and greenspace spending and output targets. GIG is formally recognised by the Corporate Environment Priority Board.

3.2 Officers from Parks and Countryside also attend various meetings with Ward Members and communities etc to consult on local issues relating to childrens play. Proposals or comments can then be fed into the planning process for consideration when consulting with Ward Members regarding the allocation of Section 106 funds.

3.3 Wider consultation on issues relating to Parks and Countryside Services has been undertaken using both the Citizens Panel and Best Value workshops. Work has begun to introduce user surveys in several parks in the City. As part of the development of the Parks and Greenspace Strategy for Leeds 34,500 residents were consulted via a survey. Early analysis of the results of the consultation survey suggests that there are 55 million visits to our parks and greenspaces annually, which includes 6.5 million visits for the purpose of taking children to play in the park or greenspace. The age group 13 é 25 is under-represented in the Citizens Panel and this is recognised as a hard to reach group for survey work. More direct consultation is underway which will target this age range through the Youth Service ,voluntary groups and the Youth Council. The results of this consultation will be fed into the planning process to enable improved delivery of services in the future.


4.1 The ideal service, if sufficient resources allowed,. would be to provide high quality robust facilities close to the centre of each community, but far enough from the nearest houses so as not to create a nuisance or a perceived nuisance.

In the right location, as well as just a meeting place, diversionary activities suitable for all ages and abilities could be facilitated to help reduce vandalism, graffiti, anti social behaviour, and promote a sense of ownership within the local youth community. However it is the case that not all communities have a suitable site. During consultation, it is often found that although most people would welcome play facilities in their area,

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5.1 Over the last two years external funding has been sought to increase the number of skateboard parks from 7 to 14 and the number of MUGA‘s from 20 to 28. In the last financial year (2003/04) 5 skateparks were built or refurbished at a cost of “ 468k and 18 playgrounds were built or refurbished at a cost of “ 1.7million. Learning and Leisure has no budget specifically identified for building or refurbishing play facilities, and Parks and Countryside officers spend considerable time trying to access external funds for play areas.

5.2 The three main funding streams over recent years have been Section 106 (developer contributions), Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) and Green Leeds. Section 106 contributions can only be spent in the community area which includes or is adjacent to the development which generates the funding. The Single Regeneration Budget will shortly end and the funding opportunities available through Green Leeds Ltd have also reduced significantly.

5.3 Learning and Leisure continues to seek additional external investment to support this strategy and will seek to access some of the anticipated “ 200 million of National Lottery funding identified for improved play opportunities in the UK announced following the recent Dobson review of children‘s play.


6.1 A presentation was made in October 2003 to a number of representatives from the former CITs on the Play Strategy. As the move towards Area Committees was being developed at this point, it would have been difficult to continue consultation with the CITs and it was agreed that the consultation on the strategy should wait until the Area Committees were in place.

6.2 Parks & Countryside officers will put forward the proposals (examples of which are detailed in the appendices), on the future use of each site. These proposals will be subject to consultation with the Area Committee and the implementation of the strategy in each area will be directly affected by the availability of funding.

6.3 The attached appendices include :-

· An area map showing the location of the current fixed play facilities.

· A schedule detailing the current and proposed status for each site, and the associated budget costing.

6.4 Although this programme is recommended as the best use of resources, it has always been anticipated that consultation with local communities is the key factor in delivering the Fixed Play Strategy and ensuring the sustainability of childrens play areas.


7.1 Area Committees are requested to consider the proposals for providing a network of equipped playgrounds supported by informal playspaces as outlined in the attached schedules.

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