EAST (OUTER) AREA COMMITTEE 16TH FEBRUARY 2005 PRESENT: Councillor Parker in the Chair Councillors Armitage, Grahame, Gruen, Harrison, J Lewis, Phillips, Murray, Schofield and Wakefield 52 Chair,s Opening Remarks The Chair welcomed every to the meeting especially those members of the public who were in attendance at the meeting. The Chair also announced that the presentation by Councillor Jennings, Executive Board Member for Childrens Services has been withdrawn from the today‘s agenda and he will now arrange a briefing with Officers on this matter. 53 Late Item The Chair gave notice of a late item of urgent business, Minute No. 60 refers, which relates to the Area Delivery Plan report. The Chair indicated that in accordance with his powers under Section 100(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, he had agreed to take this report as late item of urgent business in order that the Board be furnished with an updated version of the Area Delivery Plan. 54 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 55 Minutes - 7th December 2004 Members agreed an amendment to Minute No. 48, Review of Leeds City Council Community Centres to delete the last paragraph and include a resolution to read £ That the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing be informed of this Area Committee‘s concern that the proposals on the review did not include automatic exemptions for those with the inability to pay nor give any detail as what the pricing structure may be and where the cost of any discretionary subsidy would be met from‘. RESOLVED £ That, subject to the above amendment, the minutes of the meeting held on 7th December 2004 be confirmed as a correct record. 56 Matters Arising from the Minutes Referring to Minute No. 47 relating to the Leeds Regeneration Plan, Members expressed a wish to have sight of the draft plan and the Area Manager informed the meeting that the draft plan should be available to all Members for them to comment on. It is anticipated that the final Plan will not be available until June 2005. The Chair informed the meeting that he had been in correspondence with Parish Councillors and asked them to submit their comments to him in order that they can be included in the Plan before it has been finalised. To date the Chair has not received a response from the Parish Councillors. Draft Minutes to be approved at the meeting PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com to be held on 21st April 2005 The East Area Manager suggested that once Members had received the draft Plan a special meeting of the Area Committee could be arranged or, alternatively, Members could submit their own comments in writing. Referring to Minute No. 48 relating to the Review of Leeds City Council Community Centres, the East Area Manager informed the meeting that the review will not be completed until June 2005 but he will keep Members up to date, particularly those affected by Community Centre issues for both the East Inner and Outer Area Committees. The Chair informed the meeting that he had been approached by people using the Community Centres in his Ward and they are now expressing great concern about what the costs will be, which may result in these groups having to look for an alternative venue. The East Area Manager informed the meeting that Area Committees may be able to subsidise groups out of their own budget but that will have to be reflected in the finalised plan for Community Centres across the city. RESOLVED - That an updated report on the Leeds Regeneration Plan be submitted to the June 2005 East Outer Area Committee meeting. 57 Theme Focus - Youth Service The Director of Learning and Leisure submitted a detailed report and appendix to update the Area Committee on general Leeds Youth Service developments, progress and current issues. Phil Pearce, Operations Manager, Youth Service presented the report and responded to Members‘ questions and comments. RESOLVED: (a) That the contents of the report be noted (b) That the Executive Board Members for Neighbourhoods and Housing be invited to the next Area Committee meeting. (c) That a progress report on the Halton Moor Chill Out Centre be submitted to the next Area Committee meeting. (d) That all Members of the Area Committee be furnished with a progress report on the pilot programme targeting young people in rural areas. 58 Neighbourhood Management Proposals The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report for Members information on the main principles of Neighbourhood Management, the proposed geographic boundaries of Neighbourhood Management Teams and proposals to support this project from the Wellbeing Budget. Martin Hackett, East Area Management, presented the report and together with John Woolmer, responded to Members‘ questions and comments. RESOLVED - Draft Minutes to be approved at the meeting to be held on 21st April 2005 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com (a) That the main principles of Neighbourhood Management and the proposed geographic boundaries of the Neighbourhood Management Teams as outlined in the submitted report be noted. (b) That the East Outer Area Committee noted the request to support this project from the Wellbeing Budget. 59 Wellbeing Budget The East Area Manager submitted a report to the Committee in relation to: (a) Small Grants (b) Large Grants Martin Hackett, Area Management Officer presented the reports and responded to Members‘ questions and comments. RESOLVED: (a) That the contents of the report be noted (b) That approval be given to release the following funds from the East Outer Area Committee budget: Gardening Scheme “ 36,750 Luncheon Club Co-ordinator 18,000 Methley Security Barrier 600 Neighbourhood Management Budget 6,000 Garforth Festival 2,000 TOTAL ‘63,350 (c) That the East Outer Area Committee noted that approval of the above projects will fully commit the Revenue Budget for 2004/2005. (c) Capital Spend The Area Committee also considered the tabled late item of urgent business in relation to an application to fund a fencing project at Firthfield Community Centre, Garforth. RESOLVED - (a) That the Area Committee noted the two routes as outlined in the submitted report, through which capital schemes may receive support. (b) That the Area Committee noted that Members should raise with the East Area Manager any proposals or ideas for support from the Area Committee‘s Wellbeing Budget by no later than 28th February 2005, (c) That it was noted that the opportunity to raise ideas or schemes with the Area Management Team may be put forward as a possibility for funding from the Capital Programme. (d) That approval be given to the application for “ 8,750 from the capital budget to fund the fencing project at Firthfields Community Centre, Garforth. 60 Late Item - Area Delivery Plan 2005/2006 Draft Minutes to be approved at the meeting PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com to be held on 21st April 2005 The East Area Manager tabled a report with the most up to date information on the progress made in developing the East Outer Area Delivery Plan for 2005/2006. Stephen Boyle, East Area Manager, together with John Woolmer, Area Co-ordinator, East Area Management presented the report and responded to Members‘ questions and comments. RESOLVED: (a) That the contents of the report be noted. (b) That approval be given to the Outline Area Delivery Plan for 2005/2006 for submission to the Executive Board as being: · the area wide priorities set out in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the report. · the area service plans of Youth Services, Streetscene Services and Community Safety. · the ”Making It Real– framework and its evolvement as set out in Section 3. · the community engagement/consultation framework and strategy. (c) That the East Area Management Team be instructed to: · meet with Local Ward Members to discuss their priorities for inclusion in the relevant ”Making It Real– sections. · undertake a consultation exercise with the Forums on the priorities suggested and detail contained within their ”Making it Real– section. · obtain further information from service providers on local commitments they are able to make which meet the area priorities and activities set out in sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the report and any local priorities identified within each ”Making it Real– section. · bring back updated versions of the ”Making it Real– sections to the next available meeting to agree as the starting point for 2005/2006. (d) That a further report be submitted to the next meeting to provide examples and an explanation of the area performance monitoring reports that will be provided to Area Committee by Youth Services and Leeds Community Safety during 2005/2006 61 A-Boards Enforcement The Director of City Services submitted a report on the proposed policy and related conditions in respect of A-Boards and other similar advertising boards displayed by businesses for advertising purposes. Helen Finister, Chief Streetscene Officer presented the report and responded to Members‘ questions and comments. RESOLVED - That the proposed policy be endorsed. 62 Primary School Replacement Programmes - Disposal of Surplus School Buildings Draft Minutes to be approved at the meeting to be held on 21st April 2005 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http://www.fineprint.com The Director of Development submitted a report to advise the Area Committee of the proposed disposal of surplus school properties arising from the primary school replacement programmes and the potential uses of the sites to be sold. RESOLVED - That the proposals outlined in the report to dispose of surplus school properties and the associated planning land use guidance be noted.
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