U nitlersitg of 1Jombag Publication


BY s. v. KA1!4~J:H.I~AR, M.A.





Printed bv G. G. "Bhatt at the Advo<:ate. of India Press. 21. Dalal Street. Fo Bombay & Published by D. B. TA~REVALA SoNS & Co. •K;ta.b Maha HorDbJ Road. Fort, Bombay. PREFACE

Of all the social problems, marriage is of the paramount importance. It is a factor which is vitally connected with the ~ranteed continuation of the human race. . Most ·or. .oWt;jfW'irqr,tance. Origi­ nally a social question, • a!·· aU . Ovff" the world, it is intermingled with re"l~gl()~e.rid·thus, tM problem becomes somewhat a cq_mplex. on~...... '

According to the ancient Hindu ideas, marriage is an essential preliminary and an instrument in achieving the fourfold aims of life. Hindu marriage is governed by two sorts of restrictions: endogamous and exogamous. Every Hindu must marry v.ithin his endogamous sub-caste, and outside the exoga­ mous group, variously known as gotra, got, mid, kul, intiperulu, tarvad, etc. In the present work I have confined myself to the consideration . of only the exo­ gamous restrictions.

Since the entry of the Indo-Aryans in India, the has been constantly at work to estab• !ish his spiritual superiority, not only over the and VaiSyas, but also over the mixed and purely Dravidian races. The Brahmin has proved eminently successful in his mission. All non-Brah-, min Hindu castes, high or 16w, are being slowly Brah­ manized, though, perhaps, the Brahmin may not be any longer honoured as the spiritual head. The caste, that adopts the Brahmanical ideals and dog­ mas more completely and more e:.>.."tensively, is re­ garded higher in its social status than the surround­ ing castes. In consideration of this gradual Brah­ manization of all Hindu castes, I found it necessary to examine the Brahmanical rules of exogamy at some knsth in the present work. • vi

The work is far from being an exhaustive one; but I have tried to touch almost every side of the subject within the narrow limits in which I set my­ self to work. In discussing the problem of the pravaras, the writings of Dr. S. V. Ketkar and Mr. KrishQasastri Ghule on the subject have proved highly useful to me. For the spelling of Sanskrit words I have fol­ lowed the system of transliteration adopted in the Cambridge History of India with slight variations as far as the sibilants are concerned. The index was made for me by my friend Mr. S. N. Gokhale. I am extremely thankful to the University of Bombay for a handsome subsidy that was granted to cover a part of tlie cost of publication. Finally, I should like to express my gratitude .to Dr. G. S. Ghurye, University Reader in SQciology, Bombay, but for whose encouragement and guidance I would have neither undertaken the work· nor completed it.

Bombay, S. V. Karandikar. June, 1929. CONTENTS

CHAPTER I Exogamy in Vedic Times Hindu not a homogeneous race-Two aspects of Hindu exogamy-Propriety o~ beginning our enquiries with the Indo-Aryans-Various branches of the Aryan peoples non-exogamous-Complete abB!'nce of sept exo­ gamy among the Iranians-Probable abBl'nce of sept exogamJ' among the Indo-Iranians and also the Indo­ Aryans-No direct or indirect reference to sept exogamy in the J;tigveda-Prevalence of sagotra msrriage in ancient times-A form of sapir)Q.a exogamy practised in Vedic times-Marriage between brother and sister, parent and child, definitely barred-Marriage generally contracted outside the family-Marriage between cognates permis­ sible in the third generation-Introduction of sept exo­ gamy in the BrilllmaQa times very probable-Marriage between cognates eulogized in the Satapatha Brii.hmsl)a­ Sophistry of later wri~rs regarding cross-cousin msrriage. pp. 1-21

CHAPTER II Ootra Desirability of first examining Brahmin exogamy­ Strict adherence of to the ancient exogamous restrictions-Vaidya's views regarding gotra: Four Pat­ rial"('h families, d-evelopment of the four families into eight, great antiquity of the Patriarch families and relative recentness of Atri, Vi:ivlim.itra and Agastya- • Vlll

Arguments against this view: Baudhiiyana's definition of gotra-Absurdity of the Patriarch theory-No con­ stant denotation for the tt>rm 'Saptarshi'-Identity of gotra and surname-PoEsibility ·of grouping all gotras under four heads-patronymic, occupational, local and nickname-Identity of some modern surnames of Brah­ mins with their gotms-Brahmanical gotrasand totemism -Difference between gotra meaning a surname and gotra in its technical sense-Surnames among ~he l\Iarathas. PP· 22-41

CHAPTER III Pravara Pravara not precisely defined in the Siitras-l\Jax Miiller's explanation of pra>'"ilras-Vaidya's views re­ garding pravara : identity of the prav'"ilra l.fubis and the hymn-<:omposers-gotra ~~is, the descendants ~fpravara l;tishis-Arguments against ·this view : pravara organiza­ tion based upon formal discipleship--Two interpretations of the Siitra 'Arsheyam Vril)ite'-Autborship of the individual hymns often unknown-Sarvanukramal;li not a trust-worthy record--Faulty criterion of the Anukra~ maQi: to detnmine the authors of hymns-Pravara "J;tisbi, not necessarily a hymn-composer and every hymn-composer, not necessarily a pravara J;l.ishi­ '!_heory of descent shattered by the order of pravaras­ ~sheya and pravara synonymous terms--Gender of Arsbeya-Original denotation of Arsheya-Siguificance of the suffix 'vat' used in the pravara-formula-Later developments in the sense of Arsbeya-Arsheya a matter of free selection in the beginning. pp. 42-59 • IX

CHAPTER IV Connection between Ootra and Pravara Connection between gotra and pra vara-Millions ot gotras grouped uvder ten pravara heads--Indirect reference to the ten divisions in the Brabmal)as-Slight difference of the Bral,mal)a divisions from the divisions in the Sutras-Seven dhisions named after the 'Seven ~his'-Peculiar fascination of the Indo-Aryan mind for the number seven-Eighth diviaion named after Agastya-Significan~ of the prefix 'Kevala' .attached to the Bhrigu .and Al'lf'iras groups-Some independent divisions in the Brahma~;~as later coerced down under Kl'vala Bhrigus and Kevala -Possibility of changing the pravara-group-IIIustrations, anecdotes. of S1mal;!Sepa and Gritsamada--So also the conversion of 1\ratu, Pulaha and Pulastya families to Agastya-group -Real meaning of such terma .as Vasishthiil), Bhargava.b etc.-Recitation of the individual pravaras always pre­ ceded by the two names of l\lanu and Bharata-lUen ignorant of their pravaras asked to borrow the pravaras of their spiritual guru-Father's gotra, not inherited by the son by m.ere hirth-Gotra conferred upon a hoy at the time of the initiation-Gotra and adoption-Gotra in relation to birth and death impurities-Very re­ strictssion-Recitation of one nniform prn>"'llora 'Manu". retomm>"nded by Tiiotlins-Confusion of discipleship witl1 blood-relationsbip due to more than one reason-. ~atapath.a Brfthm.a~oa passage-In ancient India the t~>nclwr respect~

Vaidya's emphatic assertion regarding the pravaras <>f the Kshatriyas and VaiSyas-His fundamental miscon­ «lption-Gotras of the Kshatriyas in Jain and Bud­ dhistic works-Broader view of the subject-Formation ()£ the four classes in the J;ligveda period-Dividing line not properly drawn between the first three classes­ Development of classes into hereditary £astes-E:fforts ()f the priestly caste to establish its supremacy-Pravam <>rganisation entirely a communal organisation of the .Brahmins- Arsheya definitely denied to the Kshatriyas .and VaiSyas-Double game of the priestly caste-Apas- 1amba's three contradictory statements regarding the Arsheya of the Kshatriyas-Gotras of the Kshatriyas :.in the copper-plates borrowed from the priests. pp. tH-99.

CHAPTER VI Sept Exogamy in Sidra Times Sept exogamy probably unknown to the Indo-Imn­ :ians and aloo to the lndo-Aryans-Prevalence of a form ()£ sapil;l~ exogamy in the :J:I.igveda period-bept exogamy in the process of formation in Briihma~Ja times-First mention of st'pt exogamy in Sii.tras-Enun­ (:iation of the rule by Gautama, :Baudhayana and Yasisht,ha-Gotra, meaning a family, the exogamous unit in the beginning-Manu, the first and foremost law­ .giver of the Indo-Aryans-Great antiquity of the original Manu-Smriti-lts revision from time to time- • Xl

.Manu's rule uf exogamy brief and loose, and applicable nut only to thu Brahmins but to the first three castes­ According to Manu, sagotra marriage neither a serious sin nor a minor sin-1\-lention of sept exogamy in the appendices of A8valayana's Srauta and Grihya !:!utras­ No penances prescribed for sagotra marriage either by or Apastamba-Mild penances prescribed by Baudhiiyana-Strong condemnation of sagotra marriage by Gautama-Views of ruinor Sutra-writers-On the "hole, the rule of sept exogamy not univt'rsally accept­ ed in Siitra times-Scope of the rule of sept exogamy­ '.l'o begin with, gotra, meaning a family, the exogamous unit-Limits of family-relationship-Pravara organiza­ tion used by the Brahmin as the basis of his sept exogamy-Family, the exogamous unit with other castes-Loose application of the rule of Bt'pt exogamy in thi' case of the Kshatriyae and VaiSyas. pp. 100-125

CHAPTER VII History of Sept Exogamy after the Christian Era Rule of sept ex~gamy in the Yajiiavalkya-Smriti­ Sagotra marriage condemned alike by Narada, Vish~u. and Par:L~ra-Ancient Hindu law slightly modified from iime to time by commentators and Nibandha-writera­ .Asah!l.ya and Yh:•·arlipa-1\ledhiitithi's double interpre­ -tation of tbe word gotra-Mild pellBnces for sagotra marriage prescribed by Medhiitithi-Ex<"lusion of the n1otber's gotrs -Apar!l.rka and Vijiiii.neS\'"Sra-Strong views regarding sept n"Ogamy held by the two commentators­ Impracticable suggestion of Vijiiii.ne:h'"!lra regardinl! the {;Otras of Ksbatriyas-llistinction between intentional • X <:HAPTER V The Ootras and Pravaras of the Kshatriyas and Vaisyas

Vaidya's emphatic assertion regarding the pravaras <>f the Kshatriyas and VaiSyas-His fundamental miscon­ {)eption-Gotras of the Kshatriyas in Jain and Bud­ dhistic works-Broader view of the subject-Formation <>f the four classes in the J.tigveda period-Dividing line not properly drawn between the fust three classes­ Development of classes into hereditary castes-Efforts -of the priestly caste to establish its supremacy-Pmvara <>rganisation entirely a communal organisation of the .Brahmins-Arsheya definitely denied to the Kshatriyas .and VaiSyas-Double game of the priestly caste-Apas­ tamba's three contradictory statements regarding the Arsheya of the ~otras of the Kshaf;riyas in the copper-plates borrowed from the priests. . pp. 91-99 . . CHAPTER VI Sept Exogamy in Sutra Times Sept exogamy probably unknown to the Indo-Iran­ :ians and alao to the Indo-Arya.ns-Prevalence of a form ()f sa pil;l4a exogamy in the 1,\igveda. period -&lpt -exogamy in the process of formation in Brahmatm times-First mention of sept exogamy in Siitras-Enun­ {)iation of the rule by Gautama, Baudhayana. and Va.sishtha-Gotra, meaning a family, the exogamous unit in the beginning-Manu, the first and forenmst law­ giver of the lndo-Aryans-Great antiquity of the <>riginal .Manu-Smriti-Its revision from time to time- Xi l\!anu's rule uf exogamy brief and loose, and applicable not only to th11 Brahmins but to the first three castes­ According to l\tanu, sagotra marriage neither a serious sin nor a minor sin-Mention of sept exogamy in the appendices of Asvalayana's Srnuta and Grihya l:llitrns­ No penances prescribed for sagotra marriage either by Vasishtha or Apastamba-:Mild penances prescribed by Baudhiiyana-Strong condemnation of sagotra marriage by Gautama-Views of n.inor Sii.tra-writers-On the "hole, the rule of sept exogamy not universally accept­ ed in Siltra times-Scope of the rule of sept exogamy­ To begin with, gotra, meaning a family, the Exogamous unit-Limits of family-relationship-Pravara organiza­ tion used by the Brahmin as the basis of his sept ~xogamy-Family, the exogamous unit with other castes-Loose application of the rule of sept exogamy in the case of the Kshatriyas and VaiSyas. pp. 100-125

CHAPTER VII ti is tory of Sept Exogamy after the Christian Era Rule of sept exogamy in the Yajilavalkya-Smriti­ Sngotra marriage condemned alike by Narada, VishQu, and Par:L~ra-Ancient Hindu law slightly modified from time to time by commentators and Nibandha-writers­ Asah:lya and n;·..,.ariipa-Medhiitithi's double interpre· tation of tlle v;ord gt~tra-1\lild penances for sagotra marriage prescribed by 1\ledhatithi-Exdusion of the n10tller's gotra-Apar:lrka and Yijiianesvara-Strong ,·iews l't'garding sept exogamy held by the two commentators­ Impracticable suggestion of Yijiiane~ra regarding the totrns of Kshatriyas-llistinction between intentional • xii

Sagotra union and an unintentional one,between occasional sin and continuous sin-Sagotra wife undistinguishable from a ChaQgali-Nibandhas compared with ancient Smritis-Issue of the sagotra union, a Cha.z;u~ala, according to DevaQa-Alleged authority of Apastamba for the above opinion-Devai)a's, new stand regarding mother's gotra-l\lock burning in the cow-dung fire, as a penance suggested by Hemadri-Madhava, the commentator on Parasara, a legislator and an administrator combined­ ViSve8vara, a Nibandha-writer, follower of Vijiiane8vara~ Niri)aya-&indhu, Viramitrodaya and Kaustubha, Ni­ bandha-works of the 17th century-Gradual forgetting of the pravaras by the Brahmins-Fate of the girl-wife married to a sagotra person ,and subsequently denounced­ Mitrami~Ta's positive lead on this point-Sagotra marriage, a very rare thing in' the seventeenth century­ Anantabhatta and Kasmiitha, writers of the eighteenth century-Practicable and easy 'penances recommended by them-Recapitulation. pp. 126-16(} CHAPTER VIII Origin of the Brahmin Sept Exogamy

Different theories regarding the ~rigin of exogamy­ McLennan's theory-Spencer's theory-Lord Avebury's explanation of exogamy-A1or~an's theory of exogamy­ Theories of Frazer, Durkheim and Westermarck-Con­ quest of the aboriginal races by the Indo-Aryans, more a moral conquest than a political one-Free exchange between the Aryan and non-Aryan cultures-Sept exo­ gamy adopted by the Indo-Aryans in imitation of the­ aboriginal races. pp. 161·1U


Sapi p~a Exogamy in the Sutra and Smriti Works Two interpretations of the word 'sapii.J<;la.', based upon the two senses of the word 'pil)qa', a body and & ball of rice-VijiffineS\'ara, the up-holder of the first interpretation and Madhava, of the latter-llladhava.'s interpretation backed by tradition-Simultaneous growth of sept and sapii.J<;la exogamy-Manu's prohibition of marriage between cognates in the third generation-Sin ()f marrying a. cross-cousin, not an unexpiable sin-Stub­ born attitude of the Southerners on cross-cousin marriage­ Gautama's idealistic view of sapil)

CHAPTER X Development oi . the. rule of SapiJ!!-fa Exogamy after the Eighth Century Attempts of commentators to stiffen the rule of &\p~1ga exogamy-Four views of sapii.J<;la exogamy recorded by Vi.Svariipa-Disspproval of cross-cousin marriage by Apararka even in the Deccan-Distorted interpretations of ancient texts by Vijii:lne~vara-In the twelfth century sapiu<;la marriages, though rare, not regarded absolutely void-A novel argument by Deva.Qa in the defooce of cross-cousin marriage-Sophistry under­ lying the argument-Bold stand of Madhava on the side of cross-cousin marriage-Vk've,;·vara, a follower XIV

of Gautama-Considerable extension of the rule of sapi.Qga exogamy by Raghunandana-Exceptions to the rule-Raghunandana's view supported neither by logic nor tradition-Kamalakara's. exhaustive treatment of sapi.Qqa exogamy-Kamalakara, an extreme and im­ practicable writer-Anantadeva's and Kasinatha's de­ fence of cross-cousin marriage in the Deccan-Recapitu­ lation-The Hindu rules. of prohibited degrees compared with the corresponding rules observed by other peoples. pp. 193-220 CHAPTER XI Exogamy among the Non·Brahmins Two brood divisions of the Hindus-The gotr:as of · the Kshatriya.s either borrowed from the ·family priests or based on fictitious names-In the comprehensiveness of exogamy, Brahmins outdone by certain high-i:la.ss Non­ Brahmins-Eponymous E"xogaiD9us divisions•...... •...... Totemic exogamous divisions ...... Castes that observe only the rule of prohibited degrees ...... , ...... Local or family sections of small size ...... Exogamous · divisions based upon titks QI nicknames ..•...•.••• : ...... Territorial exo- gamous divisions ...... Exogamous divisions based upon the number of gods that each family worships -Exclusion of the mother's gotra by non-Brabmins in Northern India-Principle of exogamy carried too far in Behar-Disappeara.nce of exogamous septs in East Bengal-Gradual Brahmanization of all mixt>d and Dravidian castes-Gradual disappearance of totemic usages in Non-Aryan tribes-Popularity of cross-cousin :marriage in the Deccan-Cross-{)ousin marriage, a pecu­ liarly Dravidian custom-Prohibition of intermarriage between the children of two sisters explained-Widow­ marriage. pp. 221-282 XV CHAPTER XII Exogamy oi the Hindus in the Light of Eugenics Hindu youth's field for selecting the bride unnaturally narrowed dovrn-marriage rather a social question than a religious one in Vedic times-Inbreeding and outbreed­ ing, relative teriii1!-Effects of inbreeding, isolation of unit characters and their intensification-Comparison between Christian, Mohamedan and Hindu societies­ Distinction bet'\\·een parallel cousins and croS~H:ousins biologically untenable-No rational defence for Hindu sept exogamy-Orthodox Hindus recommended to adopt 1\lanu's simple rule of exogamj-Necessity of changing the rules in altered circumstances-A warning to Non- Brahmins. pp. 283-290·

.Abbreviations .. •• pp. 291-29~ Ind"ex pp. 294-30S INDEX. A. Aniruddha, 21. Ant-hill, sept, 2 38. Adi-Dravi<).a, 1, 171, 214. Aniipa, pravara, 49. Aditya, hymn-composer, 48. Apariirka, 9, 10, 14, 15, 134, Adoption, see gotra. 135, 137, 141, 157, 177, Agaria, tribe, 230. 186, 189, 193, 195, 196, Agarwala, caste, 224. 206, 207, 215, 216. !gasti, surname, 37. Apastamba Sii.tra, Agastya, 70, 7L 80, 90, 102, 115, 140, 16!, Agastya, Ga~;m., 24, 49, 62, 70, 165, 177, 181, 187, 188, 71. 189. Agastya, ~ishi, 24, 27, 28, Apastamba Grihya Siitra, 29, 4 7, 64, 66, 67. 115, 140. AghamarshaJJa, gotra, 5l. Apastamba Pravara-Kai.14a, AghamarshaiJa, pravara, 5l. 43,58, 59, 74, 96, 97. Agrahari, caste, 2 64. Apastamba-Smriti, 141. Agrasena, 224. !pnavana, pravara, 49. Agri, caste, 258. Apri verses, 61, 62, 63, 64, Aheria, caste, 247. 68, 69, 71. Ahima, gotra, 226. Arakh, tribe, 248. Ahir, caste, 264. Arati, (plantain-tree), sf'pt, Aitareya BrahmaiJa, ll, 12, 233. 32, 46, 52, 62, 67, 95, 162, Ariya, sept, 242. 164. 4rtny, sept, 232,239. Aiyarakulu, caste, 230. Arsheya, 41, 43, 50, 53·58,. Aja, gotra, 39. 73, 75, 90, 96. Aja, pravara, 49. As ahaya, 132. Ajudhyabasi, sept, 264. Ashtaka, pravara, 51. Aroata, sept, 262. .A.Sura form ofmarriage,111, Amba (Mango), sept, 245. 124, 142,200,201, 202,205. Arobarlsha, pravara, 66. Asvalayana Grihya Siitra, Ananda, 21. 113, 114, 117, ll8, 119, Anantadeva, 152, 153, 211. 219. Ananta BhaU.a, 144, 153, Asvalayana Srauta Sutra, 212. 25, 33, 54,57, 62, 69, 113, A.ngiras, GaQa, 24, 33, 49, 136. 62, 63, 70, 7 I. ASvins, 9, 13. Ailgiras, ~hi, 30,31, 32, 49. Atharva Veda, 56. 51, 52, 6!. Atre, surname, 37. 205

~treya, 73. Bedar (Boya), caste, 231. Atreyiil,1, 72. Bee, sept, 240. Atri, Gar.1a, 24, 29, 49, 62. Belli, (silver), sept,230, 242. Atri, l;{ishi, 24, 28, 29, 31,64. Bestha, caste, 232. Avebury, Lord, 164, 165. Bhag, Bhago (tiger), sept, 235, 239, 241, 245, 246, B. 247. Bf1bhan, caste, 264. Bhaggava, gotra, 93. Badaga, caste, 230. Bhalandana, pravara, 26,91, Ba.gdi, caste, 231. 96. Baholiya. caste, 248. Bhandari, caste, 232, 278. Bahna, caste, 248. Bhangi, caste, 265. Baidya, caste, 224. Bhaniha, sept, 262. Buiga, tribe, 27 5. Bharadvaja, Gai)a, 24, 51, Bf1lakrida, 132. 153, 154, 226. Ba!ambhalta, 198. Bharadvaja, ~ishi, 24, 30, Balli (lizard), sept. 231. 31, 64, 70. Bano (sun), sept, 239, 240, Bharadvaja, surname, 38. 241. Bharata, pravara, 73, 74. Banerjee, Gurudas, 218. Bhargava, 72, 73, 266. Buniya, ca,;te, 225. Bhii.rga v;J;l, 72. Bant, caste, 231. Bhariya, tribe, 249. Barga h, caste, 248. Bharmya.Sva, pravara, 69. Barhi, caste, 248. Bhat, caste, 225, 25~. · Bf1ri, caste, 265. Bhatiya, caste, 225. Barui, caste, 248. Bhavasar, caste, 249. Baudhayana Dharma Sii.tra Bhil, tribe, 232. 81, 102, 104, ll5, 116, Bhoi, caste, 232, 233. ll7, 119, 146, 147, 151, Bhondari, caste, 233. 15~ 159, 181, 18~ 19& Bhoyar, tribe,26l. Bnudhiiyana Grihya Sutra, Bhringi, sept, 227. 186. Bhrieu, last compiler of Buudhayana .Maha pravara­ l\Ianu-Smriti, 105, ll7, dhyflya, 31, 34, 39, 60, 69, 179. 74, 97, 101, 103, 106, 107, Bh riguaf1giras, GaQa,33, 63. 108, 115, 120, 122, 123, Bhrigu, GaQa, 24, 33,49, 62, 124, 134, 139, 140, 153, 63, 70, 71. 177, 178, 186, I 88. Bhrigu, l.{ishi, 24, 26, 27, 30, Bauri, caste, 2-1.9. 31. 32, 64. ll:i vuri, caste, 231. Bhulnhar Brahmins, 38,266. 296

Bida, gotra, 52. Buffalo, sept, 239, 240, 246. Bida, pravara, 49. Buhler, G., 104, 180, 185. Billava, caste, 233. Burud, caste, 266. Bilkharia, sept, 265. Butter, sept, 234. Binjhwar, tribe, 249. Bird, sept, 234. c. Boat, sept, 234. Cart, sept, 234, 239, 242. Bola (bangle), sept, 242. Cow, sept, 236, 239, 240, Bopadeva, 208. 242. Bottada, caste, 233. Chakama, tribe, 262. BrahmapurlU)a, 9, 15, 152, Chamiir, caste, 250, 259. 208. ChaQgala, llO, 124, 129, Brahma form of marriage, 132, 133, 138, 139, 141, 142, 145, 202, 215. 142, 146, 147, 149, 151, Brahma Kshatri, caste, 2:25, 154, 157, 158, 159, 160, Brahmin, I, 22, 24, 33, 39, 192, etc. 40, 63, 64, 67' 74, 83, 86, ChruyJali, 138, 139, 147, 87, 88, 91, 94, 95, 96, 98, 183. 101, 107, 108, 109, llO, Chandratreya, gotra, 37. 111, 121,122,123,124, 125, ChandrayaQa penance, see 137, 138, 148, 149, 154, . Lunar penance. 161, 171, 210, 221, 289, Charcoal, sept, 232. 290, etc. Chasa, caste, 233. . BrahmaQa works, 17, 21, 46, Chata (umbrella), sept, 245. 57, 63, 70, 92, 96, 100, Chatriya, sept, ~ 62. . 104, 108, 121, 155, 178, Chaturvarga-Chintama(n, 179, 220 etc. 142, 201. Bread, ~pt, 232. . Chaturvi.m§atimata, 193, Brihad AraQyaka Upam­ . 207, 208, 215. shad, 66, 89. Chauria (rat), sept, 245, 246 Brihaduktha, pravara, 51. Chenchu, tribe, 233. Brihad-Yama, 138,141, 147, Chentsalrao, P., 23, 26, 43. 157, 159, 199. Chero, tribe, 233, 234. Brihan-Manu, 205. Chhandoga, gotra, 36. Bfihaspati, 52. Chh;mdogya Upanishad, 34. Brihaspati Smriti, 15, 104, Chiknya, sept, 262. 156. Chitpavan Brahmins, 217. Budh, sept, 245. Buddhistic works, 11, 92, Choitdhari, sept, 262. 93, 94. Christians, 285, 287. ::;!)7

Col>ra, l!Ppt, 240, 241, 2.t7. Dhuniya, caste, 235. omh, ~<'pt, 239. Dhuri, caste, 251. Cot, s<•pt, 24G. Divodasa, pravara, 49. Crooke, \V., 224, 229. DivodHsiya, 148. Dom, ca~1:e, 250, 251. o. Donhy, sept, 2~2. Dosiich, cnste, 267. lhnrlasi, caste, 23·1. DravirJa, Dravidian, 1, 170, ] >:mgi, tribe, 2GG. 171, 214, 223, 278, 279, Darji, caste, 2.:;9. 281, 282,283 etc. lla~aratha J ftt aka, 11. Drir.lhachyuta, 70. J);1~put, SPfJt, 26:;). Drum, sept, 232. llaitak•t !ltimftliwa, 76,77. Dry field, sept, 239. l>a1tP, HllrtHIIUC, 36. DuLla, tri1e, 251. ]lt·~lnnukh, s('pt, 2G2. Dumb, SPpt, 236. lJevak, 23:?, 9H, 217, 261 Dumiil, caste, 239. ch-. Durkheim, Professor, 168. llevaki, 20. Durv;isas, 31. lle\ ala, !WI. Dutt, R C., 12. llc\'all;t llha ita, 139, 140, Dvii pilra age, 105. 1-tl, !4.:;, 150, 199, 200, Dvigotra, 76. 20I, 2U2, 203, 207, 215, 216. E. llt'\·ang;t, <·a~i(\ 2.)fl. llPVtlnga, en:-,it:to, 234. Ear, s('pt, 236. , J)pvftr, cu~1t\ 23-!~ Eggclin~. I'rofessor, 53. ])p,-ar•Hn, prayanl, 5L EkHnalil;.1, 20. Dt•vutamsa, pranm1, 49. Ekoji, 99. lllwnalijaya, pnn ara, 49. Elephant, sept, 238, 239, l>hatl~:,r, t'aste, 2jtJ, 2-tO, 242, 246. llkmuk , t•a,if', 2>0, 266. Ehdogamy, 2, 4, 284. llh. llharkt·l'intlhu, 154, l.i!l, Fiek, Dr. R., 3!J, 40, 69, :?12. :?l!l. 72, 93, 9-l. lllll'.!a, nt,;tP, 2.:;0. Fire,st•pt, 232, 236, 2.12. Jlhin:.ar, t'.:.H.. t'-"'· ~3.1. Fort, SPpt-, 232. llhipp<>. ~t>pt, :?:13. Fox, S<'pt. 2.16. Hholti, castt~. 2 ..i0, :!li7. };~r.. Jg, ~wpt, 242. Dlwr, l'U~i,•, :?3:>. Frazer, ::'oir James, I 66, I 67. 298

G. Gond, tribe, 236, 237. Gotra, 2, 8, 22. Yaidp "s Gadba, caste, 235. vie\\·s of, 23, 24, 25; drffe­ Gadariya, caste 235. rent interpretations of, 34; Gadhe, sept, 260. identity with surname,34- Gandhara, gotra, 35. 39 ; Spiritual60, 61 ;G~tra GandharayaQa, gotra, 36. in relation to . adopt1~m, Gandharva marriage, 9, 12!, 76 ~17 78 88 · m relatiOn ' ' ' ' . 153, 200, etc. to impurities,_ 79, ~0 ; m Gandhila, tribe, 251. relation to mhentance, Gangi, gotra, 35. 81, 82, 83, 84 ; compared Garden, sept, 232. with gens organization,86, Gardhabha, gotra, 36. 87, 88. Gardhabhimukha, gotra, 36. Gowari, caste, 237, 238, Garland, sept, 238. Grain, sept, 234, 239. Garga, Garge, surname, 38. Grape, sept, 240. Gaura, gotra, 36. . Greeks, different tribes of. Gautama Dharma Sutra, 81, 3 ; gens endogamy_ o~ .. 4; 102, 104, 108, 115, 116, surnames of, 38 ; ImtJa­ 117, ll8, 119, 123, 124, tion of, 78, 79 ; laws of 125, 156, 177, 182, 184, inheritance, 83; unequal 186, 188, 189, 191, 194, marriages, 219. 195, 198, 199, 200, 207, Grihya Sutras, 19, ll7. 208, 213, etc. Gritsamada, 70. Gautama, GaQa, 2!. Gudala, caste, 238. Gautama, ~ishi, 2!, 30, 31. Giijar, caste, 268. Ga yaka, gotra, 36. Gujarati Brahmins, 149. Geldner, 34. Gundam (pit), sept, 233. Gens organization, 84, 85, Gurav, caste, 260. 86, 87, 88. Gurram, (horse), sept, 233. Gbasiva. tribe, 236. Ghule: K! is!wasastrf, 23, 53. H. Gidh (vulture), sept, 245, Hadd~ caste, 238. 246, 247. Hajam, caste, 252. Goalft, caste, 267, 268. Halba, caste, 260. Gobhila Grihya Sutra, ll7. Ha!dyo, surname, 37. Godayana, gotra, 35. Halwai, caste, 252, 268. Godveshi, gotra, 36. Hanuman worship, 40. Gohatya, sept, 262. Hare, sept, 238. Golla, caste, 236. Hari, caste, 252. 299

Ilaradatta, 82, 187, 206. Jaiu works, 1)2,93, 94. Jl ariHYamin, 19. Jamadagni, Ga~1a, 24, 148, Harita, gotra, 66, 68. 150, 159. 11 ariva~n"a, 20, 21. Jamadagni, 1:-ishi, 24, 30, 31, llcurn, 12. 54. Hemad ri, 9, I 0, 142, 143, Janagha, gotra, 226. 151,158,201,208,211. Janardana, gotra, 226. llem!wan·hus, pravam, 49. Jasmine, sept, 239,242, 246. Hemodaku, pravara, 49. Jiit, caste, 268, 269. Hindu race, {'omponentsof,L Jiittlka.r~lya, 2ll, 216. Hirm.>yal•e::in G rihya Siitra, Jayasimha Bhonsle, 99. ll7. Jimhasimya, gotra, 36. J [o. tribe, 238. Jimi1taviihana, 177. Iloleya, caste, 2 38. Jiianesvara, 158. Honey, sept, 238. Jolly, J., 18, 105, 127, 128. Ilorsc, sept, 236, 240. J nang, tribe, 239. Hut, st•pt, 232. J vari, gotra, 36. liuth, Alfred, 286. K I. Kachhi, tribe, 21;2. Id!Jmuvaha, 70. Kadar, tribe, 262. lla, pranHa, 26, 96, 97. Kadu, S('pt, 260. Im purities, see gotra. Kuhar, tribe, 252. Indo-Aryan, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, Kakshivat, 67. !l, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Kali age, 9, 105, 129,130, 152 .. . 22, 21i. 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, Kalikapur:II)a, 77, 78. uo, 76. 78, 87, 100, 109, Kalinji, caste, 239. 11-l. 119, 120, 121, 123, KalivarJ\·a 9 15 145 152 12.3, 12U, 155, 161, 166, .. ' ' ' ,. . Kallan, tribe, 269. 167. 178, 220, 288. Kalwiir, caste, 269. Inbreeding, 2!!5·287. Kamasha, gotra, 228. Imlm, hymn-composer, 46. K:uuakalanidhi, 99. lndrii~•i, hymn-t•ompot, !'('(' gotra. 150, 206,2ll, 212,217. Initiation, 76, 77, 78, 107. Kamiir, tribe, 239. J. K:imi, gntra, 36. Jiihala, Satyakiima, 34. Kanm1a, l'aste, 239. Jaeknl. st•pt, 236. Kammalan, caste,226. Jadhi l'elengn, caste, 238, Klllilsa, 20. 239. K1il)a (crow), st>pt, 2 45. 300

Ka~tiikshi, gotra, 36. Kaushitaki Briihma{•a, 96. Kan~uj:ya, sept, 265. Kaw\ika, gotra, 99. Kanjar, tribes, 263. · Kam;ika, surname, 38. Kanikar, tribe, 270. Kautiiiya, 3·!. Kantode, sept, 260. Kavasha, 67. Ka~wa, gotra, 35, 61, 66, 68. Kawar, tribe, 240. Ka~JVa, gotra, 35. Kayastba, caste, 270, 278. Kal)viil;, 61. Kayastha Prabhu, 226. Kal)viiyana, gotra, 35. Keith. A. B., 18. Kar)Vi, gvtra, 35. Kevala Artgiras, 61, 66. 68 Kapali, caste, 253. 69, 70, 103, 122, 290. Kapardisvamin, 43, 44, 53. Kevala Bhrigu, 61, 6G, 68, 69, Kapi, gotra, 39. 70, 10!, 122, 290. Kapimukha, gotra, 36. Kewat, caste, 253. Kftpu (Reddi), caste, 239. Khi\Q•Java, gotra, 35. Ka pusavara, tribe, 270. Khandekar, surname, 37. Karan, caste, 226. Khangar, tribe, 253. Kare~mpitla, prayara, 49. Khariv11, tribe, 2.i0. I\.an\" • a, sep·t ., <)N).... v-. Khatik caste, 253. Kasai (butcher), sepb, 262. Khatri, caste, 226, 27 L. Kashib-gotra, 269. Khond, tribe, 271. Kasinirtha, 154, 219.. Khyiin, cast<", 226. Kasyapa, Gar,1a, 24, 33, 39,62, Klra (parrot), sept, 235. 71, 101, 115, 12Z, 149, 150, Kirar, caste, 271. 153, 154, 156, 159,226,227, Kisan, caste, 25!. 226. Knife, sept, 23.J,. Ka~yapa, l~ishi, 24,27, 30, ·31, Kochh, trilw, 25!. 49. Kohli, caste, 27l. Kasyapa, gotra, 205. Kolbe (jackal}, sept, 260. Kathli, caste, 272. Kathaka Grihya Sutra, 117. Kolta, caste, 272. Kajhaka, pmvam, 49. Komat.i, caste, 240. Kiityf

Krathaka, pravara, 49. Light, sept, 232. 1Cratu, 31, 70, 71. Likhita, Smriti, 105. lCrichchhra penance, 102, II4, Limbu, tribe, 263. ll5,116, ll7,139, 146,147, Linga yat, caste, 227. 151, 153, 154, 156. Locust, sept, 232, 242. lCrishQa, gotra, 36. Lodha, caste, 255. lCrislu;la, Vasudeva, 20, 21. Lohiir, caste, 255. Krislu;lavakakkar, caste, 260. Lohita, gotra, 51. lCrita-yuga, 105. Lunar penance, 101, 115, 134, Kshatriya, gotras and prava­ 135, 137, 138 ,139, 140, ras of, 26, 27, 90-99. Pra­ 141, 14£, 146, 149, 151, vara His his of, 66, 67, 153, 181, 182, 195, etc. 68. Rides of exogamy M for, 107, lOS, 109, 120, 121, 122, 123, i24, 125, Macdonell, A. A., 18, 45. 133, 136, 205, etc. Subordi­ Madana-Parijiita, 147, 203, nation to Brahmins, 94-97 216. 221, 222. Miidhava, 129, 140, 144, 145, Kudubi, caste, 276. 146, 147, 150, 176, 177, Kumarila, 20. 178,202,205,207,215,216. Kumiirila's Knrikiis, II3. Madhava (marriage),sept,230. Kumbhakiira Jataka, 93. Madhupa, gotra, 36. Kumbhiir, caste, 241. Ma.dhyandina Brahmins, 145, K unbi, caste, 260. 150,152, 153, 155,210,217, Kunchband, sept, 263. 277. Ku~14ina, gotra, 51. Madiga, caste, 242. Kuz.l9ina, pravara, 49, 51. Magha, 21. Kurmi, caste, 242. l\laghwiir, tribe, 243. Kuruba, caste, 242. lllahiibharata, 24, 28, 33, 34, Kurumo, caste, 276. 71,104. Kusbandh, sept, 263. Mahar, caste, 243. Kusika, gotra, 51. lllahiiriishtra, 36, 41, 152,212. Kusika, pnvara, 51. 1\lahodara, gotra, 36. Kutsa, pravara, 66. 1\liihuli, sept, 264. l\lftl, caste, 243, 263. l Mali, caste, 227, 273. Lnghu &<..·aliiynna Smriti, 1\lallah, tribe, 255. 113. .Malya, gotra., 35. Lumbihli, tribe, 227. M~t.nava Dharma Sobi:ra, (see Lepi-·ha, tribe, 254. Manu-smriti) 302

Manava Grihya Sutra, 117. Matsya-puriil)a, 70, 176, 198, , pravara, 66. 205. Mandlik, V. N. 208, 209. Mauna, gotra, 36. Mang, caste, 244. McLennan, 161, 163. Mangar, tribe, 263. Medhiitithi, 52, 107, 108, 109, l\fankila, pravara; 96. ll2, 125, 129, 133, 134,137, Mannewar, tribe, 276. 157,177,183,195,215. l\bntrakrit (hymn-oomposer), Mekala (goat), sept, 233. 43, 44, 49, 97. Menarikam, 230, 238, 240, Manu, pravara, 26, 73, 74, 75, 245, 270, 279, etc. 96, 97. Meshapa, gotra, 36. Manu-Smr:iti, 16, 28, 81, 104, Mila, caste, 2 45. 105, 106, 107,108, 109, 110, Milk, sept, 238. Ill, 112,114, ll7, 118, 119, Mimamsakas, 59. 120, 125, 132, 133, 134,139, Ivlitakshara, 135, 137, 138, 145, 155, 156, 157, 177, 148, 197, 198, 199. 178,179,180,181,182,183, 1\Iitranlli,"ra, 144-, 150, 152, 189, 191, 194, 195,200,201, 211. 289, etc. l\IitravaruJ;la, pravara, 49, Maratha, caste, 244, 278. 51. Maraviin, tribe, 244, 245. l\Iitrayu, _Ga~ut, 66, 69. Mari, sept, 230. l\Iitrayuvan, pravara, 49. Maria Gond, tribe, 236. Mohammedans, 148, 149, Marichi, ~hi, 31, 32. 173, 277, 285, 287. Marichi, Smriti-writer, 207. Mohiro (peacock), sept, 233: Miirkatl<;\eya, Smriti-writer, Moon (sept), 210, 242: · 142, 199. i\Iorgan, Le,ds H. 3, 83, 84, l\iarkaJ;~<;\eya PuriiJ;la, 145,176. 85, S6, 88, 165. Marriage hymn, 12, 13. Mother's gotra, 134, 135, 137, Marriage,between Arjuna and . 141, 142, 145,148, 150, 152, Subhadra, 19, 20; between cognates, 14 ; between · 155, 223, 277, etc. cross-cousins, 21, 279 ; l\Iuchi, caste, 255. between grand-parents and Mudgala, gotra, 66, 69, 227. grand-children 287, of wi­ Mul)4a, tribe, 1, 84, 86, 170, dows, 281, 282. 245. Maskaribhiishya, 206. Mathara, pravara, 49. l\Iuria Gond, tribe, 237. Matburiya, sept, 265. l\furkam (Mango tree), sept, Matsya, gotra, 35, 39. 237, 303

Musahar, tribe, 255, 256. Non-Brahmins, exogamy of, Musk, sept, 239. 220-280. Miissad, caste, 227. Nundi, gotra, 227. Miiller, 42, 49, 70. N unia., caste, 245. Nunia, caste, 273. N. 0. Nag (cobra), sept, 235. Niigasira (cobra), sept, 233. Odde, caste, 246. Nugo (cobra), sept, 239. Odiya, caste, 246. N ai, caste, 256. Omanaito, caste, 246. Naktode, sept, 260. Oraon, tribe, 86, 246. NiimbUtiri Brahmins,227,228. Narada Dharma Siistra, see P. Narada-Smriti. Nararla-Smriti, 16, 127, 128, Piichaka, gotra, 36. 129, 132,138,156, 190, 191, Pachhiwaha, sept, 264. 195, 200, 206, 209, 214. Parlhan, sept, 262. N il.rii8amsa 62. Pahalwan, sept, 263. NurayaQa,Asvalayana's com- Pai\,hinasi, 103, 196, 198, mentator, 25, 52, 62. 205, 207' 208, 215. Nftrikella (coconut),sept, 231. Prtlamala, sept, 270. Niittukotai chetti, caste, 276. Palasa, sept, 230. Nuyako, sept, 264. Pan, caste, 246. Nayar, caste, 228, 280. Panchakalsi, caste, 228. N oloor Vlrar:lgha va, 99. Piifichiila, caste, 226. Nomili (peacock) sept, 231. Panchiila, gotra, 35. Nota, gotra, 36. Pa!)Q.u, 165. Netam (dog), sept, 237. Panka, tribe, 256. Next-of-kin marriage, 5, 6. Pal)ini, 25, 60. Nhiivi, caste, 245. Parahiya, tribe, 256. Nibandhas, 139, 140, 148, l'tc. Parameshthi, hymn-compo- Nidra, 20. ser, 46. Nilaka~Jtha, 77, 78. ParaS!tra, gotra, 266. N imak (salt), sept, 2 45. Parii8ara.-Madhava, 144, 253. Niroaya-Sindhu, 9, 10, 30, Par:l.:~ara-Smriti, 16, 105, 148. 150, 207, 208, 209, 119, 129, 139, 144, 145, 216, 217,219. 146 156, 191, 202, 214. Non-Aryllll, 121, 172, 173, Pa rii:illro, surname, 36. 17-l, 2'l1, 223. Paraskara G rihya Su tra, II 7 304

Parishad, 87. Puli (tiger), sept, 231. Parsi scriptures, 5, 6, 7. Purabiya, sept, 264. Pasi, tribe, 256. Pural)as, 66, 67, 9 I. Pathaka, surname, 38. PiirQamasa, 49. Pathlire Prabhu, caste, 228. Putrika., prava.ra, 49. Patra, caste, 264. Putrika, 142, 153, 203. Patro, sept, 264. Puriira.vas, pravara, 25, 96, Pattharkat, sept, 263. 97. Paulahas, 70, 71. Purushasiikta hvmn, 240. Paulastyas, 70, 71. Purushottama, l41. Peacock, sept, 2 32. Piirvatithi, pravara, 49. Phanswar, sept, 263. Piishan, 13. Pig, sept, 232. Pinga, gotra J.tishi, 37. R. Pmgala, gotra I;l-ishi, 37. Pinge, surname, 37. Rae, sept, 262. Pingle, surname, 37. Rae Gajaria, sept, 225. Pinjari, sept, 2 62. Rae Haria, sept, 225. Pipal, Devak, 232. Rae Tambol, sept, 225. Plantain, sept, 240. Raghu, pravara, 49. Plough, sept, 232. Raghunandana, 203, 204, Poroja, caste, 246, 24 7. 205, 206, 216. Pracharya, gotra, 36. Rahugal)a, pravara, 51. Pradumna, 21. Rahugal)a, gotra, 51. Prajapati, hymn-composer, Rajasevab, gotra, 36. 46. ·Rajaviide, V. K., 41-. Prajapati, 12, 32, 52. Rajput, caste, 228, 229-. Pr

l~igveda, 3, 8, 9, 110, 13, U, Samskiira-Kaustubha, 130, 15, lb, 31, 34, 44, 45, 46, 152, 153, 211, 219. 4 7' 48, 49, 54, 55, 56, 70, Sa!)r)ilya, gotra, 205. 73, 162, 196, 281' 282, SiiQqilya, pravara, 49. 284. .:"">ii~Jgilya, surnanw, 38 .• Hlliley, Sir llerbert, 2, 223, Saitkha, 105, 194. 224, 229, 277. Siiftkhyiiyana Sra uta Sii.tra, Rivers, W. H. It, 280, 281. 54, 57. Hock, sept, 246. &nkho (conchshell), sept, Hohil:ta, provara, 49. 239. Homans, gens endogamy of, ::laitkriti, gotra, 66. 4 ; surnames of, 38 ; Sai1kriti, pravara, 49. initiation of, 78, 79; Santa!, caste, 273. inheritance, 83 ; prohibited Sapil:1t}a, 2, 15, 21, 79, 81, 82, degrees, 220. 100, 101, 109, 120, 127, Hoth, 31. 128, 136, etc. Saptapadi, 145. s. Saptarshis (seven J.{ishis), 24, 25, 31, 61, 64, 65, 66, 73. Sad~urusishf:\, 70. Sarvanukramai;Ji, 29, 44, 45, Sagotra, 17, 82, 83, 111, 46, 47, 48, 70. 112, 126, 127, 128, 136, Satapatha Brahm~ta, 12, 18, 185, Marria~c, 102, 110, 19, 50, 53, 65, 74, 89, 112, 117, 122, 123, 124, 90, 180, 194, 197. 130, l 38, etc. Satatapa, 137, 140, 146, 193, &tim, sept, 264. 197. Saindhnve1, gotra, 3;;. :->atha," gotra, 36. , aiftga, pmv:tra, 49. Sat.hara, pravara, 49. ~ .... 1"'1U~IT1, pravara, 49. Satyashagha, 148, 150, 152. SakatayaHa, 205, 207. Schrader, 13. Sakulya, 81, 120, 177. Scorpion, sept, 242. &uuftna-pra \"Ilia, 82 83, 127, Sembadavan, caste, 229. 128, 136, 185. Senart, 3. S,uuiinftrsheya, see Samana­ Sept exogamy, 2, 7, 18, 21, pravJua. 100, 101, 126, 127, 129. etc. ShattrirMat-mata, 153, 193. S:u11:1lwdakabhava, 120, 180, Sheep, sept, 239. ltll. Sherring, 224. S:unbavii.ha, pruvaru, 49. Shib-gotra, 269. Saiilhitfts, 17, 105. Slhabahu, II. Sihasivali, 11. Sii.tra-writers, 26, 29, 42, 43, Simpi, caste, 261. 44, 50, 61' 64, 74, 75, 76, Sindhava, caste, 257. 92, 100, 101, 116, 118, 121, Sita, 11. 123, 184, 289, etc. Skanda, gotra, 227. Svayamvara, 9, 124. Slavs, 38. Smriti-chandrika, 139, 141, T. 147, 177, 199, 200. Smritis, 76, 110, 130, 13l,etc. Taga, tribe, 230. Smriti-writers, 61, 76, 100, Tailake5i, gotra, 36. 104, 112, 123, 126, 131. Taittiriya BrahmaQa, 63. Smrityarthasiira, 149. Taittiriya Samhita, 50,57, 90, Sonar, caste, 273. 104, 119, 155, 178. Somapeya, gotra, 36. Talmala, sept, 270. Somarajaka, pravara, 49. Tamarind, sept, 236. Somayaga, gotra, 36, Tambat, caste, 247, 278. Sparrow, sept, 242. Tambuli, caste, 261. Spencer, 163. TaQ<;Iins, 74, 75. Sraddha, 111, 208, 210, 211, Tai;~<;Iya BrahmaQa, 17, 30, 216. 72, 73. Srotriya Brahmins, 229. Tantravartika, 20, 21. Stone, sept, 236. TanukarQa, gotra, 36. Sudh, caste, 24 7. Tanii.napat, 62. Suddhiviveka, 177. Taonla, caste, 257. Sillapii.Qi, 177, 205. . Tapta-Krichchhra .penance, Sumaftgala, pravara, 49. . 153. Sumantu, 135, 146. Tarkshya, pravara, 69. · Sunabsepa,A 67, 70. . . Tarvad, 228. ::Sunaka, GaQa, 62, 66, 68, 69, Tatri, gotra, 228. Sundi, caste, 257. · Tekam (teak tree), st>pt, 237. Surajbansi, 229, 278. 'Teli, caste, 257, 258, 261. Surnames, in English society, Thakur, sept, 262. 39, 40 ; in Marathii com­ Thiiru, tribe, 274. munity, 41 ; of Kshatlriyas Thread ceremony, see Upa­ and VaiSyas, 98. nayana. Surya, 9. Thuppa (clarified butter), Sutiir, caste, 274. sept, 242, Sii.tradhara, caste, 257. Tiyar, caste, 258. Sii.tra-works, 63, 96, 101, Toda, tribe, 84, 86, 274, 275. 108, 156, etc. Tonsure ceremony, 76, 77. 307

'L'ortoiHe, ~ept, 230, 241, 246. Varul,la, hymn-composer, 48. 't'ota, (garden), sept, 233. Viisisht.ha, 73. Totemic divisions, 230-24 7. Vasishtha Dharma Sii.tra, 81, Totemism, 39, 40, 172, 173. 103, 104, 106, 112, 114, 'L'rasadasyu, hymn-composer, 134,177,181,183, 188, 198, 47, 66. 207, 214. 'l'rota age, 105. Vasishtha, GaJ)a, 24, 33, 49, Trikar.~<)ama~~<)ana, 151. 62, 71, 266. 'l'ulsi, sept, 240. Vasishthal;t, 61, 72. Vasish\ ha, l_{ishi, 24, 25, 27, u 28, 30, 31, 4 7' 64, 67. Vatsa, gotra, 205. Ubhendra, gotra, 226. V~tsapri, pravara, 26, 96. Uchatha, gotra, 51. Vayu Pura!)a, 31. Uchatha, pravara, 51. Vellanat, sept, 270. Udala, pravara, 49, 51. Vena, GM•a, 66, 68. Udvfthatatva, 203, 204, 205. V e8ya, gotra, 35. Ulf1ka, gotra, 36. Vidhiina-Piirijata, 144, 153, Upanayana, see initiation. 154, 159, 212. Vijiiane8vara, 135, 136, 137, v 138, 139, 140, 143, 144, 147,157,175, 177, 178, 186, Viichaspati, 177. 197, 198, 199, 215, 216. Vadhrya,4 , 9--a, 27, \'ihnadeva, provara, 51. ' 28, 30, 31, 46, 51, 64, 67. 3118

"\liSvarlipa, 132, 133, 189, y 193, 194, 197, 215. ViSve8vara, 147, 203, 204, Yajnavalkya Smriti, 9, 15, 205, 206. 16, 48, 126, 129, 133, V!tahavya, GaQa, 66, 68. 134, 135, 138, 139, U5, . Vivasvan, hymn-composer, 176, 188, 189, 190, 191, 48, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, Vrajapati, 86, 87. 200, 214. Vratya, 77. llO. Yajnavaha, gotra, 46. Vrisha, gotra, 227. Yajilika, gotra, 36. VrishaH, 138, 147, 182, 211. Yama, hymn-composer, 46. Vulture, sept, 230. Yama & Yamf, dialogue bet- Vyasa, 31. ween, 10, II, 169. Vyasa-Smriti, 141, 157. Yamaduta, gotra, 36. Vyavaharamayukha, 77. Yama Smriti, 141, 146, 151, 155 157. w z Westermarck, Dr. 162, 168. 169. Zimmer, Dr. 23, 33, 63.