New Mineral Names*
American Mineralogist, Volume 62, pages 1259-1262, 1977 NewMineral Names* MtcHe.rr-Flrlscsnn, Lours J. CesRrAND ADoLF Pe.ssr Franzinite* Six microprobe analyses gave (range and av.): AsrOu 44.96-45.68,45.36; CuO 16.84-20.22,18.81; ZnO 16.78-18.57, Stefano Merlino and Paolo Orlandi (1977)Franzinite, a new min- 17.90;CdO l3 58-14.93,14.08; CaO 0.41-l.ll' 0.80; PbO 0.14- eral phase from Pitigliano,ltaly. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Mon- 1.42,0.63: MnO 0.'79-1.27,1.07; sum 97 8l-99 54' 98.65 percent, atsh., 163-167. corresponding to (Cu,Zn,Cd).(AsOa), with Cu:Zn:Cd : 1.19: Microchemical analysis gave SiO, 32.44, Al2Os 25.21, Fe"O" Lll:0.55. The mineral is readily dissolvedby concentratedacids 0.04,MgO 0.14,CaO 12.08,Na,O 11.50,K,O 4.24,SOa 10.65, CO, X-ray study showsthe mineral to be monoclinic,space group 12' 154, Cl 036,H,O 1.88,sum 100.08- (O:Cl,) 0.08 : 100.00 Im. or 12/m, a ll.65, b 12.68,c 6.87(all + 0.01A)' B 98 95 + 0.05'' percent. "SiO, and AlrO, were determined by X-ray fluorescence, Z = 6, G calc 4.95 The strongest X-ray lines (46 given) are 6.41 (vvs) account being taken of the proper correction factor for S and Cl (MS) (020, l0T), 3.29 (vSXll2), 2.876 (vSX400), 2.79s and assuming that the weight percentages sum up to 100 0." (222, 321, 240), 1.644(MS).
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