Classical Art Images

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THESE QUESTIONS CORRESPOND WITH THE SLIDES AT THE FRONT OF THE ROOM AND THE IMAGES ATTACHED TO THIS TEST. THE SLIDES WILL BE SHOWN TWICE. 1. What famous mythological couple does Bernini depict here? A. Apollo & Delphi B. Apollo & Daphne C. Apollo & Deinira D. Apollo & Deiphobe

2. What kind of ring is this? A. Signet ring B. Singet Ring C. Signat Ring D. Signant Ring

3. This small lamp is from what culture? A. Etruscan B. Greek C. Egyptian D. Roman

4. What is the name for this Greek pouring container? A. Aros B. Hydria C. Askos D. Amphora

5. Surrounding the oculus of the Pantheon are squares called “coffers.” What is their purpose? A. Decoration B. To achieve symmetry C. Alleviate weight D. To copy the

6. This stele belongs to the cult of whom, which was contemporary with Christianity? A. Helios B. Vesta C. The Emperor D. Mithras

7. This famous bronze figure belongs to what period of Greek Art? A. Orientalizing B. Classical C. Geometric D. Archaic

8. What is the term for this specific kind of column capital? A. Doric B. Cavetto C. Corinthian D. Egyptian

9. What was the purpose of this Greek piece of pottery? A. Decoration B. Containing grain C. Serving liquids D. Musical instrument

10. You may recognize the strigil in this picture. What is the term for the small oil flask behind it? A. Amphora B. Askos C. Aryballos D. Rhyton

11. The famous Classical statue, Laocoön and his Sons, inspired Michelangelo later in life. Where does the statue now reside? A. The British Museum of Art B. The National Museum in C. The Vatican Museums D. The National Museum in Naples

12. This painting depicts what famous mythological event? A. The judgment of Paris B. The fall of C. The flight of Icarus D. The seven against Thebes

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13. These two Roman busts are part of what art movement in Rome? A. Classicism B. Naturalism C. Idealism D. Verism

14. This detail is of a lion skin traditionally worn by what mythological hero? A. Theseus B. Heracles C. Jason D. Aeneas

15. This Archaic style Greek figure is just one part of a larger piece. What is the term for that larger piece? A. A frieze B. A pediment C. A bigger statue D. A funerary altar

16. Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus features many figures from mythology. Who is the character flying in on the left side? A. Boreas B. Aeolus C. Zephyr D. Cupid

17. In ancient times, this statue could be found in what structure? A. The Great Temple at Olympia B. The Parthenon C. The Pantheon D. The Circus Maximus

18. To whom is this Triumphal arch dedicated? A. Septimius Severus B. Caracalla C. Julius Caesar D. Titus

19. This Neo-Classical painting depicts what famous Trojan at the end of the ? A. Aeneas B. Hector C. Paris D. Priam

20. These Roman frescos are from the Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii. What style of Roman wall painting is this? A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth

21. Who is this handsome youth, often associated with the Emperor Hadrian? A. Antiochus B. Antinous C. Antenor D. Antiope

22. The famous Apollo Belvedere pictured here shows the god Apollo doing what? A. Healing B. Playing the Lyre C. Chasing after a maiden D. Archery

23. This famous statue is made up of pieces from different eras of art history. What art period are the famous twins from? A. Roman B. Renaissance C. Baroque D. Mannerism

24. This bust belongs to what period of Greek art? A. Hellenistic B. Orientalizing C. Archaic D. Classical

25. This emperor was made famous with this colossus and his “all seeing eyes.” Who is he? A. Hadrian B. Marcus Aurelius C. Nero D. Constantine

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26. What was the purpose of the Dypylon Krater? A. Container for grain B. Container for wine C. Grave marker D. Container for leftovers

27. What is the name given to the small colored stones in mosaics? A. Lapides B. Tesserae C. Terrae D. They have no name

28. This statue of the creature Chimera was made by what culture? A. Roman B. Greek C. Etruscan D. Egyptian

29. From what period of art does The Rape of the Sabine Women come? A. Roman B. Classical Greek C. Baroque D. Mannerism

30. This little faun statue, known as The Dancing Faun, is from an impluvium in what Ancient Roman city? A. Rome B. Pompeii C. Cumae D. Ostia

31. This mosaic shows an eagle carrying off what Trojan youth? A. Paris B. Ganymede C. Teucer D. Aeneas

32. From which period of art does this mosaic come? A. Roman B. Byzantine C. Greek D. Etruscan

33. This high-fashion bust is commonly known by what name? A. The Roman Woman B. The Julian Woman C. The Curly Woman D. The Flavian Woman

34. What famous Latin motto accompanied this mosaic in Pompeii? A. Salvē B. Cave Canem C. Caveat Emptor D. Dextra Pede!

35. What is this posture, common in post-Archaic statues, called? A. Realism B. Verism C. Contrapposto D. Chiaroscuro


36. Who is said to have found Rome a city of brick and changed it into a city of marble? A. Julius Caesar B. Romulus C. Augustus D. Hadrian

37. What common Egyptian structure became extremely popular in the city of Rome? A. Sphinxes B. Huge temples C. Obelisks D. Hidden tombs

38. What structure, built by Nero, used to be next to the Colosseum and gave it its name? A. Lapis Niger B. Colossus of Constantine C. Colossus of Nero D. Meta Sudans

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39. In antiquity it was used for sporting events, and in 2006, the World Cup championship team processed through it with their trophy. What structure used for chariot racing is this? A. Colosseum B. Circus Maximus C. The Forum D. The Baths of Caracalla

40. Which of these was not created under the direction of Augustus? A. Ara Pacis B. Pantheon C. Temple of Caesar D. Temple of Venus Genetrix

41. Which statue of Apollo comes from the Etruscan tradition? A. Apollo of Veii B. Belvedere Apollo C. Apollo and Daphne D. Apollo Sauroctone

42. Whose sanctuary at Praeneste exemplifies the most impressive use of concrete during the Republic? A. Apollo Medicus B. Proserpina C. Fortuna Primigenia D. Aeneas

43. How many obelisks are in the city of Rome? A. 0 B. 5 C. 9 D. 14

44. On what kind of object can possibly the oldest Latin inscription, Manios me fhefhaked Numasioi, be found? A. an amphora B.a temple C. a fibula D. a krater

45. What is the name of the archaeologist who excavated what he thought was ancient Troy and first rediscovered the city? A. Howard Carter B. C. John Lloyd Stephens D. Louis Leakey

46. Which was NOT a wonder of the ancient world? A. Pyramid of Giza B. Colossus of Rhodes C. Parthenon D. Temple of Artemis

47. What is a stele? A. mosaic irregularity B. type of column C. gravemarker D. column base

48. Greek statues were primarily made out of what material? A. Marble B. Bronze C. Terra Cotta D. Dried Mud

49. Why do we think the Dying Trumpeter statue depicts a man from Gaul? A. The inscription B. His armor C. His torque D. His buccina

50. Where was the Sundial of Augustus located? A. It didn’t exist B. Campus Martius C. Ostia D. On the Janiculum

51. Where could you find a picture of the Cumaean Sibyl? A. Cumae B. The Sistine Chapel C. Ara Pacis D. The Capitoline Museum

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52. What does a janiform figure look like? A. surrounded by a chain B. hung from a tree C. two-faced D. with an olive branch

53. Which of the following was NOT a famous sculptor? A. Phidias B. Praxiteles C. Polykleitos D. Praemenedes

54. With what people are “beehive tombs” associated? A. Etruscans B. Minoans C. Mycenaeans D. Carthaginians

55. Under which emperor was the Pantheon reconstructed to look as it does now? A. Augustus B. Marcus Aurelius C. Hadrian D. Constantine

56. The Death of is made out of what material? A. Silver B. Clay C. Bronze D. Gold

57. Where was the famous Palace of Knossos located? A. Rhodes B. Crete C. Sparta D. Athens

58. The Colossus of Rhodes depicts which deity? A. Zeus B. Helios C. Hermes D. Poseidon

59. Who is depicted fighting centaurs in the metopes from the Parthenon? A. Lapiths B. Heracles C. Amazons D. Athenians

60. What famous relieving triangle can be found on Crete and is from the Mycenaean period? A. The Mycenaean Triangle B. The Lions’ Gate C. Triangle of Agamemnon D. The Original Gate

61. What structure in Rome housed the remains of Augustus? A. The Temple of Caesar B. The Mausoleum of Augustus C. The Theatre of Pompey D. The Ara Pacis

62.Which is NOT depicted in sculpture on the Ara Pacis? A. Mother Earth in times of peace and plenty B. Romulus and Remus C. The Julian family D. Aeneas killing Turnus

63. What was the name of Nero’s palace? A. Villa Iovis B. Domus Augustana C. Domus Aurea D. Caesarea

64. To what three gods were the “Big Three” temples on the Capitoline hill dedicated? A. Juno, Venus, and Minerva B. Jupiter, Jove, and Opitulus C. Juno, Jupiter, and Minerva D. Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto

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65. Where did Hadrian build a huge rural palace? A. Piazza Armenia B. Tarentum C. Tusculum D. Near Tibur

66. Typically the architect leaves his name on a building in Rome. Whose name appears on the front of the Pantheon? A. Hadrian’s B. Augustus’ C. Agrippa’s D. Tiberius’

67. Ancient Greek temples almost always faced which direction? A. North B. South C. East D. West

68. What was the highest point of a Greek city called that usually housed the most important temples? A. Necropolis B. Montopolis C. Acropolis D. Neopolis

69. What is the name of the jewelry worn by Roman children that supposedly warded off the evil eye? A. Torque B. Bulla C. Fibula D. Aurea

70. Where was the ancient temple that housed a gigantic statue of Zeus? A. Rome B. Delphi C. Olympia D. Thebes


96. What was the name of the statue of Athena at Troy? A. Pergamum B. Palladium C. Partheneid D. Poliatide

97. What term do we use for the interior walls of a temple? A. pronaos B. in antis C. intus D. cella

98. How did the depictions of Augustus break from the previous Roman tradition of statuary? A. He was shown as old B. He was painted C. He was shown as young D. He was shown as military leader

99. What is unique about the Arch of Constantine? A. Most of it was recycled B. It has three arches C. It is outside Rome D. It is an exact copy of the Arch of Titus

100. The Bull Leaping fresco was found on what island? A. Crete B. Samos C. Rhodes D. Mykonos

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