The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 85 oonnlliinnee mmaaggaazziinnee September 30, 2014 Malta unites for Independence Day

Above: art of the spectacular fire - works display at the Grand Harbour

ABOVE: The unveiling of the commemo - rative plaque at the upper Barrakka in Valletta by Prince William (right) and Malta’s Prime Minster Dr Joseph Muscat. Looking on is the PM’s wife, Michelle. Left: President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca accompanying Prince William at the San Anton Palace gardens. More pictures of the celebrations com - memorating the 50th Anniversary of In - dependence - pages 2 and 3 . The speeches by Malta’s leaders for the occasion - page 2 . Prime MInister addresses 69th Session of the UN General Assembly - page 12 2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014

Okka Ωjoni unika: Il-Presi - dent Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca flimkien mal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat T(lemin) su Sipmon Biuskuttil ka s-sej˙a g˙all-g˙aqda -A˙˙ar jiem f’Malta raw çelebraz - g˙addewhom lejlet il-festa prorprja, tal- poplu, biex dan ikun waqt ta’ riflessjoni u zjonijiet u spettaklu li ftit jekk qatt g˙aqda. Kemm il-President Marie Louise ˙alfa ta’ impenn, ˙alli l-legat li ˙allewlna Lrajna b˙alhom bil-gvern ifakkar il- Coleiro Preca, il-Prim Ministru u Mexxej missierijietna, ji©i m©edded u sostnut. 50 Sena ta’ Malta Indipendenti u jag˙ti tal-Partit Laburista Joseph Muscat, u l- Hija mbag˙ad g˙addiet il-messa©© g˙all- prova dwar kemm jg˙o ΩΩ dan il-jum tal- Kap tal-Oppo Ωizzjoni u Mexxej tal-Partit g˙aqda billi qalet: 21 ta’ Settembru li fih, 50 sena ilu Malta Nazzjonalista, Simon Busuttil sa˙qu dwar kisbet l-Indipendenza u wittiet it-triq g˙al il-˙tie©a li l-Maltin jing˙aqdu. g˙add ta’ kisbiet o˙ra li minkejja ç-çokon ta’ pajji Ωna, po©©ewna fost l-aqwa fl- “Illum id-destin qed ise - Ewropa. jjaF˙l- aliplnpae llb iiemxa bn˙qaall tta’g ˙qhaab,i lMnaa rni˙eo-Lbobu islie l Din is-sena kien l-ewwel darba li l-©ens pCaojljei Ωirnoa Pur elcial q©aelnestn lai .M Qaeltda iqseedj˙ iislsneaj ˙bilineax Malta kollu, hu ta’ liema kulur hu, fakkar nbinexg˙ naiqndteub, ˙inu˙ lai rrsruid lue jni lb-qisgto˙ruj as obdiei xf itlg-v˙al - dan il-©rajja storika flimkien. Il-gvern Il-President qalet li ˙assitha kburija li f’din luirmi ntaa gu˙ nnaag, ˙˙rfaull lii fxleijmn kmiean j,i ©fr’ia brm’x oejnni.j”a u wera tassew maturita’ biex ta l-e Ωempju u l-ok“kIa Ωrjroindi utk unng h˙i lo -KΩΩ aup htaal- Ibst˙ata Ml akltui, llli serenità, inkomplu ning˙aqdu g˙all-©id po©©a fuq quddiem l-g˙aqda tal-poplu. tag˙˙tio l©qiea˙ oli˙l rMaa fltial- ku altililn-Ma asltionr iuk al- tag˙na u l-familji tag˙na. Kienet idea li rnexxiet g˙ax il-Maltin bi G˙awdxin. Sa˙qet li kien jum ta’ kom - Hija temmet id-diskors tag˙˙a billi ten - ˙garhom taw it-twe©iba tag˙hom fil-mod memorazzjoni muil l-itsa’b a˙çe Mlebaralztizjjaon.”i, niet il-kliem tal-eks Prim Ministru Ìor© kif ing˙aqdu ˙alli juru li a˙na tassew ©ens Bor© Olivier, li sej˙itlu wie˙ed u a˙na Maltin. , li, qalet, g˙adu u B˙ala mistieden ewlieni g˙all-okka Ωjoni jibqa’ relevanti sal-lum: u li flimkien ma’ mistiedna distinti seg - wew l-ispettakklu mill-Barrakk ta’ Fuq, “g˙aliex l-Indipendenza ta’ pajji Ωna, “l-arkitett ta’ kien hemm id-Duka ta’ Cambridge u t- kiHenijeat Ω iel-dkeut ltmg˙inidu lit al-’I ngd˙ipaedndd etnaz’ aa, vskvaetntai -t Malta Indipendenti” tieni fil-lista ta’ eredi ghat-Tron Ingliz, il- mpreonçteis so ˙gr˙aa ls tgo˙riaçdid q atab’i lkhias,b ifetj ni milp-Morataltnitn i Princep William li ˙a post martu Kate li sut ol-rGiç˙i aow˙rdax gin˙,a il©l-©pioepldluu Mg˙aaltdi -ud rGit˙tiajwiedt xsioç - “L-Indipendenza tfisser li rridu na˙dmu, qed tistenna t-tieni tarbija, u li t-tobba jaIlil,- Pekreosniodmeniçt iq ua lpeot liltii çbi˙ talg ˙f’hkoamti.n”a li s- forsi aktar u aktar bil-qalb, g˙aliex irridu issu©©erewlha li jkun a˙jar g˙al sa˙˙itha sa˙˙a tag˙ha tiksibha g˙aliex i ΩΩ omm nag˙tu prova lid-dinja, illi l-Indipendenza li ma tivvja©©ax, u li rrappre Ωenta lir- flimkien ˙olqa f’o˙ra, hekk ukoll, il-kisba li ksibna a˙na, verament nimmeritawha, Re©ina Eli Ωabbett. tal-Indipendenza. nafu na˙dmu demokratikament, nafu lill- Minbarra l-ispettaklu li ˙admu g˙alih pIolp-Pluri mta gM˙nian iismtrmu ebxexduah dle-jdni sikl-obrosn t ioergd˙nu i mal-200 persuna, u li fil-parti ‘l kbra bui llil -qlia©l il i ff’iol-kpkaa jΩjijΩo,n i ble˙janl dinl-,p Mroaslptae rui tlà - tieg˙u sar fil-kapitali Maltija Valletta, fil- G˙amlitha çara li f’okka Ωjonijiet ta’ fer˙ Mekoalntoinm Iinkad,i plejnnd ieln-©tii dj rtiadgu˙ jniasi,m tag’˙ uul idewdnaa r Port il-Kbir, u fl-ibliet tal-madwar, b˙al dak il-jum ta“ç-Içrreildeub rnagz˙zojoΩnΩ ui hwai eb˙˙ead l iul -wfuliteudr u lmiehdunxa .b” iss dwar il-passat. ewlenin fosthom il-Birgu, dak li spikka kmual lj is˙toalxq jai kok˙ormam feilm-koartai nua j içsçtoerleikbara mbiislsl-, kienu l-messa©©i tal-mexxejja tal-pajji Ω, li ismbma˙a Mwakltoijlal .” jie˙u l-opportunità b˙ala

G˙al pa©na 3 Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 3

Il-mistieden ewlieni, il-Prinçep William jaqsam il-Port f’dg˙ajsa qal g˙aliex jag˙mel parti minn dik il-©enerazzjoni li ma ta˙lix Ωmien f’dibattiti inutli dwar liema jum huwa l-akbar jew l- *minn pa©na 2 aqwa. “Kien is-sens ta’ destin, ta’ avventura, ta’ rieda, appuntu ta’ futur, li wassal lil ommi - IjieIltsn-saoP kut amr jigis˙smiiedr ilji i keMtinean bi˙ineoxs sijiuse ˙ktdbru rlui- plia :jsis n Isimalb --feriti“ Jiiesns ako ngvin˙t ag˙laqlieux pf’odritka nl-tio klik laluΩmjo nisi agw˙walairenxa i ˙bo˙assla l iN daazkzj oiln - Ijunmdip keniedne nftoi,s ts ild-iaeknt atar dm-duemstienn tia gli˙ nfaih, rie l- sppoopnlua bjibnlsi atabl m-fuatgu˙rq tuadg˙, in˙aa rue tsa l’e wjnl iiel-dfnuatu.”r. bÛieed lxi ˙ aqmsain stetna ailuk l-ptoaplur k iemn maq - jer©g˙u jinfet˙u sum f’ Ωew© kurrenti politiçi li t-tnejn riedu l-a˙jar g˙al Malta i Ωda li wkoll wasslu g˙al firda tal-poplu b’politika Ωg˙ira, piki frott l-g˙eluq, u ma kienux kapaçi jsibu l- g˙aqda f’mumenti b˙al dan u o˙rajn warajh. Qal li dakinhar, ˙afna iççelebraw, imma bosta o˙rajn pprotestaw. Óafna familji g˙arfu l-milja ta’ dak il-jum, i Ωda o˙rajn batew g˙aliex pajji Ωna kien g˙ad irid jim - matura biex jintemmu l-kundanni, biex ˙add ma jibqa’ mça˙˙ad mid-dritt li jg˙id, li jaqra u li jemmen dak li jag˙ Ωel hu Il-Prinçep milqug˙ ming˙ajr theddid jew kastig. mill-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat, mar- tu Michelle u wliedu Etoile u Soleil li ip - Emozjonat, Joseph Muscat ko“mKpielna jΩgm˙iiedn : pre Ωentawlu rigali l“iQ jmegu˙rd liinl hianwnn m fliidm-dkiinejna btaiegx˙ nau rtua ld--ludmif -. g˙al ibnu George fDearewnkz ail -femrintin i ssfae jgn˙ altqlauq nbiae x gq˙aattl akfetajnr wmas jaelrn©ag, ˙uu njiunrfuet ˙liuln.”a nfusna u lid-dinja ma nibqg˙ux wie-qfa nistennew l-affarijiet kemm b˙ala poplu mxejna ’il quddiem “Dak li ksibna f’dawn l-ewwel ise˙˙u. I Ωda minflok inbiddlu u nkomplu f’g˙emilna u ˙sibijietna f’˙amsin sena. niInlb-PidMlu .Ω Iinekdu jngu˙ oida slii tla-’M sataltbab tialtlà- ˙eakmonsoin - ˙amsin sena ta’ Indipendenza eseknoan ol-i m©iekjaji nu sdee mtkouknr ak-atipkaaç il it ota˙glo˙qti atakmtaa r mhu xejn ˙dejn dak li se niksbu mxohgu˙xo bl iuss ©lild umlieildlin aq,a itΩt dkae lwlhkao.l ll il iljlk-oplolphla i fil-˙amsin sena li ©ejjin” tbΩa’o mnand twikabrnear fgl-˙Eawx r otpoa˙ ulo fqil -aMketadri texrorga˙no.” l in˙oss li ming˙ajr Óelsien m’inix Malti; milli jistg˙u jag˙mlu wliedna wa˙edhom; “I Ωda l-a˙bar it-tajba hija li dak li ksibna MQinagl ˙lai jhre mRme pmubinb ljigk˙ai d mli ’fiindi-xd inMjaa tlatli-; li tag˙raf l-isfida tal-i Ωvilupp sostenibbli. f’Idl-aPwrnim l -Mewinwiestlr ˙ua qmals ilni ksieenna k toan’ vIinndt impeinll-i Mlumin,g ˙lia jtr˙ arIensd ibp’esnendae nbzial -qmud’idniiexm Mhuawltia . Qal li jemmen li ukoll li se tqassam il-©id denza mhu xejn ˙dejn dak li se niksbu fil- Huwa permezz ta’ dawnw iils-qk.i sbAie˙t slie bll um u a˙jar milli qatt tqassam, li tippremja l- ˙amsin sena li ©ejjin, jekk ng˙o ΩΩ u l-˙sieb Jien, Int, A˙na Maltin.”a ra, ˙amsin sena bΩulija, u kul˙add ikollu l-istess çans li ta’ nazzjon wie˙ed u poplu mag˙qud.” o˙ra. I Ωda ip - jirnexxi f’˙ajtu. prova jg˙id lill- Kompla li l-ewwel kellna nistennew snin ©emg˙a kif jara s˙a˙ bla ma ji©ri xejn, fejn ©enerazzjoni - Il-Prinçep jiltaqa’ u hu l-Malta ta’ jiet s˙a˙ ˙assewhom miftumin, g˙atxana jitkellem man-nies ˙amsin sena o˙ra, g˙al ftu˙ li kienu jaraw fuq l-orizzont ta’ fejn jixtieq li pajji Ωi o˙ra, imbag˙ad, ˙adna n-nifs uliedu jrabbu lil g˙aliex il-bidliet li Ωmienhom kien ilu li uliedhom. ©ie, fl-a˙˙ar bdew ise˙˙u. Qal:

“Il-Malta tal- “Issa er©ajna bdejna ma nistennewx ˙amsin sena li lil o˙rajn biex inbiddluq aul nJoksuenpuh mMinuns ctaat’. ©ejjin se naraha quddiem u nuru li verament nistg˙u nkunu l- e˙fef, lesta tid - aqwa u nag˙tu a˙na direzzjoni lil ˙addiehor. deçiedi aktar mal- “Dan huwa biss i Ω-Ω ernieq tal-Malta tal- ajr, aktar kur- ˙aIml-sPinri sme nMa ilni i©setjrjuin t,e”m m jg˙id: a©©u Ωa, aktar am - “Din hija l-Malta tal-˙amsin sena li bizzju Ωa. Li ma tis - ©ejjin li no˙lom, nemmen u n˙e©©i©kom tenniex i Ωda li biex na˙dmu flimkien g˙aliha. tantiçipa l-bidliet. “Dakin - Li fi Ωmien ta’ har, b˙all-biera˙ u b˙al-lejla, il-poplu, taqlib ekonomiku a˙na lkoll, se ning˙aqdu f’g˙ajta wa˙da: fit-Tramuntana, u Viva Malta Indipendenti! taqlib demokra- tiku fin-Nofsinhar, *G˙al pa©na 15 4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014

The Voice is not just a news portal; We comment, we fight for your rights. We believe in freedom of expression; We are read in the right places. The Federal Government takes aim at Community Television e have heard this before but it needs repeating; members of the we must be vigilant especially when governments community in - Wlike the present coalition we have in Canberra cluding the Mal - starts going down the path of destroying the very basis of tese community multiculturalism. They want to eliminate the SBS or amal - an opportunity to gamating it with the powerful ABC; they messed around create television with the anti-discrimination laws. What else has Senator programmes for Brandis and his mates have in store for us? broadcast on free The next target on the agenda is the community televi - to air television. sion Stations; unlike all other broadcasters, Community Without commu - Television stations do not automatically receive the right nity television we to operate a transmitter when they are licensed to oper - lose genuine ate a broadcasting service. At the moment, Community media diversity, a Television stations are licensed through to mid-2019 – training ground but their transmitter li - for up and com - censes expire on De - ing television tal - cember 31, 2014. ent, a resource To continue transmit - for tertiary institu - ting beyond that date, tions to provide Malcolm Turnbull the Minister for Commu - real world experi - nications, Malcolm Turn - ence to students, coverage of local events and festivals bull, needs to make a and a medium for local sports organisations without ac - decision about the fu - cess to mainstream media. ture of Community Tele - You also lose a whole heap of interesting, quirky, niche vision. Without a and local programmes on free to air television, reflecting positive decision, Com - the extraordinary diversity of Australian society. munity Television will be How you can help forced off air by the end Show your support for your local station by calling on of this year. the Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull and The Voice of the Maltese is supporting the arguments the rest of the Abbott Government to Commit to Com - being put forward. We see no economic or technical munity Television and extend their transmitter licence. valid reasons why community television should not be You need to show the Government that you value com - given a permanent home on free to air digital broadcast munity broadcasting and believe that media diversity is spectrum. important. CTV receives no government funding in order to oper - Make your voice heard, contact your local federal ate its services and there is enough available broadcast Member of Parliament in your State or communicate di - spectrums to ensure that a variety of media operators rectly with Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP - Ground Floor, can exist including CTV stations. The Abbott govern - 287-289 New South Head Rd., Edgecliff, NSW, 2027: ment needs to commit to Community Television now by Postal Address PO Box 545, Edgecliff, NSW 2027 Tel: extending their transmitter licence to ensure their sur - 02 9327 3988. Email: [email protected] vival beyond the end of this year. or at Parliament House Contact PO Box 6022, House of Why is community TV important? Representatives Parliament House, Canberra, ACT CTV is a genuinely open access facility affording all 2600 Tel: 02 6277 7480 TAKE ACTION A proud sponsor of The Voice of the Maltese

Tel (02) 9622 7799 website: Breakaway Travel 94 corner of Main & Campbell blacktown@breakaway - Streets, Blacktown NSW for all your travel needs. Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 5

stopped in front of the high Idoor. It was very high, made in proportion to the building, where the two storeys were high enough to fit in three, in today's standard heights. The door was sur - rounded by a deli - cately sculptured stone frame, and then set into an arc at the tMop with thiyck co lumMns on the dsides. iInsnide a - The Old School that arc, on top of it, the door is adorned by more sculptured deBsiyg nMs. arie Borg The facade is discoloured in places, and the iron verandah needs a touch of paint, but it has lost none of its imposing dignity. It stands tall and proud as many other old buildings have done in Mdina, for hun - dreds of years. I stopped to stare and to take pictures. The door was open and I could see a man sitting in the courtyard. I walked in and found myself surrounded by beautiful handmade articles much in demand by dis - One of the palaces cerning tourists. that adorn Mdina I asked the man whether I could take today. Marie re - some pictures. He nodded okay, and as I members it as the clicked away he asked me, “Do you know St Theresa Gram - the place, then?” I nodded and took some somual,r knSecehso torel msbhle d slightly when one of spent the odd three penny bit on sugary more pictures. uus swedas steon t tgoo h ert o ffice. More often than sweets, and where the teachers bought their When I finished, I saw questions on his n‘omt,a nity mfoolloonws eadg o’some prank we were newspapers, copybooks, pens and the like. face and said briefly, “yes, it was my gram - caught at. As the shop was chock-a-block with stuff, mar school, many moons ago.” I then “No, we did not get the cane, but Miss piled high on every inch of surface, includ - added, “St Theresa Grammar School.” Sammut had a way of making you feel ing the floor, Kristinu had a bit of difficulty I continued, “I well remember the years ashamed of what you had done, and keen getting around the shop to find the mer - I spent at the ‘big school’ and the pranks to regain your status in her eyes.” chandise one asked for. There was only a we used to get up to here. Right where you I bid the narrow passageway to the counter, and this are sitting now, we used to get our ration man good - ensured we all stood in line. of a small bottle of milk per day. The bye and A few doors down the street, game was that whoever got there first wandered there were the gilders, and the would help themselves to as many bottles down the same shop sign was still there as as they could down quickly then smirk as road. I remembered it some 50 years the late comers ran short.” There ago. I used to love to stop there He seemed interested so I continued, was also and watch Duminku take the “That there, was the headmistress's office, the shop gold leaf out of these small books and although Miss Sammut was a dear old where we and deftly spread and smooth it onto any statue he was gilding. When he had used up every scrap of gold leaf from the book, we would beg for them. They were only small, and the leaves were a pink semi-transparent type of paper. The sign I cannot for the life of me remember put up by Local Cou the Mdin what we did with them but we valued ncil in the a Silent Cityth em very highly. As I walked the down the road, I found myself treading softly. I was flanked by these huge old houses, and half expected to see a greying head peep out from one of the windows and with a finger across the mouth, give me a loud “shhhh. .. “ as they so often did when as young teenagers we walked and laughed as we talked. The street that has brought The old residents of Mdina liked their Marie so many memories on small citadel to be silent. her last visit to Mdina 6 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014

In this second article in the series, l ocal historian Mark Caruana looks at Central Coast & Hunter Region (NSW) over a 40-year period.

Census 1971-2011 (part 2)

s we continue to analyse the statistics from the This growth of Maltese in the Mark Caruana 1971-2011 Census in Australia, this time per - Central Coast has given rise to Ataining to the Central Coast and Hunter Region, two Maltese associations, a Mal - we find that since 1971, both Gosford and Wyong tese community radio station and the festa celebration shires have seen a steady and on-going growth in the of Our Lady Taken Up to Heaven in the month of Au - number of its Malta-born population gust, complete with a statue of Our Lady and proces - There are almost twice as many Malta-born in Wyong sion. than in Gosford. Table A ( below ) below shows the number of Malta- This growth could be a reflection of an ageing Maltese born residents in the Central Coast. It lists the number pGopuloatiosn freotirinrg dto a reas cnlosde to thWe sea yor too thne gof Msalhta-biorn bey sloc alr goevegrnmiesnt tarea (rLG As) ftore a ady and lakes, where the environment is more relaxed, less pol - 40 year-period i.e. 1971-2011. luted and where the pastime of fishing can Table A be practised, a distant dream if one lives in CENTRAL COAST 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 Growth Bolanckto-wgn oor Hiolnroydg. growth in their Malta-born population With the building of the M1 express free - Gosford 46 130 192 214 243 + 197 way, travelling time from the Central Coast Wyong 27 177 277 372 405 + 378 to Western Sydney has been reduced to around 60-90 minutes. TOTAL 73 307 469 586 648 575 THE HUNTER Malta-born doubles at Lake Macquarie Table B Except for the city of Newcastle, all the HUNTER REGION 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 Growth council areas of the Central Coast and the Hunter Region have experienced a growth Lake Macquarie 59 94 88 107 123 + 64 in the number of Malta-born. The council Port Stephens 10 21 46 58 69 + 59 areas where Maltese are in three-digit fig - Newcastle 43 32 33 38 38 -5 ures are Gosford, Wyong and Lake Mac - quarie . Great Lakes 0 13 31 40 40 + 40 The largest number of Malta-born in the Singleton 0 11 25 17 14 + 14 Hunter region is to be found in Lake Macqu- Cessnock 4 22 17 18 + 14 arie, where the Malta-born have doubled in 28 numbers since 1971. Maitland 4 7 17 17 21 + 17 But the greatest growth has been in Port Muswellbrook 0 11 9 6 5 + 5 Stephens where the Malta-born population today is six times that of 1971 (it stood at 10 Scone (Upper Hunter) 2 3 6 3 10 + 8 Malta-born in 1971 to 60 in 2011). TOTAL 122 220 277 303 338 +216 (See Table B, above) Table C CENTRAL COAST & HUNTER 2011 Malta-born Maltese Ancestry Total Maltese Maltese Ancestry Wyong The 2011 Census contained the question: What 405 1,697 2,102 is the person’s ancestry? Provide up to two an - Gosford 243 1,198 1,441 cestries only. Lake Macquarie 123 580 703 Table C ( left ) below shows that in some LGAs, the number of Maltese by descent is sometimes Port Stephens 69 319 388 eight times more than the Malta-born, as is the Newcastle 38 313 351 case in the city of Newcastle, four times more in Great Lakes 40 177 217 Wyong and Gosford shire and 10 times more than the Malta-born in the Muswellbrook. Maitland 21 165 186 CONCLUSION Singleton 14 124 138 In conclusion, one may ask. What is the value Cessnock 18 110 129 of such Census statistics? From the table on Mal - Muswellbrook 5 57 62 tese-By-Ancestry, one can easily conclude that for every one Malta-born there are almost five Scone (Upper Hunter) 10 43 53 Australia-born Maltese living in the Central TOTAL 986 4,783 5,769 Coast and The Hunter. Continued on page 7 Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 7

he new administration at the Maltese TCommunity Council of NSW is busy building a structure that can accommodate the expansion this Council is going through. Every person on the executive has been assigned a specific role. spoke to Emanuel Camilleri the vice president of the MCC of NSW at the Alfred Fenech WMaltese Resouorce Cerntre, kwho ha s aalso nd restoration beeTnh ea ssVigoniceed othf e trhoel eM oaf lcteos-ec oordinator of the Centre where work and restoration ais ongoting. MCC NSW Centre

“So much work to ben aecwcsopmapleirs htheadt, ”w haes tshaeid o. n“lyT hAeu lsitbraralirayn /iMs sallotewsley p traiknitnedg msheadpiea fwoirt hf ibfotyo-kosn deo yneaatersd abnyd t hneo Mw apltaerst eo Cf oom ur- Mmuanltietyse f rhoimst oarlyl ohvaesr b NeeSnW a”r.c hived for fu - tuTrhe eg Menaelrtaetsieo nHs.e rald Maltese Memorabilia that finds its way into the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre is being restored into its original glory. Documentation of past and present Mal - tese organisations are being delicately cat - For those wishing to visit the Alfred public school, the Centre is open on Fri - alogued and archived, by dedicated staff, Fenech Maltese Resource Centre at 59b days from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon or volunteering their time to achieve this Franklin Street (corner with Young St) when functions are being held. Contact mammoth task. Mays Hill NSW next to Parramatta West Emanuel Camilleri on 0409744376.

Table D CENTRAL COAST & HUNTER 2011 Malta-born Maltese-speaking Central Coast & Wyong 405 190 106 Hunter Region (NSW) Gosford 243 Census 1971-2011 Lake Macquarie 123 29 continued from page 6 Port Stephens 69 16 Newcastle 38 8 Therefore, it would be appear sensible to have com - 16 munity activities that cater for both groups which would Great Lakes 40 need to be in both Maltese and English. Maitland 21 4 The table ( below ) sheds light on the numbers who Singleton 14 12 speak Maltese at home. 40% of the Malta-born in the Central Coast and The Hunter stated that they speak Cessnock 18 11 Maltese at home, and conversely, 60% do not speak Muswellbrook 5 9 Maltese. Upper Hunter (Scone) 10 0 The striking exceptions are at the Muswellbrook where out of five Malta-born, nine persons stated that they TOTAL 986 401 speak Maltese; presumably four are second-generation Australia-Maltese. The growth in the number of Maltese has been one of the factors that the Maltese In the Upper Hunter, on the other hand, none of the ten Community Council NSW has now emplyed a Maltese-speaking community worker Malta-born stated that they speak Maltese at home. to service this region. entertainment for members about every two CENTRAL COAST RADIO – FM 96.3 CONTACTS months. Founded: 1998 The Voice of the Maltese on Coast CENTRAL COAST SANTA MARIA Nathalie Gatt, Co-ordinator/Broadcaster CENTRAL COAST MALTESE SOCIAL & FESTA COMMITTEE Central Coast Community FM Radio Associa - RECREATIONAL CLUB Charles Scicluna, president tion Inc Joe Vassallo, president - 21 Twinlakes Drive, 38 Mary St, Gorokan NSW 2263 PO Box 19, GOSFORD NSW 2250 Lake Haven NSW 2263 Phone 4393 9998 or Mob. 0414 194 020 Tel: (02) 4322 0072 Tel: 02 4393 1721 Email ja_vassallo@hot - Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] . Secretary: Censina Cefai The feast of the Assumption is held annually Broadcasts 6-7pm every fortnight on Thursdays. Email: [email protected] at St Mary Mackillop Church, Warnevale. Listen live at The Association holds functions with meals and Founded 2008. 8 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014 Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

mexxa dan il-pajji Ω. Spiçça Ω-Ω mien li The Voice of the Maltese jekk int ma’ dak il-partit tfa˙˙ar lil tieg˙ek on line ma gaz ine f’kull ma jag˙mel u tmaqdar lill-ie˙or oonnlliinnee mmaaggaazziinnee ekk dan il-magazine ma sewa g˙alxejn, minkejja kull ©id li jista’ jag˙mel. Jimma Ωgur li sewa biex il-qarrejja is is a bi-lingual (in Mark Vassallo jikteb minn Bundaberg, Indunajtu, li m’iniex nikteb dwar Malta? jQu uΩeaewnhs labn˙dal: a forum fejn jag˙tu l-fehma Qed nag˙nlu min˙abba li forsi g˙adna xi English and Maltese) fort - tag˙hom. Ninsab ferm kuntent u fl-istess nightly online publication ftit sensittivi li nitkellmu dwar il-politikanti wIalqt- soVrpri Ωo nairac kee mm sil-qaarrrejja Mfaoltin ruMamltin. F lt-isatess’ w afqte mh’g˙mandnieixe nit b- specifically targeting all fl-Awstralja qed juru maturita’ fil-kitbiet qg˙u lura lanqas milli ng˙idu tag˙na dwar Maltese living abroad tag˙hom fl-ispazju li qed joffrilna affarijiet li jew jolqtu lilna l-Maltin ta’ bar- with emphasis on the g˙alhe, kli tasksew jeidhjerj lia sar nra u direΩttaamenwt, inhkella tbieax ijnfjakekrub fl-is - Australian scene. il-le˙en tal-Maltin fl-Awstralja. torja u dwar Malta ta’ b˙alissa. is online magazine is Fil-biçça ‘l kbira l-kitbiet tal-qarrejja qed Nissu©©erixxi li dawk li jqattg˙u l-btajjel sent via email by request. ikunu tassew interessanti. Tie˙u gost taTrha e- tag˙hom f’Malta li jiktbu dwar xi jsibu u Subscription is free. Vhoomic ej eosfp trhime Mu la-lfteehsme iet tag˙hom dwar af - forsi anke jfakkru lill-qarrejja fis-snin farijiet li sa ftit ta Ω-Ω mien ilu lanqas biss mg˙oddija tal-g Ωira g˙a ΩiΩa tag˙na. A˙na Editors: konna no˙olmu li niktbu dwarhom jew Malta: Joseph Cutajar fejn a˙na nibqg˙u Maltin u jibqa’ jimpur - nuru kif na˙sbuha dwarhom. Niftakarni tana minn art twelidna. Nag˙mlu tajjeb Australia: naqra l-gazzetta Maltija li kellna qabel fl- jekk minn xi daqqiet a˙na n-nies tat-triq Lawrence Dimech: MOM, Awstralja u g˙al xi Ωmien, snin ilu kont insibu ˙in li wkoll nesprimu l-fehmiet OAM, JP g˙amilt Ωmien nistkerrah naqra l-fehmiet tag˙na dwar Malta. email address: ta’ w˙ud li ftit kienu jag˙mlu sens. Çerta - Fl-istess ˙in noqog˙du attenti li ng˙idu [email protected] ment ma kienx tort tat-tmexxija. dak li nixtiequ bla ma nwe©©g˙u lil ˙add, Issa, u na˙seb bl-ispunti tal-artikli b˙al jew in˙allu l-passjoni li forsi w˙ud minna dawk ta’ Ivan Cauchi, u wkoll, l-aktar u l- kellna g˙all-politika jew il-partiti biex Letters for publication in The Voice ei - aktar dak tal-Prof. Maurice Cauchi dwar inwe©©g˙u. ther in Maltese or English should be kif ja˙sibha kif qed timxi l-Awstralja B˙ala qarrej li napprezza dak li qed e-mailed to: [email protected]. b˙alissa, gieg˙lu lill-qarrejja li jixtarru u tag˙mel din ir-rivista, n˙oss li g˙andna b’mod tassew intelli©enti qed narahom je - nag˙mlu minn kollox biex nu Ωaw tajjeb Now you can also join us sprimu ru˙hom, mhux biss bla ma dan l-ispazju, immexxi minn dawk li jid - on facebook: joqog˙du lura, u Ωda wkoll bis-sens. her li huma nies responsabbli u li naf li qed Na˙seb li nag˙mlu sew, speçjalment jag˙mlu dan ix-xog˙ol volontarju, u ma https://www.facebook. a˙na li ilna ˙afna snin fl-Awstralja, u li nimbarazzaw lil ˙add. Forsi b’xi mod com/groups/thevoice- a˙na wkoll çittadini ta’ dan il-kontinent, li anke ninsew g˙al kollox il-parrokkjali Ωmu minn xi daqqiet nuru l-fehmiet tag˙na u nag˙tu e Ωempju li Ω-Ω g˙a Ωag˙ li tilg˙in ofthemaltese b’mod kalm dwar il-politika li biha qed jit - bil-g˙an li n©ibuhom konxji li g˙andhom ikunu kburin li huma ta’ nisel Malti.

Daniel Zammit from Belmont, Perth writes: wish to congratulate Prof. Maurice ICachia for having the guts to write the way he did and expressed his honest opin - ion about some of the decisions currently being taken by the Abbott government. WI aeml ln odt osunrperi sPedr to fi.n dC oautu thcath nio! t everybody liked what he wrote or that oth - ers have diverse opinions, but to see an ac - ademic like the profesor criticise certain decisions is, I feel, most healthy. I am sure that many of us too, at some time or another would like to put pen to paper to blast off but stay back. Thanks Prof. Cauchi for showing us the way. I for one look forward to reading more of your articles Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 9 Have your say/Xi trid tghid? /2


alta indipendenti g˙al ˙amsin sena; egwejt permezz tas-sistema streaming Mmument storiku. Nifra˙ lill-Prim Sminn fuq il-kompjuter ˙afna miç-çele - feel I must thank MJoihnni sVtreul lJao mseipnhn BMiruksicrakta traal,l iM waaltra, ˙jiakmtesb in Pbreatzezrj oFnailjzieotn l im sianrnu Ff’aMirafliteal dfl -NoSkWka Ωjijkotneib t: al- AIMlex Caarmiklalne rdiC Mfrora.m M rDaaurnkd aCenanorunagn Na’ SfsoW r sMena rnexexielun jg˙atqqad lill-pioptlu Maalti` u 5L0 se-nae mminn miegta rMaalta nkistbeit l-uIndi- whirsi tienst:eresting articles and particularly jag˙ti gie˙ lil kull minn ˙adem biex Malta pendenza u ˙assejtni kburi nsegwi d-diskorsi heis xancalyesils loef thne 1t9 7a1-2r0t11i cenlseuss in mhux biss issir independenti izda wkoll g˙all-okka Ωjoni li g˙amlu kemm l-ET l-Pres - Australia, the first paTrht eo fV owicheic ho f wthaes ˙ielska. olonjali ilde-ntI Mnaried-Loiupise eColneirod Precan, kifz uka oll puMblaislhteesde in Issue No. 84. G˙al ftit jiem rajna armonija fost il-poplu. il-Prim Ministru Dr Joseph Muscat u l-Kap As a young man interested in my Mal - Din id-darba Malta kollha ççelebrata Jum l- tal-Oppo Ωizzjoni u l-PN, Simon Busuttil. tese roots, I find the article very useful Indipendenza. Óassejtni kburi ghaliex kollha appellaw and I am sure many like me, particu - Sfortunatament, fl-a˙˙ar mumenti l-Kap g˙all-g˙aqda bil-˙sieb li l-Maltin kollha j if - larly those who want to study in depth tal-Oppo Ωizzjoni ˙are© jg˙idilna li Jum l- takru li okka Ωjonijiet b˙al dawn g˙andhom about the Maltese community in Aus - Indipendenza g˙andu jkun il-Jum uniku jg˙aqqdu u mhux jifirdu l-©ens Malti. tralia, have a lot go on and would do nazzjonali. L-g˙aqda taret mar-ri˙. It- Óassejtni kommoss, g˙ax g˙all-ewwel well to study Mr Caruana’s analysis. wkoll uriet kemm g˙adha darba wkoll ©ejt inse` li wara kollox anke Articles such as this are very difficult b'mentalita` kolonjonali meta l-g˙ada tal- a˙na li emigrajna minn Malta kellna sehem to find and the writer is doing us Mal - aqwa çelebrazzjoni “ta' G˙aqda nazzjonali” mis-suççess tal-Indipendenza g˙aliex fl- tese, who are proud of our heritage and li qatt rat Malta ˙ar©et bit-titlu fil-faççata ewwel sentejn tag˙ha, tlaqna minn Malta the development of the Maltese migra - tTai’m qeusd odfi eMma tlata l-gazzetta: madwar 17,000 Malti u ne˙˙ejna l-pi Ωu tion to Australia, a great favour. . Il-fatt tal- u©ieg˙ ta’ ras lill-Gvern li bit-tluq tal-Ingli Ωi Articles such as Mark Caruana’s are g˙aqda lil tat- ˙arbitilhom. kien ikollu tant nies bla xog˙ol. not easy to find and should be commended for acquiring the histo - “Prince Charles rian’s services, as it appears that the charms as Malta celebrates’ man really knows what he is talking Times ment of about. I eagerly looTk hfeo rVwoaicred to the the situation in Australia (see article page continuation of this series. he Voice is giving us the opportunity 3, edition 83). I also wish to suggest for people who, Tto analyse the country we live in with I would like to ask Mr Cadman where like Mr Caruana have so much knowl - CneaNwrms ealnod B crtoifmf am,f Aenuatsst rtcahla Ntt mSWuat twear.i tIetsl :lo oMks lyC is thae ardticlem 'not faactunal'!? Per - edge about the Maltese migrants, to as if Hon Alan Cadman former MP ( haps he can enlighten us all. Prof. Cauchi come forward and to pass on their ex - ) doesn't was forthright in his assessment but what perience so we could learn more about agree with Prof Maurice Cauchi's assess - he wrote will be very hard to be disputed. ourselves. see letter to the editor, edition No. 84 This space is being sponsored by the NSW friends of “ The Voice ” n behalf of my family I’d like to OCshtraonnglgy persot etsot a gMainest dthiea envis - Laguceyd C cahlalenjag efrso tmo Pmeendliea Hmilel,a NnSs Wof w croitmes-: If you want to join this mu-n iAcat iopnr aos twees kt now it. The ever group of friends dwindling budget for SBS has not you can do so by gone unnoticed. As hardworking members of the Mal - contacting us at: tese community in Australia we cannot [email protected] see any benefits to various ethnic com - for more information. munities by amalgamating SBS with the ABC, except that it’s a money sav - ing exercise by the Coalition govern - If you really want The ment. Voice to grow and pros - We also know that sat. 3 is available, per join our group and and SBS should be given priority. You know what? About 40% of us were start similar groups born overseas, and we definitely have elsewhere. no intention of giving up SBS as we (This is a paid advertisement) know it without a fight. Hope good sense and good policy prevail. 10 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014 A version of this series in English may be found in kitba ta’ the author's blog at: IVAN http://perspective-ivan CAUCHI Perspettiva Il-faqar f’pajji Ωna ˙ajnejja n©ibdu faqar skont is-sess, jew lejn rapport skont l-età eçç. M'in- Gdwar Malta, iex be˙siebni nid˙ol f' - imsejja˙ ‘Indikaturi ta' dawn id-dettalji hawn- Iggvernar Sostenibbli’, hekk, ˙lief biex ni©bed mi©bur din is-sena osservazzjoni wa˙da. mill-kumpanija ta' kon - G˙axra fil-mija tal- sulenza popolazzjoni huwa 1. Dan ir-rap - wie˙ed minn kull 10 port jitkellem dwar il- persuni, u 15% huwa polititika ekonomika, wie˙ed minn kull 6. soçjali u amBebrjetenltsamli,a knin f Dawn figuri g˙oljin uSktioftlul ndg war is-sistema jew Ωg˙ar? demokratika u kif il- Ûomm f'rasek li fit- pajji Ω ji©i ggvernat. triq ta' fejn toqg˙od, Li laqatni partikolar - jista’ jkun hemm dak ment kien il-kapitlu il-proporzjon tal-©irien dwar il-politika soçjali, tieg˙ek li huma f'riskju speçjalment l-istatis - ta’ faqar. Forsi huwa tika dwar il-faqar, kif dak li ssellem int u se - imqabbel mal-medja jjer g˙ax-xog˙ol fil- tal-Unjoni Ewropea. g˙odu, jew dik li F'dan ir-rapport, il- tag˙raf in-na˙a l-o˙ra faqar huwa mifhum tat-triq meta qed tixtri fis-sens tradizzjonali tieg˙u, ji©ifieri l-livell meqjus baxx ta' d˙ul, l-b Ωonnijiet ta' kuljum. u ma jinkludix aspetti o˙ra iktar wesg˙in b˙an-nuqqas jew in - Hawnhekk fl-Awstralja, qamet daqsxejn ta' g˙ag˙a meta l-gvern adekwatezza ta' edukazzjoni, saqaf fuq rasek u l-bqija. il-©did ta' Koalizzjoni Liberali-Nazzjonali ˙are© il-ba©it g˙al din Dan ir-rapport ikkwota lill-Uffiççju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika is-sena. Li kien se jissikka ç-çintorin, biex nu Ωa espressjoni ko - (NSO) f'Malta li jg˙id li illum l-ammont ta' Maltin meqjusin muni tal-ex Prim Ministru Malti Dom Mintoff, na˙seb li kul˙add f'riskju ta' faqar huwa 63,000, jew 21.4% tal-popolazzjoni. Kien kien qed jistennih. hemm daqsxejn ta' kontroversja f'Malta g˙ax dak il-persenta©© Imma li kien se jipproponi mi Ωuri daqshekk ˙orox fuq in-nies l- meta mqabbel mal-popolazzjoni f'Malta huwa g˙oli wisq - forsi iktar vulnerabbli tas-soçjetà, filwaqt li l-persuni mhux fqar jint - Ωball fil-matematika. laqtu relattivament bilwisq inqas, ma kontx qed nistenniha Ωgur. G˙alhekk iddeçidejt li n˙ares lejn l-istatistika tal-NSO diretta - Ir-retorika li ˙arget minn fomm il-ministri tal-gvern, b˙as-soç - ment 2. Dan jg˙id li fl-a˙˙ar tal-2013, kien hemm 64,966 persuna jeta' maqsuma bejn min jerfa' u min iserra˙ 5, jew li l-fqar minn popolazzjoni ta' 412,534 (15.7%), meqjusin f'riskju ta’ m'g˙andhomx karrozzi jew ma jsuqux 'il bog˙od 6, turi faqar ide - faqar, meta dan jittie˙ed b˙ala d˙ul ta' inqas minn 60% tad-d˙ul olo©iku u nuqqas ta' empatija ma' min qieg˙ed f'sitwazzjoni medju ekwivalizzat (li jie˙u id-d˙ul totali ta' dar, inaqqas it-taxxi mwieg˙ra. u jqassam il-bqija fuq il-membri tal-familja li jg˙ixu ©od-dar, bit- Ftit ilu, inzertajt nara fuq il-programm ta' diskussjoni Q&A fuq tfal ikollhom inqas pi Ω). l-ABC 7 lil persuna ta' nisel Malti, Dr John Falzon, li huwa CEO Fl-Unjoni Ewropea, din il-figura ta’ nies f’riskju tal-faqar kienet tal-organizzazzjoni St Vincent De Paule. Il-messa©© tieg˙u kien ta' 24.8% fl-2012 3, pjuttost iktar g˙olja. simili g˙al dak li kiteb f'rapport tal-2012 dwar il-faqar fl-Aw - Jekk il-livell tal-faqar jittie˙ed li huwa 50% tad-d˙ul medju ek - stralja, u xtaqt nag˙laq billi nikkwota parti minnu: wivalizzat, il-perçentwal ta' nies meqjusin f'riskju ta' faqar fl- 2013 kien 8.9% (36,534), xorta iktar mill-7.4% (30,456) tal-2012. Ir-rapport ta' jg˙id li l-Gvern Malti g˙andu l-intenzjoni li jnaqqas l-ammont ta' nies meqjusin f'riskju ta' faqar ”8. g˙al 6,560 sas-sena 2020. Proprjament, il-Gvern Malti kien “Il-problema fl-Awstralja mhix l-g˙a ΩΩ tal-fqar. Il-problema ikkommetta mal-Unjoni Ewropeja li sas-sena 2020 inaqqas l- hija l-inugwaljanza. Din hija kwestjoni soçjali, mhux ta' im©iba. g˙add b’6,560B, emrtheulsxm lai njnna Sqtqifatsu nl-g g˙add g˙al 6,560. Nag˙mlu ˙sara rreparabbli meta nibdluha fi kwestjoni ta' im©iba Fittixt ukoll is-sitwazzjoni fl-Awstralja. L-OECD to˙ro© din l- (1)Sustainable Governance Indica - 24/9/2014 tionrds i-v 2id0w14a Mli,a ulta n Rweap˙or˙t;l uP ifriont-tan, ies g(˙5a)hllt-tpfa:/q/wawr wta.cge˙ istatistika g˙all-pajji Ωi membri tag˙ha 4, u wie˙ed isib li fl-2012 CNaolltei ja & Colino; Bertelsmann .au/news/hockey-declares-age-enti - hawnhekk kien hawn 13.8% tal-popolazzjoni meqjusin f'riskju Stiftung tlement-over-australia/2257954/, re - ta' faqar (d˙ul inqas minn 50% tad-d˙ul medju ekwivalizzat). (2)Statistics on Income and Living trieved 24/9/2014 Fl-Awstralja hawn l-effett tal-popolazzjoni Abo-ri©ina, li jbatu Conditions 2013: Salient Indicators; (6) problemi soçjali sostanzjali, li g˙adhom m'g˙elbux il-˙afna g˙ex - 164/2014 National Statistics Office 4-08-15/joe-hockey-poor-people- ieren ta' snin ta' esklu Ωjoni u diskriminazzjoni mis-soçjeta' pre - Malta, 3/9/2014 cars-claim-misleading/5671168, re - dominantement Anglo-Sassona. (3) trieved 24/9/2014 Naturalment, wie˙ed irid i Ωomm f'mo˙˙u li l-livell ta' d˙ul f' - portal/page/portal/europe_2020_in - (7) pajji Ω imqabbel ma' ie˙or aktarx ikun differenti. Ng˙idu a˙na, dicators/headline_indicators, re - xt/s4047130.htm persuna meqjusa fqira fl-Awstralja, jew l-Ewropa, jista' jkollha trieved 24/9/2014 (8) Poverty in Australia 2012, 3rd d˙ul li bih ma titqiesx fqira f'Malta. (4) Edition; Australian Council of So - Hemm ˙afna iktar dettalji f'dawn ir-rapporti, inklu Ω anali Ωi tal- QueryId=47991, retrieved cial Service (ACOSS); p8 Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 11 An Educator at Large

hose of us who watched the movie have aptitude “Sliding Doors” years ago, starring for, rather than TGwyneth Paltrow and John Hannah, what their saw the parallel lives of the protagonists friends have chosen or their parents would of anar - having caught the same train or not. Catch - like them to study That said the friends and chy and ing or missing a train should hardly qualify people we cho-ose tBo ays sLocuiatce yw iCth,a eslple -jam MaA ss asT havinhg life echan giCng conhsequeonces.i Atcceially sin th e fWormativ(Ree teetni raegMed y Hearesa, cdao uTld ekackhileleinrg)s . the end of the day, how we deal with and spell out a bright future or a lifetime of mis - Closer react to our day-to-day circumstances, as ery, for individuals and their families. home, free( boeingrs, s hoauld bre uep to uds. one Oon thne w idoer nautionral a ndb gloebalh scenae, lthfe ) lifestyle choices we make will have Choices we make can have no impact, or what is decided by governments on their beneficial or harmful consequences, where major impact, into how our life turns out, constituents’ behalf can range from bene - it pertains to chronic illnesses. As we’re depending on what’s at stake. Choosing to ficial to catastrophic. We have followed it often reminded, we are what we eat. The buy one garment and not another would, in day by day, year in year out, realising that choice of fresh over processed food will all probability, have no lasting consequen- decisions made years ago may come back reap the benefits in our later years, namely ces. However, choosing to drive a car when to haunt governments and whole nations, enjoying good health for much of our life. heavily intoxicated could result in fatalities with a level of fear unprecedented in mod - Besides food choices, there’s also the ques - with life changing consequences for those ern history. tion of how much effort we exert in some involved, and their immediate families. One case in point, as followed by political form of physical activity, as well as “taking The subjects chosen by students in High correspondents and reporters on the ground, time out”, practising positive thinking and School could make a difference to their what armed Osama Bin Laden to fight “the meditation, to keep balance in our life. level of engagement in academic and vo - enemy of the West” at the time, namely We may have little or no say in decisions cational subjects. Consequently, their Russia, backfired years later, with the pre - made by governments on our behalf, at choices could also affect their prospects of viously supplied arsenal for ground wars. least between elections. However, we can a satisfying work life post school and other Other instances have been the toppling of influence an essential part of our life, in studies or training. well-known dictators, which was followed terms of our heritage and bilingualism. Careers advisors make it a point to ensure by leadership vacuums. Hence the prolif - There used to be a time when the Maltese students choose subjects they enjoy and eration of the real enemy that is little short community in the Diaspora did not think se - riously about teaching our children our na - tive language to, at least, a functional level, much less to a level of competence. When The importance of Palliative Care well-meaning individuals started some form At one of their most recent meetings that the one uses palliative care, the person with the of language teaching it was largely sporadic Reskeon Maltese Association and Seniors illness and his family are always in control of by, sometimes, unqualified staff. Group (RMA&SG) of Melbourne organises decisions about their health, medical treat - Eventually, when community councils every Wednesday for its members, guest ment and well-being. He also pointed out that around Australia opened their classes, the speaker Mr. Paul Lia, from the Maltese Com - palliative care doesn’t mean that there is no game changed. It was up to parents and munity Council of Victoria addressed the sub - hope for life for the one receiving it. grandparents to ensure that our children ject of Palliative Care. One’s own doctor, specialist doctors and and grandchildren receive the benefits of The activity was the result of a meeting with nurses, physiotherapists, and religious or spir - learning the language and culture. And between the association’s secretary, Paul itual advisors can all provide palliative care. make no mistake about it, rather than Vella, and Susan Trimmins, from Palliative It can be administered at home, in hospital, being a hindrance to their development, Care Australia, Specialist health care and hospice or other care facility. Care in a hospi - the passing on of our language and culture practical support. tal or hospice is normally used for a short Mr. Lia explained that Palliative Care helps while to treat one’s symptoms and pain so that only developed their intellect and en - people with a life-limiting illness to have the he or she could return home if possible. hanced lifetime opportunities. best possible quality of life. It is available for He told the audience that if the person receiv - Time and time again, research shows the free for everyone, irrespective of age, ing the care feels better speaking in positive effects of children being taught race, culture, background or religion, his or her own language, palliative other languages, including the language of though there may be some costs for care could also organise an inter - music. Might I here suggest the encour - equipment or medicines. preter for free. agement of our children and grandchildren He said that depending on one’s -Paul Vella to learn a musical instrument and, why needs, palliative care may include not, perhaps be part of a community phil - medicine and other therapies to re - The members of the RMA&SG harmonic band, such as the Our Lady lieve pain and manage symptoms, listening to Mr Paul Lia (inset) Queen of Peace Maltese Band? support the family members, help Besides intellectual development there’s with equipment for one to live com - also the social aspect of being a regular fortably at home where possible, and band member for as long as possible. Let also help to meet the spiritual, reli - us support, rather than discourage, our gious or cultural needs. It also pro - children and grandchildren in their wish to vides regular home visits by health become more familiar with, and proud of, workers and other care providers. their heritage. He went on to say that when some - 12 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014 Roundup of News About Malta Malta’s PM addresses 69the Session of the United Nations General Assembly t has certainly been hectic for Malta’s Sea; a widely acknowledged role since Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat as Malta was instrumental in the launch - Iafter the 50th Anniversary celebrations ing of the international process that of Independence he flew straight to New would eventually lead to the 1982 York to attend and address the 69th Session United Nations Convention on the Law of the United Nations General Assembly, of the Sea. and it was no surprise that he did not miss 2. When, in 1988, Malta was one of the opportunity to boast about Malta’s im - the first Member States to highlight the portant milestone. risks of climate change to the global In fact in his opening remarks he told the community within the UN at a time, august Assembly: “Fifty years ago Malta when it was an almost alien concept. became an independent state. That was the He then paid tribute to Arvid Pardo year when Nelson Mandela was sentenced and former President Ċensu Tabone, to life imprisonment in South Africa and who piloted these events. “Evidently, when Martin Luther King received his Nobel our size did not determine our ambi - Peace Prize.” tions then,” he said. He said that for a small, nascent state such He then presented the Assembly five as Malta, it was a year of promise and new challenges that he felt the UN needed beginnings as it took its place among the to face up to now. These being: members of the UN. He added: “It is with a The conflict in the Middle East, deep sense of pride that I stand before you which, he said, needed a return to today to note the role our country played meaningful negotiations. over the last fifty years to uphold the pur - The end of the ghastly war in Syria – poses and principles of the Charter of the a war that is fast becoming a forgotten and education. United Nations.” conflict of major proportions. He called for He suggested one needed to look beyond Dr Muscat told the Assembly that time and the “humanitarian disaster” to stop and the borders and work together as nobody is again, the UN found a trusted and reliable pointed out that Security Council Resolution immune from what is undoubtedly the partner in Malta, willing to contribute, in 2165 has demonstrated that the nations can biggest threat to world stability and peace. ways large and small, to the causes of inter - act together. “So let us act,” he said. The fifth is for more attention to be focused national peace and security. Pointing out to the third challenge, he said: on the plight of illegal immigrants in the He then went on to mention just two: “As if we haven’t yet learnt our lessons from Mediterranean. He said Malta, with all its 1. Malta’s association with the Law of the Syria, as if we haven’t yet realised what sec - limitations, is doing its utmost to save lives. tarian divisions can lead to, we are allowing As is its neighbour and friend Italy. This year’s anniversaries have the problems in Libya to continue almost un - He called on the international community abated. We are fast witnessing a descent to - to help stop the great human tragedies that shaped what Maltese is today wards another forgotten conflict. come with risky crossings across the Earlier in the week in New York, the Mal - “We need to help the Libyan people take Mediterranean. tese Prime Minister also addressed a num - their country forward. There is a bright future He said that as a Mediterranean country, ber distinguished guests at a reception in for Libya but the Libyans themselves need to Malta cannot but call for the world’s atten - honour of Malta’s Independence Day and find the hope to realise it and they can only tion to these challenges that are threatening membership in the United nations, during begin to do that with the help of the interna - not just the security of the region, but also which he also mentioned the fact that this tional community. The United Nations can, its development and growth. These threats year, Malta has been marking, not only the and must, provide capacity-building and se - are stopping the Mediterranean Sea basin 50th anniversary of its Independence, but curity to bring stability and prosperity.” from reaching its full potential - a potential also the 40th anniversary of the Republic, He went on to say that immense challenges that is just waiting to be unleashed if only the 35th anniversary of Freedom Day and remain, particularly in restoring the coun - weapons were traded for books, and hatred 10 years of EU accession. try’s security and law and order, and that the for education. He said that all of these anniversaries divisions are rooted in many causes but they The Maltese Prime Minister said that over have marked Malta’s collective history can be overcome. the last 50 years Malta shown that it has been and shaped who the Maltese nation is “This cannot be allowed to continue fur - ambitious in favour of peace, progress and today. If you allow me I would like to ther. The repercussions of this situation are prosperity, and that it will continue to pro - dwell on two of the anniversaries men - severe not just for the Libyans themselves, mote the broadest possible dialogue among tioned above which are of direct relevance not just for the immediate neighbours of the countries of our region. to us all today. Libya, but further afield. The international He said that Malta will continue to con - He said that as an independent State and community cannot risk a takeover of this tribute to the fostering of peace and security proud member of the EU, Malta would re - country by extremists.” in the world and appeared quite emotional main a reliable and credible international The fourth challenge, Dr Muscat said, is the when he said: “Fifty years may seem like a partner. Faithful to its principles and true spread of extremism and intolerance. He said long time, but I can assure you that fifty years to its values, and that it would continue to we are living in a period of transnational al - from now, my country will remain steadfast in play its part, regionally and more broadly, legiances that have seen the globalisation of its ambitions and in its determination in towards achieving a more prosperous, just favour of peace and prosperity. Malta will re - and free world, where all people can live hatred, where extremists are increasingly in - in peace and dignity. terconnected through networks and inven - main a proud member of the United Nations, tions whose main aim should be progress a beacon of stability in the Mediterranean. Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 13 Roundup of News About Malta Queen “planning” historic family trip to Malta with her three heirs s a result of the visit to Malta of the Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM) said the Queen was 'very keen' to make it ADuke of Cambridge, Prince William to be held in Malta. happen. He said, “The invite is out for Her during which he represented his mother, This would also be the first time a Majesty to attend and we are waiting for Queen Elizabeth II for the 50th Anniversary monarch and her three heirs - in this case her to reply. “I believe Her Majesty will at - celebrations of Independence, the British Charles, William and George - have trav - tend, we are awaiting confirmation.” press, particularly The Daily Mail reported elled abroad together. He also revealed that he had spoken to the that the Queen is planning to make a major In its report, the newspaper said that the Queen in Glasgow at the opening of the foreign visit to Malta next year - and bring monarch has something of a soft spot for Commonwealth Games and she told him her three heirs, including toddler Prince Malta where she and Prince Philip lived for she was looking forward to such a visit. “I George, with her. several months during the early days of believe there may be more than one mem - The historic family trip is being mooted their marriage. ber of the family coming- we'd like to have for next November when the sovereign, During Prince William’s visit to Malta, all the family here,” Dr Muscat was re - who will be 89, attends the Commonwealth Malta’s Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat ported saying Malta’s proposal to reform C’wealth gaining support rime Minister Joseph Muscat’ idea for the PCommonwealth to be reformed has con - tinued to acquire more support during meet - ings he had with other representatives from Commonwealth countries, and with Com - monwealth secretary general Kamalesh Sharma in New York, Dr Muscat expressed satisfaction that talks on the subject were currently underway. His intention for the reform was for next year’s CHOGM summit in Malta to come up with more focused positions with the participation of the heads of member states for the meet - ing to be a really productive one. The Prime Minister also held discussions with about the summit with Sri Lankan Pres - ident Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is also Commonwealth chairman, who also agreed Commonwealth meetings should be more Awards for Presidents, Prime Ministers since 1964 strategic. Other heads of government, in - At a ceremony at the Palace in Valletta Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was the first cluding New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs Min - presided by H.E. President Marie-Louise to receive the medal. ister Murry McCullys too have confirmed Coleiro Preca , all of Malta’s Presidents and The other recipents were: Xuereb Dr their support for Malta’s proposals. Prime ministers since September 1964 have Ċensu Tabone and Prof. Guido de marco (all been awarded a medal to mark the 50th an - posthumously), Dr Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, Dr Activities, most of them national in niversary of Malta’s independence. Edward Fenech Adami, and Dr George Malta, and others involving mostly the The 14 medals were awarded to “people Abela, and Prime Ministers Dr Giorgio Borg President of the Republic and the Prime who, throughout these 50 years contributed Olivier and Mr Dom Mintoff (posthu - Minister have been ongoing. So it was towards the development and well-being of mously), Dr Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici (in impossible for us to include everything in Malta as a nation and a member of the inter - absentia), Dr Alfred Sant and Dr Lawrence this issue. We will try to name others national community of nations”. Gonzi. worth mentioning in the next issue Malta’s aircraft register more than doubled in the last four years he Minister for Tourism, Dr Ed - International Airport had welcomed plane ports and five airfields. Tward Zammit Lewis (Left) told during August, which is an all time Dr Zammit Lewis said that with the 31st European Association of record. five flying schools, one Part 147 or - Aviation Psychology Conference He went on to say that this year is ganisation and two dispatch courses meeting in Malta, that the island’s the 100th anniversary of worldwide running in the next few months on aircraft register has more than dou - commercial flying, the 40th an - the island, “we surely do not under - bled in the last four years, and that niversary of Malta’s national airline estimate human factors in aviation.” when it comes to aviation, Malta is and the 35th anniversary of the Mal - He concluded by saying that, the right place to be at this time. tese-run Air Navigation Services. “Malta is and will remain always He mentioned the record number He also mentioned that next year open to your cooperation, partner - of tourists that year on year are vis - Malta would also be celebrating 100 ship and assistance in securing a itng Malta and quo-ted the figure of Years of aviation in Malta, as since better and safer Aviation world for 551,179 passengers that the Malta 1915 Malta has had at least two sea - tomorrow.” 14 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014

hux l-ewwel inkejja l-˙afna tfittxijiet li saru dan darba li g˙amilt Ml-a˙˙ar g˙al xi dokumenti uffiçjali Mdin il-mistqosija Id-Dokument ta’ 50 sena ilu dwar l-Indipendenza ta’ meta semmejt il-˙ames Malta, dawn baqg˙u ma jistg˙u jinstabu Festi Nazzjonali – na˙seb tmakieln.-Indipendenza li rekord – li g˙andna fil- Kienu xejn inqas minn tlieta l-okka Ωjoni - ©Ωejjer Maltin. Kultant ? jiet li fihom saru na˙seb li qed noqorbu li tfittxijiet intensivi, taFl-inqase mas jibtqgi˙ux Nazzjonali: u l-mejda g˙osfru iΩda d-Digriet fil- ˙amsa. Imma ma jg˙ad- Kunsill li kien dux ftit jiem, anzi kultant in˙are© g˙al Malta fTtit ˙in, li mga ma n˙ibdiex id Naslu u dokumenti o˙- naqta’ qalbi li xi darba rajn b’rabta ma’ dan se jse˙˙. dan il-jum storiku Hekk ©rali, u na˙seb li ewlieni baqg˙u b˙ali ©aralhom ˙afna ma nstabux. Lan - Maltin u G˙awdxin, matul iç-çelebraz - imma ta’ kuljum.” qas l-hekk imsej˙a zjoni tal-50 sena tal-Independenza tal- Propju f’Jum l-Indipendenza l-Prim stru- menti tal-In - GΩejjer Maltin. Ministru u l-Kap tal-Oppo Ωizzjoni in- dipendenza” li l- Il-Prim Ministru Malti, Joseph Muscat, g˙aqdu flimkien mal-President ta’ Malta eks Prim Ministru ilu Ωmien jinsisti li l-festi kollha li qed l-ET Marie Louise Coleiro Preca biex Ìor© Borg Olivier niççelebraw huma lkoll tal-Maltin kollha. ipo©©u l-fjuri quddiem il-Monument tal- jibqa’ mfakkar ix - Biex juri kemm tassew jemmen dan, Indipendenza. ejjirhom lin-nies meta bdiet tersaq il-Festa tal-Indipen - U sintendi l-medja kollha tat promi - fix-Xag˙ra tal-Fur - denza mill-ewwel beda jinsisti li kul˙add nenza ta’ dawn is-sinjali ta’ g˙aqda. jana ma nstabu. g˙andu jiççelebra dan l-avveniment kbir IΩda ftit sieg˙at biss minn meta ng˙ataw L-Arkivista Nazzjonali Charles Farrugia meta Malta kienet se tfakkar il-˙amsin dawn is-sinjali tal-g˙aqda, intwera li li qal li sena minn meta ˙adet l-Indipendenza. dak li ˙siebna li hu fil-qrib, fil-fatt jidher Fil-jiem ta’ qabel iç-çelebrazzjonijiet il- li g˙adu l-bog˙od. Dan g˙ax f’diskors li Prim Ministru baqa’ jinsisti dwar il- g˙amel lill-partitarji nazzjonalisti f’at - ˙tie©a li kul˙add jiççelebra l-Indipen- tivita’ tal-Partit l-g˙ada li Ω-Ω ew© mexxe - “fir-realtà ˙add ma jaf e Ωattament denza . jja tkellemu flimkien, il-mexxej Nazzjo- x’dokument in˙are© fejn tid˙ol l-Indipen - U fil-fatt jidher li l-ma©©oranza tal- nalista stqarr li il-Jum Nazzjonali kellu denza ta’ Malta. Ma nistax ng˙id li dak id- poplu aççettat din l-istedina g˙ax il-Belt jkun Jum l-Indipendenza. dokument m’g˙adux je Ωisti. Din tad-doku- Valletta, l-aktar u l-aktar madwar il-Port- Dan ©ab reazzjoni min-na˙a tal-Gvern ment li xejjer Ìor© Borg Olivier d˙alna il Kbir“, gk˙iaenx dipinp atakgja˙tn bai lnk-onlile” s tant li l- fejn intqal li huwa ta’ dispjaçir li l-Kap fiha biex naraw dak id-dokument x’kien. Prim Ministru nnifsu stqarr: tal-Oppo Ωizzjoni jidher li ma fehemx l- “Hemm min isostni li hu kopja tal-Kosti - ispirtu nazzjonali li da˙˙al dan il-Gvern. tuzzjoni ffirmata mir-Re©ina Eli Ωabetta II. Probabbli hekk hu. I Ωda dak il-volum par - U biex din l-g˙aqda tidher aktar tikolari ma nafux li je Ωisti. M’hemm l- qawwija Ω-Ω ew© mexxejja, Dr Joseph ebda protokoll li jg˙id li kien dak. Ipotesi M“uRsacarit uko Dntr dSaimqsohne kBku ksbuuttrilil nianrdair ipzozpalw u o˙ra hija li Borg Olivier seta’ kien qed ix - lmilal-gf˙oqlluad m, pia©jbjiuΩr aw ifeil˙-eBde, ldt afqlism ilkliuemn .”fe jn Min-na˙a tieg˙u, l-istoriku l-Prof. God - “Fis-sena li Malta qed tiççelebra l-35 ferjejeyr dPoikroutmtae nqt afiln tlai g˙ar-ritratti...... qatt saret emfasi kbira dwar il-˙tie©a li l- sena ta’ Óelsien, 40 sena ta’ Repubblika ma identifikajna x’kien qed ixejjer Ìor© poplu jkun mag˙qud. u 50 mill-Indipendenza, il-Kap tal-Op - Borg Olivier f’dak il-famu Ω ritratt.” Il-Kap tal-Oppo Ωizzjoni u mexxej tal- po Ωizzjoni g˙a Ωel li jifred kisba fuq l- Partit Nazjjonalisti fid-diskors tieg˙u qal o˙rajn. Wara biss 24 sieg˙a minn meta “l-istrumenti tal-In - li g˙alkemm kien hemm id-differenzi Ω-Ω ew© mexxejj”a ngtq˙alm fl-ui sdtqisakrroirjas.i qud - dipendenza jinkorporaw fihom ittra llum il-poplu ng˙aqad, g˙alkemm sostna diem Malta kollha dwar l-g˙aqda, il-Kap li l-g˙aqda trid tmur lil hinn minn dan il- uffiçjali bis-si©ill Britanniku li fiha qed ti©i tal-Oppo Ωizzjoni mar quddiem il-parti - iddikjarata l-Indipendenza. L-erba’ doku - jum biss u sostna li l-g˙aqda trid tinbena tarji tieg˙u u re©a’ beda d-diskorsi li fuq il-prinçipju ta’ demokrazija li ta˙dem mePnrtoi fl. i Phiermotmta fiiql-aBjjiebmljo tuekkoal lu il-i kjaisΩs etam l- ji Ωirg˙u l-firda, mew b˙ala li huma dokumenti il-˙in kollu, partiti politiçi li ja˙dmu “Diskussjonijiet dwar festa nazzjonali mejda li fuqha sar l-iffirmar, u li tidher b’mod tajjeb u ambjent protett li jista’ jit - wtaal-qItn idçi-pçenridmeonnzaja fmixh-uXmagie˙xr a lt-ails-tFrurmjaennat:i wa˙da, li vera jridu jwasslu g˙al g˙aqda tal-Indipendenza.” gawda minn kul˙add. nteamzzmjoent atgli˙, igd˙ la-insdtqhaormri jias. iru fil-qafas ta’ Sejja˙ lil kul˙add biex jaçetta l-kritika K.o..nUv ednazkj olni id eKhoesrt iltiu hzuzjwoan afilli- qkrifib i.m..bweidea- b’mod kostruttiv u b’mod matur. Busuttil gm˙ielld- ©mdiildl- Pjitrbimie gM˙iendi.stru u mhux quddiem temm id-diskors tieg˙u billi sejja˙ g˙all- il-partitarji waqt attività parti©©jana,” g˙aqda, “mhux ta’ jum wie˙ed biss “Dik il-mejda kienet inkriet ming˙and sGoisotbna tPtar oDf.e Pliiar.o tWta ara, peress li indunaw li kienet mejda storika, inxtrat mill-Gvern (G˙ad-diskors waqt iç-çelebrazzjoni g˙all-prezz ta’ Lm35,000. Din il-mejda nazzjonali ara pa©ni 2, 3 u 14) llum jidher li ˙add ma jaf fejn tinsab,” Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 15

a minn Ωmien ilu niftakar id-diskussjoni Sdwar kemm g˙andha tit˙alla ssir il- iovanna Debono, id-DMeputaitax Na-z -xekanççaa, u g˙talakemlm- g˙˙alal-ewjwjela kie nMu l-ftit altija 2 Gzjonalista g˙al G˙awdex, ˙abbret li li forsi kienu jg˙idu li l-kaçça g˙andha tal- din kienet l-a˙˙ar darba li kkontestat inqas ti©i ikkontrollata, illum dawk li sa˙an - elezzjoni ©enerali u g˙alkemm se tibqa’ sitra jridu jwaqqfu l-kaçça tal-inqas f’çertu fDil-Paarlqamsenht sea ktmkiem il-le©islatura Ωmien, l-aktar fir-Rebbieg˙a, huma ‘l ˙afna. pre Ωenti, ma kienetx se tikkontesta aktar. Humiex il-ma©©oranza jew le, ma nafx. Debono, li kienet eletta g˙all-ewwel DIaln -nGsiru vnaefuhr mnet aj jasir gir-˙refleraendqum l-ista©un tal-kaçça dgar˙ba fal-1l9 8G7 wairao li vmisasienrhan, Caoro! nato dwar il-kaçça, li anke dwaru kif semmejt ftit Attard, ma baqax jikkontesta f’isem il-Par - ilu nqalg˙u g˙add ta’ diskussjonijiet. Sadanitant dan l-a˙˙ar il-Gvern ©ie kkritikat hom x’jaqsmu xejn mad-demostrazzjoni, tit Nazzjonalista g˙ax irtira, kienet g˙al anke jekk iddi Ωapprovaw il-pass tal-Gvern. tliet darbiet wara xulxin Ministru g˙al g˙ax kien hemm min sostna li dan feta˙ idejh wisq mal-kaççaturi, u kien hemm min li Sostnew li ma kienx sewwa li mal-ftit je˙el G˙awdex u propju spiççat minn din il- kUu˙l˙uadd md. ill-”Kaççaturi” waqt il-protesta kariga wara li fl-a˙˙ar elezzjoni ©enerali sa˙ansitra allega li l-Gvern qed jipproponi li l-Partit Laburista ˙a ji©u posposti l-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali t-tmexxija tal-G Ωej - propju biex jakkomoda l-kaççaturi g˙ax Jekk wie˙ed i˙ares lejn il-kummenti li jer Maltin f’id-ejh. b’hekk ir-referendum dwar il-kaçça jkollu jsir dehru fil-©urnali jidher li l-ma©©oranza as - g˙alih bil-periklu li ftit nies imorru jivvutaw soluta hija favur il-passi li ˙a l-Gvern. F’kull elezzjoni ©iet U r-reazzjoni tal-poplu? eletta b’g˙add u allura jista’ ma jkunx validu. G˙alkemm ma naqasx li jkun hemm xi kum - qawwi ta’ voti. B’dak li nqala l-kaççaturi xejn m’huma ment li g˙amel hekk biex jing˙o©ob mal- Issa ta’ 58 sena j˙arsu sabi˙ lejn il-Gvern, g˙ax wara li membri parlamentari tal-UE li l-biera˙ 29 ˙asset li kellha tir - nqatlu xi tajr li protett, iddeçieda li jag˙laq tax-xahar, l-eks-Ministru Karmenu Vella tira mill-elezzjoni - l-ista©un tal-kaçça. Dan wassal g˙al rabja beda jidher quddiemom biex wara li jiet, i Ωda qalet li se fost xi kaççaturi, Madwar 200 minnhom jag˙mlulu diversi mistoqsijiet, jivvutaw jekk tibqa’ tag˙ti se - g˙amlu protesta fil-Belt fejn g˙ajjru lill- g˙andux isir Kummissarju tal-EU jew le. hemha fil-Partit Gvern u lill-PM u anke tefg˙u il-fliexken B˙ala Kummissarju Karmenu Vella se jkun Nazzjonalista. lejn il-Ka Ωin Laburista tal-Belt Valletta. responsabbli g˙all-Ambjent li jinkludi L-g˙aqdiet tal-kaççaturi sostnew li ma kell - propju l-kaçça.

majt mitt ra©uni, jekk mhux aktar. dwar ferenzi llum il-poplu ng˙aqad, g˙alkemm Sfuqhiex jitlewmu n-nies... tilwim li kul - sostna li l-g˙aqda trid tmur lil hinn minn dan tant jispiçça l-Qorti, i Ωda qatt ma naf li xi in-na˙a tieg˙u, fid-diskors g˙all-ok- il-jum biss u sostna li l-g˙aqda trid tinbena fuq ˙add ttella’ l-qorti fuq tilwima dwar min jaf MkaΩ joni, il-Kap tal-OppoΩ izzjoni iffoka il-prinçipju ta’ demokrazija li ta˙dem il-˙in l-aktar. *wmkoinlln d pwaa©rn la-g 3˙ aqda bejn il-Maltin u qal li dik kollu, partiti politiçi li ja˙dmu b’mod tajjeb u Ûew©t a˙wa (studenti fl-Universita’) l-okkaΩ joni li fiha qed jiffest©©jaw il-50 sena ambjent protett li jista’ jitgawda minn tXlew’mku udwllar wmian ˙midnnaho mw jakf ol-alklt!ar mill-kisba tal-Indipendenza kienet wa˙da glo- kul˙add. skola.... u wie˙ed minnhom spiçça l-Isptar u rjuΩ a fejn il-Maltin kollha j˙ossuhom Maltin l-ie˙or, Jonathan Sciberras ta’ 29 sena, uL flii ml-kiMen jaiflfetsitne© ©jjiaçwç ise-sloevbrarniataw’. flimkien hija okka Ωjoni glorju Ωa spiçça l-Qorti mixli li ikka©una ©rie˙i lil ˙uh Huwa Ωied jg˙id li fi tmiem ta’ triq diffiçli, wara argument li qam bejniethom dwar min minn nazzjon antik, Malta saret stat ©did. “Ftehim bejnietna dwar prinçipji baΩ ici g˙al huwa l-aktar tajjeb g˙all-iskola. sistema demokratika m˙addma fuq il-voti tal- Ìie allegat li f'˙in minnhom l-imputat poplu f’kull livell, istituzzjonijiet indipendenti qabad sikkina f'idejh bl-iskop li jbe ΩΩ a lil li jirçevu sl-egjj˙aa˙j nliuln kau lm˙iandnd lbieiemxa j agçveetrtna li-kkurni- , ˙uh, imma dan qabad is-sikkina mix-xafra u Huwa qal li permezz ta’ dawn l-g˙a Ω“liLe-t qata l-pala t’idu. MIndailptae nkdisebnezta a fkistasr e˙t eils-bieidnu g t˙aa’l triq ©dida hekk tiilk-ma obd’m okidf kjoas˙trdumttuiv ul- bp’amrtoitdi mpaotulirt,i çui teum mli kull Malti, u li Jonathan Sciberras qed isostni li mhux ˙ati tk-itfi fissi-rsao vverraan ttailt-aI’n dkiipeennedt einl-zqao hfio iln ldii p˙eanlldientnza ijdit-ndei˙sk˙oewrs itnietegr˙eus sbi imllio ˙sebjijja˙, hgu˙malal- gp˙aasqsid ali, gna˙gal˙ mkulull l -wg˙iea˙Ω elide tu t awg˙an˙ad.a” minna l-Maltin. di©a’ bdejna nie˙du.” li kka©una offi Ωa gravi lil ˙uh. Ûied li tat iç-çans li wie˙ed ikun aktar liberali Busuttil fl-g˙aΩ liet tieg˙u, li allura rriΩ ultat fi Ω viluppi importanti, fosthom il-˙olqien ta’ postijiet tax- xog˙ol ©odda, Ω ieda fil-jeddijiet g˙al kull per- “mhux ta’ jum wie˙ed biss imma ta’ kuljum.” suna, sistema ta’ solidarjeta’ u li Malta tissie˙eb fl-UE. Simon Busuttil tenna li permezz tal-Indipen- denza nfet˙u g˙add ta’ bibien, g˙al-kemm f’xi waqtiet mhux bi qbil ta’ kul˙add, min˙abba li l-g˙a Ωliet huma l-qofol tad-demokrazija. While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel,, 173 Tower Road Sliema Email: [email protected] Tel: (00356) 23497000 “Illum, nistg˙u nifta˙ru dwar it-tajjeb kollu li g˙amilna…u ning˙aqdu flimkien.” “Ftehim bejnietna dwar prinçipji baΩ ici g˙al sistema demokratika m˙addma fuq il-voti tal- poplu f’kull livell, istituzzjonijiet indipendenti li Hjiruçwevau q la-gl ˙lai jgn˙uanlak meminmn lkieimena hgevmermn i kidu-nd, iifl - mod kif ja˙dmu l-partiti politiçi u li jitne˙˙ew interessi mo˙bija, huma passi li di©a’ bdejna nie˙du.” 16 T he Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014 A quick gllimpse at Australia No faith tells you to New archbishop harm innocent people! for Sydney backlash of hate crimes against the the country and people are reporting graffiti AMuslim community after the police on mosques and attacks on homes. Threat - nthony Fisher, 54, who has been named raids last week has also sparked a rash of so - ening letters have been sent to businesses, Aas the next Archbishop of Sydney, first cial media comments such as "this is how bookshops and religious leaders with hand - thought about becoming a priest at the age they should deal with them", "behead them written messages such as "we will fight you of 15. At that early stage of life he was a all", "give them a taste of their own medicine ... terror for terror ... blood for blood and ... high-flyer in debating and academic subjects for a change" and "we just need to blow up bomb for bomb". at St Ignatius Riverview in Sydney, where he Parramatta and Blacktown" . The Australian National Imams Council ex - and some of his fellow students, including One of the founders of the Australian Arabic pressed anger that one of its most senior Tony Abbott a couple of classes above him, Council and human rights activist Joseph members, an assistant to the Grand Mufti of were frequent mass goers. Wakim said, "Everyone should remember that Australia Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, was The University of Sydney, girlfriends, and no faith tells you to harm innocent people". pulled up at Sydney airport on the way to the a lucrative career beckoned. After graduating He added, “It is not open season on Mus - Haj, a religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in history and law, Fisher joined Clayton lims. It is not OK to go Muslim-bashing. The was stripped of his mobile phone and iPad Utz, where he worked on the contracts for raids were about stopping people feared to and kept in a room for two hours without ex - the redevelopment of Sydney’s landmark be terrorists, yet it is the Muslim people who planation. Queen Victoria Building. are being terrorised." But he also kept the faith, frequenting St A car has been damaged and daubed with Mary’s Cathedral, where one Easter he was offensive comments, threatening letters have 18C has again among the laymen chosen to have his feet been sent and women have been abused in washed by the then-Archbishop of Sydney, the street ( see photo ). been threatened Cardinal James Freeman. Mr Wakim, a former Victorian multicultural ust when we thought the commu - At 25, to the bafflement of his two brothers affairs commissioner, has reminded Aus - Jnity had won the argument on 18C, and two sisters but to the delight of his par - tralians to learn from history and not to make (Anti-discrimination Act) Senator Cori ents, he turned his back on the prosperity and the same mistakes, in particular by treating Bernardi (Liberal) has moved a Pri - freedom of the secular world, and joined the one group as "collectively guilty" . vate Members Bill to remove the Dominican order. Taking on a vow of Anti-Muslim sentiment has been felt around words 'offend' and 'insult' from 18C. poverty, celibacy and obedience to his supe - The Bill has been co-sponsored by an - riors was part of the package. other Liberal Senator and three oth - The new Archbishop-elect will be Sydney’s ers. ninth archbishop. Preparing for the November G20 Treasurer Joe Hockey says G20 finance improve global tax rules and close loopholes ministers are 90 per cent of the way towards that are used to the advantage of multina - meeting a two per cent target for additional tional companies. global growth, with over 900 policy initia - Speaking at the conclusion of the G20 fi - tives that will make the global economy $2 nance ministers' meeting in Cairns, Mr trillion larger over four years agreed to at the Hockey said that at the beginning of the year summit. there had been "no global growth target, no He has also trumpeted plans to push ahead global infrastructure initiative, financial sec - with a global infrastructure initiative, re - tor reform was slow and a tax integrity pro - forms to the world's financial system and to gram was in its infancy". The outcomes of the summit would lead to MICHELLE ROWLAND MP millions of new jobs, Mr Hockey said, but there was obviously still more to do. FEDERAL MEMBER He also said the gathered finance ministers FOR GREENWAY had accepted that, under some circum - Proudly serving the areas of: stances, government spending should still be used to lift short-term economic growth Acacia Gardens, Blacktown*, Girraween, when necessary. Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley, Mr Hockey said the G20 had "embraced a Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Pendle once-in-a-century opportunity to reform the Hill, Prospect*, Quakers Hill*, Riverstone, international tax system. As of today, we Rouse Hill*, Schofields, Seven Hills, have forged ahead on key areas of reform of Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds, the global financial system and as of today Toongabbie*, Vineyard we have launched a global infrastructure ini - *Parts of tiative to work with business and remove key 230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 barriers to more investment in infrastruc - Ph: 9671 4780 ture". “By the time of the Brisbane G20 leaders' Email: [email protected] summit in November, we will deliver … real concrete outcomes based on our ambitious goals that were laid down at the G20 finance Twitter : @mrowlandmp minister's meeting in Sydney at the begin - ning of the year." Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 17 A quick glimpse at Australia 50th Ann. of Malta as an Independent nation (1964-2014) Maltese Community Council (NSW) Celebrates historic day he MCC of NSW took the initiative to for Malta. At the time many people thought that Malta Tbring together a number of its delegates to He said that many had asked themselves this could not survive alone. This gives the back - commemorate 50 years since Malta was question: Will our small island be capable of ground to the earlier concept of integration granted Independence by Great Britain on standing on its own two feet? with Britain. Who would defend Malta if it is September 21, 1964. This anxiety was reflected in the great num - attacked? Hence the initial need for a Defence The MCC of the night and acting President, ber of Maltese who in that year (8,974) chose Agreement for the first ten years. Emanuel Camilleri, welcomed the guests and to emigrate, mainly to Australia (5,923), the Mark noted that very few countries achieve introduced the speaker Mark Caruana who re - UK (1,597) and Canada (1,181). The follow - independence without bloodshed. Malta is one called his memories of this historic event as ing year, 1965, was also a peak year for mi - of those nations. Both political parties in an 18-year-old lad and the anxiety felt by gration from Malta, totalling 8,090 emigrants Malta had agreed with the concept of Inde - many Maltese of what the future would hold to a number of countries. pendence but disagreed as to the conditions that accompanied such Independence. The di - vision has stayed with us all these years. Mark said that independence has to be viewed as a national achievement, as a mile - Mark Caruana delivering stone in the development of a nation. his lecture on Independ - He added that it is a day of celebration of ence at the MCC what all Maltese, working together, managed to achieve over a long period of time. Party politics should not come into the celebration. Independence Day has NEVER been in the calendar of activities of the Maltese commu - nity in NSW. Now, however, is the time for all Maltese, in Malta and abroad, to look at Malta’s Independence Day more objectively, in a more-mature manner. It is therefore encouraging that the MCC of NSW has taken the lead to celebrate it on the 19th Sept, two dates prior to the historic day.

l-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria (Parkville) ukoll Iorganizza programm biex ifakkar il-50 sena minn meta Malta saret Indipendenti. semma l-g˙add reli©ju Ω fost il-Maltin sa mill- Clemente Zammit u l-Kav. Joseph Borg ma G˙all-attivita’ li saret fiç-Çentru Malti ta’ 1948 meta l-Ordni tieg˙u ©iet l-Awstralja. setg˙ux jattendu. Parkville il-Óadd, 21 ta’ Settembru, attendew, Wara riçeviment, saret ukoll it-tieni parti tal- mhux biss ‘l fuq minn 200 membru tal-Komu - programm fejn ing˙ataw nita` Maltija ta’ Victoria (MCCV), imma çertifikati ta’ Mertu lil 12-il wkoll g˙add ta’ mistednin distinti, fosthom il- persuna li ˙admu fost il-Ko - Konslu Ġenerali ta’ Malta f’Victoria, is-Sur munita`. - Paul Vella, (Melbourne) Victor Grech; il-membru tal- Dawn kienu: Sister Doris l-Onor. Andrew Elsbury, ÇFalzoen, lOeP,b Rormeao zCinzi, joni wkoWlalq tf id’-dMiskorse tal’ bVictoor uBorrg. nMixe - MP, li kien qed jirrappre Ωenta lill- tal- Nicholas Chircop, Prof. Joe xellug: Victor Grech, Andrew Elsbury, Victoria, Denis Napthine; l-Onor. Colin Camilleri, John Pace, Car - Colin Brooks u Fr. Edwin Agius Brooks, MP, rappre Ωentant taPl-aKrlaiapm taeln-tOarp y- men Testa, Jim Dingli, il- pForΩieiznzdjso noif, DMaanlitea l Andrews; l-Onor. Bernard Kav. Albert Agius, Ed- Finn, MP; Dr Edwin Borg-MancPher`e,m Kieorn slu widge Borg u Lewis Staf- Onorarju g˙al Malta u PRO, tal-Kunsill Malti race. Tnejn o˙ra, Dr ta’ Victoria; Fr Ivano Burdian, Provinçjal, MSSP: u membri tal-E Ωekuttiv tal-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria, presidenti u kumitati ta’ g˙aqdiet Maltin affiljati mal-Kunsill Malti; u o˙rajn. Wara li ndaqqu u tkantaw l-Innijiet nazzjon - ali ta’ Malta u tal-Awstralja, l- MC tal-lejla, George Saliba, introdu ċa lis-Sur Victor Borg, v/president tal-MCCV li f’diskors g˙all- okka Ωjoni ta stampa tal-istorja ta’ Malta minn Ωmien il-qedem sal-lum. G˙al dawk li jew twieldu l-Awstralja u wkoll g˙all-barranin li li ftit kienu jafu dwar Malta, id-diksors kien mimli tag˙rif siewi Tkellem ukoll il-Konslu ta’ Malta fil-Victo - ria, is-Sur Victor Grech, il-Membri Parlia - mentari ta’ Victoria u fl-a˙˙ar ir-Rettur tal-MSSP f’Parkville, Fr Edwin Agius, li

Sezzjoni mill-folla li attendiet iç-çelebrazzjoni f’Melbourne 18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014

he Active Fairfield Maltese Seniors The group is flourishing once again with a TGroup started in August 1993 meeting good attendance every month. at St Theresa’s Hall cnr of The Boulevard At the last meeting of the group , & Stella Street, Fairfield Heights NSW for the members were addressed by Anthony a few months under the leadership of Geor - Sciberras, a senior psychologist. He spoke gia Bugeja. Then Doris Spiteri took over, This group was very active with regular at length about Ageing Blues and Chronic followed by Louis Alosio who was leader monthly outings and an annual dinner dance. pain and other topics of interest. (above) of the group until he resigned in 2005. He With money raised from monthly raffles, This information session was well received was succeeded by Freda Micallef who held and an annual membership fee of $5 a free by the seniors. They were very enthusiastic the position of leader until July 2013, with BBQ is organised at Warragamba Dam for and appreciative of the chance to ask ques - Charles Schembri as the treasurer. the members as well as a free Xmas lunch at tions and participate actively with Anthony, The group started with over 100 members, aT sochial celuyb ev eary yreaer! active whose Maltese background and ability to in - then gradually, over the years, due to age - In September 2013 through the initiative teract with the group made the meeting not ing, sickness, and deaths, the number of thien M alFtese aCoimrmufniitye Cloud ncil of only informative but a most enjoyable one. dropped down significantly and the group NSW this group was re-started with new made the decision to wind down. members as well as some of the old ones.

Greystanes Maltese Seniors Report by Freda Micallef

Vittoria Teuma, the oldest member of the Greystanes’ Seniors Group with celebrate Maria Bambina grandson Frank he Greystanes Maltese Seniors recently gathered together Tat their monthly meeting to celebrate this very important feast and National Holiday in Malta, 8th September. The members brought traditional food and one member, Mrs. Vittoria Teuma who is 88 years of age and originally from Xghara in Gozo, brought in a lovely framed picture of Maria Bambina to share with the group. The members en - joyed learning about the special connection the Maltese peo - ple have to the feast of ‘ ’ and Victory Day in Malta. Our invited guest was Mr. Frank Zammit, author and poet, who enjoyed recounting the story of the Great Siege of 1565 as well as the Convoy ofM Sanrita BMaamribai nina WWII. The group also shared a special morning tea that included traditional Maltese delicacies, and the morning ended with the group singing the well-known Maltese hymns in honour of Our Lady. In the end, they all held hands and sang the much-loved Mal - tese song, Tini Jdejk. Our oldest member, Vittoria Teuma, together with her Greystanes’ Seniors cel - grandson Emmanuel, who ebrating ‘Il-Bambina’ dropped in to see her, hap - pily held hands with his Nanna while singing this popular song. It was a great way to end our morning of celebration and friendship. Anyone wishing to join this Maltese Seniors group, shoul contact Marisa Pre - vitera, Welfare Officer, MCC on 0414 863123. Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 19

in irid jara fejn t˙abbat qalb il-Maltin zaw il-festa annwali ta’ Marija Bambina. waqt li o˙rajna jorganizzaw kowçis speç - Mli jg˙ixu fi NSW g˙andu jasal sal- Il-Maltin minn kull na˙a ta’ dan l-istat jali, kollha direzzjoni wah˙da, biex jimlew Katidral ta’ St Mary’s fil-qalba tal-belt ta’ jin©abru bi ˙©arhom ˙alli jag˙tu qima lill- dan il-katidral maestu Ω b’dimostrazzjoni Sydney meta s-saçerdoti Maltin jorganiz - Madonna. Óafna ji©u mill-bog˙od fil- ta’ fidi fil-Jum Nazzjonali tat-8 ta’ Settem - bru li tant g˙adu g˙a ΩiΩ g˙all-emigranti Maltin fl-Awstralja. Dis-sena ç-çelebrant ewlieni kien Fr Carmelo Sciberras li g˙adu kemm g˙alaq Il-Maltin jimlew il-Ka50 stenai sadçerdort. Kiaen aklku mptanajat m’inn Fr T. Micallef, Fr B. Sant u Fr J. Curmi. Il- pani©ierku g˙amlu Dun Ìu Ωepp Curmi li jinsab Sydney minn G˙awdex. G˙al darba St Mary’s f’dimostrazzjo˙ora l-knor tai’ L a tVaalette ’kie n fta˙it id-direi z - zjoni ta’ Victor Floridia waqt li martu Rachel kantant il-Panis Angelicus. Il-Kavallieri ta’ Malta (SMOM) g˙amlu s-solita’ dehra tag˙hom ta’ kull sena, fil - waqt li attenda wkoll il-Kummissarju G˙oli g˙al Malta fl-Awstralja, Charles Muscat u martu Vicky. Pre Ωenti wkoll il- viçi/president tal-Maltese Community Co- uncil ta’ NSW, Emanuel Camilleri u martu Theresa. Il-kummentatur kien il-Kav Dr George Boffa.

Parti Ωg˙ira mill-kongregazzjoni li attendiet fil-Katidral ta’ St Mary’s G˙al pa©na 20

he feast of Maria Bambina in Mel - Fr Victor Shields celbrating mass Tbourne was once again organised by on the occasion of the feast of Reskeon Maltese Association and Res- maria Bambina in Melbourne. keon Seniors Group Inc. on behalf of the On the left is the statue Missionary Society of St. Paul. The Vittoria Dinner Dance was also held a week before the actual feast. The function was very well attended by GTroup hmemebers , a nfumeber aof yosuthts an d of Maria Bambina in also distinguished guests. DJ Domenic provided the music, and later into the night, the Malta Gozo Concert Band pMlayed mearclhebs thuos crueatinrg thne mee rri - ment for the night, similar to that of the Maltese Festas. On Monday, 8th September, a Mass was celebrated Fr. Victor Shields, mssp, cele - brated Mass in the St. Paul’s Chapel. Af - terwards everybody was invited to the Maltese Centre for refreshments. The feast itself was held on Sunday Sep - tember 14. It was organised by Reskeon Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta; mem - Pinu Sanctuary celebrated Mass and deliv - on behalf of the Missionary Society of St bers from religious Orders and from the ered a Homily in English. The Maltese Paul, at St Mary Star of the Sea Church, Maltese Ex-Services Association of Vic - Choir of Victoria under the direction of Mr West Melbourne. toria. Charles Schembri and Ms Lydia Gusman Among those present were the Consul A large number of Maltese Associations provided the music and singing. General of Malta in Victoria, Mr Victor were also present along with their banners This was followed by a Procession with Grech and Mrs Patricia Grech; MCCV and the banners of the four villages and the beautiful Statue of Maria Bambina. president Prof. Maurice Cauchi and his towns where the ‘Bambina’ is celebrated Afterwards, refreshments were served to wife Agnes, members of the MCCV Ex - in Malta and Gozo, that is, Senglea, Mel - the guests and the helpers. ecutive; members of the Sovereign Mili - lieha, Naxxar and Xaghra, Gozo. tary Hospitaller Order of St John of Mons. Benedict Camilleri, Rector of Ta’

- Paul Vella 20 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014

MALTESE CULTURAL CENTRE - Labour Day Luncheon October 6 at the MALTESE CULTURAL CENTRE, 6, Jeanes Street Beverley S. A. 5009 Centre Doors Open at 9am, Lunch 12.15pm Drinks are available for purchase at the bar for moderate prices. Lunch and Desert are available ( what’s for lunch to be notified later ) Saret ukoll il- purcissjoni tradizzjonali bl- istatwa tal-MadonnCCa mad-dooawra mtman-navi mm..uu.nn---ii-tt--yy--- -NNBINGO ee--ww----ss ----... tMIali-nKlna p-tiad©rBnala l 1i 9faiha m˙adu sebhemi ranppre a Ωen - Members: $7; non-members: $10; children: $5 tanti mill-g˙aqdiet Maltin ta’ dan l-istat. For Bookings see or Phone: the president Joseph Briffa: 8254 6988 or 0421 791 327; G˙fal’l-isSteditna tMas-saceradotir tay’ Ms SSP v/president: Mary Craus: 8281 2329 or 0420 699 617; secretary: Rita Bornhoeft: g˙ar-reçiviment, ˙afna marru f’Depiro 8248 1008 or 0401 860 632 or see othe members of the Committee House biswit il-Katidral. Min jg˙id li l-komunita` Maltija ma One can also phone the Maltese Guild Office g˙adhiex ˙ajja, attiva u mimlija ˙e©©a on Tuesday’s only between 9am to 3pm on 8243 0868 Ωgur li qatt ma Ωar St Mary’s Cathedral Thank you For Supporting the Club, the First and Oldest Maltese Organisation in South Aus - g˙al din il-festa Maltija. tralia Since 1948 and still going in 2014 St Nicholas Festa Committee La Valette Social Centre Programme 2014 presents: October 5 : Sunday - bus trip to Canberra for Floriade Cars, Motorbikes Show. Coach leaves Greystanes at 6.15 am and Black - & Trucks Exhibition town 6.30 am - cost $50 per person includes morning tea. BYO lunch or buy at your own expense. October from 9.00am to 1pm 2014 (long weekend) For enquiries contact Charlie Gatt: 9671 3919 or Jim Farrugia: 9677 9755 November 2 : Sunday Mass At Pine Grove for our beloved. Mass start at 5pm. Our Lady Queen of Peace Afterwards Maltase Band will take part from 4pm. You are advised to bring a chair. The Big Fete - Fiera November 4: Melbourne Cup Lunch - cost $25 for 2- doors open at 1.30 p.m. course meal and morning tea. Entertainment by Sam Music & Entertainment by Joe Xuereb & Tony Fenech and Tony Mifsud. Centre opens at 10am. There will be sweeps lucky door prizes and hat competition. Please Loads of fantastic prizes to be won, includ - book early. ing the traditional rabbit - ‘Fiera tal-Fniek’. November 23: Sunday (Ìurnata mar-Rabtin) - cost There will be drinks and food of all types in - $45 for a 3-course meal. Entertainment by Charlie cluding ‘pastizzi’ and ˙ob Ω bi Ω-Ω ejt ’ or ‘big - Camilleri and the Rocking Mustangs. Time: From 12.30 illa ’ & ice ceam for all children pm till 5pm. December 9 : Tuesday - A trip for Cherry-picking at Or - On SUNDAY October 19 ange. Lunch at Orange RSL at your own expense (or Good Shepherd Bingo Hall, 130-136 Hyatts Rd, bring your own) - cost $55 per person; children $30. Plumpton That includes coach and morning tea. Coach leaves from Greystanes at 6am, and from la Valette at 6.30 am. Entry is free and plenty of parking New years eve Dinner Dance at la Valette Social For further information contact President: Bill Schembri: Centre. Entertainment to be provided by Charlie Camil - 0416 261 415 or PRO: Joe Fenech: 0412 009 957 leri and the Rocking Mustangs. More information later. Important dates to note: November 29: St Nicholas Night of Entertainment, For bookings and information phone: The Centre: 96225847; Charlie and December 7: Feast of St Nicholas Camilleri : 0410523476; Frances 04123204320; Antoinette 96712992 Avvi Ω g˙al min THE MALTESE CULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF NSW INC tinteressah il-kitba Young Talent in Concert at Wenty Leagues Club Id-direzzjoni ta’ The Voice t˙e©©e© lill-qarrejja li j˙os- Sunday November 23 at 2.00 pm - Featuring the very talented su li jew g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba inkella li ja˙s-bu Natasha Vella & James Cassar li bi ftit g˙ajnuna jist-g˙u (All performers are Australian Maltese) jrabbu l-kunfidenza g˙all- Tickets $15 Adults; Children under/15 $10. kitba, biex jekk iridu jistg˙u jissottomettu x-xog˙ol tag˙- For bookings contact: hom lil The Voice fl-email ad - Jim Borg 9636 7767 / 0418825591 dress: or Doris Caruana 9636 2295 [email protected] You can prebook by email to [email protected]. Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 21

Ic-Ci ittadini presents direct from Malta Eleanor Cassar together with CCoommmmuunniittyy NNJoee Gawwlea ss Ikun hemm wkoll . Kummiedja mic.-Cittadini In , on or on Sydney show on Sunday October 26 at 2.00 pm . Mondays 5pm, Fridays at Wentworthville Leagues Club 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday Contact: Monica 9896 0712 or 0414 859386; Doris 9636 2295 eaTch umonnthe at 1Ipnm. to Radio MMaElLteBsOeU RNaE dio 3PZrZoZ g9r2.a3mFM mes Book early Iwnw wa.3znzz.dcom eonl 9e8.v9 Niosrtiho Wn est FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Em - manuel Brincat. 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 The Maltese Language In MELBOU, RlisNteEn to the MCC radio pro - 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 School of NSW gramme Sunday at 11am To tune into digital radio you need re - cTehiuvresrd oary d: evice with a DAB+ chip. The Maltese Language School Friday: of NSW invites applications for In listen to the Maltese Pro - Tuning in is by station name not fre - SYDNEY Sqauteunrdcayy. : Digital radio can also be heard Maltese language classes at gram on on Tuesda2yGsL 6F. 0F0M - 88.91.53a, mor ; the Alfred Fenech Maltese Re - Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Chan - on demand: nel 38 and SBS. source Centre located at BRISBANE Maltese Radio) tune in Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is 59b Franklin Street (corner to link: 4EB the present FMwavelength. Digital with Young Street) Mays Hill radio can also be accessed by a smart (next to Parramatta West phone and/or by going online at HY - Public School). UNCLE SAM DJ ( PERLINK: The GDwAwYw M.unAcLleTsAamUdSjS.cIoEm SHOW Both young and adult on TVS is broadcast in Sydney. students may apply. Every MSaatultrdeasye aPt r2opgmr;a mmes VIVA MALTA on Central Coast For more information contact Repeats oonn M ToVnd aynsd 5 W pmeb and Tues - Radio: October 9th and 23rd; Novem - Mary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189 days 7.30 am htbtpe:r/ /6wthw awn.sdb 2s.0ctohm fr.aoum, w6 wpwm. s-b7s .pcmom o.nau or email: COAST FMVI 9V6A.3 MCoAmLmTuAnity Radio in [email protected] Gosford NSW - Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. You can have full access The Voice Watch dir1e2c:0t 0v-i1a3 H:0Y0 PSEBRS LRIaNdKio: 3 of the Maltese online anytime by; logging to: On SBS Radio Day Time AnalLog-uAe D˙ibgiatarlijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2W (Cehba nst. r3e2a);m Tihnugrs idsa yasls aot 8a.v0a5 ialamb olen SoBn:S2 and click on The Voice sign Tuesday: OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets every second Friday of the Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue TFhaei rPfBieS lMd AALcTtEivSeE MNEaWltSese Seniors Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm fromM10:e0e0atmin tog s12 o nfo oDn.a y Care Meets on the first Wednesday of the The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr OTuhr eM Seuettihngesr/Glaent dT o&ge tShte rGs aeroe rignte er - Maltese Groups in NSW month at the Llandilo Community Hall, esting, informative & entertaining. of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fair - Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm. Maltese Group field Heights. Come Join us and make new Friends GLrlaeynsdtialnloe sM Maaltletessee S Seenniioorrs s Meets on the second Monday of the Meets on the last Wednesday of the month n the George Preca Centre of month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. For more information contact our Coor - D: aceyville Maltese Seniors dinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) Come and join us and make new friends. 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298 *(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please con - Note The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips tact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices . are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School) 22 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014

THE MALTESE GUILD OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC. Maltese Cultural Centre 6, Jeanes Street CCoommmmuunniittyy NNeeBwweverleys sS A 5009 Phone Tuesday’s only: 8243 0868. AH: 8254 6988/0421 791 327 Email: [email protected] Website: Socials, Meals, Multicultural Events, Bus Trip Excursions For the Aged are partly supported by Functions Calendar for the year of 2015.

Supported by Computer Class for the Elderly January 26th Monday AustraAliuas Dtraayli aL uDnacyh Leuonc h e o n February 8th SSuunnddaay y Bus TBruips ATWripA YA” WAY” The Maltese Community Council of NSW February 17th TTuueessddaay y AsheAs sMhaesss M aat sMsa altte Msea lCteusletu Craull tCuernalt rCee ntre February 28th SSaattuurrddaay y MalteMsael tCeusletu Craull tCueranlt rCee 3n8trteh 3A8ntnhi vAenrnsiavreyr - is conducting a computer class at the Dinnesra rDya Dncine ner Dance March 9th M Moonnddaay y AdelAaideel aCiduep CLunpc Lhuenocnh e o n Maltese Resource Centre April 6st M Moonnddaay y EastEera sMteorn Mdaoyn dLauyn cLhuenocnh e o n June 8th MMoonnddaay y QueeQnuse Benirsth Bdiartyh Lduayn cLhuenocnh e o n 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW July 19th S Suunnddaay y Bus TBriups Trip August 11th TTuueessddaay y CeleCbrealetibnrga tMinags sM Sast.s M Satr. yM a ry every Friday between 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 August 16th SSuunnddaay y FeasFte oafs tS ot.f MSat.r yM a r y For more information contact September 12th S Saattuurrddaay y MaltMa aNlatati oNnaatilo Dnayl DDainyn Deirn Dnearn cDea n ce September 15th T Tuueessddaay y FestaF Teasdta-D Tualdu-rDi Mulausris M a s s Emanuel Camilleri: 0409 744 376 September 27th S Suunnddaay y AnnuaAl nGneunaelr Gale Mnereatiln Mge e ting October 5th M Moonnddaay y LabouLra Dbaoyu rL Dunayc hLeuonnc h e on Notice to Former members of ... November 3rd T Tuueessddaay y MelboMurenlbeo Cuurnpe L Cuunpch Leuonnc h eon November 13, 14, 15 &16th FFrir, iS, Sata,t S, Suunn, M, Moon n 4 4D aDyasy sB uBsu sT rTipri,p P, lPalcaec eo fo Tf oTuor ur (T(oT oB eB eN oNtoiftiiefide) d) Malta Society of New Zealand November 17th T Tuueessddaay y M aMsass fso fro trh teh De iDseisaesaesde dM eMmembebres rs We now have a Facebook page that we invite you to December 19th SSaattuurrddaay y M Meemmbbeersrs X Xmmaass P Paartry ty join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland. December 31st T Thhuursrsddaay y N Newew Y eYaera’sr’ sE vEev eD Dininenre Dr Danacne ce We can be found online at: Please Note! The Maltese Cultural Centre will open every Tuesday From Auckland/ 396193070527203?ref=hl. 10am till 3pm of every week, starting on January 13 to December 19, 2015 It is open to all have an interest in the Maltese culture. Date of Events are subject to be altered if needed to be changed.

Follow The Voice of FRIENDS OF PROVIDENCE HOUSE NSW the Maltese online (Formed in November 2011) Founder /Coordinator : Jim Borg magazine every Structure: Secretary : Marisa Previtera; fortnight. Treasurer : Rita Kassas Now we also have our Official Bank Account : Commonwealth Bank of Australia: BSB: 062 416 A/C 10199448 our facebook page. Aim of Association: Raising funds for Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta So join us. Go to: Money raised so far: 2012/2013 - $ 2,500 and 2013/2014 - https://www.face- $35,000. Method of fund raising: Functions, tours, donations, raffles, sponsors. Percentage of funds raised donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta – 100% evoiceofthemaltese Future fund raising: Donations direct to the official bank account, sponsorships, tours, functions and raffles. Please Note: The Friends of Providence House NSW is the official Ambassador of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta in Australia Organisations that have Community Ac - tivities for publication in The Voice , are Contact details: Jim Borg, Co-ordinatorPhone: (02) 9636 7767 (Mb) 0418 825 591 advised to stick to the magazine’s dead - Email: [email protected] line and latest policy regarding advertis - ing, and submit material at least a week Proudly supported by: prior to publication. Tuesday September 30, 2014 The Voice of the Maltese 23

Organisations wishing to publish notices or news intended for the Maltese com - Community activities munity in Australia in The Voice of the Maltese online magazine, are advised to stick to the magazine’s deadline and submit material at least a week prior to for ‘publication’ publication. Also please try to be brief so we could accommodate most requests ST HCCELENAoo MAmmLTESEm/mAUSTRuuALIAnnN S.iiC.IttNC yy NNeLe-a˙wwbarijis es t tal-PBS (Malta) PRESENTS a GET TOGETHER CONCERT G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni DIRECT FROM MALTA: ELEANOR CASSAR lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, il-qarrejja huma m˙e©©a Also CITTADINI FROM SYDNEY biex meta u x’˙in iridu jid˙lu fil- DATE: SATURDAY 18TH OCTOBER; VENUE: ERRINGTON HALL, ST ALBANS website minn TIME: 6.00 PM TILL 11.30PM. MUSIC provided by D J TONY fejn ikunu jistg˙u jsegwu l-a˙bar - COST: $20 PER PERSON ijiet ta’ Malta. Din il- website tkun B Y O - Food and drinks can be bought at the Hall at very reasonable prices. a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li Also jkunu qed ise˙˙u. Mhux hekk biss, imma dawk li Come and see ELEANOR CASSAR and the sensational RENATO j˙obbu jsegwu dak li jkun g˙ad- On Sunday, October 19 in Concert at: MELROSE RECEPTIONS, TULLAMARINE dej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta fuq (Includes two-course meal for only $45) il- website jittellg˙u l-a˙barijiet For BOOKINGS phone VICTOR on 0412 99 13 25 or JOE BUSUTTIL: 9311 89 68 tal-jum ta' qabel. . . Friends of Birzebbuga Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day are organising a get-together on November 15, at 21st Anniversary Luncheon 6.30 p.m. at Merrylands RSL Military Road Merrylands NSW on Wednesday October 8 with buffet and entertainment Venue: St Stephen Serbian Orthodox For tickets contact: Emanuel Camilleri: Caring for our Maltese Elderly Church Hall Corner of Woodstock Ave 029822 0228. Mob: 0409 744 376 & Hyatts Rd Plumpton Come along. It will be a fun night Between 9:00am - Finish 3:00pm Starting with morning tea, followed by Mass Aspecial lunch and dessert will be served live entertainment provided by well-known Maltese entertainers Cost: Frail person(s) free ;Carer $25; Senior $45 Call one of the committee below to reserve your seat. Doris Pocock 0419 420 915; Lina Magro 9629 4046 ST HELENA MALTESE- Our Elderly are forever grateful for this very special day NAOVUEMRSBeTEmRaR: inAingL aIcAtivNitie Ss f.oCr 2. 0I1N4 C. Saturday 15 BYP Get-together at Errington Hall, St Albans Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc. PO Box DJ : starlight Johnny; 2 DOOR prizes of $50 each 5332, Greystanes LPO, NSW 2145 DECEMBER: Saturday 20 Christmas function at Melrose Tullamarine with DJ Do - minic in attendance We also do weekend trips to Tocumwal & Barham 2014 Learn Maltese! Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, For more information one should phone Victor Bartolo: traditions and about the amazing history of this magnificent 93798387 - Mobile: 0412 991 325; Joe Borg: 93044414 Mediterranean island. & Joe Busuttil: 93118968; Mary Abdilla: 93705164 & Our trained and experienced teachers are qualified in MaGry ˙Baartnoloa, Mfoibli-lLe: a04 1V7 a54l9e 7t2t4 e Centre language teaching and have Maltese study credentials. Classes available for students from 6 yrs to adults at all levels Il-La Valette Social Centre se jorganizza of ability in the Maltese language. lejla ta’ G˙ana fiç-çentru fis-26 ta’ Ottubru li ©ej minn Saver u s˙abu. Classes are held at: Il-˙in ikun fit-8.00 pm u d-d˙ul ikun bla ˙las. HORSLEY PARK SEVEN HILLS Kul˙add huwa mistieden jattendi. Horsley Park Public School The Meadows Public Sch. 1759 The Horsley Drive, Horsely Park Fuller Street, Seven Hills The Voice of the Maltese online can be accessed anytime by logging to: SCHOFIELDS - Terra Sancta College. Hambeldon Rd, Schofields For more information and all enquiries and clicking on: The Voice sign. call Mary Pace Feroud on (02)9601 2189 24 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday September 30, 2014 SSppoorrttss 22

Left: Shayne Ardle, the Parramata goalkeeper in action during the grand final; and (right) the Macarthur Rams players in celebration mood after winning the Championship Maltese-Australian Zahra nets double for Valletta Parramatta lose NSW Mens n day 5, Maltese-Australian and former OPerth Glory striker Adrian Zahra was among the scorers as Champions Valletta fi - nally expressed their potential by bouncing 2 Grand Final to Macarthur back from the defeat the previous week to he final commitment of already-pro - Gonzalez. With the wind in their sails the claim a comfortable 5-0 victory over Sliema Tmoted Parramatta FC ended in disap - Rams worked hard to even take the lead, Wanderers. pointment as they lost 2-1 to Macarthur and with three minutes left on the clock, Valletta led 4-0 at half time. Then on Day 6 Rams in the match that decided the SUPA Ouffoue soared above his markers to head managed their scond successive win, 4-0 IGA NPL NSW Mens 2 championship. home the winning tally from a Joel Craig against Qormi. Hibernians kept up their promising run by Parramatta had finished their league com - cross. Ûebbu© t mitments nine points ahead of their nearest A late Parramatta surge proved futile as adding the scalps of Pieta antd o their challengers and 10 better off than third- Macarthur won the grand final and lifted victories to claim maximum points from six matches to top the table on 18 points. They are placed Macarthur Rams, who however the Mens 2 premiership for the first time the only team on maximum points. Three made up for that by becoming champions. in their history. poins behind are Birkirkara. Parramatta, formerly Melita Eagles, dom - The setback failed to detract from what Top Standings: Hibernians 18 points; Bir- inated the opening exchanges but failed to has been a momentous season for Parra - kirkara 15; Mosta and Balzan 13; Valleta 10. score, letting in the Rams to share play. matta and their coach Frank Cosentino However, they emerged more determined who sportingly said after the match: “It is Malta Premier League Results from the break and after getting close on a tough but credit to Macarthur. They came Day 5 couple of occasions they eventually took from a goal down,” adding that “it's hard Hibernians v Pieta 3-1 the lead on 57 minutes when Rezo's cross when we've achieved so much to get up Jorge Pereira da Silva (2), Clayton Failla (H); Rafael Xavier (P) following a corner was met by Mathew for a grand final. Valletta v Sliema W. 5-0 Clowes who rose up highest to head into “It's been a fantastic season, no one Adrian Zahra (2), Alex Terra (2), , pen. the corner of the net. thought we would achieve what we've Mosta v Balzan. 1-0 The Rams made an immediate reaction achieved. I'm looking forward to compet - Bojan Kaljevic and came very close to levelling the score. ing in NPL 1 next year. They're devastated Floriana v Ûebbu© 3-3 Vito Plut (2), Steve Pisani (F); However, Parramatta could have doubled in the sheds but I'm sure they'll become Carlo Monti, John Nwoba, Mauricio Britto (Z) their lead on 70 minutes but John Tsironis’ better footballers for it.” Birkirkara v Qormi 2-0 effort smashed against the woodwork. He also gave credit to his players: “ I Ryan Camenzuli, Rafael Ledesma The miss proved costly as Macarthur went can't ask for a better bunch of lads. Every - Tarxien R. v Naxxar L 2-1 immediately down the other end and lev - thing I asked them to do, they did and Alvaro Andre Rodrigues Silva, Wesley Lima Silva (T); elled the scores through their substitute they've trusted me in everything we did.” Emmanuel Ibok Edet (N) Day6 Hibernians v Û ebbu© 4-0 Congratulations to the Moun - Green Gully 14th; George Cross 9th Andrew Cohen, Clayton Failla, Marcelo Dias, ties Wanderers FC Grade 15 Edison Luis dos Santos team in NSW for winning the The other clubs with a Cross, playing in the Victoria Valletta v Qormi 4-0 Grand Final. Also congratula - Maltese connection, both Div. 1 took ninth place, from Lateef Elford Alliyu, Alex Terra, Ian Azzopardi, in Victoria, both wrapped 14 teams equal on 35 points Luke Montebello tions on behalf of Glen Ingle Sliema W. v Pieta 2-2 and myself to the Grade 14 up their season in the lower eight-placed Kngston who had Fabio Mangiacasale, Mark Scerri team for making it to the half of their respective a better goal difference. Balzan v Tarxien 3-2 Grand Final. Although they leagues. Gianmarco Piccioni (2), Edison B. Zarate (B); Carlos Final George Cross results Menedez Hevia, Alvaro Andre Rodrigues Silva (T) lost on a penalty shoot out we Green Gully finished 10th Birkirkara v Mosta are still very proud of our boys. from 14 teams in the Na - 2-0 Bulleen v Sunshine GC 0-2 Ellinton A.Costa Morais, Eliandro dos Santos Gonzaga Charles Abdilla tional Premier League with Sunshine GC v Kingston 3-5 Floriana v Naxxar L. Football Operations Manager 1-1 30 points. While George Bendigo v Sunshine GC 2-0 Vito Plut (F); Pape Gueye (N) VICTORIA: Division I