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It-Tlettax-Il Leġiżlatura Pl 1292 IT-TLETTAX-IL LEĠIŻLATURA P.L. 1292 Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 89 tal-5 ta’ Marzu 2018 mis-Segretarju Parlamentari għaż- Żgħażagħ, Sport u Għaqdiet Volontarji, f’isem il-Ministru għall- Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol. ___________________________ Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra ASSOĊJAZZJONIJIET U GĦAQDIET SPORTIVI LI BBENEFIKAW MILL-ASSISTENZA TA’ SPORTMALTA *4521. L-ONOR. RYAN CALLUS staqsa lill-Ministru għall-Edukazzjoni u Xogħol: Jista’ l- Ministru jpoġġi fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra lista ta’ assoċjazzjonijiet u għaqdiet sportivi li bbenefikaw mill-assistenza ta’ SportMalta u mid-diversi skemi tagħha mill-2014 sal-ġurnata li fiha tiġi mwieġba din id-domanda parlamentari? Jista’ jgħid ukoll kemm kienet l-għotja finanzjarja, materjalità jew ta’ natura oħra, għal kull wieħed u għal liema skop? 27/02/2018 ONOR. EVARIST BARTOLO: Ninforma lill-Onor. Interpellant li l-informazzjoni mitluba għas-snin 2014 - 2017 qed titpoġġa fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra. Seduta Numru 89 05/03/2018 PQ 4521 2014 Organization Name Scheme Invoice Total Malta Football Association NADO / Doping Assistance € 27,949.00 AACTS (EdA) Education Assistance € 360.00 Malta Racing Club (EdA) Education Assistance € 5,000.00 Aikido Yamato Club (EA) Equipment Assistance € 1,000.00 Hockey Association Malta (EA) Equipment Assistance € 964.00 Malta Karate Federation (EA) Equipment Assistance € 2,500.00 Malta Weightlifting Association (EA) Equipment Assistance € 1,200.00 Malta Weightlifting Association (EA) Equipment Assistance € 4,804.97 Malta Cycling Federation (EA) Equipment Assistance € 7,003.00 Malta Canoe Federation (EA) Equipment Assistance € 7,000.00 Malta Darts Association (EA) Equipment Assistance € 875.00 Malta Weightlifting Association (EA) Equipment Assistance € 4,882.00 Malta Table Football Sport Association (EA) Equipment Assistance € 800.00 Assocazzjoni Sport Muturi (EA) Equipment Assistance € 1,500.00 Malta Powerboat Association (EA) Equipment Assistance € 3,500.00 Malta Weightlifting Association (EA) Equipment Assistance € 126.98 Malta Karate Federation (EA) Equipment Assistance € 424.80 Malta Weightlifting Association (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 539.47 Malta Weightlifting Association (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 505.41 St. Lucia Bocci Club (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 2,500.00 Gymstars (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 1,500.00 Old Motors Club (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 5,000.00 Tennis Club Kordin (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 1,000.00 Senglea Athletics Football Club (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 5,000.00 St Margerita Bocci Club (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 1,190.00 Ghaxaq Bocci Club (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 1,500.00 St Margerita Bocci Club (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 2,118.00 St Margerita Bocci Club (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 1,691.90 Zejtun Bocci Club (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 2,000.00 Qormi Clay Shooting Club (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 1,800.00 Neptunes WPSC (FIA) Facility Improvement Ass € 12,500.00 Hockey Association Malta (FMA) Facility Maintenance Ass € 3,050.51 Island Car Club (FMA) Facility Maintenance Ass € 6,613.90 Senglea Gunners FC (FMA) Facility Maintenance Ass € 10,000.00 Cottoner Barbell Club (FMA) Facility Maintenance Ass € 2,000.00 Senglea Bocci Club (FMA) Facility Maintenance Ass € 2,300.00 Senglea Bocci Club (FMA) Facility Maintenance Ass € 550.00 Rinella Tennis Club (FMA) Facility Maintenance Ass € 5,000.00 Assocazzjoni Sport Muturi (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 369.00 Wushu Ky Kickboxing (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 408.13 Malta Drifting Association (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 4,000.00 Karting Club (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 1,653.72 Fisec Malta (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 10,000.00 Mr Alfred Debono (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 500.00 Malta Wheelchair Dance Association (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 2,400.00 Malta Golf Association (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 3,600.00 Rabat Motorsport (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 2,000.00 Marsaxlokk Youth Nursery (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 5,000.00 All Wheel Drive Club (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 2,000.00 Malta Drag Racing (Mr Horace Gerada) (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 774.00 Malta Squash Association (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 1,311.20 Karting Club (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 3,354.28 Malta Scrabble Club (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 500.00 Malta Motorsport Federation (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 3,000.00 AACTS (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 1,736.78 Assocazzjoni Sport Muturi (IPFA) Inter Part. foreign ass € 2,000.00 Federazzjoni Vetturi Antiki (IPLA) Inter part. local ass. € 500.00 Malta Drifting Association (IPLA) Inter part. local ass. € 20,000.00 Valletta Grand Prix (IPLA) Inter part. local ass. € 10,000.00 Malta Olympic Committee Malta Olympic Committee € 58,155.97 Malta Olympic Committee Malta Olympic Committee € 94,613.18 Malta Olympic Committee Malta Olympic Committee € 57,160.96 Malta Olympic Committee Malta Olympic Committee € 74,056.01 Malta Drifting Association Others Assistance € 12,000.00 Otters Aquatic Sports Club Others Assistance € 1,467.00 Ghaqda Regatta Nazzjonali Others Assistance € 200.00 Assocazzjoni Sport Muturi Others Assistance € 1,678.00 Gozo Youth FA Others Assistance € 286.68 Gozo FA Woman Team Others Assistance € 492.36 Ghajnsielem Redcoats Others Assistance € 262.30 Kercem Ajax FC Others Assistance € 52.98 Otters Aquatic Sports Club Others Assistance € 8,197.36 Malta Motorsport Federation Others Assistance € 5,000.00 Otters Aquatic Sports Club Others Assistance € 3,100.00 Swieqi Local Council Others Assistance € 15,575.00 Malta Shooting Sport Federation (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 17,500.00 Malta Judo Federation (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 1,999.98 Malta Tenpin Bowling (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 2,000.00 Malta Shooting Sport Federation (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 13,500.00 Malta Amateur Athletic Association (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 2,330.00 Malta Weightlifting Association (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 4,000.00 Malta Judo Federation (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 1,491.47 Badminton Malta (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 2,500.00 Federazzjoni Maltija Lotta (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 1,725.00 Malta Triathlon Federation (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 1,194.92 Special Olympics (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 25,000.00 Malta Judo Federation (YDA) BOV Youth Development Assi. € 1,999.98 Gymstars Sports Tourism Scheme € 6,960.00 Malta Volleyball Association Sports Tourism Scheme € 1,539.00 Vittoriosa Lawn Tennis Club Sports Tourism Scheme € 1,296.00 Malta DanceSport Team Association Sports Tourism Scheme € 1,190.00 Malta Cycling Federation Sports Tourism Scheme € 5,180.00 Malta Judo Federation Sports Tourism Scheme € 495.00 Special Olympics Sports Tourism Scheme € 272.75 Malta Pool Association Sports Tourism Scheme € 10,850.00 Malta Pool Association Sports Tourism Scheme € 500.00 Malta Judo Federation Sports Tourism Scheme € 640.00 Hamrun Spartans FC Sports Tourism Scheme € 2,750.00 Malta DanceSport Team Association Sports Tourism Scheme € 10,945.00 Gymstars Sports Tourism Scheme € 12,033.00 Gymstars Sports Tourism Scheme € 6,000.00 Malta Young Sailors Club Sports Tourism Scheme € 4,230.00 Tennis Club Kordin Sports Tourism Scheme € 1,725.00 Gymstars Sports Tourism Scheme € 3,735.00 Hockey Association Malta Sports Tourism Scheme € 5,749.00 Gymstars Sports Tourism Scheme € 3,650.00 Malta Darts Association Sports Tourism Scheme € 4,385.00 Malta DanceSport Team Association Sports Tourism Scheme € 6,445.00 Malta Scrabble Club Sports Tourism Scheme € 750.00 Special Olympics Sports Tourism Scheme € 3,540.00 Malta Table Tennis Association Sports Tourism Scheme € 1,800.00 Malta Wheelchair Dance Association Sports Tourism Scheme € 4,410.00 Malta Tenpin Bowling Non-olympic (MOC members) 2010 € 6,000.00 Malta Kendo Federation Non-olympic (MOC members) 2010 € 2,000.00 Valletta Lions Table Football Club Non-olympic (MOC members) 2010 € 2,000.00 JCL Properties Ltd (James Galea) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 3,350.00 Mr Brian Galea 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 555.24 Mr Brian Galea 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 1,110.48 Jeffrey Pisani 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 1,635.30 Futura Home Appliances Ltd (Marcon Bezzina) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 1,609.20 Nicholas Carabott 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 4,286.64 T.G Services Co Ltd (George Mifsud) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 1,641.16 Xuereb Bros (Nathan Lee Xuereb) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 2,700.00 Frans Bugeja 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 1,001.28 Jimmy Vella Fruit (Jason Vella) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 973.94 Frans Bugeja 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 500.80 TMF Fund Services (Sue Abela) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 1,306.21 MAJ Logistics Ltd (John Mary Bugeja) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 2,365.32 Stateman Garage (Clayton Mizzi) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 2,841.30 Metal Form Ltd (Lisa Bezzina) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 383.20 T.G Services Co Ltd (George Mifsud) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 368.80 Chaudron Racing Ltd (Aaron Ciantar) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 2,097.60 JCL Properties Ltd (James Galea) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 1,720.00 MAJ Logistics Ltd (John Mary Bugeja) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 1,508.32 Mr Jeffrey Pisani 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 538.20 T.G Services Co Ltd (George Mifsud) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 387.24 Jimmy Vella Fruit (Jason Vella) 20/20 Scheme / Flexi Training € 3,409.41 Mangion Mangion & Partners
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