2019 Utility Bundled Retail Sales- Residential
2019 Utility Bundled Retail Sales- Residential (Data from forms EIA-861- schedules 4A & 4D and EIA-861S) Customers Sales Revenues (Thousands Average Price Entity State Ownership (Count) (Megawatthours) Dollars) (cents/kWh) Akiachak Native Community Electric AK Cooperative 183 654 305.1 46.65 Alaska Electric Light&Power Co AK Investor Owned 14,793 143,208 20,309.5 14.18 Alaska Power and Telephone Co AK Investor Owned 5,631 25,514 7,720.0 30.26 Alaska Village Elec Coop, Inc AK Cooperative 8,065 41,117 21,366.4 51.96 Anchorage Municipal Light and Power AK Municipal 24,721 115,730 26,832.6 23.19 Aniak Light & Power Co Inc AK Investor Owned 170 785 480.0 61.15 Barrow Utils & Elec Coop, Inc AK Cooperative 1,540 10,909 1,689.6 15.49 Chitina Electric Inc AK Investor Owned 43 100 70.8 70.80 Chugach Electric Assn Inc AK Cooperative 71,794 467,384 98,888.4 21.16 City & Borough of Sitka - (AK) AK Municipal 3,798 39,570 7,352.0 18.58 City of Akutan - (AK) AK Municipal 83 530 424.3 80.06 City of Chefornak AK Municipal 97 551 306.0 55.54 City of Chignik - (AK) AK Municipal 55 274 153.0 55.84 City of Elfin Cove - (AK) AK Municipal 47 115 80.0 69.57 City of Larsen Bay - (AK) AK Municipal 51 320 73.9 23.09 City of Ouzinkie - (AK) AK Municipal 77 244 163.0 66.80 City of Saint Paul AK Municipal 136 657 270.0 41.10 City of Tenakee Springs - (AK) AK Municipal 125 236 138.8 58.81 City of Unalaska - (AK) AK Municipal 755 3,658 1,507.3 41.21 City of White Mountain - (AK) AK Municipal 67 252 138.3 54.88 City of Wrangell - (AK) AK Municipal 1,206 13,930 1,592.0
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