HRG Assessment: Comparing IBM Puresystems and HP Converged Systems

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HRG Assessment: Comparing IBM Puresystems and HP Converged Systems HRG Assessment: Comparing IBM PureSystems and HP Converged Systems Today customers and employees have increasingly more bi-directional interactions with companies than at any previous time and all of these transactions have to be served up and supported by Information Technology. Business applications and services have to be developed and assimilated into the business quicker, faster, and without room for mistakes. CXOs and IT professionals are struggling to reconcile the increased complexity of business environments with an increase in both the complexity and cost of operations. The available IT budget is increasingly consumed not by hardware costs but by management, administration, and other indirect non-technology costs. The current business environment is dynamic, highly competitive, increasingly fast paced, and global. Consumers of Information Technology products and services have higher expectations than ever before, placing increasing demands on business IT capabilities which are measured on the ability to quickly deliver new and improved services. Large-scale projects cost millions, take months to plan and execute with no guarantee of success. Time, budget, skilled resources, organizational experience and expertise are critical constraints. Customers are increasingly turning to Integrated Systems to help tackle these challenges. On April 11, 2012 IBM introduced a family of Expert Integrated Systems called IBM PureSystemsTM. This is a unique solution that combines IBM‟s significant software, hardware, networking, security, and management experience, expertise, and capabilities into a single easy to order and implement solution. IBM PureSystems are architected and designed to help customers keep pace with unscheduled and unanticipated increases in demand by simplifying the selection, purchase, installation, configuration, and implementation of IT solutions for business. IBM PureSystems customers should expect to benefit from improved ROI and faster time to revenue. IBM and HP each claim their particular solution uniquely meets today‟s challenges. However, there are important differences between the two solutions and only one clear winner. How will business and IT professionals keep pace? Is IBM PureSystems or HP Converged Systems the right solution the meet these challenges? In this paper, we provide an overview of IBM PureSystems and HP Converged Systems and examine some of the major differences between these solutions. This document was developed with IBM funding. Although the document may utilize publicly available material from various vendors, including IBM, it does not necessarily reflect the positions of such vendors on the issues addressed in this document. We recommend that you a give these new systems a closer look! Copyright © 2012 Harvard Research Group, Inc. Harvard Research Group, Inc. IBM PureSystems IBM PureSystems are assembled, integrated, and configured before they are shipped to the customer. This integration includes servers, storage, networking, management, security, operating systems, and workload specific infrastructure patterns. IBM PureSystems let customers stay focused on business and on serving customers. Computers, networks, storage, and software are tools to be used to facilitate the business by creating efficiencies, expediting, and accelerating sensible business growth, return on assets and cash flow. Anything that makes the selection, purchase, installation and configuration of IT platforms simpler, faster, and more trouble free is good for business. IBM PureSystems have at their core the following 3 customer focused design precepts: Built-in expertise defined as “Capturing and automating what experts do – from the infrastructure to the application – to make IT easy to deploy and manage.” Integration by design defined as “Deeply integrating and tuning hardware and software in a ready-to-go, workload-optimized system.” Simplified experience defined as “Making every part of the IT lifecycle easier with integrated management of the entire system and a broad open ecosystem of optimized solutions” IBM PureSystems are fully integrated by design and tuned by IBM labs and factories. IBM PureSystems are assembled, integrated, and configured at IBM‟s manufacturing and assembly facilities and delivered as a single tightly integrated unit in a shippable rack ready for rapid installation and production level use at the customer site. IBM PureSystems offer “scale-in” architecture by building on faster, denser components such as POWER7‟s faster and denser architecture and the latest generation Intel processors combined with integrated virtualization management and a unique networking design. IBM PureFlexTM System The IBM PureFlex System is an expert integrated system that combines servers, storage, networking, virtualization, security, and management enabling organizations to rapidly deploy and manage virtualized hardware resources and workloads. These systems deliver the simplicity of an integrated solution to customers who also need to be able to tune and control middleware and run-time environments. IBM PureFlex System recommends workload placement based on virtual machine compatibility and resource availability. Using built-in virtualization across servers, storage and networking, the infrastructure system enables automated scaling of resources and workload mobility. The IBM PureFlex System is an infrastructure system with expertise for sensing and anticipating resource needs in order to optimize the virtualized infrastructure. IBM PureFlex System is available in Express, Standard, and Enterprise configurations. IBM Flex System Manager IBM Flex System Manager is a systems management appliance that configures, monitors, and manages IBM PureFlex System resources. IBM Flex System Manager provides a real-time single pane of glass GUI for managing all chassis components. The chassis maps which comprise the Flex System Manager top level GUI show front and rear views of the IBM Flex System chassis and installed components. By mousing and hovering over a Copyright © 2012 Harvard Research Group, Inc. Page 2 Harvard Research Group, Inc. component information on that component is displayed in a pop up window and by selecting and clicking on a component the administrator can drill down to manage the system at a granular level providing control of resource pools in support of workload related QOS and SLA requirements and policies. Furthermore, this graphical view of the chassis also provides a series of management overlays which show system policies related to SLA compliance. Additionally, Flex System Manager provides easy to understand representations of system and individual component status as an overlay on the chassis map. Flex SystemManager is used to optimize the physical and virtual resources of the IBM PureFlex System infrastructure while simplifying and automating repetitive tasks. IBM PureSystems Centre Through IBM PureSystems Centre, a portal to the PureSystems partner ecosystem, IBM enables ISVs and Business Partners to package and deliver solutions ( This catalogue of software from IBM and partners allows customers to select, download, and deploy new software functionality - tailored through the use of deployment patterns - to deliver reduced set up and implementation time. ISVs can sell their applications or patterns through the IBM PureSystems Centre. IBM offers warm transfer for certified 'Ready for PureSystems' applications. IBM also promotes the creation of further ISV patterns with a development toolkit, along with a trial of IBM PureApplicationTM System. You can see these at IBM PureSystems “patterns of expertise “combine operational know how, experience, and knowledge about common infrastructure resource management (IRM), data center infrastructure management (DCIM), and other repeatable processes, practices and workflows like provisioning. Common patterns of activity and expertise for routine or other time-consuming tasks enable policy driven automation. Time-consuming and repetitive tasks like provisioning, configuration, upgrades, IRM, DCIM, data protection, storage, and application management activities all benefit from IBM PureSystems automation. IBM‟s architecture for building patterns of expertise is open. Patterns of expertise can be created for PHP, Ruby, C++, and custom applications. Open architectures are key to driving new technology adoption. This also includes support across both x86 and POWER-processor based operating and hypervisor environments. The re-factoring of applications for use in a cloud environment is done via the IBM Virtual Appliance Factory (VAF) which produces Cloud services (images), in an industry standard format. In this way traditional application solutions can be transformed into new Cloud images (services) for rapid customer deployment using IBM PureSystems advanced unified management capabilities. These can be deployed on IBM PureApplication System or on IBM PureFlex System. IBM‟s Virtual Appliance Factory (VAF) is a collection of tools, technologies, processes and methodologies. VAF helps developers and ISVs prepackage applications and solutions for deployment into Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) on Intel and IBM PowerVM virtualized environments that are supported by IBM PureSystems. VAF technologies include tools for combing operating systems, middleware, and solution software into a delivery package or a virtual appliance. On IBM PureFlex System, built-in systems
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