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Acosta, Manuel Gómez de, 221, 222 personalized networks, 214–19 administración, 197, 199, 263, 305 production of, 201, 210, 212, 222 admiralties (Dutch Republic), 208, 227 social status of contractors, 259 Admiralty Board (England), 293 state manufacture, 198–9 Aelian, Claudius, 15, 98 Arnim, Hans Georg von, 119 Albrecht Alkibiades, margrave of Arsenale (Venice), 198, 200–1, 293 Brandenburg-Kulmbach, 57 artillery, 47, 83, 118, 140, 147–8, 234, 295, Aldringen, Johann, 244 302, 318 Alexander Farnese, duke of Parma, 15, 90, cast-iron cannon, 202, 212, 221, 237, 92 301, 319 Allerheim, battle of (1645), 181, 185, 186 and navies, 75, 83, 149, 290–1 , 106, 108, 190, 222 Aschaffenburg, 191 Altishofen, Ludwig Pfyffer von, 52 asiento (contracting), 220 Alva, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, duke of, Spanish army and navy, 220–2, 263 89 Atlantic islands (Spanish), 211 Amsterdam, 85, 95, 126, 216, 236, 239 , 128–9, 212 and military provisioning, 201, 213, 219, Aussig (Ústí nad Labem), 176, 235 232, 259 Anghiari, battle of, 27 Balbi (Genoese arms dealers), 213, 214, Anglo-Dutch Wars, 291 219, 222 anti-mercenary norm, 6 See mercenaries: Baltic, 214, 239, 280 hostility towards Banér, Johan, 131, 139, 177, 189, 239, 249 , 216, 221 campaigns of late 1630s, 184 sack of (1575), 90 and cavalry, 184 Arana, Martin de, 223, 251 fortune of, 243 Arboga, 202 winter campaigns, 188 Arenfeld, Axel, 111 Bannerman, Gordon, 302 armateurs, 141, 246, 259 Barbary corsairs, 37 armies. See contract armies; permanent Bartolotti, Guglielmo, 213, 214 armies Basle, 176, 231 field armies, 155, 181 Bassompierre, François de Betstein, growth of, 73–4, 194, 294, 313, 315 marshal, 252 irregular forces, 31–3, 179 , 106, 115, 187, 191, 224 optimal size, 184 Bavarian army, 113–16, 123, 168, 171, 179, rhetoric of absolutism, 261, 286 186, 187 winter campaigning, 188–9 and Fugger family, 251 arms and munitions longevity of units, 171 concentrated distribution of, 214 military system of, 181, 280 international centres for, 212–13, 216, recruitment, 163 233–9 size of, 279, 284 irregular demand, 200–1 veterans in, 159


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Bellay, Guillaume du, 97 Cadiz, 149 Belli, Pierino, 263 Cardinal Infante, Fernando of , 122, Bergues, 143, 250 178, 193 Berlaymont, Florens von, 90, 92 Carlo Emanuele I, duke of Savoy-Piedmont, Berlichingen, Götz von, 57 106 Bernard, Samuel, 301 Carlo Emanuele II, duke of Savoy- Berthelot, François, 278 Piedmont, 286 Béveziers, battle of (1690), 305 Cateau-Cambrésis, Peace of (1559), 72, 87 Blackwater, 3, 4 (), 88 Blake, Robert, 145 cavalry, 16, 58–9, 146, 147 Blanning, T. C. W., 318 growing proportion of armies, 184–6 Blommaert, Abraham, 216, 233 and military operations, 186 Bocskai, Stefan, prince of Transylvania, 100 Centurión, 38, 207, 213 Bohemia, 118, 176, 250 Cosmo, 207 revolt of, 105, 106, 116–17 Marco, 82 Bongarten, Hannekin, 43, 105 Chagniot, Jean, 21 Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne de, 272 Chamlay, Jacques-Louis Bolé, marquis de, Brandenburg, army of, 123, 131 100, 287 Brandenburg, electorate of, 280, Charles IV, duke of Lorraine 282, 284 army of, 134, 247, 280 Brandenburg, margraviat of, 129 Charles V, , 29, 37, Brandenburg-Prussia 57, 71, 73, 74, 80, 82, 93, 194 army of, 295, 298, 319, 320 Charles IX, king of France, 52, 87 cantonal system, 298 Charles IX, king of , 125 costs of war, 294 Charles X, king of Sweden, 280, 282 rise of, 9–10, 13 Charles de Gonzague, duc de Nevers, 38 Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Georg von, Chatham (dockyard), 293, 302 131, 253 Christian IV, king of Denmark, 99, 107, Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Johann Friedrich 110, 182, 223, 293 von, 281 Christian Militia, 38 Brazil, 149, 323 Clausewitz, Carl von, 154, 307 Bregenz, sack of (1647), 244 Clerke’s Act (1782), 325 Breisach, 222, 269 Colaert, Jacques, 143–4, 169, 249, 250, 309 siege of (1638), 176, 231 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 271, 274 Breitenfeld, battle of (1631), 120, 127, 139, and navy, 278, 291, 305 145, 146, 180 Collalto, Rombaldo, 118 Breitenfeld, second battle of (1642), 151, Cologne, 210, 212, 232, 281 181, 184 colonel directors (Weimarians), 109 Bremerholm, 223, 293 combat motivation, 152, 169–70 Brescia, 210, 212 condotta Brewer, John, 314 nature and types of, 43–5 British civil wars, 219, 248, 269 condottiere, 42–5, 57, 308, 315 Brown and Root Services, 3, 323, 324 Conrad of Landau, 41 Brunswick, Charles William Ferdinand, conscription, 2, 9, 18, 47–9, 55 duke of, 319 mass, 319, 320, 327 Bullion, Claude, 108 Swedish, 98, 172, 183, 189 Burgundy, kingdom of, 47 contract armies, 196 Burlamachi, Philip, 228 corporate identity of, 167–8, 171, 204–6 Burtenbach, Schertlin von, 57, 241 discipline, 167, 204 business of the company, 298–9, 309 international recruitment, 160, 283, 285 business of the regiment, 29, 188, 211, 248, military effectiveness of, 169–70, 173, 278, 297–8, 309 180, 280, 287, 308 Bussy-Rabutin, Ludwig Johann, count of, pay of, 161–2, 164, 209–10 295 post-1660, 279, 281 Bygdea, of (Sweden), 172, 184 propaganda against, 285

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recruitment of, 157–8, 160, 280 Dutch navy size of, 180–1 captains as creditors, 208, 309 social status of soldiers, 162–3, 166 kostpenningen, 208, 299 soldiers’ clothing, 165 merchant ships, 291 state authority, 241, 264 supply contractors, 227 of warfare, 191–3, 288 Dutch Republic, 15, 201, 224, 280, 303, 321 sustainability, 163–4, 171–2, 174 contributions, 154 wastage rates in, 158 and Flanders privateering, 143 contributions, 21, 94, 112, 154, 173, 175, shipyards, 85 211, 280, 284, 296 strategy of, 112 Army of Flanders, 91–2 Imperial army, 118–19, 121, 123, 140, East India Company (Dutch), 85, 111, 169, 182, 229, 231, 241, 245 321 Liga army, 114, 115–16, 181 Eggenberg, Ruprecht von, 91, 92 reimbursement of officers, 296 Eidgenossenschaft, 46–7 Swedish army, 128–9, 130, 131, 229, 243 Elbe, river, 131, 176, 180, 235 taxable capacity, 283 and logistics, 177 Cosimo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 38 Enghien, Louis II de Bourbon, duc d’ Cossacks, 32, 179 (prince de Condé from 1646), 153, Coulster, Joost van, 227 185, 187, 270 Courten von Siders family, 49 England (Britain), 201, 224, 314 Créqui, François de Blanchefort, comte de, English (British) army 270 business of the regiment, 297 Croats, 179 and mercenaries, 59, 290 Curtius, Jean, 221 regimental venality, 297 supply of, 198, 220 Danish army, 110–11, 115, 126, 127 English (British) navy, 293 logistics, 111 artillery, 201 and mercenaries, 30, 59 operations in 1620s, 149 Danish navy, 291 shipbuilding, 198, 302 shipbuilding, 198, 223, 293 tonnage of, 12 Danish–Swedish War (1611–13), 125 Victualling Board, 198, 302, 303 , river, 176, 177, 191 Erlach, Hans Ludwig von, 54, 222, 232, 243 Danzig, 214 Executive Outcomes, 3, 4 de Besche family, 236 de Marini, Giovanni Antonio, 207 Falkenberg, Dietrich von, 127 Degenfeld, Maximilian von, 297 Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, 72 Degingk, Melchior von, 232 Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, 33, Derfflinger, Georg von, 298 105, 229, 250, 262 desertion, 158, 159, 171, 246 Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, 124, Dessau Bridge, battle of (1626), 107 188, 251 Diesbach, Wilhelm von, 53 Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavaria, 284 directory ships (Dutch), 111 Fieschi family (Genoa), 85 disease, and soldiers, 172 Finland Dohna, Christoffer, von, 280 soldiers from, 30 Dorchi, Jan Paolo (Antwerp), 216 fiscal-military state, 304, 313 Doria, Andrea, 81, 207 and historians, 314, 315 Doria, Gian Andrea, 82 and military enterprise, 316–17 double-pay men, 50, 62, 164–5, and resource mobilization, 313–16 168, 287 Flanders, Army of, 15, 94, 164, 170, 178, drill, 98, 158, 261, 287, 319 246, 254 Droysen, Johann Gustav, 9 financed by Spinola, 225 Dunkirk, 37, 140, 144, 245, 259 fluctuating size, 89 Duquesne, Abraham, 143 supply contracts for, 221 Dutch army, 17, 111–13 Florence, Republic of, 28, 40, 41, 45

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fortresses, 32, 74–5, 112, 148–9, 278, 290, fortune of, 244 304, 321 on Imperial garrisons, 189 prestige of capture, 195 and sack of Mantua, 244 provisioning of, 224 galleons, 75, 83, 85 Frachetta, Girolamo, 262 construction contracts, 222, 251 France galleys, 74, 75, 85 1636 invasion, 175, 179, 185 captains, 206 civil wars, 72, 87–8, 266, 269–70 contracting, 80–3 fiscal burdens on, 314 Genoese, 38, 206, 220, 229 military devolution, 22, 95, 266–7, 270 Order of St John, 37, 229 military underperformance, 1635–59, Order of Santo Stefano, 38 269 profits from management, 207–8 Revolutionary Wars, 10, 313, 319, 326 state administered, 80, 82, 83 rise of absolutism, 10, 271 Venetian Arsenale, 198, 200 François I, king of France, 27, 52, 57, 255 Venetian Republic, 74 Frankfurt am Main, 212, 240 Gardie, Magnus de La, 280 Frederick I, king of Prussia, 9 garrisons, 86, 112, 130, 139, 172 Frederick II (the Great), king of Prussia, 9 of captured places, 187 and mercenaries, 290 contracts for supply, 221–2 Frederick V, Palatine Elector, 106 feeding field armies, 184 Frederick Henry of Orange-Nassau, French, 179, 278 Stadholder, 112 negotiating supply contracts, 211 Freiburg, battle of (1644), 151, 187 in , 211 French army, 224–5, 285, 324 Swedish, 189, 229, 280 exploitation of officers, 268, 273 in Westphalia, 182 and central control, 269, 273 Gattamelata family, 43 of , 186, 187, 189–91 Geer, Louis de, 86 lack of regimental longevity, 268 cannon manufacture, 201 and language of sovereignty, 271–2 and international arms trade, 213 and mercenaries, 87, 108–9, 247, 254, partnership with Trip family, 213 266, 267, 269, 273 saltpetre monopoly, 213–14 reforms of 1660s, 270–1, 286 Swedish interests, 236–9 size of, 12, 30, 74, 274, 276, 320 Geiger, Anton and Tobias (bankers), 210, venality of military office, 275–7 232, 243 French navy, 278–9, 301, 306 general contractor, 23, 102, 105, 135, and Colbert clientele, 271, 324 246–7 guerre de course, 305–6 Generalkriegskommissariat (Brandenburg), shipbuilding, 198 290 size of, 274 Genoa, Republic of, 38, 85, 95, 212, 219, Frey-Aldenhoven, Anton, 216 303 Friedland, duchy of, 176, 229, 233–6 defence in 1625, 214 Friedrich Wilhelm I, king in Prussia, 298 Great Council, 219 Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, Gentile, Marco Antonio, 221 281, 283, 296, 298 Gevierthaufe. See Haufe Fritsch, Augustin von, 168 Gonzaga, Alfonso, marquis of Pomaro, 254 Frundsberg, Georg von, 57, 60, 241 Gonzaga, Annibale, 254 Fürstenberg, Wilhelm von, 59 Gonzaga, dukes of Mantua, 38, 46 Fugger family, 92, 128, 225, 251 Gonzaga, Federigo, 254 Fugger, Franz, Graf von Kirchberg, 225 Gonzaga, Vespasiano, duke of Sabbioneta, 46, 254 Galen, Christoph Bernhard von, bishop of Götz, Johann, 176 Münster, 281 Graffior, Antonio, 221 Gallas, Matthias, 122, 191 Grand Parti (Lyon bankers), 71, 72, 240 campaign of 1644, 175 Grandson, battle of (1476), 47 career of, 175, 250–1 Gray, Colin, 307

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great companies, 3, 106, 107 Hervart, Barthélemi, 232, 243 in Italy, 104–5 Hesdin, 222 Griffet, Henri, 131 Hesse-Darmstadt, 189 Grillo, Agapito, 207 Hessen-Cassel von Amalie Elizabeth, 189 Grimmelshausen, Johann von, 168 Hessen-Kassel Gronsfeld, Jobst Maximilian von, 182 army of, 134, 140, 280 Grote (banking house), 281 Heyn, Piet, 169, 248 Grotius, Hugo, 321 Hildesheim, 140, 187 Gonzaga, Ludovico, duc de Nevers, 46 Hintze, Otto, 10–11, 14, 310 Guastalla, Gonzaga dukes of, 46 Hocquincourt, Charles de Monchy, Guébriant, Jean Baptiste Budes, comte de, maréchal d’, 270 109, 248 Hoeufft, Jan, 232, 242 guerre de course. See privateering Hofkriegsrath (Habsburg), 290 Guglielmo Gonzaga, duke of Mantua, 46 Hohenems, Jakob Hannibal von, 90, Guibert, Jacques de, 2, 139, 194, 319 91, 246 Guise, François, duc de, 72 Hohenlohe, Prince Kraft von, 130 gunpowder, 198, 210, 212, 214, 221, 226, Holle, Georg von, 58 278, 303 Holstein, duchy of, 110, 131, 175, 181, 198, Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, 107, 223, 235 111, 120, 125, 167, 176, 231, 248 Holstein-Gottorp, Adolf von, 119 and historians, 14, 145 , 98 and military revolution, 16–17 and princely sovereignty, 265, 285 military system, 104 as recruitment ground, 55, 110, 127–8 raises troops under contract, 127 Holzapfel, Peter Melander, Reichsgraf von, and strategy, 178 125, 175, 190, 248, 250 Honnecourt, battle of (1642), 179 Habsburg monarchy, 32, 93, 116, 121, 176, Horn, Gustav, 249 199, 227 Hornes, Armand de, 221 Hagendorf, Peter, 159, 163, 249 Halberstadt, Christian von, 249, 281 military recruitment, 87–8 Hale, John, 307 (Habsburg), 32, 93, 95, 211, 296 Hamburg, 126, 213, 219, 235, 240, 251 Hurenwaibel, 69 Harcourt, Henri de Guise-Lorraine, comte d’, 269 Imperial army, 124–5, 152, 183, 190, 191, Harrach, Karl von, 125 268 Hatzfeld, Melchior von, 57, 122, 124, 151, artillery, 295 175, 184, 186, 249 longevity of units, 171 and contractors, 210–11, 232 troop numbers, 181 early career, 168, 210, 243 in Westphalia, 123–4 military autonomy of, 192 Imperial knights, 57 professionalism, 246 Imperial Privy Council, 121, 175 tomb of, 255 financing war, 240 Haufe (Swiss infantry formation), 22, 46, 54, infantry, 54, 100 60, 66 tactics, 16, 50, 145–7, 288 Hawkwood, John, 41, 43, 105 Ireland Heffing (Cologne bankers), 232 mercenaries from, 91, 247, 273 , 129 Heilbronn negotiations (1633), 177, 191 Jankow, battle of (1645), 151, 181, 184, 186 Henri II, king of France, 46, 57, 59, 71, 76, 87 Johann, prince von Nassau-Dillemberg, Henri III, king of France, 88 15, 98 Henri IV, king of France, 88, 271 Johann Maurice, prince of Nassau-Siegen, Henry VII, king of England, 57 323 Henry VIII, king of England, 74, 198 John II Casimir, king of Poland, 280, 282 Hepburn, John, 248 joint stock trading companies, 19, 320 Herthoge, Walter de, 213, 216 Julitha Bruk (Nyköping), 239

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Junta de Reformación (1632), 198 living off the land, 173 Jutland, 111, 175, 182 Ottoman Empire, 199 prioritization of, 174–7, 232 Kapser, Cordula, 163 and sieges, 176, 179, 195 Kennett, Lee, 300 state provision, 197 Khevenhüller, Paul, 128 Long Turkish War (1593–1606), 93–5, 105, Kiel, 111, 175 252, 295 Kniephausen, Dodo von, 127, 191 Louis XIII, king of France, 38, 193, 222, Koenig, François-Pierre, 381 261 Kolberger Heide (1644), 149 Louis XIV, king of France, 10, 74, 271, 274 Königsmarck, Johann Christoph von, 131, later wars of, 277, 313, 314, 318 243, 280 military devolution, 270 Kriegsgurgeln, 50, 52 and military inflation, 194, 294, 317 and military venality, 276 La Coruña, 37 as roi de guerre, 272, 278, 285 La Rochelle, 39 Louis XV, king of France, 324 siege of (1627–28), 228 Louvois, François-Michel Le Tellier, Landsknechte, 22, 54–69 marquis de, 270, 275, 278, 290 and civil society, 67–70, 96 Lower Saxon Circle, 110, 139, 216 clothing, 67, 165 Lützen, battle of (1632), 129, 140, 148, 170, corporate identity, 61–7, 164, 287 182, 209, 253 in French service, 28, 57–8, 59 Lyon, 71, 72, 240 justice, 63–6, 165 limited credit of officers, 247 Machiavelli, Niccolò in Long Turkish War, 94 citizen armies, 6, 42, 96, 319 military authority over, 66, 288 critique of mercenaries, 28, 150 military effectiveness of, 20, 66, 158 Florentine Histories, 27 in Spanish service, 90–1 as military theorist, 15 and sutlers, 203 Madrid, 143, 216, 250 Larsson, Erik, 239 Magdeburg, 139 Laufgeld, 54 Maillé-Brézé, Armand de, 248 Lazagna, Vincenzo, 221 Mainz, 177 Le Tellier, Michel, 270, 271, 275 Malatesta family, 43 League of Augsburg, War of (1689–97), Malplaquet, battle of (1709), 318 305, 313 Mansfeld, Ernst von, 106–7, 118, 228, 229, Leipzig, 210, 240 247, 249 Lens, battle of (1648), 152 as general contractor, 23, 102 Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, 284, 296 Mantua, 244, 250, 251 Leopold Wilhelm, archduke of Austria, 124, Marburg, 189, 191 190 Marignano, battle of (1515), 27–8, 59, 60, Lepanto, battle of (1571), 74 255 Marketender. See sutlers Joseph Wendel von, 295 Marselis brothers, 213, 214 Karl von, 99 Mary I, queen of England, 72 Maximilian von, 95 Matanzas Bay, 169 Liège, 90, 210, 212, 221, 222, 236 Mats, 50, 53, 160 Liérganes, 221 Matter, Jean, 53 Liga (Holy Roman Empire), 100, 181 Maurice of Orange-Nassau, Stadholder, 15, army of, 106, 113–14, 118, 153, 223, 251 98, 112, 145 Lille, siege of (1708), 318 Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, 54, Lipsius, Justus, 67, 96–7, 172 55, 61 Listerdyb (1644), 291 Maximilian I, duke of Bavaria, 113, 117, logistics, 20, 21, 95, 111, 153, 175, 196, 230 139, 167, 171, 179, 191 and cavalry, 187 Mazarin, cardinal Jules, 109, 190, 267, 270, ignored in manuals, 263 275, 324

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Mecklenburg, 130, 235, 250 Münster, Peace of (1648), 285 mediate armies, 123 Mughal Empire, 14, 30 Melander. See Holzapfel multiple proprietorship, 114, 117, 280 mercenaries munitionnaires (supply contractors), 224, assumed military inferiority, 6–7, 18, 136, 225, 226, 228, 278, 300 152, 154, 263 Murten, battle of (1476), 47 constraints on, 5–6 mutiny, 170–1, 174 definitions of, 6, 29–30 Mutter Courage, 204 growth in demand, 77 hostility towards, 4–5, 6, 17, 79, 86, 96, Nancy, battle of (1477), 47 261, 285, 308 Naples, kingdom of, 71, 85 international market, 14, 40, 94, 161, 281 nation in arms, 10, 319 pay of, 48, 60 navies, 135, 149, 293 recruitment costs, 206, 289 competitive contracting, 207 as ‘soldier trade’, 289–90, 325 costs, 305, 313 status of, 79 merchant ships, use of, 83–5, 290, 305 traditional contracts after 1660, 273, 289 permanance of, 80 Mercy, Franz von, 174, 184, 186, 189, 248 provisioning of, 197, 225 after Freiburg, 187 shipbuilding, 223, 302, 304 Milan, 27, 41, 45, 160, 212 specialization, 75–6, 149, 159, 261, 290–1 military academies, 16 state control of, 291–3 military commissioners, 113, 220, 223, 299, state dockyards, 197 302 neostoicism, 98 military manuals, 14, 145, 148, 158, 160, Neustadt-Eberswalde (Brandenburg), 129 208, 253, 287 New Model Army (England), 172, 220 military revolution Nieuwpoort, battle of (1600), 16 army reforms of Louis XIV, 270–1 nobility and war, 54 drill and discipline, 98 cultural values, 252–4 historiography, 1, 14–17, 144–5 idealization of leadership, 253, 265 and mercenaries, 17–18 noble status, 252–3 overstates tactical change, 145–6 status rivalries, 300 military writings, 261–2, 263, 266, 319 writings on, 266 military-industrial complex, 201, 236, 324 younger sons in service, 253 militias, 96–100 Noirmoutier, Louis II de La Tremoïlle, duc citizen, 319 de, 270 costing of, 97 Nördlingen, battle of (1634), 107, 122, 130, Danish, 99, 110 148, 159, 231, 251 failures of, 99–100, 283 North Africa France, 99 Spanish garrisons in, 211 and historians, 99 , 176, 210, 212, 213, 214, 240 Italian city-states, 42, 96 arms centre, 233 Swedish, 99, 126 financial centre, 243 Mohacs, battle of (1526), 32 Möller, Peter, 214 Oder, river, 176 money fairs, 240 operational capability, 152–4, 169–70, 173, Monluc, Blaise de, 88 189–91, 192, 193 Monro, Robert, 153, 167, 248 battles subordinated to, 186 Montalembert, Marc-René, and mobility, 162, 184 marquis de, 301 and state control, 195 Montecuccoli, Raimondo, 184, 249, 262, 380 winter campaigning, 188–9 Montefeltro, Federigo de, duke of Urbino, 45 Oppenheimer, Samuel, 301 Moravia, 99, 176 Ostend, siege of (1601–4), 225 Morgarten, battle of (1315), 46 Ottoman Empire, 30, 32, 37, 45, 55, 73, Moriale, Fra, 40 85, 199 Mühlberg, battle of (1547), 58 Oxenstierna, Axel, 107, 127, 129, 231

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Paderborn, 140 professionalism, military, 80, 115, 152, 158, Pappenheim, Gottfried Heinrich von, 57, 252, 269, 287, 299, 319 175, 180, 183, 189, 248 Landsknechte, 61 1632 campaign, 139–40, 182, 187 navies, 159, 169 leadership qualities, 253 Swiss logistical skills, 230 proprietorship, administrative, 226 military theory of, 143 proprietorship, military, 21, 94, 117, Pâris brothers, 324 149–50, 169, 174, 308, 324 Parker, Geoffrey, 148 Bavarian colonels, 114–15, 174 Paul IV, Pope (Giovanni Pietro Carafa), 71 company level, 298–9 Pavia, battle of (1525), 49, 60 conflicts of interest, 323, 325 Peenemunde, 127 conspicuous consumption of senior Percy, Sarah, 5, 6 officers, 166, 244, 254, 276 perfect captain (literary ideal of command), continuities post-1650, 260–1, 309 262, 264, 265 French exceptionalism, 267–8 permanent (standing) armies, 279, 283, Imperial colonels, 120, 121, 125, 163 284, 309 loyalty of proprietors, 308 and battle, 318 military rhetoric and, 262 declining status of soldiers, 166, 286, 288–9 profits from, 241–4, 297, 298 growth of administration, 286, 290 risks of, 119, 244–7, 248–9, 259 role of NCOs, 287 social ambition of proprietors, 249–50, and state-formation, 30, 99, 113, 294 252, 254, 259, 265, 316 style of warfare, 318–19 subaltern officers, 168 technology and tactics, 288, 319 Swedish colonels, 127–8 uniforms, 166, 276 Swiss officers, 53–4 Pestalozzi (arms dealers), 216 proveditore, 113, 198 Philip II, king of Spain, 15, 46, 71, 72, 76, proveedor general de víveres (supply 79, 82, 198 contractor), 221, 226 Philip III, king of Spain, 96, 198 Proviantmeister (contractor), 226 Philip IV, king of Spain, 220, 251 Public–private partnerships, 20, 77, 102, Picardy, 185 116, 150, 264, 291, 323, 326 Piccinino, Niccolò, 27 changing character of, 194 Piccolomini, Ottavio, 122, 175, 189, Colbert’s navy, 278–9, 305 253, 255 continuous warfare reshapes, 79–80 Pilgrim, Arndt, 214 growing criticism of, 324–6 Pilsen, 121 post-1650, 260, 277–8, 295, 304–5, 317 Plymouth (dockyard), 293, 302 Spanish model, 135 Polcevera, valley of, 203 Puységur, Jacques de Chastenet de, 222 Pomerania, 120, 130, 175, 250, 281 Pyrenees, Peace of (1659), 270 Portsmouth (dockyard), 293, 302 Portugal, 85, 86, 321 Qing (China) Prague, 115, 122, 130, 183 armies of, 304 Prague, Peace of (1635), 116, 216, 233, 240, 258 Ragusa (Dubrovnik), 84 Gualdo Priorato, Count Galeazzo, 261 Raleigh, Walter, 36 prisoners of war, 159, 249, 262 Ramsay, James, 248 private , 239 Raspenau, 234 private security companies, 4 Ré, Isle de, 149 privateering, 33, 82, 229, 244, 247, 291 Redlich, Fritz, 14, 22, 171, 249, 296, 304, critique of, 150, 306 305 Dutch, 111 Regensburg, 188, 191 French, 36, 305–6 Rehlinger, Marx Conrad, 176, 231, 251 profitability of, 35, 88, 245–6 Rehlinger, Mathäus, 251 Spanish, 36 Reichenberg, 234 Spanish Flanders, 37, 140–3, 309 Reichskreise, 55, 115, 118, 176

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Index 427

Reislaufen, 52, 57 Schwendendörfer, Johann, 216 Reiter, 54, 58–9 Schwendi, Lazarus von, 55 religious identity, 60, 113, 167 Scotland Requesens, Don Luis de, 89 mercenaries from, 18, 30, 133 Resteau, Daniel, 232 corporate identity, 164, 167 revolutions in military affairs, 76, 153 hired by Denmark, 110 Rheinfelden, battle of (1638), 151 hired by France, 273 Rhine, river, 176, 190 hired by Sweden, 126, 146 Richelieu, Armand-Jean du Plessis, traditional contracts, 247–8 cardinal de, 10, 86, 122, 179, 193, shipbuilders, 223 267, 271, 275 Scott, Hamish, 326 Rigsrad (Denmark), 110, 111, 223 Seignelay, Jean-Baptiste Antoine Colbert, Riva, George de, 53 marquis de, 279 rivers, logistical role, 176–7, 235 Sempach, battle of (1386), 46 Roberts, Michael, 1, 14, 16–17, 100, Senj, Uzkok city of, 32 145, 149 Serra (Genoese bankers), 213 Rocroi, battle of (1643), 153, Seven Years War 179, 181 casualties in, 318, 319 Roman Republican armies, 15, 17 and contractors, 300, 302, 325 Römermonate, 55 Sforza Rotte, 62, 167, 287 Ludovico, duke of Milan, 53 Rottmeister, 63, 64, 164, 287 Massimiliano, duke of Milan, 27, 51 Rovere, Francesco Maria della, duke of Musio Attendolo, 44 Urbino, 44 shangyun (transport by merchants), 304 Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, 93 Sickingen, Franz von, 57 siege warfare, 16, 77, 148, 179, 225 Sabathier, François, 227 central role in warfare, 148–9, 193, 318 Sachsen-Lauenberg, Franz Albrecht von, and disease, 172 163, 165, 169, 208, 210, 243, 254 and military manuals, 263 St John, Order of, 37 reluctance to engage in, 174, 187–8 St Quentin, battle of (1557), 71, 79 Silesia, 118, 176, 229 saltpetre, 198, 212, 214, 221, 237 Skokloster, castle of, 243, 258 Salvius, Johan Adler, 232, 240 Snayers, Pieter, 255 San Sebastián, 37 Soldateska, 161 Sandline, 4 solliciteurs-militair, 112 Santander, 223, 251 Soubise, Benjamin de Rohan, duc de, 39 Santiago, Order of, 251 Southern Santo Stefano, Order of, 38 arms production in, 212 Savelli, Frederico, 191 sovereignty, rulers’ perception of, 264–5, Saxe, Maurice de, 318 285, 309 Saxe-Weimar, Bernhard von, 107–9, 130, Spain, 106, 198, 315 176, 189, 249, 281 Spanish Armada (1588), 84 army of, 108–9, 170, 229 Spanish army, 16, 135, 152, 164, 313. See fortune of, 232 also Flanders, Army of in French service, 267, 270 and Lombard nobility, 250, 297 as general contractor, 23, 102 military quality of, 160 and Rehlinger, 231 Spanish Council of State, 207 Saxony, 13, 176, 182, 227, 280 and military contracting, 96, 199, 220, army of, 123, 131, 146 263, 265, 268, 305 Schaffhausen, 176, 231 Spanish navy Schiller, Friedrich, 145 Genoese galleys, 82, 207 Schindling, Anton, 60 and Order of St John, 37 Schleswig, duchy of, 181 Ragusan ships, 84 Schmalkaldic War (1546–7), 57 shipbuilding, 198, 222 Schwarz, Martin, 57 supply contracts for, 221

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428 Index

Spanish Succession, War of (1702–13), 22, Sweden 306 Dutch economic involvement, 126, 201, Spaur, Abbess Katharina von, 120 237 Sperreuth, Claus Dietrich von, 130 Swedish army, 146, 191, 268, 280 Speyer Reichsabschied (1570), 94 evolution from later 1630s, 131–4 Spinola family, 38, 207 financing of, 127–9, 313 Spinola, Ambrogio, 93, 225, 246, 249 indebtedness of colonels, 129, 245 squerarioli (shipbuilders), 200 and mercenaries, 18, 109, 126, 127 state-formation profits of commanders, 242 and ‘absolutism’, 310, 313 size of, 115, 126, 127, 180 and citizen armies, 320 Swedish navy, 86, 126, 291 compromise with elites, 294, 312 shipbuilding, 197, 237 and control of militias, 99 Swedish–Danish War (1643–44), 86, 111 decentralized authority, 11, 310, 315 Swedish-Polish War (1655–60), 280 limitations on state power, 310–12, 316 Swiss, 27–8, 46–54, 168 monopoly of violence, 3, 4, 8, 21, 30, 261, in French service, 30, 51–2, 168, 206, 273 279, 310, 324 in Habsburg service, 51, 52 and navies, 126 in Milanese service, 27 privatization of office, 226 military qualities of, 79, 158 and revenues, 71–2, 73, 224, 227–8, privileged status of, 273 283–4, 326 soldiers’ justice, 63, 165 and warfare, 8–14, 96, 150, 194, 279, 286, 306, 313 tercios (Spanish infantry formation), 22, 47, Stockalper, Peter von, 49 55, 60, 89, 135, 164, 297 Stoke, battle of (1487), 57 camaradas, 63, 165 Stradling, Robert, 245 Theatrum Europaeum, 253 Stralsund, 235 Thionville, 153 strategy, 16, 76, 145, 177–80 Thirty Years War, 38, 279, 297 attritional, 179–80, 181 and historians, 9, 16, 21, 139, 144–5, 174, and ‘decisive’ battles, 144, 182 181, 286, 309 determined by rulers, 194, 267, 285, 306 impact on military enterprise, 101–4, 260, logistical constraints on, 225 285, 304 and military inflation, 195 and military change, 87, 115, 124, 173, positional warfare, 179, 194, 318 180 subsidies, 94, 121, 229, 232 strategy in, 151–2, 191 Suhl, 212, 233 Thompson, I. A. A., 220, 224 Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, duc de, 88 Tilly, Charles, 310 supplying war. See also logistics; arms and Tilly, Jean T’Serclaes de, 113, 118, 174, munitions 179, 182, 241, 248 centralized contracting, 207, 224–5, 278, Torstensson, Lennart, 131, 151, 153, 181, 300–1, 324 184, 232, 239, 264 conflicts of interest, 226–7, 301, 323, 324 and Danish campaign (1643–44), 86, contracts negotiated by commanders, 134, 175 229–32 military autonomy of, 192 corruption and wastage, 302, 304 strategy of, 133, 186, 188 hostility to contractors, 302, 325 trace italienne, 75, 290 international networks, 232, 233, 300, Trip, Elias, 237 303, 304 cast-iron cannon, 201, 202, 213 profit and loss on contracts, 222–3, 302, hires ships to European powers, 85–6 303 and international arms trade, and state administration, 197–9, 220, 213, 216 226, 320 saltpetre monopoly, 213–14 sutlers, 69, 167, 203–6 Trip, Hendrik, 239, 259 , 181, 191 Tromp, Maarten, 145, 149 Swabian War (1499), 51 Troß, 67–9, 167, 184, 203, 204

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Index 429

Turenne, Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, Wallenstein, Albrecht von, duke of vicomte de, 109, 184, 187, 189–91, Friedland, 93, 107, 117, 171, 211, 269 251, 253 avoids sieges, 193 and arms manufacturing, 199, 201 and historians, 145 assassination, 122, 130, 251 Tuscany, Grand Duchy of, 82 autonomy of, 125 Tuttlingen, battle of (1643), 155, 188 dismissal (1630), 120, 231 early career, 105, 116–17 Ulm, truce of (1647), 171, 191 and historians, 18, 101, 261–2 United Provinces. See Dutch Republic military priorities, 176, 196 Urslingen, Werner von, 40 military system of, 104, 117–22, 176, 178, Uskoks, 32–5, 116, 229 179–80, 181, 182, 209, 264 Utrecht, Peace of (1713), 306 not general contractor, 23, 102 social ambitions, 249–50, 258 Valli, Giovanni de (Venice), 216 and supply contracts, 229 Valmy, battle of (1792), 320 and ‘treason’, 121–2, 308 Vauban, Sébastien Le Prestre, maréchal de, Wallhausen, Jacobi von, 97 148, 195, 278 war taxes. See contributions on privateering, 306 Weber, Max, 10, 271 Vaucelles, truce of (1556), 71, 76 Werth, Jan de, 171, 180, 210, 249 Vegetius Renatus, Flavius, 15, 98 1636 campaign, 179, 180, 185 venality of administrative office, 226, 311, as multiple proprietor, 114 314–15 social ambition, 250, 258 venality of military office, 275–6, 296–7, 309 West India Company (Dutch), 111, 143, Venice, Republic of, 28, 33, 85, 116, 216 169 mercenaries, 45, 78, 281, 283 and military priorities, 321–3 navy, 80, 85 shipbuilding, 323 Verdugo, Francesco, 92–3 Westphalia, peace negotiations (1643–48), Verpoorten-Ruland-Groenedael, 213, 216 245, 282 veteran troops, 42, 89, 126, 139, 158, 172, White Company, 41 269 White Mountain, battle of (1620), 106, 116 market in, 159–60, 281 Wider, Antoine, 53 proportion in armies, 160, 173 Williams, Sir Roger, 158, 160 Vienna, 118, 153, 216, 301 winter quarters, 114, 118, 121, 188, 189, 211 vieux régiments (French army), 164 Witte, Arnold de, 216 Vigo, 37 Witte, Hans de, 119, 213, 232, 251 Vittorio Amedeo II, duke of Savoy- mercantile and financial network, Piedmont, 286 216–19, 231 vivandiers. See sutlers and money fairs, 240 Vogelsberger, Sebastian, 57 relationship with Wallenstein, 230–1 Wrangel, Karl Gustav, count, 131, 134, 176, , Truchseß von, 57 189–91, 244 Waldeck, Johann, Graf zu, 280 self-fashioning, 243, 258 Walle, Adrien van der, 246 Walle, Jacques van der, 246, 259 Xenophon, 3, 328 Wallenstein army of Ysselstein, Maximilian d’, count of Buren, 59 campaign of 1628, 181 colonels’ pay, 118 Zoller, Gutmann, 53 logistical support, 176–7, 180, 204, Zollikofer, Hans Ludwig, 252 210, 229, 234 Zug, canton, 28, 60 recruitment, 159, 160 Zunckel, Julia, 214, 215 troop numbers, 115, 117, 180 Zusmarschausen, battle of (1648), 186

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