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Rainfall and Resources Variability in Sub-Saharan during the Twentieth Century

DECLAN CONWAY School of Development Studies, and Tyndall Centre for Change Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom

AURELIE PERSECHINO School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom

SANDRA ARDOIN-BARDIN UMR HydroSciences Montpellier, Montpellier,

HAMISAI HAMANDAWANA Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, North West University, Republic of South Africa

CLAUDINE DIEULIN AND GIL MAHE´ UMR HydroSciences Montpellier, Montpellier, France

(Manuscript received 21 December 2007, in final form 16 May 2008)


River basin rainfall series and extensive flow records are used to characterize and improve under- standing of spatial and temporal variability in sub-Saharan African during the last century. Nine major international river basins were chosen for examination primarily for their extensive, good quality flow records. A range of statistical descriptors highlight the substantial variability in rainfall and river flows [e.g., differences in rainfall (flows) of up to 214% (251%) between 1931–60 and 1961–90 in ], the marked regional differences, and the modest intraregional differences. On decadal time scales, sub-Saharan Africa exhibits drying across the after the early 1970s, relative stability punctuated by extreme wet years in , and periodic behavior underlying high interannual variability in . shows very modest decadal variability, with some similarities to the Sahel in the adjoining basins. No consistent signals in rainfall and river flows emerge across the whole of the . An analysis of rainfall–runoff relationships reveals varying behavior including strong but nonstationary relationships (particularly in West Africa); many basins with marked variations (temporal and spatial) in strength; weak, almost random behavior (particularly in southern Africa); and very few strong, temporally stable relationships. Twenty-year running correlations between rainfall and river flow tend to be higher during periods of greater rainfall station density; however, there are situations in which weak (strong) relationships exist even with reasonable (poor) station coverage. The authors conclude for sub-Saharan Africa that robust identification and attribution of hydrological change is severely limited by data avail- ability, conflicting behavior across basins/, low signal-to-noise ratios, sometimes weak rainfall–runoff relationships, and limited quantification of the magnitude and effects of land use change.

Corresponding author address: Declan Conway, School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom. E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.1175/2008JHM1004.1

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1. Introduction scale of large river basins [see Hulme et al. (2001) for African overview]. Above average and sometimes ex- a. The significance of water resources variability in treme rainfall in East Africa tends to be associated with Africa periodic circulation dipole events in the Rainfall and river flows in Africa display high levels and complex interaction with the El Nin˜ o–Southern of variability across a range of spatial and temporal Oscillation (ENSO), particularly during the short Oc- scales, with important consequences for the manage- tober–December (Saji et al. 1999; Webster et al. ment of water resource systems (Sutcliffe and Knott 1999). The large decline in many West African river 1987; Grove 1996; Laraque et al. 2001; Conway 2002; flows is primarily related to the effects of the prolonged Ogutunde et al. 2006; Hamandawana 2007). Through- drying in the Sahel (late 1950s–late 1980s), with condi- out Africa, this variability brings significant implica- tions still drier than during the humid 1950s (L’Hoˆ te et tions for society and causes widespread acute human al. 2002; Dai et al. 2004)—though there are exceptions suffering and economic damage. Examples of variabil- (Nicholson 2005). ity include prolonged periods of high flows for Despite the large influence of rainfall fluctuations on draining large parts of East and central Africa (Conway river flow variability, the response may be influenced 2002), and multidecadal anomalies in river flow regimes by other factors such as changes in land use or land in parts of West Africa where long-term mean yields of cover for the Sahel/West Africa (Mahe´ et al. 2005; Li et freshwater into the fell by 18% between al. 2007; Leblanc et al. 2008) and southern Africa (Troy 1951–70 and 1971–89 (Mahe´ and Olivry 1999). There et al. 2007; Woyessa et al. 2006; Lørup et al. 1998). are many examples of the challenges posed by water Human abstractions and construction also resources variability in Africa: Chad fisheries play a role (Vo¨ ro¨ smarty and Sahagian 2000; Haman- (Sarch and Allison 2000), reservoir management on the dawana et al. 2007) along with land surface to atmo- Senegal River (Magistro and Lo 2001), balancing sup- sphere feedbacks (Savenije 1996). ply and demand for water in Egypt (Conway Depending on the actual hydrological conditions, 2005), management in the Greater Ruaha the effects of rainfall variability on the hydrologic re- River in (Lankford and Beale 2007), and hy- sponse will generally translate into smooth and de- dropower generation in the Kafue (Sutcliffe and Knott layed responses in lake and wetland systems, whereas 1987) and basins (Tate et al. 2004). semiarid river basins often exhibit low runoff coeffi- As anthropogenic becomes increas- cients and high sensitivity to rainfall fluctuations ingly manifest, the prospect of shifts in flows and vari- (Nemec and Schaake 1982; Li et al. 2005; McMahon ability underscores the need for better understanding of et al. 2007). In addition, the nature of the land surface the drivers of variability and rainfall–runoff interac- itself may increase the variability of river flow re- tions. It is likely that extreme events are going to be the sponses to rainfall fluctuations. Peel et al. (2001, 2004) greatest socioeconomic challenge. Although sub- examined differences in the temporal behavior of Saharan Africa is generally associated with - rainfall and river flow between and showed related influences, anecdotally there appears to be that variability of annual river flows is higher for greater frequency and spatial extent of damaging temperate , arid southern Africa, and tem- floods, particularly in East Africa and (e.g., perate southern Africa, than for other continents 2006 and 2007). Extreme floods have caused substantial with similar climatic zones. In addition to rainfall socioeconomic disruption in Mozambique (2000; variability, they found that the distribution of ever- Christie and Hanlon 2001) and East Africa (1961, 1978, green and deciduous vegetation in temperate regions and 1997; Conway 2002), whereas smaller floods may was a potential cause of greater river flow variability. be somewhat overlooked but locally significant, for ex- Vo¨ ro¨ smarty et al. (2005) found interesting features ample, in Nigeria (Tarhule 2005). Late 2006–07 saw of African river systems by combining biophysical and major floods of unprecedented spatial extent (and tim- social datasets to show that population distribution is ing) across Somalia, Ethiopia, and other parts of East strongly concentrated in regions exposed to high levels Africa, which is broadly in line with projections in the of interannual variability in rainfall and runoff. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fourth b. Aims Assessment Report for increases in autumn and winter rainfall (Christensen et al. 2007). Although much evidence exists for high interannual The main driver of much of the observed variability and decadal variability in rainfall and river flows in in river flows is—of course—rainfall, particularly at the sub-Saharan Africa, there are few detailed studies of

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 03:31 AM UTC FEBRUARY 2009 C O N W A Y E T A L . 43 their spatial and temporal covariability. Previous at- et al. (2005) for the Okavango. Other river flow series tempts to estimate runoff at this scale have been based and some recent updates to the above series were - on the limited data available through international bod- tained from respective national agencies. ies; none have undertaken detailed rainfall–runoff For rainfall, we use the University of East Anglia’s analysis at the basin and subbasin scale, or taken a long Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS 2.1 0.58 resolution historical perspective to incorporate natural variability time series for 1901–2001 from New et al. (2001) and over decadal and century time scales. Rather surpris- updated in Mitchell and Jones (2005). River basin ingly, sub-Saharan Africa provides one of the best op- boundaries upstream of gauging stations were delin- portunities globally to do this type of analysis because eated using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission many of the very large river basins possess long, rela- (SRTM) from the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- tively natural river flow records. We combine extensive ministration (NASA)/U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) databases held by international and national agencies as the digital elevation model, and ESRI’s Digital Chart to build a comprehensive picture of hydrometeorolog- of the World files to delineate the catchments. ical variability during the twentieth century in large Basin rainfall series were calculated as the average of river basins comprising roughly 32% of sub-Saharan all 0.58CRU TS 2.1 grid boxes within the basin bound- Africa’s area. Our overarching aim is to contribute to ary. Detailed information on CRU TS 2.1 quality con- trol and notes on data interpretation can be found in the scientific understanding of variability in large water relevant publications, but we note here that Africa has resource systems. First, we characterize the spatial and generally poor spatial and temporal coverage of rainfall temporal dimensions of rainfall and river flow covari- stations (Hulme 1996; Nicholson 1996), and this is true ability across the region and second, we examine the for the CRU TS 2.1 data—particularly before the 1930s characteristics and stability of rainfall–runoff relation- and after about 1980. We use gridded time series of the ships over time. number of stations within range of a grid box (Mitchell and Jones 2005; available online at www.cru.uea.ac.uk/ 2. Data sets: Identifying river basins and regions ;timm/grid/stns.html) and calculate a basin average se- for the analysis ries from all grid boxes in the basin. Range is defined as the correlation decay length (450 km for rainfall), so a. Data sources that the series represent the average number of stations We use river flow observations recorded over the with data upon which the grid boxes in the basin may period 1901–2002. These were provided mainly by the draw to calculate rainfall anomalies. Because these se- Institute de Recherche pour le De´veloppement (IRD) ries do not record the actual number of stations that of Montpellier for the West and central African regions have been used to generate rainfall values, we concen- and from a range of international and national sources trate on changes in their relative—rather than their ab- for the East and southern African regions. The data solute— number. provided by IRD come primarily from the SIEREM b. River flow records in major African river basins database (UMR HydroSciences of Montpellier; Boyer et al. 2006; available online at www.hydrosciences.fr/ The study concerns sub-Saharan Africa, divided for sierem). The SIEREM project gathers hydrological and means of presentation and analysis into four regions: climatic data collected by national networks, various west, central, east, and south. Observations are used for international organizations, and research bodies such 26 gauging stations in total, irregularly spaced between as the Food and Association (FAO) and and within the regions (Fig. 1). The period of record IRD. IRD updated the data until 1980 (Ardoin-Bardin and details of river gauge and basin characteristics are 2004). Thereafter, updates have been obtained within summarized in 1. The river basins range in size the framework of the United Nations Educational, from ;30 200 to 3 475 000 km2. We use three loosely Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO’s) Flow applied criteria to select river basins for analysis, which Regimes from International Experimental and Network are in decreasing order of priority: availability of long, Data, West and Central Africa (FRIEND–AOC) project verifiably good quality river flow record; large in area and cooperative undertakings with national agencies. (.10 000 km2); and spatial coverage across sub- Data for East Africa come primarily from Hurst (1933) Saharan Africa. In some situations, we relaxed the cri- for rivers in the Nile basin [Kagera, Lake Victoria out- teria to maximize spatial coverage. Figure 1 shows that flows, Blue Nile, Equatorial , Sobat and Atbara in general, the gauges represent the key upstream con- rivers; see Conway and Hulme (1993); Sutcliffe and Parks tributing areas of these large river basins and in some (1999)], UNESCO (1995) for the Tana, and Hamandawana situations, combinations of upstream and downstream

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FIG. 1. The main drainage basins analyzed and location of the gauging stations (refer to Table 1). gauges (Niger and Ogooue´). In all situations at annual construction of the Owen Falls dam in 1954, the out- time scales, the river flow records are—for the most flows from Lake Victoria have been regulated to follow part—unaffected by human influences in the form of the natural relationship between lake level and out- upstream dams and major abstractions. Because of the flows (an ‘‘agreed curve’’; Tate et al. 2004). After a rise

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TABLE 1. General characteristics of the river basins included in the analysis (locations in Fig. 1).

Basin area Period for river Basin Gauging station River Lat (8N) Lon (8E) (km2) flow analysis West Africa Niger Koulikoro Niger 12.87 27.55 120 332 1907–99 Douna Niger 13.22 25.9 101 226 1922–97 Dire Niger 16.27 23.38 341 066 1924–98 Niamey Niger 13.39 2.18 631 381 1947–96 Makurdi Benue 7.75 8.53 303 637 1955–92 Onitsha Niger 6.18 6.77 1 388 334 1950–87 Se´ne´gal Oualia Bakoy 13.6 210.38 78 155 1904–89 Bakel Senegal 14.9 212.45 220 818 1904–2000 Volta Dapola Black Volta 10.57 22.92 86 559 1952–94 Senshi Halcrow Volta 6.2 0.09 388 154 1936–79 Chari N’djamena Chari 12.12 15.03 601 984 1952–2000 Central Africa Congo Bangui Oubangui 4.37 18.58 485 478 1936–98 Ouesso Sangha 1.62 16.05 159 016 1948–96 Kinshasa Congo 24.30 15.30 3 475 000 1903–96 Ogooue´ Makokou Ivindo 0.57 12.86 48 912 1955–83 Fougamou N’Gounie 21.22 10.59 48 912 1954–83 Lambare´ne´ Ogooue 20.71 10.23 205 418 1930–89 East Africa Nile Nyaka Ferry Kagera 21.20 31.25 30 200 1940–78 Owen Falls L. Victoria 0.43 33.23 258 000 1901–89 Owen Falls* Equatorial Lakes 0.43 33.23 293 000 1905–82 Hillet Doleib Sobat 9.20 31.38 231 000 1905–84 Kilo 3 Atbara 17.68 34.02 188 200 1903–82 El Deim Blue Nile 11.23 34.98 195 000 1912–2002 Tana Garissa Tana 20.45 39.70 42 220 1934–75 Southern Africa Victoria Falls Zambezi 217.95 25.90 360 683 1907–90 Okavango Mohembo Okavango 218.12 21.68 238 700 1933–99

* Equatorial Lakes represents the difference between river flows measured at Owen Falls and downstream at Mongalla (see Conway and Hulme 1993). in the lake in the late 1990s, outflow departed from the de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique d’Outre- agreed curve to alleviate flooding around Mer (ORSTOM), now IRD]. In the Nile River basin, downstream (Goulden 2006; Sutcliffe and Petersen Egyptian and Sudanese interests have maintained ex- 2007), but we only use data up to 1989. There is a major tensive hydrological records, although conflict in south- dam on the Senegal River, the Manantali dam, so we ern has undermined these efforts since 1983. use reconstructed natural discharges for the down- There are only a few large international river basins in series at Bakel, Senegal (Bader 1990, 1992). The East Africa that drain into the Indian Ocean because has some dams but these have only minor the region is dominated by the complex internal hydrol- effects on the annual time scales used in this anlaysis. ogy of the Rift Lakes system. Extensive, reliable The series of the Senshi Halcrow gauging lake level records exist for many of these lakes and point is influenced by the mainly during have been described in detail by Nicholson (1998, the first years of filling (1964–67). Its interannual vari- 1999). Rather surprisingly, southern Africa has few ability remains similar to that of neighboring rivers, but long duration records for its larger river basins, partly the monthly regime has been modified as a result of because the effects of human influence (dams and ab- regulation and the total discharge has been reduced stractions) very early on in the Limpopo and Orange because of evaporation (Moniod et al. 1977). Rivers have restricted the compilation of such records. Interestingly, West and East Africa are well served Our coverage is, therefore, limited to the Zambezi by long river flow series primarily as a result of French, (measured at Livingstone, upstream of Lake Kariba) English, and Anglo-Egyptian interests in water re- and Okavango Rivers. We also analyzed the Olifants, a sources development from the early colonial period in major of the Limpopo, but decided the flow Africa (circa 1880s) to independence (1960s onwards). record was too difficult to naturalize. Finally, the Horn Since independence, western and central African coun- of Africa, Ethiopia, and Somalia are poorly represented tries have tended to receive greater support for coor- because of limited data availability, especially in east- dinated data collection [particularly through the Office ern and southern Ethiopia where some very large river

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TABLE 2. Long-term conditions for rainfall and river flows: annual mean, CV, runoff coefficient (RC), and percentage change in rainfall and river flow between 1931 and 1960, and between 1961 and 1990. Refer to Table 1 and Fig. 1 for locations.

1931–60 1961–90 % change Gauge Rainfall CV River flow CV RC Rainfall CV River flow CV RC River location (mm) (%) (m3 s21) (%) (%) (mm) (%) (m3 s21) (%) (%) Rainfall flow West Africa Koulikoro 1619 7 1529 20 25 1436 10 1213 33 22 211 221 Douna 1230 10 — — — 1066 14 332 64 9 213 251 Dire 1170 8 1101 20 9 1020 12 870 29 8 213 221 Niamey 807 9 — — — 693 13 804 29 6 214 220 Makurdi 1268 8 — — — 1175 11 3152 31 27 27— Onitsha 992 8 — — — 898 11 5580 22 14 210 — Bakel 953 12 764 32 11 808 17 549 48 9 215 241 Oualia 927 12 170 34 7 793 16 116 68 5 214 234 Senshi Hal. 1080 8 1204 38 9 992 12 1044 68 8 28 213 Dapola 963 9 — — — 836 15 89 46 4 213 — N’Djamena 1047 8 — — — 942 12 892 42 5 210 — Central Africa Kinshasa 1567 4 40584 6 24 1567 6 42418 13 25 0 15 Ouesso 1537 9 — — — 1550 7 1571 17 20 11— Bangui 1555 10 4265 11 18 1517 8 3740 28 16 22 212 Lambarene 1762 9 4761 16 42 1764 9 4587 13 40 0 24 Makokou 1597 10 — — — 1616 9 — — — 11— Fougamou 1839 15 — — 1862 16 712 19 39 11— East Africa Nyaka Ferry. 1058 9 412 18 42 1084 9 662 21 63 12 161 Owen Falls 1129 12 672 15 7 1222 12 1190 17 12 18 177 Owen Falls* 1147 9 105 67 1 1167 12 372 21 3 12 1254 Hillet Doleib 1039 11 408 14 5 974 21 448 21 6 26 110 El Deim 1070 10 1626 13 25 1010 10 1454 20 23 26 211 Kilo3 644 22 390 26 10 582 21 294 36 8 210 225 Garissa 615 19 131 41 16 706 26 — — — 115 — Southern Africa Victoria F. 860 17 1171 33 12 857 15 1183 38 12 0 11 Mohembo 777 20 763 23 13 743 17 869 22 16 24 114

* Owen Falls represents the Equatorial Lakes, the difference between White Nile river flows measured at Owen Falls and downstream at Mongalla. basins (e.g., Omo and Wabe Shebelle) remain sparsely of 20-yr moving average correlations. Annual rainfall– instrumented and understudied. runoff plots are used to identify shifts and spatial dif- ferences in relationships. The runoff coefficient repre- sents the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of rainfall to 3. Methods of analysis runoff—that is, the fraction of total rainfall that be- We characterize rainfall and runoff for different pe- comes river flow. riods; World Meteorological Organization (WMO) normals (1901–30, 1931–60, and 1961–90) and periods before and after notable breakpoints were identified 4. Rainfall and river flow variability using statistical tests. Means, coefficients of variation a. Long-term conditions (CV), and selected indicators of trend (based on linear regression) and temporal variability are presented. Table 2 shows descriptive statistics for rainfall and Breakpoints in time series are identified using Khrono- river flows based on the 1961–90 WMO period along stat 1.0 software (Lube`s-Niel et al. 1998a) for nonpara- with percent differences from the previous 30-yr period metric tests and segmentation tests, including Hubert’s from which data are available. The West African rivers segmentation, Pettitt, Lee and Heghinian, and Buis- are mainly strongly seasonal and humid with fairly mod- hand tests (Lubes-Niel et al. 1998b). The relationship est interannual rainfall variability. In all cases, river between rainfall and river flow is examined using plots flows show much greater CVs mainly because of the

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FIG. 2. Annual rainfall (black line) and river flow (gray line) series for West Africa stations (river in parentheses): Douna (Niger), Dapola (Volta), Koulikoro (Niger), Oualia and Bakel (Senegal), and N’Djamena (tributary of Lake Chad). Note different vertical scales and record lengths for river flow (refer to Table 1) and standard record lengths for rainfall (1901–2002). heterogeneity and nonlinear response of runoff to mogeneity, with all rivers studied exhibiting broadly changes in rainfall, especially to variations in rainfall similar temporal behavior. Changes in rainfall and intensity. interactions also contribute: runoff between 1901–30 and 1931–60 (not shown) are variability of groundwater levels is linked to cumulative modest, with rainfall ranges from 22% to 8% and river rainfall anomalies and can affect runoff over prolonged flow from 21% to 2% (only five rivers have data for periods independently of the rainfall anomaly of a both periods). specific year (Mahe´ et al. 2000). Runoff coefficients Central Africa is dominated by the Congo River and are fairly low and show considerable variation, ranging its major tributary, the Bangui. Rainfall and river flows from around 4% to 27%. The period is marked by the are fairly stable from year to year, and annual means large negative trend in rainfall and river flows, which show little variation between 1931–60 and 1961–90, ex- occurs in all the West African rivers and has been cept for the decrease of flows of the Bangui. widely documented (Janicot 1992; Paturel et al. 1997, East and southern Africa show greater heterogene- 1998; Mahe´ and Olivry 1999; Mahe´ et al. 2001; Leduc ity, both within and between regions. Interannual vari- et al. 2001; Le Barbe´ and Lebel 1997). Time series show ability tends to be highest in the drier basins—higher this event is characterized by a shift rather than a trend. than in West African basins with an equivalent annual Proportionally, the shift is much greater in river flows rainfall. River flows are generally less variable than (from 213% to 251%) than rainfall (from 27% to in West Africa, with the exception of the Atbara. - 214%). West Africa shows strong intraregional ho- fall and river flows in all basins show decreasing

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FIG. 3. Same as Fig. 2 but for central Africa: Kinshasa (Congo) and Oubangui (Bangui).

trends from 1961–90. Runoff coefficients range consid- 1980s and have stabilized, and in most cases recovered erably—from 3% to 63%—because of the effects of somewhat. high evaporative demand and transmission losses (At- The Chari and Logone Rivers are the main tributar- bara River), transmission losses (Sobat River and ies of Lake Chad, and they join at N’Djamena, Chad, to Sudd swamps), and lake evaporation (Lake Victoria). form the N’Djamena River just before entering the Changes between 1931–60 and 1961–90 are mixed: lake. Although it is the most easterly of this group of three basins show modest decreases in rainfall, three rivers, it shows similar temporal behavior, with its de- show almost no change, and two show modest to large crease leading to the dramatic lowering and shrinking increases. These trends are associated with some very of Lake Chad since the 1970s (Lemoalle 2004). Under large river flow responses, not easily explained by the present climatic conditions, these two rivers contribute rainfall changes and are explored in more detail in ;90% of the lake’s water, with the remaining 10% section 5. The two southern African rivers possess coming from local rainfall and deliveries by the El Beid slightly different climatic conditions: the upper Zam- and Komadougou Yobe Rivers (Birkett 2000). Severe bezi is humid seasonal and the Okavango is closer to occurred during the 1970s and 1980s, leading semiarid seasonal, and both rivers have modest inter- to widespread sinking of boreholes and to the develop- annual rainfall and river flow variability and quite low ment of a large-scale irrigation system that promoted runoff coefficients. Mean rainfall between 1931–60 and water loss through evaporation (Birkett 2000). The 1961–90 is fairly stable as is the river flow in the Zam- more ‘‘recent’’ reduction in the lake’s surface area is the bezi, whereas a 14% increase was recorded in the Oka- outcome of sustained decrease in river flow as a result vango. of persistent rainfall failures, human-induced increases in evaporation losses, and poor management of irriga- tion water. b. Decadal and interannual variability The two longest river flow records for central Africa A sample of rainfall and river flow records for West are shown in Fig. 3. The region is dominated by the Africa is shown in Fig. 2. These highlight strong re- Congo and by the Bangui, which forms its main north- gional homogeneity in temporal behavior because all ern tributary—draining large parts of the Central Afri- the series show the marked downturn in rainfall and can Republic, south of Lake Chad (in fact, the decrease river flow around 1970 that characterizes the climate of in rainfall and flows post-1970 is similar to the West the Sahel during the last century. Many series also show African region). The Congo’s rainfall and river flows humid conditions during the 1950s and 1960s. These have been quite stable, with only the 1960s (wet) and features have been analyzed in detail, for example, 1980s (dry) showing any decadal patterns of variability. rainfall by Lamb (1982), Nicholson (1983), and Hulme The other river basins (series not shown) exhibit quite (1992); river flow by Sircoulon (1976, 1985); and both marked interannual variability (high CVs) and modest rainfall and river flow by Mahe´ and Olivry (1999). Un- decadal or trend-like patterns. fortunately, it has not been possible to update most Figure 4 shows four examples from East Africa, of these series beyond the 1990s; however, recent again chosen for display because of their long river studies by L’Hoˆ te et al. (2002) and Dai et al. (2004) flow records. Temporal behavior in river flows—and to note that rainfall in the Sahel has not returned to those a lesser extent rainfall—is regionally less homogeneous. conditions prior to the early 1970s. Rainfall and river The Blue Nile (and Atbara, but not shown) display flows certainly reached their lowest point in the mid- some features similar to West Africa: humid 1950s and

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FIG. 4. Same as Fig. 2 but for East Africa: Blue Nile, Sobat, Lake Victoria outflows and Tana. dry 1970s and 1980s, but it has recovered more than decadal variability in river flows, which is discussed be- West African river flows have. The Sobat River is more low. stable and shows intermediate behavior to the Blue Across the whole of sub-Saharan Africa, maximum Nile and Atbara to the north and Lake Victoria and 20-yr trends expressed as percent of long-term means other rivers to the south. The marked rise in outflows have ranged from 63% per annum for rainfall and from Lake Victoria after 1961 has been explained using from 215% to 111% per annum for river flow (not the lake’s water balance to show it resulted from a se- shown). ries of extremely wet years in the 1960s and a slight increase in the short rains after the 1960s, combined with lake storage effects (Piper et al. 1986; Sene and 5. Rainfall–runoff relationships Plinston 1994; Conway 2002). Many other East African a. Regional relationships lakes show marked increases in level in 1961 (and in other years such as 1968, 1978, 1982, and 1997), but Figure 6 shows the strength of regression relation- these increases have been much shorter in duration. ships between annual rainfall and runoff during 1961– The smaller rivers such as Tana (Fig. 4) and Kagera 90 and 1931–60. Rivers in West Africa generally display show the short-lived effects of major rainfall extremes very strong relationships, with rainfall accounting for that produce high levels of interannual variability with around 60%–70% of river flow variability. In central modest decadal variability. The two rivers in southern Africa, relationships are slightly weaker but still quite Africa (Fig. 5) have stable rainfall series but quite high robust (around 50% variance explained). Relationships

FIG. 5. Same as Fig. 2 but for southern Africa: Zambezi and Okavango.

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2 FIG. 6. Strength of regression relationships (R ) between rainfall and runoff for the 30-yr periods 1931–60 and 1961–90 (results shown for all rivers with .20 yr flow data). in East and southern Africa are substantially weaker, 1986; Ba and Nicholson 1998). Rivers with less complex with the exception of the Blue Nile, which drains much show better results such as the Blue Nile (Fig. of central and northern Ethiopia. To help explain some 7) and Tana (not shown). The two rivers in southern of these differences, Fig. 7 shows the nature of the re- Africa are shown in Fig. 7 to have very weak relation- lationships that are typical of each region. The Niger at ships as a result of their complex runoff response to Koulikoro, Mali (upstream of the Niger Inland Delta), rainfall. Further exploration of the basin’s physiography is fairly typical of West Africa. Nearly all the rivers may shed light on this; although, data quality for the show much weaker (and generally lower gradient) re- Zambezi may be a critical factor. We have been unable lationships during the period 1901–30, with stronger re- to trace any metadata for this river flow record and, lationships (and generally higher gradient) across both therefore, its accuracy is open to question (see next 1931–60 and 1961–90. In central Africa the results section). In addition, the upper basin, which drains parts are less consistent: fairly weak relationships in the of Angola, is unlikely to have had many rain gauges Ogooue´ River of Gabon (two flow series have wide present throughout the whole period. scatter and no obvious patterns; plots not shown) and b. Analysis of nonstationary behavior stronger but highly unstable relationships in the Congo and Bangui. Both of these rivers only produced strong It is clear from the previous section that significant relationships during 1961–90; Fig. 7 shows almost ran- shifts in rainfall, runoff, and rainfall–runoff relation- dom patterns for the time prior to that period, al- ships have occurred across sub-Saharan Africa. To ex- though a moderately positive relationship exists for the plore this in more detail, Table 3 lists breakpoint years Congo. The other rivers in central Africa generally and whether series show evidence of breakpoints using show reasonable linear relationships but data are only four statistical tests (described in section 2). The shift/ available for 1961–90, so it is not possible to comment discontinuity in West African rainfall and river flow on their temporal stability. series around 1970 has been previously documented In East Africa, many of the rivers possess complex (Paturel et al. 1998; Mahe´ and Olivry 1999; Mahe´ et al. drainage systems as a result of the Rift Valley and other 2001) and is common to all the series presented here. physiographical features. For example, the Sobat River What this analysis identifies is the possible existence of and Equatorial Lakes experience, respectively, the non- changes in rainfall–runoff relationships as highlighted linear effects of overbank losses and lake level–area by large differences between intercepts (smaller dif- effects on inflow–outflow relationships, resulting in weak ferences in slope), which are very clear in the cases relationships with significant nonstationary behavior (see of stations Douna (Fig. 8), Niamey, Dire, Bakel, and below). Outflows from Lake Victoria show a very weak N’Djamena (not shown). Some rivers show a greater relationship to basin rainfall—even during periods of change in the slope factor such as the Niger (Koulikoro; stationary conditions. Lake outflows are constricted so Fig. 8), Makurdi, and Oualia. In the Sudano–Guinean that their response to wet years is attenuated, leading to area, the prolonged rainfall decline since the beginning a smoothed response. Difficulties in estimating lake of the 1970s led to a persistent deepening of ground- rainfall have been identified in efforts to model the water levels. The percentage of baseflow in the annual lake’s water balance (the lake has an area of about 78 discharge of all rivers in West Africa is, therefore, 000 km2 out of a basin area of 258 000 km2; Piper et al. correspondingly lower because the drought exacerbates

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FIG. 7. Rainfall–runoff relationships for up to three different 30-yr periods, with data permitting for West Africa, Niger; central Africa, Congo and Bangui; East Africa, Lake Victoria and Blue Nile: and southern Af- rica, Zambezi and Okavango.

the effects on river flows (except for Sahelian rivers, Figure 9 shows time series of 20-yr running correla- where the groundwater contribution to is tions between rainfall and river flows for three of the insignificant; Mahe´ et al. 2005). This is visible via the West African rivers and the total number of rainfall increase of the depletion coefficient (Bricquet et al. stations within range of all the grid boxes in the basins. 1997; Orange et al. 1997; Olivry et al. 1998; Mahe´ et al. The temporal pattern for the Niger at Koulikoro is 2000), which means that the groundwater resources similar to that of the Senegal River at Bakel, showing have declined, rapidly draining out since the 1970s. highest correlations between the 1950s and 1980s, These shifts are likely to primarily reflect nonlinear which is the period with the best rainfall station cov- dynamics in runoff response; however, because of the erage. Correlations tend to strengthen moderately from prolonged duration of the change in rainfall patterns, the 1920s to the 1950s (as station density rises), and they may also incorporate the effects of land cover most records show a rapid (step like) decay roughly change. around 1980, at which point data from the 1990s would

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TABLE 3. Breakpoint years identified using four statistical tests on rainfall (top) and river flow series (bottom). Here, A 5 test is accepted, the series are ‘‘stationary’’; R 5 test is rejected, the series are not ‘‘stationary’’; ‘‘—’’ 5 no break detected; and NA 5 test is not applied (series nonnormal or gap/missing data).

Region and river Station Buishand Pettitt Lee and Heghinian Hubert West All stations show similar results R R 1967 1967 1967 1970 1971 1972 Central Tests are accepted for most of the A A — no common date — stations, except: Oubangui Bangui A R 1970 1970 1935, 1938, 1969 East Tests are accepted for most of the A A — no common date — station, except: Sobat Hillet Doleib R R 1967 1978 1960, 1961, 1978 Kagera Nyaka Ferry R R 1929 1929 1929, 1997 Southern All stations show different results Zambezi Victoria Falls A A — 1901 — Okavango Mohembo A A — 1978 — Region–River/Lake Station Buishand Pettitt Lee and Heghinian Hubert West All stations show similar results, except: R R 1967 1967 1967 1971 1971 1971 Niger Makurdi R R 1976 1971 1981 1988 Chari Ndjamena R R 1971 1971 1964, 1982 Central All stations show similar results, except: R R 1970 1969 1969 1971 1971 Congo Kinshasa R A 1922 1981 1959, 1969, 1981 Ogooue´ Fougamou A A — 1977 1977 East All stations show different results Kagera Nyaka Ferry R R 1961 1961 1961, 1964 Lake Victoria Owen Falls NA R 1961 NA 1961, 1970 Equatorial Lakes Owen Falls R R 1960 1919 1916, 1918, 1960 Sobat Hillet Doleib A A — 1981 — Blue Nile El Deim A A — 1913 1913, 1978, 1987 Atbara Kilo3 R R 1964 1964 1915, 1916, 1964 Tana Garissa R R 1955 1955 1960, 1968 Southern All stations show different results Zambezi Victoria Falls R R 1945 1945 1945, 1980 Okavango Mohembo R R 1986 1992 1960, 1969, 1992

just begin to feed into the relationships while data from Similar observations hold for the Bangui, where the 1970 are removed. This behavior most likely reflects absolute low numbers of rainfall stations and their the dramatic decline in rainfall stations after 1990, with change over time are likely to account for shifts in the numbers in most instances dropping from more than nature of their rainfall–runoff relationships. 50 to fewer than 10 between the late 1980s and the early East Africa has had better rainfall station coverage 1990s. than central Africa, although not as good as West Af- The time series of rainfall stations in central Africa rica. Figures 8 and 9 show that the Blue Nile has had a (Fig. 8; Congo and Bangui) shows their extreme scar- remarkably stable and robust relationship over time, city for this region during most of the last century. The which is somewhat surprising given the low number of Congo shows a rainfall break point in 1980 (1981 river rainfall stations contributing to the rainfall series and flows) that is associated with a modest difference in the the complex large basin (Conway 2000). The Atbara, slope and a marked reduction in the strength of the just to the north and with a similar number of contrib- rainfall–runoff relationship. The running correlation is uting stations, has a weaker and much less stable rela- highly unstable until 1940 because no rainfall stations tionship and a breakpoint in river flows that occurred in contributed to the basin until 1930; from then on, only 1964 when runoff decreased. This phenomenon may be five rainfall stations contributed to this vast basin. Con- related to the construction of the Khasm el Girba res- sidering the paucity of data, the relationship with river ervoir upstream from the river gauge in the early 1960s. flow is remarkably strong from the 1950s to the 1980s. The Sobat and Kagera both show very weak rainfall–

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FIG. 8. Rainfall–runoff relationships before and after breakpoint years identified from rainfall series for West Africa, Niger (Koulikoro and Douna); Central Africa, Congo and Bangui; East Africa: Lake Victoria, Atbara, and Blue Nile; and Southern Africa, Zambezi. runoff relationships probably because of the combined Equatorial Lakes and Kagera River series) associated effects of low rainfall station density and substantial with the dramatic rise in lake level between 1961 and internal storage in wet years because of their complex 1964. wetland hydrology. The relationship between Lake The previous section highlighted the weak relation- Victoria outflows and rainfall (Figs. 8 and 9) clearly ships between rainfall and runoff in both of our south- shows the nonstationary behavior (also present in the ern African basins, where rainfall station coverage is

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FIG. 9. Twenty-year running correlation between rainfall and river flow (black line) and the total number of rainfall stations (gray line) within range of grid boxes in the basin for West Africa, Niger (Koulikoro and Douna); central Africa, Congo and Bangui; East Africa, Atbara and Blue Nile; and Southern Africa, Zambezi and Oka- vango. poor and running correlations between rainfall and exists before and after the 1945 breakpoint in river river flows are generally weak (Fig. 9). For the Zam- flow, with substantially higher runoff after this point bezi, before ;1960 the correlation is very low (with a being possibly related to the integrity of the river flow short peak caused by a couple of years ‘‘in phase’’ dur- series (Fig. 9). The early part of the Okavango record ing the 1930s) and after ;1960 it slowly increases. A produces reasonable correlations but from the 1950s, quite marked shift in the rainfall–runoff relationship these decrease to random behavior. Neither series

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 03:31 AM UTC FEBRUARY 2009 C O N W A Y E T A L . 55 shows a clear relationship with station density, a result the combination of data coverage and quality, possibly that is somewhat surprising and difficult to explain. exacerbated by local physical conditions beyond the scope of this basin-scale analysis, for example, the im- 6. Conclusions pact of geology on the regime of the right-bank tribu- taries of the Congo River (Laraque et al. 2001) and the a. Hydrometeorological data in Africa Niger River (Mahe´ et al. 2000). It is not easy to explain The collection, quality control, and regular update of why some basins show robust stable relationships, with datasets used in this analysis results from the long-term rainfall series composed of relatively few gauges (e.g., collective efforts of many individuals and funding the Blue Nile). sources. The compilation and quality assurance of the Overall, the best period for analysis is broadly 1961– hydrological records have been time consuming and 90, with the strongest relationships occurring in West even with extensive contacts across Africa, we have Africa, reasonable relationships in central (even though not been able to update many records. Our choice of station densities are very low), highly variable relation- river basins and hydrological series represents most of ships in East Africa because of the Rift Valley’s com- the key extensive, high-quality records for the large plex hydrology, and very weak relationships in south- international rivers in sub-Saharan Africa. These se- ern Africa. These variations deserve further study (see ries are a valuable scientific resource and should be below); however, one important implication is that for recognized as benchmark stations for studying envi- many of the basins analyzed here macroscale modeling of ronmental change. The decline in the overall number variability using these data will be limited in accuracy. of sites, their frequency of reporting, and—in some c. Land use and land cover change cases—quality of measurements are major concerns for the understanding of environmental change in The high variability and weak rainfall–runoff rela- sub-Saharan Africa. Although this is part of a global tionships means that it is difficult to identify and attrib- phenomenon with hydrological data (Vo¨ ro¨ smarty et al. ute changes in runoff to particular causes, such as cli- 2001), the situation is particularly bad in sub-Saharan mate change, or land use or land cover change (LUCC). Africa. The massive decline in rainfall stations used Recent work on global precipitation variability has in CRU TS 2.1 from the 1980s onward severely identified a climate change signal that includes Sahel constrains efforts to accurately monitor climate vari- drying (Zhang et al. 2007). However, no other clear ability and confidently model biophysical systems. This patterns have emerged across Africa. Gedney et al. is part of Africa’s wider financial, political, and insti- (2006) identify a direct effect of CO2 on transpiration tutional challenges to undertaking climate research and global runoff patterns that they postulate has con- ( et al. 2006). tributed to a recent increase in global runoff. Our re- sults identify marked changes in runoff ratios (espe- b. Rainfall–runoff relationships cially in the Sahel after 1970) but these integrate Our results show a complex pattern of behavior that changes in data, nonlinearities in the runoff response, includes strong but nonstationary relationships, with and the effects of LUCC. We find that in sub-Saharan most examples in West Africa; a large group from Africa, robust identification and attribution of hydro- across Africa with marked variations in strength, often logical change is, therefore, severely limited by conflict- but not always, showing the influence of rainfall station ing behavior across basins/regions, low signal-to-noise density; weak almost random behavior (particularly in ratio, sometimes weak rainfall–runoff relationships, southern Africa but examples occur in all other re- and limited assessment of the magnitude and potential gions); and very few examples of strong, temporally effects of LUCC or other anthropogenic influences. An stable relationships. important area deserving further research that we have For some basins, limited spatial coverage of rainfall not looked at is the role of evaporation in rainfall– stations leads to weak rainfall–runoff relationships. In runoff analyses. many cases, this limits the ability to establish robust d. Future climate change relationships very far back in time (generally prior to the 1950s). However, there are situations in which weak The high levels of variability found in the historical relationships exist throughout the period of analysis, records provide excellent opportunities to better under- even with reasonable station coverage. There are no stand their societal effects and adaptive responses obvious reasons for this, particularly because some ba- (Glantz 1992; Adger et al. 2003). The areas with rea- sins produce good results with relatively few rainfall sonable climate model convergence show runoff in- stations. We surmise that the most likely reasons are creases in East Africa and reductions in southern

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Africa but no clear signal for the Sahel and central d Station densities in CRU TS 2.1 (and other similar Africa (Milly et al. 2005; Christensen et al. 2007). The products) for Africa before ;1930 and after ;1980 main and most understood climate drivers of interan- are very low, and some basins have very low densities nual and decadal rainfall variability are Atlantic (and throughout their records (e.g., Congo: maximum of 6 2 other) Ocean SST patterns (West Africa and the Sahel), five gauges across 3.5 3 10 km ). Care is required in ENSO behavior (West, southern and East Africa), and the interpretation of time series for these periods and Indian Ocean dynamics (East Africa and southern Af- regions. rica). However, the underlying drivers of variability in d Trends in rainfall and river flows have been large these factors and their African teleconnections are not during the twentieth century. Rainfall (river flows) well captured by climate models, and model simula- have displayed 20-yr moving trends of up to 63% tions of future climate do not show clear tendencies in (215%/111%) of annual means per year. Changes in their behavior (e.g., ENSO; Merryfield 2006; Indian rainfall are magnified in the runoff response. This Ocean; Conway et al. 2007). Improvements in physical level of variability presents significant challenges to understanding and modeling capability will hopefully water resources management. improve confidence and lead time in seasonal forecasts d On decadal time scales, sub-Saharan Africa is char- and climate projections, although nonstationary behav- acterized by drying across the Sahel after the early ior in teleconnections may affect progress toward these 1970s, relative stability punctuated by extreme wet goals (Richard et al. 2000). years in East Africa (sometimes spreading into the , e.g., 1961), and periodic behavior un- e. Overall conclusions derlying high interannual variability in southern Af- The conclusions are based around our aims, which rica. Central Africa shows very modest decadal vari- for sub-Saharan Africa were to characterize the spatial ability, with some similarities to the Sahel in adjoin- and temporal dimensions of rainfall and river flow vari- ing basins. A of East Africa, the Horn, ability. The region is possibly unique in its possession of shows drying in the 1970s and 1980s similar to the so many large, relatively undisturbed river basins in Sahel but has recovered substantially during the which to study long-term hydrometeorological behav- 1990s. ior. Rainfall records from a global high-resolution d Runoff coefficients tend to increase with increasing product and extensive river flow records from nine ma- annual rainfall; they show a widespread decrease in jor international river basins provide the basis for the West Africa after the 1970s drought but no consistent analysis. The early and latter decades of last century patterns elsewhere. generally show very sparse coverage of rainfall stations. d Overall, the best period for robust rainfall–runoff re- In most cases, we are confident the hydrological series lationships analysis is broadly 1961–90. The strongest are reliable and possess thorough supporting informa- relationships occur in West Africa, reasonable rela- tion, although the Zambezi record is an exception to tionships in central (even though station densities are this. very low), highly variable relationships in East Africa Our findings confirm that rainfall variability in the because of the Rift Valley’s complex hydrology, and region is high, but also that rainfall provides the dom- very weak relationships in southern Africa. During inant control along with river basin physiography and the period 1961–90 (1931–60), rainfall explains 60%– human interventions on interannual and interdecadal 80% (40%–60%) of the variability in river flows in variability in river flows and hence West Africa. Equivalent approximations for other availability. River flows in major basins show clear ex- regions are 40%–70% (insufficient data) in central amples of significant variability that challenge the ef- Africa, 5%–65% (5%–65%) in East Africa, and only fective management of water resources and result in 5%–20% (5%–20%) in southern Africa. huge socioeconomic costs. Although this work has con- d For some basins, limited spatial coverage of rainfall centrated on biophysical variability, we recognize an stations leads to weak rainfall–runoff relationships. important need to link this understanding with the in- However, there are examples in which weak relation- stitutional and policy context of water resources man- ships exist throughout the period of analysis, even agement in Africa. More effective management of vari- with reasonable station coverage and examples of ability (the for adaptation) is contingent robust stable relationships with rainfall series com- upon operational capacity, which is weak in many parts prising relatively few gauges. In basins with weak of Africa. relationships, macroscale modeling using these data The main findings of this analysis are presented be- will be of limited success without considering data low. and subbasin scale conditions.

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