By: J. David McBride, MA, RPA J. Howard Beverly, MA, RPA Dona R. Daugherty PHASE I Ann Shouse Wilkinson Submitted by: ARCHAEOLOGICAL CDM Smith 1648 McGrathiana Pkwy SURVEY OF KY 480, Suite 340 BULLITT COUNTY, Lexington, KY 40511 KENTUCKY Prepared for: KY Transportation Cabinet Division of Environmental KYTC ITEM # 5-391.20 Analysis Transportation Cabinet 200 Mero Street, 5th Floor Frankfort, Kentucky 40622 Kentucky Office of State Archaeology Project Number: FY14-8151 Phase I Archaeological Survey of KY 480, Bullitt County, Kentucky KYTC Item Number # 5-391.20 Authored by J. David McBride, MA, RPA J. Howard Beverly, MA, RPA Dona R. Daugherty Ann Shouse Wilkinson Submitted by CDM Smith 1648 McGrathiana Pkwy, Suite 340 Lexington, KY 40511 Prepared for Client: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) Division of Environmental Analysis Transportation Cabinet 200 Mero Street, 5th Floor Frankfort, Kentucky 40622 ________________________________________ J. David McBride, MA, RPA Principal Investigator: CDM Smith Contact: (859) 254-5759 Ext. 124 or
[email protected] Lead Federal Agency: Federal Highways Administration Kentucky Office of State Archaeology Archaeological Project Number: FY14-8151 Archaeology Report August 2014 PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER Abstract At the request of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC), archaeologists from CDM Smith conducted a Phase I archaeological survey the widening of KY 480 (Item Number 5-391.20). The area around the Interstate 65 interchange at KY 480 was also surveyed. Part of the Simmons/Old Lee Cemetery was also surveyed. The area of potential effect (APE) consisted of 48.5 acres (19.6 ha). Field work was conducted between June 27, 2014 and July 15, 2014.