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Mediterranean Marine Science Mediterranean Marine Science Vol. 18, 2017 Non-native zoobenthic species at the Crimean Black Sea Coast SHALOVENKOV N. The Centre for Ecological Studies Copyright © 2017 To cite this article: SHALOVENKOV, N. (2017). Non-native zoobenthic species at the Crimean Black Sea Coast. Mediterranean Marine Science, 18(2), 260-270. doi: | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 24/12/2020 05:32:59 | Research Article Mediterranean Marine Science Indexed in WoS (Web of Science, ISI Thomson) and SCOPUS The journal is available on line at DOI: Non-native zoobenthic species of the Crimean Black Sea Coast N. SHALOVENKOV The Centre for Ecological Studies, Russia Corresponding author: [email protected] Handling Editor: Artemis Nicolaidou Received: 3 November 2016; Accepted: 27 April 2017; Published on line: 17 July 2017 Abstract More than 40 non-native species have been registered in the zoobenthos of the Black Sea. Only, five alien species, the Crustacea Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841) and Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841), and the Mollusca Rapana venosa (Valen- ciennes, 1846), Mya arenaria (Linne, 1758) and Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906), were recorded in the benthos on the Crimean shelf between 1999 and 2014. The blood-cockle A. kagoshimensis has settled on many sites of the Black Sea shelf in the past forty years. The first detection (1999) along the Crimean coast and the temporal variability of this mollusc’s population coin- cides with the variability of the water temperature in the area. The five alien species had spatial aggregation and their occurrence did not exceed 23% in the boundaries of the distribution sites. An increasing trend in their abundance in the last five - seven years was observed. These years were characterized by a temperature rise in the surface layer of coastal waters. Similar patterns have been observed in the interannual variability of the biomass and abundance ratio of aliens to native for all zoobenthic taxonomic groups, i.e. of the dominance index of alien species.The low dominance index of the introduced species is indicative of low impact on the diversity of the benthic communities of the Crimea coast, i.e. at metacommunity scale. With the exception of R. venosa, they ex- hibited lower biomass and abundance along the Crimean coast shelf as opposed to other areas of the Black Sea shelf. Occasionally, the dominance index for the barnacle Amphibalanus improvisus (Darwin, 1854) can be high, a fact attributed to the low biomass and abundance of other benthic species. Keywords: alien zoobenthic species, biomass, abundance, metacommunity, Crimea, Black Sea. Introduction cies introduced in the Black Sea, seven zoobenthic spe- cies, namely the polychaetes, Ficopomatus enigmaticus The colonization of the Black Sea by Mediterranean (Fauvel, 1923), Streblospio gynobranchiata (Rice & Lev- species (or Mediterranization) is a natural process, which in, 1998) and Polydora cornuta (Bosk, 1802), the crus- started after the opening of the Bosporus Strait (Archan- tacea, Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841), and the gelsky & Batalina, 1929). The natural mechanism of sea molluscs Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846), Mya are- currents is not the only “supplier” of benthic larvae from naria (Linne, 1758) and Anadara kagoshimensis (Toku- the Mediterranean Sea. Anthropogenic transfer of alien naga, 1906) are considered invasive. They are known to species has a significant impact on the benthic commu- have changed the structure of benthic communities in the nity of the entire Black Sea. The development of active Black Sea over the last 30-40 years (Gomoiu, 1984; Alex- navigation and introduction of species for aquaculture androv & Zaitsev, 2000; Skolka & Gomoiu, 2004; Chikina expands the geographic distribution of invasive species. & Kucheruk, 2005; Surugiu & Feunteun, 2008; Skolka & Anthropogenic intervention is responsible for the first re- Preda, 2010; Ivanov, 2013; Radashevsky & Selifonova, cord of alien species off the coast of the Caucasus and on 2013; Boltachova et al., 2015; Teacă et al., 2015). the north-west shelf of the Black Sea, from the Atlantic or Different spatial scales of ecological processes are the Indo-Pacific (Zaitsev & Ӧztürk, 2001; Gomoiu, 2001; characterized by linkages and contingent spatio-temporal Alexandrov et al., 2004; Aleksandrov, 2010). Nowadays, boundaries in the Black Sea. Zoobenthos, as an indicator, more than 40 non-native alien species are registered in the reflects the spatial and temporal variability and the scales benthos of the Black Sea (Gomoiu et al., 2002; Gomoiu of these ecological processes on the sea shelf. At local & Skolka, 2005; Alexandrov et al., 2007). The barnacle level, benthic communities change significantly because Amphibalanus improvisus (Darwin, 1854) was one of the of the changing local hydrological conditions that are first alien species recorded in the Black Sea far back in the reflected in the interannual variability of the species and 1840s (Gomoiu & Skolka, 1996). It is attached not only to the age structure of zoobenthos (Shalovenkov & Ryabt- the hard substrata available, but also to the shells of local sev, 2003, 2004). On the scale of the entire Crimean shelf, bivalves in benthic communities. Of the many alien spe- the structure of benthic communities is relatively con- 260 Medit. Mar. Sci., 18/2, 2017, 260-270 | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 24/12/2020 05:32:59 | stant and has the distinctive features of other Black Sea be a regional metacommunity, one of the several local zo- regions (Zernov, 1913; Kiseleva & Slavina, 1963, 1964, obenthic communities that replace each other and overlap 1965; Nikitin, 1964; Kiseleva, 1981). Here, the absence on the whole coastal shelf. The Western and Deep-sea hy- of alien mollusca for many years after their settlement in drological fronts and the hydrological structure before the the Black Sea is an indication of the particularities and Kerch Strait in the east are conditional borders (ecological the elative “isolation” of regional benthic communities. barriers) for the benthic metacommunity on the coastal At the same time, the water masses of the coastal shelf of shelf of the Crimea (Fig. 1). the Crimea are characterised by regional peculiarities of The aim of this study is to assess the biological char- the hydrophysical fields and relatively stable hydrologi- acteristics (biomass and abundance) of non-native mac- cal fronts on the borders (Zats et al., 1966; Blatov et al., rozoobenthic species and the temporal trends on the shelf 1984; Blatov & Ivanov, 1992; Artamonov et al., 2012). of Crimea. The applicability of the aliens/invasive species Therefore, we consider the Crimean shelf community to ratio is also tested as a potential impact indicator. Fig. 1: Study area (60 sites, solid yellow line) and area of recording (dotted brown line) of the alien mollusc A. kagoshimensis along the Crimean shelf. Conditional borders (dashed blue line) of the Western (WGF ) and Deep-sea (DGF) hydrological fronts. 1 - West- ern boundary of recording of the mollusc on the shelf; 2, label - example of one local investigated site (Table 1); 3 - structure of hydrological circulation before the Kerch Strait. Materials and Methods benthic stations were sampled during the study period. Within each site, the locations of the stations (ranging The macrozoobenthic studies were carried out on the from 12 to 21) were determined according to bottom land- Crimean shelf from the West to the East, along steppe scape features and depth gradient. At each station, three and mountain coasts, during the period between 1999 and random samples of bottom sediment were collected by 2014. Sixty sites were studied along the coast of Crimea, divers (at depths of 2 - 30 m) and by Petersen grabs (at 3 to 5 new sites per year (Fig. 1, yellow line). About 800 depths of 30 - 85 m) with a coverage area of 0.1m2. The Medit. Mar. Sci., 18/2, 2017, 260-270 261 | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 24/12/2020 05:32:59 | samples were sieved through a 1 mm mesh size sieve and Anadara kagoshimensis was scattered throughout the preserved in 75% alcohol for subsequent sorting, identi- coastal shelf of the Crimea from east to west: from the fication and enumeration of macrozoobenthic organisms Kerch Strait to Kalamitskiy Bay. As regards Kalamitskiy (up to species level) at the laboratory. Total biomass - wet Bay (Fig. 1), the alien mollusc has not been recorded yet. weight - was measured for each species. Rapana venosa and Rhithropanopeus harrisii were re- The analysis and statistical calculations were per- corded on the whole shelf of the Crimea, while Mya are- formed only for sites where the zoobenthic alien species naria presented a very limited distribution. were recorded. The biomass and abundance data are pre- In the investigated local areas (Fig. 1, label “2”), alien sented as mean values and standard error. The dominance species had an aggregated distribution and occupied small index “Di” of alien species was derived by applying the sites of the seabed (Fig. 2 a-d). They had low abundance equation (Balogh, 1958): and occurrence at local scale. At the same time, the bio- mass of these alien species exceeded, several times, the total biomass of all native species of zoobenthos (Table. 1). Besides, relative (%) biomass and abundance of the al- ien species, or dominance index, was high only on a very where: ni – the abundance or biomass of individuals of the small area of the sites (Fig. 3 a,b). i-th species, N - the total abundance or biomass of all spe- At regional scale, the occurrence of the alien zooben- cies in the same taxonomic group. The alien/native ratio thic species was also low with the exception of the barna- of abundance and biomass was used for estimating the cle A.
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    Contact details: NAME ORGANIZATION E-MAIL ADDRESS BG Valentina TODOROVA Institute of Oceanology, Varna, Bulgaria [email protected] GE RO Valeria ABAZA National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania [email protected] RO Adrian FILIMON National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania [email protected] RO Camelia DUMITRACHE National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania [email protected] RO Tatiana BEGUN NIRD GeoEcoMar, Constanta, Romania [email protected] RO Adrian TEACA NIRD GeoEcoMar, Constanta, Romania [email protected] RU TR Murat SEZGIN Sinop University Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey [email protected] TR Melek ERSOY KARACUHA Sinop University Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey TR Mehmet ÇULHA Katip Celebi University Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey TR Güley Kurt SAHIN Sinop University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dept. of Biology, Sinop, Turkey [email protected] TR Derya ÜRKMEZ Sinop University, Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey [email protected] TR Bülent TOPALOĞLU Istanbul University, Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey TR İbrahim ÖKSÜZ Sinop University, Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop, Turkey Abbreviations used: Black Sea countries Origin of exotic species Establishment success BG BULGARIA NA North America C casual GE GEORGIA BS Black Sea E established RO ROMANIA MS Mediterranean Sea Q questionable RU RUSSIAN FEDERATION NE North Europe TR TURKEY AO Atlantic Ocean Each species description includes the following information: UA UKRAINE MS Mediterranean Sea o Year of the first occurrence in national waters; PO Pacific Ocean o Place of the first occurrence in national waters; IO Indian Ocean EW European water bodies Co Cosmopolitan SE South-Eastern Asia Au Australia Af African water bodies CS Caspian Sea 1 Aknowledgements The authors of this document acknowledge the financial support provided by European Commission – DG Environment though the project MISIS (Grant Agreement No.
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