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STEPHEN D. KRASNER OFFICE Department of Political Science Stanford, California 94305-6044 Telephone: (650) 723-0676 EDUCATION: Cornell University, B. A., History, l963. Columbia University, School of International Affairs, MIA, 1967. Harvard University, Ph.D., Political Science, l972. EMPLOYMENT Assistant Professor of Government, Harvard University, 1971-75. Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles, l976-l977. Associate Professor of Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles, l977-l981. Professor of Political Science, Stanford University, l98l-1991. Graham H. Stuart Professor of International Relations, Stanford University, 1991 - . Senior Fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute, Stanford University, 1991- Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, 2008- PUBLIC SERVICE Member, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State, August 2001-March 2002 Director for Governance and Development, Directorate for Democracy, Human Rights, and International Operations, National Security Council, 2002 Director, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State, February 2005-April 2007 Member, Board of Directors, United States Institute of Peace, 2003-2004, 2008- Member, International Security Advisory Board, United States Department of State, 2008-2009 HONORS, LECTURES, AND RESEARCH AWARDS: Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Phi Beta Kappa Prize Award Essay, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION l968 Research Associate, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, l97l-75 Research Associate, Washington Center for Foreign Policy Research, School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, l973-74 Research Grant, Rockefeller Foundation Program in International Conflict, l976-78 1 Ford Foundation grant for special issue of INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION on international regimes, l979 Co-Principal Investigator, High Technology Research Project, Northeast Asia Forum, Stanford University, l983 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, l987-88 Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg, zu Berlin, 2000-2001 Distinguished Foreign Policy Speaker, Einaudi Center, Cornell University, September 2008 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Editor, l986-1991. Chair, Board of Editors, 1996-1998. Member, Board of Editors, l978-83, 1992-1998 (Member of the Executive Committee, 1995- 97), 2000-2002 Editorial Board, AMERICAN INTEREST, 2007- Board of Editors, WASHINGTON QUARTERLY, 2009- International Editorial Board, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (Aberystwyth), 2002- Board of Editors, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA PACIFIC, 2000- Board of Editors, INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY, l976-89, 2009- Comite Editorial, FORO INTERNACIONAL, 1998-2001. Board of Editors, WORLD POLITICS, l978-81. Board of Editors, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (London) l98l-. Advisory Board, Journal of International Law and International Relations. 2004- International Advisory Board, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY, 1992- 2001 Editorial Advisory Board, STUDIES IN AMERICAN POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT, l985- Editorial Advisory Board, STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICY, University of Michigan Press, 1990- Contributing Editor, GLOBAL POLITICAL ASSESSMENT, l976-l984. General Editor, University of California Press, Book Series, STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY, 1979- Editorial Board, INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY YEARBOOK, l983-1991. Editorial Board, ECONOMICS AND POLITICS, l988-1989. International Advisory Board, HANDBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, 1998 Editorial Board, JOURNAL OF INTERVENTION AND STATEBUILDING, 2007- Member, Research Planning Committee on States and Social Structures, Social Science Research Council, l983-1989. Member, Working Group on States and Social Structures, Russell Sage Foundation, 1990-1992. American Political Science Association: 2 Coordinator, International Relations Panels, American Political Science Association Convention l98l. Coordinator, Major Issues in Political Science Panels, American Political Science Association Convention, l987. Convention Coordinator, American Political Science Association, l988. Council Member, American Political Science Association, l985-l987. Vice-President 2008-09 Visiting Committee, University of Utah, Political Science Department, 1983. Visiting Committee, New School for Social Research, Political Science Department, 1985. Visiting Committee, Northwestern University, Political Science Department, 1986, International Relations Program, 1997. Memberships: Council on Foreign Relations, New York American Political Science Association International Studies Association American Economics Association PUBLICATIONS: Books and Monographs: DEFENDING THE NATIONAL INTEREST: RAW MATERIALS INVESTMENTS, AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICY (Princeton New Jersey: Princeton University Press, l978). Sections reprinted in R. O. Mathews, A. G. Rubinoff, and J. G. Stein, CONFLICT AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT (Toronto: Prentice Hall, l984); G. John Ikenberry, ed., AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY: THEORETICAL ESSAYS (Glenview: Scott, Foresman, 1989; 2nd ed. 1995); P. Williams, D. M. Goldstein, and J. M. Shafritz, CLASSIC READINGS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1994). INTERNATIONAL REGIMES, editor (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Press, l983). STRUCTURAL CONFLICT: THE THIRD WORLD AGAINST GLOBAL LIBERALISM (Berkeley: University of California Press, l985). Spanish edition published by Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, 1989. Chinese translation published by the Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 2001. Sections reprinted in R. O. Mathews, A. G. Rubinoff and J. G. Stein, INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT, 2nd edition (Ontario: Prentice-Hall, 1989); T. Akaha and K. W. Stiles eds., INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY: A READER (Glenview: Scott Foresman, Little Brown, 1990); J. A. Frieden and D. Lake, INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY: PERSPECTIVES ON GLOBAL POWER AND WEALTH, 2nd edition (New York: St. Martin's 3 Press, 1991); Benjamin Gomes-Casseres and David Yoffie, THE INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY OF DIRECT FOREIGN INVESTMENT (Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 1993). ASYMMETRIES IN JAPANESE-AMERICAN TRADE: THE CASE FOR SPECIFIC RECIPROCITY (Berkeley: Institute for International Studies, Policy Papers in International Affairs, l987). Japanese edition published by Jicho-sha Publishing Co. Tokyo, 1995. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION: EXPLORATION AND CONTESTATION IN THE STUDY OF WORLD POLITICS, co-editor with Peter J. Katzenstein and Robert O. Keohane, special issue of International Organization 52 (Autumn 1998); also published as EXPLORATION AND CONTESTATION IN THE STUDY OF WORLD POLITICS (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999). Chinese edition published by Shanghai People=s Publishing House, 2006. SOVEREIGNTY: ORGANIZED HYPOCRISY (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999). Spanish edition published by Paidos Iberica, Barcelona, 2001. Sections reprinted in Sobernia: Concepções Alternativas e Normas Contestadas, POLITICAL INTERNACIONAL 22 (Outono- Inverno 2000). PROBLEMATIC SOVEREIGNTY: CONTESTED RULES AND POLITICAL POSSIBILITIES, editor, (New York: Columbia University Press, 2001). POWER, THE STATE, AND SOVEREIGNTY: ESSAYS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (New York: Routledge, 2009) ARTICLES: The International Monetary Fund and the Third World INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 22 (l968) A Defense of Conventional Grading, POLITICAL SCIENCE (Fall 1970). Are Bureaucracies Important? FOREIGN POLICY 7 (Summer 1972). Reprinted in Richard G. Head and Ervin J. Rokke, eds., AMERICAN DEFENSE POLICY (Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, (1973), Robert W. Tucker and William Watts, eds., BEYOND CONTAINMENT (Washington: Potomac Associates, l973); Charles Kegley, Jr., and Eugene Wittkopf, PERSPECTIVES ON AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY (New York: St. Martin's Press, l983), Charles Kegley and Eugene Wittkopf, THE DOMESTIC SOURCES OF AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY: INSIGHTS AND EVIDENCE (New York: St. Martin's Press, l988, 1999); G. John Ikenberry, ed., AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY: THEORETICAL ESSAYS (Glenview: Scott, Foresman, 1989); Eugene Wittkopf and James M. McCormick, eds., THE DOMESTIC SOURCES OF AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY (Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998). 4 Business Government Relations: The Case of the International Coffee Agreement, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 27 (l973). Manipulating International Commodity Markets: Brazilian Coffee Policy, 1906-1960, PUBLIC POLICY 21 (l973). The Great Oil Sheikdown, FOREIGN POLICY 13 (l973). A Somewhat Different View of the Crisis, in Allan Roth, ed., THE CRISIS IN WORLD MATERIALS: A U.S.-JAPANESE SYMPOSIUM (Newark, New Jersey: Graduate School of Business, Rutgers University, l974). Oil is the Exception, FOREIGN POLICY 14 (l974); Reprinted in United States Congress, Committee on Merchant Marines and Fisheries, GROWTH AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FUTURE, Part 2, 93rd Congress (1974); Karl P. Sauvant and Farid G. Lavipour, CONTROLLING MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES; PROBLEMS, STRATEGIES, COUNTERSTRATEGIES (Westview Press, l976); Mark W. Zacher, ed., THE INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY OF NATURAL RESOURCES (Cheltenham, Glos.: Edward Elgar, 1992). Trade in Raw Materials: The Benefits of Capitalist Alliances, in Steven Rosen and James R. Kurth, eds., TESTING THEORIES OF ECONOMIC IMPERIALISM (Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath, l974). State Power and the Structure of International Trade. WORLD POLITICS 28 (l976). Reprinted in Michael Smith, Richard Little, and Michael Shackleton, eds., PERSPECTIVES ON WORLD