Student Life —The Independent Newspaper of \Vashington Un'i\ Ersity in St Louis Since]1878
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MAKING A RACQUET | LIFE ON THE SQUASH COURT 1 SPORTS PAGE 8 STUDENT LIFE —THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OF \VASHINGTON UN'I\ ERSITY IN ST LOUIS SINCE]1878 VOLUME 128, NO. 5 FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 2006 WIV'VI'.STUDLIFE.COI\I Students speak out against Faeebook feed BY BRITTNEY FARB up with Johnny Football Hero, 700.000 members. friends eaVesdropping on that reaction to the intense oppo 'The nuemb r one res'onp that some random guy in “Nothing really [makesit osf- conVersationnseems intrusi1'.”e sition to the facebook?‘Ca lrn sibility isnto respect the 11sers' mny politics class was gomg to ficialLm saidl’ daiRoornd d . right topr11a1' ‘said Roodm Students nationwide awoke Spyglass this weekend i felt el cameuup VII'ithabeforse rtheepaast 1earFaccbook “If the users feel that the1aare to confront issues of pri liek God.l1"knov1 a and it i left3for the day HDV1V1'eV'er. it's has incorporate se ranl e11 being c pl d for adVerttsc Tuesedsay mornin makes me feeldirrty. " official because it is the largest fe atures, from photo albums to merit or their person 1 deta isl .the longgholiday week- rudents did not cept group by far and has the most status settings. But 1 's time. ticker nish theV are not going to come back end6was over and the academic Facebook'5 new look in silence. Ciedibility because of that" students felt the new mini blog early WbeecInesda:morning. and use the site Rather seVeral groups formed -—~. to d" and“mu1'sfeed" features “Th is is information peo 1e In e end. though it looks expressing t ntense disap- V1hich allow users to monitor used to dig for on a daily basis as though the prootests have to--school jitters were not the prOVal of Zuckerberg's chang- :1» e‘nds eV'er update consti- succeeded Facebook issued a cause of the furygahanizing number 0 tuted a pri\acV breac. collegecampus SNort h11'estern University ju- ‘ s goricoton far formmy effort sto update the nior Ben Parr created the group askdea5 few friends to taste. said senior Russell Sims. b to remove themselVes from teh popuulaar Web site, Mar112Zuck» “Students Against the Facebook invite aotshers tor the Facebook “Before it 110uldt 7‘ privacy options ee.d erberg and his team decided to News Feed (Official Petition to 011311 3'“ r. “The91' stalker to be able to necessarily they should reassure users Howard Brick. professor of an unexpecteted “face- Faceb00k) ously succeeded." pc on the fact that some- they are safe. history at IIashiington UniVer- lift: onthe Facebook “1 stp11V1asnot happywith BenjaminRoodman.CEO of one had changed their relation We didnt take away any sity. cautioned students to be atlm sure will be re- the new featurre andl decide Ramped Media Inc.. islaunch shipstatus or left a Facebook privacy options." wrot uck» careful about the in mberedaascBlak Tuesday to to do something about it." said mg a user-interactive Web site 3T0 erber. The privacy rules formation the up load facebookers. lbeganmy normal Parr "I didn't really think it ImTherecosmllatater thisstmonth Slophomore Trey Wilborn havent chaaenge.d Noone ofyour Steud nts must understand morning routine." saidsopho- through. [just did1.1“ Roo einvasive na a rees informationis visible to anyone more Linndsey Lewis. “l rolle Much to Parr‘s suurprise. ture ofFaceblookhconcerns him inittial reaction [to the who couldn't see it before the might out of bed 10 minutes before the group had a following of given the site'eslargimpact on Facebook facelif’tt] was that I chango 'Emplo 'ers my class. and decided I had over 200.000 members after students social li1esv thought it was kind ofcreepy, man found eZucker can judge candidates on their time to check Facebook. Sud 4.hours makingit elaarg» sif ugh of berg’osopostted respon nae-d character and rowdy partying de riyl, wsasmade aware that eist facebook group. Asof press something publicly.but to al aasstalker's paradise.‘ hesaid quate and prediccted decreased pictures work against them." Suzie Highschool had broken me. the group had nearly ways have hundreds of other What is Mark Zuckerberg's traffic as a result. Campus absorbs, adjusts to The Arabic myth 0:0 Interest may be booming but large freshman class jobs still elusive for recent grads BYIOSII1111111 BY TIlIlV RUMAIIS uniVersities nationWid6. Was Freshman Petr Guo can‘t Housni Bennis taught Arabic find,2a place to put his micro at Washington University dur- ing much of the 19905. After a rollled. ltremainedSstueaedy. then :Heis one of several fresh- hiatus. he returned three years ked. consi rably over the nSotheuth40 livtngin 15 ago to continue teaching at the past t11 sewith more than ‘nl‘fornced" triples dorm rooms Univestranty. 0 students enrolling "lc tell you the change Bennis said the interest in from '93 to whenlcame backis Arabic studies is two-fold. One. huueg. We used to startewith 10- students trying to under- al stand the aMiddle East through pretdtyOsmall. But l'in getting nugage an two. t ere is anincrease ob opportunities She doses acknowledge theArabic sec- for those wellversed in Arabic. some pmroble of livt tion for Asianarid Near Easttern ln ddition to well-k noun forcedptriple. such as the inack of Languages and Literature. Bertn- positions in goVernment agen space, he has seen the upside as his has witnessed the booming well interrest in learning Arabic in See ARABIC. paged "l'ts easier to only havetto deal with one person but this is okaay" sa‘ Guo ha resources. We get our own bath HERSH KICKS OFF ASSEMBLY SERIES mtoo odid not know he uould said "I wouldn‘wtwant to As compensation for livingin tight quarters. all fmshm these esreceiveda $200 gift ardtotheUru1ersity bookstore andlottter umbersat the front of their class for houstng next But the housmg situation is just0part of the bigger issue of muspsdue to the0surprising amount of fresh- men this 1 DAVID Biol" l STUDENT LIFE ‘1 (man no 11- {rill/1n ‘“ 4 IA A» I i yuwiw, seen a sprke rn enrollment as a result of the large size of the freshmanclass. on their schools' deans. adV'isors stone will also be under pres- enteringstudentts can large class for a11htle.hoV1 nd ms. Compared 0 sure to meet the needs of more sorbedV1'ithin our currenteating e1er.sstuden ts shouldn t l‘lUlltt‘ last war, the Art School has seen freshmen. Traditionally. it has facilities and Without uch too much of a diiier an 11 ' I . L 1. L disrupltion or longermlines."1“they “II 111‘ kept bringing classes freshman class size,V1'hile the noV1 it 11111 have to work harder said V111] hat eso effec than before to keep up mth the demand. Coburn. aSSULlaIE’ dean for Some issues go beyond the issue is how the admissmns freshman transition. “\1 11h euro lment 11 reg tlassroom. extending to the process 1111] change to preVent 400 people “Voud11ould really to intro courses. \1 riting ()ne cafeteria Although preliminary t is from happening again an feel it Buutt natctrnimtr ma c ange in re nonew ailable. to rebalance the number of date this as sortof a blip in classes V11th almost e1er1 sec- Maril1nmPollack oiaDining Ser- students on campus. The l'nch-r» the admxsstons tion at capacti 1 11cm and Kath rmody of Bon plans to make better use or Coburn emphastred that ‘\1e're offering the same Appetit say the?areeexpecting F‘J E E m ‘Q N E o‘ N the l'niV ersttV is dc-t mined v v number 111 senions but no“ ajump in busines: Vxhich can a: not it )IU this Slltuation rec-111 Iht‘rvt an H students In men haate somt negame results In section,‘ said Debra Rudder. pro theend hm1met. that11mar hold. \111h this method 1 gram administrator Iur Writing d ning options to rimam as misSions office will haVe better oi tantasttt” stud:{ils Om "\\e don‘t like to do it but tiesstbleathe1 haaw been control mer how mam, Students Ranting“ Accm/armed/ouma/rst Seymour Hersh addresses a lull house Wednesday Mr ham to ' previoush aCCL‘pl ln\ llaIlOn . surI 11011n(:uuam\\ha\c mGralram Chapel Hers/r kicker] all Ill/i years risserrrnl/ 59 I‘lk‘ tuturim. neuter (timer- ‘l‘he manned number of 5 long as lhh is the unit to [he \1lIh1)l.lT his 11111111111111 l nes”by speak/rig about the AIM Glrrarb prison in Iran and lmrgrr po/rry What’s in a name? Going the distance INSIDE: NEWSROOM PHONE 314-935-5995 Scene,,,,,,, ... 5 The flyers are up and the The men s and women 5 ADVERTISING PHONE crest in place, we are now cross country team are Forum the Daniorth campus. starting the season mm a 5.4793”) 67;' Reporter Scott Friedman sprint toward Success tak- Sports. .. , , , 8 E-MAIL US talks to the man behind the ing IiISl place III their IIISI E’JIIC'QEILCW‘E act name News, page 3 meet, Sports, page I!) Classrfreds. 11 Sudoltu, ... 1] ON THE WEB «1.1 2:1,? ‘2 can 2 :jL» Sill)i\lllH fi'x ._ 1/ Pulse _. (011mm Cruel ‘ 219/ v. 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