Pkoceedings Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
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PKOCEEDINGS SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. HUNDRED AND NINTH SESSION, 1888-9. ANNIVEESAEY MEETING, 30th November 1888. SIR ARTHUR MITCHELL, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D., in the Chair. recommendatioOe nth Councile th f nEigho e Th , t Hon Countese .th s of Selkirk was elected a Lady Associate of the Society. The following Gentlemen were Balloted for, and admitted Correspond- ing Members of the Society :— Captain EDWARD HAIRBY, F.E.G.S. Rev. ALBAN H. WEIGHT, Professor, Codrington College, Barbadoes. WATT W. Brecknessf G .To , Orkney. His Grace The Duke of Atholl was admitted a Fellow of the Society without Ballot. A Ballot having been taken, the following Gentlemen were duly elected Fellows of the Society :— Dr CHARLES HENRY BEDFORD, 2 Windsor Street. WILLIAM MOIR BRYCE, Searcher of Eecords, 5 Dick Place. DAVID B. CLARK, M.A., Clairmont, Pollokshields. VOL. XXIII. A PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, NOVEMBER 30, 1888. Rev. JAME . OROMBIBSM , Cumberland, Ontario. GEORGE DOBIE 0 Wes1 , t Mayfield. J. F. FINLAY, Bengal Civil Service. WILLIAM GORDON of Tarvie, Perthshire. ROBERT HUMPHREY, Tower Park, York Road, Trinity. PHILIP M. C. KERMODE, Ramsey, Isle of Man. WILLIA M. KINGJ Coate3 , s Place. Vere Th y Rev . CAMEROJ . N LEES, D.D. Rev. CHRISTOPHER M'KuNE, Minister of Crawfortl. JOHN REDDOCH MACLUCKIE, Braeside, Falkirk. Rev. S. M. MAYHEW, Vice-President of the Archieological Association, Vicar of St Paul's, Londoti. ALEXANDER SCOT f AshbankTo , Fife. SKELTONH . J , Crossley Hall, Bradford. JOHN STEUART of Ballechin, Perthshire. The Office-Eearers for the ensuing year were elected as follows :— Patron. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. President. THE MOST HON. THE MARQUIS op LOTHIAN. K.T., LL.D. Vice-Presidents. Right Hon EARe th STAIR. F LO , K.T., LL.D. Sir ARTHUR MITCHELL, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D. JOHN RITCHIE FINDLAY. Councillors. NOEL-PATONJ r Si , Kt.,^ Representing . FETTEW r Si S DOUGLAS, LL.D., LL.D., R.S.A., \ ilie Board P.R.S.A. FRANCIS ABBOTT, J of Trustees. TURNERW Prof r Si . , M.B., LL.D. MAXWELLE . H r Si , Bart., M.P. R. W. COCHRAN PATRICK, LL.D. Professor D. MASSON, LL.D. Professor DUNS, D.D. THOMAS GRAVES LAW. Secretaries. DAVID CHRISTISON, M.D. ROBERT MUNRO, M.A., M.D. JOSEPH ANDERSON, LL.D., Assistant Secretary. WILLIAM FORBES, ) Secretaries for Foreign THOMAS DICKSON, LL.D., Register House, j Correspondence. ANNIVERSARY MEETING. 3 Treasurer. GILBERT GODDIE, 39 Northumberland Street. Curators of the Museum. EGBERT CARFRAE | JOH. REIDNJ , B.A. Curator Coins.of ADA . MRICHARDSONB . Librarian. JOHN TAYLOR BROWN. e motio r Arthuth Si n f O no r Mitchell a specia, l vot f thankeo s wa s . RJ .r giveFindla services M Societe hi o nt r th y fo o Secretars t sy a r yfo the past seven years. e followinTh namee g th lis f f Fellowo tso s deceased sinc e dateth f eo the last Annual Meeting was read hy the Secretary :— FELLOWS. Elcctecl ROBERT HERDMAN, R.S.A., Vice-President, .... 1873 Rev. E L. BARNWELL, Melksham, Wilts, . • . 1865 Rev. ALEXANDER CAMERON, LL.D., Brodick, .... 1883 ROBERT CHAMBERS, Publisher, Edinburgh, .... 1885 . COULTHAHR . J Coultharf To Collynd an t , .... 1851 Col. CHARLES ELLIOT, C.B., London, ..... 1885 Capt. WILLIAM GILLON, Wallhouse,...... 1881 JOHN GRANT, Marchmont Herald, ...... 1885 Rev. THOMAS GREENBURY, Leeds, ...... 1870 WILLIAM HAT, Architect, ....... 1882 JOHN HENRY Luis, Merchant, Dundee, ..... 1879 Rev . MACKINNONJ . , . F.C188. 8. Minister . , Nigg. , WILLIAM M'DoWELL, Dumfries, ...... 1885 GEORGE HARRISON PARK, Artist, ...... 1880 DAVID PETRIE, Nelson Street, Edinburgh, . • . 1880 ROBERT MACKAY SMITH, Bellevue Crescent, Edinburgh . 185 . 3, THOMAS SPOWART of Broomhead, Dunfermline, . 1873 Rev. JOHN STRUTHERS, LL.D., Minister of Prestonpans, . 1850 CHARLE . WILSONSE , LL.D., Senior Inspecto Schoolsf o r . 187, 0 4 PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F O S , NOVEMBE , 188830 R . ROBERT HERDMAN ,beed R.S.A.ha nFello a e Societ o th wh ,f w r o yfo fourteen years and a member of the Council for three years, was made Vice-President in 1887, and presided at the meeting of the Society immediately previous to his sudden and lamented death. He did not contribute papers, but he was a frequent attender at the evening meeting e Societyth f d tooso an ,keek a n e interesth n i the n i d t man general work of the Society. WILLIAM M'DOWELL, editor of the Dumfries Standard, and author of the History of Dumfries, Memorials of St Michael's, and the Chron- icles of Linduden, as an Abbey and as a College, the latter only recently published, was also well known for his journalistic and other writings, extending over nearl e whol a lonth yd activ f go an e leso en slifer fo , than forty-two year d bee f whicha o s n e h editoe Journal th f o r with whic closelo s s nam hs hi yewa identified. KORBRT MACKAY SMITH had been a Fellow of the Society for the long period of thirty-five years, and though not actively connected with e executiveth manifestee h , warmese th d t interes s generait n i t l work, and was a frequent attender of the meetings. Along with the late Pro- fessor Sir J. Y. Simpson, he represented the Society on the memorable excursion from the Dublin meeting of the British Association to the Aran Isles. Rev. E. L. BARNWBLL, M.A., was an accomplished archaeologist, for many years a member of the Council of the Cambrian Association, and a frequent contributor to the Journal of that Society, chiefly in connec- tion with his researches among the Stone Monuments of Wales and Brittany. Although he did not contribute papers to this Society, he took a warm interest in its objects, and we owe to his generosity the e Museu th e gifuniqu o th t t f mo e stone hammer-head from Maysmore, North Wales generallw no , y knowe finesth s ta n specime n ornaa f no - mented stone hammer in any collection. Rev. ALEXANDER CAMERON, LL.D., ministe e Freth f eo r Church, Brodick, an eminent Celtic scholar, the founder and editor of the ANNIVERSARY MEETING. 5 Scottish Celtic Review, and a prolific writer on the grammatical and philological peculiarities and relations of the Gaelic language, had but recently joined the Society, and was so much occupied with his special wor f collectinko g material Etymologican a r sfo l Gaelic Dictionary, that contributions of papers were hardly to be expected from him, but he showe dwara m interes e Societywore th th f ko n i t . Eev. Dr JOHN STRUTHKRS, minister of Prestonpans, took much interest locan i l researches, som f whico e e contributeh Proceedingse th o dt f o e Societyth s taste Hi chiefle y la s n i y f genealogyno d an , e minoth r domesti d ecclesiasticaan c l antiquitie e countryth f so , which mand ha ye h opportunitie f noticin so s frequenhi n o g t journeyn a s a s Assembly delegate. The meeting resolved to record their sense of the loss the Society had sustaine e deathth n f thesdi so e members. e TreasureTh r submitte e Auditeth d d Accounts, wit a generah l Abstract of the Society's Funds, which was ordered to be printed and circulated among the Fellows. e SecretarTh y rea Annuae dth l ReporSociete e Boarth th f o tf o y t do Trustees, approved by the Council, and ordered to be transmitted to the Lord H.Mf so . Treasury follows a , s :— ANNUAL KEPOR e Societth f o Tf Antiquarieo y f Scotlano s e th o t d Honourable the Board of Trustees for Manufactures in Scotland, yeae foth r r ending 30th September 1888 :— The Museum during the past year has been open as formerly, except durin montgthe Novemberhof , closewhewas usuadnas it cleaninfor l g rearrangementd an . e followinTh g table show e numbeth s f visitoro r r eacfo s h month 6 PROCEEDING E SOCIETYTH F O S , NOVEMBE , 188830 R . during the year, distinguishing between day visitors and visitors on the Saturday evenings, viz. :— MONTHS. DAY SATURDAY TOTAL. VlSITOKS. EVENINGS. October, . 3,949 514 4,463 December, 3,484 287 3,771 January, . 8,027 286 8,313 February, 2,846 278 3,124 March, . 2,954 340 3,294 April, 3,344 294 3,638 May, 4,422 288 4,710 June, 4,734 335 5,069 July, 10,585 581 11,166 August, . 10,958 899 11,857 Septein ber, 8,924 956 9,880 Total, 64,227 5,058 69,285 Previous Year, . 63,865 3,396 67,261 Increase, . 362 1,662 2,024 During the year there have been presented to the Museum 922 articles of antiquity, and the donations to the Library amount to 56 volumes of books and pamphlets. During the year 2864 articles of antiquity have also been added to the Museum, and 52 volumes of books to the Library, by purchase. Among the donations special e collectiomentiomade th b f y eo nma n presented by Sir Herbert Eusta,co Maxwell, Bart., M.P., F.S.A. Scot., amounting to nearly 800 specimens, chiefly from Galloway. Amon e purchaseth g s special e made—(1mentiob y e th ma n f o ) Chessme f walruo n s ivory, froe islanmth f Lewiso d , acquiree th t a d Londesborough Sale; (2) the Cadboll Brooches, found at Eogart, Sutherlandshir larga ) n 1868e(3 i e collectiod an ; f Articleso n , princi- pally illustrative of the old social and domestic life of the rural districts .