The Westfield Leader Copies the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County Net Press Run
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THE WESTFIELD LEADER COPIES THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY NET PRESS RUN Sticond Clans Pontage I'ulii IBlu /ENTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 21 ut Wi'strk-ld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 19G3 Kvi-ry Tlmrtiday 30 Pai<e»—10 Cent! Jan. 30 Set $850,000 Expansion Plan For Ticket Hearings Voted By Congregation The date of Jan. 30 has been set as the time for more than 100 Woman, 69, Struck by Car, Succumbs; Preshyterians persons to appear in Municipal Court here to show cause why they should not be held in crimi- 1st Vehicular Fatality Since 1961 To Increase nal contempt In connection with 1 alleged irregularities in the hand- Mrs. Addii K. Brown, (19, of 1C7 Madison Ave., was killed at Facilities ling of traffic tickets in 1958 and 3:12 p.m. Monday when she was struck by u car in \V. Snulh Ave. 1959. near Spring St., according to police. Police said the drivel' of the cur was Daniel A. DeLucn Jr., l'J, of 1H3 Golf Edge, who wan A goal of $8.10,000 bus been up- Somerset County Judge Leon charged with causing death by auto and released in $l,OU0 linit for iroved by the congregation of the Gerofsky will preside as magis- appearance in Municipal Court Presbyterian Church in Westfield trate at the hearings. Jan. 29. n a capital fund campaign for Summonses are ueing served by It was the town's first traffic Hoff Again Heads expansion of the church education members of the staff of Sheriff ORUN E. JOHNSON fatality since March 10(11. jtcililies and the sanctuary. Halph Oriscello. Mrs. Hrown was pronounced More than 500 members of the It is believed nt least five or dead on HIT vul nt Muhlenberg Planning Board xvngregation took the action at the six members of the Westfield Po- Johnson Tapped Hospital, Plainfield, where she 'hurch's annual meeting Monday lice Department are among those wa» taken in the Westfield Rescue John A. lloll' wus re-elwleil eliaiv- tight. The $85(1,000 goal waa ap- who have been served. For Mayor In Squad ambulance. Him of the Pliinning Hoard last proved by a substantial majority Assistant County Prosecutor An uutopsy by Dr. Hubert Casey week in the Municipal Uniltting. if the. members present in a stund- Leslie P. Click of Cranford was of Railway, assistant county phy- Mr. Ilolf, who has served three ng vote. assigned by Prosecutor H. Doug- Mountainside sician, showed death resulted from years of « six-yonr appointment, The campaign, originally au- las Stine to aid Judge Gerofsky u ruptured aorta caused by fruc- is beginning hist second •term us thorized at a special congrega- in the Investigation. RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONIES INAUGURATE NEW Y POOL. The occa.ion wal the Weitfield tured ribs. chairman. tional meeting last October, will High School vi. Pingrjr School swim meet Friday. Shown cutting the ribbon U H. Emerson Thomns, Those summoned before the School Hoard Head Mr. DoLuca told police he was Judson T. Piersoii wufl mimed i>rovide the following changes and pr«ident of the YMCA, with Dr. Robert L. Foos e, principal of the high school, looking on. Dr. court Jan. 30 will be given an op- driving west in W. South Ave. vice chairman, and Mrs. Dorothy additions: Erection of a two-story Edward G. Bourns was mailer of ceremonies, and Mrs. Harold Si Jensen, president ot the YWCA, portunity to enter pleas of guilty Resigns lo Take about 26 miles an hour when the L. Worth, secretary. lunch school building running alto participated in the ribbon cutting. or not guilty. Mr. Click said. Over Ran Post victim ran In front of his cnr. Holf renamed committee licada 'roni the church's parish house to Trial dates will be fixed for The driver said he applied his Westminster Hall; alteration of those who plead not guilty. S follows: Master plan, George ft. Pooch Permits! MOUNTAINSIDE — Orlin E. brakes but was unable to avoid Smith; subdivision, town engineer ;hu present parish house; construc- The court will sentence or fix Johnson, president of the Hoard the accident. tion of enlarged choir facilities un- New YM Swimming Pool dates for sentencing for those who Lindsay M. Collins; schools, Chas, The deadline for purchai- of Education, has been chosen to Sgt. Paul Wentlnmlt investi- P. Bailey; numidjitil facilities, ler the church and enlargement of ing 1963 dog license! ii Jan. plead guilty. replace Kugene F. Kau »K mayor. gated, assisted by Patrolmen the church sanctuary. The assistant prosecutor said Councilman A. Turnoy Savage; 31. All doyi from seven Mr. Him resigned a week ago be- Klllot Keogan and William Hoeben. truffle and playgrounds, Alfred Construction work is expected months old must have license* the law provides penalties of fines, cause of ill health. Mrs, Hrown was a charter mem- Ppened For Limited Use jail sentences, or both, for poi- Linden Jr., and iule3 and rezoiiing, to begin this fall and probably will and they may be obtained The choice of Mr. Johnson was ber of St. Luke's AME Zion John T. McCoy. be completed in 18 months, ac- The new YMCA-YWCA swimming pool was opened for limited from the Town Clerk's office sons convicted of criminal con- Church, BOO Downer St., and sang last week and will continue on that basis for the next few tempt. announced by Borough Council Mayor Burr A. Towl Jr. also is cording to Robert It. Mulrcany, in the Municipal Building. Tuesday night. in Its Senior Choir. general chairman of the capital $ks pending completion of all the work necessary to make the These licenses must be ap- The case developed when a A resident of Westfield for a member of the board. sjlity fully operative, according to William E. Burbank, chairman state audit showed altered traffic Mr. Johnson, vice, president in fund campaign, Mr. Mulreany ex- plied for in person. They can- more than B0 yenrs, she is sur- After public hearing, the board plained further that the project the Y building committee. Edward C. Ewen, general secretary of not be mailed. Early atten- tickets in the Westfield Municipal charge of manufacturing of Bris- vived by a son, William S. Hrown tabled nn application of Alfred K. ' YWCA, said the pool was of- Court. tol-Myers Co.'s Products Division, iii the first phase In a long-range tion to the above will save of 20 VL- Cedar Brook Ave., South lludell for subdivision of a tract planning program which will in- j>lly christened for some Y ac- Clark Sees Record Year waiting in line. Judge Gerofsky was assigned Hillside, lives at 1031 Sunny Slope l'lninfield. in Fourth Ave. into U building Vl Thursday when Lucimln Dr. anil has been a resident since clude, at a later date, construction last summer by Chief Justice Jo- The funeral will be from the lots. of a second education building for hrone, Patricia McGinnis, Mar- In Real Estate Sales seph Wcintraub to review state- 1902. Plinton Funeral Home, 411 W. f Kalbacher, Hnrvey Gerhert An application submitted by An- the oliler young people. ments and evidence pertaining to lie is a Kepuulicnu, an are all Broad St., with a service tomorrow thony and Rossiniondn Vitalc of 20(i tnd Kurt Kaufman simultaneous- William A, Clark, president $2,800 Scholarship the ticket-fixing case. members »f the governing body. Thu church has a membership Westfield Board of Realtors, today ut 1 p.m. in St. uiilie'ii Church. In- Springfield Ave. WUH denied. They ly jumped into the water to repre- Judge Cierofsky was instructed It was announced Borough terment will lie in Kr.mklin Me- of more thnn 1,600 and has not sent nil Y members in an imiugu- predicted that urou real estate sought subdivision of a lot in the expanded physically since the ccn- to review information obtained by Council will have a special meet- morial Park, rear of their residence into two x»l swim. sales would reach record highs in Again Offered By Union County Prosecutor II. ing at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday to accept tury-iild main edifice won enlarged 9fi3. lots for Bale U) thu Cranford Swim 12 years ago. 1'lans for enlarge- Cindy Chrone is a member of Douglas Stine. during the originul Mayor Rail's resignation and make Club. the YWCA instructional swim "Sales volume in the coming College Women (Continued on page 2) official the uppointment of Mr. ment of the facilities began in 1956 Pat McGinnis and Mar- year," Mr. Clark said, "'will reflect Johnson. Bus Driver Fined The board ruled the proposed use and ucceloratcd two yiMirs ago with Kalbacher are members of the recejjt revival in atock mar- The College Woman's Club of Mr. Johnson'a resignation from by the club is nonresiclenlial und the formation of a central build- Dolphins synchronized awim ket prices and an aggressive econ- Weatfield will again offer a $2,800 tho school board was effective that thu proposed tract would be ing committee, with Lynn B. Tip- Harvey Gerber reprcaent- omy may bo further strengthened scholarship to a qualified girl grad- Y Ladies Day Out Tuesday night when he .submitted For Smoking In landlocked. son as chairman. ichthe Y swim teams and Kurt by a reduction in federal income uating in June from Westfield it nt tt meeting of that body In Approval wiis voted an applica- In other action, the congrega- "Kdufmun, captain of the Wcst- taxes. Lending institutions are ex- High School.