The Westfield Leader Copies the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County Net Press Run
THE WESTFIELD LEADER COPIES THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY NET PRESS RUN Sticond Clans Pontage I'ulii IBlu /ENTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 21 ut Wi'strk-ld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 19G3 Kvi-ry Tlmrtiday 30 Pai<e»—10 Cent! Jan. 30 Set $850,000 Expansion Plan For Ticket Hearings Voted By Congregation The date of Jan. 30 has been set as the time for more than 100 Woman, 69, Struck by Car, Succumbs; Preshyterians persons to appear in Municipal Court here to show cause why they should not be held in crimi- 1st Vehicular Fatality Since 1961 To Increase nal contempt In connection with 1 alleged irregularities in the hand- Mrs. Addii K. Brown, (19, of 1C7 Madison Ave., was killed at Facilities ling of traffic tickets in 1958 and 3:12 p.m. Monday when she was struck by u car in \V. Snulh Ave. 1959. near Spring St., according to police. Police said the drivel' of the cur was Daniel A. DeLucn Jr., l'J, of 1H3 Golf Edge, who wan A goal of $8.10,000 bus been up- Somerset County Judge Leon charged with causing death by auto and released in $l,OU0 linit for iroved by the congregation of the Gerofsky will preside as magis- appearance in Municipal Court Presbyterian Church in Westfield trate at the hearings. Jan. 29. n a capital fund campaign for Summonses are ueing served by It was the town's first traffic Hoff Again Heads expansion of the church education members of the staff of Sheriff ORUN E.
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