ISSN 1067-490X IEEE Volume 21, Number 1, Spring 2013 The technologies to deliver information and entertainment to audiences worldwide, at home and on the go. Inside President’s Column. 2 From the Editor . 3 ATSC Activity Update . 5 BTS AdCom Selects Five New Members . 7 Guy Bouchard Tim Carroll Pat Waddell Channel Surfing Redux . 8 BTS Distinguished Events Calendar . 14 Lecturer Program Book Review . 15 Chapter Reports . 17 Continues to Grow RCA Radio/Television Pioneer With New Presenters Wendell Morrison Dead at 97 . 21 By Rich Chernock topic areas, with three new lecturers being added to program. They are Guy 2012 was a successful year for the Bouchard, Tim Carroll and Pat Waddell, BTS Distinguished Lecturer (DL) pro- who bring expertise in the practical gram, with eight lectures conducted over aspects of broadcast technology, audio Newsletter Deadlines a wide portion of the world. Lecture ven- processing, and audio/video encoding The BTS Newsletter welcomes contribu- ues included St. Petersburg, Russia, Princ- and transport. With these additions, tions from every member. Please forward eton, N.J.; San Diego, Calif.; Seoul Korea; the DL program offers BTS Chapters materials you would like included to the Bilbao, Spain; Beijing, China; Montevideo, high-quality lectures on a wide array of editor at
[email protected]. Here are Uruguay; and Buenos Aires, Argentina. A broadcast related topics ranging from our deadlines for upcoming issues: number of lecture topics have been pre- research oriented to highly practical. Issue Due Date sented, ranging from digital radio, signal Summer April 26, 2013 embedding techniques, multiprogram vid- DL Program Overview Fall July 22, 2013 eo coding, connected television and DTV The DL program has been in place Winter October 28, 2013 technology.