Shopping Map of Salado on pages 4B-5B Salado illageillage oiceoice Vol. XXXV, Number 9V V thursday, June 21, 2012 254/947-5321 fax 254/947-9479 V V 50¢ Residents want better science on By Tim Fleischer of the Salado Creek water- line the approach to the Editor-in-Chief shed and the water quality $60,000 year-long study and water quantity of the and to introduce the prin- As traffic on Highway habitat of the Salado sala- cipal scientists who will be 45 in Round Rock roared mander. gathering data in the com- overhead, Congressman Neither of these efforts ing months. John Carter announced are likely to impact the Meanwhile, the U.S. at a June 18 press confer- pending decision by the Fish and Wildlife Service ence his plans to attach an U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- (FWS) is slated to an- amendment to the Interior vice to add the Salado sala- nounce whether the four and Environment Appro- mander as an Endangered species of in priations Bill that would species. Bell, Williamson and Tra- strip any funding “to ad- While Rep. Carter said vis counties will be listed vance or pursue adding any he will propose the House as endangered. The dead- of the population of blind bill amendment within a line for FWS to propose salamanders of Salado, week, the Appropriations those species for listing is Jollyville Plateau, George- bill has many hurdles to Sept. 30. The schedule for town or Austin, Texas, to pass. First, it has to get out listing the salamander spe- the list of endangered spe- of Appropriations com- cies is part of a settlement cies or as a threatened spe- mittee (with the amend- between USFWS and the cies under the Endangered ment in place) and to the Center for Biological Di- Species Act of 1973.” House floor. If it passes versity to force the USFWS A few yards behind the House, then the House to consider listing 756 spe- Congressman Carter was version and Senate version cies as endangered, giving a habitat of about 100 sala- will go to a joint commit- them federal protection. Of manders in a small spring tee where the differences those 756 species, 251 have not much bigger than the between the bills passed by been petitioned to be listed podium set up for Cart- the two legislative bodies as endangered, including er and local Williamson are hashed out for a bill to the four salamander spe- County officials to speak pass both houses. cies in the central Texas about the Georgetown sal- In other words, accord- area. amander. ing to Rep. Carter, “don’t Rep. Carter, along A few hours later, hold your breath.” with Texas Senators John Salado area landowners, Don’t hold your breath Cornyn and Kay Bailey citizens and local, county on a local effort to study Hutchison wrote a letter and state government offi- the Salado salamander and last month asking USFWS cials gathered at the Stage- its habitat to flesh out any regional director Benjamin coach Inn conference cen- local conservation efforts Tuggle to refrain from list- ter, just a few hundred feet to protect the salamander ing the salamander species from two of the six known and property rights any due to local conservation Red and black, venom lack Michael Foux from the Austin Reptile Shows off a Milk Snake, which has bands like sighting locations of the time soon either. efforts already in place. a venomous Coral Snake. However, he helped the kids gathered at the Salado Public Salado salamander. They Major stakeholders in “There are concerns that met to outline plans for a the Salado salamander Library on June 18 for the Summer Reading Program to remember the old saying, “red See Salamander, Page 6A year-long $60,000 study study met June 18 to out- and yellow kill a fellow, red and black venom lack.” (Photo by Royce Wiggin) End of an Era Dairy Queen will close to make room for I-35 By Tim Fleischer meal for families on the way from Bruce Tidwell in the other and for the last decade, Editor-in-Chief to or from Little League, a late 70s after a coaching Salado Dairy Queen has coffee klatch for oldtimers stint at Salado High School. been owned and operated When they turn out the who could fix all the world’s Coach and his brother by Coach Smith’s children lights on June 22, the Coach problems if they could just hired lots of teenagers from (Dezri Smith, Myrta Hodge Smith family will mark the put down the coffee, and of Salado, as well as Bartlett, and husband Claude, Kathy end of an era of more than course a first job. Jarrell and Holland. They Rutherford and husband three decades in Salado. “Coach trained so many served countless families, Wayne and Penny Curry and The local Dairy Queen kids,” daughter Penny Cur- including the kids of kids husband Ron) through the is a landmark in just about ry said. For well over two they once served and gave Coach Smith Family LLC. every small Texas town. In decades, Coach Smith and on-the-job training to as About a hundred folks Salado it has been more than his brother Charles were teenagers. converged on the Dairy (Photo by Stephanie Hood) that. A hangout for teenag- fixtures at the Salado Dairy Both men passed away Penny and Ron Curry. ers, a place to grab a quick Queen. Coach bought it within a short time of each See Dairy Queen, Page 12A IN SIde Aldermen meet June 21 Salado aldermen will meet 6 p.m. June 21 to consider Calendar of Events 2B approving a plat for the Mill Creek Courtyard Homes Sub- Subscribe Classifieds 1C division (following a public hearing), as well as possibly Forum 2A expending funds on an advertising proposal by local busi- Today Shopping Map 4B nesses. The board will also appoint a voting member of the Tourism Council and an alternate to the Council. Aplder- 254/947-5321 Rooted in Salado men will meet in workshop session at 4:30 p.m. June 21. Since 1979 Page 2A, salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012 Habitat for Salamanders FORUMFORUM and Texans An Open Exchange of Ideas By Congressman John Carter and is very elusive. USFWS is not cer- When Congress created the Endan- tain of whether it still exists. It has been gered Species Act (ESA) in 1973, it was found in the springs that feed Salado with noble goals in mind. We wanted Creek in Bell County. USFWS searched to save and restore our populations of for the salamander from 1991-98 and eagles, bison, and other species that were found none, while Texas Parks and Wild- in danger of extinction. life researchers found just one in weekly The Act has been enormously effec- searches over the past three years. tive. Many of the originally targeted The result of USFWS listing these sal- populations have increased so dramati- amanders as endangered species could be cally that they have now been removed economically devastating, especially in from the endangered species list, includ- Williamson and Bell County, which have ing the Bald Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, prospered through much of this recession Grizzly Bear, and others. due to our continued growth. But in recent years we have seen the Construction of new homes, schools, ESA hijacked by special-interest groups roads, bridges, water treatment plants, using the courts to impose a radical anti- and businesses could be brought to a development, preservationist agenda on screeching halt in much of the area. the nation. This agenda is not about sav- Even additions to existing homes and ing species. It is about gradually block- businesses could be blocked if the land A bad case of national amnesia ing future economic development and is determined to be part of salamander The Declaration of Independence suburban growth, and using the ESA to habitat – and remember that can be any is a poor excuse for an obscure histori- effectively seize control of private land. land that could drain into an area with cal document. It’s not the Magna Carta In May 2011 USFWS signed a settle- salamanders, meaning much of both or the Peace of Augsburg. Its name is Rich ment agreement to a lawsuit filed by a counties. Not only would growth end, so straightwordly functional, it almost group called WildEarth Guardians which existing property values could drop due makes you wonder why the Founders Lowry forces USFWS to make endangered spe- to the new restrictions. weren’t more imaginative. cies determinations on at least 251 spe- Our counties are moving aggressively Yet only 35 percent of American cies over the next six years. to prevent these salamanders from be- fourth-graders know the purpose of the This is the agenda we now face here ing added to the endangered species list. Declaration of Independence, accord- lineup. in Central Texas as USFWS investigates They are doing it the right way, by tak- ing to a National Assessment of Educa- The content of education began to whether the Austin Blind, Salado, Jol- ing concrete steps to ensure these species tional Progress. The findings of the test change in the middle of the 20th century, lyville Plateau, and Georgetown Sala- survive, through voluntary, local habitat -- administered to representative samples and eventually tipped into embarrass- manders in Bell, Williamson, and Travis protection measures. of fourth-, eighth- and 12th-graders -- are ment and self-abasement. Huntington counties are threatened or endangered – This month, I joined with our Senators another dreary recitation of the historical cites a study of 22 grade-school readers and in our case, render this decision by John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison ignorance of America’s students. published in the 1970s and 1980s. Out September 30 of this year. in asking U.S. Fish and Wildlife to re- Only 20 percent of fourth-graders, 17 of 670 stories and articles in the books, The Jollyville Plateau Salamander is frain from listing these species in light of percent of eighth-graders and 12 percent only five were patriotic. All of the sto- a small, brown salamander that lives in the preservation work underway by local of 12th-graders were proficient in his- ries dated from prior to 1780. Four of springs in northwest Austin and southern government. tory. More than half of 12th-graders were them focused on a girl. Three of them Williamson County. Most of the known This past week, U.S. Fish and Wild- categorized as “below basic.” Only 22 involved the same girl, Sybil Ludington, locations for this species are within lands life acknowledged that these efforts can percent of 12th-graders knew that North the female Paul Revere. already protected under the Austin and work. The agency formally determined Korea was allied with China during the As this transpired down below in the Travis County Balcones Canyonlands that the dunes sagebrush lizard – another Korean War. elementary schools, the professional his- Conservation Plan (BCCP). species under the same settlement agree- These are the symptoms of a country torians worked to kill American history The Georgetown Salamander is a ment as our salamanders - does not need engaged in a long process of erasing its from above. They suffocated it first in small salamander that is believed to exist endangered species protections because memory. For decades, we have been con- data-driven “social history” and then in only in Williamson County. It is found in voluntary conservation agreements now gratulating ourselves for a broad-mind- multiculturalism, until it seemed fit only springs in the forks and tributary creeks in place in New Mexico and Texas al- edness that is really a self-destructive for obsessives about race or gender. of the San Gabriel River, and wet caves. ready ensures the long-term protection national amnesia. The neglect of history leaves on the The Williamson County Conservation and recovery of the species. It’s no accident that the teaching of cutting-room floor all the entertain- Foundation (WCCF), established by Wil- Secretary of the Interior Ken Sala- American history became ascendant ing, instructive and inspiring material liamson County Government, is develop- zar said, “this is a great example of how during the surge of national self-confi- involved in the world’s most daring and ing a conservation plan for these habitats, states and landowners are taking early, dence in the wake of the Civil War. Back (ultimately) successful experiment in and is in the second year of a five-year landscape-level action to protect a crea- then, we infused the endeavor with an self-government. Worse, it robs us of one study of the species and habitat. These ture and its habitat before it requires the unabashed love for America. The histo- of the most important constituent parts of studies also include areas which drain protection of the Endangered Species Act rian Merle Curti writes that the schools our national identity. into salamander habitat, as that naturally … the voluntary conservation efforts of “emphasized the importance of present- Historian David Lowenthal says of affects the water quality of the habitat. Texas and New Mexico, oil and gas op- ing vividly and attractively to children heritage: “By means of it we tell ourselves Williamson County has purchased the erators, private landowners and other the glorious deeds of American heroes, who we are, where we came from, and to Twin Springs Preserve, which is one of stakeholders show that we don’t have to the sacrifices and bravery of our soldiers what we belong.” Increasingly, we don’t the known habitats of the Georgetown choose between energy development and and sailors in wartime, the personalities know and don’t want to know. “Never Salamander, and has protected a sig- the protection our land and wildlife – we of the presidents, who might properly forget” is an appropriate admonition for nificant portion of the drainage area for can do both.” be regarded as symbols of the nation in victims of atrocities. “Never remember” Cobb Spring which hosts a salamander We can – and are - doing both here the manner in which royal personages of is a strange and ominous admonition for population. USFWS has recognized in Central Texas. If we let reliable and Europe were regarded.” a nation somebody or other once called these efforts by lowering the Georgetown replicable science determine our path How passe. Today, we’re lucky if stu- “the last best hope of earth.” Salamander endangered species listing Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review. (c) 2012 by King Features Synd., instead of lawsuits and politics, we can dents can pick their forebears out of a Inc. priority level from a 2 to a level 8 status. create a sustainable environment for both The Salado Salamander is grayish- salamanders and Texans. Salado Village Voice, 213 Mill Creek Drive, Suite #125 • P.O. Box 587, Salado, TX 76571 brown with a flat head and round snout, Phone: 254/947-5321 Fax: (254) 947-9479 Publisher: Salado Village Voice, Inc. If you would like to send a Letter to the Editor, send it by mail to Salado Village Voice is published weekly every Thursday by Salado Village Voice, Inc., 213 Mill Creek Dr, Suite #125, PO Box 587, Salado, Texas 76571. Periodicals postage paid at Salado, Texas. Peri- Salado Village Voice, PO Box 587, Salado, TX 76571, odicals permit #02527. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Salado Village Voice, PO via FAX to 254-947-9479 or by email to Box 587, Salado, TX 76571. Subscription Rates: $26 per year in Bell County, $28 per year outside of Bell County; $38 per year outside of Texas. [email protected]. Office Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays Please limit letter to 300 words and include a contact phone number for verification. News releases: [email protected] Salado Village Voice will not publish unsigned Letters to the Editor. Display advertising: [email protected] Deadlines: Display ads • noon Fridays Classified ads • 12 noon Mondays Editorial policies: Opinions on the editorial pages are those of the writer, not necessarily­ the owners or employees of the Salado Village Voice. All letters to the editor should be signed and have a phone MEMBER number and address for verification. The editor reserves the right to reject and/or edit any letter. Letters should be limited to 300 words. 2012 Tim Fleischer, Editor-in-Chief Marilyn Fleischer, Managing Editor [email protected] [email protected] Stephanie Hood, Composition Royce Wiggin, Administrative Assistant [email protected] [email protected] TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION Residents on sewers, salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012, Page 3A Wisconsin's dance halls and FORUMFORUM Alien Seed Village politics An Open Exchange of Ideas Your Voice Letters to the Editor

To the Editor: Jim To begin, I am a card Again, how do you smell, Hightower carrying, founding mem- TARP? ber of the “Middle Digit” So much for that party "Scott Walker Wins political party, which of hypocritical, “less gov- Wisconsin," screamed makes one equally cynical ernment, less taxes”, the headlines across the coun- of the failed Democratic (R’s) and the stench they try after the labor-bashing and Republican political have created in Salado! incumbent governor hung parties, which have so YOU really can’t make onto his job in the June 5 completely failed “US”! this “stuff’ up and it really recall election. Remember that recent, smells even “under the Well, yes...but no. blubbering outcry over table”...but, we, US, the Walker will get to stay in the federal “bailout” of taxpayers will again PAY! office for the rest of his General Motors and the T R (Tom) Pappas term, but he didn't win “Big-Five”, Banking Ma- Salado the election — money did. fia (TARP), made by the This was a victory for the ever, self-touted, Republi- To the Editor: Citizens United edict is- can party of “less govern- While reading last sued two years ago by the ment, less taxes”? week’s Salado Village Gambling dealt losing hand Supreme Court's five-man and social services, and A similar, local “bail- Voice in reference to By Dustin Matocha ture passage of gaming corporatist majority. This lost economic productiv- out” is in the “works” for Johnny’s Steak House and expansion.” anti-democratic ruling ity. only the ever-faltering the Village, I began im- While some might That may be a setback opened the door for un- This has been the expe- “Main Street” businesses mediately to feel sorry for argue over who had the for big-monied special in- limited sums of corpo- rience of every state in the of Salado and for the local the residents that neigh- most success in the May terests, but for taxpayers it rate cash to barge into our nation that has expanded developers currently con- bor Johnny’s and will be 29 primary, one special will help close the flood- national, state, and local gambling: their economies strained by septic systems directly impacted by the interest group is languish- gates of bigger govern- elections and take charge. are worse off than Texas’ impeding their making new dance hall that’s com- ing in defeat. A Las Vegas ment in 2013. Walker is the first ugly and their budget problems the remainder of Salado ing. newspaper reports that the Proponents of ex- sprouting of that alien bigger. look like a 2012 version of Yes, I said is coming, chances of expanding ca- panded gambling claim it seed. And let’s not forget Round Rock II. any hope that the Village sino operations in Texas would expand liberty and He sacked up some $30 about the last magic bullet This “sewer politics” Aldermen will stand up was dealt a losing hand by bring in “new revenues.” million from corporate for funding public educa- is being perpetrated by a for the citizens is an il- Lone Star State Republi- Neither is true. interests — nearly eight tion: the Texas Lottery. coven of elected Republi- lusion. This is a business cans. And the prospects Arguments about times the money that his It only funds three days cans (Bell County Voting that gets to sell and ad- got even worse when the “free markets” and “let- Democratic opponent worth of public school op- Prec. 203-Salado- voted vertise beer right next to GOP gathered for their ting adults gambling with had to spend. Two-thirds erations in the state! 95+% Republican “R”, in the Salado Elementary annual convention in Fort their money here” are red- of Walker's stockpile The 2012 Republican the last and previous lo- School and a private day Worth. herrings at best. Under the came from out of state. Party Platform, adopted cal elections), who have care. The Salado Village Howard Stutz of the proposals floating around Bob Perry, an anti-labor, in Fort Worth on June 9, ignored their mantra of Voice was absolutely cor- Las Vegas Review-Journal Austin, only established anti-government Texas strongly states: “We op- “less government, less rect to show the disparity wrote that “casino expan- gambling interests with tycoon, sank more than pose the expansion of taxes” and leaped to ac- between the tax revenues sion in Texas apparently open checkbooks for leg- half-a-million bucks into legalized gambling and commodate local “spe- generated by the property took a hit.” In summariz- islators in charge of the li- his Wisconsin soul mate's encourage the repeal of cial interests”, just like owners contrasted to the ing what the primary elec- censing process would be campaign. Likewise, the the Texas State lottery. the Democratic TARP . sales tax revenue created tion results mean for the granted authority to oper- far-right DeVos family We oppose dedicating any Why a bailout, you say?- by Johnny’s. gambling special inter- ate their casinos – not reg- pitched in with a quarter- government revenue from -99+% of present Salado My goodness, how ests, Stutz notes that three ular Joe’s looking to start million dollars from its gambling to create or ex- residences have approved dare residents west of IH of pro-gambling House up a new business venture. Amway fortune. So did pand any government pro- septic systems that func- 35 to ask for help from Speaker Joe Straus’ allies This “cronyism” has Las Vegas casino baron gram.” tion well, but require a the Planning and Zon- – Reps. Vicki Truitt, Rob nothing at all to do with Sheldon Adelson, the guy Given the time-crunch lot more land for lot sizes, ing, or the Village Alder- Eissler, and Tuffy Ham- capitalism. In fact, it’s the who bankrolled Newt for Texas’ gambling in- which has allowed Salado men? Don’t they realize ilton – were defeated by antithesis of a free mar- Gingrich's failed presiden- terests like Retama Park to remain “quaint”? Re- they can’t compare to the “anti-gaming conserva- ket for a government-run tial bid. (owned in part by Speaker cently, the few remaining great amount of sales tax tives.” gambling commission to Then came the insidi- Straus’ family) to pass “Main Street” businesses revenue for the Village of Mr. Hamilton both car- have the power to pick ous, secretive, "outside" expanded gambling or cried “wolf” and got away Salado from selling beer ried gambling legislation winners and losers. campaigns that the Su- continue losing money, with self-claimed, sub- next to the elementary last session and chaired Likewise, if gambling premes green-lighted. taxpayers can bet the cro- standard septic systems school. the all-important Licens- was expanded in Texas, Citizens United allowed ny-casino lobby isn’t yet (the average homeowner Hey, I understand. In ing committee for Speaker it would actually be a net corporations to dump ready to fold. Make sure has to keep theirs up to an economy that’s shaky, Straus. loss in revenue. Research mountains of their cash your legislator is ready to “standard”) to then be with a number of business’ As Bill Lerner of the demonstrates that bring- into elections. The multi- call their bluff this next able to latch on to taxpayer in Salado being closed for Union Gaming Group ing in $1 costs state and billionaire, laissez-fairy- legislative session. monies to fund a proposed Interstate expansion, the said, “This certainly local governments $3 in land Koch brothers, for sewer system. This sys- Village Aldermen defi- doesn’t bode well for fu- increased public safety example, shoved at least tem was then combined by nitely need to cater to the $3 million behind Walker our very Republican local whims and desires of one — practically all of which government as impetus to of the biggest sales tax went to negative attacks allow local developers to producers left! I feel quite against his opponent. pile on and to be able to confident that the Alder- Some "victory." Honest develop smaller lot sizes, men will rewrite ANY conservatives might take “Round Rock style”. If THING they need to in cheer that Walker still you like Salado today, best order to cater to this busi- clings to the governor's get used to it being Round ness, including rezoning chair, but there can be no Rock II with a future sew- areas, changing the noise joy in the fact that money er system. ordinance, or whatever it rules. That's the lesson of THE CATCH: Only may take. this election. And that's a few remaining, “Main The only advice I have the real fight. To join it, go Street” businesses and for the residents in the af- to Public Citizen's grass- only local developers will fected area would be, sell roots rebellion: get to use a sewer system, now or get ready for the which will be unavailable Braxton Express to come Jim Hightower is a radio com- mentator, writer, and public speak- to, but once again paid for through. Sincerely, er. He’s also editor of the populist by taxpayers, Salado prop- newsletter, The Hightower Low- Wayne Rutherford erty taxpayers, this time. down. Page 4A, Salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012

You Have a Choice™ Home owned and operated since 1876. FORUMFORUM Liz Armstrong Salado Branch Manager An Open Exchange of Ideas Escrow Officer [email protected] Immigrants: Lifeblood of U.S. startups (254) 947-3922 213 Mill Creek Dr., #140 By Yuri Vanetik community. Now, policy- of 150 new jobs per com- ideas, and education with fax (254) 947-8632 makers need to turn their pany. them. In a rare moment of attention to the hurdles in Likewise, researchers Cristobal Conde is a genuinely bipartisan law- the way of talent acquisi- from the American Enter- Chile-born entrepreneur making, the president tion. prise Institute found that and former CEO of Sun- recently signed the JOBS No talent channel is between 2000 and 2007, Gard, a Fortune 500 soft- gold is at record highs ** ** Act into law. Short for more bogged down with for every additional 100 ware company. He’s said, **silver is over $30 per oz** “Jumpstart Our Business needless and costly rules foreign workers coming “If I were to try to come to WE BUY SCRAP GOLD & SILVER Startups,” JOBS will roll than the visa system for into this country with an America today, the likeli- Texas Coin Connection back some of the regula- highly skilled immi- advanced “STEM” degree hood is I would be turned tory barriers that small grants. Every year, thou- -- science, technology, away.” 108 E FM 2410, Suite G Harker Heights and mid-sized entrepre- sands of foreign citizens engineering, or math -- an We need visa reform for neurial ventures face in with advanced degrees average of 262 new jobs highly skilled workers -- Buy * Sell * Trade their efforts to grow and in science and engineer- were created for native- and fast. Republican Rep- Gold, Silver, Coins, Currency & Jewelry go public. ing apply to become per- born U.S. citizens. resentative Jeff Flake just (254) 699-2646 This is a great victory manent residents in the It’s no surprise that reintroduced the STAPLE Locally Owned - Salado Resident for the American start-up United States. They want talented immigrants Act, (H.R. 399), which to work and contribute play such a vital role in would exempt foreign stu- and have valuable ideas the creation and expan- dents with an American for new businesses. sion of American com- Ph.D. degree in science, Finney Insurance Agency Despite these undeni- panies and the culture of technology, engineering, able facts, many educated entrepreneurialism that or mathematics and a job and motivated foreigners battens start-ups. They offer in the United States are turned away or granted have a fresh perspective. from visa quotas. Passing only temporary permis- They’re well positioned this legislation is smart sion to live and work here. to find new ways to solve policy. This bureaucratic quag- economic problems and Policymakers should (254) 947-3599 mire is robbing American create value. also strengthen and start-ups of talent, which But America is choking expand the H-1B program; Agent Rita Ronnebaum is severely undercutting off the spigot of immigrant create a special “Startup economic growth. talent. The channel for Visa” for immigrants Home • Auto • Life • Commercial A December study them to enter this country looking to create new from the National Founda- legally is over-regulated, companies in the United • Liability • Flood tion for American Policy overly expensive, unpre- States, and increase the Farm • Ranch • Team Sports found that almost half of dictable, and deeply time- number of green cards for the top 50 venture-funded consuming. workers with advanced firms in America were H-1B visas, the type degrees. 213 Mill Creek Drive, Suite 135B founded or co-founded by designated for highly Policymakers should in Salado Plaza an immigrant. Out of these skilled workers, expire also extend the EB-5 firms, 37 had at least one after just three years. Visa program (currently [email protected] immigrant in a high-level They’re only renewable set to expire in Sep- management position. once. The total number tember) which provides Silicon Valley is filled of H-1Bs allowed every green cards to foreign with hot startups founded year is capped at 66,000 nationals who invest sig- by foreigners. (with very limited exemp- nificant money in the The textbook-rental tions for foreigners who United States. Jared Polis Which college savings service Chegg was created received a degree from (D-Colo.) has taken the by Indian Aayush Phumb- an American graduate lead on this important hra and Briton Osman program). Moreover, the bipartisan initiative. plan is right for you? Rashid. Etsy -- the incred- H-1B fee was recently The JOBS Act will ibly successful online raised by over 600 percent boost the American start- Jeremy R Grimm craft marketplace -- is the -- from $320 to $2,000. up sector. However, it’s Financial Advisor . brainchild of Swiss entre- Visa restrictions are just the first step. Now, 213 Mill Creek Drive Suite 120 preneur Haim Schoppik. leading to reverse brain lawmakers need to fix the Salado, TX 76571 The giant web publisher drain. Smart, ambitions country’s talent retention 254-947-5128 Glam Media was founded foreigners come and study problem. That process by Indians Samir Arora at America’s world-class starts by reforming the and Raj Narayan. institutions of higher edu- immigration system for The idea that these cation. After they gradu- highly skilled foreigners. Member SIPC immigrants are “stealing” ate, they’re eager to work yuri Vanetik is a private inves- jobs from Americans is in this country, but they tor and philanthropist. He is the pure nonsense. The oppo- can’t get a permanent resi- principal of Vanetik Interna- site is true. That same dence or a worker visa. tional, LLC and a national board study found that top 50 Eventually, they give up member of Gen Next (www.gen- immigrant-started com- and go elsewhere, taking Alton D. Thiele PC panies created an average their talents, training, Certified Public Accountant • Tax Return Preparation & Planning • Business Accounting Service • Accounting & Auditing Service • Tax-Exempt Organization Consulting Thiele Financial Services Alton Thiele CPA, MBA Financial Advisor* • Wealth Care Management & Estate Planning • Financial Services & Retirement Planning • College Education Planning • Insurance & Annuities* Securities offered through H.D. Vest Investments ServicesSM Member SIPC, Advisory services offered through H.D. Vest Investments ServicesSM non-banking subsidaries of Wells Fargo & Company.

Thiele Financial Services and Alton D. Thiele PC is not a registered broker/dealer or independent investment advisory firm. Call Today for Your No Obligation Consultation 254-939-0701 1-800-772-7043 300 E. Avenue C Belton, Texas 76513 [email protected] In one of his last duties salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012, Page 5A as Salado Lions Club President, David Milner presents a $3,000 check from the local Lions Club MAKING SENSE OF to the Salado Civic Center Foundation. SCCF Chair- man Dennis Cabaniss ac- cepted the check during INVESTING the June 13 Salado Lions meeting. The Lions meet for lunch on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month in the Mead- ows auditorium of the Civic Center. Every year the club makes a $3,000 donation for the upkeep and maintenance of the Civic Center.

SaladoJune 11 PoliceMain (Mud Pies Report Pottery). Concern, June 94 year old 11-17 the SVFD responded. 4:20-4:35 p.m., NB Exit Unlocked front door, no white female lives alone. Cleared. Michael K. Gunter Matthew C. Gunter 286. Assist Other Agency, one on site, checked build- Her daughter was unable 8:30-8:45 a.m., 2800 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Grass Fire. Grass Fire re- ing, secure building left to make contact via tele- Block Chisholm Trail. ported in median at above message on cell phone. phone. I woke her mother Residential Alarm, dis- 119 N. Penelope 300 E. Central exit. Provided traffic con- 2:58-4:10 p.m., 700 up and advised her of her patched as master bath Belton Belton trol for SVFD by shutting Block Royal. Lost Child, daughter’s concern. It was alarm. Made contact with 933-2436 939-5824 down Exit 286 while crews subject had not returned discovered that the moth- residents and all is code-4. extinguished fire. Clear. home. Found. Was playing er’s phone was not work- Alarm accidentally trig- Member SIPC 8:30-8:45 p.m., 218 with friends. ing. Made contact with the gered. Clear. Royal (Old Salado 4:50-5:40 p.m., Thomas daughter and advised that June 17 Springs). Business Alarm, Arnold and Stagecoach all is well. Cleared. 10:15-10:30 p.m., Pace office door/interior mo- Rd. 10-50, Hit and Run, June 15 Park. Suspicious Vehicles/ tion. Building secure dispatch advised of a hit 10:45-11:30 p.m., V.C.O., two vehicles ob- ground level. No keyhold- and run at location. Upon Thomas Arnold and served in park after hours. er en route. Outbuildings arrival witnesses advised Stagecoach Rd. Motor- Contact made with opera- checked and also secure. that a black cattle trailer ist Assist, motorist with a tors of first vehicle seen. Clear. pulled by a silver Chevy flat tire was stranded. The Advised of hours and left June 12 knocked down the stop spare tire was put on her on request. Searched area Mill Creek Cleaners 9:15-9:20 a.m., 100 sign and then left the vehicle. One block down for operator of second ve- Block Salado Creek Place. scene. The vehicle was lo- the road and the spare hicle. No one was located Alarm (R), no one home, cated near Thomas Arnold tire blew out. The motor- in park. Clear with LP Quality Dry Cleaning, Laundry, dogs inside, garage door and Brewer. Driver was ist was transported to the info. In call if needed. Alterations & Custom Tailoring open. identified and he received Stagecoach Inn for the 9:00-9:20 a.m., 1100 4:55-5:15 p.m., 1670 a citation for Duty upon night. Vehicle was parked Block Mill Creek. Resi- FM. Fire, assisted with Striking Fixture. A crash at the fire station. Cleared. dential Alarm, dispatched traffic control on a grass report will be completed. June 16 as Panic Alarm. No key- fire- SVFD was able to put TXDOT was notified of 12:00-12:30 a.m., 100 holder contact. No contact the fire out. the damage. Cleared. Block Laly Ln. Assist made with a resident on June 13 6:10-6:20 p.m., Cen- Other Agency, an attempt- scene. Residence secure 8:25-8:45 a.m., 600 tral Texas Area Museum. ed suicide call was dis- ground level. Nothing sus- 213 Mill Creek Drive, Suite 200 Block Santa Clara. Crimi- Alarm (bus.) alarm was patched. Responded to the picious observed through Salado Plaza next to Brookshire Brothers nal Mischief, someone put set off by accident by an call and secured the scene windows around resi- Mon-Fri 8-6 • Sat 9-2 • Closed Sunday toilet paper in her trees employee. Cleared. until BCSO deputies ar- dence. Clear. (254) 947-0100 and yard. 10:50-11:05 p.m., 1300 rived. Scott & White and 10:15-10:28 a.m., 118 N. Block Old Mill. Welfare John Hall Insurance & Financial Services 40 S. Main, Suite B Salado 3317 Pecan Valley Dr., Temple, TX 76502 947-0995 (254) 778-8087 [email protected] Cell 338-6699 Auto • Home • Ranch • Business • Life • Health

We sue THE PERSONAL WEALTH COACH® DRUNK SEC Registered Investment Advisor DRIVERS 918 N. Main St., Salado, Texas 76571 947-1111 or 1-800-914-PLAN (7526) INJURY 254 LAWYERS Objective Independent Investment Advice CAPPOLINO | DODD | KREBS LLP • TEMPLE • CAMERON Jeffery W. McClure CFP® Highly Personalized Portfolio Bruce A. Bolick, CPA Design and Management Contact me for your appointment Payroll • W2 • 1099 • Direct Deposit Listen to our radio show on KTEM 1400 AM every Saturday from 10 till noon (254) 718-7299 560 North Main, Suite 4, Office 3 Jacob A. McClure, CIMA® ACROSS FROM THE CIVIC CENTER In jurisdictions where security licenses are held, securities may be offered [email protected] through NEXT Financial Group, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Page 6A salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012 Salamander FROM Page 1A the current information on these species Serenity Spa is limited,” the Senators and Represen- gift certificates available 947-8833 tative stated in the letter. “At this time, when continued economic recovery should be a top priority, any proposed Massage listing that could be detrimental to the lo- cal economy needs careful scrutiny, and Facials those most affected deserve ample time to be heard.” Body Wraps Williamson County is midway through a $250,000 five-year study of The Salado salamander has been found the Georgetown salamander. “Formulat- in a handful of springs along Salado Pedicures ing a strategy for conserving this species Creek. (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services photo) (Georgetown salamander) is problematic Manicures because little information is available conservation, if conducted by enough Shellac | Acrylic Nails |Gel Nails concerning its range, life history and hab- property owners throughout the species’ itat requirements,” states the Williamson range, can eliminate the need to list. County Conservation Foundation in its A CCA may benefit landowners in 250-page Regional Habitat Conserva- several ways. tion Plan (RHCP) Environmental Impact “If the actions preclude listing, the Main St. Statement. The Georgetown salamander landowner is not regulated by the Endan- at Thomas Arnold Rd. is included as an additional species in the gered Species Act.” Williamson County RHCP in an effort to This was the case with the dunes sage- Salado keep the species from being listed as en- brush lizard which is known to exist in dangered. only four counties in west Texas and east- 254/947-5852 “This decision is in great danger of ern New Mexico. Last week, the FWS being determined by politics and law- announced that it would not list the lizard suits rather than reliable and replicable as Endangered. scientific research,” Rep. Carter told a In making the announcement, the group of citizens and reporters in Round FWS stated, “This withdrawal is based Member FDIC Rock June 18. “The fact that we stand on our conclusion that the threats to the in a location with a healthy salamander species as identified in the proposed rule population adjacent to a major highway no longer are as significant as believed intersection shows we are protecting our at the time of the proposed rule. We base salamanders and that the salamanders are this conclusion on our analysis of cur- not threatened by reasonable economic rent and future threats and conservation development. Future plans to protect efforts. We find the best scientific and our salamander populations should be commercial data available indicate that made with the research data currently the threats to the species and its habitat being gathered on this issue, rather than have been reduced to the point that the through politically-motivated court or- species does not meet the statutory defi- ders that seek to impose regulatory re- nition of an endangered or threatened strictions not warranted by fact.” species.” “Our monitoring results show that The dunes sagebrush lizard had been there are numerous populations of the listed as a “2” since its candidacy in 2001 species in the County. Many of these because of the high-magnitude imminent locations are already in preserved areas, threats to its survival as a species. but healthy populations have been found Likewise, the Salado salamander has Lobby Hours: in the midst of development as well,” said been listed as a “2” because of the high- Williamson County Precinct 3 Commis- magnitude, imminent threats to its sur- Monday -Thursday 9 a.m.-3p.m. • Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. sioner Valerie Covey. vival as a species. Drive-in: “The best available science must be Also like the dunes sagebrush lizard, Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. • Friday 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. used as the basis for this decision,” stated the Salado salamander has a small range SATURDAY 9 a.m.-12 noon Precinct 1 Commissioner Lisa Birkman, of habitat. In fact, the range of habitat president of the Williamson County Con- is miniscule: it has been found in just a servation Foundation Board at the June handful of springs that feed the Salado 18 press conference. Birkman added that Creek. the WCCF is in the second year of a five- At least three of those springs iden- year study of the Georgetown salaman- tified in the FWS Candidate Notice of der. Review (CNOR) are within two hun- “Our research and monitoring efforts dred yards of the I-35 bridge over Salado are comprehensive, current and conduct- Creek. Robertson Springs on the west ed in a scientific fashion,” Birkman said. side of I-35 and Big Boiling Springs and The data from the Georgetown sala- Lil Bubbly springs on the east side of mander study has not yet been thor- I-35. oughly analyzed in order to prepare a Scientists working on behalf of the conservation strategy for the salamander. stakeholders in the Salado salamander According to the WCCF RHCP, “At the study are asking private property own- end of the five-year research program, ers in the Edwards aquifer region and if the Georgetown salamander is still a the Salado Creek watershed for access to candidate species, the Foundation would their property in order to study the char- investigate the feasibility of developing acteristics of the aquifer, the flow of the a Candidate Conservation Agreement creek and the habitat of the Salado sala- (CCA) with Assurances.” mander. The FWS defines a CCA as “a formal According to Dr. Tony Hibbitts from agreement between the Service and one Texas A&M University, there are about or more parties to address the conser- 18 known springs that may be habitats for vation needs of proposed or candidate the Salado salamander. Fewer than half species, or species likely to become can- of those springs have been examined for didates, before they become listed as en- the existence of the rare . dangered or threatened. Landowners vol- The problem with identifying the hab- untarily commit to conservation actions itat of the Salado salamander lies a great that will help stabilize or restore the spe- deal in the way the little creature lives. It cies with the goal that listing will become exists in small springs, between the pro- unnecessary.” tective cover of gravel and natural crags “Conservation can preclude the need and rock cover and the shallow springs for federal listing as threatened or en- where it feeds. dangered or can occur before the species “If you ever find one in the creek it- status has become so dire that listing is self,” Dr. Hibbitts said, “it was probably necessary,” according to the FWS. “Al- though a single property owner’s activi- See Salado Creek, Page 8A ties may not eliminate the need to list, salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012, Page 7A

let us give you a reason to smile

saladosm ) iles howard w. lufburrow, dds


before after One Day Crowns Salado kids got basic utilizing CEREC Technology skills training this week during a Baseball Camp 477 Thomas Arnold (254) 947-8067 sponsored by Salado High School athletics. Varsity baseball coach Chad Krempin worked with campers on bat- ting, fielding, throwing and base running during the camp. Other athletic camps continue this summer. See the Calen- dar of Events for infor- mation on those camps. (photos by Royce Wiggin) Belton Fourth of July Rodeo salado Village Voice, June 28, 2012, Page 7A is 88-year Texas tradition The Belton Area Cham- ber of Commerce will host its 88th Annual 4th of July Celebration and PRCA Rodeo July 2-7. The week- long celebration is ranked among the top places to celebrate in Central Texas. “The rich tradition of our week long celebration is an exciting time for the people of Belton and Cen- tral Texas,” said Stephanie O’Banion President and (Photo courtesy Belton Chamber of Commerce) CEO of the Belton Area The Belton Fourth of July Rodeo is a tradition in cen- Chamber of Commerce. tral Texas for more than 80 years. “The Chamber is proud cones to inflatable bounce ten best decorated stick to help everyone celebrate houses. horses will be awarded let us give you a reason to smile our American freedom.” The chamber invites and the crowning of the Festivities begin July 2, the community to put on Stick horse Cowgirl and with the annual Kick-Off their boots and cowboy Cowboy. m) BBQ at Yettie Polk Park hats and head down to the The fan favorite mutton Bell County Expo center bustin’ competition, fea- salados iles from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The pinnacle of the cel- July 5-7 for the PRCA Ro- turing children ages 4-7, howard w. lufburrow, dds ebration is the 4th of July deo. Nightly events start takes place every night of Parade, which made its at 7 p.m. and will fea- the rodeo. first appearance in 1850. ture Lancaster and Pick- The Western Gift Show This year’s theme “Home- ett Pro Rodeo Company, begins at 5:30 p.m. each town Heroes,” will provide All-American Cowgirl night of the rodeo and a sense of pride for those Chicks; some of the best features a variety of items who serve our community trick riders in the industry. including leather prod- CERTIFIED PROVIDER The Belton July 4th rodeo ucts, cowboy gifts, west- in many capacities. More before after than 30,000 people will has been an Independence ern clothing, jewelry and flood the streets of Belton Day tradition since 1924. Belton 4th of July Rodeo to watch one of the most Thursday, July 5, is souvenirs. Also coincid- One Day Crowns historic parades in Texas. Military Appreciation ing with the rodeo is the utilizing CEREC Technology The parade starts at 10 Night and all active mili- Carnival at Confederate a.m. and will include a tary members will get in Park. 477 Thomas Arnold (254) 947-8067 variety of floats, vehicles, to the Rodeo FREE, with This Belton Chamber marching bands and local military I.D. event has been a favor- celebrities. Applications Children eight and un- ite year after year. The are available online at the der are invited to enter the Chamber invites everyone chamber. Stick horse Grand Entry to be a part of one of the Other activities and Competition to com- most historical 4th of July planned for the 4th in- pete for the title of Stick events in Texas. clude the Festival on No- horse Cowgirl and Cow- For more details includ- lan Creek, which begins boy. Children entered will ing a schedule of events at 11 a.m. in Yettie Polk parade their stick horses contact Lindsay Landrum Park. This event brings in around the rodeo arena at at (254) 939-3551 or visit various vendors ranging Family Celebration night, the 4th of July website from local BBQ and snow July 6, and prizes for the Page 8A salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012 Endangered Species Act helps lawyers, not lizards Many politicians are such Endangered Species fied. They then find them- the problem by purposely using the possible addition Act lawsuits. selves in violation of that overwhelming the agency, of hundreds of species to “The only thing endan- statute and subsequently knowing that they will be the Endangered Species gered in this process is sued by these same groups unable to respond, and List as an opportunity to fiscal responsibility and that filed to protect the then dictate an outcome alado reek Swim $3 attack the Endangered American jobs,” Patterson species.” because the agency set- S C $ Mini-Golf 3 Species Act and its appli- said. “Listing a species, The Fish and Wildlife tles,” Patterson said. “Tax- Combo $5 cation in recent year. without adequate scientif- Service’s 2012 budget re- payers shouldn’t have to Putt & Swim Texas Land Commis- ic data, just to settle a law- quest includes $24.6 mil- foot the bill for this kind sioner Jerry Patterson, suit is outrageous. When lion for the endangered of abuse of the system.” at the Stagecoach testifying before the U.S. a species is added to the species listing program, In addition to lawyers Birthday, Group & Team Parties Welcome House Natural Resources endangered list, it usually including paying a staff of fees, from 2007 to 2011, Committee on June 19 means threatening entire 141, according to the New the U.S. Fish and Wild- 947-5111 described what he called sectors of our economy York Times. That is an 11 life Service gave $680,492 Wed - Sat 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sun 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. abuse of the Endangered and putting American jobs percent increase from the in tax money to the Wild Species Act by federal at risk.” previous fiscal year and a Earth Guardians, ac- authorities who propose “The U.S. Fish and 28 percent rise since 2009. cording to congressional adding species to the en- Wildlife Service is faced The agency estimated that testimony. During that dangered list based not with a no-win situation,” in 2011 it would be able same time, the Wild Earth on sound science, but in Patterson said. “They are to make final listing deci- Guardians sued U.S. Fish response to lawsuits filed overwhelmed by environ- sions on only 4 percent of and Wildlife 76 times. by federally funded, radi- mental groups with hun- warranted petitions within “Right now, the Endan- cal environmental groups. dreds of candidate listings one year as required by gered Species Act helps Taxpayers have paid more that the agency cannot law, down from 12 percent out the lawyers more than than $15 million to these possibly respond to in the in 2010. the lizards,” Patterson groups since 2008 to settle statutory timeline speci- “These groups create said. FROM Page 6A washedSalado out by Creek a rain a slight cinnamon tinge Springs in the summer of fine the sensitive recharge event.” and an irregular pattern of 2008, when the Village of areas of the aquifer and According to the FWS tiny, light flecks. The un- Salado covered a spring the flow of the creek. He CNOR: “The Salado derside is pale and trans- opening with gravel due to will examine how water salamander (Eurycea ch- lucent. The posterior por- safety concerns. Although gets into the aquifer and isholmensis) is entirely tionAnimal of the tail generally weMedical received anecdotal in- Saladohow the aquifer then af- aquatic and neotenic (it hasi-35 a well-developed & FM2115 dor - formation www.Saladovet that at least.coM one fects the (254) springs 947-8800 where the does not metamorphose sal fin, but the ventral tail salamander was observed Salado salamander lives. Mon-Fri 7:30 a.M. - 5:30 p.M. Sat 7:30-11:30 a.M. into a terrestrial adult). fin is weakly developed.” at the site after the gravel The study could also SALADO CLEANERS Adults are about 2 inches Dr. Hibbitts will con- was dumped at Big BoilInternal- more Medicine specifically Dentistry identify (5 centimeters) long. It has centrate Enjoy his efforts your on vacation ing Springs, the ServiceX-Ray risksSurgery to the waterSpay/Neuter quality. Laundry • Dry Cleaning • Alterations reduced eyes compared locating and defining the has no detailed informa- “This is not just about 1209 N. Stagecoach leave the dogs with us. Flea & Heartworm Products to other spring-dwelling habitats of the Salado tion on how the Salado thePet Food salamander,” Grooming said 254-947-7299 Eurycea spp. in north cen- salamander, as well as the salamander was affected IndoorCounty / Outdoor Commissioner Boarding 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Mon - Fri • 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sat tral Texas and lacks well- possible threats to those by this action.” Tim Brown. “This is an Leather & Suede Cleaned defined melanophores habitats. Many of those The science developed opportunity to better un- (cells containing brown possible threats are out- from the $60,000 study derstand the function of Wash & Fold or black pigments called lined in the FWS 2011 could be the basis of a Salado Creek watershed (Next to the Library) melanin) and iridophores CNOR: non-point source Habitat Conservation Plan and its relation to the aqui- (cells filled with irides- pollution,Animal large amounts (HCP)Medical to put in place lo- Saladofer. This is an opportuni- i-35 & FM2115 www.Saladovet.coM (254) 947-8800 cent pigments called gua- of sedimentation in the cal measures to protect the ty to better identify any nine). It has a relatively springs, toxicM spillson-Fri in 7:30the aSalado.M. - 5:30 salamander. p.M. Sat 7:30-11:30threats to the a. Mwater. quality long and flat head and a small springs and man- While Hibbitts studies of Salado Creek.” blunt and rounded snout. made changesCompassionate to the habi- the care salamander, HydrogeInternal- MedicineBrown said Dentistry that the Three pairs of reddish- tats, including dams and ologist Dr. Joe YeldermanX-Ray studySurgery is a chance Spay/Neuter for local brown to bright red gills other changes.for the furry memberswill study the dynamics ofFlea stakeholders & Heartworm to Products have in- are located on each side of The FWS of stated your infamily the Edwards aquifer and putPet onFood how to bestGrooming protect the neck behind the jaws. the CNOR that it “is also its interaction with the Indoorwhat / heOutdoor defined Boarding as “the The upper body is gener- aware of habitat modi- Salado Creek. Dr. Yelder- single best economic asset ally grayish-brown with fication at Big Boiling man will try to better de- of Salado, our creek.” Animal Medical Salado i-35 & FM2115 www.Saladovet.coM (254) 947-8800 Mon-Fri 7:30 a.M. - 5:30 p.M. Sat 7:30-11:30 a.M.

Internal Medicine Dentistry Summertime is a X-Ray Surgery Spay/Neuter great time for Flea & Heartworm Products Pet Food Grooming Doggie Spa Days Indoor / Outdoor Boarding

NEW LOCATION Walt Tollefson Build, Sell, Warranty Animal Medical Salado i-35 & FM2115 Deanna’s www.Saladovet. coMFloral (254) 947-8800 & Maintain Computers! Salado’s Full Service Florist Mon-Fri 7:30 a.M. - 5:30 p.M. Sat 7:30-11:30 a.M. [email protected] Since 1993 Cell: (254) 291-6354 Internal Medicine Dentistry X-RayArrangements Surgery | Plants | Balloons Spay/Neuter | Wreaths Hours 10 am - 7 pm A healthy pet Deliveries Gift, Fruit and Candy Baskets for every ocassion After hours by appointment Made Daily Flea & Heartworm Products uiste r aSe happy pet p rv Pet Food Grooming m i 371 Mill Creek Drive #4 No shots. o c 947-0222 Get Straighter, NEW LOCATION e Indoor / Outdoor Boarding C Whiter Teeth, No drilling. s Without Removing No adhesives. in SALADO PLAZA W Healthy Tooth You can even eat with it. Suite #135a T Structure The affordable dental Home & Office Networking treatment that gets you Home Entertainment Computers feeling better about your smile and your life... Custom Gaming Computers Servers • Workstations Douglas B. Willingham, D.D.S. Website Design via Intuit (254) 947-5242 External Surveillance IP Cameras Main and Thomas Arnold Road Page 8A salado Village Voice, June 28, 2012 FROM Page 1A Aldermen The engineer told al- for long-term economic prominent billboards clos- Several Salado resi- dermen that there were development. The Cham- es. dents requested that the two outstanding com- Swim $3 ber board encouraged al- Oubre presented an board deny the subdivi- ments left to be addressed, alado reek dermen to vote in favor extensive proposal to al- sion plat because of the S C $ including a drainage anal- Mini-Golf 3 of the proposal to begin dermen during a June 7 flooding of homes on $ ysis. He added that the Combo 5 advertising Salado in the workshop. That proposal O.W. Lowery and Tall- developer Vaughn Homes Putt & Swim nearby markets. included about $20,000 in wood Circle. They said had asked that the item be She spoke about the billboard advertising over that the addition of eight removed from the agenda at the Stagecoach success her business has a three-month period. homes would exacerbate at this time until those ar- Birthday, Group & Team Parties Welcome had with billboards in After considering al- that flooding. eas could be addressed. nearby markets. In 2009, locating the month to Village engineer John Out of concerns that if 947-5111 with a billboard in Temple, the Tourism Council, Simcik with Kasberg Pat- the board of aldermen took she said that her business the board returned to its rick and Associates said no action then the subdivi- Wed - Sat 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sun 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. saw a 70 percent increase original proposal, which that the river model for sion would be considered in revenue. passed 3-2 with Ashe, Pe- the increase of flow dur- approved by a strict read- Two years later, she ters and Terry voting in ing a “one percent storm” ing of the ordinance con- said that in November favor and Fields and Fritch that could be attributable cerning timelines, alder- 2011 -- without that bill- voting against. to the new development men voted unanimously board campaign -- she saw Following a public would be and 17 cubic foot to decline approval of the a decline of 46 percent. hearing on the topic, alder- per second. He added that subdivision. Michael Oubre, a busi- men voted unanimously to there were 50,000 cubic The developer will ness owner on Main St., disapprove the proposed feet per second of water have to reapply at a later encouraged aldermen to MillAnimal Creek Courtyard flowingMedical across the entire Saladodate and will perhaps have act on the spending pro- Homesi-35 Subdivision & FM2115 which watershed www.Saladovet of Salado .CreekcoM those concerns(254) 947-8800 addressed posal now before the win- would lie in the ETJ of during that “one percent at that time. dow of opportunity for Salado off ofM OWon-F Lowery.ri 7:30 a.storm.”M. - 5:30 p.M. Sat 7:30-11:30 a.M. Zoning Internal MedicineFROM Dentistry Page 1A sue Temporary Permits for ing) be Enjoy allowed your under vacation turing. X-Ray SurgeryHowever, Spay/Neuter because the events such as this, rather CUP inleave Office the zones dogs and with us. Fleause & Heartworm of the proposed Products con- than granting a blanket Permitted in Historic Dis- Building Permit Issued structionPet Food would Grooming include permission to the land use. trict and Local Retail. Johnny’s Steaks and Indoorlive / music,Outdoor theBoarding build- Temporary Permits According to page 71 Bar-Be-Que has been is- ing permit approved by would take into consid- of the Zoning Ordinance, sued two building permits, Bureau Veritas (CBV eration the effects of an “The use of land or build- the first one being revoked 120105) was revoked by a event on local residents ings shall be in accor- by the Board of Aldermen vote of aldermen. There is and could put into place danceAnimal with those listed in atMedical their June 7 meeting. Saladono allowance in the Local some regulation of events the i-35following & FM2115 Use Charts. wwwThe first.Saladovet building.coM per- Retail (254) zoning 947-8800 for Dance SALADO CLEANERS in terms of noise, traffic, No land or building shall mit was to “construct out- Hall, which is the closest Mon-Fri 7:30 a.M. - 5:30 p.M. Sat 7:30-11:30 a.M. safety, etc. hereafter be used and no door catering/music ven- Land Use definition to the Laundry • Dry Cleaning • Alterations Commissioners, af- building or structure shall ue” at 301 Thomas Arnold proposed project. Internal Medicine Dentistry 1209 N. Stagecoach ter listening to residents, be erected, altered, or con- Rd. with Johnny Bratton The Brattons reapplied Compassionate care X-Ray Surgery Spay/Neuter business owners and oth- verted other than for those as the General Contrac- on June 14 for a building 254-947-7299 Flea & Heartworm Products 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Mon - Fri • 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sat ers in support of and in uses specifiedfor the in thefurry zon- memberstor and Gary Kotrla as permit for an Outdoor Ca- Pet Food Grooming opposition to the proposed ing district in which it is the Electrical Contractor. tering Facility, approved Leather & Suede Cleaned of your family Indoor / Outdoor Boarding change, unanimously ad- located.” The 2700 sq. ft. proposal on June 19 by Bureau Wash & Fold opted the proposal with- The Land Use Chart is called for construction of Veritas (CBV120108). The (Next to the Library) out change. Commission- eight pages and divided a 30’X30’ stage, a con- proposed expansion would ers present were chairman into 10 categories: Agri- crete dance floor, a 30’ X include the pavilion and Ronnie Tynes, Tom Mc- cultural Uses, Residential 30’ covered pavilion and bar area to allow catering. Mahon and Gerald Reih- Uses,Animal Office Uses, Per- anMedical 18’X20’ bar area. The Salado If the Village of Salado sen. sonali-35 and & FM2115 Business Ser - facility www . wouldSaladovet be served.coM board (254) of 947-8800 aldermen ap- The original proposed vice Uses, MRetailon-Fri Uses, 7:30 aby.M. -portable 5:30 p.M .toilets. ThisSat 7:30-11:30proved the a .M. recommen- zoning change, which in- Transportation and Auto area would be enclosed by dation of the P&Z com- cluded other changes to Service Uses, Amusement a cedar fence. Internalmission, Medicine the Dentistry Brattons the manner in which the and RecreationalSummertime Service is Tahe stage wouldX-Ray face willSurgery move forwardSpay/Neuter with Zoning Board of Adjust- Uses, Institutional/Govgreat time- foraway from all residencesFlea a & building Heartworm permit Products for the ment (ZBA) operates, re- ernmental Uses, Com- and parking could be out- stagePet Food and dance Grooming area to al- quested that Restaurant mercial andDoggie Wholesale Spa Daysside of the cedar fenced-in Indoorlow for / Outdoor live music. Boarding (With Music and/or Danc- Trade Uses and Manufac- area. Animal Medical Salado i-35 & FM2115 www.Saladovet.coM (254) 947-8800 Mon-Fri 7:30 a.M. - 5:30 p.M. Sat 7:30-11:30 a.M. Transform Internal Medicine Dentistry your smile A healthy pet X-Ray Surgery Spay/Neuter Flea & Heartworm Products and your is a happy pet Pet Food Grooming life... Indoor / Outdoor Boarding Walt Tollefson NEW LOCATION Build, Sell, Warranty Deanna’s Floral & Maintain Computers! Salado’s Full Service Florist ...with a [email protected] Since 1993 Cell: (254) 291-6354 snap. Arrangements | Plants | Balloons | Wreaths Hours 10 am - 7 pm Deliveries Gift, Fruit and Candy Baskets for every ocassion After hours by appointment Made Daily uter Se p rv m i o c 371 Mill Creek Drive #4 NEW LOCATION e 947-0222 C in SALADO PLAZA W s ACTUAL PATIENT Suite #135a T Home & Office Networking Home Entertainment Computers Custom Gaming Computers Servers • Workstations Douglas B. Willingham, D.D.S. Website Design via Intuit (254) 947-5242 External Surveillance IP Cameras Main and Thomas Arnold Road salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012, Page 9A Obituaries Joni Moore MS, LMT, LMTI Massage Therapy Massage Therapy Instruction Wellness Coaching • Located in the Salado Fitness Center on Main of New Braunfels in De- • Join “Mindful Movement’ - a wellness program for mature adults. cember 1983. • Let me train you for your first triathlon, 5k, marathon or Ironman. Frazier worked for • Mention the ad and get $5 off your first massage. the Farmers’ Home Ad- • Call today. Feel and function better soon 254-291-4561 ministration in Haskell and Belton, the Produc- [email protected] tion Credit Association in Temple, Bartlett Bank and Eagle Bank in Jarrell. He For all your printing was a farmer and owner/ Above) Bill Kinnison with the help of Patti Campbell operator of Sunshine presented a program on the Salado Public Library ex- Grain and Freight. pansion plans which will provide for more room for pa- Frazier is survived by tron activities and displays. Kinnison also explained his wife, Janet; mother how the public may participate to help defray the Kathryn Campbell of costs of the $600,000 expansion. Ground-breaking Joey Frazier Louisiana; father and wife is expected to take place within the month. Following A celebration of life for Billy and Norene Frazier the presentation (below) Stephanie Turnham, Direc- Joey Frazier, 53, of Hol- of Salado; sisters Sherri tor of the Bell County Museum, gave a historical re- land, was held at Scanio- Rene Cox and husband view of the important events of 1968. Harper Funeral Home in Alan of Belton and B.J. Temple June 19, 2012. A Williamson and husband graveside service followed James of Salado; and at the Salado Cemetery brother Bruce Frazier and with Rev. Butch Ikels of- wife Dixie of Belton. ficiating. Memorials may be Frazier passed away made to the Karen Roasa at home with his wife on Foundation Scholarship June 17, 2012. Funds in care of Holland Johnnie’s Cleaners Billy Joe (Joey) Frazier, ISD (PO Box 217, Hol- Alterations & Full Jr. was born on February land, TX 76534), Odyssey Service Dry Cleaning & Tailors 3, 1959 in Belton. He grad- Hospice in Temple (2114 uated from Salado High Birdcreek Drive, Temple, School in 1977 and earned TX 76502), the Holland Inside Springhouse Bachelor’s and Master’s Volunteer Fire Depart- 120 Royal Street degrees from Southwest ment (PO Box 326, Hol- Texas State University. He land, TX 76534), or the married Janet Williamson charity of your choice. 254-778-2408 254-770-0355 “Women and their Wealth: Come learn & grow with us Things you may not know” is topic Not all 947-1153 of June 28 SARW luncheon nursing homes 6 weeks to 12 years are the same The Christian Environment The June 28 luncheon cently held State Repub- Before you decide, meeting of Salado Area lican Party Convention Stop by and visit Play Yard Best Teachers in Town Republican Women sched- held in Fort Worth June Age appropriate Curriculum uled at the Robertson 7-9. The luncheon is due Will-O-Bell Drop off & Pick up from SISD Room of the Stagecoach to start at 11:30 a.m. The We know it is often difficult to move and leave familiar Inn will focus on Women cost for the luncheon is surroundings. Our friendly, attentive staff will make 15299 S IH 35, Salado and their Wealth: Things $15 and reservations need the transition easier for you. In our warm, caring and secure You May Not Know. to be received by Monday, environment, you will find privacy, companionship, The presenter will be June 25. Mail checks to delicious meals fun activities and a professional staff to The office of Dr. Mary Evers D.O. Donna Campbell, UBS fi- SARW, Pac; P.O. Box 373; meet your needs. nancial advisor from Fort Salado, TX 76571. Guests (512) 868-9800 Worth. The discussion will are welcome. Private Room Rates not be about stocks, bonds Questions may be ad- Starting at $130 per day Specializing in Medical and Surgical and investments, accord- dressed to Ms. Gardipee ing to Barclay McCort, at [email protected] Skin Disease and Skin Cancer publicity chair. There will or at (254) 939-7085. Adult Day Services Open Monday - Friday, late appointments available Accepting new patients, we see all age groups also be a report on the re- Monday - Friday 7 a.m.-6 p.m. All major insurance accepted including Medicare and Tricare for only $85 per day 2118 Scenic Drive Georgetown (next to St Davids Georgetown Hospital) Raw Edge Quilting offered at Belton Senior Center Will-O-Bell Nursing Home

The Belton Senior Ac- 254-939-1170 or the Ac- 412 N. Dalton (Hwy 95) tivity Center is offering a tivities Director at 254- Bartlett, TX 76511 or email us for a free brochure at Creative Raw Edge Quilt- 718-1859. (254) 527-3371 [email protected] ing Class 9:30 am – 2 pm. on June 26. Professional Quilt In- structor, Jean B. Newell will be teaching the class at the Belton Senior Ac- tivity Center located at 842 S. Mitchell Street in Belton. LASTOVICA The class is open to all Fine Jewelers, Inc. Seniors in the area. There will be a $8 supply fee for “Known for Service” each class. Advance reg- Prompt In-Store Jewelry Repairs istration is required. For Diamond Sales • Custom Casting • Diamond additional information Appraisal • Watch Repair • Diamond Setting and to sign up for the class Jewelry Repair and lunch, call the Belton 1202 S 31st St. & Ave. L • Temple Senior Activity Center at 773-5772 Page 10A salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012 Community Cedar Valley Study reveals many Churches 947-8922 Floral Department Baptist hold Gospel singing overlook women as donors Your hometown Many churches are Doing Well™, a Georgia- “We heard many missing opportuni- based national organiza- women lament that talk- Fourth Friday Night ties to involve Christian tion founded in 2010 to ing about money has been full service florist Singing will be held 7 women in philanthropy, assist Christian women in ‘taboo’ in the churches in p.m. June 22. with ministry leaders too stewardship. which they participate — summer is blooming... Pot Luck following the often speaking “man to The survey of more and they wish this would inside and out singing will be held at the man” — despite the fact than 7,400 Christian change,” Sherman said. First Cedar Valley Bap- that women now control women was analyzed by “The significant take- Houseplants - Fresh cut - Bromeliads tist Church FM 2843. For more than 51 percent of Baylor University’s Insti- away is that women really more information, contact Gifts - Metal Art - Candles personal wealth nation- tute for Studies of Reli- are so frequently the deci- Donnie or Linda Jackson and Custom Arrangemets ally, according to a 2012 gion (ISR) and conducted sion-makers or at least at 254-947-5100 national survey. by Sagamore Institute’s equal in making decisions, While Christian Center on Faith in Com- and yet the fund-develop- women are far more gen- munities. ment world hasn’t caught Dr.Steve Waechter, Pastor erous than the average My sorrow is that the up to that truth yet.” 5798 FM 2484 person, the report — church isn’t a more impor- Although many “Directions in Women’s tant and relevant factor,” churches have not recog- 254-947-5917 Giving 2012” — shows said study author Amy L. nized the need to focus on Office: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. - Noon that many donors feel that Sherman, Ph.D., a Senior women’s giving, women Children’s Director, Cheryl Ely church and ministry lead- Fellow in Baylor’s Insti- are “extremely active in ers neglect the role women tute for Studies of Reli- volunteering their time on play in charitable giving, gion and a Senior Fellow behalf of both their local instead addressing only at Sagamore Institute for churches and local com- husbands. The report was Policy Research. munity organizations,” Come join us this Sunday morning commissioned by Women the report said. Nearly all (98 percent as we worship Jesus together! of women surveyed) had contributed to charity in the past year, with median Sunday 9:45 a.m. Bible classes for children, youth, and adults giving at 10 percent of 11:00 a.m. Worship service their annual income. 6:00 p.m. Prayer Service The Salado Church of Christ That compares to average Wednesday 6:00 p.m. Brown Bag Meal giving of about 3 percent 6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study and prayer ‘Shaped by His Cross, Sharing His among American house- RAs and GAs, Mission Friends, truth, Showing His love.’ holds. More than 13 per- Upstairs youth ministry

Continued on page 11A

“We invite you to worship St. Joseph’s NOW OPEN SUNDAYS! with us at any available Episcopal opportunity. You will find Church a group of sincere, God- 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. loving and Christ-exalting Holy Eucharist Lunch Special people, who will make you Sun. • 11 a.m. feel at home with our church Homestyle family. Fried Chicken -Joe Keyes, minister

Sunday Bible Classes • 9 a.m. Worship • 10 a.m. Evening Worship • 6 p.m. Spanish Worship • 4 p.m. WE CATER ~ ALL OCASSIONS 254-947-GOOD Wednesday Bible Classes • 6:30 p.m. Open Mon. - Sat. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. IH-35 at Blacksmith Rd. 939-1033 behind Fletcher’s Book Store BREAKFAST LUNCH SUPPER 947-5241 • 945 N. Main Street

16258 Gooseneck Road, Salado Church Service starts at 10 a.m. Sunday Fellowship Team Roping Saturday, June 23 Books open 6 p.m. Cash Only - Cash Payout Roping starts at 7 p.m. 70% Payback USTRCA Numbers Limited 250 Teams 5 sec leg & barrier #9 with #5 cap | 3 for $30 18 second cut off Information: Johnny (512) 635-2087 or Thomas (512) 966-9616 (254) 947-7211 [email protected] NEGATIVE COGGINS REQUIRED AT ALL EVENTS salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012, Page 11A Senior Center movie day set ATTENTION Thou didst cleave the fountain and the flood: thou driedst up Church secretaries, mighty rivers. The day is thine, the night also is thine: thou hast The Belton Senior Ac- girl with Down syndrome, guests. Popcorn and prepared the light and the sun. Thou hast set all the borders tivity Center will host a he hands the second child drinks will be provided class leaders, of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter. “Movie Day “ at 12:30 over to Caroline with- free of charge. For addi- PSALMS 74: 15-17 p.m. on June 26. out his wife’s knowledge. tional information, con- youth directors The featured movie will Henry’s fateful decision tact the Senior Activity Share what your be “The Memory Keep- yields grave consequences Center at 254-939-1170 or er’s Daughter” released in for his family over the next the Activities Director at church groups 2008. During a blizzard 20 years in this Emmy- 254-718-1859. The Belton are doing this in 1964, Dr. David Henry nominated drama based Senior Activity Center is delivers his son Paul with on the Kim Edwards best- located at 842 S. Mitchell summer... the help of nurse Caroline. seller. Street, Belton. Dossman But when Henry realizes Movie Day is open to all Send your releases with his wife is also carrying a area seniors and their photos to- Funeral Home news 2525 N. Main • Belton • 933-2525 Christian women continued from page 10A “In Service to our fellow man...” than 20 percent of their commonly cited challenge were held with over 100 income yearly, the report to generosity, followed by women from six differ- said. consumerism/materialism ent cities and one-on-one “Secular researchers and fear that giving more in-depth interviews con- will acknowledge that would mean one’s family ducted with 11 female religious people are more might not have enough. “champions in giving” generous than non-reli- Meanwhile, among because of their major Alexander’s gious ones, but it is impor- “aspiring givers,” lack of donations of money and tant to ask the question financial planning and time to Christian minis- ‘Why?’” Sherman said. lack of a clarity of pur- tries. The research project Sunday Brunch In the study, Chris- pose are the most common spanned 11 months. tian women report the top challenges. “Christian women are three influences for giving The report also showed generous and have told their time and money are that most women surveyed us what will help them Southern F are with Salado F lair. the conviction that “God have not been reached by increase in their gener- owns it all”; personal traditional resources, osity,” said Pam Pugh, a spiritual disciplines such organizations and writings partner in Women Doing Every Sunday from 11am-2pm as prayer and Bible study; in the so-called “Christian Well.™ “We hope to inf lu- and biblical teaching on generosity movement.” ence the Christian culture (Open Seating) stewardship. Survey participants to engage women holisti- Giving and a strong responded to a 100-plus cally in their stewardship sense of calling are corre- questionnaire online. In journey ...” Full Brunch Menu Available. lated, and those indicating addition, Focus Groups (View menu at that they lacked a strong sense of calling also reported that their actual giving is significantly Shrimp & Grits Eggs Benedict less than their capacity for giving. Debt is the most Melon Salad Chicken & Waffles St. Stephen Catholic Church Presbyterian Church Smoked Salmon Steak & Eggs Religious Education Classes of Salado K thru 12th 6 - 7:30 p.m. Rev. Carl Thompson, Pastor Wednesday Mass Schedule 10 A.M. Sunday Worship On Center Circle 254.947.5554 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday • Noon Tuesday • 6 p.m. Saturday • 5:30 p.m. Confesssions 4:30-5:15 p.m. or call to set up appointment Sunday (English) 9 a.m. (Spanish) 10:30 a.m. Office Hours: Every day 9 a.m. - Noon & 1:30 - 3 p.m. 105 Salado Plaza Drive • 254-947-8106 601 FM 2268 Main & Salado Plaza Drive behind Ace Hardware 947-8037 P.O. Box 865 [email protected] (254) 947-5465 Main St. at the Creek Dr. Travis Burleson, Senior Pastor SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 8:30 a.m. 1st Service 5 p.m. Fellowship Meal Classic Worship 6 p.m. WEBS A classic blend accompanied (Wed. Evening Bible Study) by our pianists, orchestra 6 p.m. AWANAS (Age 2 – grade 6) members and worship choir 6 p.m. Bible Drill (grade 4 – 8) 9:45 a.m. Small Group Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Youth Activities nd 11:00 a.m. 2 Service 7 p.m. Worship Choir Rehearsal Contemporary Worship A contemporary mix led by our praise band Page 12A salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012

One Call Does It All (254) 933-7400 1914 S. IH 35, Belton • auto body repair • free estimates • hail repair • windshield repair • full scale detail shop • interior repair insurance claims welcome

1110 N. Robertson Road Daily Salado SONIC Lunch Specials

6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Open ‘till 11 p.m. Fri & Sat

Saladoans gathered at the Dairy Queen on Father’s Day for an im- promptu celebration of the landmark. (Photos by Stephanie Hood) Dairy half price cheeseburgers A/C Tuesdays 5 p.m. - close Queen FROM Page 1A Repair Queen on Father’s Day to share memories, photos, ALL BRANDS stories, laughs and some Free Estimates & Second Opinions TACLA002113C tears. And to share their fa- 100% Financing Available vorite DQ treat! “We were so surprised Senior Citizens Discount on service by how many came,” Curry said, “surprised and de- 939-1141 lighted. It means a lot to us Toll Free 877-422-5500 • to know how many people 310 E. Central Ave. • Belton will remember Coach and the Salado Dairy Queen.” SERVING CENTRAL TEXAS FOR OVER 38 YEARS

The Pizza Place Pizza Pickup • Dine-in • Delivery Pasta Salad Bar Wings 947-0022 Desserts Open Daily 230 North Main Street 11 to 9 SMALL & EXOTIC ANIMAL MEDICINE SURGERY & WELLNESS EXAMS

Vaccinations • Heartworm Flea & Tick Preventatives Mattress World off HK Dodgen Loop 363, next to Hancock Fabrics Microchipping • Spay/Neuter • Bathing/Boarding Dentistry • Digital Radiography Simmons, Adjustable Beds, Sleeptronics, Taylor Bedding

Salado Veterinary Hospital “We Guarantee the Jon Kendall, D.V.M. Aaron Schultze, D.V.M. Lowest Prices” Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (254) 947-8058 IH 35 & FM 2484 254-770-3325 • 2825 Thornton Lane • Temple Calendar of Events Salado Pages 2-3B Shopping Map of Salado Village Guide Pages 4-5B Section B Salado Village Voice•June 21, 2012 • 8 Pages• Shopping, Dining, Overnight, Events ‘Seven Year Itch’ comedy revived at Cowboys Bar-B-Q Exit 285 • 1300 Robertson RD Silver Spur Theatre June 22 If there is one sure an- tidote to a long, hot sum- Fast Service mer, it’s laughter. And one Slow Cooking of the theatre’s biggest Catering, Take Out or Dine In all-time comedy hits is “The Seven Year Itch” by 254-947-5700 Miguel Perez, owner George Axelrod, although more fans may remember the Billy Wilder-directed, 1955 movie starring sultry Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell. FINE ART The titular phrase, prellop GALLERY which refers to declining Main Street • Salado interest in a monogamous relationship after seven (888) 461-2605 • (254) 947-3930 years of marriage, has been used by psycholo- The largest selection of fine art gists for years. And the film contained one of the originals and Bronzes in Salado. most iconic images of Limited Edition prints & canvas reproductions. the 20th century – Mon- roe standing on a subway grate as her white dress was blown above her ‘Seven Year Itch’ Comedy Revived at Silver Spur Theatre, Fridays, Saturdays, June knees by a passing train. 22-July 14 Richard Sherman, played by Grainger Esch, makes a pass at “the girl With his wife and child upstairs” (Melodee Lenz) . off to the shore for the

summer, but a job that “The publishing ex- “I’m really excited about if you are unfamiliar with keeps him in their down- ecutive has an over-active this show,” said the vet- the play or the movie.” town apartment during imagination. The scenes eran actor-director. “This Saladoans Grainger the work week, a husband in his ‘summer bachelor’ cast is brilliant and this Esch, Co-founder and Ar- of seven years fantasizes head combine with ac- theatrical presentation of- tistic director of the eight- about having a fling with tual events as his fanta- fers a rare comedic insight year-old professional a young woman who is sies and his fears merge . into our human condition,” theater, portrays Richard apartment sitting in the . .or do they?” asked Gary Askins noted. “You’ve Sherman, and Karen Ew- unit above. Askins, director. got to see this one, even ton plays his wife. Me- lodee Lenz of Garland is “The Girl.” Tony Blackman of Belton is Dr. Brubaker. Rick Thomssen of Salado has the role of Tom McK- enzie and Mary Bentley of Salado plays three women (Miss Morris, Elaine and Marie Whatever-Her- Name-Was) who inhabit Richard’s imagination. “Itch,” runs at 7:30 p.m., Fridays and Satur- 511 Stagecoach Rd. days, June 22-July 14 (no (East Access Road) IH35 matinees) at the Silver (254) 947-1800 Spur Theater (108 Royal St.) in Historic Downtown Salado, a few blocks for busy IH-35 and bucolic Salado Creek and Park. Admissions are $18 for adults with $15 discount tickets for seniors, mili- tary and students. Chil- dren 12 years and under are $10. (Parental discre- tion is advised.) Group rates are available. For reservations, call the box office at 254- 947-3456. For directions or more info: www.sala- Wine, beer, cider and expanded food choices will be avail- able at the evening shows through The Spuradical Social Club in the lobby. (http://www.spuradicalso- ) Salado Creek Antiques Salado Closed on Tuesdays Continued on page 8B Page 2B, salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012 Village of Salado Calendar of Events fellow knitters for casual hits. Curtain for this Mondays aturdays S revived show’s eight Salado Masonic knitting. 10 - Noon. sal- Live music at The performances is 7:30 p.m., Lodge #296 practice, [email protected] Lounge, upstairs at The Friday and Saturday (no 6:30 p.m. at the Lodge 90 uesdays Range Restaurant on YOUphoria T matinees). Admissions N. Church St., except on Weekly Yoga class Main St., beginning at Day Spa & Salon are $18 for adults; $15 for Stated or Called Meeting 6:30 p.m. at Salado 7 p.m. Artists change senior citizens, military nights. Wine Seller, 841 N. weekly. personnel and students Main St., info tiffyor- 556 Pace Park Drive e Salado Mondays Sundays with ID. Children age 12 [email protected]. (254) 947-3SPA (3772) Village Quilters and Brunch at Inn on the and under are $10. (Paren- Knitters, 1:30 p.m. at Tuesdays Creek, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. tal Discretion Advised.) ME1729 Village Art Building. Prix Fixe menu at Call 254-947-5554. Group rates are available. The Range. Two entrees Tuesdays Weekends Thru July 21 For information, visit Salado Village Artists, and adult beverage for Salado Legends www.thesaladosilverspur. Village Art Building, $14.95. Terrific for Date Rehearsal. Call director com or call the box office 9:30 a.m. Night! Offerings change Donnie Williams at 254- at 254-947-3456. weekly. Find The Range 947-0717. Tuesdays on Facebook to see this June 23 (no relation) performs Salado Rotary Club, week’s menu or call 254- June 21 6-9 p.m. at Salado Creek Custom blown 11:30 a.m. 947-3828. Salado Chamber of Commerce board of Winery, 227 N. Main St. glass made Tuesdays hursdays T directors meeting, 8:30 une Salado Community Martinis and Mani- J 25 in Salado. a.m. at the Salado Tour- Salado Public Li- Chorus practice, 6 p.m., cures at The Lounge at ism and Visitors center. brary Summer Reading View our gallery Salado Civic Center, un- The Range. $25 for 2 Program “Get a Clue” of hand-blown pieces less otherwise noted. ladies night adult bever- June 21 at 11 a.m. This week’s or make your very own ages, a manice and a se- Village of Salado Tuesdays theme is Bonzo Crunch. #2 Peddlers Alley Sit & Knit Session lection of appetizers. Call Board of Aldermen One free book will be Salado Texas 76571 at The Salado Yarn Co. 254-947-3828 to book meeting, 6 p.m. at the given out to every child in 254-947-0339 inside Southern Com- your appointment. Space Municipal Building, 301 attendance. (by appointment) forts, 22 N Main join is limited. N. Stagecoach Inn. Public meeting. une ridays J 25-28 F Soccer camp, $50 Four course fine din- June 21 each. Session 1 for ing at Inn on the Creek, Corks and Creations, third-sixth graders, 8:30- NOW Playing seatings from 5:30 to 8 6 p.m. at Salado Wine 10 a.m. Session 2 for p.m . p.m. Call for res- Seller, 841 N. Main St. seventh-ninth graders, ervations, 254-947-5554. Join Angela Patrick as 10:30 a.m.-noon. Email Visit she leads you step by step michael.goos@saladoisd. The Seven for menus. through creating a paint- ed masterpiece of your org. ridays F own. Please call Angela une Live music at The J 27 Year Itch Patrick for reservation at Salado Lions Club, ~ by George Axelrod Lounge, upstairs at The 254-681-1416. Cost $45 11:30 a.m. at Salado Range Restaurant on includes all materials and Civic Center. 108 Royal Street • Salado Showtimes Picture Show Main St., beginning at in the old Guest-Sanford Granary Vaudeville a glass of wine. spuradical Friday & Saturday 7 p.m. Artists change June 28 Stage social Reservations 254-947-3456 club 7:30 p.m. weekly. June 21-23 Luncheon meeting of Tickets also available at the Door member Live Music TABC Skills Camp Salado Area Republican Admission $15, Discount for Senior, Military and kids & Fun for aturdays beer and wine bar S for nine year olds Women, at 11:30 a.m. in any age Recycling program, at Evening Performances through Junior High the Robertson Room of 9 a.m.-noon on the Players. Information Stagecoach Inn. “Women grounds of the Salado at www.tabccampof- and their Wealth: Things Arts Workshop, 113 You May Not Know” Salado Plaza Drive. June 22 program by Donna Camp- Saturdays Zooniversity wildlife bell. Cost is $15. Res- Live Music at Rising education group will be ervations by June 25 to Star Vineyards. 7-9:30 visiting Salado Public SARW Pac; P.O. Box 373; p.m. Library at 11:30 a.m. Salado, TX 76571. Info at Saturdays Zooniversity presents [email protected] or Four course fine din- conservation-based at (254) 939-7085. ing at Inn on the Creek, programs that give par- June 29 seatings from 5:30 to 8 ticipants the opportunity Joe Berg plays 7-10 p.m. . Call for reserva- to interact with exotic p.m. at The Lounge, tions, 254-947-5554. Visit such as Mira, upstairs at The Range. for the baby genet and oth- menus. ers from the 50 species June 30 Salado United Meth- of unusual animals they odist Church Garage care for. This program is Sale, 7 a.m.-1 p.m. at the open to both children and church on Royal St. Pro- adults. ceeds will benefit local June 22 missions of the church. Fourth Friday Gospel Singing at Cedar Valley June 30 Hannah Prestridge Baptist Church, FM performs 6-9 p.m. at 2843, 7 p.m. Potluck at Salado Creek Winery, 10 p.m. 227 N. Main St. June 22 Paul Cox plays 7-10 June 30 Gene Snow and Paula p.m. at The Lounge, Reid play 7-10 p.m. at upstairs at The Range. The Lounge, upstairs at Weekends The Range. June 22 - July 14 July 2 The Seven Year Itch Salado Masonic - by George Axelrod Lodge #296 Stated at Salado Silver Spur Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Theater. A publishing the Masons Hall, 90 N. exec, trapped in the city Church St. Installation while his family vaca- of Officers. tions, finds his fantasies colliding with reality in one of theatre’s all-time See Calendar, Page 2B June 21, 2012 salado Village Voice, Page 3B FROM Page 2B Calendar Dan Goggin. Weekend 7-10 p.m. at The Lounge, at The Salado Yarn Co. July 4 performances at Salado Salado Historic upstairs at The Range. inside Southern Comforts, Silver Spur Theater. For 22 N Main. Join fellow Society Old Fashioned July 30-August 2 information, visit www. knitters for casual knit- 4th of July Picnic 6 p.m. Summer Volleyball at Salado Intermedi- Camp for Girls who ting. 6 p.m. saladoyarn@ or call the box office at ate School. The National will be in fifth through 254-947-3456. Sojourners from Austin sixth grade. Volleyball November 5 will present a program on from 9-11 a.m. at the High September 6 Salado Historical the history of the Ameri- School The cost will be Sit & Knit Session Society Fall Chili Sup- can Flag and the Salado $50. at The Salado Yarn Co. per, 6 p.m. at Salado Community Chorus will inside Southern Comforts, Church of Christ Activ- perform some patriotic August 2 22 N Main. Join fellow Sit & Knit Session ity Center. Bring salad, songs under the directions knitters for casual knit- at The Salado Yarn Co. cornbread or dessert. of Jakie Shirley. Bring ting. 6 p.m. saladoyarn@ inside Southern Comforts, side or dessert. November 10-12 22 N Main. Join fellow Fifty-first Annual July 5 knitters for casual knit- September 28 Salado Scottish Clan Village of Salado ting. 6 p.m. saladoyarn@ Annual Salado Gathering and Highland Board of Aldermen Chamber of Commerce Games on the grounds meeting, 6 p.m. at the Golf Tournament. Call of Salado Civic Cen- Municipal Building, 301 August 3 254-947-5040. Midnight Madness ter, sponsored by the N. Stagecoach Rd. down Main Street, October 4 Central Texas Area July 5 sponsored by Salado Sit & Knit Session Museum. The Salado Civic Center will be one of the historic at The Salado Yarn Co. Chisholm Trail Chamber of Commerce. November 29 buildings featured on the Salado Historical Society inside Southern Comforts, American Business Christmas Tour of Homes Nov. 30, Dec. 1-2. Visit Christmas Stroll Pa- Woman’s Association for more information. 22 N Main. Join fellow rade. Salado Chamber meeting, 6:15 p.m. at knitters for casual knit- of Commerce. Details to August 6-9 ting. 6 p.m. saladoyarn@ McCain’s Deli. to come and learn more. p.m. at The Lounge, come. Salado Junior Cheer- upstairs at The Range. July 5 July 12 leader Summer Camp Nov. 30, Dec. 1-2 ctober Sit & Knit Session Salado Chamber uly for Pre-Kindergarten O 5 - 27 Christmas Stroll, J 21 The Mystery of Irma at The Salado Yarn Co. of Commerce Ladies Jamie Thomas per- through sixth grade, sponsored by Salado Vep – This definitive inside Southern Comforts, Auxiliary meeting, 9:30 forms 6-9 p.m. at Salado 9-11 a.m. at Salado In- Chamber of Commerce. spoof of Gothic melo- 22 N Main. Join fellow a.m. at the Robertson Creek Winery, 227 N. termediate School. Cost Details to come. dramas, recently revived knitters for casual knit- Room of Stagecoach Inn Main St. is $55 per camper and Off-Broadway to raves, Nov. 30, Dec 1, 7, 8 ting. 6 p.m. saladoyarn@ Conference Center. include T-shirt and snacks uly 20th Annual - A J 21 each day. For more infor- is a quick change mara- uly The Judith Miller Christmas Carol. Perfor- J 12 mation call Salado Cheer thon in which two actors July 5 Yoga and Wine at Band plays 7-10 p.m. at mances 7 p.m. each night. Coach Charla Kelley at play all the roles. Week- Corks and Creations, Salado Wine Seller. The Lounge, upstairs at Adult $10, Student $5, 254-718-1725 or Betty end performances at the 6 p.m. at Salado Wine $18 per person/$30 per The Range. Child $3 (12 and under) Peralta at 512-746-2016. Salado Silver Spur The- Seller, 841 N. Main St. couple. Questions email ater. For information, visit Call 947-9205. Join Angela Patrick as July 21, 28 & Aug. 4 Tiffany at tiffyoranch@ 20th Annual Salado August 7 www.thesaladosilverspur. Nov. 30, Dec. 1-2 she leads you step by Salado I.S.D. New Legends. Dinner reser- com or call the box office Salado Historical So- step through creating a Student Registration uly vations required. Din- at 254-947-3456. ciety Christmas Tour of painted masterpiece of J 13 for grades nine-12. Byrd & Street play ner 7:15 p.m. $8 adult Homes. Tickets at Salado your own with a patriotic 8:30 a.m.-noon and October 6 & 7 7-10 p.m. at The Lounge, or child. Show 8:15 Tourism office on Main theme. Please call Angela 1-5 p.m. at the Salado A Christmas Carol & upstairs at The Range. p.m., $17 Adult, $5 child street. www.saladohistori- Patrick for reservation at High School Library Fright Trail Auditions at under 12. Tickets: www. for more 254-681-1416. Cost $45 July 14 (1880 Williams Rd.). Tablerock. Call 254-947- or call 254- info. includes all materials and Jammin’ on the Please bring the following 9205. 947-9205. Ticket office, a glass of wine. Lawn, 4-7 p.m. at Salado required documentation at October 12-13 December 1 - 22 Wine Seller, 841 N. concession opens at 6:30 Christmas Is On the uly time of registration: birth Christmas in Octo- J 6 p.m. Air annual holiday Gene Snow and Paula Main St. An evening of certificate, social secu- ber at Stagecoach Inn show weekends at the Reid play 7-10 p.m. at live music by Serrenada July 22-29 rity card, immunization Conference Center, Salado Silver Spur. For The Lounge, upstairs at Hill. Bring friends, fam- Tablerock Theater record, proof residency sponsored by the Salado information, visit www. The Range. ily, food, and a thirst for Camp includes: classes, (two proofs needed: deed Chamber of Commerce good Texas Wine! If the food, lodging and trips. or lease agreement and a Ladies Auxiliary. July 7 weather is nice it will be More information utility bill), current driver or call the box office at Jammin’ on the outside! 254-947-9205 or e-mail October 27-28 254-947-3456. license and any previous Annual Salado Art Lawn, 4-7 p.m. at Salado [email protected] or school records including Wine Seller, 841 N. July 14 Fair, sponsored by December 6 visit TAKS test results. For Sit & Knit Session Main St. An evening of Salado Swirl will Salado Chamber of more information contact at The Salado Yarn Co. live music by The Sons feature the wines of July 23-26 Commerce. Call 254- Registrar Bettty Peralta inside Southern Comforts, of Leisure. Bring friends, seven wineries, 6-9 p.m. Girls basketball camp 947-5040 or visit www. at 254-947-6974 or betty. 22 N Main. Join fellow family, food, and a thirst Located at various shops for third-ninth grad- [email protected]. knitters for casual knit- for good Texas Wine! If in Salado. Call Salado ers, $50 each. Session 1 Tourism at 254-947- for third-sixth graders, October 27 & 28 ting. 6 p.m. saladoyarn@ the weather is nice it will August 24 Tablerock’s Fright 8634 for details. 9-11 a.m., Session 2 for be outside! Salado ISD Annual Trail, 6:30-10 p.m. $5 seventh-ninth graders, Health and Benefits Fair ecember uly July 14 Adults and $3 for children D 7-9 J 7 noon-2 p.m. 9 - 11 a.m. at Salado Christmas Stroll, Stefanie Fix performs Dimlit Daylight per- 12 and under. Informa- Intermediate School. sponsored by Salado 6-9 p.m. at Salado Creek forms 6-9 p.m. at Salado July 27 - August 18 tion 947-9205. Chamber of Commerce. Winery, 227 N. Main St. Creek Winery, 227 N. Ballot Box Bedlam! Aug 31 - Sept 22 Main St. Or The Millionaire November 1 Details to come. Nunsense II: The Sit & Knit Session July 7 Mountebank’s Mayoral Second Coming – by Paul Cox plays 7-10 July 14 Summer Wine Din- Machination. Annual p.m. at The Lounge, melodrama performances upstairs at The Range. ner at The Range. Visit www.therangerestau- every weekend at the July 9-13 for details. Salado Silver Spur The- Vacation Bible ater. For information, visit School at Salado United July 14 www.thesaladosilverspur. Methodist Church, 9 RpT plays 7-10 p.m. com or call the box office a.m.-noon daily. Call at The Lounge, upstairs at 254-947-3456. at The Range. 254-947-5482 for more July 27 information. July 16-19 Paul Cox plays 7-10 Football camp, $50 July 10 p.m. at The Lounge, Community Emer- per camper. Session 1 upstairs at The Range. gency Responders of for third-sixth graders, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Session 2 July 28 Salado (CERTS) meet- (no relation) performs ing at 6:30 p.m. at the for seventh-ninth grad- ers, noon-2 p.m. Email 6-9 p.m. at Salado Creek Municipal Building, Winery, 227 N. Main St. 301 N. Stagecoach Rd. [email protected]. Volunteers encouraged July 20 July 28 Joe Berg plays 7-10 Byrd & Street plays Page 4B, salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012

81 127 126 128

i129 125

7 to Animal Medical Salado on FM 2115

105 The Robertson 106 Plantation

107 108

120 118


4. Stagecoach Inn 254/947-5111 DL Strawberry Patch 254/947-9955 S 50. Salado Fire Department 254/947-8961 CV 73. VISITORS CENTER 254/9478634 CV Crain Chiropractic & Wellness 254/947-2225 P Salado ISD Athletic Fields E Stagecoach Inn Dining Room 30. First Baptist Church 254/947-5465 C 51. Salado Church of Christ 254/947-5241 CV Chamber of Commerce 254/947-5040 CV Mill Creek Cleaners 254/947-0100 $ 121. Cedar Valley Baptist Church 254/947-0148 C Stagecoach Inn Coffee Shop Salado Putt & Swim at Stagecoach 32. THE VERANDA ROCK CREEK 75. Salado Wine Seller 254/947-8011 S 95. Deanna’s Floral 254/947-0222 S 122. Brooks Fine Western Wear 254/947-8860 S First Texas Brokerage 254/947-5577 P 54. Charlotte’s of Salado 254/947-0240 S Salado Realty 254-947-9700 P 97. Salado Public Library 254/947-9191 E 124. St. Stephen Catholic Church 254/947-8037 C 5. Stone Creek Settlements 254/947-9099 L 33. First State Bank 254/947-5852 $ 79. Presbyterian Church of Salado 254/947-8106 C 888/777-8844 56. The Pizza Place 254/947-0022 D 98. Salado Cleaners 254/947-7299 $ 125. Animal Medical Salado 254/947-8800 $ 6. Central Texas Area Museum 254/947-5232 E 34. FIRST CENTRE at 40 N. Main 80. SALADO SCULPTURE GARDEN E 99. FInders Keepers 1-325.665.5669 S The Play Yard Preschool Center 254/947-1153 $ SALADO COLLEGE MEMORIAL PARK First Community Title 254/947-8480 P 57. THE COLONY Farmers Insurance 254/947-0995 P Griffith Fine Art 254/947-3177 S 83. Upscale Interior Consignments 254/947-8098 S 101. Holiday Inn Express 254/ 947-4004 L 126. Salado High School E 9. Salado Glassworks 254/947-0339 S Zbranek Agency Salado Creek WInery 254/947-9000 S 102. Best Western Plus 254/947-4001 L 87. Century 21 Bill Bartlett Real Estate P 127. TranQuil Gardens R.V. Park 254/947-5192 L 11. Tablerock Amphitheater 254/947-9205 E 35. Salado Masonic Lodge #296 CV 61. SALADO CIVIC SQUARE 254/947-5050 103. Robertson’s Hams 254/947-5562 D/S 128. Grace Baptist Church of Salado 254/947-5917 C 13. Salado United Methodist Church 254/947-5482 C 37. Inn at Salado 254/947-0027 L McCains Bakery and Cafe 254/947-DELI D 88. Subway D 104. Cowboys Bar-B-Q 254/947-5700 D 129. Janelle’s of Salado 254/947-0423 S Old Fashioned Burgers and Ice Cream D 106. Salado Veterinary Hospital 254/947-8058 S 17. Inn on the Creek B&B 254/947-5554 D 38. SALADO SQUARE 64. The Village of Salado 254/947-5060 CV 105. Sonic Salado D Alexander’s Distillery 254/947-5544 D Linda Rountree Pritchard-Egg 254/947-4263 P 68. Serenity Spa 254/947-8833 $ 89. The Personal Wealth Coach 254/947-1111 P 20. Springhouse 254-947-0747 S 69. Salado Creek Antiques 254/947-1800 S 93. First Salado, A Horizon Bank 254/947-8636 $ 115. Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que 254/947-4663 Johnnies Cleaners 254/770-0355 $ 39. The Range 254/947-3828 D Johnny’s Banquet Hall (inside Springhouse) 40. Family Dentistry 254/947-5242 P 70. STAGESTOP 94. SALADO PLAZA Ace Hardware 254/947-4008 S 22. Salado Silver Spur Theater 254/947-3456 E Dr. Douglas B. Willingham Bruce A. Bolick, CPA 254/718-7299 P 116. The Dog Spot 254/947-3647 $ Your Salado business can find 23. Gypsy’s Closet 254/947-0140 S 42. MudPies Pottery and Sir Wigglesworth Fudge Edward Jones, Jeremy Grimm 254/947-5128 P 117. Salado Smiles 254/947-8067 P Salado Mercantile 254/231-1399 S 254/947-0281 S 71. SALADO CIVIC CENTER Salado Village Voice 254/947-5321 $ Dr. Howard Lufburrow its place on this map with a weekly ad. 43. Wild About Animals S Salado Civic Center 254/947-8300 CV Ace Pest Control 254/947-4222 $ The Play Yard Infant Center 254-947-1129 P Call Salado Village Voice 24. YOUphoria - Day Spa & Salon 254/947-3772 $ inside Southern Comforts Historical Society CV Walt Tollefson 26. CREEKSIDE CENTER SISD Administration 254/947-5479 E Computer Services 254/291-6354 S 120. Thomas Arnold Elem. 254/947-5191 E at 254/947-5321. Prellop Fine Art Gallery 254/947-3930 S 45. Ki Ki Creations 254/855-5538 S Village Art Center E Finney Insurance Agency 254/947-3599 P Salado Intermediate 254/947-1700 E Susan Marie’s 254/947-5239 S The Haire Shop 254/760-9004 $ Salado Junior High 254/947-5429 E June 21, 2012 salado Village Voice, Page 5B

The Inn at Salado Historic Bed & Breakfast

Weddings ~ Receptions ~ Accommodations North Main St. & Pace Park Dr. (254) 947-0027 / (800) 724-0027 Exit 286 1/4 mile north of Main 12 miles from Temple 20 miles from Killeen

Indoor Pool & Hot Tub Jacuzzi Room Exercise room 81 127 Conference Area Business Center 126 128 SALADO High Speed Internet Hot Breakfast i129 (254) 947-4001 125

7 to Animal Medical Salado on FM 2115

1991 N. Stagecoach Rd (254) 947- 4004 [email protected] Hot Breakfast | Pool | Internet

Stagecoach Inn 105 Coffee Shop The Robertson Open Daily 106 Plantation 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. Friday & Saturday 107 108 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Resort COME SEE US Lodging Fine Dining Historic Inn in the heart of Salado Conferences 1-800-732-8994 • 254-947-5111 120 Banquets 118

119 McCain’s Bakery & Cafe 4. Stagecoach Inn 254/947-5111 DL Strawberry Patch 254/947-9955 S 50. Salado Fire Department 254/947-8961 CV 73. VISITORS CENTER 254/9478634 CV Crain Chiropractic & Wellness 254/947-2225 P Salado ISD Athletic Fields E Stagecoach Inn Dining Room 30. First Baptist Church 254/947-5465 C 51. Salado Church of Christ 254/947-5241 CV Chamber of Commerce 254/947-5040 CV Mill Creek Cleaners 254/947-0100 $ 121. Cedar Valley Baptist Church 254/947-0148 C Stagecoach Inn Coffee Shop Salado Putt & Swim at Stagecoach 32. THE VERANDA ROCK CREEK 75. Salado Wine Seller 254/947-8011 S 95. Deanna’s Floral 254/947-0222 S 122. Brooks Fine Western Wear 254/947-8860 S First Texas Brokerage 254/947-5577 P 54. Charlotte’s of Salado 254/947-0240 S Salado Realty 254-947-9700 P 97. Salado Public Library 254/947-9191 E 124. St. Stephen Catholic Church 254/947-8037 C 5. Stone Creek Settlements 254/947-9099 L 33. First State Bank 254/947-5852 $ 79. Presbyterian Church of Salado 254/947-8106 C 888/777-8844 56. The Pizza Place 254/947-0022 D 98. Salado Cleaners 254/947-7299 $ 125. Animal Medical Salado 254/947-8800 $ 6. Central Texas Area Museum 254/947-5232 E 34. FIRST CENTRE at 40 N. Main 80. SALADO SCULPTURE GARDEN E 99. FInders Keepers 1-325.665.5669 S The Play Yard Preschool Center 254/947-1153 $ 417 N. Main SALADO COLLEGE MEMORIAL PARK First Community Title 254/947-8480 P 57. THE COLONY 947-DELI (3354) Farmers Insurance 254/947-0995 P Griffith Fine Art 254/947-3177 S 83. Upscale Interior Consignments 254/947-8098 S 101. Holiday Inn Express 254/ 947-4004 L 126. Salado High School E 9. Salado Glassworks 254/947-0339 S Zbranek Agency Salado Creek WInery 254/947-9000 S 102. Best Western Plus 254/947-4001 L Espresso Bar • Speciality Coffees 87. Century 21 Bill Bartlett Real Estate P 127. TranQuil Gardens R.V. Park 254/947-5192 L Gourmet Breakfast & Lunch 11. Tablerock Amphitheater 254/947-9205 E 35. Salado Masonic Lodge #296 CV 61. SALADO CIVIC SQUARE 254/947-5050 103. Robertson’s Hams 254/947-5562 D/S 128. Grace Baptist Church of Salado 254/947-5917 C 13. Salado United Methodist Church 254/947-5482 C 37. Inn at Salado 254/947-0027 L McCains Bakery and Cafe 254/947-DELI D 88. Subway D 104. Cowboys Bar-B-Q 254/947-5700 D 129. Janelle’s of Salado 254/947-0423 S Cakes, Pies, Cookies & More Old Fashioned Burgers and Ice Cream D 106. Salado Veterinary Hospital 254/947-8058 S Freshly served daily! 17. Inn on the Creek B&B 254/947-5554 D 38. SALADO SQUARE 64. The Village of Salado 254/947-5060 CV 105. Sonic Salado D Alexander’s Distillery 254/947-5544 D Linda Rountree Pritchard-Egg 254/947-4263 P 68. Serenity Spa 254/947-8833 $ 89. The Personal Wealth Coach 254/947-1111 P 20. Springhouse 254-947-0747 S 69. Salado Creek Antiques 254/947-1800 S 93. First Salado, A Horizon Bank 254/947-8636 $ 115. Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que 254/947-4663 Johnnies Cleaners 254/770-0355 $ 39. The Range 254/947-3828 D Johnny’s Banquet Hall GRIFFITH FINE ART (inside Springhouse) 40. Family Dentistry 254/947-5242 P 70. STAGESTOP 94. SALADO PLAZA Ace Hardware 254/947-4008 S 22. Salado Silver Spur Theater 254/947-3456 E Dr. Douglas B. Willingham Bruce A. Bolick, CPA 254/718-7299 P 116. The Dog Spot 254/947-3647 $ Your Salado business can find 23. Gypsy’s Closet 254/947-0140 S 42. MudPies Pottery and Sir Wigglesworth Fudge Edward Jones, Jeremy Grimm 254/947-5128 P 117. Salado Smiles 254/947-8067 P Salado Village Voice 254/947-5321 $ GALLERY Salado Mercantile 254/231-1399 S 254/947-0281 S 71. SALADO CIVIC CENTER Dr. Howard Lufburrow its place on this map with a weekly ad. Ace Pest Control 254/947-4222 $ 43. Wild About Animals S Salado Civic Center 254/947-8300 CV The Play Yard Infant Center 254-947-1129 P Call Salado Village Voice 254-947-3177 24. YOUphoria - Day Spa & Salon 254/947-3772 $ inside Southern Comforts Historical Society CV Walt Tollefson 26. CREEKSIDE CENTER SISD Administration 254/947-5479 E Computer Services 254/291-6354 S 120. Thomas Arnold Elem. 254/947-5191 E at 254/947-5321. 229 North Main Street Finney Insurance Agency 254/947-3599 P Prellop Fine Art Gallery 254/947-3930 S 45. Ki Ki Creations 254/855-5538 S Village Art Center E Salado Intermediate 254/947-1700 E Open Mon - Sat Susan Marie’s 254/947-5239 S The Haire Shop 254/760-9004 $ Salado Junior High 254/947-5429 E Page 6B, salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012

Strawberry Patch GIFT-GOURMET-COFFEE Central Texas’ Largest Selection of Coffee Beans, Texas Salsas & Gourmet Food Open Daily • Online Shopping Ship Daily Like DOWNTOWN SALADO us on (254) 947-9955

Ki Ki Creations Texas Style & Unique Jewelry The race Diamonds by the Yard Custom Settings • Colored Diamonds against time

(next to Ambrosia Tea Room) Contract 106 North Main Street Salado (254) 855-5538 Private Showings Bridge By Steve Becker Bell County’s award-winning winery Good timing is extreme- Live Music ly important in the play of many hands. When declarer Jamie Thomas has several different things to do, the order in which he Sat. 6-9 pm does them frequently makes the difference between suc- cess and failure. 227 N. Main Street (254) 947-9000 Consider this deal where Open Daily West leads a club against four spades. How should South proceed? Let’s say he starts by winning the club Stagecoach Inn with the king and returns a trump. East takes the Restaurant ace and plays another club. South must now go down Open one, losing a trick in each Thursday 11 - 7 suit, since the diamond and Friday and Saturday heart finesses both lose lunch 11 - 3 when they are attempted. dinner 5 - 9 The outcome is surely 110906 Summers Mill 2x3 254-947-5111 Sunday 11-7 unlucky, but it can be traced with photo lightened and slightly larger to a wrong choice of plays. Declarer should not stake Retreat & Conference his chances on either of the Center red-suit finesses working when there is a more prom- A SPECIAL PLACE - ising approach available. for groups, large or small to relax, find inspiration, When dummy comes and return to the pace of yesteryear. down, he should realize that there is more urgent Book now for retreat, workshop, meeting, business to attend to than or corporate events. tackling trumps at once. An Look us up on the Internet: early trump lead gives the defense time to establish a 7441 FM 1123, #41 • Belton, TX 76513 club trick. Instead, declarer Fax: 254-939-6183 • Phone: 254-939-6194 should win the club lead EMail: [email protected] with the king and play the A-10 of hearts, deliberately rejecting the heart finesse in order to establish an im- mediate heart trick in dum- my. If South plays in this Book now for retreat, workshop, meeting, 110906 Summers Mill 2x3.5 fashion, he winds up losing or corporate events. with lightened and layout shifted. only a spade, a heart and a diamond, and so makes the contract. West can take his king of hearts and return a club, but South wins with dummy’s ace and discards his remaining club on the queen of hearts. By attacking hearts first, South wins the crucial Retreat & Conference race against time. He devel- Center ops a heart trick before the A SPECIAL PLACE - defense can develop a club for groups, large or small to relax, find inspiration, trick. If declarer leads the and return to the pace of yesteryear. wrong suit at trick two, he loses a vital tempo and goes Look us up on the Internet: down one. 7441 FM 1123, #41 • Belton, TX 76513 (c) 2012 King Features Fax: 254-939-6183 • Phone: 254-939-6194 Synd., Inc. EMail: [email protected] Cool off with summer melons June 21, 2012, salado Village Voice, Page 7B Watermelon Granita Salado Civic Center Designed to serve the Village of Salado Serves 8 Also: This icy treat makes the Bandstand - Gazebo most of rich ripe water- Rental Rooms For: melon. Melons can vary in Family/Class Reunions flavor quite a bit, so taste the mixture before freez- Weddings - Wedding Receptions ing and add more honey or Rehearsal Dinners lime if desired. Business Meetings & Luncheons Style Shows • Concerts Ingredients 8 cups seedless water- honey and lime juice and Using a large fork, 601 North Main Street melon chunks, divided process until smooth. Pour flake granita into bowls or 2 tablespoons honey into the baking dish, stir into an airtight container (254) 947-8300 2 tablespoons lime juice until combined, and place to freeze up to 1 week. 1/4 cup chopped fresh uncovered in the freezer. Serve garnished with mint mint or basil (optional) Freeze until ice begins to or basil, if desired. form around edges of pan, Nutrition Place half of water- about 30 minutes. Rake Per serving: 60 calo- SALADO MERCANTILE melon in a food processor with a fork to break up ries (0 from fat), 0g total 371 S. Main St. • • 254-231.1399 and process until smooth. large ice clumps; return to fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg Pour into a 9x13-inch freezer; continue stirring cholesterol, 0mg sodium, IT'S TIME TO TAKE IN SUMMER glass baking dish. Add about every 30 minutes 16g total carbohydrate (1g remaining watermelon to until all liquid is crystal- dietary fiber, 14g sugar), with glass of STRAWBERRY LEMONADE, the processor along with ized, about 3 hours total. 1g protein A DUBLIN SODA POP OVER ICE CREAM, OR A FROZEN FRUIT PARFAIT. At the Mercantile we are cooling things off, put your toesies in the creek and come Melon Ambrosia sit on our deck for a delicious treat!

Serves 6 to 8 Fresh summer can- taloupe and honeydew melons put a delight- ful spin on a classic fruit q salad in this version that is deliciously creamy with- out cream!

Ingredients 2/3 cup canned 365 Every- Everyday Value Mandarin chill for at least 1 hour, day Value Organic Coco- Oranges, drained top with toasted coconut Springhouse nut Milk 1/2 cup unsweetened and serve. 1/2 banana

coconut flakes, toasted Nutrition See Springhouse Salado on Facebook 3 cups 1/2-inch cubes Per serving: 190 calo- cantaloupe and honeydew Purée coconut milk and ries (110 from fat), 12g melon banana in a blender until total fat, 6g saturated fat, q 1 cup seedless red grapes, smooth; transfer to a large 0mg cholesterol, 20mg halved bowl. Add melon, grapes, sodium, 19g total carbo- 1/2 cup chopped pecans, 120 Royal Street 254-947-0747 pecans and oranges; toss hydrate (3g dietary fiber, toasted to combine. Cover and 15g sugar), 2g protein 2 (4 ounce) cups 365 StoneCreek Strawberry Melon Settlement Gazpacho B&B Cottages MUD PIES

Serves 8 POTTERY Traditionally made HAND THROWN POTTERY with tomatoes, this ONE PIECE AT A TIME refreshing twist on an old favorite can be served as a Handmade dessert soup at the end of a Pottery, hearty meal or as part of a Homemade brunch buffet. Janelle’sFine Furnishings & Unique Decor Fudge Ingredients Furniture OVER 50 FLAVORS 2 cups (1-inch cubes) can- including Sucrose free taloupe Place cantaloupe, Nutrition Custom Florals 2 cups (1-inch cubes) seed- watermelon, cucumber, Per serving: 45 calo- Upholstery Gluten Free less watermelon half of strawberries, and ries (5 from fat), 0g total lime juice in a food pro- Accessories 1 cucumber, peeled, fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg 18 N. Main Salado seeded and chopped cessor and blend until cholesterol, 5mg sodium, 947-0423 254-947-9099 1 pound organic strawber- puréed. Chop remaining 11g total carbohydrate (2g 9280 Union Grove Lane 888-777-8844 947-0281 strawberries and stir into dietary fiber, 8g sugar),1g Located on 2484 ries, hulled, divided overlooking the lake Closed Tuesday 1 tablespoon fresh lime the soup. Refrigerate until protein juice chilled.

Smellin’ the melon TranQuil Gardens R.V. Park How does one choose a sweet and “perfumy”, it Choose a good melon by (254) 947-5192 good melon? Sniff it out. will be sweet. Sniff at the selecting one that is heavy One of the best ways to blossom end – press your for its size [email protected] choose a good melon is finger at this end, and the Quiet Country Setting by the smell. If it smells melon should give slightly. Exit 286 off IH-35 • 2 miles West on FM 2484 5644 FM 2484 • Salado, TX 76571 Recipes and photos courtesy of Whole Foods Markets, Inc. Free Wi-Fi • Full Hookups • Pull Throughs For more recipes and ideas, visit Page 8B, salado Village Voice, June 21, 2012 Buffalo Gourd when they are crushed. Gary F. Slanga Buffalo gourd is a fast Central Texas Master Gardener growing perennial that is very drought tolerant. I was asked recently It sends out long vines about a vining plant grow- from a large underground ing native here in Central tuberous root that can be Texas that was producing Figurines as large as 16 inches in gourds the size of base- diameter at the ground Candles balls but was colored like level and which usually mini-watermelons. That Blankets splits into two descending plant is a member of the roots that can go as deep a T-Shirts Cucurbitaceae or Squash three feet. From this tuber, family. Its scientific name Collars the long vines can extend is Cucurbita foetidissima. for hundreds of feet along Garden Accessories Its most common name is which large triangular buffalo gourd and is na- Jewelry for Pets & People green/gray leaves are pro- tive to the southwest. It is duced. The gourd itself is NOW LOCATED also known as wild pump- usually 3-4 inched in di- Inside Southern Comforts kin, wild gourd, Missouri ameter. 22 North Main gourd, Coyote gourd, or This plant has a long fetid gourd. The last name history dating back an (254) 947-0595 derived from the fetid odor estimated 5000 years as Buffalo Gourd stands out with its mini-watermelon colored fruit. Virtually every produced by the leaves evidenced by seeds found part of the gourd has a use from insecticide to laundry soap. in archeological digs at Hinds Cave historic site in a combination of sapo- centrations found in this tral Texas? Contact ask. OLD FASHIONED BURGERS near the Pecos River. Na- nins, steroids, and sugars native plant. So keep the [email protected] & ICE-CREAM tive Americans for a va- will foam when water is children and pets from Bell County master 882 North Main Street riety of uses valued this added and was used as a chewing or tasting them to gardeners are taking ap- plant. The root was used shampoo and as hand and a great extent. plications now for the next Sun - Thur: 11 AM – 7 PM for medicinal purposes, laundry soap. An expanded list of yearly class starting Janu- Fri - Sat: 11 AM – 9 PM the seeds are edible, and A word of caution is uses for this interesting ary 2013. Space is limited! the dried gourd, which in order. The fruit and and ancient plant, along Applications can be down- DRIVE-THRU NOW OPEN! turns yellow when mature, roots contain high levels with some recipes for its loaded from the website or (254)-947-5271 was used as a rattle in ritu- of a group of triterpenoid use, can be found at the picked up at the AgriLife als. The fetid odor of the glycosides that can be poi- New Mexico State Uni- Extenstion Office, 1605 crushed leaves is said to sonous in high concentra- versity web site http:// North Main, Belton, Tex- act as an insect repellent tions. All members of the as. 254-933-5305. The all- and insecticide. The oil domestic squash family falo.shtm inclusive fee is $250. can be used in cosmetics, produce these chemicals, Have any questions and the root, which is rich but not in the high con- about gardening in Cen- Silver Spur Theater continued from page 1B Askins, a retired has acted in and directed “Master Teacher” of Math more than 20 shows, most and Theatre Arts at Salado recently directing “...Char- High School, has appeared lie Brown” and “Nun- in more than 50 stage pro- sense” at the Spur. She ductions as an actor in earned her B.S. degree in California and Texas. He English and drama from has directed numerous the University of Mary plays at the Silver Spur Hardin Baylor, her M.A. Finders Keepers Theatre, including “The in Literature from Texas 39 Steps” last year. He has State University San once again authored the Marcos, and her doctorate Cool Treasures,Unique Decor & Gifts upcoming Summer Melo- in Education and Curricu- drama at the Spur. lum. 1211 N. Stagecoach “Axelrod’s script excels Thomssen makes his Tues. - Sat. 10 a.m. 5:30 p.m. better than most at having Is the apartment-sitting cutie real or imagined? Spuradical Players debut the lead character talk to as Sherman’s presumed 1(325) 665-5669 ers and Barnum & Bailey Center. She performed himself in order to explain Circus, performing as as a child at Disneyland, rival for his wife’s affec- the plot to the audience,” clowns in the “The Great- Disney World and Six tion. He’s played Ebene- Askins explained. “This est Show on Earth.” Flags Theme Parks. zer Scrooge in Salado alternation between real- He has been sharing The “blonde bomb- Tablerock amphitheater’s ity and fantasy is plausible the gift of laughter for 23 shell” continued in various annual production of “A because we can know just years as a professional TV-radio commercials as Christmas Carol.” He’s what this man is think- entertainer in theater, tele- well as theatrical touring also Executive Director ing: he verbalizes every- vision, movies, circus and shows: “Will Rogers’ Fol- of the Temple Symphony thing. It’s a writers dream, street performances. lies,” “Anything Goes,” Orchestra. but can be an actor’s Lenz’s entertainment “Cabaret” and many more. Ewton’s stage cred- nightmare. Fortunately, career started in the 1980s From 1996 to 2009, Melo- its include authoring and Grainger Esch can pull it as an actor/singer and pro- dee was a voice actor in appearing as the heroine off.” fessional tap dancer by many of the highest rated in summer melodramas. Seasoned Cast the age of six. She was shows on the Cartoon Net- Ewton and Bentley were Esch and co-lead Lenz featured in 15 national work, “The Kidd Kradd- both in the Spur shows have a common expe- commercials by age 11, ick in the Morning Show” “Steel Magnolias” and rience, but at different gaining the attention of and many Sony PS2/PS3 “Bell, Book and Candle” times. Both have toured and eventually training video games. and “The 39 Steps.” with the Ringling Broth- with Gregory Hines and She received a Telly Blackman is the the- The Broadway Dance Award and a Children’s ater’s longtime-Technical Emmy Award for her role Director and a Spuradi- cal since 2004, having on the BBC/PBS shows Gypsy’s “Camp AOK” and “Sci- appeared in more than 25 C ence A-Go Go!” and was productions, most nota- Ladies Clothing l featured on many episodes bly in “The Foreigner” Florals Gifts Indulgences Vintage & Upscale Consignments o of “Barney & Friends.” in 2008. He has appeared in film and television s She is now playing the role 25% off SALE of Detective Ange in the projects for The Disney

Located Midtown #8 Rock Creek e Channel and Arkansas

(just a few steps off Main) Corner of Royal & Main new web series, “Bailout”. t Educational Television 947-0140 Bentley, who teaches (254) 947-0240 English at Salado H.S., Network. OPEN Tues - Sat 10 - 5 p.m. Deadline for Classified ads is noon Mondays Real Estate Services For Sale Jobs Classifieds Section C Marketplace Salado Village Voice Marketplace Classifieds June 21, 2012

Over 100 years of real estate experience

These are just a few of our listings. To view all of our listings and virtual tours, visit Follow us on Facebook. Valerie, Melanie, and Bill (254) 947-5050 (back) Paul, Sue Ellen, Debbie, and Ann

257 Windmill Hill 1408 Arnold Palmer Circle 1013 Mill Creek Dr. 913 Hillcrest Dr. 12220 FM 2484 on 7+ ac., Salado Salado Salado Salado on 23+ ac., Salado $434,721 $394,721 $349,721 $319,721 $299,921

8373 FM 2843 4335 W. Amity 1724 Chisholm Tr. 4391 Barnes Rd. 1201 Yellow Rose on 5.58 ac., Salado Salado Salado Belton Salado $215,721 $279,721 $267,521 $249,721 $234,521

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• Creeks of Salado: Estate-sized lots starting at $60,000. • 26 + ac. homesite on Spotted Horse Lane, fenced for cattle. • Mill Creek lots: $25,000 - $89,000 • 27 ac. with creek, tank and 3 sides fenced. • Hidden Springs lots: $31,500 - $55,000 • 41 ac. with nice views and road frontage on 2 sides. • Windy Hill Ranch: lots beginning at $45,000. • 51.2 acres on I-35 in Belton, all utilities. • South Shore lots- 11 lots for $139,021 total. • 71.8 acres, near Academy, on Hwy 95. • 3 acres, Royal St. backs up to future development of Mill Creek. • 75 acres on Stillhouse Lake, views, trees, close in. • 5.5 acre homesite, Holland I.S.D. • 76 acres south of Salado, lovely views. • 10+ acres, east of Holland. • 93 acre hilltop homesite in Holland, ponds and barn. • 13 and 15 acres, native pasture and farmland near Academy. • 180 acres, excellent location, FM 1670 • 18 acre homesite on private lake near Thrall. • 219 ac. on Little Flock Rd., ponds, pasture and farmland. • 22 ac. on Fox Rd- between Salado - Belton • 287 ac. near Kempner, creek, pond, 3 houses • 25 acres, Stillhouse Lake.

860 N. Main St. (next to Subway) • Salado, TX 76571 (800) 352-1183 Page 2C , June 21, 2012 SALADO Village Voice Classified Advertising

Services Visit www.cedarval- Mill Road $283,000. Call by the grand great room to find Raney and Associates: with high ceilings, custom CBS Construction out more about the facility woodbeams and large Pet Sitting/House 254-913-1215. on FM 2843 or call 512- windows overlooking the Septic tanks Sitting. Responsible 2/09tfnf care for your pets in their 417-7196. 11/24tfnb swimming pool. $599,875. House pads Call Ryan 541-2255.First home. Call Heather, 254- Beautiful 10.43 StowAway Storage Texas Brokerage 254-947- Driveways 421-3180. 6/14-6/28p acres with trees and Household -Commercial 55779 /8tfn wet weather creek 10X10 - 10x20- 22x40 Lot clearing We clean really- complete with a 4 bed- Clean, lighted, fenced, Key Rock Breaking clean! Let us do the room, 3 1/2 bath home with work for you. $69.97, punch entry. 947-5502 or approximately. 2850 sq. ft. Old world Charm Top Soil Friendly Folks Cleaning 721-1807 Paul Sanford - Party/workshop/barn has and Custom crafts- Service, 254-721-1101. Owner tfnb approximately 2200 sq. ft. manship can be seen Chet Sutton, owner-operator -4/26tfnb Beautiful country setting throughout this Texas Storage space in yet close to the Village of Hill Country Farm House Salado 8X12, 16X24 on 4.9 tree-covered acre 254 Cell Painting Interior Salado. 4490 Royal Street 718-1752 and up. Some have drive- estate. Features include: and Exterior, Sheet- $567,000 Call Raney and rock, tape, float and tex- in doors. Salado Storage Associates: 254-913-1215. Spray foam insulation. 2 Matthew Daniel Mowing & Lawn Service ture. Most exterior 1 story 947-5575 tfnb 0202tfnf tankless water heaters. Mowing • Edging • Trimming • Mulching • Blowing $700 Two -story $1,100. 2-16 seer AC/Heating units $549,900. Call Ryan 541- Brush Removal • Tree Work • Stump Grinding Free Estimate. 30 years Home on 16 plus Flower Bed Work • Fall & Spring Fertilizer Commercial 2255. First Texas Broker- experience. Call E-Z Coat- acres East of Rock Masonry • Concrete Work age 947-5577 9/8tfn Insect Management • Painting ings. 254-947-8551 or 254- Property Salado. Very quiet and Minor Sprinkler Repair 220-5250 0630tfnb private. Formerly a train For Sale Elegant Austin Free Estimates & Excellent References depot, this home has been Established 2004 ~ Funding My Education Stone Home on Mary Kay Enriching renovated to include a Choice Commercial tree-covered lot. (254) 913-5473 • (254) 939-7280 Women’s Lives. Large large living, dining, kitchen Property in the cell home inventory. Prompt service. area that overlooks a gor- Large covered back patio heart of Salado’s amharwell@embarqmail. geous negative edge pool. overlooking the tropical historic district. New Screens Commercial Store Fronts com 254-258-4460 Con- Hardwood floors through- landscaping and swimming Three buildings with net Custom Storm Windows Custom Designed Mirror sultant for 18 years. tfnb out living areas, beaded pool. Granite counters, Custom Storm Doors Residential Glass Repair rentable space of 5,592 wood ceiling, detailed stainless steel appliances. Patio Door Repair Shower Doors square feet on Thomas $499,900 Call First Texas Avon in Salado Con- wood work throughout Arnold Road. The site is tact LaVerne Gore to get home. Master Suite has Brokerage 947-5577 9/8 .63 acres at the corner of a brochure or to place an separate shower/tub and tfn Thomas Arnold and Church Glass & Window, Inc. order 947-0710, 2/807tfnb is separate from guest Street. Easy access to I-35 3010 S. Gen. Bruce • Temple, Texas 76504 rooms. Two large living If you are looking (254) 774-9361 • Fax (254) 774-1900 and Salado’s Main Street. for character, this Trees, Shrubs & areas. $558,521 Century $390,000. Call Anna Lou home has it! This Landscaping, Prun- 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050b JIM & SHEILA MOHLER Owners Raney (254) 913-0469. charming home makes ing, www.victor- 2/2tfnf 6/16tfnf you feel like you are living mareklandscaping. in a tree house. Enjoy the com. 1-512-818-3822, Beautiful live oak cozy game room or walk B. DALTON Removal and Hauling. Homes trees surround this Flower beds, yard work, 3A BR 2 B , two dining out onto the enclosed deck top soil. Serving Salado 29 For Sale home in Carriage House and relax as you overlook CONSTRUCTION years. tfn Estates. Tile throughout Salado. Recently updated $237,500 3BR, 2 living area, dining and kitchen and master bath. CUSTOM INTERIORS BA home on 8 acres kitchen. Split bedrooms Master bedroom is upstairs and 2 bedrooms/bath are REMODELING and NEW CONSTRUCTION arage 5353 Royal St. 254-947- with a deck off the master G , 5916 6/21tfnb downstairs. Beautiful hard- COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL bedroom. Home is located Auctions, on approximately 3/4 acres wood floors in game room, $425,000 Beau- for additional privacy. living area and master bed- OVER 25 YEARS of EXPERIENCE state ale E S tiful house, barn, Minutes from downtown room. Tons of storage in cottage, plus 5 acres. Salado. $279,721 Century home. Gorgeous waterfall. Large Sale 5640 W. Amity BRITT DALTON Blackberry Rd. Salado 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050 $319,721 Century 21 Bill June 23, Sat. only 9-5 pm. 254-721-6466 721-4679 0112tfn Bartlett 947-5050 0707tfnf 6/21p 6/14tfnb This home is immacu- Home in Mill Creek late! Open living con- Perfect home over- with beautiful land- cept with pretty hardwood looking the Texas scaped yard that Help floors. Lots of space with Sell it in the Classifieds Hill County. Hill adjoins golf course. 15 words are $7 per weekWanted country flavored home Home sits on cul-de-sac 4 BR, 2.5 BA plus a flex on 5 gorgeous acres with large trees in front and room. Large kitchen with (.25 for each word after) Pre Paid with barn for horses back yard. 4 BR 3 BA two lots of cabinets, beautiful $429,900. More info at living and 2 dining. Open blacksplash. Tile in all wet www.1349hiddensprings. areas. The back yard has Pets & Farm living kitchen area. Split Bring it by our office in Salado Plaza com Call First Texas Bro- bedrooms with wonder- lots of room with privacy or email your ad copyA nitom als kerage 947-5577 ful master suite. Sepa- fence. $219,500 Century rate shower/tub in master 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050 [email protected] Picturesque! 2 bath. Granite counter tops Built in Approxi- For Sale living areas, large in kitchen with island. Ads accepted until noon on Monday kitchen & dining, master Wrought iron fence in back mately 1873, this bedroom & study down, 2 double dog run Quality antiques yard. $394,721 Century bedrooms up plus living home is registered in the Salado Creek Antiques, 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050 area. Detached garage for National Registry of His- 500 IH 35 Access Rd. tfnf 5/10tfn for questions call (254) 947-5321 RV, car, golf cart or four torical places. Step back, cars. Second building has relax and enjoy the old Cash ~ Check ~ Visa ~ Mastercard Escape to your own water pump with a hold- world charm in this home $ Storage resort all on 5 pristine ( 20 minimum on credit card transactions) ing tank plus an office or acres. As you walk into exercise room. 1512 Old this home you will be taken continued on page 3C 1 block off Main on Pace pier and beam, 3 BR Beautiful Salado June 21, 2012 SALADO Village Voice, Page 3C Park Dr. Could be used as 2 BA home just a short Property Creek front proper- walk from Main Street in ty on 27 acres adjoin- a home or a shop or both. for Sale $179,900. First Texas Bro- Salado. Step up on a cov- ing Mill Creek fronting on kerage 254-947-5577 ered front porch and enter VanBibber Rd. Outstand- on a real wood floor that ing home sites overlooking creates a warm “welcome Bell County Land - Salado Creek. Call Glenn 2 ac, 3 ac, 13, ac, 22 ac, home” feel. Only seven lots with First Texas Brokerage Attractive 3 BR 2 27 ac, 40 ac, 51 ac, 60 ac, B&K Small Engine Repair in the subdivision make it 254-947-5577 9/8tfn 5571 West Hwy 190 Belton BA home on the golf 180 ac, many more tracts truly an intimate neighbor- Lawn Mowers (all sizes) course . Hardwood floors to choose from. Century 21 hood. $205,021. Century Commercial Trimmers • Edgers throughout home with Bill Bartlett Salado- 254- 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050 Chain-Saws • Generators tile in bathrooms. Roomy 947-5050 11/10 tfnf Land for Golf Carts Service & Repair master bedroom. Master 8/7tfnf Sale Prompt Professional Service bath is spacious with Ja- 1400 Acres FM Most all makes and models Choice Commercial Pick -up and delivery available cuzzi tub and large closet. 2843. Fully game Beautiful home with Property in the Formal dining room area proofed ranch with 4 BR, 3.5 ba and a heart of Salado’s (254) 933-7557 which could be enclosed live water, springs, game bright open floor- historic district. for office if needed. Back- managed, spring fed tanks, plan. This property fea- Three buildings with net yard overlooks golf course. rolling hills, excellent tree tures granite countertops, rentable space of 5,592 Area off covered patio has cover, hunting lodge, five Bell County high ceilings, and plenty of square feet. The site is Flooring wrought iron fence. Nice bucks to one doe ratio. custom cabinets and stor- .63 acres at the corner of trees in front and back Cir- Mustang Creek flows Providing Bell County with age. The 2 acre lot is cov- Thomas Arnold and Church the best in quality flooring cular drive. Pretty home. through the middle of the ered with native live oaks Street. Easy access to I-35 $219,521 Century 21 Bill ranch. $3,995 per acre. l Hardwood Floors and overlooks from the and Salado’s Main Street. l Laminate Bartlett 947-5050 5/10tfnf Call Glenn. 718-2000. First deck and large outdoor liv- Thomas Arnold Road l Ceramic Tile Texas Brokerage 254-947- ing area $359,021. Century $390,000. Call Raney and l Vinyl Flooring Quaint, charming, 5577 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050 Associates: 254-913-1215. l Carpet 0202tfnf Financing Available l Free Estimate Commercial Local Rep. Matt Rowland

Rental VISIT OUR FLOORING SHOWROOM AT Green Gardening 120 N. Muelhouse 933-1313 Two large bay units Belton Q: What are some ways at Carriage House that I can keep my garden approximately 1100 environmentally friendly? This is a Hammer sq. ft. $950 - $1150 Yardworks Unlimited -- Tucker in Hartford, month.. Village Realty 254- Conn. By Samantha Mazzotta 947-0342 Complete Lawn Care! A: A garden by itself is Available Now, Of- a great way to make a A covered barrel will dis- cals and fertilizers. CommercialBell County or Residential positive environmental courage mosquitoes from --Visit a local co-op, com- fice Space 1100 sq. ft 40 S. Flooring Main St. Suite A Call 254- FREE ESTIMATES impact, both beautifying taking up residence. munity farm or farmer’s Providing Bell County with the best in quality flooring your property and provid- --Build a compost pile to market to get informa- 254-289-2370 or ing lots of fresh herbs and use as your main source of tion on organic and envi- 947-5852 for details. l Hardwood Floors Financing Available l Laminate 254-947-0142Free Estimate vegetables -- so you don’t fertilizer and rich soil in ronmentally sustainable Residential have to make as many trips the garden. gardening. Classes or l Ceramic Tile Local Rep. Matt Rowland to the store to buy veggies --Hand-weed the garden if seminars are available in Rental l Vinyl Flooring that were trucked in. But possible. If you must use many cities for aspiring l Carpet 933-1313 there also are direct envi- chemical weed-killer, use organic gardeners. Available July 5th it exactly as directed on There’s plenty of infor- 120 N. Muelhouse Belton ronmental issues concern- Very clean 3-2-2 w/strg The Dog Spot ing the care of a garden, the package or bottle. mation out there, so head such as the impact of --Use the right amount of to the Internet and look shed Tile floors, shady chemical fertilizers and fertilizer recommended around. yard, quiet street. $1050 and cats too..... (512) 844-1233 6/14tfnb bug sprays. There are a for the types of plants in • Indoor/Outdoor Suites • Group Playtime Available number of ways to reduce your garden. Too much HOME TIP: A list of tips • Special Cat Condos • Grooming/Warm Baths this impact: fertilizer can result in on organic and sustainable 3BR/ 3BA, 2 living, --Catch rainwater in a excess runoff into nearby gardening, composting 2 dining, Study, 2 car Salado’s first luxury dog & cat barrel to use in watering streams or lakes, ecosys- and more can be found at garage 3/4 acre lot, avail- boarding, doggie daycare & the lawn and garden: place tems that often are already http://www.globalstew- able July 1. $2,000 mo. grooming facility 403 Thomas Arnold Rd. (Across from the Elementry School) the barrel underneath stressed by lawn chemi- $1,000 deposit. 931-9373 your home’s downspout. htm. Your Pet’s Second Home Charming, spacious, 254-947-3647(DOGS) Clean 2 bedroom, 2 Place a Classified bath duplex $650. Name: 760-4440 10/7tfnb Address: Yount Sewer & Drain City: State: Zip: Septic Service, L.C. Phone: E-mail: Septic tank & grease trap pumping

254 947-5036 947-4222 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BELTON GLASS FREE ESTIMATES Windows Showers & Mail with payment to: Salado Village Voice, PO Box 587, Salado, TX 76571 Locally Owned and • Commercial Mirrors Email: [email protected] Operated by • Residential Framed and or call 254-947-5321 for credit card orders ($20 minimum) David Preston • Energy Saving Heavy Glass Continued on page 4C 15 words for $7 and .25 per word after Licensed by the Structural Pest Est. DEADLINE MONDAY NOON Control Board TPCL #12512 1974 617 Waco Road • Belton 939-1301 Page 4C, SALADO Village Voice, June 21, 2012 Defining “sustainable communities”/Curbing pollution from power plants Subscribe Dear EarthTalk: The a community’s efforts to ton, DC-based non-profit term “sustainable com- be sustainable depends on CONCERN Inc. Those munities” gets bantered its members’ commitment looking to learn more Today around quite a bit today. and involvement as well as about sustainable com- $ Could you define it for leadership that is inspir- munities and what makes 26 for 12 months me? -- Holly ing, effective and respon- them tick should be sure to inside Bell County* Parker, Mechanicsburg, sive. check out, PA Some of the ways ISC Sustainable Communi- has worked to further ties Online’s information- (254) 947-5321 Kaid Benfield, Sus- its goals include helping packed website. [email protected] tainable Communities teach leaders from low CONTACTS: NRDC program director at the income U.S. communities Sustainable Communities, *outside Natural Resources De- along the Gulf of Mexico fense Council (NRDC), able-communities/; Insti- Bell County $28 uses the term “sustainable tute for Sustainable Com- communities” to describe munities,; outside Texas $38 places “where use of re- Sustainable Communities sources and emissions Online, www.sustainable. of greenhouse gases and org. other pollutants are going down, not up; where the Dear EarthTalk: I air and waterways are ac- understand the Environ- cessible and clean; where mental Protection Agen- land is used efficiently cy recently took steps H H H H H H H H and shared parks and pub- to limit pollution from lic spaces are plentiful power plants. What are LONE STAR GRADING and easily visited; where people of different ages, income levels and cul- H H & MATERIALS tural backgrounds share equally in environmental, social and cultural ben- COMMERCIAL H RESIDENTIAL efits; where many needs INDUSTRIAL of daily life can be met within a 20-minute walk EXCAVATION • GRADING • SITE PREPARATION and all may be met within a 20-minute transit ride; YARDS • LOT CLEARING • PADS • ROADS where industry and eco- DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS nomic opportunity em- phasize healthy, environ- ALL TYPES DIRT WORK • MATERIALS & HAULING mentally sound practices.” In his March 2011 Photo by thinkstock ***FREE ESTIMATES*** NRDC ‘Switchboard’ Green groups are optimistic that the EPA’s recent blog post entitled “A Trip proposal to limit carbon dioxide emissions from new (254) 947-0149 or (254) 933-7900 to Sustainaville,” Benfield coal- and gas-burning power plants will become a rule H H lays out his vision for what and will help take a significant bite out of U.S. green- H H H H H a model of sustainable H H H house gas pollution. communities could look like, with neighborhoods how energy efficiency and the details? sporting healthy amounts ecological restoration can -- Maddie Samberg, via of green space and shared revitalize their otherwise e-mail vegetable gardens; mass struggling economies; transit, biking and walk- developing community In March 2012 the U.S. ing replacing the majority sustainability initiatives Environmental Protection of automobile traffic; and throughout Agency (EPA) proposed mixed use communities war-ravaged parts of the first nationwide emis- where schools, residences Kosovo, Serbia and Mace- sion standards to limit and commercial spaces donia; installing green carbon dioxide emissions are near each other and are roofs on residences in the from new coal- and gas- powered by solar panels, Chinese city of Shenzen burning power plants. geothermal heat pumps or as a pilot project to show And while the operative windmills. how such “technologies” word here is “new”—the According to the Ver- can yield significant car- standards would not ap- mont-based Institute for bon sequestration and oth- ply to plants currently in Sustainable Communities er environmental benefits, operation or those that be- (ISC), sustainable com- and many more. gin construction over the munities are “economical- Key to any consider- next year—they would ef- ly, environmentally and ation of what makes a fectively cut carbon emis- socially healthy and resil- community sustainable is sions in half over the life- ient” and meet “challenges the acknowledgement that time of a new power plant. through integrated solu- there is no such thing as According to the EPA, the tions rather than through perfection. “Sustainability standards reflect the ongo- fragmented approaches.” is a process of continuous ing trend in the power sec- And perhaps more im- improvement so commu- tor toward cleaner plants portant: Sustainable com- nities constantly evolve deploying the latest in munities take a long-term and make changes to ac- American-made pollution perspective, focusing on complish their goals,” re- minimizing technologies. “both the present and fu- ports Sustainable Commu- ture, well beyond the next nities Online, a web-based “The nation’s electricity budget or election cycle” information and network- comes from diverse and so that the needs of the ing clearinghouse started largely domestic energy current as well as future in the 1990s by a broad sources, including fossil generations are met with coalition of sustainability- adequate resources. ISC oriented organizations and adds that the success of ontinued on page managed by the Washing- C 5C June 21, 2012 salado Village Voice, Page 5C EarthTalk FROM Page 4C fuels, nuclear, hydro and, Clayton Daniel increasingly, renewable energy sources,” reports the EPA. “The proposed Air Conditioning and Refrigeration standard would not change (254) 541-5680 this fact, and EPA put a fo- cus on ensuring this stan- dard provides a pathway dealer forward for a range of im- portant domestic resourc- Residential and Commercial A/C and Heat Commercial Refrigeration and New Installs es, including coal with Clayton Daniel, Owner Service on all brands technologies that reduce photo by: Thinkstock There are many ways to define a sustainable community, but in TACLA29893C carbon emissions.” general they sport healthy amounts of green space and shared vegetable gardens; $ New plants could still mass transit, biking and walking replacing the majority of automobile traffic; and Spring Check 50 with this ad choose to burn any fossil mixed use communities where schools, residences and commercial spaces are fuel to generate electricity near each other and are powered by clean, renewable energy sources. as long as modern carbon wards providing that pro- reduction technologies are Britt Heating & tection.” employed. Greens are optimistic Environmentalists are that the proposal will be- Air Conditioning cheering the EPA’s move [email protected] come a rule. In concert given that power plants Installations • Repairs with clean car standards (254) 947-0051 are the largest individual the EPA announced in Office sources of carbon pollu- 947-5263 2010—mobile sources tion in the U.S., respon- contribute some 30 per- Mobile 760-1004 sible for some 40 percent cent to our overall carbon Serving Salado for 25 years of our overall greenhouse Donations gratefully accepted emissions—the new pow- TACL #B006640 gas emissions. Despite er plant standards should this huge pollution bur- help take a significant bite den, currently there are no out of U.S. greenhouse gas Minor and Major Repairs uniform national limits on clawson disposal pollution. the amount of carbon pol- Foreign and Domestic “These standards will lution that future power help further the progress service plants will be able to emit. offers great garbage service we are making towards a “The Supreme Court at a competitive price. cleaner, more secure fu- has found in two landmark C&W AUTO REPAIR ture for energy in Amer- Container & curbside recycling also available. cases, Massachusetts v. ica,” says Fred Krupp, State Inspections & Detailing EPA and American Elec- president of the non-profit tric Power v. Connecti- 512-746-2000 Environmental Defense 947-5782 • 889 FM2268 cut, that it is the EPA’s job Fund (EDF). “We will use under the Clean Air Act our nation’ electricity re- to protect the American W. J. Martone sources more efficiently to 512-746-2172 We Emphasize Quality people from dangerous cut energy costs for fami- Double J Johnnie R. Martone carbon pollution, includ- CENTER POINT lies and businesses, mo- 512-635-4064 ing the carbon pollution AIR CONDITIONING CORP bilize ‘Made in the USA’ Tree No Job too Small from the nation’s fleet of Service, Sales and Installation technologies and fuels for Free estimates new and existing power of A/C & Heating Systems cleaner energy generation, plants,” reports David Do- Service and ensure that America LOT CLEARING niger of the Natural Re- ACREAGE MOWING (254) 939-8713 will lead the global race to CHIPPING/MULCHING Fred Newbury, Jr.-Owner sources Defense Council TREE TRIMMING & REMOVAL a clean energy economy.” 2nd Generation A/C Contractor (NRDC), another leading LICENSED SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION CONTACTS: EPA TRACTOR WORK TACL A 2124 C (Class A) environmental non-profit 24 HR EMERGENCY CALL “Carbon Pollution Stan- Serving all of Bell County backing stronger pollu- dard for Power Plants,” tion standards. “EPA’s ‘new source performance Salado Plumbing Parts, Sales & Service standard; NRDC, www. standard’ for new power; EDF, www.edf. Chain Saw Sharpening a critical step to- org. “We are ready” In home repairs suscribe today E&E Air-Cooled Engines (254) 947-5321 947-5800 24767 FM 2268 • Salado, Texas Master LIC M 16892 Shindaiwa Dealer • 947-8006 Eddie Knight, Owner • P.O. Box 305, Holland, TX 76534 Page 6C, SALADO Village Voice, June 21, 2012 DPS urges drivers to move over, slow down for Tow Trucks This week the Texas De- lative session, tow trucks partment of Public Safety were added to the existing (DPS) will place special en- law, which already applied forcement emphasis on the to police, fire, and EMS ve- addition of tow trucks to hicles stopped on the side (254) 624-8470 the Move Over/Slow Down of the road with emergency (254) 624-4566 law, which requires motor- lights activated. Motorists ists to move over or slow are required to vacate the Proper Pruning Sterilized Blades down when certain vehicles lane closest to the stopped are stopped on the side of vehicle (if there is more OAK WILT WARNING 6217 Miller Lane, Belton the road with emergency than one available lane in 4000 sq ft custom family home, 2+ acres, lights activated. To remind the same direction of travel) the public of this important or slow to 20 miles below Moffatt & Daughters convenient I-35 access. Salado schools. safety measure, the Texas the speed limit. 213Plumbing Mill Creek Drive, SuiteCo. 100 $530,000 Department of Transpor- “Last year, the Texas call (210) 542-1216 tation (TxDOT) will acti- Legislature amended the Service •947-4008 Repair • Remodeling vate electronic signs this Move Over/Slow Down Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. week, which will read: If law to now require motor- 24 HourMonday Service- Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tow Truck Stopped Ahead, ists to slow down or move GeorgeHome (Bubba) - Garden - MoffattLawn Care - Animal Feeds Move Over or Slow Down, over when passing a tow Key Cutting - Propane Exchange - Paint Mixing Jarrell Mini Storage It’s The Law. truck displaying emergency Fax & Copy Service - Craftsman Tools “This law is about pro- lights,” said Carol Rawson, Master Plumber Lic 555 County Road 307 viding extra protection for TxDOT Traffic Operations 254 289-5986 (local) # M-17002 Jarrell, Texas 76537 those individuals on the director. “At TxDOT, we Easy Access 1/4 Mile Off I-35 On Corner of CR305 & CR307 side of the road doing their believe this is an impor- U-Lock-It jobs, as well as the people tant step toward improving on the roadside with them,” safety for all emergency 3 Sizes to choose from said DPS Director Steven personnel, including tow Metal Buildings on Concrete McCraw. “Thanks to this truck operators, who rou- new provision, tow truck tinely work in dangerous 512-746-2000 drivers, who are usually conditions along Texas (Dial Area Code & Phone # Only No Need To Dial 1+) helping motorists in dis- highways.” tress, now have additional DPS issued more than protection under the law so 17,000 warning and cita- 213 Mill Creek Drive, Suite 100 they can do their jobs in a tions last year for violation safer environment.” of the Move Over/Slow 947-4008 During the 2011 Legis- Down law and another 6,000 through the first five months of this year. Viola- tion of this law could result ANNA LOU RANEY MIKE BOWLES DANIEL RANEY in fines up to $200. The Broker/Realtor Realtor Realtor punishment is more severe if there is property damage, 254-913-1215 254-913-0469 254-760-2591 and jail time is possible if someone is injured. 913 SOUTH RIDGE ROAD 4490 ROYAL STREET 1181 GREAT OAKS 1017 NORTH RIDGE 107 CLIFF CIRCLE Business Card 6 months of advertising cost TOTAL $416 Fabulous custom estate Beautiful 10.43 acres with Light and bright home situ- Former home of famous Beautiful Austin stone home with amenities: furniture trees and wet weather ated on close to 2 acres with writer A C Green and de- on quiet cul-de-sac with designed for the Austin creek complete with a approximately 200 trees. signed by Darwin Britt. trees and wet weather creek Home features 5 bedrooms Call Marilyn for stone home, 2 huge living 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 baths This home features 3 living with huge bluffs. This home (master suite downstairs), areas, gourmet kitchen home with approx. 2850 features 3 bedrooms plus a more details 3 1/2 baths, formal and in- areas, formal and informal with 2 dishwashers, 2 sq. ft. Party / workshop / formal dining, 2 patios, ga- dining, 3 bedrooms, 2 and study that could be 4th bed- 254-947-5321 refrigerators, granite barn has approx 2200 sq. zebo, 2 bridges over heavily half baths plus a cupola room, 2 1\2 baths, spacious counters, & oversized ft. Beautiful country set- wooded wet weather creek, and guest house. Secluded formals and an open kitchen or contact her at windows. 4 bedrooms, 4 ting yet close to the Vil- swimming pool and a place and charming! adjoining great room with 1/2 baths, garage for mo- lage of Salado to park RV. Makes enter- stone fireplace. Large patio advertising@ tor home and a charming taining a pleasure! with views. saladovillagevoice. guest house. Situated on com golf course. $795,000 $567,000 $359,000 $350,000 $298,000 CLASSIFIEDS 1512 OLD MILL ROAD 701 BAINES THOMAS ARNOLD ROAD LAND LISTINGS 15 WORDS $7 NEW LISTING Royal just east of Blackberry on the north side. Beautiful 17 wooded acres including live oaks, span- Send ads to : ish oak, ash, elm and cedar. Many possibilities. $272,000. advertising COMMERCIAL LAND PRIME LOCATION on frontage road of I-35 and Shanklin Road with Toll Bridge Road behind @saladovillagevoice. REDUCED property. $129,000 com 712 INDIAN TRAIL Beautiful lot, ideal for basement or Picturesque! 2 living areas, You will love the drive up Choice Commercial Prop- storm shelter. Home can face either Blaylock Dr. or Indian large kitchen & dinning, mas- and the interior of this erty in the heart of Salado’s Trail. 94 X 105 $34,000. ter bedroom & study down, charming home! There are historic district. Three build- Display 2 bedrooms up plus living 3 bedrooms and 2 baths ings with net rentable space INDIAN TRAIL Beautiful lot ready for building, in Salado Creek Place. Gazebo and bridge over wet weather creek. area. Detached garage for with the master down. of 5,592 square feet. The site Advertising All you need to do is build your dream home. West of 617 RV, car, golf cart or four cars. Other features include is .63 acres at the corner of Indian Trail. $55,000. Visit: Second building has water fireplace, beautiful wood Thomas Arnold and Church pump with a holding tank shutters, fabulous storage Street. Easy access to I-35 KEVLIN TRAIL Only 1 lot left! Premier half-acre lot, under- SaladoVillage plus an office or exercise closets, gazebo placed and Salado’s Main Street. ground utilities ready for building. $59,900. room. among the trees, and a HISTORIC DISTRICT Golden opportunity in historic dis- storage building. trict .73 Acre that backs Rock Creek. Most unusual prop- Rate & Sample $269,900 $172,000 $390,000 erty. REDUCED $79,500. sizes can be HIDDEN SPRINGS DRIVE Lot 25 is 2.90 acres with trees and wet weather creek. Beautiful building site. $64,450 viewed MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Temple/Belton Call Mike. Contact Marilyn Board of Realtors MLS advertising@ saladovillagevoice. com June 21, 2012 salado Village Voice, Page 7C

Calcet® helps stop low calcium leg cramps. Just PAID CDL TRAINING! No experience $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, ask your pharmacist. Petite Tablet TexSCAN Week of needed. Stevens Transport will sponsor the cost MH or cabin. Gated entry, $690 down, with More Calcium June 17, 2012 of your CDL training. Earn up to $40K first year ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90 days same as cash, & Vitamin D3 AUCTIONS and $70K third year. Excellent benefits! EOE, Guaranteed financing, 1-936-377-3235 1-800-333-8595, 140 ACRE RANCHES, near Ruidoso, NM. UNRESERVED PUBLIC farming/construction YOU GOT THE DRIVE, we have the direction. From $879/AC. Electric, gravel roads, good equipment auction, Friday, June 29th. Ritchies OTR drivers, APU Equipped, Pre-Pass, EZ-pass, views, great owner financing, close to National Bro’s St. Louis site: 2436 Old Country Inn pets/passenger policy. Newer equipment. 100% Forest. Hitchingpost Land Company. 1-877-289- Helps fight For those Fights ® Drive, Caseyville. Details: or NO touch. 1-800-528-7825 6650, leg cramps with milk allergies osteoporosis 1-855-331-5842 Copyright © 2012 Mission Pharmacal Company. All rights reserved. CAL-12901 EDUCATION ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VIEW Lake DRIVERS Medina/Bandera, 1/4 acre tract, central W/S/E, AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become RV/motor home/house, OK only $830 down, 25 DRIVER TRAINEES needed! Learn to an aviation maintenance tech. FAA approved $235 month (12.91%/10yr), Guaranteed financ- drive for Werner Enterprises! Earn $800 per training. Financial aid if qualified, housing ing, more information call 1-830-460-8354 Over 100 CDL-A Career Opportunities for Company Drivers! week! No experience needed. Local CDL available, job placement assistance. Call Avia- training. Job ready in 15 days. 1-888-734-6710 tion Institute of Maintenance, 1-888-886-7315 AFFORDABLE RESORT LIVING on Lake Fork. RV and manufactured housing OK! Guar- APPLY NOW! 12 drivers needed. Top 5% ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. anteed financing with 10% down. Lots starting pay, 58 years stability, 2 months CDL Class Medical, Business, Criminal Justice, Hospitality. as low as $6900, Call Josh, 1-903-878-7265 A driving experience. 1-877-258-8782. Job placement assistance. Computer available. AVERITT IS LOOKING for CDL-A Driv- Financial aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. TERRELL COUNTY, 448+ acres at $265/acre, Steady Pay & Benefits • Good Equipment ers! Great, low-cost benefits package and Call 1-888-205-8920, remote, 4-wheel drive a must, mesas and deep canyons, owner financed, 5% down. 1-210-734- weekly hometime. 4 months T/T experience HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA graduate in 4 Local Home Daily $800 - $1,000 Weekly Average 4009. required. Apply now! 1-888-362-8608, weeks! Free brochure! Call now! 1-866-562- Regional Home Weekly $900 - $1,200 Weekly Average EOE 3650, ext. 55. STEEL BUILDINGS Dallas – 800-296-6779 Houston – 866-503-5006 DRIVER- TANGO TRANSPORT now HELP WANTED STEEL BUILDINGS for homes and garages. hiring Regional OTR team. Top pay, plenty of Save thousands, low monthly payments, make El Paso, Laredo, San Antonio – 800-830-5574 WANTED: LIFE AGENTS Earn $500 a day, miles, great hometime, family medical/dental. offer on clearance orders: 40x60, 30x36, great agent benefits, commissions paid daily, 401K, paid vacations. Call 1-877-826-4605 or 25x30, 20x22; Call now: 1-800-991-9251; ask liberal underwriting. Leads, leads, leads. Life for Nicole insurance license required. Call 1-888-713-6020. DRIVERS- $2000 SIGN ON bonus. Get miles/home weekends, SW regional. Top MISCELLANEOUS VACATION PROPERTY Food ★ Fun ★ Fireworks! WEEKEND GETAWAY available on Lake pay/benefits, paid orientation and training! SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $3997.00. Make Fork, Lake Livingston or Lake Medina. 3-month OTR and CDL required. 1-800-545- and save money with your own bandmill.Cut Rooms fully furnished! Gated community 1351; lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free with clubhouse, swimming pool and boat DRIVERS - Earn $45-$60k annually. Daily or information/DVD, Wharton County ramps. Call for more information: 1-903-878- weekly pay, Van and Refrigerated freight. Single 1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N source dispatch. Flexible hometime. CDL-A, 3 7265, 1-936-377-3235 or 1-830-460-8354 months current OTR experience. 1-800-414- PET SUPPLIES FREEDOM FEST 9569 HAPPY JACK® DuraSpot: latest technology DRIVERS-OWNER OPERATORS and fleet in flea, tick, mosquito and mite control on dogs. Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! drivers TX or OK/ CDL. New pay package, sign Patented; at farm and hardware stores. Distrib- June 29 & 30, 2012 uted by K&K Vet Supply, 1-479-361-1516. www. on bonus, return to Texas every 6-8 days. Call $ Corporate Sponsor Downtown wharton texas 1-800-765-3952. Statewide Ad ...... 500 SEE OuR SChEDulE OF EvEnTS aT DRIVERS-REGIONAL FLATBED home every REAL ESTATE 301 Newspapers, 942,418 Circulation weekend, 40¢-45¢ cpm, Class CDL-A required, 2.4 ACRES in Crystal River, FL. Next to world $ flatbed load training available. 1-800-992-7863 famous Plantation Inn and golf resort and faces North Region Only ...... 230 ext. 185, Kings Bay. Zoned for commercial or multi- UPGRADE TO ORANGE! DRIVERS- SOUTHERN REGIONAL runs family. Call Jack 1-214-755-6224. 98 Newspapers, 263,811 Circulation earn 32¢-45¢ per mile. Average 2,500-3,000 14.45 ACRES, Duval County. Heavy brush cover, $ miles per week. Assigned equipment, tuition deer, hogs, turkey. Electric available, fence 2 sides, South Region Only ..... 230 reimbursement. deBoer Transportation county road. $3550/acre, low down, owner terms, 101 Newspapers, 366,726 Circulation 1-800-825-8511; O/O’s welcome! www. no credit check. Toll-free 1-866-286-0199. www. $ DRIVERS- STUDENTS 18 days from start 3 TRACKS TOTALING 693 acres in Reeves West Region Only ...... 230 to finish, earn your CDL-A. No out-of-pocket County, 15 miles North Pecos, river frontage. 102 Newspapers, 311,881 Circulation tuition cost. Step up to a New Career with FFE, Call Jack 1-214-755-6224, 1-855-356-7122 Schneider National is Hiring 20 ACRES for sale. $0 down, No credit checks, To Order:Salado Call Village this Newspaper Voice Truck Drivers Throughout Texas EXPERIENCED FLATBED DRIVERS: money back guarantee and owner financing, 254- 947-5321 Regional opportunties now open with plenty near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful mountain views. direct,[email protected] or call Texas Press Service Tanker, oil field, flaT bed, of freight and great pay. 1-800-277-0212 or Free color brochure. 1-800-755-8953, www. dedicaTed and inTermodal opporTuniTies at 1-800-749-4793 Today!

Experienced drivers and recent driving school grads NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, should apply (Tuition reimbursement may be available) contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is Extend your advertising reach with TexSCAN, your Statewide Classified Ad Network. LOCAL, REGIONAL AND Place your business card with us...... OVER-THE-ROAD CONFIGURATIONS relocation assistance available for oil field drivers contact [email protected] 1-800-44-PRIDE EOE M/F/D/V EXPERIENCE COUNTS Lawyers with more than 100 Adopt Me Truck Wrecks years combined expertise. Local roads are overwhelmed with Ryan A. Krebs, M.D., J.D. Doctor-Lawyer in Full-time Law Practice oil  eld trucks. Law enforcement Richard A. Dodd, L.C. says these trucks pose a danger to Timothy R. Cappolino, P.C. Board Certifi ed Personal Injury Trial Law and Civil Trial normal traf c. We represent local Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization NO FEE FOR FIRST VISIT people hurt by these dangerous driv- CAMERON, TEXAS ers. Call us for professional insight. 800-460-0606 We’ll come to you. Tired of High Cost Prescriptions? Bella Molly Bear Put your business We can help right here Peoples Drugs Canada ICall us TODAY toll free: 1-866-675-8257 call Salado Village Voice

™ 254-947-5321 Go Painlessly Bosco Quaker with THERA-GESIC. or email Housetrained, shots, micro chipped, Maximum strength advertising@saladovillagevoice. analgesic creme for spayed and neutered. temporary relief from: com • Joint pain [email protected] • Arthritis pain • Muscle pain (254) 947-0051 • Back pain THG-12901 Page 8C, Salado Village Voice, June 21