Summer 2005: "Gen. Alexander USA, New NSA Director"

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Summer 2005: The Link bulletin of the national cryptologic museum foundation, inc. VOLUME 8, NUMBER 2 Summer 2005 Gen. AleXander, USA, New NSA Director LTG K e i t h B. Assessments and Doctrine, J-2, for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Alexander, USA, In a variety of assignments in Germany and the United former Deputy States, he has been Commander of Border Field Office, Chief of Staff for 511th MI Battalion, 66th MI Group; 336th Army Security Intelligence, HQ, Agency Company, 525th MI Group; 204th MI Battalion; Department of the and 525th MI Brigade. Army, and prior to that Commanding He held key staff assignments as Deputy Director and General of the U.S. Operations Officer, Army Intelligence Master Plan, for the Army Intelligence Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence; S-3 and Executive a n d S e c u r i t y Officer, 522nd MI Battalion, 2nd Armored Division; G-2 for C o m m a n d the 1st Armored Division both in Germany and Operation (INSCOM— DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM in Saudi Arabia. which had earlier In addition to a Bachelor of Science degree from the U.S. incorporated Military Academy, Gen. Alexander has earned Master the former Army LTG Keith B. Alexander of Science degrees from Boston University (Business Security Agency— Administration), the Naval Post Graduate School (Systems ASA) was named Director, NSA and Chief, Central Security Technology-Electronic Warfare) and in Physics, also from Service (DIRNSA-CHCSS) in July 2005. He became the 16th the NPGS. He also holds a fourth MS degree (National military officer (and the fourth Army officer) to hold that Security Strategy) from the National Defense University. position, replacing Air Force General Hayden, who was selected in February 2005 to be the first Principal Deputy His military education includes the Armor Officer Basic Director of National Intelligence. (Mr. Bill Black, Acting Course, the Military Intelligence Officer Advanced Director, NSA, for nearly Course, the U.S. a half-year, reverted to his in this issue A r m y C o m m a n d position as Deputy Director, Gen. aleXander, new nsa director ........................................................1 and General Staff NSA.) overview ...................................................................................................................2 C o l l e g e , a n d First day cover .....................................................................................................2 the National War Gen. Alexander, a native of asa oki lives! ..........................................................................................................3 College. Syracuse, N.Y., was graduated acquisition committee report .................................................................3 bletchley park post office visits ............................................................4 f ro m t h e U.S. M i l i t a r y kami seya disaster recalled.......................................................................5 H i s b a d g e s Academy at West Point. last wwii comanche code-talker ..........................................................5 include the Senior He has served as Director victory commemoration at bp .................................................................5 Parachutist Badge, of Intelligence, United For the Bookshelf .............................................................................................6 noted in passing (budenbach, klar, neff, wilson) ..............................8 t h e A r m y S t a f f States Central Command, Corrections ...........................................................................................................9 Identification Badge MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., Safford papers found, donated ...........................................................10 and the Joint Chiefs and Deputy Director for Message center .................................................................................................11 of Staff Identification Requirements, Capabilities, memorial registry ...........................................................................................11 Badge. The Link Page 1 Overview Following the turnover of administration in Foundation goals supported by these colleagues of the Museum, noted in our past two issues, and the the past. Their donation was earmarked for the New departure of Gen. Hayden, to become the first Museum. Principal Deputy to the newly created post of Director V-E Day—Victory in Europe, sixty years ago— of National Intelligence (DNI) we welcome the was recalled in England in an impressive service arrival of LTG Keith Alexander as the new Director, recounted here by Dr. Hamer, our “liaison with NSA. The hiatus between Directors was lengthy, but Bletchley Park.” He also reports the visit here of ably filled by Bill Black as Acting Director. The office representatives of BP’s modern Post Office. of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) is being You’ll see that our small but powerful Acquisition abolished, replaced by the DNI. After decades Committee has been busy. They have also advertised of having one person head both the Intelligence on the Internet and in other publications our desire Community and the CIA, only that “second hat” will to solicit other such items suitable for display or use remain – Director, CIA. After years of serving the at the National Cryptologic Museum. DCI, we will have to see the exact nature of change In this issue’s book review, we hail the and how duties will be re-assigned. (Presumably publication of A Brief History of Cryptology,” by our DCIDs—DCI Directives—pronounced “dee-skids” former Acquisition Committee Chairman (and will become “NIDs,” – National Intelligence Directives former NSA Deputy Director for Research and -- or the like.) Gen. Alexander is no stranger to NSA Engineering), Jim Boone. We have followed Jim’s and its products and services. We look forward to work on this project and his early drafts as it matured, acquainting him with the work of the Foundation in but what an exciting thing to finally hold a copy, support of the magnificent Museum he inherits. thanks to the United States Naval Institute Press, We’re especially appreciative of the donation its publisher. In an unprecedented, but deeply received from the Army Security Agency veterans appreciated gesture, Jim has informed us that his of “Torii Station” (Okinawa). Memorializing their royalties will be donated to the NCMF for support service, and that of their comrades at what was a of the Museum. major field facility, we recognize the sacrifice it John E. Morrison represents, but it also encourages us to see our President The first day cover For the Sixtieth Anniversary of V-E Day, and the issue of new US Postal Service and Royal Mail stamps, BPPO (page 4) de- signed a first day cover based on a “Waves and Wrens” theme. The design features both museums, and the 3-wheel British and 4-wheel US-built Bombes that were operat- ed, respectively during World War Two, by Britain’s WRNS (Women’s Royal Navy Ser- vice) and the US Navy’s WAVES (Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service). The stamps were cancelled with special postmarks on the first day of issue at the show. For added interest a British diplomatic courier also flew them in and out of the US. Page 2 Summer 2005 The Link ASA Oki Lives! Thanks to the U.S. Army Security Agency Okinawa Association, the NCMF Building Fund became the recipient of a $5,000 check at a 1 July 2005 ceremony held at the Museum. And the Museum itself became NCMF Acquisition Committee the repository of a plaque commemorating Torii Station (Okinawa) and the ASA/INSCOM personnel In its report to the Foundation Board of Directors, Dave and associates who worked there over the years. D’Auria (Chairman) and David Hamer (Vice Chairman), The achievement of this goal—led by past president summarized acquisitions on behalf of the Museum, including William “Bill” Overholt and announced in The Torii items suitable for background use in exhibits. These included, Tribune, the association’s newsletter, in March 2003— in addition to books, an audiotape, and other action items: represented both support of the National Cryptologic - an original World War II security poster (with the message, Museum and dedication to shared memories of “The Only ‘Secret’ is the One Never Told”); the veterans, who raised the amount through membership contributions. Hosting a reception for - a WW II “Gibson Girl” radio transmitter, the standard lifeboat the occasion, attended by Acting Director Bill Black, transmitter for distress signals, with hand-cranked generator, NCMF President John E. Morrison commended a built-in Morse keyer and a long-wire antenna and reel; the Association representatives—including former - a U.S. Civil War era telegraph key, to replace the one on dis- commanders, Colonels Bill Vernau, Dave Wisyanski, play in the Museum (determined by visiting expert, Profes- and Walter Cressler—for their past service and sor Thomas Perera, to have been a mis-identified early 20thC thanked them, on behalf of the Foundation and the French Postal Service key); Museum, for their generous donation and memorial - arranged to receive for the Museum a DVD version of a new- plaque. An open letter to “Fellow Soldiers, Families ly produced documentary, Dayton Codebreakers, recounting the and others who served at Field Station Okinawa” from story of Joe Desch and his team at National Cash Register, NCMF Board Member, MG Thomas J. Flynn, USA Dayton, Ohio, in developing the Navy “bombe;” (Ret) commended the action and the past
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