LESSON 1 Isti’faf (Abstinence) 1. Explain the concept of Isti’faf: Ans : Isti'faf or abstinence means to seek and honesty. Abstinence means to abstain from improper behavior and all that is contrary to sense of honor and good character. 2. The importance and effects of abstinence: First: The effects of istifaf (abstinence) on individuals: 1. Higher ambition, keeping away from unimportant matters and involvement in useful things, like seeking knowledge and searching for solutions to scientific, social or humanitarian issues. Thus, man develops higher goals and endeavors which he seeks to achieve. 2. Assuming communal responsibility, for abstinence prevents from harming others. This enables an individual to conduct his duty toward his community by keeping and defending his interests and extending benefits to all creatures. 3. Winning the trust, respect and love of others. Allah, glory be to Him, says: “The good deed and the evil deed are not alike. Repel (the evil deed) with one which is better, then lo! He, between whom and you there was enmity (will become) as though he was a bosom friend." (Surat Fussilat)

Second: The effect of abstinence on society:: 1. The solidarity of society against dangers as a result of confidence among its members. 2. Freedom of society from crime because its members bear their societal responsibilities. 3. The progress and prosperity of the community as a result of diligence and high aspirations of its members. 4. Stable financial and economic dealings and exchange of benefits and interests, which strengthens the economic security of society.

3. What are the two areas of ísti’faf’ the holy verses focus on? Explain. The first area·: lsti'faf in : "And let those who cannot find a match keep chaste till Allah gives them independence by His grace." (SuratAn-Nur:33) The holy verse is mentioned in the context of urging to facilitate the affairs of marriage and make it more affordable for young people who intend to get married. However, those who cannot afford marriage for some reason or another have to be modest and abstain from adultery, which is forbidden, until Allah, glory be to Him, bestows His favor on them. They must also refrain from all that leads to adultery, such as viewing, talking, watching movies, and reading books that stirs imagination and arouse desire. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "O young men, whoever among you can afford to get married, let him do so, because it keeps the gaze down the best and it is the most protecting for the private parts; and whoever cannot afford it, let him fast, for that will be a shield for him." (Narrated by Bukhari) Keeping away from exciters and causes of adultery, while keeping oneself busy with useful things, like acts of worship and sports, is a way of observing isti'faf and abstinence. 2nd Area: lsti'faf in wealth: Allah, glory be to Him, says:

"Whoso (of the guardians) is rich, let him abstain generously (from taking of the property of orphans); and whoso is poor let him take thereof in reason (for his guardianship)." (Surat An-Nisa:6) This holy verse is in the context of encouraging to provide care for orphans and their money. The Islamic Sharia discouraged a rich guardian to benefit from an orphan's money or take from it, although he provides service for the orphan; and this is an aspect of good morals. lsti'faf in wealth in general includes all financial transactions and ways of earning money. So a Muslim refrains from unlawful ways of earning money, like robbery, usury, gambling, cheating, monopoly, fraud, trickery and other acts that are forbidden by Allah, glory be to Him, and His Messenger, peace be upon him. It also includes the ways of spending money; thus, isti'faf is realized by moderation in spending, as well as refraining from extravagance, stinginess and spending on unlawful things. 4. Write a short note on ‘ Self – purification and isti’faf: By nature, man has good and evil elements. Therefore, he needs to control his behavior and restrain evil inclinations within himself.• He has an obligation to purify himself by having good inclinations and feelings of tolerance prevail over evil in his mind and responding to virtues and good morals, thereby controlling his inclinations and desires. lsti'faf would enable him to do all that. 5. What is the tight way to develop isti'faf and abstinence, and then to acquire all virtues?

a. Observe acts of worship regularly, especially prayer. Allah, glory be to Him, says: ".. Establish prayer. Lo! Prayer preserves from lewdness and iniquity." (Surat At-Ankabut:45) b. Do voluntary prayers, remember Allah, glory be to Him, and say prayers and supplications. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, used to say frequently: [Ya muqallib al-qulub, thabbit qalbi 'ala dinik] (0 mover (or flip-flopper) of hearts, make my heart firm upon your !" (Sunan At• Tirmidhi) c. Good friends who help him to do good and keep him away from harming himself or others.

Grade 11 Death: The Gate to The Unseen World

1. Which is more frightening: death or the consequences of committing the major sin of disbelief in God? Explain your answer. The consequences of death is more frightening. The Qur’an describes the torment of the Day of Judgment in a way that makes a person extremely terrified. 2. Why is it important to learn about death? It keeps a person mindful of Allah and be conscious of his deeds. 3. What is death? Death is simply the end of life in this world. 4. What is the real reason people die? Every man’s death is certain. And when man’s predestined lifespan on earth gets over, Allah wants them to die. 5. What should you say when a loved one passes away? We should say “Inna lil-laahi wa inna ilaihi raji’oon”, which means ‘certainly we belong to Allah, and we return back to him”.

6. What should a Muslim do when he or she experiences harsh situations and thinks that death might be better than life? A Muslim must have faith and trust in Allah. He must think that Allah knows what is best for him. As Allah alone can remove difficulties and give ease, a Muslim must have patience and always seek His protection and help. For there is none to protect except Allah! 7. Describe how death happens to believers. The Angel of Death will extract soul from the believer’s body with ease so that a true believer dies in peace. 8. Describe how death happens to disbelievers. The Angel of Death will extract soul from the disbeliever’s body with difficulty so that he experiences a painful death.