Implementation of the Regulation on Rail Passengers' Rights (Ec)
ImplementatIon of the RegulatIon on RaIl passengeRs’ RIghts (eC) no 1371/2007: the RaIl seCtoR’s RepoRt OctOber 2012 Design and production: Tostaky - Photos: Kindly provided by CER members & purchased at Printed in Belgium in October 2012 Publisher: Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) Avenue des Arts 53, 1000 Brussels - Belgium - DISCLAIMER CER, nor any person acting on its behalf, may be responsible for the use to which information contained in this publication may be put, nor for any errors which may appear despite careful preparation and checking. Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged. foRewoRd : RaIl passengeRs’ rights: the vIew of the passengeR, by the euRopean passengeR fedeRatIon What’s in it for the passenger? EPF has engaged with CER and CIT on the subject of passengers’ rights for a number of years now. Although we don’t always agree, discussions have always been constructive. We do agree, for example, that there should be greater consistency in the way in which the national enforcement bodies throughout the EU exercise their responsibilities. We also both advocate greater use of alternative dispute resolution. We have just started It’s good to see in this report that operators have taken action to comply with the regulation and to see examples of what they are doing. However, much more needs to be done. Passengers rights’ provisions are only just starting to be implemented in many places and continuing efforts are needed. For example there should be greater effort to inform passengers of their rights, especially at stations.
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