
. s 10 THE WASHINGTON TIMES,1 TUESDAY; FEBRUARY 23; 1915. at usual space .rates that Fifth avenue Winsttd Correspondent has spring hats ready to shin C. O. I). WANT Bluebird Sighted, and you have It, Declares Spring Is Here Either spring in hre or else afore- BR AND NEW YORK FINANCIAL NEWS said truthful correspondent's wife has LOCAL llat-foolc- Seems Like Spring 23. come out d for ono of these NEW YORK, Feb. Thero Is no spring hats. record to tho effect that Diogenes ever Thero Is a chance that Diogenes T0 INVOLVE AMERICA New York Stocks. Local Market. Balmy Weather i Washington swung his lantern In tho streets of passed up Wlnsted, and there Is an- Wlnsted, Conn. fumous wherever tele- other one that T. C. places domestic" NEWS SENDS GOVERNMENT BONDS. BROKERS HOLD FEW Makes Many graph wires are strung as the homo pence above reputation. W Quotations furnished by W. H. Hlbbi & Bid. Asked. Think Winter's of the most truthful cot respondent vho Anyway-l- t's a little bit or Spring. Cxchang. U. 8. Co.. members ot New York Stock Rer. 2s 98S 99VJ Backbone Is ever sent In a space bill but, listen! Hlbbi lJulldlnr. V. 8. Coupon- 2's OS'.J Wft Broken. All In tho same day, and from .Wln- ' 1:30 Sat U. 8. Reh. a- 101H ... News that tho bluebird, sted: I Appeal to King Alfonso. Admiral Lord Beresford Does I.ow. p.m. Close. V. which was 23.-- llluli S. Coupon 3's 10114 ... driven away One roblnl Ono bluebird I One swarm MADRID, Feb. Kln Alfonso to- STOCKS DOWN S T,Vj I E by the blizzard of 1&99, 1 1 Alaska Gold -- S7H t8 U. S. Reg. 4's 109H ... CHAD has or bees, buzzing! Ono swarm of grass- day rccleved a deputation of Influential Not Think, However, That Amal. Copper Mtt SI MM I 5IH U. S. Coupon 4's 110 ... DEM tiheUh. "n. b'TKht Redness to hoppers, hopping! Catallans, who begged him lo use his Am.Beet.amr.com.... 37 36H 36W I 37 GAS BONDS. .?.rta.!?f uhlngtonlans. Add to this the temerity to announce Influence for terminating the war. 1 P 1 th0 of tho Ship Captains Will Act. Ifl'fc 25T so I 371. 104V4 mnn .warnings weathor American can Wash. Qas. 6'e 10?i y 8Prin "uj really k) Am. C. ts, p W)i 40 40UI 4S Col. Gas & Elec. B's 70ft ... come ! Rally VAftei Opening, Am. C. & F., pfd 112 III Hi RAILROAD BONDS. Among mu,?-Ll- an Prices Reluotance Washington B. cardinals aometlmes make Am. Cotton nil 44 44 44 i 441 Cap. Traction R. R. 6's 103 106V4 in their wtather calculations, (Continued from Page.) S4 Ana. say the close Flrt However, Resulting in Sev- Am. Ice Sec.....'. ISVfc 24 !5U Pot. Guar. B's 09V4 ... Investors Manifest Small observers of nature, and 1 I leave their the doc's mqrala or considering the fact Am. Locomotive 1IH IW 31 W S1 Aracoaua et Potomac B's.... 99 winter homes in the sunny City &. 101 10CV4 but not e0 he really to bo under. Am. AIM eott eov4 61M Suburban 6's.. bhJebi ic,atuely wlth the that deserves eral Fractional Gains. Braeltlnr Metropolitan R. 6's 104 Trading Done in Bonds. 101 I0OH I0OH I 108 R. , "The second, and, I belleye. the likelier, Amer. 8usrar & R Waah. Ry, & 4.B gQU 91V4 The balmy Eec days weather of the last few reason, In the fact that If America Am. Telg. & Tel 118 11714 I17MI1I8H Wash., Alex. & Mt. V. 5's 87J ess has led many to think of spring, rihould participate In the war, she neces-barll- y Am. Tob. Dfd. new. ...108 108 108 I I08H W.. B. & A. 6's 80 and some have even said that the back- S5UI 2Mi MISCELLANEOUS. BONDS. bone of winter had been broken. would participate In tho peace NEW YORK, Feb. 23. Happenings In Anaconda 25t KU Brokers on the Washington Stock Ex with ono P3 G3 I 93H Potomac Elec. Cons. B's 99V1 99Vi lor of the first canal boats negotiations. It Is unlikely your coun- tho German war zone having caused Atchison P3H change today held few orders, tho same to arrlvo from Cumberland rntn a h sell- 102 10! 103 I I0JW Potomac Klec Lt. C's 104' try would he Invaded or would suffer the accumulation of n number of Atlantic Coast Line.. & p. reluctance being manifested by tho In gladdening news that the- - blueblid had tMl Kl 85H C. 'lelephone 5's 103 ice to the extent our allies have. There- ing orders, the stock maiket opened Brook. Rapid Trans. SMi Amer. Tel. & Tclkn 4's 89U vesting public of this city obtains been seen. Not one. but a pair of them vM 65 65 I 87 that &$& was discovered, It Is fore, America would onter the negotia- very weak today, but later rallied Baltl. & Ohio Am?r' ' & Tclga. 4tt'S 8H In other financial cities as result of stated, Just above 67 67 I 68 C. a uicn ucno tions without tho poignant hatred slightly, resulting In fractional gains In Bait. & Ohio, prd...e7H Paper Mfg. 6'a 99 tho strained foreign relations. 5l 51 I M? Wash. Market 6's 1917 95 100 In tho marshes around Analostan naturally affecting those countries several of the most nctlve Issues. Bethlehem Steel 54i The developed was con- Island frogs arc singing, appeared to be very nerv- California IsVt 17M is Wash. Market 6's 147 96 100 market that shrubs arc "whose homes have been Invaded, cities The market Petrol mil . M. Cold Storage 6's 95 100 fined principally beginning to bud In the parks, and down ous and buying orders were limited on 50H 5014 6014 I Bl to the bond list and farms desolated, and people mas- California Pet pfd.. N. & W. Steamboat 6's W3 near tho river two small boys wero seen n acaledown. The professional element I55W I55V4 I 157 Washington Railway and Electric pre- Man-- sacred. sev- Canadian Pacific 157 itjgga Realty (long) 6's 100 digging "fishing" worms, eager to try alravelinsf controlled market for I was principal de- lam that has the 33 W S3 33 33 Itlggs Realty (short) 6's 100 ferred tho stock In for the first catch of tho season. Then, loo, America don't have the eral days, was Inclined to wait to see Central Leather mand, fifty being might develop destruc- Chesapeake Ohio VAi 40 40 I 41 PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. shares disposed of at Showers are promised for tonight and reputation of being revengeful. Tou what from tho 8C, tomorrow, no is freighter Evelyn. C.C.C. & L., com. 25 35 25 m Capital Traction 96 tho price that has recently prevailed. and cold weather with a wife and little family are what call !t?-a- ay, just as tion of the St re- to be In sight shall I having sharply, 34U WW I 35 Wash. Ry. & 88U 91 Tho only other stock transaction wo After declined rather Chi. Con.. Copper... 3IH Elec. com.... corded was Britishers are. shortly before noon 11 I Wash. Ry. & pfd 84& three shares of American I see once a week. the leading Issues Chi. & Great West... II II Elec. Security 2S0. that "There can be no doubt now that, re- tone. Heading, VVHSIl.. Hnltn An rfil . . .. Ill and Trust at developed a steadier M. oY 85 ran 83HI 85 gardless will dropping to movod up to C. St. P Washington Gas 72 73tt Potomac Electric Power consolidated of the time It take to end after 140, 124M 124W 124MI 1!4 Be $4,000 14H4. ' Pacific, one of tho leading Chicago & N. W Amer. Tel. & Tela 118 led tho bond market. worth be omaMAtv Since the inauguration of the the war, or the toll of men and money Union I Internationals, having reacted to UGSj, Cot. & South, com... 25 25 25 TYPE MACHINE STOCKS. ing traded In at fflV. Tho other .sales QENUINK to be exacted, Germany must ultimately I $500 Washington points, recovered, und & 23W. 2314 23H Mergcnthaler 173 174 Included a Railway and Union lose. Is Germany's re- a decline of Hi Col. Fuel Iron lM Linotype 81 Western Day Letter and It obvious that Ohio, which touched the 9 Electric 4 at 4 and a 500 Capital sources. In a test of endurance, cannot Baltimore and Corn Products oX 9M 9H MINING STOCK. 5 65, I Traction at 1064. nm!'mamMK- - new minimum of showed slightly 65V 6514 65V4 Greene-Canane- Night Letter service my wife rqual the allies' combined resources. more strength. Corn product pfd.... a 23 lrrBBBBBBBBBBBKsWJsBBBBBBBBBBBVIt Under the circumstances, It Is not un- Krle 21 20H Kttil 21M al- NATIONAL BANK STOCKS, reasonable to suppose that Germany Erie 1st pfd 34 34 34 I 34V4 Caillaux to Appear and I have exchanged Night ready is giving serious consideration to American Nat. Bank 150 170 peace negotiations. Obtains Divorce From General Electrics. ...141 UOU 1W UM Capital Nat. Bank 200 factors entering Into I On Letters regularly. My wife Sitting at a peace conference table. General Motors Co... 86 ie 84W 87V4 Columbia Nat. Bank 265 Field of Honor America, with great commercial de- Former Washington Girl Great North, pfd. ...114 11314 UAH I 114 Commercial Nat. Bank 190 210 frJiJsfcSBliJPslMBMjJjBCBEMSBMjS says these daily notes keep mands for an early settlement and rela- Great North. 30 30 30 I 30 District Nat. Bank .T... US LONDON. Feb. eph Caillaux, Ore.... & Mcch. 245 tively lesser grievances, would un- Va., 28. Judge B. 105U I0&U 105V4 10514 Far. Nat. Bank former French minister of finance, NORFOLK. Feb. Illinois Central Federal Nat. Bank 136 wa acquitted mur- her from being lonesome. I am doubtedly bo a valuable asset for Ger- I II8V4 whose wife of the many." D. white, or Fortsmoutn, signed a Insplr. Con. Cop U8H 118 118 Lincoln Nat Bank 160 der of Gaston Calmette, editor of Le "But with this so obvious, why will decree granting an absolute divorce Inter. Metropolitan... 12 12 12 I ltM Metropolitan Nat Bank 190 200 Figaro, after a sensational trial which "OfouJmitotknJ assured daily that everything not America avoid ?" I asked. to Dr. Frederick L. Benton, U. S. N.. Inter. Met pfd 51V4 54H 5141 54H Riggs Nat. Bank t70 came to an end shortly before the Eu- Tk all Asm. 92V4 92V4 MM 93V4 Second National Bank 145 ropean war stsjrted, came to blows with rPrtnkf,r is 0. K. at home. from his wife, Aletta Thompson Ben Inter'al Harvester.... 259 Rst&tsiilV,to'dtrraJA,iB-mf- o Desire Peace Too Much. So., 55H 55H 55141 55V Nat. Bank of Waah Scnor Eduardo Burnay. son of Count Kan. City pfd.... Ufaat-srnraJid- a Bcrea-for- d, ton. TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. Burnav, an altercation in Lisbon, For asd growiat; children. ' "Toung man," answered Lord Lehigh Vallev 130M I29H 1S9M I I30V4 after Mrs. Benton asked for a divorce in Amer. Sue. & 275 300 according to a dispatch. Pve-ratritioii- t, "your nation Is a democracy. Tho I14 114 114 I Trust upbuilding tk whole body. a suit entered in iyu in the supreme Louisville&Nashville National Savings & 285 280 The fist fight, which occurred at the THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. weakness of every democracy Is that It 63 I 61 Trust.... court of New YorK. bhe charged a Mex. Petrol 64 6iM Union Trust 121 entrance to the International Hotel, peace In I ex- desires above all else, and its statutory offense, but the case was M K.&T tOVi lOVi 10W 10H Wash. Loan & Tiust , 234 233 was ntopped quickly, but a duel Is Mors awalthial than tea or eoffc determination to maintain peace often decided against her. Dr. Benton fall M.. St P. &S. S. M...U0 110 110 I Continental Trust 116 120 pected to follow. ' goes to absurd lengths. Democracy Is ing to effect a reconciliation entered 18H I8l 18Vi I 1814 ? iiBii. AsfwNtuetrs In 1914, Miami Copper SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. always more jealous of Its honor and suit here charging cruelty 10M 10 10 ! 11 ( Mrs. Missouri pacific Home Savings J76 and abandonment. Benton filed 14 I J quicker to resent any question Involving a cross suit, alleging abandonment Montana power 47 M 4714 47 48 Bank of Com. A Hav 13 120VJ I 121 East Wash. Sav. Bank Its safety than any other form of and desertion. The court held that Na. Biscuit com 121 120H U Colnctdentally democracy loves the wife and not the husband was National Lead 48H 48 48 I FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS. a strong, Arm-hand- leader In times of guilty. 121 MH 12 I 12 Corcoran Fire Insurance SO Nov. Con. Copper.... Klro M stress, and so long as that leadership Is Mrs. Benton was formerly Miss 83 KXA 82 I 83V. Firemen' j Insurance Thompson of Washington. Sho N. Y Central Ger.-Amc- r. Fire Ins SO successful will follow unquestlonlngly to Aletta 4514 4514 45Va I a Mr. Glover and was a wid- N. Y.. N. H. &H Nat. Union Fire Ins 6 the end of the situation. married !V 22V4 I 22 ow when she became tho wife of Dr. N. Y.. O. & W 22VI TITLE INSURANCE "In this trait of all democracies is 101 STOCKS found the explanation of the BrltUh con- Benton In 1905. North. Pacific 101 100V4 loom Columbia Title Insurance.... fc fidence in Kitchener. I have noted Penn. Railroad 104 104V4 10 IV I 105 MISCELLANEOUS faTOCKt. press 27 X 27W KM I 29 American references to the 'sur- Would Force Lumberjacks Press. S. Car., com.. Chapln Sack3 s 2S0 render of the government to Kitchener.' I6V 16 16 16V4 greater Ray. Con. Cop Graphophone com 3514 36i Nothing could show misunder- IllVi 140 140 141 'Graphophune pf 72' IS M. Reading LEO FRANK standing the situation. There is no To Take Weekly Baths of iBland HI Morch. Trans, .c Stoiuge K dictatorship here, but one a democracy Rock Security Storage 190 210 ours pfd U V, 1 like enters a gigantic struggle RT. PAUL. Minn.. Feb 33. Debate on Rock Island m waiiiungion MarKet 17 ... there is as much need of intensified Rumloy !' IV a bill requiring all lumber men of noi th-t- l't efficiency as in a country which has Kilt K 82 3 bowed its head to the yoke of military Minnesota to provide bathtubs in South. Pacific despotism. Southern Ry 15 II II 15 Local Sales. all lumber camps, for the "edification I iV--i 15 15 Washington Railway preferred. EOftVi. "To obtain this efficiency, a firm hand lumberjacks South. Ry. pfd vested with full authority is necessary. end betterment of and Tcnn. Copper 27Vt 25 26 27 America n Security and Trust Com- their conditions thereto contingent." pany, aS'.'M). Instead of reflecting upon democracy Third Ave. R. 45 U 44V I 41 ac- was mode the first order of business in R.... A.fter Washington Railway 4's, and proving It a failure, England's 116 I 118 call complishment in seven months of what the legislature at '.' o'clock this after- Union Pacific 117 II7U KOOQSUL cost Germany forty years' effort. Is the noon. Debate is limited to six hours Union Pac, pfd 81 80H 80 8IW Potomac Consolidated 5's. Sl,O0099U. highest success vlth a votu this evening U. S. Rub., 1st pfd.. 102 102 102 I Ji.onofiiiftu. Ji.?iMi;. U.onu&ooii. and final tribute to tho Jones, youngest leg- of democracy. Senator Dick the U. S Steel 41 40 40r4 41 Capital Traction 6's, $u00fiine. GUILTY? In "Certainly, If any proof is needed of islator elthrr house, and the man 104 103 103H 101 worked as u telrgruph operator U. 8. Steel, pfd the baselessness of Germany's charge who I agent Hoo Utah Copper M 49W 49W 51 war. Is and station for the road " Says Girls Are Beautiful that England wanted It found 7 I in the situation wnicn Kitchener and when he wan thirteen vears old. Is tlm Wabash, com H ' the admiralty have met and overcome. author of the bill. In case of the fail- Wabash, pfd 1 1 1 I 1 As Angels, Silly as Geese England was never more unprepared ure of this bill, he threatens to intro West Maryland lTlj 171 I7. I on sea. we expected war, duce one demanding tjiat all lumber- Teleg 62 61 l S2 land and Had once West. U. ei III., Feb. 23. The Rev. Read jacks of northern Minnesota bathe SPENCER. Evidence mining I the Convicted the of the North Sea trade c 65 tv. That Him West Electric esw routes would never have been poslble. wcbkly. Ho lives among the lutnbcr- - Melville E. Osborne, pastor of tho local Jacks In northern Minnesota. Caught Off Guard. Bonds. Methodist Church, In a sermon on "How 1 V to Be a Good Catcher," likened life to a of de- flat the MARY by intensity of our Murder of HAGAN, "Deceived the High Low. p m Clin P Child Eats Doll; Dies. baseball game, and then urged more sire peace, we were the outset 1916 93W I 93V for at ROCHESTER. Minn., Feb. 23. Mattle Atchison Con. 4's 93 93Vi seriousness on tho part of young wor- raught off our guard. Hence Germany &. 971 97 97 I Hagen. five, Is dead, as the result or Am. T. T. cvt. 4V4's. 9 shipers. was given the greatest naval oppor- B. & O. Gen. 4's S3 ro 89 I H9ti the Little Factory Girl, of swallowing a doll's leg at Christmas? "Wo ministers have to preach to girls Atlanta tunity she will every 'enjoy. But she Brooklyn R. T. 6's... 90 03 99V time. Surgeons found the leg had as beautiful as angels and as silly as failed to grasp It. Ready and determin- C. B. & Q. Jt 4's... 05 93 95 I 95V4 geese. some girls actl-Utl- es lodged In one of the child's lungs There are and some ed to have war, ,ns her military C R. I. & P. 20 SO SO I Frank is jn and could not be removed. l's.... oung men In Spencer who If they had case one of the most extraordinary the history of all American murder mysteries. Three have shown, she was, Germany Inter. Met 75 71 75 74 Nothing was known or the accucnt 4's a thought would have a head- had the opportunity before the declara- North. Pacific 3's 6.1 62 ftJUl 63 serious THEtimes Frank has faced the gallows, tion to rush cruisers and armed mer- when the girl was first stricken and 4 ache for a month. Giggle, giggle, giggle and as many times a stay has been procured, and the case taken up chantmen out along all British trade she was treate'd for pneumonia at her North. PaciHc 4's.... no 89H B9WI KM and they are growing up to bo the toutes, where upon the qpening of hos- home. N. Y. Railways Co. i R3 53U 53 I 53V4 mothers and fathers of the future." from one court to another, and finally to the Supreme Court of the United States, where it now is. tilities, they could have sunk thousands Pa. Con 3&'s, 1915.... 100 100 100 I 100 For of our merchantmen before vc could MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS. Reading 4's 01 9I 91 I 93 nearly two years Frank's lrfe has hung in the balance, and all this time the feeling in Atlanta for and have protected them. Arrlved-SMarylan- d So. Pac. Con. 4's 81 fc0 80 FINANCIAL tier-man- y at Mazatlan; Gla "Tho of the opportunity o; against him has so extent Guaymas; ouanta-nam- 80. Pac. Con. 6'3 MW 95?, I been intense that it has wellnigh broken up lost Is best Illustrated by cier at rtan at 9iis 96 families and wrecked political careers. the Guasanayabo I damage done by the cruisers Emdon Connecticut at Southern Railway 4's 65 ti CI 65 bay: Island at Guacanayabo I1.OOO.O0O and This failure leads me Rhode South. Ry. t.'s MV 93 99 m FCAPITAL Karlsruhe. bay: Denver at San Francisco; San 11000,008 AFTER FRANK'S CONVICTION THE NOTED DETECTIVE, WILLIAM pac. &9 I EARNED BURPLUB J. BURNS, WAS CALLED lo believe that at the last minute tho Diego at San Dlega; Hannibal at Union 4's 80 89 89V4 Kaiser was into war U. 8. 2d 100 10O I rushed without Puntn Gordo; Orion at Philadelphia; Steel 5's 100I2 100W INTO THE CASE, AND MADE AN EXHAUSTIVE STUDY OF THE WHOLE AFFAIR. giving to tho naval end tho considera- lien-ha- m HE DUG OUT A army. North Carolina at Alexandria; tion undoubtedly given to the It at Key West; Des Moines at The Duties of VAST LOT OF PERTINENT FACTS seems that had Von Tlrpltz obtained Port au Prince; Petrel at Mobile; THAT DID NOT APPEAR IN THE EVIDENCE AT FRANK'S TRIAL, the Kaiser's ear before the break, the Jason at Bristol, England; Proteus Wholesale Produce Market J result might have been different." at Olonagapo; Galveston at Shang- Burns' comment in connection with the complete testimony reported by At the mention of Von Tlrpltz. the ; Yank- Executor as the court stenographer as conversation today turned to the sub- hai; Cincinnati at BUGS Nearby fresh, S5c per don.; South- marine blockade. From ton at Santiago de Cuba; Yankton ern. 21o por Uoz. published in Sunday Times throws vivid light the of Mary the fact that Guantanamo; Tecumseh at Nor- CHI'ESIi New York. new. I6H0 per lb : or trustee are most efficient- it is The a on story Phagan's death and Frank's blockade Is chief topic of con- at lUrt. the a folk: Celtic at Port au Prince; Cih-tln- o 16Hc per lb. versation of the British public, as well Key West; Nero at La Paz; UUTTKIt-Klg- tn print. S4c per lb.; tub. ly discharged by a reliable trust conviction. as thousands of Americans here, It at S!c per lb.; procrst. S6tj27c per IB. Annapolis at Mazatalan. -- company. might have been supposed that the rof-oren- LIVK liens. lSffllc pr lb., Sailed New Orleans, from Mazatlan for loosters. 10c met lb.; iprtnc chickens. 17(&lSo to this Innovation which Ger- An- per : official many claims sounds the knell of San Diego via bay: lb lUeurkejH, 17U1&.' pvr lb Appoint THIS company and The evidence on which Frank was convicted has never been published, although it is one of the death napolis, fiom Guavmas for Mazat- MVI1 STOCK Veal i.iUes. beM. itjlOc per ad- Hrltlsh naval supremacy, would evoke p- -r secure for your heirs those lan; Cleveland, from Mazatlun to lb., bcavv. MMiC lb fdt sheep. 4ViU most human" documents of this century. heated answer. But, instead, it brought pea: WarrlwUon from New York : inr lb . sprliiK lambs, lemd. per lb vantages insured by our ample merely a laugh. for Guantanamo; r'omieetieut, VGETABL,i: (Quotations furnished by experience and complete facili- 'Tho war already has exploded a aid Tavlot Wade) Potatoes SI. 60 per ban el . Guantanamo Guaeui.iyabo I1O0 SO fourteen-year-ol- number of Innovations designed tn alter from for onions. per bu $1 per sark, rabbase. ties. Mary Phagan, a d factory girl, was fou'mi strangled to death in the basement build- bay; Denver, from Mate island for 1 00 per hundred lbs , JJ..riOI,00 of the the course of history." "aid Bores-for- d, lettuce. per Lord 'San Francisco; Cclop , from Hamp- banket, beets. JJ.O0 per 100 bundles. I POIIK-Sma- "but know of nothinc that has ton Roads for Gunutiinnmo. Hector, I1HESSED ll. av,o ner lb.; The Washington ing in which she was employed. Frank, a Brooklyn boy and a Cornell graduate, was superintendent of the been nioro overestimated than tho im- fiom Uicmerton for Honolulu; Han- medium. 9fiD'4s per lb:; heavy, 8iISi$c per lb portance and value of the submarine, Hecelpts of cbrs light anj market biidk. nibal, froii Cape Graciaba-Dlo- s for Ueetlpts of calves Loan & Trust Company 'factory. He was arrested, charged with the murder, and convicted. The testimony against him is of tremendous luovlded it Is met with precautions of Punta Gordo; Tcnopnh, from heavier and market peed and screens of small craft pro-iftin- g taster. Cor. and F Hquailrons of big ships Charleston for Key "West; Dos KitEr. rmcE co. 9th Sts. interest. His friends assert that he was found guilty because he was a Jew. Moines, from Port au Prince; Chat- H JOHN JOY UDSON, President. Submarine Problem Met. tanooga, from Salire f'ruz for Aca-jutl- JJ Cinel nat , trom for Bigger Navy for Spain. "T don't mean that the submarine isn't Olongapo; f'ummlnss, from Guan- As the testimony is printed, Burns comments on it, pointing out the importance of each witness, so in pxticincly valuable astet, or hasn't tanamo for Srint'ago de Cuba; Osce- MADRID, Feb. 'J3.--P.- it liament has pipscnted new problems, but without ola, ficm Tunab de aa for Guanta sanctioned the const! notion In the that you will be able to follow the workings of the trial just as if you were in the courtroom. either boasting or divulging secrets, I namo: Kansas, font ftiinntmiHmn, next six years of four fruiters, six The Safest Investments Rocket, torpedo. boat dosti overs, tvvcnty-clg- ht An say the submarine problem is bo- for Gnaca'iayobo bay fiom Norfolk for I dl 11 Head; Denver, submarines, three, gun boats, and Are those that do not fluctuate durlnc ng, and vll be. met, so far as ships of eighteen defense, conditions ot th monar or stuck mar- ro f r San coast vessel?, mart-aces- from Si'i Dieso: aside ket. First deed of trust notes (Orst ), war are concerned The supposition Tonopah. from P for Key fiom tho acquisition of n utianttty of on tho will rnandlna well secured real estate In the The Seventh Installment of the Testimony on that submarino revolutionize West: Rcnbani, iron. Key West for submarine mines and the lopair Jocks District of Columbia, constitute naval waifjre is an utter absurdity. Guant'nao; Annapo ia, from Ma-- and construction works at Sctrol, Investments. Tbey do not depend upon the "Given a nation possessed of suffl-r'e- zatlan for Ua. Paz. Cadiz, and Cartagena. BnsDctal rtponslblllty of Individuals or cor- submarines and a sufficiently porations tor their stability, and are exempt Which Frank Was Convicted Will Be Printed national morality, it is. of from taxation as personal property. We cast ourse, po.sslhle to supply such Investments la amounts from considerably damage HOO upward. Bend (or booklet "Coacernlas; "narmed metchantmen, but It is as FINANCIAL FINANCIAL Losns and Investments," tn expect to tevolutlonlzc land waifaro by footpads using maxim SWARTZELli, s lencprs on revolvers as to exnect na- RHEEM & val warfare to be lovolutionized b HENSEY CO., the present tactics of Get man subma-tlne- s. THE MUNSEY TRUST CO. R7 UTH STREET N. W. "The Get mans' greatest accomplish- TWO OFFICES ment has been to revive and glorify piracy and sea murder. It Is reasonable , "Mumey Bldg." and 15th and H Sis. Sundays February to suppose will In some 28th that this result hanges in construction, but the ulti- mate issue, of any naval war always MONEY TO LOAN will rest with battle fleetB." ON deed of trust. "Will the flual Issue between Gieat This Capital Hritain and Germany In this war be $2,000,000 REAL ESTATE decided bv buttle fleets?" I asked. Fully ,.Si IN "It must be." was the emphatic re Paid In JOSEPH I. WELLER,c2oC!f "AT. sponse. "Peace, which In effect results Bank in a draw, is Inconceivable. It would The Munsey Trust Com- mean for tho ullles rivers of bloodshed pany is conducted on sound j...l...t.--.t-..-- - rW-sM- ) to no purpose. Peace with Germanv'p Pays business lines. Its methods land-locke- d battle fleet Intact, with tlmt nation free again to tesume Jier arc clean and straightfor- efforts to challenge the neutrality of Checking ward. It has no favorites W.B.Hibbs&Co. the eeas and freedom of ocean routes, Interest on treats the big man no which British naval supremacy hn 2 better Che e. Accounts maintained for the world. Is unth'nk-abl- than the little man, but both Hibbs Building Haftmtatt with well considered courtesy. Ciiw "Command of the seas, from the Ordinary Interest compounded month- Prlt'sh viewpoint, or 'British navullsm Interest on Nut Tork Stock meant, ly on the 2 accounts and Ezchancs. as Von Tlrpltjs describes it. has 3 Savings Accounts Members In York Cotton Exchanas. and always will mean, ficedom of tho lour times a year on 3 Chlcsfo Board of Trade. the n leas to every naton. Not onlv the accounts; twice a year on 4 aintnf-te- stock Exchanf. menace of German militarism, with It" Interest on Special --. Copy I'ttendant blight upon freedom nnd accounts. - Order Your From Your ('emorcaey, but the menace of German 4 Savings Accounts IX1CAL STOCKS niival'sm, which acknowledges no rides FRANK A. MUNSEY, riouftlit anJ i1!t pa same of honor, must be wiped from the rec- faorsble terms as wt after Newsdealer Now ord" of time. Figured Daily President for tradlnc In New lerk "Biltaln will trust her army and on Balances stocks and bonds. taw. and the bplrlt of Nelson will be Ufflclent in the final crises." s-se.eee-. 1J1