2015 Floodplain Management Plan DRAFT
2015 Floodplain Management Plan DRAFT Borough of Point Pleasant Beach Ocean County, New Jersey 2015 Floodplain Management Plan DRAFT May 2015 Prepared for: Point Pleasant Beach Ocean County, New Jersey Prepared by: 11 Tindall Road Middletown, NJ 07748 Name, Credentials NJ Professional Planner No.: XXXX Name, Credentials NJ Professional Planner No.: XXXX The original of this document was signed and sealed in accordance with New Jersey Law Floodplain Management Plan Borough of Point Pleasant Beach Acknowledgements Mayor and Council Vincent Barrella, Mayor Andy Cortes, Council President William R. Mayer Tom Migut Stephen Reid Thomas Toohey Thomas Vogel Planning Board Thomas Highton, Jr., Chairman Councilman Thomas Migut, Council Liaison Dave Cavagnaro, Mayor's Representative Peter Ritchings Glen Paesano Mitch Winter Bryn Devon Lawrence Dooley Max Gagnon, Alternate Ray Savacool, PE, Board Engineer Dennis Galvin, Esq., Board Attorney Karen Mills, Secretary Christine Riehl, Borough Administrator Eileen A. Farrell, Municipal Clerk Michael Gardner, Construction Official/ Building Inspector Kevin Riordan, Esq., Borough Attorney T&M Project Team Martin Truscott, PP, ACIP Ray Savacool, PE, PP, CME, CFM Christine Bell, PP, ACIP, CFM ii Floodplain Management Plan Borough of Point Pleasant Beach Executive Summary This plan is intended to identify and assess flood hazards within the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach, establish goals and objectives for floodplain management and resiliency, and to present a series of actions designed to minimize flooding and mitigate the impacts from flooding in the future. This Floodplain Management Plan was funded using Phase II- Post Sandy Planning Assistance Grant Funding from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs and will be incorporated as an element of the Borough’s Master Plan.
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