1936-1941 (RG 26 Entry 82B) Box 1 0033 Fede

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1936-1941 (RG 26 Entry 82B) Box 1 0033 Fede General Correspondence of USCG Headquarters 1936-1941 File Codes #0s – Executive - 1936-1941 (RG 26 Entry 82B) Box 1 051 Photographs 1938 0033 Federal Standard Stock Catalog 1938- 41 (Committees and Boards – Interdept’l Box 9 0033 Federal Specifications 1940 (Comms 051 Photographs Jan – Jun 1939 and Boards Intdept’l) 051 Photographs Jul – Dec 1939 051 Photographs 1940 Box 2 051 Photographs Jul 1940 0033 Federal Specifications Sept – Dec Box 10 1940 051 Photographs 1941 0033 Federal Specifications May 1941 055 Articles and Speakers on service subjects Box 3 Series of Radio Broadcasts over Yankee 0033 Federal Specifications 1941 Network Station WAAB Boston 0033 Federal Specifications 1941 (Speech Jan. 1930, Jul – Nov 1935, Sarnoff 0034 Public Works Administration 1939) (Stabilization Board) ~at Marine Exhibition on Federal Day Nov 0035 Emergency Relief Act 1935 1935 by Capt JF Hottel ~Coast Guard Patrol of Marine Regattas Box 4 (12th Broadcast) 025 Printing and Binding 1936-37 ~A Sea On Fire: Rescue of Br SS MIRLO 025 Printing and Binding 1938-39 (11th Broadcast) 025 General 1940 ~Salvaging a Rudderless Vessel – SS WEST HIKA (10th ) Box 5 ~CG Operating as Part of Navy in Time of 027 – General 1936 War (9th) Permission to visit ships or stations, letters ~CG on the Great Lakes – Wreck of HE of introduction RUNNELS (8th) 027 General 1937-38 ~ Medical Aid to Deep Sea Fishermen (7th) 027 General 1939 ~Anniversary Program CG Day 1935 028 Details re: Communications Office – ~CG and Smugglers – (5th Broadcast) Office Space HQ ~British Steamer COLUMBIAN (4th 029 Misc. Administrative Matters (General Broadcast) 1935-40) ~International Ice Patrol (3rd) ~International Ice Patrol (2nd) Box 6 ~Billard address on WJZ 1930 051 Motion Pictures 1938 (Requests for) ~Radio and Education – by David Sarnoff 051 Motion Pictures Jul – Dec 1938 (RCA) 051 Motion Pictures 1939 055 Mimeographed publications on Coast Box 7 Guard Activities 1915-35 051 Motion Pictures Jul – Dec 1939 ~Academy 051 Motion Pictures Jan – Jul 1940 ~Address of RADM HG Hamlet May 1935 051 Motion Pictures Jul 1940 Academy Commencement ~Extract from Annual Reports of Sec. Box 8 Treasury on Finances FY 1934 051 Motion Pictures 1941 ~USCG Duties and Functions 1935 ~Descriptions of Type TR Motor Lifeboats 055 General Jan – Mar 1939 1935 055 General Apr – June 1939 ~TAHOMA 1934 ~CG Aviation, History of (1934) Box 12 ~CG Flag 055 General Jul – Sept 1939 ~Assistance Rendered to MORRO CASTLE 055 General Oct 1939 by USCG Sept 1934 055 General 1940 ~Historical Sketch of International Service of Ice Observation/Patrol Box 13 ~Bio sketch of RADM HG Hamlet 055 General Apr-Jun 1940 ~ Address by HG Hamlet re: USCG History 055 General 1940 ~CG Seal Patrol 055 General Jan- Mar 1941 ~Address of HG Hamlet on CBS Aug 1933 055 General 1941 – Purpose, duties, traditions of USCG ~USCG Ice Patrol/Ice Observation Box 14 ~BEAR from USNI PROCEEDINGS May 055 General 1941 1929 056 CG Auxiliary 1940-41 ~Rescue of SS LC WALDO Lake Superior Nov 8 1913 Box 15 ~Wrecks of SS CIBAO and PARAGOUAY 056 CG Auxiliary Jun – Aug 1941 (PARAGUAY?) Dec 1927 056 CG Auxiliary Sept – Dec 1941 ~Use of TNT on Icebergs ~ CG in WWI Box 16 ~International Ice Patrol 057 CG Reserves Jan – Jun 1940 ~Life Saving Service of USCG 057 CG Reserves Jul – Dec 1940 055 USCG (Rev. Marine) Cadets 1877; Box 17 Speeches 1933, 1936-37, Academy Hotels) 057 CG Reserve Jan 1941 ~RADM Waesche address over National 057 CG Reserve 1941 Broadcasting Network, ~ Waesche – Kiwaunis Club 1937 Box 18 ~ Supreme Court Justice Francis B. Condon 057 General 1941 at Academy 1936 057 CG Reserve Jul – Dec 1941 ~General Speeches by Waesche ~ Noted re: CG Academy Box 19 ~Brief History of USCG Academy 073 General 1911-25 (Gifts to ~Notes on History of CG units/individuals re:service) ~Letter/Address of Sec/Treas Sherman to 1st 073 General 1925-41 Group of Cadets in CG May 23, 1877 Box 20 Box 11 090 General 1939-41 – (Corresp. Improperly 055 General Jan – June 1938 addressed to Coast Guard) 055 General Jul – Dec 1938 US Coast Guard/General Correspondence of USCG Headquarters 1936-41 File Codes #1s – Legal (RG 26 Entry 82B) Box 20(con’t) Box 28 101 Comptroller’s Decisions 1940 110 Interpretations 101 General 1941 General 1936-41 Box 21 Pay and Allowances 101 Comptroller’s Decisions Amendments to Communication General 1938-39 Instructions Acushnet 1915-28 Box 22 Alexander Hamilton 1924-38 101 General 1920-34 Algonquin 1914-38 (incl. historical decisions 1878-1914) American Seaman 1940 101 General 1936-37 Ammen 1927-28 Androscoggin 1913-21 Box 23 Apache 1914-33 102 General Counsel Opinions Arcata 1916-20 General 1894-1920 Argus 1926 General 1919- 1926 Atalanta 1938 General 1935-36 Bear 1913-26 General 1920-39 Beale 1926-27 General 1939 Bibb 1937-39 General 1940-41 Bonham 1929 Burrows 1928 Box 24 Cahokia 1926-28 103 Decisions of Civil Courts Campbell 1941 General 1926-38 Carrabasset 1931 104 Decisions of JAG. Solicitor Cassin 1927 General 1917-41 Cayuga 1934-35 105 General Opinions Champlain 1929-41 Law Bulletin 1933-41 Chelan 1928-39 General 1937 - 39 Chulahoma 1930 General 1940-41 Comanche 1916-41 Conynhgham 1928 Box 25 Cook 1919-20 1051 Contract Questions 1931-41 Cummings 1930 1052 Collision Questions 1932-38 Cyane 1937 1053 Personnel Questions 1931-40 Cygan 1925-30 1054 Courts & Boards Questions 1931-41 Daphne 1934 1055 Air Commerce Act Davey 1919=30 Davis 1927-31 Box 26 Diligence 1934-38 109 Application of General Laws Dix 1937 General 1937-39 (4) Downes 1925-38 Earp 1920-21 Box 27 Ericsson 1927-30 109 Application of General Laws 1940 – 41 Haida 1922-31 Henley 1925-26 Hermes 1934 Hudson 1918-28 Persues 1938 Hunter Liggett 1942 Pontchartrain 1934-35 Itasca 1931-36 Porter 1924-32 Itasca 1911-23 Redwing 1926-34 Jouett 1925-29 Roe 1925-27 Kankakee 1919-24 Saranac 1931-41 Sebago 1930-41 Box 29 Seminole 1914-31 110 Kickapoo 1925-39 Seneca 1910-34 Kimball 1935 Shaw 1927 McCall 1927 Shoshone 1932-37 Mackinac 1915-17 Smith 1925 Manhattan 1917 Manning 1916-25 Box 30 McCulloch 1910-17 110 Snohomish McDougal 1925-28 Spencer 1938 McLane 1936 Swift 1922 Mendota 1932-38 Tahoe 1928-40 Modoc 1922-38 Tahoma Mohawk 1912-41 Tallapoosa 1916-30 Mojave 1922-38 Tamaroa 1929 Monaghan 1928-30 Tampa 1917-35 Montgomery 1929 Taney Morrill 1911-27 1938 Morris 1937 Terry 1927 Naugatuck 1927 Thetis 1915-36 Nemesis 1938 Tingard 1920-24 Northland 1928-32 Tioga 1918-20 Tucker Trippe1927-28 1926-28 1st District Tuscarora 1912-28 2nd Dist LS-73 Escanaba 1934-35 Box 31 Ewing 1928-35 110 3rd Dist Fanning 1924-27 4th Dist Faunce 1935 5th Dist Frederick Lee 1934 6th Dist Galatea 1936 7th Dist General Greene 1931 8th Dist Golden Gate 1915 Box 32 Gresham 1912-32 9th Dist Guard 1919 10th Dist Guide 1918 11th Dist Guthrie 1918-29 12th Dist Ossipee 1918-38 13th Dist Pamlico 1913-34 Unalga Papaw 1944 Upshur Patterson 1927-29 Venture Paulding 1926-29 Vinces Penrose 1911-19 Wilkes Pequot 1920-38 Windom Winnisimmet Fanning Winona Gresham Wissahickon Guthriue Wood Haida Woodbury Hermes Yamacraw Itasca Yocona Kickapoo AB 15 Mackinac CG 119 Mamhattan CG 121 Mendota CG 293 Mojave Academy 1915-41 Morris Box 33 Ossipee 110 Interpretations Pamlico Aviation Pandora Bering Sea Redwing Biloxi Air Sta Saranac Boston Dist 1939-41 Scout Boston Div 1913-39 Sebago California div 1914-33 Seminole Cape May Air Sta Seneca Chicago Dist Shoshone Chivago div Snohomish Cleveland dist Tahoe Cleveland Div Tallapoosa CG Training Units Tamaroa Destroyer Force 1926-32 Tampa Depot 1912-41 Tuscarora Eastern Area 1933-35 Unalga Elizabeth City Air Sta Winnisimmet Engine School and Repair Base Wissahickon Ft. Trumbull Training Sta 1926-39 Yamacraw Field Asst 1916-23 111 Academy 1922-38 111 Uniform, drill regs, etc 1931-38 Depot 1918-41 111 Boards of Regulations 1915-23 Biloxi Air Sta Cape May Air Sta Box 34 Fire Island Sta 111 Active Boston dist Alexander Hamilton Cleveland Dist Apache Boston div Argo California div 1917-22 Ariadne Chicago div Bear CG Receiving Unit – New London Bibb Destroyer Force Burrows Ellis Island Tra Sta Campbell Cayuga Box 35 Champlain 112 General Orders Comanche General 1920-34 Davey General 1935-41 General 1931-36 Kankakee General 1937-41 Mackinac Maritime Service Manhattan Pay and Supply Instructions 1926-41 Manning Mojave Box 36 Morrill 112 Amendments to Courts and Boards Naugutuck 112 Amendments to Pay and Supply USS OAK Instructs 1922-39 (3) Onondaga Ossipee Box 37 Patterson 112 Amendments to Pay and Supply Paulding Instructs 1940 Porter 113 Special Orders 1910-38 Raritan 114 Personnel Bulletin 1916-41 Redwing General 1925-34 Reliance Saukee Box 38 Scout 114 Personnel Instruction 1935-41 (2) Sebago 116 Memos and Instructions Seminole General 1933-39 Seneca Ordnance 1923-41 Shawnee Radio Instructions 1916-27 Snohomish Amendments to Instructions for USCG Tahoe Stations 1924-29 Tahoma Communications Instructions 1918-33 Tallapoosa 119 Violations of Regulations 1916-41 Tampa Algonquin Thetis Argo Tiger Bear Tioga Birch Trippe Burrows Tulip Campbell Tuscarora Unalga Box 39 Wainright 119 Champlain Wilkes Chelan Wistaria Comanche Yamacraw Davey Duane AB 10 Ewing CG 411 Dix CG 145 Fanning CG 470 Frederick Lee 1st District Haida 2nd Dist Harriet Lane 3rd Dist Hermes 4th Dist Hollyhock Point of Woods Icarus Fire Island Ingham Oak Island Kangaroo Jones Beach 5th Dist General 1937-42 Atlantic City 123 GL Snyder Case 6th Dist Ocean City Box 42 Smith Island 123 Active 1928-39 7th Dist Agassiz Core Bank Alert Gilberts Bar Alexander Hamilton Oregon Inlet Algonquin 8th Dist Amaranth 1939-40 9th Dist American Sailor 1941 Buffalo Cleveland Box 43 Fairport American Seaman Orleans Arcata 10th Dist Argo Muskegon Argus 11th Dist Ariadne Beaver Island Aster Kewaunee Atalanta 1934 South Chicago Aurora 12th Dist Badger 13th Dist Miami Air Station Box 44 Beale 120 Courts Bibb General Birch Campbell Calypso Hamilton Camellia 3rd Dist Campbell Biloxi Air Sta Charleston Dist Box 45 Los Angeles Dist Cartigan New York Dist Cayuga Norfolk Dist Champlain Philadelphia Dist Chautauqua Chelan 121 General Court General 1917-23 Box 46 Chenango Box 40 Cherry 121 General Courts 1939-41 Chicopee 122 Summary Courts Chincoteague General Court Case of Phillips, Glenn T.
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