Buchanan Enters Blossom Queen Selection; Tryouts Set for April 14 Set Stakes for 1,000 Member Mrs

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Buchanan Enters Blossom Queen Selection; Tryouts Set for April 14 Set Stakes for 1,000 Member Mrs HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRST TELEPHONE WANT ADS CLASS -TOR PRINTING (flamtu Imirii TO NUMBER NINE NUMBER 13 BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1937 SD£T¥«ErGllTH YEAR TO TAG FOR LIBRARY ELECTION DAY Buchanan Enters Blossom Queen Selection; Tryouts Set for April 14 Set Stakes For 1,000 Member Mrs. K. OeNardo Rebekah Lodges Now H ere’s WIN MICHIGAN FIRST AID TITLE Workers To Canvass City and Local, Chairman at Township Polls at the Assemble Here Wagner Grange Proposition ; This City Now Tied With Thirteen Chapters Berrien- Cass Association Hold 12th A committee composed of rep­ 1 i Grand Rapids, Battle Creek resentatives of a number of clubs l'or Most Queens Annual Assembly and organizations of the city, headed by Mrs. Mack Wldmoyer, Buchanan will again be repre­ A hundred and fifty representa­ will canvass the city and also the sented in the competition for the tives of thirteen Rebekah lodges ' polling place for Buchanan town- queen of the Blossom Festival of the Berrien-Cass area convened snip luoiitlay, election day. fo r i i with a representative to be select­ in their twelfth annual assembly memberships for • the Buchanan ed April. 14 at the Hollywood at the American Legion hall last Library association. theatre, according to Mrs. Kath­ night. A special plea is being made to ryn DeNardo, who has been nam­ Lodges represented were those Buchanan people to join since tills ed by the Twin City management of Marceflus, Dowagiac, Cass- organization is formed for the as the, local chairman. opolis, Niles, Three Oaks, Galien, special purpose of providing Bu­ Glendora, Benton Harbor, Coloma, Mrs. DeNardo announces the chanan with a modem library and Watervliet, Baroda, Berrienl following as members of her com­ leading room, especially in the Springs and Buchanan. Seventy- j mittee: Miss Jeanne: Roti, Mrs. interests of the young people. The five official representatives at- The big news uv tiie week, ef Jayne Hotchkiss,. E. C. Hoffman, local library was pronounced by a Schwartz, is tended a business session at the. you . kin believe Red C. K. Detrick. She asks all girls, representative of the extension to paper the Odd Fellow club rooms yesterday) thet they are goin' between the ages of 18 and 25 who department of the Michigan State paper' mill. afternoon. library to be almost entirely lack­ are interested to call on her. Sev­ The program of the . afternoon eral have already entered. A drive ing in juvenile and children's Charley Smith: out here at and evening was as follows: is to be made for funds to clothe books. It is expected that the re­ Glentlorry sez he don't understand The following program was ceipts o f this membership drive the representative suitably,' any given: the hifalutin Words them. Record will bo used mainly fo r the pur­ balance not .needed to go to a Afternoon Session at 1 P. M. fellers put in the social columns chase of children's books. The permanent fund. Opening—Bayleaf Lodge No. 248, an' is a corsage sumpthin’ the association has the further pur­ . The city is now tied with Grand Buchanan Wimmen wear on their corsets? pose of promoting the rearrange­ Rapids and Battle Creek with two Introduction of assembly officers. ment of- the city hall for the pur­ winners each in queen contests. Introduction of •district officers The Logical Deduction The local committee states that Introduction o f past presidents pose of installing a reading room I think it,is the duckiest plan they are certain the city will stand Address of Welcome, by Harold in the present commission room. To always write your congress- a good chance to ' win again, and O. Stark. It is felt that since it will take ■ man to that.end Would like a good list Response; by Mabel Alexander, as­ some time to bring the library up To swiftly hasten to advise, of entries. sembly president to standard, it will be preferable Whene'er occasion may arise . The selection will be made on Business meeting to use the present city quarters, To tell him of the right or wrong the evening of April 14. a t , the Election of officers if.the commission wifi agree, and Of any bill that comes along. Hollywood theatre, which will Presentation of Model Lodge, by not to use money available this And we should tell him further­ have a double feature, "Bull Dog, Galien year from appropriation and pri­ more ■....' Drummond” and "The . Smartest Presentation of Reinstatement to vate efforts to pay for rent and To vote as we advise him- - or Girl In Town,” Membership, by Baroda. fuel in another building. We. W ill forgather on his track A local industrial organization Blossom Queen To Bn ...Royally Exemplification of draping the And see that he does not go back, has offered to aid in the financ­ Entertained in New York City charter hy Cassopolis But. we’ll be with him, sink or Question Box, presided Over ing of scientific and mechanical A regular Alice, in Wonderland by Mabel Alexander. books and magazines for hoys, swim, adventure awaits the choosing of Supper. stressing such popular themes a.: If he will let us think for him. this year’s Blossom Queen, cli­ *, Representing Michigan in the regional Boy Scout first mazoo. Those,on the team and their supervisors include, Though lie be drowned in seas of Evening Session, 7 P. M. aviation and radio. It is felt that. maxed by a glamourous trip to aid meet at Chicago on April 3 will be the First Aid team left to right, standing, Johnny Fulks, Archie Morley Treasurer’s Report the new projecL will fill a real . ink New York City with an elaborate of Troop 80, Buchanan. So far the boys have won three (instructor), Eugene Kelley, Frank King (scoutmaster) Report of auditing committee need, especially among the young Until he has no time to think, three day schedule of events plan­ meets, the local district meet, between Niles and and Billy Gregory; seated, Edward Pascoe, Buddy Report of Courtesy committee people. More definite announce­ At least hbii: khow, from all the ned in that great : city of a million Matthews (patient) and Wilbur Strayer. (Smith Photo.) Buchanan, the'Berrien .and Cass county area meet, \held Memorial service exemplified by ment of arrangements will ha ' ■ notes, wonders. ■ at Niles, and the district /meet, held March 20 at Kala­ Which way to jump to get the Benton Harbor . made later. The Queen upon arriving in votes. Conferring of degree, exemplified when the library is further or­ New York will be escorted to fam­ by Buchanan • ganized la will, of course, remain ous old city hall, and introduced, to Get Letter From TO THE CITIZENS OF Introduction of District officers free to the general public, under Mayor Da Guardia who will pre­ Establish Egg ec. One Votes Closing the Lodge, exemplified hy the management of the commis­ sent a key. to the citr to the BUCHANAN: Ohio Flood Victim To Discontinue As chairman of the tag-day Buchanan sion. The only function of the Queen and a special broadcast committee, sponsored by the li­ During the campaign for flood Entertainment by Buchanan. association for which member­ over station WNYC of the cere­ Market Heic Dunlap Bldg. brary association, which is to relief carried on in Buchanan in ships are being sold is the promo­ Rural Route 3 mony will be held. bo held election day, April 5tli, February, a local woman donated tion of the institution and the After receiving the key to the Local Merchants Fhijl niew 1987, I would like to call the Race For 3Vo Vacancies On a dress, pinning a note in the Assembly Program provision of funds for an aid in To Be Combined With Routes city the Queen and her entourage following to your attention and Commission Promises to pocket. the education ol young people. 1 and 2 on April 16 will proceed up Broadway to the York Outlet, Pay Over make this appeal. Be Warm A few weeks later sue received a . Tours the World The canvassers Monday will ask —:----- I luxurious Hotel Governor Clinton, The Market Price The present library is and letter which she permitted us to all to buy tags and memberships An order nas oeen received at I at 31st Street and 7th Avenue An assembly . program which lias been for. many years sadly reproduce, with the request that for 25 cents. For those who feel the Buchanan postoffice that, ef- ‘ where a royal suite is reserved for One of the most hotly contest­ covered many different portions of A move was inaugurated at a in need of attention, and . new the addressor and addressee re­ that they cannot, tags will be fective April 16, Rural route 3 the duration of the Eastern visit ed elections in. the history of the the globe was staged by the agri­ meeting held heic Tuesday eve­ and more modern reading ma­ main anonymous. given for smaller donations. Those will be discontinued and that this and the ensuing three day whirl city is expected Monday when culture department Thursday, ning under the auspices of the terial. Its resources for financ­ The letter follows: buying at membership prices w ill route will be consolidated with of sightseeing, theatres; radio seven candidates will be voted on March 25. On the first lap of the j Buonanan Industrial committee to ing tills need hits been greatly Dear Unknown Friend: I am receive reci!-ts and will he listed. routes T and 2 and will here after broadcasts, and special trips along to fill the expired terms of Har­ journey the shores of Hawaii were make Buchanan a principal egg limited.
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